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What Is the Purpose of AML Genetic Testing?

What Is the Purpose of AML Genetic Testing? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How is genetic testing for AML administered, and what is the purpose? Dr. Sanam Loghavi explains the methods of genetic testing and the function of each method.

Dr. Sanam Loghavi is a hematopathologist and molecular pathologist at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Loghavi.

See More From INSIST! AML

Related Resources:

AML Targeted Therapy: How Molecular Test Results Impact Treatment Options

The Importance of Molecular Testing Following an AML Relapse

Emerging AML Treatments: What Is Menin Inhibitor Therapy


Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Loghavi, let’s start by defining molecular or genetic testing for AML. How is the test administered, and what is the purpose? 

Dr. Sanam Loghavi:

Sure. So, genetic testing at diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia is now considered standard of care, and it must be performed for every patient with acute myeloid leukemia.  

We have different methodologies of doing genetic testing, and we can use – so the best sample to perform genetic testing on is really bone marrow. But if there are circulating leukemic cells, then we can also use peripheral blood instead of bone marrow. 

And the genetic tests really three main methodologies are used. One is called routine karyotyping, where we look at and characterize the chromosomes of the cancer cells for the leukemic cells. The other one is fluorescence in situ hybridization, which is another method for visualization of chromosomes, and we can look for deletions, addition of chromosomal material or certain translocations or rearrangements.  

And then next-generation sequencing allows us to look for smaller changes at the DNA level. So, these are single nucleotide variations at the DNA level or smaller insertions or deletions of genetic material.  

The Importance of Molecular Testing Following an AML Relapse

The Importance of Molecular Testing Following an AML Relapse from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Why do you need molecular testing following an AML relapse? Dr. Sanam Loghavi emphasizes the importance of this essential testing and why it’s necessary following relapse.

Dr. Sanam Loghavi is a hematopathologist and molecular pathologist at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Loghavi.

See More From INSIST! AML

Related Resources:

AML Targeted Therapy: How Molecular Test Results Impact Treatment Options

Advances in AML Research _ Where Do Clinical Trials Fit In

What Is the Purpose of AML Genetic Testing


Katherine Banwell:

Unfortunately, relapse can happen following a course of treatment for AML. Should patients undergo molecular testing again before choosing another round of therapy?  

Dr. Sanam Loghavi:

100 percent yes, that is always a yes. So, like I said, at baseline there are certain recommendations and the standard of care is to perform genetic testing.  

But I cannot emphasize this enough, that AML or any cancer, for that matter, cancers tend to be smart, so they bypass the mechanisms that we try to eliminate by our targeted therapies.  

So, oftentimes the genetic landscape of disease will actually change upon relapse or what we refer to as clonal evolution, and you may hear this terminology in the literature. So, it’s very important to molecularly or genetically characterize the disease at relapse before you decide how you are going to alter the course of treatment at that point. 

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Loghavi, what are you excited about in your research right now? 

Dr. Sanam Loghavi:

Sure. So, I’m a pathologist, so I do a lot of molecular testing, and I also do a lot of measurable residual disease testing, and measurable residual disease tends to be one of the most informative factors in the care of patients with acute myeloid leukemia. So, these are the things that we’re very excited about, again, identifying better molecular targets of therapy, being able to measure residual disease at a more sensitive level that allows us to make better informed decisions for the care of our patients. And also, again, identifying the mechanisms of how AML develops in order to be able to eliminate the disease.  

Emerging AML Treatments: What Is Menin Inhibitor Therapy?

Emerging AML Treatments: What Is Menin Inhibitor Therapy? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How does menin inhibitor therapy work to treat acute myeloid leukemia (AML)? Dr. Sanam Loghavi discusses how this novel targeted therapy in clinical trials is showing promise for patients with the NPM1 mutation or the KMT2A mutation. 

Dr. Sanam Loghavi is a hematopathologist and molecular pathologist at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Loghavi.

See More From INSIST! AML

Related Resources:

AML Targeted Therapy: How Molecular Test Results Impact Treatment Options

The Importance of Molecular Testing Following an AML Relapse


Katherine Banwell:

Let’s talk about this new groundbreaking menin inhibitor therapy. Can you go into more detail about what the therapy is and who it might be right for? 

