Tag Archive for: Cleveland Clinic

What Can Patients Do to Access Better Colon Cancer Care?

What Can Patients Do to Access Better Colon Cancer Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What can patients do to access quality colon cancer care? Dr. Suneel Kamath shares tips on how to advocate for yourself, the importance of quality care versus convenient care, and colon cancer resources.

Dr. Suneel Kamath is a medical oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Kamath.

See More from DETECT Colon Cancer

Related Resources:

Why Are Colon Cancer Cases in Young People on the Rise?

Why Are Colon Cancer Cases in Young People on the Rise?

What Are Common Colon Cancer Health Disparities?

What Are Common Colon Cancer Health Disparities?

What Are Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines?

What Are Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines?



If patients feel like they’re not receiving good care or they feel like they’re being treated unfairly, what steps should they take to access better overall care?  

Dr. Kamath:  

That’s a touchy one. It makes me sad that that even happens, but it does. I would say just never be afraid to be an advocate for yourself. To me, it’s your life and the consequence of bad healthcare, unfortunately, is not going to be on those providers. It’s going to be on you. Unfortunately, I do hear from a lot of people they worry about burning bridges, or annoying someone, or angering the doctors that they’re working with. I would tell them, “Don’t worry about that.” I don’t think people need to care about my feelings or the doctor’s feelings about the situation. 

You need to make sure you’re getting the best healthcare possible. Always feel comfortable getting a second opinion, going to a bigger center. I always recommend go to the main hospitals in your area. In the U.S. especially, I think we’re too focused on convenient healthcare and not the quality of the healthcare. I would definitely advocate, even if it takes you an hour to drive downtown to Duke or Johns Hopkins in your area, or the Cleveland Clinic, or the Mayo Clinic, or whatever, it’s worth that time compared to the person who just might be five or 10 minutes from you.  


Right. Are there resources available now that might be useful for people who need, want more information?  

Dr. Kamath:  

Yes, are you talking about things that they could find online or read about? It’s in terms in of accessing care or just generally about … 


Yeah, accessing care.  

Dr. Kamath:  

Yeah. I think there, again, I would go back to the American Cancer Society. The other ones that are really great, too, are – for colorectal cancer, especially, there are a number of really great patient advocacy organizations. The two that are coming to mind are the Colorectal Cancer Alliance and then Fight CRC. Both of them have phenomenal resources as far as patients who have gone through the whole journey and various phases of the journey. What I love for them, too, is usually there’s somebody that can represent your area in those settings, in those support groups and whatnot.  

I definitely think they’re a great resource in helping people find out who are the best doctors in your area. How did you get connected with them? Unfortunately, we all have phone numbers online and whatnot to find us. But we all know when you call them you end up in this interminable loop, it seems like, sometimes to get an appointment. It’s hard to navigate it all. I think a lot of times these patient advocacy organizations can be great bridges to both finding who the right people are and how do you best get in with them.  

What Are Common Colon Cancer Health Disparities?

What Are Common Colon Cancer Health Disparities? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are common colon cancer health disparities? Dr. Suneel Kamath explains what a health disparity is, the groups impacted by these differences, and how the medical community addresses them in colon cancer care.

Dr. Suneel Kamath is a medical oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Kamath.

See More from DETECT Colon Cancer

Related Resources:

What Is the Role of Genetic Testing in Colon Cancer Care?

What Is the Role of Genetic Testing in Colon Cancer Care?

What Can Patients Do to Access Better Colon Cancer Care?

What Can Patients Do to Access Better Colon Cancer Care?

What Are Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines?

What Are Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines?



Disparities in healthcare can impact a patient’s experiences and outcomes. What are some common health disparities?

Dr. Kamath:  

Yeah, there are so many. I think with colorectal cancer in particular, access is really a huge one. People who are in underserved communities, often people of color, have less access due to systemic racism in healthcare and in insurance, lack of opportunity with employment. I’ve always thought having a purely employer-based healthcare system is not the smartest idea.  

People who are often the sickest are the least able to work and the least able to maintain their health insurance. It does a disservice to our population to have thing set up that way. Yeah, I think that’s a huge barrier. I think there’s also a lot of stigma, especially amongst people of color, around colonoscopies, things to do with your colon and rectum and whatnot. I think that’s something we also need to work on, to normalize that as something that should be done regularly and that this isn’t a bad thing. It’s just something we all have to do. 


Right. Well, what is being done by the medical community to address these imbalances? 

Dr. Kamath: 

I’ve really seen, I think, a legitimate push towards community outreach in the last few years. Unfortunately, we’ve known about these disparities for decades and I think a lot has been said about addressing them since the ‘80s and ‘90s.  

But to be honest with you, I don’t think very much was really done until recently. What I’ve seen is a really concerned effort to put resources into identifying what are those barriers. Where is the distrust coming from? Who are trusted sources in your community? We’re tapping into pastors and preachers and the barbershop guy. You don’t ask people, “Who do you trust to get your information from?” If you don’t ask the question you’re never going to know. 

Recently, I think we’ve actually really done the work to find out what is going to motivate you to get something done? What’s going to make it feel normal to you and having trust healthcare? We’re seeing a lot more engagement, I think, as a result of that.  


Are members of the medical community going out into the African American community to find out who they should be talking to?  

Dr. Kamath:  

We have been, actually. I reviewed a grant – just to speak of Cleveland Clinic in particular, a couple of years ago that the project that is being funded by it is still ongoing. Basically, we conducted focus groups of people at church. After the service was done, we conducted a focus group to ask them, “What are your thoughts about screening?” It was for colon cancer and for others as well. “What are your thoughts about this? What are your fears about it? What are things we could do to make you feel more comfortable with accessing this part of your care? Who do you go to to get trusted information?”  

As a result of that, doing it in their community, in the church setting where they feel safe and comfortable, we saw significant spike in the number of people who came for colonoscopies, for mammograms. We do PSA testing there and we set up a lab there. We found a big spike in the number of people who got those things done and we identified quite a few people who had cancer at early stages and we were able to cure them at much earlier stages than otherwise.  

What Is the Role of Genetic Testing in Colon Cancer Care?

What Is the Role of Genetic Testing in Colon Cancer Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Dr. Suneel Kamath discusses the role of genetic testing in managing colon cancer. From understanding hereditary mutations to the significance of family history, learn why awareness is important.

Dr. Suneel Kamath is a medical oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Kamath.

See More from DETECT Colon Cancer

Related Resources:

Research Advances in Colon Cancer Screening and Detection

Research Advances in Colon Cancer Screening and Detection

What Can Patients Do to Access Better Colon Cancer Care?

What Can Patients Do to Access Better Colon Cancer Care?

What Are Common Colon Cancer Health Disparities?

What Are Common Colon Cancer Health Disparities?



Where does hereditary testing or genetic counseling come in as a screening tool? 

Dr. Kamath:

Hereditary testing, I think, is so important. I wouldn’t say it’s the best screening tool. It’s often best once somebody has already been diagnosed and you know that the disease is in the family. I do think it’s really, really important for people who have a family history of any cancer. Again, I go back to the fact that I think a lot of us don’t really know our family histories. I find for a lot of people when they’re first diagnosed with a cancer, that’s the first time they go talk to Mom and Dad, and to Uncle Joe Aunt Shirley, and they say, “Hey, do we have anything like this in the family?” 

And it actually turns out – I often hear the second and third visits, “It actually turns out I do have a strong family history of cancer.” I just urge people that it’s not an easy thing to talk about, but have that conversation with your family. Also, be open to sharing that information if it was you because these things have heavy implications on everyone in your entire family.  

Also, importantly, it doesn’t have to be the same cancer. A lot of people think it’s only if you have a family history of colorectal cancer that you might be at increased risk of others. But there are many syndromes that link uterine with colorectal and stomach and breast and whatnot. Being aware of any family history of cancer can really help us trigger the right genetic testing to find out if you have a hereditary syndrome or not.  

What Are Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines?

