Tag Archive for: Side effects

CAR T-Cell Therapy | Monitoring for Side Effects As a Care Partner

CAR T-Cell Therapy | Monitoring for Side Effects As a Care Partner from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can care partners monitor side effects from CAR T-cell therapy? Nurse practitioner Daniel Verina discusses the unique aspects of CAR T-cell therapy, guiding care partners on recognizing side effects like cytokine release syndrome and neurological changes, emphasizing communication with healthcare providers.

Daniel Verina is a nurse practitioner at the Center of Excellence for Multiple Myeloma at Mount Sinai Tisch Cancer Center in New York City.

See More from The Care Partner Toolkit: CAR T-Cell Therapy

Related Resources:

After CAR T-Cell Therapy | Care Partner Tips for Staying Prepared and Organized

After CAR T-Cell Therapy | Care Partner Tips for Staying Prepared and Organized

An Essential CAR T-Cell Therapy Team Member | The Care Partner

An Essential CAR T-Cell Therapy Team Member | The Care Partner

Where Can Myeloma Care Partners Find Out More About Financial Support?

Where Can Myeloma Care Partners Find Out More About Financial Support?


Katherine Banwell:

Is there anything you’d like to add about care partners and what they should know about the CAR T-cell process?   

Daniel Verina:

Absolutely. That some of the CAR T experience is that when patients reach the CAR T, they may already have a stem cell transplant earlier in their life, an autologous stem cell transplant. So, I will guide them and say there were some similar characteristics, meaning that there’s collection, there’s chemotherapy, and there’s a stay in the hospital.  

But some of the differences that their blood counts may not return as quickly as they did with an auto stem cell transplant.  So, they may see lower counts.  After a month or two, they may start to drop. So, to expect that some of these changes are normal or part of our pathway.  

But also, things that we need to look for and a caregiver should understand, that there are delayed effects, like cytokine release syndrome, or neurotoxicity’s that we see with CAR T can happen a couple of months down the line.  So, one of the important tools that a caregiver should have to watch and monitor patients longer on is being able to look for these toxicities. And there are many tools out there that are available through the IMF or the MMRF that the caregiver can say they’re not remembering as well, or I feel like they’re word searching.  

Even though the patient may come to us and sound and answer the questions appropriately, the caregiver says, you know what, I just feel like there’s something different.  And that’s a cue for us. I always call them the truth serum. The caregiver to me is the truth serum in the room.  So, I think one of those things is really teaching them to look for delayed side effects or adverse events that may occur even four, five, six months later.   

Katherine Banwell:

Can you give us an idea of what sort of side effects the care partner should be looking for? 

Daniel Verina:

So, in the hospital, patients can experience what we call cytokine release syndrome or fevers, fast heart rate, low blood pressures. And that could occur upfront, but it could happen later on in life.  Certain things also are neurotoxicity. So, having persistent headaches, memory loss, word searching, sometimes change in their gait, and sometimes even a little bit of a handshaking or tremor.  

So, neurological changes. Shuffling they may see. Weaknesses in their legs, things like that. So, they used to get up out of the chair very quickly, and now it takes them longer to do that. And those are signs that they should be calling their primary CAR T physicians and saying, “I’m seeing a change,” because the further out they go and if they’re doing successfully, we see them about every month or so compared to when they come out of the hospital. So, you want to alert the caregiver to call us as quickly and not wait until the next appointment. You never know.  

Advice for Setting Myeloma Treatment Goals and Collaborating on Care Decisions

Advice for Setting Myeloma Treatment Goals and Collaborating on Care Decisions from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

This animated video defines common myeloma treatment goals, provides an overview of available myeloma therapies, and includes advice for making care decisions and the importance of being your own advocate.

See More from Collaborate Myeloma

Related Resources:

Collaborate | Being an Empowered Myeloma Patient

Understanding Myeloma | How You Can Collaborate in Your Care

Understanding Myeloma | How You Can Collaborate in Your Care

The Benefits of Shared Decision-Making for Myeloma Care



Hi! I’m Bianca, a nurse specializing in myeloma. In this video, we’ll discuss myeloma therapy and explain how to work with your healthcare team so that you can choose a care plan best suited for YOUR myeloma. 

I’d also like to introduce you to Suzanne. Suzanne is a patient advocate living with myeloma.  


Thanks, Bianca. I’m happy to share my own experience and to talk about how I worked with my healthcare team to decide on a care plan. 

When my doctor and I were first considering my options, we started by setting treatment goals. Bianca, can you define treatment goals?  


Sure! Each patient is unique, so it may vary by person. You should collaborate WITH your healthcare team to determine YOUR treatment goals. Common goals of myeloma treatment may include: 

  • Reducing and managing your symptoms. 
  • Slowing the progression of the disease. 
  • Inducing remission. 
  • And, helping you live longer while maintaining quality of life.


Thanks for explaining this. When I discussed treatment goals with my doctor, I pointed out that I still wanted to be able to play pickleball with my friends, and to care for my young grandchildren. We reviewed options that could allow me to stay as active as possible and manage my myeloma at the same time. 


That’s a great point, Suzanne. It’s also important to remember that your treatment goals can change throughout the course of your myeloma. Discuss them regularly, not just with your care team but also your care partner – that can be a family member or even a close friend. 


That’s right. I discussed my care with my husband AND my adult children – it’s important to keep your support team in the loop.  

And it’s also essential to understand the treatment options available to you. Bianca, what are the types of therapy available to treat myeloma? 


There are a number of different classes of therapy, which include: 

  • Proteasome inhibitors; 
  • Immunomodulatory therapies or IMiDs; 
  • Monoclonal antibodies; 
  • Stem cell transplants; 
  • There are also the new and recently approved therapies such as bispecific antibodies and CAR (Chimeric Antigen Receptor) T-cell therapy; 
  • And, of course, clinical trials.   

Clinical trials can be a good option for patients at any stage of disease, often giving patients early access to a viable and cutting-edge therapy. When considering treatment, you should ask your doctor if there is a clinical trial that may be right for you.  


Good point! When I was deciding on a therapy, my doctor and I, along with my husband, discussed the risks and benefits of each approach as well as the potential outcome of each option. My doctor also walked through the clinical trials that were available to me. 

Bianca, given all of the options, how do you decide which therapy is appropriate for a particular patient? 


That’s a great question. As mentioned in our previous video, results of in-depth testing, which determine if a patient has low-risk or high-risk myeloma, can affect your choices. Other factors that impact treatment decisions may include: 

  • Your age, overall health, and any pre-existing conditions. 
  • Potential side effects of the treatment. 
  • Previous therapies that may have been used to treat your myeloma. 
  • The financial impact of a treatment plan. 
  • And the patient’s lifestyle and preference.  


That’s right. And, you shouldn’t hesitate to weigh in on what YOUR preference is. Do your own research so you understand each treatment approach, then work WITH your healthcare team to determine what might be best for you.  


That’s excellent advice, Suzanne. So, when making treatment decisions, you should: 

  • Work with your healthcare team to understand your treatment goals. 
  • Talk with your doctor about all available treatment options. 
  • And, inquire about any clinical trials that may be right for you. 
  • Then, discuss the pros and cons of each option. 
  • Bring a care partner with you to appointments and take time post-visit to discuss the proposed plan and treatment options. 
  • And, always remember that you have a voice in your care. Speak up and ask questions. You are your own best advocate. 


Great advice, Bianca. Don’t forget to visit powerfulpatients.org/myeloma to learn more. Thank you for joining us!  

Understanding Myeloma | How You Can Collaborate in Your Care

Understanding Myeloma | How You Can Collaborate in Your Care from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

This animated video reviews the types of myeloma, essential testing following a myeloma diagnosis, and advice for working with your healthcare team for the best overall care.

See More from Collaborate Myeloma

Related Resources:

Collaborate | Being an Empowered Myeloma Patient

Myeloma Support and Resources | Why It’s Essential to Voice Your Concerns

The Benefits of Shared Decision-Making for Myeloma Care



Welcome back! I’m Bianca, and I’m a nurse. I specialize in caring for people with myeloma. And this is Suzanne, a myeloma patient advocate.  