Dr. Sanam Loghavi:

Sure. So, right now, the drug really has been tested in the setting of relapsed refractory disease, meaning for patients whose disease has already been treated but has relapsed. And there are certain genetic subtypes of acute myeloid leukemia that are eligible for this disease, or unamenable, sorry, to this targeted therapy. So, these include acute myeloid leukemias with NPM1 mutation or acute myeloid leukemias with KMT2A, or formerly known as the MLL gene-rearrangement. 

And the reason for this that these alterations, these genetic alterations lead to an apparent interaction of menin with KMT2A and the leukemia depends on this interaction. So, what the Menin inhibitor does, it eliminates this interaction and so it’s used for therapy in patients that have this genetic change. 

Katherine Banwell:

Are there other menin inhibitors in development? 

Dr. Sanam Loghavi:

There are. 

Katherine Banwell:

And what are they? 

Dr. Sanam Loghavi:

There are several specific ones that are being tested of different names. So, the one that MD Anderson just published on is revumenib, but there are several ones that are in development. 

Katherine Banwell:

And what about these other inhibitors are showing promise? 

Dr. Sanam Loghavi:

So, if you think about AML, in general, really the only curative therapy that we have, outside of the favorable risk disease, is hematopoietic stem cell transplant. 

And hematopoietic stem cell transplant is not a trivial treatment, it has a lot of side effects in and of itself. So, the goal really is to be able to treat patients with less intensive therapies. And the goal of these targeted therapies is to provide patients with less intensive therapies even compared with chemotherapy, with conventional chemotherapy that tends to be toxic. So, the goal is really to be smart about it and try to figure out how the pathogenesis of disease is developed and to try and eliminate the pathways that that cancer is using to proliferate. 

Katherine Banwell:

If patients are interested in this menin inhibitor therapy, where do they start? Are there trials outside of MD Anderson? 

Dr. Sanam Loghavi:

Yes. These are multi-institutional trials, and I will tell you that the best resource to identify clinical trials is essentially clinicaltrials.gov, dot G-O-V. So, you can go there and look up the active clinical trials by disease type, by location. So, that is the best resource to identify clinical trials.  

AML Targeted Therapy: How Molecular Test Results Impact Treatment Options

AML Targeted Therapy: How Molecular Test Results Impact Treatment Options from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How could the results of molecular testing affect your acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treatment choice? Dr. Sanam Loghavi explains how inhibitor therapy works to treat AML.

Dr. Sanam Loghavi is a hematopathologist and molecular pathologist at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Loghavi.

See More From INSIST! AML

Related Resources:

How Does the Presence of Molecular Markers Affect AML Care

The Importance of Molecular Testing Following an AML Relapse



Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Loghavi, how do molecular test results impact the care plan and treatment choices? 

Dr. Sanam Loghavi:

Sure. So, again, associated with really two major factors in the care of the patient. One is the decision of how intensely to treat the patient and whether or not the patient is a candidate for a hematopoietic stem cell transplant. And then the other is the availability of targeted therapies to those patients.  

So, there are now several molecular alterations that make the disease amenable to treatment with targeted therapies, including mutations in FLT3, which is a name of a gene, mutations in IDH1, IDH1 or IDH2. And again, depending on the change, the patients may receive targeted therapy. 

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Loghavi, you mentioned inhibitor therapy. What is this treatment, and how does it work? 

Dr. Sanam Loghavi:

Sure. So, again, it depends on the medication and it depends on the molecular change. 

But essentially what happens when you have a mutation in a gene the normal function of that gene is impaired and a lot of the times that’s why you develop leukemia is because of the impairment of that normal function. So, usually what targeted therapies do, if that mutation is causing an apparent activation of let’s say a signaling molecule, then those targeted therapies will block that signaling. Or if it’s a deregulation of an epigenetic – and epigenetic means beyond genetic, so epigenetic factor, then the goal of that targeted therapy is to maintain that normal function or restore that normal function. 

Expert Advice for Navigating AML Treatment and Care Decisions Resource Guide

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The Importance of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patient Empowerment

The Importance of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patient Empowerment from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Why is acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patient empowerment vital? How can acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients become empowered? AML expert Dr. Catherine Lai from Penn Medicine explains how she helps empower her patients and why educating patients is a vital part of their care.