What Are Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are the guidelines for colon cancer screening? Dr. Suneel Kamath explains the current recommendations, including the appropriate screening age and reviews risk assessment based on factors such as family history and race. 

Dr. Suneel Kamath is a medical oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Kamath.

See More from DETECT Colon Cancer

Related Resources:

Research Advances in Colon Cancer Screening and Detection

Research Advances in Colon Cancer Screening and Detection

What Can Patients Do to Access Better Colon Cancer Care?

What Can Patients Do to Access Better Colon Cancer Care?

What Is the Role of Genetic Testing in Colon Cancer Care?

What Is the Role of Genetic Testing in Colon Cancer Care?



It seems like the suggested ages for screening may vary based on gender and race and family history. What are the current screening guidelines?

Dr. Kamath:

The current screening guidelines that are unfortunately due this rise, there is now recommendation for starting colon cancer screening at age 45. That’s really for everybody. There are certain people that really should be screened even earlier. We definitely know that the black community is affected at a higher rate. There are some professional societies, like the AGA or ACG, that actually recommend starting even earlier in the black community, maybe even by age 40. 

And then, the other thing I always try to emphasize is with this is the usual screening guidelines that we talk about are for what we call the average risk population. I do think that we overestimate how many people are average risk. One of the things that I think is not talked about as much is that if you have a family history of even polyps – high risk polyps – that also means that your family members should get screened earlier, 10 years earlier, than the age that you were found to have a high-risk polyp.  

But my experience has been most people don’t share with their families that they had those. Let’s say I had a colonoscopy done one day and they found those, they get taken out, and they just say, “Oh, come back in three years,” instead of 10. As far as I’m concerned, that’s where it ends. But actually, the fact that I had those polyps has implications for my siblings, for children, and everything. I don’t think most people are in the habit of disseminating that information. As a result of that, a lot of people are probably at increased risk and they’re really not aware of it.


Yeah. Where can patients find the most up-to-date information regarding screening?

Dr. Kamath:

The best resource, to me, is the American Cancer Society, their websites. They’re highly reliable, they’re easy to understand, and I find that they’re very balanced. They’re not going to be overly pushing one side or the other. But they’re going to be evidence-based. As we all know, there is so much fake news and misinformation out there, especially when it comes to health. I think having a resource you could really trust and understand is key and the American Cancer Society, you find, is an excellent resource.  

Why Are Colon Cancer Cases in Young People on the Rise?

Why Are Colon Cancer Cases in Young People on the Rise? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Why are colon cancer cases rising among young people? Dr. Suneel Kamath delves into the risk factors, early symptoms of colon cancer, and the importance of consulting with your doctor.

Dr. Suneel Kamath is a medical oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Kamath.

See More from DETECT Colon Cancer

Related Resources:

Research Advances in Colon Cancer Screening and Detection

Research Advances in Colon Cancer Screening and Detection

What Are Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines?

What Are Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines?

What Is the Role of Genetic Testing in Colon Cancer Care?

What Is the Role of Genetic Testing in Colon Cancer Care?



Well, colon cancer cases in young people are on the rise. Do we know why this is happening?  

Dr. Kamath:  

Yeah, honestly, we really don’t to this point. We have a lot of hypotheses that we’re investigating to get to the bottom of that but it does seem like some of the usual risk factors for developing colon cancer later in life are still true. Obesity, sedentary lifestyle, a diet that’s high in red meat, processed foods. I do think to some extent the fact that we’re doing these things earlier and earlier in our lives. I think we’re seeing that the rates of obesity and overweight are not just increasing but they’re also occurring in people’s teenage years and in their 20s and 30s.  

It’s a time dependent process. I do think some people being at a higher than healthy body weight and leading a sedentary lifestyle starting at age 10 may lead to a cancer by age 30 or 40. I do think that’s part of it. But I do think there’s probably some other undescribed factor. We know plenty of people who come in who are runners and healthy, and honestly they’re healthier than I am to be honest with you and they still develop this for no reason. I am sure there’s some other exposure that we still need to identify.  


What symptoms should young people be paying attention to?  

Dr. Kamath:  

It’s a great question. Fortunately, with early onset colorectal cancer, it’s much more likely to be on the left side of the colon, or closer to the exit, if you will. 

The good thing about that is the symptoms of it can be a little bit easier to detect. A lot of people describe to me that they have more blood in their stool. They found that they were straining harder than normal or having had a thinner stool caliber. I would also emphasize that these are often symptoms that go on for weeks and months at a time. All of us might eat the wrong thing for a day or two and get some stomach issues here or there so I don’t want people to overreact to every little symptom.  

Certainly, if you’re having constipation that’s going on for several weeks in a row, that’s often not going to be a benign thing. If you have that type of symptom and it’s persistent, definitely talk to your doctor and get it checked out.  

Research Advances in Colon Cancer Screening and Detection

Research Advances in Colon Cancer Screening and Detection from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are the latest research advances in colon cancer screening and detection? Dr. Suneel Kamath explores cutting-edge screening modalities, including a noninvasive test and innovative blood tests.

Dr. Suneel Kamath is a medical oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Kamath.

See More from DETECT Colon Cancer

Related Resources:

Why Are Colon Cancer Cases in Young People on the Rise?

Why Are Colon Cancer Cases in Young People on the Rise?

What Are Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines?

What Are Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines?

What Can Patients Do to Access Better Colon Cancer Care?

What Can Patients Do to Access Better Colon Cancer Care?



The American Society of Clinical Oncology annual meeting just wrapped up. What were the highlights from the meeting related to colon cancer screening and detection?  

Dr. Kamath:  

This was some evidence that came out prior to the meeting but there was quite a bit of buzz about it at ASCO itself. There’s a number of new screening modalities that have obtained their FDA approvals or have had major data releases for, which have looked extremely promising. The first one that comes to mind is the ColoSense test. This is an RNA-based stool test. It’s a stool test similar to Cologuard but it’s a slightly different technology where it’s using RNA instead of DNA like Cologuard did.  

Similar to many of the other tools, it’s showing excellent performance in terms of how sensitive it is to detecting colon cancer. They showed in a prior publication they could detect almost 95 percent of colorectal cancers. It was also a rather specific test, too, so 88 percent specificity. What this is telling us is that this test if very good at detecting colorectal cancer when it’s there but also, equally importantly, it’s very good at not giving you a false positive, which is also very important with any screening test.  

So, we’re really excited to see that. We’re increasingly thinking about noninvasive ways, beyond colonoscopy, that we can improve colon cancer screening.  


How does it compare with Cologuard, then?  

Dr. Kamath:  

This one is called ColoSense, yeah. I would say both of these numbers in terms of the sensitivity, meaning that’s the level of detection. If someone does have colorectal cancer, how well do you detect that. That sensitivity of almost 95  percent is definitely a little bit higher. Specificity is also, I would say, a little bit higher. I do think that this test would likely both detect more colorectal cancers that Cologuard would and it would also give you fewer false positives at the same time.  


And is this going to be something that people can take the test at home?  

Dr. Kamath:  

Yes. This should be because it says a stool-based test. I’m sure a lot of the logistics would still need to be worked out, as with any new test. Having the kit sent to the primary care doctors’ offices and things like that. Arranging for that infrastructure, I’m sure, will take some time. But, yes, this test is pretty easy and simple to do. It should be the same as sending in any other stool-based test into a lab.  


Is there other research you’re excited about?  

Dr. Kamath:  

Yes. Another one that I’m really excited about is there are these blood-based screening tests as well. A couple are coming to mind. One is from Guardant Health. They have been developing this assay specific for colorectal screening for some time. They’ve also been talking about their data for a blood-based test.  

For them, the number is also still quite good. They’re saying that the sensitivity is about 83%, so maybe a little bit lower than the RNA one but specificity is 90 percent. So, maybe actually a little bit better with that. So, I’m very excited about this one because this is a blood-based test that could be done at a doctor’s office. We all know practicalities are if you can just order a test in the lab and have someone get a draw the same as getting your lipid panel checked or other things that are routinely done, that’s very easy to do and you can be pretty certain someone’s going to follow  through on that.