In this video, we are going to learn more about diagnosis and testing, and how test results may impact myeloma care. 


That’s right, Bianca. Most patients want to–and should– understand their diagnosis. Let’s start with the basics. Can you explain the different types of myeloma? 


You bet. Let’s start with MGUS, which stands for monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. MGUS typically has no signs or symptoms and is characterized by an abnormal protein in the blood or urine. This type of myeloma doesn’t require treatment but should be monitored regularly. 

Smoldering myeloma is a very slow-growing type of myeloma. It also does not present with symptoms. Patients with smoldering myeloma have a higher chance of needing treatment, so blood and urine studies are ordered regularly. 

And then there’s multiple myeloma, which is a buildup of plasma cells in the bone marrow that crowds out healthy cells, and causes symptoms and other problems in the body. Multiple myeloma requires treatment, and there are a number of approaches available. 


Thanks for explaining the difference. When I was initially diagnosed, I underwent a series of tests that included a blood test, bone marrow biopsy, urine test, and imaging.  


Those are the standard tests when diagnosing myeloma. Your healthcare team should also order a more in-depth FISH test, which comes from the bone marrow biopsy sample, and FISH  testing can provide a better understanding of your disease. This is important because the results may impact your treatment options. 


Right—and it’s important ensure that you have had all necessary testing including this more in-depth test. You should also review the lab results with your healthcare team. You can ask questions like:  

  • Am I high-risk or low-risk?  
  • What do the results mean? 
  • How will the results impact my options for therapy? 
  • And, how often should testing be repeated? 


That’s good advice, Suzanne. All of the information gathered during your diagnosis, or following a relapse, should be considered as well as your overall health when deciding on a care plan.   

And, as you’ve modeled, working with your healthcare team to make therapy choices is essential. This is a process called shared decision-making, which basically means that patients and their providers collaborate on healthcare decisions. Participating in this process encourages patients to engage in their care, helping them to feel more confident about the approaches they choose. 


That’s right! Working WITH my healthcare team makes me feel included and brings peace of mind when considering my options.  


That’s the way it should be—you should always be at the center of your care. So, when considering a plan with your healthcare team, here are a few key steps: 

  • Start by understanding your diagnosis. 
  • Develop a good relationship with your healthcare team so that you can participate in your care. 
  • Ensure you have had all essential testing, including in-depth testing. 
  • Discuss the tests results with your doctor and ask questions about what they mean. 
  • And, as always, do research on your own and confirm what you’ve learned with your healthcare team. 


And don’t forget to visit powerfulpatients.org/myeloma to view more videos with Bianca and me. Thank you for joining us!  

Understanding Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment Options

Understanding Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment Options from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How is small cell lung cancer (SCLC) treated? Dr. Triparna Sen discusses treatment options for patients with small cell lung cancer, both first-line and second-line therapies, and the important role of clinical trials in patient care. 

Dr. Triparna Sen is an associate professor in the department of oncological sciences and co-director of the Lung Cancer PDX Platform at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. Learn more about Dr. Sen.

See More from Thrive Small Cell Lung Cancer

Related Resources:

Essential Small Cell Lung Cancer Testing

Essential Small Cell Lung Cancer Testing 

Expert Advice for Patients With Small Cell Lung Cancer

Expert Advice for Patients With Small Cell Lung Cancer

Advances in Small Cell Lung Cancer Research | Hope for the Future

Advances in Small Cell Lung Cancer Research | Hope for the Future



How do test results impact care? 

Dr. Sen:

So, you know, once the doctor has confirmed the small cell lung cancer and we have confirmed what stage it is at – what I mean by staging is that it could be either a limited stage disease which is an early stage small cell, or it could be an extensive stage of small cell. The treatment for those two are quite different. So, if it is an early stage or limited stage, patients are usually treated with chemoradiation. If it is an extensive stage or a metastatic small cell, then patients are usually given a standard of care which is chemotherapy in culmination with immunotherapy which is an antibody against PD-L1.  


You’re talking about treatment options that are currently available for small cell lung cancer. What about targeted therapies?  

Dr. Sen:

There aren’t very many therapeutic strategies that are targeted therapies as we speak like we hear from non-small cell lung cancer.  

So currently, like I mentioned, the frontline treatment for small cell lung cancer is with chemotherapy and immunotherapy and maintenance with immunotherapy alone.  

Once the patient relapses, which often is the case – all patients actually have resistance to the frontline chemo-io (chemoimmunotherapy) at some point in time. Once they have a relapse disease, the second line of therapy until now is with either topotecan or irinotecan which are two topoisomerase inhibitors or with lurbinectedin which is in the second line.  

So, when it comes to targeted therapies, so far we a have seen, you know, the conventional way that we think about EGFR inhibitors or KRAS inhibitors, it hasn’t been the case so far with small cell lung cancer. It’s very limited in the current approved setting. But there are many clinical trials that are investigating several targeted therapies that are either targeting – I can speak about that more as I talk about research strategy. But there are many targeted agents that are targeting surface targets like DLL3, B7-H3, or SEZ6. There are other targets that are targeting things like DNA damage repair, proteins, or epigenetic regulators like LSD1. But so far in the approved setting, it is quite limited.  


When we look at what therapies are available, what treatment options are available, what are some typical side effects? How are they managed?  

Dr. Sen:

Some of the major side effects that you see, especially with a frontline chemo-io (chemoimmunotherapy), are very common like you see with other cancer types. Also, it’s usually myelosuppression.  

I think it is prevented or is managed either by dose reduction or treatment delays or treated with transfusion. There has been research that CDK4/6 inhibitors, trilaciclib, when treated with in combination with chemotherapy can bring down the side effects that we see with chemotherapy.  

Some of the immunotherapy related adverse events includes pneumonitis, colitis. They are usually treated with early steroids, treatment withholding, and also it could be leading to permanent discontinuation of the treatment if the adverse events are really severe. Those are mainly what we see we the chemo-io (chemoimmunotherapy) regimen that is given up front.  


Okay. What questions should someone be asking about their proposed treatment plan?  

Dr. Sen:

Right. So, I think, of course, first is what stage. The treatment will depend upon the stage of small cell. Usually, on the frontline, everyone is given chemotherapy and immunotherapy. 

It’s a systemic therapy that’s being given. But I think the patient should be asking questions like are there clinical trials available for me. Because there are multiple clinical trials right now in the frontline and the second line setting.  

So, I think definitely the patient should ask about the clinical trials that the qualify for. In terms of contributing to research, I think if there are options for them to either sign up for blood collection protocol or for tissue collection protocol, I think the patient should definitely enroll for that.   

Because that really helps our research strategy. But in terms of treatment, I think they should ask about available clinical trials that they qualify for.  


Let’s turn to clinical trials then. Patient participation, of course, is essential to finding new and better treatments. What would you say to someone who’s hesitant to participate in a clinical trial?  

Dr. Sen:

Yes. I mean, that’s often the thing. We hear about these novel drugs. They’re in trial. For a disease that’s that aggressive, I think once there is a relapse, I think clinical trials could be a very good option for patients. These are novel drugs that have come out of very robust research that we do in the lab. They can often work quite a bit. So, I think, of course, talk to your physicians. Talk to them at length about whether you do qualify for it. But if there is a trial at the center that you’re getting treated at and if the doctor advises that, I think enrolling in a clinical trial could be a very good option for patients, especially in the aggressive setting where there are not many options available for patients.  

As I mentioned here, research is my true north. I mean, all my lab does is understanding the biology of small cell. It’s extremely essential that we actually try to get the knowledge of the patient tumor. So, if you have availability of contributing either in terms of tissue or blood to research, I think I would advise and encourage patients to definitely contribute to that. 

Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Right for You? Questions to Ask Your Myeloma Care Team

Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Right for You? Questions to Ask Your Myeloma Care Team from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can myeloma patients decide if CAR T-cell therapy is right for them? Myeloma expert and researcher Dr. Beth Faiman discusses the role of shared decision-making in patient care and questions to ask the care team when considering CAR T-cell therapy.