[ACT]IVATION TIP from Dr. Lai: “Don’t be afraid to ask questions, don’t be afraid to ask about resources and other ways to get information, you want the right resources, so not necessarily…everything on Google is accurate, but there are lots of good resources out there that can give you the information needed so that you can make educated decisions.”

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Related Resources:

Long-Term Effects Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Should Know

Long-Term Effects Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Should Know

AML Treatment Approaches Expand for Older and High-Risk Patients

A Look at Lower Intensity Chemotherapy in Untreated AML


Dr. Lai: 

It’s important to empower patients so that we’re making the best decision for them…that’s in line with their goals. I think that one of the main reasons why I love what I do is because I’m able to participate in the patient’s journey, and that journey doesn’t always mean that a patient has to live longer.

So I try to ask patients or do as patients, what are their…short- and long-term goals, do they have life events that they want to get to, is there a wedding coming up, a grandchild or something that I can help them get them to so that we can make a decision together that is taking into consideration their life outside of clinic and outside of the hospital.

I like to try to spend a lot of time with my patients educating them. Some people say I sometimes give them too much information, but I don’t feel like patients can make good decisions without being properly informed. So an educated patient makes a much better…makes a much better decision than somebody who doesn’t have the information.

And then I would also say it’s important to emphasize that you and your provider and our advanced practice provider and the social worker, we’re all a part of the same team that we all want the best outcome for the patient. And so knowing that, that you have a team of people that are taking care of you and that you really need to embrace learning and understanding as much as possible so that you can make the best decision about your short-term and long-term plan for yourself. So activation tip here is don’t be afraid to ask questions, don’t be afraid to ask about resources and other ways to get information, you want the right resources, so not necessarily…everything on Google is accurate, but there are lots of good resources out there that can give you the information needed so that you can make educated decisions.

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30-Year Acute Myeloid Leukemia Survivor Shares His Journey

30-Year Acute Myeloid Leukemia Survivor Shares His Journey from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What might acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients experience for symptoms, treatment, and coping with AML? AML patient and Empowerment Lead Art Flatau shares the experience of his AML journey from diagnosis, through treatment and AML survival, and advancements in AML treatments.

Art also shares his empowerment advice for patients and care partners to ensure optimal care and how he has found a sense of purpose in patient advocacy efforts.

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Related Resources:

Empowered AML Patient: Ask the AML Expert

Empowered AML Patient: Ask the AML Expert 

How an AML Survivor’s Resilience Saved Her Life

How an AML Survivor’s Resilience Saved Her Life 

Advice for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Seeking a Clinical Trial

Advice for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Seeking a Clinical Trial 


My name is Art, and I live in Austin, Texas. In 1992, I was 31 and married with two young children. I was in graduate school and working full-time. For a couple weeks, I had been feeling tired and had been running a low-grade fever. I also had a lot of bruises, probably because I was playing rugby at the time. I thought the fatigue was because I was overworked and getting  too little sleep.

On Saturday, I had a rugby game but was too tired to play more than a few minutes. The next day, I was too tired to do much. My wife and I decided that I would go to the doctor on Monday. 

Monday morning, I woke, and there was blood on my pillow as my gums were bleeding. My wife wanted to take me to the ER, but I convinced her to just call our doctor. I went to the doctor later that morning. She noted my symptoms, did a quick exam, and sent me for blood work. After lunch, she called and said I needed to go to the hospital and see a hematologist. I knew I was in trouble.

We talked to the doctor and he said, “We have to see what kind of leukemia you have.” What a shock.  I knew that I was sick with something I had not had before. The fact that it was cancer was a shock. I didn’t know that there were different types of leukemia but soon found out that I had acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

That evening, I received platelets and red blood transfusions. The next morning, I had a bone marrow biopsy, more platelets, and surgery to put in a central line. That afternoon, less than 24 hours after hearing the word leukemia in reference to me, I started chemotherapy. This was all overwhelming. We had no way to understand what our options were or to get a second opinion.

Three-and-a-half weeks later, I got out of the hospital with no hair, 25 pounds lighter, a lot weaker but alive. I had more chemotherapy in the next few weeks and more hospitalizations. A few months later, I was finished with chemo. I regained some strength, regrew my hair, and tried to get my life back to normal.