Whereas, we know with these stool-based tests, it’s about a third to half of patients, even though you send them home with a kit, you may not get the specimen back at all.  

Cancer Survivorship | The Positive Impact of Peer Support

Cancer Survivorship | The Positive Impact of Peer Support from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Dr. Kathleen Ashton and Erica Watson, a cancer survivor and patient advocate, discuss the importance of giving and receiving peer support for people with cancer and its positive impact.

Dr. Kathleen Ashton is a board-certified clinical health psychologist in the Breast Center, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute at Cleveland Clinic. Learn more about Dr. Ashton.
Erica Watson is a breast cancer survivor and patient advocate.

Related Resources:

What Does Cancer Survivorship Mean?What Does Cancer Survivorship Mean? Cancer Survivorship | Ongoing Healthcare and Follow-Up

Cancer Survivorship | Ongoing Healthcare and Follow-Up

Becoming Empowered: Navigating Obstacles to Empowerment That Can Lead to Better HealthNavigating Obstacles to Empowerment That Can Lead to Better Health 


Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Ashton, what can you tell us about the importance of peer-to-peer support in cancer care and survivorship?  

Dr. Ashton:

I think peer-to-peer support is so important for survivors.  

It really gives survivors the chance to talk with other people who really understand what it’s like going through this process. So, as a professional I can tell patients the science and give them tools and what works, and their oncologists can tell them what’s important for them to do, but the lived experience is so important. So, in our group program they get some of that peer-to-peer support. And when Erica says, “Hey, it really helped me to bring someone with me to my scan,” a patient really hears that in a different way than when your professional tells them.  

So, it’s just that much more meaningful. There’s another program at the Cleveland Clinic called   4th Angel, and it’s a national program that any patient can take advantage of, and it matches you with a peer mentor.  

And they often check in by phone with each other, someone who’s been through a very similar experience, and patients often find that incredibly helpful. And many patients that move into survivorship, then they become a mentor and they’re able to help another patient.  

And that really feels good to be able to give back in that way.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah, that’s wonderful. Erica, you have a family history of breast cancer, so you’ve been really vigilant in your care over the years. What advice do you have for other patients and family members facing a cancer diagnosis? Where do you find your strength?  

Erica Watson:

Well, I got it from a handful of sources. I learned a lot on my faith. I talked to my family members who were diagnosed with breast cancer and that are currently living. I was not afraid to ask questions. I cried a lot. I just really leaned heavily on my medical team.  

I feel like it is so important as Dr. Ashton was saying to be able to reach out or connect with someone that has actually lived the experience, because I was one of those women. I heard it from the medical team, but they were leaning on science, and I needed someone that actually went through what I was going through.

That allowed me to understand and to trust what they were telling me. Not that I didn’t trust my medical team, but the family members or anyone else that I leaned on to support actually lived the life that I was getting ready to live, experienced what I was getting ready to experience. So, that really helped me a lot.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. As you navigated care, were there any obstacles or hurdles that you faced?  

Erica Watson:

Well, the main one that sticks out to me today was as an African American woman, I didn’t feel as if I had a lot of resources that were catered to me and my needs. And so, that kind of stifled my search for research or for resources, because I didn’t have an experience with women that looked like me, that talked like me, that lived like me, that would have experienced the hair loss like I experienced, my skin changes with the sun.  

So, those were the obstacles that I faced, and it was tough. Of course, I had my family to lean on, I have my aunt my sister, but there are so many women out there that don’t have family members that have gone through breast cancer, and I feel so like it’s necessary for us to be able to see and to experience the diversity in that area. 

We make up a huge demographic, but we are just not represented the way that I feel like we should.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah, I absolutely agree. And I know that the medical community is trying to reverse this issue; they’re trying to make it easier and more supportive for people of all colors and races. Why do you think it’s important for survivors to actually be an advocate and help other people as they navigate cancer?  

Erica Watson:

I believe the most important reason is just so that they know that they’re not alone. We can, as a breast cancer survivor, I know it was – my first response was to just go into a shell and hide.  

I didn’t want to share it with anyone. Of course, my family did not, they would not have understood, and this was before reaching out to my sister and my aunt. But yeah, just so that we’re not alone, to know that there are other women out there that are experiencing and feeling the exact same thing that we are experiencing and feeling; the questions, the concern, the guilt, the fear, we just need to be able to know and connect in that way. So, I just – yeah, I’m so passionate about that, and that’s it.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. It’s so helpful to know you’re not alone in how you’re feeling, in some of the symptoms you’re having, to know that other people have experienced the same thing is vital. 

Cancer Survivorship | Ongoing Healthcare and Follow-Up

Cancer Survivorship | Ongoing Healthcare and Follow-Up from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Dr. Kathleen Ashton explains what a cancer survivorship care plan is, what to expect following after active treatment, available survivorship tools and resources, and she reviews follow-up care for cancer survivors. 

Dr. Kathleen Ashton is a board-certified clinical health psychologist in the Breast Center, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute at Cleveland Clinic. Learn more about Dr. Ashton.
Erica Watson is a breast cancer survivor and patient advocate.

Related Resources:

What Does Cancer Survivorship Mean?What Does Cancer Survivorship Mean? Cancer Survivorship | The Positive Impact of Peer SupportCancer Survivorship | The Positive Impact of Peer Support Becoming Empowered: Navigating Obstacles to Empowerment That Can Lead to Better HealthNavigating Obstacles to Empowerment That Can Lead to Better Health 


Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Ashton, we often hear about the importance of creating a survivorship care plan. What is that exactly, and where do you and a patient start when you’re creating such a plan?  

Dr. Ashton:

That survivorship care plan is such an important part of the process. I think for many patients it really helps relieve a lot of anxiety. When you’re finished with your active treatment there’s really a thought of what next, right?  

You’ve just gone through surgery or chemotherapy, radiation; you’ve been actively treating the cancer, and then you’re kind of left like, what is this new normal? So, one of the things we do at the Cleveland Clinic is patients have a survivorship visit. So, it’s either with their oncologist or with a nurse practitioner, and they spend an hour with the patient and go through what are all the treatments you’ve done? What’s your plan for the next five years? How often do you come in to see your doctor? What kinds of tests are you going to get, what kind of scans? What you need to be looking for? What would be a sign of something to be concerned about? And then a big part of that plan is also the lifestyle changes that occur in survivorship. So, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, stress management, getting enough sleep. And that’s where as a psychologist a lot of times I come in.  

We have a group called Breast Cancer STAR (Survivorship Tools and Resources), so it’s a five-week program for our survivors to work on changes with lifestyle, stress management, all of those changes in their life moving forward.  

And that’s a virtual group program where survivors can talk to each other about that survivorship plan as well as learn some skills to take with them.  

Katherine Banwell:

It’s great to have that support. We know that this varies by cancer, but what is the typical follow-up that occurs when monitoring for recurrence?  

Dr. Ashton:

So, I usually would probably leave that question to the oncologist, and so many different kinds of breast cancer are going to have different kinds of monitoring. But very often that first-year patients will check in with their oncologist every three months. They’ll have a breast exam at many of those visits. If they still have breast tissue, then they would have mammograms or possibly MRIs. So, there’s some scans that go along with that. And many patients are also on ongoing medications or treatments that go for sometimes several years after their initial breast cancer diagnosis.  

So, they would be checking in with their oncologist on those medications at each visit as well.  

Katherine Banwell:

Erica, the follow-up care that goes along with being a survivor can be anxiety inducing or cause some call it scan-anxiety. What advice do you have for coping with these types of emotions as a survivor?  

Erica Watson:

As a survivor I will have my first scan next month, but I would just encourage survivors to just be okay with the process, ask questions, as many questions as they possibly can, take someone with them, which was suggested to me.  

