Tag Archive for: PEN Partner

Cactus Cancer Society

Cactus Cancer Society’s mission is to provide a safe space where young adults (ages 18-45) facing cancer can connect, cope, and thrive with one another in an online community through creativity and expression. Our vision is to end isolation among young adults facing cancer.

RMC Alliance

The RMC Alliance is a non-profit organization that brings together expert clinicians, researchers, and patient advocates, to better understand how and why renal medullary carcinoma (RMC) occurs, and to develop better strategies to screen for, diagnose, and treat this deadly disease.

The goals of the RMC Alliance are:

  • To support renal medullary carcinoma research.
  • To educate clinicians, patients, and caregivers about renal medullary carcinoma.
  • To organize regular meetings designed to accelerate progress in understanding and treating of renal medullary carcinoma.

The Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation

The Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation (AA-MDS) is the world’s leading nonprofit health organization dedicated to supporting patients and families living with aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH),  and related bone marrow failure diseases. The Foundation provides answers, support, and hope to thousands of patients and their families around the world.

ASCP Patient Champions

ASCP Patient Champions educates patients and caregivers about the role of the laboratory in patient care, so they can leverage that knowledge to ensure they are choosing the treatments that work best for them. When patients have more insight into their laboratory and pathology results, they can better participate in their own care. ASCP Patient Champions use that knowledge and insight to advocate for themselves and share what they’ve learned to help others do the same, ultimately creating optimal health care for all.

Canadian MPN Network

The Canadian MPN Network was founded in 2014. Their purpose as an organization is to connect and help Canadians from coast to coast to coast who are dealing the challenges of living with a myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) disorder.


Better lives for all Canadians with a Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) disorder.


They are a patient-led organization committed to improving the lives of all Canadians living with myeloproliferative neoplasms through patient advocacy, patient support groups, and patient communication while connecting with the MPN medical community and providing up-to-date information on research, treatments and clinical studies.


  • Patient communication: Provide reliable and accurate information about MPNs for Canadian patients through many platforms.
  • Patient advocacy: Inform healthcare decision-makers about MPNs and the needs of Canadians living with them.
  • Annual conference: Hold an annual conference that will allow Canadian patients to connect with other patients and medical experts.
  • Regional support groups: Encourage the development of patient groups in every region of Canada.
  • Collaboration with MPN medical community: Engage the Canadian MPN medical community to provide patient perspective and seek collaboration on effective communications.


CanCare, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides one-on-one, personal support to cancer patients and their loved ones by matching them with a survivor or caregiver of the same type of cancer they are experiencing. CanCare’s services are confidential and provided without charge.

Cancer Support Community

The Conference Forum

The Conference Forum is a life science industry research firm that develops conferences primarily around how to get therapeutics to patients faster. We examine and challenge the complex ecosystem of drug development and delivery, bringing good ideas together from a variety of sources to help advance clinical research with common goals that are patient-focused.

The Conference Forum presents strategic level conferences, both public and private, as well as developing focus groups and advisory boards for professionals in the life science and healthcare industries. We currently offer conferences for pharma/biotech professionals including R&D leaders, CEOs, business development/licensing, medical affairs/safety, chief patient officers/advocates, clinical innovation champions, investors and drug delivery specialists. We are committed to creating the best content, exchange of ideas and solutions among peers, as well as providing high quality networking.

Crowd Care

The CrowdCare Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded by myeloma patients who are dedicated to driving cures for multiple myeloma through collaboration between patient, their families, doctors and researchers. We know how overwhelming a diagnosis can be both physically and emotionally and support patients at each step of their multiple myeloma journey – from diagnosis, through care and on to a cure.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society


We focus on research because the link between research spending and improved survival is clear. Survival rates have dramatically improved for colorectal, breast, and prostate cancers over the last several decades in step with the exponential growth in their research spending. Our goal is to accelerate progress for lung cancer in the same way, in order to dramatically improve on the current 17% five-year survival rate.

To date, LUNGevity has funded 110 research projects at 57 institutions in 23 states. LUNGevity research investments focus on early detection, because survival rates rise when lung cancer is detected while still localized. We also focus on more effective treatment approaches—getting the right treatment to the right patient at the right time to help people with lung cancer live longer and better.

Our projects are translational, moving basic research from the lab to patient treatment. We fund the projects most likely to have the greatest benefit for patients in the near term. Thanks to our Scientific Advisory Board—a group that includes leaders in early detection, genomics, proteomics, immunotherapy, biostatistics, and thoracic surgery—research project applications are rigorously reviewed in a robust, transparent process and then funded projects are carefully monitored. Through ongoing work with researchers across the various institutions, LUNGevity maximizes the progress and impact of ongoing studies.

LUNGevity also provides a community of empowerment, support, and hope for everyone affected by lung cancer through our extensive educational resources, online peer-to-peer support, and in-person survivorship programs, as well as more than 80 grassroots awareness and fundraising events held from coast to coast each year.

MD Anderson Cancer Center

The mission of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is to eliminate cancer in Texas, the nation, and the world through outstanding programs that integrate patient care, research and prevention, and through education for undergraduate and graduate students, trainees, professionals, employees and the public.

We shall be the premier cancer center in the world, based on the excellence of our people, our research-driven patient care and our science. We are Making Cancer History.

Moffitt Cancer Center

Moffitt Cancer Center has made a lasting commitment to the prevention and cure of cancer, working tirelessly in the areas of patient care, research and education to advance one step further in fighting this disease.

MPN Research Foundation

The MPN Research Foundation has a single goal: to stimulate original research in pursuit of new treatments — and eventually a cure — for polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia and myelofibrosis, known collectively as myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN).

MPN Cancer Connection

MPN Cancer Connection (MPN-CC) was founded to serve patients, care partners, physicians, and your healthcare team. They help empower patients to be proactive and to be your own health advocate by asking questions from your healthcare team.