In early 1993, about 9 months after being diagnosed, we got another shock, I had relapsed. I needed to have a bone marrow transplant. Although we had a little time, a few days to figure out where to go for a transplant, we were again struggling to understand the process. We were also struggling to figure out how to move to Dallas for three more months for the transplant. The transplant was a long grind, a month or so in the hospital, a couple of months of going to the outpatient clinic two to three times a week, but we made it through. 

Now, 30 years later, I’m still around. My children graduated from high school, college, and graduate school and have successful careers. My wife and I are empty-nesters.  I am still working but hoping to retire in a few years. Although I consider myself very lucky to have survived and have had relatively few side effects, I do have some side effects to deal with, including low testosterone.

Some things that I’ve learned during my AML journey include: 

  • AML is a rare disease: The good news is that over the last several years a lot of new treatments have been discovered for AML. These new treatments are leading to more people surviving AML. However, these new treatments are evolving rapidly. It is important to find a cancer center and doctors who treat a lot of patients with leukemia. 
  • Consider volunteering: Advocacy work is an excellent way to help yourself and to support other patients and continued research efforts.
  • If something doesn’t feel right with your health, advocate for yourself and ask for further testing.

These actions (for me) are key to staying on my path to empowerment.

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Becoming an Empowered and [ACT]IVATED AML Patient

Patient Empowerment Network (PEN) is committed to helping educate and empower patients and care partners in the acute myeloid leukemia (AML) community. AML is shown to impact younger patients compared to other types of blood cancer. In addition, there are some marginalized communities of Black and Latinx AML patients that experience disparities in health outcomes. Recent studies in AML have shown higher mortality rates and higher rates of AML recurrence in Black and Latinx patient groups. PEN aims to help empower patients in their care. With this goal in mind, we kicked off the [ACT]IVATED AML program, which aims to inform, empower, and engage patients to stay abreast of the latest in AML care.

Disparities in AML Treatment and Health Outcomes

AML research studies show that Black and Latinx patients experience disparities in AML treatment and health outcomes. Some of the study findings include:

A recent study in Blood Advances showed that Black adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients with AML have higher mortality rates and higher rates of AML recurrence in comparison to white patients. The study compared clinical outcomes between 1983 and 2016 for AYA patients between the ages of 18 and 29. The early mortality rate of Black AYA patients was 16 percent compared to 3 percent for white AYA patients. When examining complete AML remission rates, 66 percent of Black AYA patients experienced complete remission compared to 83 percent of white AYA patients. The authors of the study looked at the research data and determined that delayed diagnosis and treatment in the Black AYA patients as well as genetic differences of AML likely led to the higher mortality rate for this group. In comparison, Black and white patients between the ages of 30 and 39 showed no significant differences in their survival rates.

Lead study author Dr. Karilyn Larkin, a hematologist at the OSUCCC – James, shared, “To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine how molecular genetic alterations contribute to outcomes in young Black people with AML compared with their white counterparts.” Study of genetics is extremely vital in developing new and refined AML treatments, and this is why it’s more important than ever for more Black AYA patients to join clinical trials to create a larger pool of participants to learn from.

Another recent study in Blood showed that Hispanic/Latinx and Black AML patients have higher mortality rates in comparison to white AML patients. The study analyzed several factors in the disparities including health care access, tumor biology, treatment patterns, ICU admission during induction chemotherapy, comorbidities, and structural racism. Neighborhood measures of structural racism were found to be a major predictor of AML mortality rates. The neighborhood measures that were tracked in the study included census tract disadvantage, segregation, and affluence. The study authors concluded that more research must be done to learn the ways that structural racism relates with different AML treatment and predictive factors to impact health outcomes. Then more actions can be taken to help decrease the health disparities for these patient groups.

[ACT]IVATED AML Patient and Expert Tips

Black and Latinx patients who more frequently experience AML disparities are key groups for patient advocacy and empowerment. AML specialists, patients, and patient advocates have pooled some valuable advice through their experiences in treating and living with AML with the goal of improving care for all AML patients. PEN has been fortunate to receive some tips from patient and AML Empowerment Lead Sasha Tanori and AML specialists Dr. Catherine Lai and Dr. Naval Daver toward patient activation and empowerment.

Sasha talked about her AML experience as a Mexican American and the delay in her diagnosis. “You didn’t go out and seek care if you are hurt, you just sucked it up, you went to work, you went to school, you did your job, you took care of your family, and that was it. If you had any type of ailments or illness, you would just rub some Vaseline and do the sana sana and just move on about your day.”