I don’t have anxiety necessarily about the scans. My breast cancer was detected by pain or through pain, so I experienced anxiety with that, any kind of breast pain that I experienced from surgery or radiation therapy. And I also would just advise the patient or survivor to just experience the process, allow themselves to be afraid, talk through the reality of what’s really going on, talk through the fact that they had all the treatments, they did everything that was in their control as far as going to the appointments, getting all the care, to stop the reoccurrence.   

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Ashton, primary and preventative care continues to be essential regardless of someone’s diagnosis. What tips do you have for keeping up with overall health and well-being?  

Dr. Ashton:

Yeah, I think as women we often put ourselves last in the priority list. And for breast cancer survivors, well-being is incredibly important. And I tell patients it’s not an optional thing or something that you’re being selfish by doing, it’s actually part of your prescription as a survivor. So, the time that you take for stress management, whether it’s meditation or being outdoors or whatever brings you joy is really part of your prescription for wellness in survivorship. Exercise is incredibly important. They recommend for survivors 150 minutes of exercise a week and two days of weight training, keeping your weight normal.   

So, all of the healthy eating, healthy habits are actually what’s going to help prevent recurrence. And they’re things that or in patients’ control, so that feels good too to be able to take that time and recognize that it’s an essential part of their health, not an optional part.  

What Does Cancer Survivorship Mean?

What Does Cancer Survivorship Mean? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Dr. Kathleen Ashton and Erica Watson, a cancer survivor, explore the difference between being a survivor and survivorship. They discuss what cancer survivorship entails and Erica’s experience of finding a new normal in her journey as a survivor.

Dr. Kathleen Ashton is a board-certified clinical health psychologist in the Breast Center, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute at Cleveland Clinic. Learn more about Dr. Ashton.
Erica Watson is a breast cancer survivor and patient advocate.

Related Resources:

Cancer Survivorship | Ongoing Healthcare and Follow-Up

Cancer Survivorship | Ongoing Healthcare and Follow-Up

Cancer Survivorship | The Positive Impact of Peer SupportCancer Survivorship | The Positive Impact of Peer Support Becoming Empowered: For Cancer Care Partners_ How to Access the Support You Need

For Cancer Care Partners: How to Access the Support You Need


Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Ashton, I’d like to start with a definition. If you would tell us what the difference is and the importance of survivor versus survivorship?  

Dr. Ashton:

Sure. So, people define being a breast cancer survivor at different points along the way, and even different oncologists really think about it, dating it from different times. So, some people date it from when they were diagnosed. Other people will date survivorship from after they had their surgery or after they completed chemotherapy.  

So, everyone looks at it a little bit differently. But survivorship is really more of that process throughout someone’s life after breast cancer; taking care of surveillance, working with their doctors, ongoing lifestyle changes that they may be undergoing after breast cancer.

Katherine Banwell:

And, Erica, what does survivorship mean to you?  

Erica Watson:

I am just living with a purpose now, I guess. I have not defined where my survivorship term starts or end or starts actually. So, I’m intentional about laughing more and doing things that bring me joy and sharing my story.  

I try not to pay attention to the small things in life that used to get me all stressed out. I talk to my medical team, I ask questions, I dance in the mirror when I hear good music. I mean, I’m just trying to get the most out of life that I can at this point. And I wake up every day with gratitude, and I just go.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. Do you feel like you’ve had to adjust to a new normal?   

Erica Watson:

Oh my gosh, yes. I tend to, I guess I’ll say question things a little bit more than I did in the past, and specifically as far as my medical team; I’ll ask if I can do a thing or another with traveling, whether or not I can exercise or sit in the sun.  

I have to pay more attention to my body. I have to pay more attention to the things that I eat, those kinds of things. Which I really didn’t pay too much attention to in the beginning, but breast cancer is a part of my life and will be a part of my life. It does not define my life, but it is a part of it, and I have to pay attention to that.  

Cancer Survivorship | An Expert and a Survivor Share Inspiration and Advice

Cancer Survivorship | An Expert and a Survivor Share Inspiration and Advice from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How is survivorship defined, and what can one expect after cancer treatment is complete? Dr. Kathleen Ashton, a clinical health psychologist, shares key advice about what to expect in follow-up care and the importance of planning for the future. Dr. Ashton is joined by Erica Watson, a breast cancer survivor, who provides her personal perspective on navigating life with cancer, discusses the impact of peer support, and shares why she’s passionate about patient advocacy.
Dr. Kathleen Ashton is a board-certified clinical health psychologist in the Breast Center, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute at Cleveland Clinic. Learn more about Dr. Ashton.
Erica Watson is a breast cancer survivor and patient advocate.

Related Resources:

Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Staging | What Patients Should Know

Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Staging | What Patients Should Know

Advanced Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer | Establishing a Treatment Plan

Advanced Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer | Establishing a Treatment Plan

An Expert’s Perspective on Advanced Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Research

An Expert’s Perspective on Advanced Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Research


Katherine Banwell:

Welcome and thank you for joining us. With us today is Dr. Kathleen Ashton. Dr. Ashton, welcome. Would you please introduce yourself?  

Dr. Ashton:

I’m Kathleen Ashton. I’m a board-certified clinical health psychologist, and I specialize in working with patients with breast cancer and those with hereditary risk for breast cancer.   

Katherine Banwell:

Erica, would you introduce yourself?  

Erica Watson:

Sure. I am Erica Watson, wife, mother, grandmother, neighbor, friend, employee, sister, aunt, all those in addition to a, I’m going to say six-month breast cancer survivor.  

Katherine Banwell:


Erica Watson:

So, thank you.  

Katherine Banwell:

Well, welcome to both of you. We really appreciate you taking the time to join us. Erica, I’d like to start with you. When were you diagnosed with breast cancer?  

Erica Watson:

So, I got the official I have cancer, or you have cancer call on the 28th of February 2023. So, a little over a year ago.  

Katherine Banwell:

And how did you work with your team to decide on a treatment plan once you were diagnosed?  

Erica Watson:

Initially I went into my first appointment just automatically knowing that I was going to have a double mastectomy, because I just could not imagine having to go through any part of this process ever again. But then I settled, I listened to my medical team, we settled on doing chemotherapy first and then I made the decision on what type of surgery to have about a month-and-a-half to two months later.  

They allowed me to make the decision. And so, I didn’t feel any pressure or anything like that from them. So, it was really me listening to my medical team.  

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. And how are you feeling today?  

Erica Watson:

I’m good. I had my three-month appointment with my oncologist yesterday. I got a gold star on my blood work, it’s looking great. I’m good, I’m good.  

Katherine Banwell:

That’s such great news.  

Erica Watson:

Thank you. 

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Ashton, I’d like to start with a definition. If you would tell us what the difference is and the importance of survivor versus survivorship?  

Erica Watson:

Sure. So, people define being a breast cancer survivor at different points along the way, and even different oncologists really think about it, dating it from different times. So, some people date it from when they were diagnosed. Other people will date survivorship from after they had their surgery or after they completed chemotherapy.  

So, everyone looks at it a little bit differently. But survivorship is really more of that process throughout someone’s life after breast cancer; taking care of surveillance, working with their doctors, ongoing lifestyle changes that they may be undergoing after breast cancer.  

Katherine Banwell:

And, Erica, what does survivorship mean to you?  

Erica Watson:

I am just living with a purpose now, I guess. I have not defined where my survivorship term starts or ends or starts actually. So, I’m intentional about laughing more and doing things that bring me joy and sharing my story.  

I try not to pay attention to the small things in life that used to get me all stressed out. I talk to my medical team, I ask questions, I dance in the mirror when I hear good music. I mean, I’m just trying to get the most out of life that I can at this point. And I wake up every day with gratitude, and I just go.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. Do you feel like you’ve had to adjust to a new normal?  

Erica Watson:

Oh my gosh, yes. I tend to, I guess I’ll say question things a little bit more than I did in the past, and specifically as far as my medical team; I’ll ask if I can do a thing or another with traveling, whether or not I can exercise or sit in the sun.  

