Tag Archive for: chemotherapies

How Has Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatment Evolved?

How Has Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatment Evolved? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How has the advanced prostate cancer research landscape evolved? Expert Dr. Rana McKay discusses how prostate cancer treatment options have expanded and how PSMA PET imaging has revolutionized detection.

Dr. Rana McKay is an associate clinical professor of medicine at Moores Cancer Center at UC San Diego Health. Learn more about Dr. McKay.

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Dr. McKay, I’d like to have you tell us how the landscape of advanced prostate cancer has changed over your career.  

Dr. McKay:

Oh, my goodness. It has absolutely rapidly evolved over the last decade. I think when I was just starting my career, it was right around the time where abiraterone (Zytiga) and enzalutamide (Xtandi) were being heavily tested and just getting approved and entering into the clinic.

And as we think about all of the evolution that’s happened since that time, we now have multiple androgen receptor pathway inhibitors in the clinic. We have radioligand therapies in the clinic, radium-223. The first radioligand therapy across any solid tumor malignancy to improve overall survival and on the heels of that, most recently, lutetium PSMA, which is a targeted radioligand therapy.

There are several different kinds of chemotherapies, and I think two more diagnostics have evolved. We are now integrating molecular profiling across multiple areas in the disease natural history and actually have several FDA-approved treatments based off of results of molecular profiling, whether that be germline hereditary testing or just tumor testing like, PARP inhibitors and immunotherapy.

And then, additionally, to kind of continue on that same thought of our diagnostics changing is one of the greatest disruptors in our treatment of prostate cancer has been the introduction of PSMA PET imaging that has really revolutionized our ability to be able to detect disease at lower levels of PSA.   

And that’s opened up options for focal therapy, radiation therapy, and other sorts of strategies. So, it’s really been just remarkable, all of the different advances that have occurred in prostate cancer over the last decade. 

How Can AML Patients Benefit From Shared Decision-Making?

How Can AML Patients Benefit From Shared Decision-Making? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can shared decision-making benefit AML patient care? Expert Dr. Sara Taveras Alam from UTHealth Houston explains how she works to set patient expectations from diagnosis and throughout the treatment journey and patient factors that play into decision-making.


“…patients know that they are the decision makers. The doctors are there to guide the patients to inform the patient. Definitely, there will be treatments that would not be recommended for a physician and they would not give, but generally, there’s more than one possible right answer, and the patient should be empowered to decide what fits best for their lifestyle and what accommodations need to be made.”

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Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Taveras, how do you involve your patients and families in the shared decision-making process, both at initial diagnosis and then going forward?

Dr. Sara Taveras Alam:

From the initial diagnosis, I do try my best to explain what the life of an AML patient looks like. This can be very overwhelming and we tend to need to repeat ourselves throughout the patient-doctor relationship, most of our patients unfortunately, require a one-month-long admission initially at diagnosis, most of our patients receive diagnosis and remain in the hospital while they get their first treatment and recover from that. And that’s a very big journey to go through, and we want to make sure that the patients themselves are well-informed and their family and caregivers are well-informed of what this will mean for them as well.

Many of my patients may have children or parents or spouses that they themselves are the caregivers for and then they need to make arrangements for that while they’re going through their health process. So I believe that the decision to receive treatment is not a decision that doctors make for the patients. It’s a decision that should be made by the patient, and although most people will choose to receive treatment offers for acute myeloid leukemia, I will have some patients that may have been older and may have gone through other health issues and do not want to spend the rest of their lives in this process and that is their choice to make.

So I really do try from the very beginning to make sure I set an expectation of what life will look like with acute myeloid leukemia, and what that looks like initially is about a one month long hospitalization with chemotherapy, a lot of transfusions, monitoring for infections, and after that time period, it will have a lot of clinic visits, sometimes twice a week, and possibly re-hospitalizations for treatment depending on the treatment decided upon. We have more intensive chemotherapies or aggressive chemotherapies and lower intensity chemotherapies, that’s also a shared decision. 

There may be patients who are appropriate for intensive chemotherapy in terms of their fitness or age, but may be afraid of the side effects that that could entail, and it may be appropriate for them to go with a low intensity, and that’s an option for them. So I think that ultimately, my activation tip for the question is that patients know that they are the decision makers. The doctors are there to guide the patients to inform the patient. Definitely, there will be treatments that would not be recommended for a physician and they would not give, but generally, there’s more than one possible right answer, and the patient should be empowered to decide what fits best for their lifestyle and what accommodations need to be made.

One example is, we’ve had a patient whose daughter had a sweet 16 and her re-admission was scheduled during that time, but it was really important for that patient to be with her daughter on her birthday, and we just pushed on the admission. If the patients bring up what their concerns are, we’ll do our best to accommodate as long as it’s not a risk to them.

Lisa Hatfield:

Great, thank you. And for all the patients listening, it’s nice to know that we can ask our providers if we have a special event, can this be changed, is there any chance of altering the timeline just a little bit. So thanks for that tip. We appreciate that.

Dr. Sara Taveras Alam:

You’re welcome.

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What Should Follicular Lymphoma Patients Know About Remission?

What Should Follicular Lymphoma Patients Know About Remission? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What does follicular lymphoma remission mean, and what should patients know about it? Expert Dr. Kami Maddocks from The Ohio State University explains remission, functional cure, and immunosuppression.

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Lisa Hatfield:

This patient is asking if you are in remission for a long period of time after follicular lymphoma treatment, can you technically be cured in some cases, or are you considered to still have the cancer?