Dr. Beth Faiman is an Adult Nurse Practitioner in the department of Hematologic Oncology and Blood Disorders at the Cleveland Clinic. Learn more about Dr. Faiman.

See More From Thrive CAR T-Cell Therapy

Related Resources:

Advice for Myeloma Patients Undergoing CAR T-Cell Therapy

Advice for Myeloma Patients Undergoing CAR T-Cell Therapy

What Do You Need to Know When Considering CAR T-Cell Therapy?

What Do You Need to Know When Considering CAR T-Cell Therapy?

Considering CAR T-Cell Therapy | Key Advice From an Expert

Considering CAR T-Cell Therapy? Key Advice From an Expert


Katherine Banwell:

So, Dr. Faiman, when a patient is talking with their care team about CAR T-cell therapy, what questions should they be asking to help determine if CAR-T is even right for them?  

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Katherine, that’s an excellent question. So, let’s just say that somebody from Patient Empowerment Network heard about CAR T-cell therapy for myeloma and then sought out a local institution that might be conducting that procedure.   

So then, they come for that visit and what you mentioned was just spot on, getting a list of questions together. What we do at my institution, as well as many throughout the country, is a process called shared decision-making.  

You might’ve talked about this on prior webinars, but shared decision-making occurs when that healthcare team, such as the physician, nurse practitioner, pharmacist, whoever, shares information with the patient and their care partner.  

You mutually share information to arrive at a decision. So, many studies have been done on shared decision-making. It’s done in many different areas. And so, through that sharing of information, you might think of different questions.  

Some of the things that I try to proactively offer – we all have our list of things that we educate our patients on, but some of the things I proactively will recommend to patients and their care partners when you’re seeking an opinion at these centers is, “How long will I be sick? What are the biggest side effects of the medication I have to worry about?” Asking your care team – I know it sounds silly, but are they aware of all your prior health concerns, especially if you’re coming for an evaluation.  

Maybe you have peripheral neuropathy where you have numbness and tingling in your fingers or toes or a history of kidney disease. Your kidneys look fine now but maybe a few years ago at the myeloma diagnosis the kidneys had a temporary failing and now they’re better so they’d want to protect you with future medications. How long will you have to take medications after the CAR-T procedure? There’s antiviral medicines, antibacterial medications, and medications called IVIG, which strengthens your immune system.  

And then, finally, asking about the infection protection afterwards. Do you have to get vaccinated again against pneumococcal, shingles, and all of those other things that we do. The cellular therapy guidelines suggest timepoint for one, three, five, etc., months after CAR T-cell procedure to get revaccinated. So, who’s going to do that for you?  

How are you going to know what to get? So, make sure that they give you a timeline, calendars, and set expectations for what you need to do as a patient and then you’ll help them set expectations for what they need to do to provide you the accurate education.  

Collaborate | Being an Empowered Myeloma Patient

Collaborate | Being an Empowered Myeloma Patient from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

When facing a myeloma diagnosis, how can you actively engage in your care? This animated video shares tips and advice for becoming empowered in your care, including understanding and setting treatment goals and educating yourself about myeloma.

See More from Collaborate Myeloma

Related Resources:

Questions and Considerations When Making Myeloma Treatment Decisions

How to Thrive and Set Myeloma Treatment Goals

What Should Myeloma Patients Ask About Developing Research



Hi! I’m Bianca, and I’m a nurse specializing in myeloma. And this is Suzanne, who is living with myeloma.  

Together, we’re going to guide you through a series of videos to help you learn more about your myeloma and we’ll share tips to help you play an active role in your care and treatment decisions. 

Suzanne, I must say, you’re a great example of an empowered patient.  


Thank you, Bianca! It wasn’t always the case, but I’ve had some expert guidance from my healthcare team – including you!  

Bianca, what does it mean to be an empowered patient, exactly?  


We can start with the World Health Organization’s definition of patient empowerment, which is: “a process through which people gain greater control over decisions and actions affecting their health.” 


That sounds right to me—as I’ve become more engaged in my care, I’ve definitely felt more confident and in control of decisions.  But when I was first diagnosed with myeloma, I was overwhelmed…and so was my family. Once we took proactive steps to learn more about my diagnosis and find the right healthcare team, I was able to access better overall care and to feel confident about my role in decisions.  


Exactly, Suzanne. Let’s walk through some keys steps to becoming empowered, starting with diagnosis and education: 

  • When considering your care team, it’s a good idea to seek a second opinion with a myeloma specialist.  
  • A specialist can confirm your diagnosis, help you define your treatment goals, and provide peace of mind about your decisions.  
  • And, you should also educate yourself about your myeloma. If you’re watching this video on the Patient Empowerment Network website, you’ve already taken this step! 
  • In addition, there are a number of other advocacy groups specific to myeloma that provide a wealth of resources and support. You can ask your healthcare team for recommendations for learning about myeloma.  


That’s right, Bianca. And, it’s useful to access to your online patient portal, if available. You can use the portal to view medical records and test results and to communicate with your healthcare team.  

And as I’ve learned, it’s also important to actively participate in your care. This means speaking up and asking questions, which is not always easy. Bianca, what advice do you have for better communication with your healthcare team? 


  • First, always prepare for appointments by writing down a list of questions in advance. You can use the Notes app on your smart phone or download one of the Office Visit Planners on the Patient Empowerment Network website to help you organize your thoughts.   
  • And, try to bring a friend or loved one to appointments to help you remember information and to take notes. 
  • Finally, it’s essential to realize that your doctor wants to know how you are doing and is there to help you. If you are hesitant about a treatment option or a side effect is bothering you, let someone on your healthcare team know. You can even send a message through your patient portal. 


That’s great advice, Bianca! I like the convenience of communicating through the patient portal, particularly if questions come up after my office visit. Remember, you have a voice in your care decisions, so speak up and ask questions.   


That’s right! And, visit powerfulpatients.org/myeloma to view more videos with Suzanne and me.   

Thanks for joining us!  

Considering CAR T-Cell Therapy? Key Advice From an Expert

Considering CAR T-Cell Therapy? Key Advice From an Expert from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

CAR T-cell therapy can be a big undertaking, so what should you know when considering this option? Dr. Adriana Rossi shares advice for patients, including key questions to ask your healthcare team.

Dr. Adriana Rossi is co-director of the CAR T and stem cell transplant program at the Center for Excellence for Multiple Myeloma at Mount Sinai Health System in New York City. Learn more about Dr. Rossi.

See More From Thrive CAR T-Cell Therapy

Related Resources:

Questions to Ask Your Doctor About CAR T-Cell Therapy

Questions to Ask Your Doctor About CAR T-Cell Therapy

Myeloma Research | CAR T-Cell Therapy Clinical Trials

Myeloma Research | CAR T-Cell Therapy Clinical Trials

How to Access Myeloma Financial Resources

How to Access Myeloma Financial Resources


Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Rossi, we discussed the process of accessing CAR T-cell therapy, which can be a big undertaking. How do you counsel patients who are considering this treatment option? 

Dr. Adriana Rossi:

Mostly, I want to make sure that they are well-educated and understand as much as we do and as much as we can convey. I am fortunate to be part of a big multidisciplinary team so there is social workers, clinical coordinators, other specialists, dentists, cardiologists, to give all of the perspectives. I like to make sure that they know what it is and also that they know what it isn’t. So, it is not a stem cell transplant and it is not another line of therapy that you just sign up for and go into blindly.  

So, making sure they’ve had all of their questions answered, and it’s not something they read on the Internet. They have spoken with one of the CAR T physicians, understand all of the steps of the process, and have questions to their very individual needs addressed.  

Katherine Banwell:

If a patient is interested in possibly doing CAR T-cell therapy, what questions should they ask their healthcare team?  

Dr. Adriana Rossi:

I think again making it personal to them. Does the team think they are a good candidate? Is this the right time? Because they may be a good candidate but not even need it at the moment. Or, again, there are things that we could do between now and the cells to optimize the success both in efficacy and toxicity.  

Understanding what side effects are expected for that individual because, again, we can usually judge these will be more likely or less likely. And then, do I have a plan in place to find the right center and continue the care and the monitoring near home after that?  