I have to pay more attention to my body. I have to pay more attention to the things that I eat, those kinds of things. Which I really didn’t pay too much attention to in the beginning, but breast cancer is a part of my life and will be a part of my life. It does not define my life, but it is a part of it, and I have to pay attention to that.  

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Ashton, the next question goes to you. We often hear about the importance of creating a survivorship care plan. What is that exactly, and where do you and a patient start when you’re creating such a plan?  

Dr. Ashton:

That survivorship care plan is such an important part of the process. I think for many patients it really helps relieve a lot of anxiety. When you’re finished with your active treatment, there’s really a thought of what next, right?  

You’ve just gone through surgery or chemotherapy, radiation; you’ve been actively treating the cancer, and then you’re kind of left like, what is this new normal? So, one of the things we do at the Cleveland Clinic is patients have a survivorship visit.

So, it’s either with their oncologist or with a nurse practitioner, and they spend an hour with the patient and go through what are all the treatments you’ve done? What’s your plan for the next five years? How often do you come in to see your doctor? What kinds of tests are you going to get, what kind of scans? What you need to be looking for? What would be a sign of something to be concerned about? And then a big part of that plan is also the lifestyle changes that occur in survivorship. So, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, stress management, getting enough sleep. And that’s where as a psychologist a lot of times I come in.  

We have a group called Breast Cancer STAR (Survivorship Tools and Resources), so it’s a five-week program for our survivors to work on changes with lifestyle, stress management, all of those changes in their life moving forward.  

And that’s a virtual group program where survivors can talk to each other about that survivorship plan as well as learn some skills to take with them.  

Katherine Banwell:

It’s great to have that support. We know that this varies by cancer, but what is the typical follow-up that occurs when monitoring for recurrence?  

Dr. Ashton:

So, I usually would probably leave that question to the oncologist, and so many different kinds of breast cancer are going to have different kinds of monitoring. But very often that first year patients will check in with their oncologist every three months. They’ll have a breast exam at many of those visits. If they still have breast tissue, then they would have mammograms or possibly MRI’s. So, there’s some scans that go along with that. And many patients are also on ongoing medications or treatments that go for sometimes several years after their initial breast cancer diagnosis.  

So, they would be checking in with their oncologist on those medications at each visit as well.  

Katherine Banwell:

Erica, the follow-up care that goes along with being a survivor can be anxiety-inducing, or cause some call it scan-anxiety. What advice do you have for coping with these types of emotions as a survivor?  

Erica Watson:

As a survivor I will have my first scan next month, but I would just encourage survivors to just be okay with the process, ask questions, as many questions as they possibly can, take someone with them, which was suggested to me.  

I don’t have anxiety necessarily about the scans. My breast cancer was detected by pain or through pain, so I experienced anxiety with that, any kind of breast pain that I experienced from surgery or radiation therapy. And I also would just advise the patient or survivor to just experience the process, allow themselves to be afraid, talk through the reality of what’s really going on, talk through the fact that they had all the treatments, they did everything that was in their control as far as going to the appointments, getting all the care, to stop the reoccurrence.  

Katherine Banwell:

Right. Dr. Ashton, what can you tell us about the importance of peer-to-peer support in cancer care and survivorship?  

Dr. Ashton:

I think peer-to-peer support is so important for survivors.  

It really gives survivors the chance to talk with other people who really understand what it’s like going through this process. So, as a professional, I can tell patients the science and give them tools and what works, and their oncologists can tell them what’s important for them to do, but the lived experience is so important. So, in our group program they get some of that peer-to-peer support. And when Erica says, “Hey, it really helped me to bring someone with me to my scan,” a patient really hears that in a different way than when your professional tells them.  

So, it’s just that much more meaningful. There’s another program at the Cleveland Clinic called Fourth Angel, and it’s a national program that any patient can take advantage of, and it matches you with a peer mentor.  

And they often check in by phone with each other, someone who’s been through a very similar experience, and patients often find that incredibly helpful. And many patients that move into survivorship, then they become a mentor, and they’re able to help another patient.  

And that really feels good to be able to give back in that way.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah, that’s wonderful. Erica, you have a family history of breast cancer, so you’ve been really vigilant in your care over the years. What advice do you have for other patients and family members facing a cancer diagnosis? Where do you find your strength?  

Erica Watson:

Well, I got it from a handful of sources. I learned a lot on my faith. I talked to my family members who were diagnosed with breast cancer and that are currently living. I was not afraid to ask questions. I cried a lot. I just really leaned heavily on my medical team.  

I feel like it is so important as Dr. Ashton was saying to be able to reach out or connect with someone that has actually lived the experience, because I was one of those women. I heard it from the medical team, but they were leaning on science, and I needed someone that actually went through what I was going through. That allowed me to understand and to trust what they were telling me. Not that I didn’t trust my medical team, but the family members or anyone else that I leaned on to support actually lived the life that I was getting ready to live, experienced what I was getting ready to experience. So, that really helped me a lot.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. As you navigated care, were there any obstacles or hurdles that you faced?  

Erica Watson:

Well, the main one that sticks out to me today was as an African American woman, I didn’t feel as if I had a lot of resources that were catered to me and my needs. And so, that kind of stifled my search for research or for resources, because I didn’t have an experience with women that looked like me, that talked like me, that lived like me, that would have experienced the hair loss like I experienced, my skin changes with the sun.  

So, those were the obstacles that I faced, and it was tough. Of course, I had my family to lean on, I have my aunt, my sister, but there are so many women out there that don’t have family members that have gone through breast cancer, and I feel so like it’s necessary for us to be able to see and to experience the diversity in that area. 

We make up a huge demographic, but we are just not represented the way that I feel like we should.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah, I absolutely agree. And I know that the medical community is trying to reverse this issue; they’re trying to make it easier and more supportive for people of all colors and races. Why do you think it’s important for survivors to actually be an advocate and help other people as they navigate cancer?  

Erica Watson:

I believe the most important reason is just so that they know that they’re not alone. We can, as a breast cancer survivor, I know it was – my first response was to just go into a shell and hide.  

I didn’t want to share it with anyone. Of course, my family did not, they would not have understood, and this was before reaching out to my sister and my aunt. But yeah, just so that we’re not alone, to know that there are other women out there that are experiencing and feeling the exact same thing that we are experiencing and feeling; the questions, the concern, the guilt, the fear, we just need to be able to know and connect in that way. So, I just – yeah, I’m so passionate about that, and that’s it.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. It’s so helpful to know you’re not alone in how you’re feeling, in some of the symptoms you’re having, to know that other people have experienced the same thing is vital.  

Dr. Ashton, primary and preventative care continues to be essential regardless of someone’s diagnosis. What tips do you have for keeping up with overall health and well-being?  

Dr. Ashton:

Yeah, I think as women we often put ourselves last in the priority list. And for breast cancer survivors, well-being is incredibly important. And I tell patients it’s not an optional thing or something that you’re being selfish by doing, it’s actually part of your prescription as a survivor. So, the time that you take for stress management, whether it’s meditation or being outdoors or whatever brings you joy, is really part of your prescription for wellness in survivorship. Exercise is incredibly important. They recommend for survivors 150 minutes of exercise a week and two days of weight training, keeping your weight normal.  

So, all of the healthy eating, healthy habits are actually what’s going to help prevent recurrence. And they’re things that are in patients’ control, so that feels good too to be able to take that time and recognize that it’s an essential part of their health, not an optional part.  

Katherine Banwell:

Erica, what advice would you give to someone who is newly diagnosed with cancer?  

Erica Watson:

I would tell them to process, take some time, slow down, trust family members and friends, listen to their medical team, know and realize that they are not alone, seek resources, and just to know that it’s not their fault, because I dealt with a little, a smidgen of that in the very beginning of my diagnosis. And to understand that there is, that today’s breast cancer is not yesterday’s breast cancer; it looks different, it feels different, and that they can do it.  

