Tag Archive for: MPN care barriers

MPN Care Barriers | Gaps in Patient-Centered Care

What are MPN care barriers and solutions? Experts Dr. Akriti Jain from Cleveland Clinic and Kimberly Smith from Duke Health discuss common obstacles MPN patients encounter in patient-centered care, how varied factors play a role in care, and methods and approaches to support patients in empowered care.

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Dr. Nicole Rochester:

So I’d like to start off by talking about identifying and overcoming barriers to patient-centered care for patients and families facing a myeloproliferative neoplasm. So, Dr. Jain, I’m going to start with you. What are the most common barriers to implementing patient-centered care in the management of myeloproliferative neoplasms?

Dr. Akriti Jain:

Thank you for that question, Dr. Rochester. It’s very pertinent. As you can imagine, there can be a lot of barriers when we are trying to provide patient-centered care, especially in the management of myeloproliferative neoplasms. As you said, there are multiple myeloproliferative neoplasms, and each one of them is complex. And hence the complexity of each diagnosis, how they’re diagnosed, how their risk-stratified, and how those patients are symptomatic based on whether their platelets are high or their hemoglobin is high, or they have scarring or fibrosis in their bone marrow.

Then that in itself becomes complex and can become a problem when we’re seeing these patients in the community. That’s why a lot of these patients get referrals to tertiary care centers, and not all patients can have that opportunity to go to tertiary care centers and see providers that are very knowledgeable and know what…exactly how to diagnose these myeloproliferative neoplasms.

A lot of times it’s very team-based approach. It’s not just the clinician, but also the pathologist. So a lot of times when these patients come to us we have their bone marrow biopsies reviewed because the diagnostic criteria requires certain things in their bone marrow that helps us diagnose these problems. So not just that these MPN are variable, but also individual variability within the MPNs. So not every polycythemia vera patient presents the same way. So that becomes a problem again when providing patient-centered care, because it’s not the one-size-fits-all philosophy. Those are some of the things that I can think of.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Ms. Smith, I know that you share Dr. Jain’s passion with regard to really being compassionate with your patients. So I’d love to get your perspective as a nurse practitioner what are the primary barriers that you’ve witnessed to accessing effective patient-centered care?

Kim Smith:

I would say what I’ve experienced most is the patients actually understanding their disease process, the education piece, like making sure that educating them about their disease, giving them security that, hey, that you have a myeloproliferative neoplasm, but let’s look at it as we’re running a marathon, not a sprint. You know that we have time, you know that we can get family involved. And I think that’s a big thing with me, just try to bridge that barrier that it’s a team effort. It’s not just you. Even though treatment is individualized, it’s still a team. We are a team, so I want you to be comfortable, but I also want to be comfortable with giving you the information and that you are able to receive it. That’s one of the big barriers that I see is them being able to accept their diagnosis.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Wonderful. Thank you so much Ms. Smith. So, Dr. Jain, I’m going to go back to you and staying on this theme of patient-centered care. Can you talk about some of the gaps in research regarding patient-centered care in MPNs, and how can those gaps be addressed?

Dr. Akriti Jain:

Sure. So building off of what Ms. Smith was just saying, education comes, it’s very important also for research. If our patients are educated on the potential options for trials, for retrospective research, for registry research, they are more open to accepting these options for their management, for their treatment. A lot of patients might not know which phase each trial is in, and a lot of patients don’t want to be, “guinea pigs.” So sometimes it’s important for us to educate patients that some of these trials are Phase III trials, and Phase III trials eventually lead to drug approval.

So a lot of the drugs we have for myeloproliferative neoplasms were not available a few years ago. So education is very important here. And lack of education within patients and then also within healthcare providers can be a big gap in getting research to the patients where it is needed. And we’re very thankful to these patients that help us advance research and help us get these drug approvals and enroll in trials. Other important gaps are including patient-reported outcomes. As we all might know within MPNs, we have a really nice MPN symptoms core MPN-SAF, a lot of newer research trials, and other research avenues are including SAFs within the trials. And so these are important things that can help us give patients the prioritized and individualized care they need.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Thank you so much, Dr. Jain. Ms. Smith, do you have anything to add with regard to gaps in research regarding patient-centered MPN care?