Coping With AML | Financial and Mental Health Resources

Coping With AML | Financial and Mental Health Resources from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What emotional and financial support is available for patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML)? Dr. Alice Mims shares advice about how to access mental health support and financial assistance for AML care.

Dr. Alice Mims is a hematologist specializing in acute and chronic myeloid conditions. Dr. Mims serves as the Acute Leukemia Clinical Research Director at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – James. Learn more about Dr. Mims.

See More from Thrive AML

Related Resources:

Thriving With AML | Advice for Setting Goals and Making Treatment Decisions

Acute Myeloid Leukemia Care | Who Are the Essential Team Members


Katherine Banwell:

Let’s talk a little bit about mental health resources. Managing the worry associated with a diagnosis or concerns about relapse, or even various side effects can lead to emotional symptoms like anxiety and fear.  

Why is it important for people with AML to share how they’re feeling with their healthcare team? 

Dr. Alice Mims:

So, I think it’s very important because, one, all of those feelings are normal feelings. I think they’re sometimes that from going through such a rapid diagnosis and then having to start treatment pretty quickly and going through all the ups and downs with these types of diagnosis can really lead to for some patients PTSD-type symptoms. And then there are also things that can evolve over time where their anxiety or even survivorship guilt as you go if you move forward and are doing well, where you may have some friends or people you met along the way who may not have had as good outcomes. And so, there are resources available based off of where you are.  

But for survivorship, oncology-specific counseling to deal with some of these feelings that are understandable and normal for what patients have been through. 

Katherine Banwell:

Can a social worker help? And are there other people on the healthcare team who can support a patient’s emotional needs? 

Dr. Alice Mims:

Oh, absolutely. So, I think it’s really place-dependent on where you are but yes, absolutely. Social workers are a great resource for patients. There may be other collaborative teams based off of where you’re receiving your treatment that may be available that are maybe patient support groups where you can go and be with other patients or Facebook, social media support groups. And I think all those can be very helpful. And I know at least at our center, we also have patient mentors who have been through and gotten through to the other side of transplant or whatnot who are great resources, because they’ve lived and experienced it. 

And I think that’s just as a physician, I can talk about things that I don’t have that personal experience having lived through it. And I think that’s very important… 

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. It’s a… 

Dr. Alice Mims:

…to be able to have somebody to talk to. Yeah. 

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. What about the financial aspect of treatments? There are many people who would find it difficult to find and maybe they don’t have insurance, or their insurance doesn’t cover a lot. How do you help patients who are dealing with financial restrictions?  

Dr. Alice Mims:

Sure. So, I think that we’re fortunate here because we have a lot of support staff to help patients with our financial counseling team. We also have people within the medication assistance programs who can help find foundation grants to help with medication support, travel support. 

I think for patients who may not have those things available at their individual center, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is a great place to reach out for. And there are other foundations as well who at least may have navigators to help patients figure out other resources or funding available.  

Essential Thrombocythemia Watch & Wait | What Patients Should Know

Essential Thrombocythemia Watch & Wait | What Patients Should Know from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What is watch and wait, and what does it mean for essential thrombocythemia (ET) patients? Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju defines this term, helps viewers to understand why it’s beneficial to wait before beginning treatment, and shares advice for managing the worry that can be associated with this time period.

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju is Director of the Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm (BPDCN) Program in the Department of Leukemia at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Pemmaraju


Related Programs:

Increased MPN Symptoms | What Does It Mean for Patients

Increased MPN Symptoms | What Does It Mean for Patients?

Expert Advice | Living and Thriving With an MPN

Expert Advice | Living and Thriving With an MPN

Advances in Research | Emerging MPN Therapies on the Horizon

Advances in Research | Emerging MPN Therapies on the Horizon


Katherine Banwell:

Stephanie writes, “I have ET, and I’m not being treated. Do you have advice for the watch-and-wait period? I’m anxious about the disease changing and don’t know what I’m waiting for.” So, before you answer the question, Dr. Pemmaraju, would you define this term, watch and wait?  

Dr. Pemmaraju:

I will. And to Stephanie and everyone out there, this is a great question. I will say half the folks I talk to actually call it watch and worry, okay. Some people call it watch and wait, and as Stephanie’s saying, some people call it watch and worry.  

Yeah, the concept is threefold. One is that there are many cancers, many cancers, including blood cancers, that can be caught so early on that they don’t require treatment. A lot of patients with CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, ET, as Stephanie mentioned, in the solid tumor. It’s very common to be diagnosed with a prostate cancer that’s low grade, early stage that can be observed. Number two is in ET, there is a science behind it.   

What we found in our studies, and they can be updated over time and you’ll see those, the traditional is that if you’re below the age of 60 and/or you’ve had no blood clot, thrombotic event, that’s considered low risk. And the treatment can be observation, perhaps adding in a baby aspirin to prevent against blood clots if there’s no contraindication. Now what’s magic about that age 60, obviously as you know, it’s not magic. It’s more of a statistical, continuous variable algorithm that says around that time, the risk of blood clots goes up.

And so then you’d consider cytoreductive therapy at that point. Now there’s exceptions to that. Many of our young patients are on therapy, but there’s usually some reason for that. Some high-risk feature, wildly uncontrolled blood counts, for example, symptom burden, some other high-risk features. So, it’s a suggestion. It’s a guideline, not an absolute. And then the third part of it is, the what do you do in that time? And that’s the frustrating thing. And I think that’s what Stephanie’s getting to.  

Again, that’s why I said the watch and worry versus watch and wait. Some of it is, how are you feeling outside of this? Some patients take it as a great news. Hey, you have this blood cancer, that’s not good news. But the good news is it’s probably not going to be active for a long time, we can, “just watch it.” But some people, as Stephanie is saying, take it the opposite way. What do you mean I got a blood cancer? I got something lurking in my body. You’re telling me it’s there, you know it’s there. And so what’s up with that? And the concept there is that some of these situations like low-risk ET, we found that if you treat too early, too aggressively, you can actually do harm.  

So, that’s the key. These chemo drugs are not benign as you had me discuss earlier. They have toxicity, side effects, short-term, long-term. So, it’s a risk-benefit thing. If the risk far outweighs the benefit, as in the younger patient with no symptoms, no high-risk features, observation is okay. But at some point, when it turns, that’s the threshold.  

So, really the key is, if we believe these are stem cell blood cancer disorders, we need to be thinking about and designing therapies with minimal to no toxicity. Something that actually modifies the disease early on and something that leads to long-term outcomes. And we don’t have that yet in ET. We’re working on that in PV and myelofibrosis. So, stay tuned for that.

And then finally, let me also add, this is an important point, not everybody gets it. This watch and wait versus watch and worry. So, I’m glad Stephanie brought that up because it’s not always good news, uniformly, when you tell someone, good news is you don’t have to do anything bad news, there’s something there. 

Why Are CAR T-Cell Therapy Care Partners So Important to a Patient’s Recovery?

Why Are CAR T-Cell Therapy Care Partners So Critical for a Patient’s Recovery? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What role do CAR T-cell therapy care partners play in patient recovery? Expert Sarah Meissner shares her perspective on the role of a care and discusses potential side effects to look out for after the therapy. Care partner Adrienne talks about the side effects her husband experienced, and how they were managed.

Sarah Meissner, RN, BSN, BMTCN, is a Blood and Marrow Transplant and Related Donor Search Coordinator at the Colorado Blood Cancer Institute. Adrienne is a Care Partner to her husband, who underwent CAR T-cell therapy.

See More from The Care Partner Toolkit: CAR T-Cell Therapy

Related Resources:

CAR T-Cell Therapy Care Partners: What Questions Should You Ask the Healthcare

CAR T-Cell Therapy Care Partners: What Questions Should Your Ask the Healthcare Team?

How Can a Social Worker Help CAR T-Cell Therapy Care Partners

How Can a Social Worker Help CAR T-Cell Therapy Care Partners?

A CAR T-Cell Therapy Care Partner Shares Her Story

A CAR T-Cell Therapy Care Partner Shares Her Story



What is the care partner’s role in helping the patient through this process? And why are care partners so critical for a patient’s recovery?  