Sasha’s care in a rural healthcare setting also contributed to the delay in her diagnosis. “In my local town they had no clue what was wrong, they didn’t know it was cancer, they didn’t know what was going on. They just kept doing tests after tests after tests, and they’re on blood work, and finally, they were just like, ‘We have no clue, we’ve got to send you somewhere else. You’ve got to get in an ambulance and leave.’”

Dr. Lai and Dr. Daver Tips

Dr. Lai advises patients to take proactive actions in their care. “Ask your physician and your oncologist when you’re talking with them about what all the newest therapies are and what would be specifically the best treatment for their specific leukemia with respect to the different mutations.

Testing has become a key factor in optimizing treatment for each patient’s specific AML. Dr. Daver also stresses the importance of testing. “Patients, when they transformed what we call secondary AML or MDS, seemed to have a higher predilection for certain high-risk communications such as TP53, and these are best treated with ongoing frontline clinical trials at large academic centers.”

Dr. Daver also explained the importance of genetic mutations currently under study in combination clinical trials. “Patients should be checked for arrangements like MLL rearrangement NPM1 mutation, new fusions as these may be amenable to therapy with the menin inhibitors, there are multiple trials with five different menin inhibitors, single agent trials and also combination trials now ongoing across multiple centers both in the U.S. and ex-U.S.”

The future of AML care is full of hope, and Dr. Lai shared her perspective. “There are a lot of new, exciting therapies that are coming out, and that it’s really novel sequencing strategies and combinations that I think will be the future of AML.”

Clinical trial participation continues its vital role in improving AML care, and Dr. Daver took the opportunity to stress the importance of trials. “Clinical trials are critical, both for the patients themselves to get access to what we call tomorrow’s medicine today as well as potentially to help move the entire field forward.”

[ACT]IVATED AML Program Resources

The [ACT]IVATED AML program series takes a three-part approach to inform, empower, and engage both the overall AML community and AML patient groups who experience health disparities. The series includes the following resources:

  • [ACT]IVATED Expert Interviews with experts Dr. Catherine Lai and Dr. Naval Daver moderated by an AML patient
  • [ACT]IVATED Resource Guide  (en Espanol here)  a downloadable, printable support resource packed with a newly diagnosed patient checklist, expert tips, AML facts, AML mutations, cytogenetic abnormalities, and support resources
  • [ACT]IVATED Patient Vignettes to learn valuable experiences and lessons learned from other AML patients
  • [ACT]IVATED Activity Guide – a downloadable, printable support resource packed with information and activities to educate, empower, and support AML patients and care partners in their journeys through care

Though the underrepresented AML groups of Black and Latinx patients have experienced health and care disparities, experts and patient advocates are taking action to improve care for all. By shining the light on gaps in care, PEN aims to aid in reducing these gaps along with continued research advances and clinical trial participation. AML patients can educate and empower themselves to become more confident and active partners in their care. By doing so, they can make more informed decisions for improved health outcomes. We hope you can continue to use the [ACT]IVATED AML program resources to advance your path to becoming an informed, empowered, and engaged patient. 

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[ACT]IVATED AML Resource Guide en español

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How Can We Address Disparities in AML Among Diverse Populations?

How Can We Address Disparities in AML Among Diverse Populations? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What do acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients need to know about care disparities? Dr. Catherine Lai from Penn Medicine discusses ethnic disparities and other factors. Learn about factors in AML care disparities and some available resources for patients to elevate their care.

[ACT]IVATION TIP from Dr. Lai: “Speak with your social worker, is there a resource that I can tap into that can help me with my care so that I can make sure that I can get the best access?”

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Related Resources:

BIPOC Patients Living With AML _ Mortality Rate and Favorable Genetics

BIPOC Patients Living With AML | Mortality Rate and Favorable Genetics

What Different AML Subtypes Are More Prevalent in Certain Demographics

What Different AML Subtypes Are More Prevalent in Certain Demographics?



Dr. Lai, how can we address disparities in AML among diverse populations?