Kim Smith:

Yes. I agree with Dr. Jain, but also another thing that I notice, with these gaps is a lot of patients come to us with other comorbidities, and so they might not qualify for trials or they might have another associated heme malignancy that they might not be able to qualify. So it kind of puts a gap in treatment, because then we have to go with what’s already FDA-approved, and that might not be the best option for the patient at that time.

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How Can MPN Patient Advocacy Groups Help Patients?

How Can MPN Patient Advocacy Groups Help Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are some ways myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patient advocacy groups can help support patients? Expert Natasha Johnson explains different ways that advocacy groups can help MPN patients in their care, her experience with advocacy groups, and other health professionals who can aid in patient support.


“…look out for and research MPN support groups. You can do this under the MPN Foundation, or there are other resources to find a way to attend those. You may get so much information that you were unaware of. And then also keeping in good communication with your nursing team, your healthcare team, and if any problems come up, or great barriers such as financial assistance for medication, reaching back out to the pharmacy or the pharmacist where that was sent through to ask for assistance and help.” 

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Related Resources:

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How Can Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care Barriers Be Overcome?

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Financial and Care Resources

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Financial and Care Resources

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How Can MPN Experts Help Inform Patients About Clinical Trials?


Natasha Johnson:

There are several unsung heroes that work with the MPN population and are just not known, but offer great, great resources and can be utilized. First, I’ll start off saying with, there are foundations, for example, the MPN Foundation where it’s a large patient advocacy group that comes along and they establish support groups all over the United States, and they invite patients and caregivers to come and join, whether in-person or through Zoom. And through those meetings, sometimes experts are brought in and taught. Sometimes the nurses are brought in and taught and just provide resources, education to patients, and also just to help answer questions. Through attending those meetings, maybe you can also get in to see an MPN expert. So I would strongly encourage the use of these foundations and these support groups because these are people, that they’re not in the clinic setting day-to-day.

They may be a patient themself who has had MPN for a long time, but now they’re overseeing and heading up the support group. Sometimes it’s a family member of a patient who’s now overseeing and heading up the support group. Additionally, there are pharmacists who are well-versed in MPNs and the medications and can guide and direct exactly where to go to get help when it comes to financial assistance for treatment. And then, of course, nurses. Nurses are just such a key player here that they take the time to listen and to educate and to answer questions or direct.

And so my activation tip would be to one, look out for and research MPN support groups. You can do this under the MPN Foundation, or there are other resources to find a way to attend those. You may get so much information that you were unaware of. And then also keeping in good communication with your nursing team, your healthcare team, and if any problems come up, or great barriers such as financial assistance for medication, reaching back out to the pharmacy or the pharmacist where that was sent through to ask for assistance and help. 

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How Can Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care Barriers Be Overcome?

How Can Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care Barriers Be Overcome? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) providers and advocates help patients overcome care barriers? Expert Natasha Johnson from Moffitt Cancer Center shares financial resources and additional ways MPN expert care can be accessed.


“…let the care team know there are financial resources available, whether that’s through foundations or the manufacturer itself, the care team, including the nurses and the pharmacists, can help direct and guide to get patients the medications that they need to treat their disease.

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Related Resources:

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How Can MPN Providers and Patients Guard Against Disease Progression?

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How Can Underrepresented MPN Communities Access Support

How Can MPN Experts Help Inform Patients About Clinical Trials

How Can MPN Experts Help Inform Patients About Clinical Trials?


Natasha Johnson: 

There are several barriers to accessing care for patients with MPNs. Specifically, the first one I would say is accessing an MPN expert. You know when people live out in the communities or there’s difficulty with transportation, or they don’t have insurance they may be seen by public healthcare or locally or not at all. And there are really minimal reasons that a patient should not be able to see an MPN expert. Nowadays that we have Zoom visits, consults can be done through Zoom, even follow-up appointments can be done through Zoom. Labs can be taken locally. We can review labs if they’ve been done by the health department or primary care physician.

But I strongly, strongly, strongly encourage all patients who are suspected to have an MPN or newly diagnosed with an MPN. Try to get in with an MPN expert. Secondly, a great barrier to MPN care is the cost of medication. We know medications are very, very expensive, and even patients that have great insurances still cannot afford these medications.

So my activation tip for that would be to let the care team know there are financial resources available, whether that’s through foundations or the manufacturer itself, the care team, including the nurses and the pharmacists, can help direct and guide to get patients the medications that they need to treat their disease.

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