Sarah Meissner:

So, the care partner is a huge part of this process. After the cells are infused, there is a 30-day close monitoring period. And it’s a requirement for our center that the patient have a 24/7 caregiver during that time. There are a lot of side effects that can happen, and the patient is not going to be able to drive for two months. 

So, they need somebody with them at all times to be monitoring for these symptoms as well as bringing them to their appointments, helping them with their medications, day-to-day stuff at home as well. 


Adrienne, if you don’t mind, what sort of side effects did your husband have? 


No, I don’t mind. He had from the immunosuppressing chemotherapy, he had really low numbers for a while and that just made him feel pretty bad. And he didn’t have any really bad side effects where we had to go to the hospital. Well, I guess we did a few times. He had just a little bit of fever, which you have to report and make sure that it’s okay.  

So, we did have to go twice. But it really didn’t end up being anything too bad. He did have a fall down the stairs at our house. So, if we did it different, I think because we had to be there every day for two weeks and the monitoring, I think that we would probably have rented a hotel that didn’t have these stairs just because he’s used to going up and down the stairs, but I don’t know if he just lost his footing. But it was extremely scary with everything else that he was going through. And that might have been part of the cognitive thing. I feel like most of his side effects, actually, started hitting months after the cognitive things. 

But the stress was more on just caring for him and making sure that he was okay and just being ready just in case something happened. 


Yeah. It’s like being on high alert 24/7. 




Sarah, could you describe some of the common side effects? 

Sarah Meissner:

Yeah. So, there are two main sets of side effects that we’re looking for with CAR T therapy. The first is something called cytokine release syndrome. So, this happens when the CAR T cells latch onto those cancer cells and kill them and stuff gets put out into the patient’s blood stream. That can cause what’s called a cytokine response. And it’s, basically, proteins that cause inflammation. So, common side effects that we see with that are fever, low blood pressure, high heart rate. 

Some people need some oxygen. It looks very similar to what we would see in sepsis or a severe infection. The good news about that is there is a medication that’s very effective in treating cytokine release syndrome. And so, that’s why it’s important for the caregiver to notice these things and bring them into the hospital so they can get that treatment right away. The other set of side effects is something called neurotoxicity. So, if you think of the brain as a group of wires that is sending signals throughout the body, with neurotoxicity, those wires can kind of get jumbled. They’re not necessarily cut. This isn’t an irreversible thing. 

They get jumbled and can kind of mix up those signals. So, we can see patients that are confused. Patients can have seizures. We start everybody on anti-seizure medication as a prevention method. They can get a tremor and we can see changes in their handwriting. 

So, we assess for this twice a day during those first 14 days by asking them a simple set of five questions. To name certain objects, to count back from 100 by 10, ask them what day it is, that kind of stuff and then, to write out a sentence. And we can see subtle changes in that functioning in the handwriting. So, this like the cytokine release syndrome, if we start to see it, there are medications that we can use to treat it. We usually put people in the hospital for a little closer monitoring. But these are things that the caregiver usually will catch onto before the care team because they know them best.  

And they can catch onto those subtle changes maybe in their personality or little confusion or stuff like that.  


Well, that leads me to the next question, which is what sorts of questions should care partners be asking their team?  

Sarah Meissner:

Yeah, definitely.  

So, they should be asking what they should be looking for, what side effects would constitute something that they need to report. They should be asking, “Who are we reporting to, what phone number or who are we reporting these things to?” Those are the main things to be looking for. We use a home monitoring system at our center. So, maybe some specific questions about monitoring dependent on your center and how they’re having the caregiver look for these side effects.  


But back to the cytokine syndrome, my husband did have this effect where he had the high fever, and that’s why we went in. And we did get the Toci dose [tocilizumab], which is a special medicine that kind of calms the inflammation down. So, I think that some of the questions that I would have pretty much are what to expect but I was given that. And I think maybe it would be good to meet other people that had gone through this before you’re actually going through it.  

I didn’t have that luxury, because my husband was only the second person in our hospital to do it. But to know what’s going on from another caregiver’s perspective would be nice. 

CAR T-Cell Therapy Care Partners | What Do You Need to Know About the Process?

CAR T-Cell Therapy Care Partners | What Do You Need to Know About the Process? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What is the role of the care partner when a loved one is undergoing CAR T-cell therapy? Registered nurse and transplant coordinator Sarah Meissner is joined by Adrienne, a care partner, as they discuss the importance of care partners in the CAR T-cell therapy process. They review key questions to ask the healthcare team, explain patient side effects to monitor for, and share resources that can help support care partners throughout their loved one’s recovery period.

Sarah Meissner, RN, BSN, BMTCN, is a Blood and Marrow Transplant and Related Donor Search Coordinator at the Colorado Blood Cancer Institute. Adrienne is a Care Partner to her husband, who underwent CAR T-cell therapy.

See More from The Care Partner Toolkit: CAR T-Cell Therapy

Download Resource Guide

Related Resources:

Expert Advice for CAR T-Cell Therapy Care Partners

Expert Advice for CAR T-Cell Therapy Care Partners

What Resources Are Available for CAR T-Cell Therapy Care Partners

What Resources Are Available for CAR T-Cell Therapy Care Partners?

Are You a CAR T-Cell Therapy Care Partner_ Why You Should Ask for Help

Are You A CAR T-Cell Therapy Care Partner? Why You Should Ask for Help.


Katherine Banwell:

Hello and welcome. I’m Katherine Banwell, your host for today’s program. Today, we’re going to discuss the role that care partners play in supporting their loved ones who are going through CAR T-cell therapy. Before we meet our guest, let’s review a few important details. The reminder email you received about this webinar contains a link to a program resource guide. If you haven’t already, click that link to access information to follow along during the program. At the end of this webinar, you will receive a link to a program survey. This will allow you to provide feedback about your experience today and it will help us plan future webinars. 

Finally, before we get into the discussion, please remember that this program is not a substitute for seeking medical advice. Please refer to your healthcare team about what might be best for you. 

Well, let’s meet our guest today. Joining me is Sarah Meissner. Sarah, welcome. Would you please introduce yourself? 

Sarah Meissner:

Hi. My name is Sarah Meissner. I am a transplant and CAR T coordinator at the Colorado Blood Cancer Institute in Denver. And I have been working with blood cancer patients for 13 years and in my current role for 8. 


Excellent. Thank you so much for being with us today. And here to share the care partner perspective is Adrienne. Adrienne, welcome to the program. 


Thank you for having me. 


So, let’s begin by learning more about Sarah’s role. Sarah, can you explain what you do as a transplant coordinator at CBCI? 

Sarah Meissner:

Of course. So, I like to say that as a coordinator, I am kind of the travel agent of the CAR T process. So, I meet with the patients when they are determined to be a candidate for CAR T-cell therapy.  

And I act as kind of the intermediary between the patient and the care team. I help them get set up for all of their appointments as well as provide education for what’s going to be occurring. 


Okay. So, when someone is undergoing CAR T-cell therapy, who are the essential members on their healthcare team besides you?  

Sarah Meissner:

We have a pretty big care team. So, of course, we have the physician who is kind of at the helm for determining the care plan. We also have financial coordinators, social workers, dieticians, as well as the nursing team who will be providing the care to the patient. 


So, how many people could be on a team?  

Sarah Meissner:

It could be as many as 10. It just depends on the individual patient’s needs and how different people can help. 


How do you, specifically, work with CAR T-cell patients and care partners? 

Sarah Meissner:

So, I am their main contact during the process. So, any questions that come up that I can help with, I’m there via phone, email, in person meetings. I also am big in education. So, sitting with the patient when they’re in clinic and helping them understand what this treatment is, why we’re doing it, what they can expect and just helping them through the process. 


Great. Adrienne, I’d like to turn to now to you and find out more about your experience. How did all of this begin for you and your husband? 


This all began with my husband and I, we both are very active, and we work out a lot. And he had some pain in his lower back and his groin area. 