Dr. Catherine Lai:

So this is an extremely important topic. And there was a large study that was recently published out of Chicago that looked at the different hospitals in the area and to look at ethnic disparities between white and Black populations and did find significant differences. Unfortunately, I would say that there are many factors that go into this, and a large portion of it is education and resources, and so what I would say is that we…we need to, as physicians and also the community, be better about educating our patients and being able to have access to resources so that everybody can get the same treatment.

And so involving other societies who support cancer to just get the word out that we need to…that we need to be aware of the differences so that we can address them specifically and make sure that for patients who don’t have resources that we are able to provide for them. So the activation tip here is that asking about resources, but we use a lot of Leukemia & Lymphoma Society grants that help our patients get access to and lower the cost of drugs, but also will…they will also provide grants just to help with cost of living, occasionally, there are other societies that can help with ride shares, and so I think even if you don’t know the specific…the specific society that can help, just asking to speak with your social worker, is there a resource that I can tap into that can help her help me with my care so that I can make sure that I can get the best access?

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Long-Term Effects Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Should Know

Long-Term Effects Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Should Know from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What do acute myeloid leukemia (AML) need to know about potential long-term effects of treatment? Dr. Catherine Lai from Penn Medicine shares insight. Learn about medical considerations for monitoring and an activation tip to help patients ensure their optimal health for the long term.

[ACT]IVATION TIP from Dr. Lai: Make sure that you’re reporting all your symptoms, however small that they may be at your appointment, so it can be discussed in asking if it might be related to a late effect, and then also asking if there is a survivorship clinic or a program that you can be a part of.”

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Related Resources:

What Are Some Clinical Predictors for Relapse in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

What Are Some Clinical Predictors for Relapse in Acute Myeloid Leukemia?

What Does Transfusion Burden Mean in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

AML Clinical Trials Critical to Treatment Breakthroughs and Improvements

AML Clinical Trials Critical to Treatment Breakthroughs and Improvements



Dr. Lai, I was diagnosed with lots more than 20 years after my transplant, and there are the long-term effects that AML patients should be aware of. What are some of those effects?

Dr. Catherine Lai:

Yeah, so that’s an extremely important question and one that is often, often overlooked, unfortunately, even just from a time constraint perspective, but I would say it depends on the type of chemotherapy and the type of transplant, whether it was myeloablative you received radiation before your transplant, but, in general, I mean things to consider or just think about, it’s a big work, and so about your heart, your lungs, your thyroid, your kidneys, and also age-appropriate cancer screening as all things that need to be taken into consideration as late effects, if you are able to…if you’re able to find a cancer center with a survivorship clinic, I think that that’s an extremely valuable resource, because not only are they able to address these medical issues, but they’re also able to address the psychosocial component as well, and just overall general well-being.

And so I think just being aware of the fact that there are late effects and the activation tip being, is that to make sure that you’re reporting all your symptoms, however small that they may be at your appointment, so it can be discussed in asking if it might be related to a late effect, and then also asking if there is a survivorship clinic or a program that you can be a part of.  

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What Are Some Clinical Predictors for Relapse in Acute Myeloid Leukemia?

What Are Some Clinical Predictors for Relapse in Acute Myeloid Leukemia? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What do acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients need to know about risk of relapse? Dr. Catherine Lai from Penn Medicine explains her perspective. Learn about relapse risk groups and testing that may help in determining risk of relapse. 

[ACT]IVATION TIP from Dr. Lai: Have a conversation with your provider about mutations, and do you as a patient have a specific mutation that can be…that can be tracked and also specifically what risk group on my end, what risk group am I in, because that also gives some insight as to your risk of relapse.”

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Related Resources:

Long-Term Effects Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Should Know

Long-Term Effects of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Should Know

What Does Transfusion Burden Mean in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

What Is FLT3-Mutated Acute Myeloid Leukemia

What Is FLT3-Mutated Acute Myeloid Leukemia?



Dr. Lai, what are some of the clinical predictors for relapse in AML patients?

Dr. Catherine Lai:

So, in general, predictors of relapse, some of it depends on what risk category you’re in, so whether or not you’re favorable, intermediate, or adverse risk of the adverse risk patients are more likely to relapse once in complete remission. The other thing, what I would say is that which mutations are present, a diagnosis is a good…also a good way to track and follow disease.

So if you have a specific mutation is to be able to follow that and to be able to quantify it on testing, and then be able to track to see if that increases over time as a predictor of relapse, I would say that, in general, minimal residual disease testing and these predictors or other blood-based markers are not standards.