That is something that is vital. I believe that we – I know when I was first diagnosed, I remember looking in the pamphlets and hearing stories, and I just knew that there was no way that I was going to make it. I couldn’t do the sickness, I didn’t want to deal with the hair loss, all the things; I didn’t want to do with the pain, all the things that came along with a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment from chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery, but it’s not like that today. And so, I just would encourage the survivor or the patient to just be aware, do research, but don’t Google as much research, because it’s not a lot of good information on Google; it will definitely scare you.  

Katherine Banwell:

No, that can be dangerous.  

Erica Watson:

Yes, it will, it will scare you. But most of all, lean on family members and friends, ask for help, which is something that I did not do initially, because I am a woman and I can do it all on my own, and that didn’t work out well for me in the beginning. But just seek guidance, just reach out to someone that they know, advocate, any kind of mental health resources that are offered through the hospital or even in the community through nonprofit organizations, to do all those things. And Dr. Ashton has really encouraged me and pushed me to think of myself, to put myself first and understand that breast cancer or cancer in itself is a disease.  

It’s sickness, it needs to be treated properly, and that’s what I would give them.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. I want to thank both of you so much for joining us. And do you have anything else to add?  

Erica Watson:

Well, I’m very excited to hear Erica’s point of view as she goes through this process, and excited for her to share her experience as an African American woman. I think absolutely as healthcare providers in the system we need to do better, and I know her reaching out in this way is going to make a difference for someone listening to her story who is thinking about getting a mammogram or is starting to go through treatment. So, I just appreciate her today.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. Erica, do you have anything to add?  

Erica Watson:

I just want to thank Dr. Ashton. I want to thank you. I just want to thank – I’m grateful and honored for the opportunity to be able to share my story. I am a true believer, and if it helps one person then that’s mission accomplished.  

And I believe in locking arms and let’s just, accomplishing the goal and fighting this fight together.  

Katherine Banwell:

That’s a great way to end the interview. Thank you both again so much, it’s been a pleasure.  

Erica Watson:

Thank you.  

Dr. Ashton:

Thank you.

How Is Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Patient Care Managed?

How Is Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Patient Care Managed? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Dr. Moshe Ornstein from Cleveland Clinic delves into the management of advanced renal cell carcinoma, where the cancer has spread beyond the kidney. He highlights that while the majority of patients require therapy, a small subset may undergo observation with regular CT scans.

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See More from START HERE Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)

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Diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma? Start Here

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Exploring Renal Cell Carcinoma Research | Expert Insights on Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapy

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Lisa Hatfield:

Another patient asking how is advanced renal cell carcinoma managed, and what is considered the standard of care for managing that?

Dr. Moshe Ornstein:

So when we talk about the management of advanced kidney cancer, when I hear advanced, I’m thinking about cancer that has spread beyond the kidney. So there are spots in the lungs, maybe there are spots in the liver or the bones, cancer that’s going to require therapy. I do want to highlight that there is a subset of patients in my practice, maybe 10 percent of patients who have advanced kidney cancer, and we’re actually just watching them with CT scans.

We actually don’t treat them, we just keep watching. That’s a minority. But it is important to know because if someone’s doctor tells them that we’re just going to watch it, it’s not necessarily a crazy thing. So to keep that in mind that there is a subset of patients, small percentage, but it’s a real percentage, where even though their kidney cancer is “metastatic,” it’s just going to be watched with careful CT scans, let’s say, every three to four months.

For the patient who is going to get treatment, which is the overwhelming number of patients, those patients are generally, when I say generally, I say in my practice, probably 95 percent of these patients are going to get an immunotherapy-based combination as their first line of treatment. Immunotherapy has different names in the literature. You might see immunotherapy, you might see checkpoint inhibitors. But what these are doing is they’re “releasing the brakes” on the body’s own immune system to attack the cancer. So the immunotherapy is either given in combination with another immunotherapy.

The only such combination we currently have is something called ipilimumab and nivolumab. And then some patients will get a combination of immunotherapy plus a targeted therapy. Targeted therapy is generally a therapy that inhibits the vasculature leading to the tumor. The way I describe it to patients is cutting off the blood supply to the tumor. So patients will either get, again, immunotherapy plus immunotherapy or an immunotherapy plus a targeted therapy. In this kind of short question-and-answer session, it’s hard to describe which patient gets what, but just as a broad overview, important to understand the big picture, so when patients and families are talking to the oncologist, to have an understanding of the general treatment paradigms.

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PODCAST: Thrive | Considering CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma? What You Should Know


Dr. Beth Faiman, a myeloma expert and researcher, discusses factors that should be considered when deciding to undergo CAR T-cell therapy, advice for preparing for and after the process, and why a good support team is essential. Dr. Faiman also shares research updates in CAR T-cell therapy, and alternatives options to this myeloma treatment.

Dr. Beth Faiman is an Adult Nurse Practitioner in the department of Hematologic Oncology and Blood Disorders at the Cleveland Clinic. Learn more about Dr. Faiman.

See More From Thrive CAR T-Cell Therapy

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Katherine Banwell:

Welcome. I’m your host, Katherine Banwell. As patients navigate their myeloma care, it’s essential for them to feel formed when engaging with their care team. That’s why the Patient Empowerment Network developed the Thrive series, to share support and educational resources so that patients can feel confident at every stage of their care. In today’s program, we’re going to hear from a renowned myeloma expert as we discuss CAR-T therapy. Before we meet today’s guest, please remember that this program is not a substitute for seeking medical advice. Please refer to your healthcare team about what might be best for you.  

Well, joining us today is Dr. Beth Faiman. Dr. Faiman, welcome. Would you please introduce yourself?  

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Thank you so much, Katherine, and it’s such an honor and a pleasure to be here today. My name is Beth Faiman. I am a nurse practitioner and a PhD researcher at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, where I have worked since 1994, in the field of myeloma mostly. Thank you.  

Katherine Banwell:

Excellent. Thank you so much for joining us today. As I mentioned, today’s program is part of our Thrive series. So, from your perspective, what does it mean to thrive with myeloma?  

Dr. Beth Faiman:

So, to thrive with myeloma is something that when I started managing patients in the 1990s individuals didn’t live very long, maybe two to three years, because we did not have good therapies. Now, we talk about living well with myeloma, thriving with myeloma. It just makes me so happy. I think for plants. I think of flowers that can grow in the right environment. I had a plant in my office recently that somebody had gifted me, and it sat there and tried to soak up the little bit of sunlight that it could muster and just wasn’t doing well.  

So, I brought it home and I put it in a big window. That plant is beautiful now and I just love looking at it and thinking about it. And it reminds me of how if you’re in your right environment with multiple myeloma you surround yourself with friends, families, coworkers, church friends, or places of worship, then you can really thrive in that environment or you can grow. And even though you have a cancer diagnosis, that is not – and I hate to use the D-word – a death sentence anymore. You can live many years and live well with myeloma in the right environment like my little plant.  

Katherine Banwell:

That’s a great idea to think about. Thank you. Well, we’ve covered this in recent webinars but it’s worth sharing again. Can you give us an overview of the process and timeline for someone choosing CAR T-cell therapy for myeloma treatment?  

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Yes. So, CAR T-cell therapy, when we first started discussing this in the mid-2000s, I thought this was science fiction.  

Taking somebody’s own cells, engineering them to be fighters against the cancer cells. I thought it was science fiction. But now, we have two FDA approved therapies for multiple myeloma. It’s Ide-cel, which was approved in 2021 and Cilta-cel, approved in 2022.  

Now, the process is lengthy and I know you’ve covered this before but from my perspective, I think if you want to take something home form this webinar, plan early. So, you need to have three prior lines of therapy as a myeloma patient to qualify for this treatment. But you can start planning for it ahead of time.  

So, it’s not available in every center. So, you want to start researching what the closest center would be for you to have this therapy. Many different patient support networks will have these centers on their websites. So anyhow, you find out.  

“Okay. I want to learn more about a CAR T-cell therapy.” Then you have to meet with a specialist. So, you get that education, have that referral, and meet with a specialist at a center that does CAR T-cell therapy. And that might be where you got your initial transplant if you’ve then returned to the community. After that, then we find a slot for you when it’s ready. So, there is that process of financial, physical, social things that are checked in the background. You meet with a social worker, nurses, etc.  