And we started going to physical therapy and a chiropractor. And the chiropractor was doing besides just chiropractic, he also did physical therapy stuff, too. His pain wasn’t getting any better. And after a few months, he called to get an MRI and that’s when they found his myeloma was in the MRI. Because of his age, he was diagnosed in 2018 at I’m trying to think how old he was. He was around 37. So, it was a very early diagnosis maybe but he definitely was on the young side of having this kind of cancer. So, that’s how we found out.  

And then after that, it was just kind of a whirlwind on how we would care for him and what we needed to do to get him better. 


Yeah. It must have been hard.  


Yeah. It was hard. 


What was the process like for you as his main care partner?  


My role once he was diagnosed was just to do everything I could to find out. We didn’t really know about the disease before. So, to find out what the best care for him was. We did a lot of research. We ended up going to several doctors before deciding what treatment plan we were going to go with. 

And then, he had some ups and downs, some failed treatments. And that’s where we went into CAR T, because we had so many failed treatments before.  


Did you feel like you were doing a lot of research? Were you doing a lot of homework Googling stuff? 


Well, kind of trying to but we were also told not to do that too much, because it’s always the worst-case scenario online. But we did that somewhat and we got as much information from each institute we went to. And we went to, like I said, we went through three, and then we ended up at CBCI at the end where we are now.   

So, we started to discover that the first few lines of treatment were pretty standard. When you’re put into a situation where you find out your spouse has cancer, all you want to do is you want to find the magic miracle that’s going to cure them. And we did have to just go through the steps of standard care first. And we’re hoping that this CAR T-cell works. It’s working really well right now.  


I was just going to ask you, how are you and your husband doing now? 


We’re doing pretty good. He’s still very tired. He’s, actually, taking a nap right now. And he has ups and downs. He definitely feels a lot better overall. He is getting back to normal life. But there are times where he just doesn’t feel quite right and has some physical pain and some cognitive issues. 

And we don’t really know if that’s from CAR T alone or if it’s also just from the last five years of having chemo and bone marrow transplant and all of the care before the CAR T-cell. 


Sarah, can you answer that question about cognitive difficulties that Adrienne’s husband is having? 

Sarah Meissner:

Yeah. So, it is pretty common to have what we call chemo brain after any treatment really. And in the case of Adrienne’s husband, he’s had several rounds of chemotherapy going into the CAR T treatment. So, it can be kind of an accumulative effect of all of that. And it is something that people struggle with post-treatment. 

It’s kind of a brain fog, not remembering things. So, working with the team and neurologists can be helpful in some cases. So, that is something that we see. 


Well, let’s shift the conversation a bit to learn more about how the CAR T-cell therapy process works. Sarah, would you walk us through the typical path? 

Sarah Meissner:

Of course. So, it is a pretty protracted treatment. It starts off when the patient is determined to be a CAR T-cell candidate. 

At that point, we are looking at getting testing to confirm that eligibility so based off of disease process as well as performance status and organ function. So, there are a series of tests that are done, and then those are sent to the insurance company in order to obtain authorization for treatment. After we have received the authorization, then the patient consents for treatment with their physician where we review the plan of care, side effects, risks, benefits, all of that. And then the T-cell collection takes place. So, this is a one day, outpatient procedure. We put a temporary catheter into the patient that goes into their neck and we use this to collect the T cells. 

So, the patient gets hooked up to an apheresis machine, which kind of looks like a dialysis machine. And it filters the patient’s blood.  

It takes blood out of the patient’s body, goes into the machine into a giant centrifuge where the blood is separated into different densities. And then, the T-cells are extracted from the density of the blood where it is and then, taken out and collected in a bag. This is a three- to four-hour process usually and then, when we are finished, we are left with a bag of T cells. Those T cells are then shipped off to a manufacturing site for the specific pharmaceutical company that is going to be manufacturing the patient’s T-cells. And that can take anywhere from three to eight weeks depending on the product.  

During this time period, most patients have an active blood cancer that is going to need some treatment while we’re waiting for those cells. So, it is something we call bridging therapy. They may or may not receive that depending on what’s going on in their case.  

After the T cells are manufactured, they get shipped back to our center as a frozen block. And we have the patient come back in. They get a few days of chemotherapy. We call this lymphodepleting chemotherapy. So, this isn’t chemo that’s meant to treat the patient’s disease but to suppress their immune system so that when we put these CAR T cells back into their body, the patient’s immune system doesn’t fight them off before they can do their job. So, that’s typically two or three days depending on which products the patient is getting and which disease is being treated.  

Then, they get a few days off and then, that frozen block of cells is brought out of the freezer, brought to the patient, thawed in a water bath that looks kind of like a hot dog cooker. 


That’s an odd image. 

Sarah Meissner:

There is water in there that’s heated to body temperature and the frozen block of cells is thawed.  

And then, those cells are infused into the patient’s body and go to work to fight the patient’s cancer. 


What is the care partner’s role in helping the patient through this process? And why are care partners so critical for a patient’s recovery? 

Sarah Meissner:

So, the care partner is a huge part of this process. After the cells are infused, there is a 30-day close monitoring period. And it’s a requirement for our center that the patient have a 24/7 caregiver during that time. There are a lot of side effects that can happen, and the patient is not going to be able to drive for two months. 

So, they need somebody with them at all times to be monitoring for these symptoms as well as bringing them to their appointments, helping them with their medications, day-to-day stuff at home as well. 


Adrienne, if you don’t mind, what sort of side effects did your husband have?   


He had from the immunosuppressing chemotherapy, he had really low numbers for a while and that just made him feel pretty bad. And he didn’t have any really bad side effects where we had to go to the hospital. Well, I guess we did a few times. He had just a little bit of fever, which you have to report and make sure that it’s okay. 

So, we did have to go twice. But it really didn’t end up being anything too bad. He did have a fall down the stairs at our house. So, if we did it different, I think because we had to be there every day for two weeks and the monitoring, I think that we would probably have rented a hotel that didn’t have these stairs just because he’s used to going up and down the stairs, but I don’t know if he just lost his footing. But it was extremely scary with everything else that he was going through. And that might have been part of the cognitive thing. I feel like most of his side effects, actually, started hitting months after the cognitive things. 

But the stress was more on just caring for him and making sure that he was okay and just being ready just in case something happened. 


Yeah. It’s like being on high alert 24/7. 




Sarah, could you describe some of the common side effects? 

Sarah Meissner:

Yeah. So, there are two main sets of side effects that we’re looking for with CAR T therapy. The first is something called cytokine release syndrome. So, this happens when the CAR T cells latch onto those cancer cells and kill them and stuff gets put out into the patient’s blood stream. That can cause what’s called a cytokine response. And it’s, basically, proteins that cause inflammation. So, common side effects that we see with that are fever, low blood pressure, high heart rate. 

Some people need some oxygen. It looks very similar to what we would see in sepsis or a severe infection. The good news about that is there is a medication that’s very effective in treating cytokine release syndrome. And so, that’s why it’s important for the caregiver to notice these things and bring them into the hospital so they can get that treatment right away. The other set of side effects is something called neurotoxicity. So, if you think of the brain as a group of wires that is sending signals throughout the body, with neurotoxicity, those wires can kind of get jumbled. They’re not necessarily cut. This isn’t an irreversible thing. 

They get jumbled and can kind of mix up those signals. So, we can see patients that are confused. Patients can have seizures. We start everybody on anti-seizure medication as a prevention method. They can get a tremor and we can see changes in their handwriting. 

So, we assess for this twice a day during those first 14 days by asking them a simple set of five questions. To name certain objects, to count back from 100 by 10, ask them what day it is, that kind of stuff and then, to write out a sentence. And we can see subtle changes in that functioning in the handwriting. So, this like the cytokine release syndrome, if we start to see it, there are medications that we can use to treat it. We usually put people in the hospital for a little closer monitoring. But these are things that the caregiver usually will catch onto before the care team because they know them best.  

And they can catch onto those subtle changes maybe in their personality or little confusion or stuff like that.  


Well, that leads me to the next question, which is what sorts of questions should care partners be asking their team? 

Sarah Meissner:

Yeah, definitely. 