So a lot of this is novel and is still not standard of care yet, so the activation to here is to just have a conversation with your provider about mutations, and do you as a patient have a specific mutation that can be…that can be tracked and also specifically what risk group on my end, what risk group am I in, because that also gives some insight as to your risk of relapse. 

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What Are the ASH 2022 Takeaways for AML Patients?

What Are the ASH 2022 Takeaways for AML Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What do acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients need to know about ASH 2022 updates? Dr. Catherine Lai from Penn Medicine discusses updates presented at the conference. Learn about combination treatments and a study that examined the use of chemotherapy before transplant. 

[ACT]IVATION TIP from Dr. Lai: “There are a lot of new, exciting therapies that are coming out, and that it’s really novel sequencing strategies and combinations that I think will be the future of AML.”

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Related Resources:

What AML Treatment Options Are Available for MRD-Positive Patients

What AML Treatment Options Are Available for MRD-Positive Patients?

A Look at Ongoing Acute Myeloid Leukemia Phase III Trials

What AML Mutations Are Associated With Adverse Outcomes

What AML Mutations Are Associated with Adverse Outcomes?



Dr. Lai, I had a transplant almost 30 years ago for relapsed AML and was not given intensive chemotherapy to get me into remission before the transplant. What are the takeaways from the ASH 2022 meeting? Is less more when treating AML?

Dr. Catherine Lai:

Sorry, that’s a great question, and what I just like to say that it’s so great that you are doing so well, so many years after, as you know, transplant is the original form of immunotherapy and is still the only potential cure for AML. And so with that being said, with at ASH what was seen was, I think a handful of things, so what I would say is that different combinations of drugs being used, so things looking at either at novel doubles and or triplets. Meaning combinations of two or three different drugs and how toxicity is affected, there are other also novel immunotherapies that are out there, not have been as groundbreaking as transplant, and I think that there is some way to harness the immune system to make treatment more effective, we just haven’t found that. Right, chemotherapy.

And then specifically, there was a large study, a large European study that was presented as the plenary session at ASH that talked about the role of chemotherapy before transplant. And what I would say, just speaking in general, is that the new immune system that a patient gets when they get a transplant takes…the new immune system, when a patient gets a transplant, it takes some time to take over, and that new immune system is able to fight off the leukemia, and so if a patient has a slow-growing leukemia, they might not need as much chemotherapy before the transplant, because the rate at which the leukemia will grow and won’t overburden the body before the new immune system takes over.

So I think that study was very provocative and gave some insight, but I still don’t think we have the complete right answer as to what chemotherapy should be used before transplant, I think that’s really tailored to each individual patient.

And then whether or not patients need chemotherapy after transplant also depends on disease burden and status, and taking into account measurable residual disease as well. So I would say the activation tip from the ASH 2022 meeting was that there are a lot of new, exciting therapies that are coming out, and that it’s really novel sequencing strategies and combinations that I think will be the future of AML.

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What Does Transfusion Burden Mean in Acute Myeloid Leukemia?

What Does Transfusion Burden Mean in Acute Myeloid Leukemia? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What do acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients need to know about transfusion burden? Dr. Catherine Lai from Penn Medicine explains transfusion burden for AML patients. Learn about the range of transfusion burden and advice from an expert. 

[ACT]IVATION TIP from Dr. Lai: “Discuss how frequently transfusions are needed and how long you may be able to go without needing a blood or platelet transfusion with your physician.

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Dr. Lai, what does transfusion burden mean in AML?

Dr. Catherine Lai:

Yeah, so transfusion burden is the amount of either patients’ blood that you have to receive and or platelets that you have to receive.

So when we say that somebody is transfusion-dependent, that means that they on their weekly blood checks or having to receive transfusions multiple times, whether it be twice a week or once a week, but somebody who cannot make enough blood and our platelets on their own to stay within a safe range and that they need to receive transfusions. 

Typically. now, this is again specific for an individual patient, but in general, most centers use parameters such as the hemoglobin less than 7, in which they get transfused red blood cells and a platelet count less than 10,000 for platelet counts, assuming that patients are feeling well and are healthy and they’re not bleeding.

So here the activation tip would be to discuss how frequently transfusions are needed and how long you may be able to go without needing a blood or platelet transfusion with your physician.  

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