Once you’ve confirmed that you’re going to go through this process – now, it might be three, six, nine months in the future, if you’re a planner – but if you want to just gain information, it’s that harvesting and storing of the cells. That’s where I try to tell people age is not a number. You can be at any age and you qualify for this therapy. We’ve had people well into their late 70s to early 80s who have gotten these therapies.   

Long story short, it’s a process.  

You get your cells harvested and then while they’re being manufactured into fighters, they take the T cells from your blood through an apheresis machine and freeze them, send them off, make them into fighters, and then reinfuse them in your bloodstream. It’s a long process. It can take anywhere from two to three months from when you decide it’s right for you.  

Katherine Banwell:

Well, thank you for explaining that. That’s really important. It puts into perspective. It’s a big undertaking. But also, quite manageable, I think, right, with the right team and support. Who are the members?   

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Absolutely. The family members, friends, and, of course – I like to use the words the multidisciplinary team. That’s your physicians, your social workers, nurses, nurse practitioners like me, pharmacists, and then all your other specialists.  

So really, mounting that team from diagnosis and throughout your whole journey as a myeloma patient can really enrichen your life and help you thrive in that environment.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. It sounds like there’s a lot of support for someone going through this process and that the care partner also plays a critical role on the care team, right?  

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Oh, absolutely. So, I am a big advocate for care partner though not everybody has a caregiver. So, it can be a formal caregiver, somebody’s spouse, daughter, son, significant other. Or it can be an informal caregiver. So, I’ve had patients that – because you need to have a care partner to qualify for CAR T-cell therapy, because patients need to be monitored for about 30 days afterwards. So, that might be pulling in friends from your place of worship, people from the community, and then also people from the cancer center.  

Some of the larger centers that do the CART-cell therapy have a network setup where you get this list of people that have volunteered to drive you to appointments or maybe arrange for Uber help to drive you back and forth. I am not plugging Uber or Lyft, but a rideshare company. And so, finding out those resources can help anyone – just about anyone – access these CAR  T-cell therapies, because you can have a long-term remission. Think about somebody who’s been through treatment A, B, C, or D and then now, “Gosh, maybe my life is going to be shortened.”  

Not necessarily. If this is the right recipe to control their myeloma then they can get 11, 24 months off of everything – just antibiotics – and be monitored. And so, it puts them at a position where if you can get the care partner, get a care team, to support you then you can have access to a potentially life extending with good quality of life therapy.   

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. I’m sure many of our viewers today are wondering who the therapy is right for and when is it most appropriate in the course of myeloma? Could you address that?  

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Yeah, absolutely. So, currently, you have to have had three prior lines of therapy with drugs such as a CD38, which is – daratumumab (Darzalex) is a name of a medication.  

You have to have a drug such as lenalidomide (Revlimid) as well as a drug like bortezomib (Velcade). And you have to have had three lines of therapy. So, that’s how you can access the therapy. But if you’re willing to participate in a well-designed clinical trial there are studies with CAR T-cell therapy earlier on.  

So, one of the things that we’re advocating in the myeloma world is clinical trials. We haven’t gotten to where we are in 2024 with the advances in sciences, the advances in living longer and living well with myeloma, without the brave people before us that have participated in clinical trials. 

So, people who it’s right for would be if they qualify for a clinical trial before their third or fourth line of therapy or if they’ve had three or four prior lines of therapy. And there are other points to that which I’m sure we’ll talk about later on.  

Katherine Banwell:

In your opinion, what are three key considerations that myeloma patients and care partners should think about related to the CAR T-cell therapy approach?   

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Oh, gosh. Well, I would like to say that always when you’re selecting a therapy, think of the physical, the financial, and the social implications of that therapy. So, physically is the medication too strong for you? Are you too weak to take it? Or is it just right for you? So, finding the right medication for the right patient at the right dose at the right time. So, the physical component. The financial component is also very important. So, maybe your insurance now won’t cover it but then there’s open enrollment in Medicare towards the end of the year or you can find financial support reimbursement through many of our generous organizations that will provide grants for certain medications.  

And then, the social. Do you have a care partner, as we discussed? The importance of being monitored for 30 days. If you don’t have a formal care partner, is there some system that we can help support you through so that you can have the different supports throughout. It’s not only that beginning part where you’re gaining the information – and I think of it like a timeline. The beginning part, you’re thinking about gathering information to the – in that process of getting yourselves back because of the side effects, which I think have been talked about in a prior webinar.  

And then, the post-monitoring where you go back to your community, taking antibiotics, antiviral medications, etc., to keep you living well longer. So, it’s a process.  

Katherine Banwell:

Well, it’s great advice, Dr. Faiman, thank you. I’d also like to add that if you’re considering CAR T-cell therapy, the Patient Empowerment Network has a wealth of information on this topic, including resource guides and interviews with experts like Dr. Faiman. 

And you can find those at powerfulpatients.org/myeloma. So, Dr. Faiman, when a patient is talking with their care team about CAR T-cell therapy, what questions should they be asking to help determine if CAR-T is even right for them?  

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Katherine, that’s an excellent question. So, let’s just say that somebody from Patient Empowerment Network heard about CAR T-cell therapy for myeloma and then sought out a local institution that might be conducting that procedure. So then, they come for that visit and what you mentioned was just spot on, getting a list of questions together. What we do at my institution, as well as many throughout the country, is a process called shared decision-making.  

You might’ve talked about this on prior webinars, but shared decision-making occurs when that healthcare team, such as the physician, nurse practitioner, pharmacist, whoever, shares information with the patient and their care partner.  

You mutually share information to arrive at a decision. So, many studies have been done on shared decision-making. It’s done in many different areas. And so, through that sharing of information, you might think of different questions.  

Some of the things that I try to proactively offer – we all have our list of things that we educate our patients on, but some of the things I proactively will recommend to patients and their care partners when you’re seeking an opinion at these centers is, “How long will I be sick? What are the biggest side effects of the medication I have to worry about?” Asking your care team – I know it sounds silly, but are they aware of all your prior health concerns, especially if you’re coming for an evaluation.  

Maybe you have peripheral neuropathy where you have numbness and tingling in your fingers or toes or a history of kidney disease. Your kidneys look fine now but maybe a few years ago at the myeloma diagnosis the kidneys had a temporary failing and now they’re better so they’d want to protect you with future medications. How long will you have to take medications after the CAR-T procedure? There’s antiviral medicines, antibacterial medications, and medications called IVIG, which strengthens your immune system.  

And then, finally, asking about the infection protection afterwards. Do you have to get vaccinated again against pneumococcal, shingles, and all of those other things that we do. The cellular therapy guidelines suggest timepoint for one, three, five, etc., months after CAR T-cell procedure to get revaccinated. So, who’s going to do that for you?  

How are you going to know what to get? So, make sure that they give you a timeline, calendars, and set expectations for what you need to do as a patient and then you’ll help them set expectations for what they need to do to provide you the accurate education.  

Katherine Banwell:

Well, talking about what to expect after CAR T-cell therapy, would you tell us what some of the potential side effects are?  

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Oh, absolutely. So, CAR T-cell therapy – again, it harnesses your immune system using your T cells. Your T cells are so important in your immune system to be programmed as fighters. And as people age, or as long as – after they’ve had myeloma or other kinds of cancers, those T cells just don’t work as well. So, what we want to do is engineer them and program them with what we call a viral vector to be fighters. So, those T cells, as I mentioned, are harvested, stored, and then manufactured to go. 

And I tell people it’s like that Pac-Man video game. It goes around in your bloodstream just kind of eating away at the myeloma cells. So, you don’t take any medications. You don’t go in for IVs every week or twice weekly, or taking pills at home to treat the myeloma. It’s what we consider a one-and-done thing. So, if it works for you, it can keep you in remission for quite some time. But if it doesn’t work then there still are other therapies down the road.  