So, they should be asking what they should be looking for, what side effects would constitute something that they need to report. They should be asking, “Who are we reporting to, what phone number or who are we reporting these things to?” Those are the main things to be looking for. We use a home monitoring system at our center. So, maybe some specific questions about monitoring dependent on your center and how they’re having the caregiver look for these side effects. 


Adrienne, based on your experience, are there any questions that you would recommend care partners ask their healthcare team?  


I think that it’s kind of one of those things where you have to experience it. I feel like I did have all of my questions answered. 

But at the same time, you don’t really know what you’re getting into until it’s actually happening. 



Adrienne: But back to the cytokine syndrome, my husband did have this effect where he had the high fever, and that’s why we went in. And we did get the Toci dose [tocilizumab], which is a special medicine that kind of calms the inflammation down. So, I think that some of the questions that I would have pretty much are what to expect but I was given that. And I think maybe it would be good to meet other people that had gone through this before you’re actually going through it.  

I didn’t have that luxury, because my husband was only the second person in our hospital to do it. But to know what’s going on from another caregiver’s perspective would be nice. 


Yeah. We’re going to talk about resources in a moment. But, Sarah, I wanted to ask you, “What are some of the common issues that care partners face?” 

Sarah Meissner:

I think this is a very stressful time here. Your loved one is not feeling well, and there are these potential side effects. And so, that can cause a lot of stress on caregivers that they’re kind of the one in charge. They’re looking for these things. Of course, they want the best for their loved one. So, it can be a very stressful time.  

Frequent appointments. Here in Denver, we have terrible traffic. So, if people live far away from the center, it’s fighting rush hour every morning to get here. That can add a lot of stress as well as if you have other things going on at home, too, other family members who need you, it’s a lot to take on. 


Adrienne, what experiences or issues did you have in taking care of your husband? 


Well, we do have a child. She was 2 at the time. So, I did have to plan childcare pretty much every day for two weeks, which I am fortunate to have lots of friends and family here in Denver, so I was able to get that covered. 


It’s a lot of responsibility for you. 

It’s a higher level of responsibility, I guess, right, because you’re taking care of your child and now, your husband is very sick. And you want to make sure that everyone’s needs are being met. 


Right. And driving, like Sarah had said, the driving was an issue, because it was so far for us. There are potholes and with the little bit of change in mood and not feeling well, it was hard for him to be in the car so long and not getting to drive himself. So, I think that was not the best experience. I think if we did it next time, we would try and just be closer to the hospital.   

And for me to take care of everybody else, I did make sure that I would try and work out and not being able to leave the house with him. So I work out in the living room just to get some of my own stress out, or I would have somebody come and watch him if I really wanted to go to a class to work out. And like I said before, we were very lucky to have his parents that live in town and then my mother and my sister. So, that’s something that is important to have a network of people to help you because I don’t know, depending on what you have on your plate. I think it would be almost impossible to do it all by yourself, especially if you have to work or you have children to take care of.  

So, that’s some advice or what I’ve learned from this experience. 


Yeah. Was it hard for you to take time for yourself? Did you feel guilty? I know a lot of people think “Oh, I need to focus all of my attention on my child or my sick spouse.” It can be difficult to say to yourself, “I really need to take half an hour or an hour,” and then, find somebody to help you out with the caregiving.   


Yes. I did find it difficult. And you just know that there is going to be an end in sight. You think,”If I can just last through the month so I did sacrifice.” But at the same time, my main concern was that my husband would get through this. So, I did feel a little guilty. And I would get a little bit of time.  

But me, personally, I just wanted to push through that month and especially that first two weeks. And then, I knew that I would be back to doing the things I love.  


Yes. Rather than looking too far forward, I guess it’s trying to get through every day each day. Yeah. I’m going to switch back to ask Sarah a question. Sarah, why is it so important that care partners communicate any issues with their healthcare team? 

Sarah Meissner:

So, those side effects that we talked about, there are drugs that we can use to treat them, but they work best when we can get those drugs in as soon as possible. So, if we’re starting to see signs of cytokine release syndrome, we want to get that tocilizumab (Actemra) infused in the patient within two hours.  

So, it’s really important that we know that these side effects are popping up so that we can treat it appropriately. 


All right. We spoke about support a few moments ago. Sarah, this is, obviously, a very taxing experience for everyone, the patient and care partner. Where can care partners find support during this time looking outside family members and relatives nearby? What other resources are available? 

Sarah Meissner:

Absolutely. I would encourage people to work with their local psychosocial team first. There may be support groups within the program that they’re receiving treatment at that could be helpful or, like Adrienne talked about, other patients or caregivers who have gone through this that they can be connected with.  

There is also some great support resources through The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. They do have caregiver support. They have patient support, connections with patients, and that kind of stuff. So, that is another good place to look as well as the different manufacturing groups that make these CAR T cells do have patient support groups as well. So, maybe some more information, maybe some caregiver resources. They’re all a little bit different but that would be another good place to look.  


Adrienne, did you find any resources that you would recommend?  


Well, I used, and not on particularly CAR T cell but I do have one in there, but Facebook does have closed groups that you can join. 

I did this for his bone marrow transplant. And I do get a lot of support on that particular one. It’s for spouses and caregivers in particular. So, look for that and there is one on CAR T cell but for multiple myeloma. But at the time, it was very new so there wasn’t a lot of back and forth on there. But you can really connect with people, and, of course, it’s not a substitute for any kind of medical advice. But it is nice to talk to people that are going through the same thing, especially with his bone marrow transplant. There were other caregivers that were, actually, doing it at the same time. So, that was kind of like a reassuring thing to have this little group of people that we knew were all doing it at the same time.  


Yeah. That’s great support. Sarah, how can care partners make sure they’re taking care of themselves? What can they be doing? 

Sarah Meissner:

I think it’s hard going through this process. The focus is so much on the patient and what they’re going through. And caregivers often forget that they have needs, too. So, taking the time to look within and recognize when you’re feeling stressed and maybe you need some support. Reaching out to friends and family is a great thing if you have that option. If you have the option to have somebody come in and hang out with the patient for a period of time, so you can go to a work out class or you can just go grab some groceries or go do something for yourself and have a few minutes that you’re not having to worry about watching the patient can be really a great thing for people. 

Sometimes, if patients don’t have other support, caregivers will take the time that the patient is in clinic and being watched by the care team to maybe go run a quick errand or do something. And that’s definitely an option as well.  


Adrienne, we talked about this, but do you have any advice for care partners as they begin the process? 


Yes. I would just say that it’s only temporary and that the first two weeks is really intense, but it definitely gets better. And just to keep your eyes peeled on all of those little things that might not be right, because it’s really important to get them back into clinic if they need it and to take a little time for yourself.  


Yeah. Well, before we end the program, I’d like to get final thoughts from both of you. What message do you want to leave care partners with? Adrienne, let’s start with you. You may have already answered this question just a moment ago. 


The message that I think that we would like to give, my husband, too, is that this is a lot of work, but he has had a very successful remission. And it’s very promising, and we’re excited to have a long future with this. It’s much better than having chemo every week.  

And it’s improved his quality of life. So, I think that as a caregiver, it’s a lot of work, but it’s definitely worth the work, because the end result, hopefully, will be life-changing. 


Yeah. Sarah, do you have anything to add? What information would you like to leave care partners with? 

Sarah Meissner:

Yeah. The care partners are such a crucial part of this process. Without them, we can’t provide this treatment. So, it’s a very important role, and we are very thankful that you are willing to do this for your loved one so that we can give them this treatment and, hopefully, get them into remission and have great results from that. So, make sure that you take the time that you need to be able to be there for your loved one and, again, just thank you for being willing to do this.  


Well, Sarah and Adrienne, thank you so much for joining us today. This has been really great to talk to you both.

Sarah Meissner:

Thank you.  


Thank you. 


And thank you to all of our partners. If you’d like to watch this webinar again, there will be replay available soon. You’ll receive an email when it’s ready. Also, don’t forget to take the survey immediately following this webinar. It will help us as we plan programs in the future. To access tools to help you become a proactive patient, visit Powerfulpatients.org. I’m Katherine Banwell.   