Dr. Kami Maddocks:

So that is a great question. There’s a term that’s used in follicular lymphoma called a functional cure. So we have patients that essentially get treated, and they live long enough that they die from something else without their follicular lymphoma ever relapsing. So while we say from what we know if somebody lives long enough that this disease is likely going to relapse at some point, there are patients that will be treated, and the disease will never come back.

Lisa Hatfield:

Can patients facing follicular lymphoma be considered immunocompromised if they’re in remission?

Dr. Kami Maddocks

I think this kind of goes back to when we talked about the immune system recovery that this can be a little bit of a complicated question, because it depends a little bit on the treatment that they got, how far out from the treatment they are and how many treatments they’ve had in the past. So, in general, if I have a patient that has received therapy, their counts have recovered, they in general look like…their lab work looks like their immune system, then in general I would say that they have an immune system that’s likely similar to somebody who didn’t have the follicular lymphoma, and they’re going to be able to fight infections and respond to vaccines.

I think what we do know is sometimes when patients get rituximab maintenance or obinutuzumab (Gazyva) maintenance or some of the chemotherapies there are some patients that can have a longer time that they’re immunosuppressed. So I think this is always something that’s good to ask your doctor for. In your specific situation with the treatment you received, when do you expect to have a regularly functioning immune system?

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What Should You Know About Myeloma Treatment Options?

What Should You Know About Myeloma Treatment Options? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Dr. Peter Forsberg outlines options in the myeloma treatment toolkit, including targeted therapies, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and combination approaches —and explains how the recovery process from stem cell transplant has improved.

Dr. Peter Forsberg is assistant professor of medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and is a specialist in multiple myeloma. More about Dr. Forsberg here.

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Would you walk us through the currently available myeloma treatment approaches and who they might be right for?

Dr. Forsberg:             

At this point, we’re lucky that we have a much broader toolkit to treat myeloma than we have had in the past. Myeloma is one of the successes in modern oncology in that way. At this point, we have a number of targeted therapies. Some of those are pill-based options, some are injections or infusional medicines. We have some immunotherapies, which are things like monoclonal antibodies, which help to work.

We use some conventional or older fashioned chemotherapy, often lower doses and as part of combinations. And steroids. Steroids are always the medicine that is one of the backbones of our combinations. In myeloma, we do often use combinations. So, it’s usually a mixture of targeted therapies. Sometimes immunotherapies or chemotherapies.

As well as steroids to try to treat the myeloma. And some of the considerations are, which combination makes the most sense. Are there other medical problems or disease related factors like disease aggressiveness that may influence which ones we wanna choose or how many. Also, is a three-drug combination the right fit or is a four or a two drug the right. And it does continue to evolve.

Our options and our ability to use multi-agent regimens has continued to improve as we’ve gotten better and better therapies that’re well tolerated and that allow us to use really active combinations, even in patients who may have substantial other medical problems. So, I think it’s been something that continues to evolve over time and will continue to evolve. But the good news is that it’s been an issue of just how to incorporate more and better options.

How do we bring these good new tools into the mix as early as is appropriate? To control the myeloma in really substantial ways. And again, as I mentioned, the question of the role of stem cell transplant continues to be an important one. That is a way for us to still use older fashioned chemotherapy at a high dose to help to achieve a more durable remission. But usually, the way that we parse through these targeted immunotherapies and chemotherapies, is something that may be individual.

Although, we have some broad principals that help guide us for how we manage patients across different types.


How do you decide who stem cell transplant might be right for?

Dr. Forsberg:             

The good news in the United States is that we’re able to be fairly broad in terms of our consideration of stem cell transplant. There is no age restriction above which it’s not. We’ve gotten better and better at supporting patients through stem cell transplant. We have better medicines to deal with potential toxicities. And so, patients do better and better in going through transplant. But it is still an intensive treatment modality. So, in considering it, it is an option for a large portion of myeloma patients at diagnosis. After we get the myeloma under control. But the decision remains an individual one. Some patients may prefer to defer stem cell transplant until a second line therapy or later.

Whereas others feel very comfortable moving forward with it in the first-line setting. I would say that it is certainly something that we try to demystify for patients. It can sound a little bit intimidating, certainly because it is a little more intense and requires more support. But it is something that we have gotten quite good at navigating patient and supporting them through.


What about maintenance therapy, how does that fit in?

Dr. Forsberg:             

Following initial treatments to get the myeloma under control, whether that includes stem cell transplant or not. Usually we transition into a maintenance therapy. Maintenance therapy is a way for us to sustain control or remission of the myeloma. And make that longer lived. So, what we use for maintenance may be different patient to patient. But it is a important part of our treatment approach for many patients.


Are some therapies less intense than others, and what are some possible side effects of those?

Dr. Forsberg:             

So, certainly there are treatments with varying degrees of intensity or potential toxicities. The good news is that as we’ve gained more and more treatment options, we’ve also gotten better at using the ones we have had for a while now to minimize some of their toxicities. So, by adjusting dosing schedule and routes of administration, we’ve gotten better at fine tuning the tools we have toward minimizing those toxicities.

So truthfully, many myeloma patients after you start treatment, actually feel better than before they started chemotherapy because the myeloma itself is a destructive process and the treatments are quite often well tolerated. That being said, certainly over time, treatment related side effects often emerge. Some of the treatment toxicities may cause some challenges in terms of managing patients through their myeloma process. But usually, those can be overcome. Even if that means needing to adjust the treatment protocol.

Adjust doses, change medicines. And so, while there are varying degrees of intensity, we’re usually able to find the right balance for any given patient to still have a very active anti-myeloma regimen while trying to be very cognizant of potential treatment toxicities and taking steps to mitigate that.