Endometrial Cancer Treatment Options for Patients to Consider

Endometrial Cancer Treatment Options for Patients to Consider from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What do endometrial cancer patients need to consider for treatment options? Expert Dr. Ebony Hoskins explains key factors that play into treatment decisions and recommended questions for patients to ask their doctor.

Dr. Ebony Hoskins is a board-certified gynecologic oncologist at MedStar Washington Hospital Center and assistant professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology at Georgetown University Medical Center.


“…asking the right questions in terms of “How effective is this treatment that you’re recommending? Do you think it’s worth the side effects? Is my quality of life going to be affected? Can I still travel?”

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Dr. Hoskins, how do you work with your patients to make treatment decisions and what increase in treatment options, what should endometrial cancer patients consider when deciding on treatment?

Dr. Ebony Hoskins:

So I think this is a good question. In terms of patients up front, I think we follow kind of certain guidelines, if you will and providing standard of care and the first frontline therapy is pretty standard, right? In terms of advanced treatment, when patients recur and we have to look at alternate treatment therapies, I always look at the patient, I always look at what their medical problems are or any side effects. And, of course, the data to see how well are they going to do what side effects and quality of life?

There are numerous factors that are not just something looking in a book and say, “Okay, I’ll take A,” right? Like I think we have to look at all of that and make a decision with our patients over undergoing the side effects, the efficacy, all of these things that are in mind when we talk to patients. So my activation tip for patients would be being involved in the decision-making, asking the right questions in terms of “How effective is this treatment that you’re recommending? Do you think it’s worth the side effects? Is my quality of life going to be affected? Can I still travel?” Those are questions like, we want to live, right? And I don’t think anybody wants to be stuck every three weeks getting treatment or…so those are questions to ask in terms of like, quality of life. And so those are questions that I would recommend you ask your doctor when you’re deciding what treatments. 

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What Procedures Are in Place to Protect Lung Cancer Clinical Trial Participants?

What Procedures Are in Place to Protect Lung Cancer Clinical Trial Participants? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What safety measures are in place to protect people in lung cancer clinical trials? Dr. Grace Dy reviews protocols to help maintain clinical trial safety.

Dr. Grace Dy is Chief of Thoracic Oncology and Professor of Oncology in the Department of Medicine at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, New York. Learn more about Dr. Grace Dy.

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Katherine Banwell:

What safety measures are in place to safeguard patients?  

Dr. Grace Dy:

So, there’s a lot of safety measures involved. Not just within the protocol but there are also governing committees. IRB, Scientific Review committees, that look over – and these committees typically also, actually, involve some patient advocates that will be reviewing the protocols to make sure it’s not just a scientific aspect that is looked into but also patient perspectives that are looked into when we review these protocols.  

So, from the medical perspective, protocols are generally written with guidelines to help treating doctors how to manage side effects. For example, because of the intense preparation – what we call pre-clinical, meaning the preparation done in animal models, in learning from other settings, for example; from other drugs, for example. If it’s not the first in class, you have a sense of what potential side-effects might be expected and so you prepare accordingly. 

What Are the Long-Term Effects of JAK Inhibitors?

What Are the Long-Term Effects of JAK Inhibitors? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

MPN expert Dr. Gabriela Hobbs discusses what researchers know about the long-term safety of JAK inhibitors and options for patients if the treatment loses effectiveness over time.

Dr. Gabriela Hobbs is a hematology-oncology physician specializing in the care of patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), chronic myeloid leukemia, and leukemia. Dr. Hobbs serves as clinical director of the adult leukemia service at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn more about Dr. Hobbs.

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What are the long-term effects of JAK inhibitors? And what happens when JAK inhibitors are no longer effective? 

Dr. Hobbs:

Yeah. Great question. So, so far the patients that have been on JAK inhibitors for a long time don’t seem to have the development of additional toxicities that we didn’t know about.  

So, I’ll just comment on some of the things that we do know about. Weight gain is a common complaint that I have from patients, especially those that have polycythemia vera, because maybe they didn’t want to gain weight when they were put on a JAK inhibitor compared to the myelofibrosis patients who maybe had lost a lot of weight before being on a JAK inhibitor.  

There are certainly higher risk probably of developing infections with some of the JAK inhibitors. And we see, for example, shingles reactivation being a common one. And there’s the concern of development of skin cancers, which has been seen with some JAK inhibitors. But generally speaking, long-term use seems to be safe. That being said, ruxolitinib (Jakafi), which is the oldest one to be approved, has only been around since 2011, so we don’t have decades worth of experience to know.  

When JAK inhibitors stop working – to answer the second part of your question – until fairly recently we really didn’t have a whole lot to offer because there was only one JAK inhibitor. Now we have two others. We have fedratinib (Inrebic) and also pacritinib (Vonjo). And we know from the studies that have been done with both of these agents that some patients that lose response to Jakafi, meaning that their spleen starts to grow or their symptoms start to come back, can be treated with these other JAK inhibitors.  

And many patients will, again, have control of their spleen and symptoms. Now losing response to a JAK inhibitor can come in many different ways. And so, some patients may also develop signs of having leukemia or progression of their disease to leukemia. And, unfortunately, for those patients, being on another JAK inhibitor doesn’t make sense. So, those patients may need to receive other types of medications or a stem cell transplant. 

Advances in Myelofibrosis Research

Advances in Myelofibrosis Research from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are the recent developments in the study and advancement of myelofibrosis treatment? MPN researcher Dr. Gabriela Hobbs discusses ongoing clinical trials for new JAK inhibitors, BET inhibitors, and anemia therapies, among others.

Dr. Gabriela Hobbs is a hematology-oncology physician specializing in the care of patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), chronic myeloid leukemia, and leukemia. Dr. Hobbs serves as clinical director of the adult leukemia service at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn more about Dr. Hobbs.

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What about myelofibrosis, Dr. Hobbs? What advances are being made in the care of patients with this more advanced MPN? 

Dr. Hobbs:

Yeah. So, in myelofibrosis, I would say it is almost difficult to keep track of how many clinical trials are currently open. So, in 2011, we had ruxolitinib approved, or Jakafi. That was the first JAK inhibitor. Since then, we’ve had two more JAK inhibitors approved, fedratinib (Inrebic) and most recently pacritinib (Vonjo). And we’re currently awaiting the fourth JAK inhibitor to be approved, and that’s called momelotinib.   

And in addition to the JAK inhibitors, there are lots of other clinical trials underway right now that are either alone – a drug by itself or a drug in combination with ruxolitinib.  

So, there are several Phase III studies. And the reason why that’s important is that after Phase III we usually see a drug approval. So, we can expect, hopefully in the next couple of years, to see many more drugs available on the market to treat patients with myelofibrosis. Some of those include agents that block different pathways within a cell. And that includes a drug called parsaclisib. There’s a drug called pelabresib (CPI-0610), which is a BET inhibitor.  

There’s another drug called navitoclax (ABT-263), which is a cousin of venetoclax (Venclexta), which is a drug that we’ve been using a lot in leukemia. So, there’s lots of different drugs that are being used in combination with ruxolitinib. There’s also a drug called luspatercept (Reblozyl) that’s also been approved for myelodysplastic syndromes. And I suspect that that’ll be approved as well to help patients with anemia. So, really, there’s lots of drugs that are being studied right now. And I think the question that we’re all asking is, well, how are we going to use all of these different drugs? So, I look forward to seeing the results of those studies.  


Mm-hmm. Will some drugs work better for some patients and others not? 

Dr. Hobbs:

That is such a good question. And so, what I’m hoping to see is exactly that. I’m hoping to see that for patients, for example, with anemia, perhaps we’re going to be using luspatercept and momelotinib. Perhaps we’re going to see that patients with certain mutations may respond better to certain medications like the BET inhibitors or navitoclax or the PI3 kinase inhibitor, parsaclisib. But as of now, we don’t have enough information.  

We haven’t seen enough results of these studies to start to be able to know, you know, what is the patient that’s going to do better with two drugs versus one drug? And so, I think that over the next couple of years we’re going to start to have answers to those questions.