So, the CAR T-cell therapy is something that is an option but there are other therapies out there in many cases. There’s something called a bispecific antibody. There are three currently approved for multiple myeloma now. So, maybe a CAR T-cell therapy doesn’t seem right for you because you’re not in a good remission or the cancer’s too active right now so you don’t have the time to wait for manufacturing of the cells and putting them back in your bloodstream.  

Those bispecifics will fill that gap. So, when you’re discussing the options, aside from clinical trials and other drugs, the bispecific antibody is very similar. One of the things that I wanted to highlight is that nowadays we’re into these things called sequencing. So, we’re trying to figure out what order to give these super effective drugs. Should we give the bispecific antibodies first or should we give the CAR T-cell therapy first? And in most centers, if you have time to wait and you’re planning, the CAR T-cell therapy is right for most people and then the bispecifics would come later.  

Katherine Banwell:

All right. So, after CAR T-cell therapy is completed, what potential side effects might people experience, and what should they look for?  

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Absolutely. I think of things in short-term and long-term side effects. So, the short term, you’re going to be admitted to the hospital and you have a risk for – when we get those T cells back – that cytokine release syndrome, or it’s abbreviated CRS – where you’re body’s immune system’s fighting.  

I tell folks it’s kind of like if you got a vaccine for a flu vaccine or pneumonia and you had a reaction it’s just way worse. So, you can get a high fever – the big first sign of this CRS. Usually, the providers will jump in with giving you a medication called tocilizumab (Actemra) or a similar drug that blocks IL-6, which is a chemical that is triggered when we get the CRS. And then, it stops those symptoms. And so, most of us know how to do that and will approve your insurance to get access to that tocilizumab or similar drug when we approve your CAR T-cell therapy.  

So, that CRS can get you really, really sick. You can get low oxygen levels in your blood. You can get a high fever and you can drop your blood pressure. But most CAR T-cells centers, the nurses and the staff are very well-trained to monitor this every eight hours, in most cases.  

Another rare side effect we worry about is ICANS and it’s a neurotoxicity kind of thing.  

It can be with CRS or without CRS. But they’ll ask you to do things like write your name on a piece of paper every eight hours or tell me – draw a clock or count backwards from 100. And so, if you have any deviation, even minor, from what you reported back beforehand then we worry about neurotoxicity. Now, that’s short term but that’s the reason why you can’t drive a car for 30 days is because it could be delayed. 

The CRS can start with the one thing, the ide-cel usually occurs within one day so most people are admitted to the hospital for that CAR T-cell therapy. The Cilta-cel, it onsets to about seven days. So, some people get the cilta-cel outpatient and then are monitored daily, whether in person or through virtual telehealth monitoring.  

But at any rate, those are the short-term. Long-term, we worry about low blood counts maybe for the first month afterwards. And then, those will come back to normal. And then, we worry about infection. So, I mentioned the antibacterial, antiviral, which is usually a medicine called acyclovir (Zovirax), which most myeloma patients will have been on anyhow. And then, that IVIG to protect against viruses and bacteria when your immune system is so low. 

But fortunately, if we control the CRS, it usually comes with the CRS, although it can be independent. We try not to give steroids, because we don’t want it to interrupt the CAR T-cell process. But many institutions will give that tocilizumab for ICANS. And if that doesn’t get better then they’ll give you a steroid, such as dexamethasone (Decadron). 

And so, that will usually reverse itself pretty quickly. Longer term, after 30 days, you can get with the Carvykti, particularly something called Parkinsonian things where you can get a little bit shaky or something like that. Again, it’s very rare and I have had hundreds of people who have undergone the CAR T-cell procedure at my institution. And knock on wood, fortunately, I’ve not seen first-hand that side effect. And I think it’s because we’re so good now at treating the – preventing the ICANS and CRS as best as we can while they’re inpatient and doing real close following.  

One other thing I want to note is if somebody who’s watching this does go in the hospital for any reason, get up and walk around and stay strong, as well as you can, during the procedure. You might be bored if you’re in the hospital anyhow, but try to stay as strong as you can in the hospital. It’ll help your post recovery for sure.  

Katherine Banwell:

Well, what about more mild side effects like fatigue and changes in appetite?   

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Absolutely. So, the fatigue and the changes in appetite are generally mild for most but I see it, in my experience, if your myeloma’s acting up really quickly, if you’re having a rapid disease progression, the medications that we give you to control the myeloma during this bridging therapy phase might cause some of that as well, not necessarily the CAR T-cell process. But think about it. We’re using your own cells engineered to be fighters.  

And so, that first month or two is probably when you’re going to be the most tired as your body is being programmed to fight against the myeloma cells. That fatigue tends to get better. And as I mentioned just a moment earlier, the importance of just walking around in the halls, getting out of bed when you’re in the hospital, that can really help your post recovery. It doesn’t seem like much, but there have been many studies about how muscle mass declines, energy declines when you’re hospitalized.  

And we want you to be as strong as you can and thrive as much as you can for when you’re out you can then do the things you want to do at a quicker pace.   

Katherine Banwell:

Right. That’s great advice. Beyond monitoring of any issues, what can someone expect related to returning to life as they knew it before the diagnosis? Is there a timeline for resuming lifestyle and activity?  

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Yeah. So, I should say I because it’s from my perspective. I am a real strong advocate. I tell people to do what you feel like you can physically do. We know that myeloma can affect the bones and put your bones at risk for breaking and so we give you medicines to protect it. So, I do put some restrictions however on physical activity in terms of, “I don’t want you to bench press 40 pounds or 20 pounds,” in most cases. And depending on what the bones look like on x-ray, I’ll even restrict it to about five to 10 pounds.  

If you think about it, that’s a bag of potatoes. So, you don’t want to put too many restrictions on for everybody. But talk to your healthcare provider about what your specific restrictions are with physical activity. Because I don’t really put any restrictions on but I encourage things like riding a bike, especially a stationary bike in your own home, so that if you fall off – hopefully, you won’t fall off a stationary bike. But if you injure yourself, then you’re able to be in a place that somebody can help you.  

But riding a bike. Also, exercising in water. Water therapy is a great weight bearing exercise and there are times of day where you can go when the YMCAs or YWCAs aren’t as busy – or community centers. So, you’re less at risk for bacterial or other illnesses. But during that first month, I try to limit their exposure to people because you’re at risk for the different viruses that are all over the place, the bacterial infections. 

So, that first month is the critical period where I try to say, “Okay, try to lay low. Let’s get you through this period. Your immune system will start getting stronger on its own after this period.” And then, that month two you start feeling like doing more. You go to the grocery store. You maybe go to eat out at a restaurant but pick a time of day that’s less busy. So, go for an early dinner. There’s no shame in eating at 5:00 p.m. if you want to go out. And then, get a table in the corner with your own wipes. And so, that’s where your immune system is getting stronger. 

And then, by month three, I think most people will feel much, much better and much, much stronger. And if you can keep moving throughout this whole time, then you’ll be stronger on the way out.  

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Faiman, from what you’ve described, undergoing CAR T-cell therapy can be a very intense process. Why would someone consider this option over another myeloma treatment option?  

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Yeah. So, the CAR T-cell therapies have really transformed myeloma, in my opinion.  

When we first started using CAR T-cell therapies, there was a long wait list because people who had had three, five, seven, 10, 12 prior therapies, they had very few other options. So, we had ethically assigned scores to people as to who – we’d get one or two slots a month and then we’d have 80-some people on this list. And we’re thinking, “How do we allocate who’s going to get this therapy?” And it’s because you can have a nice, long remission off of all therapy.  

It’s a great, great option for most people. Again, I would hope that we can get this moved further into the disease trajectory. There are actually two studies. One was a KarMMa study. It was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2023, early part of 2023.  

And it showed that when people get this therapy earlier, the Ide-cel first, you can have a longer remission. So, we’re talking about three, four, five or more prior lines of therapy you can get about 11 months with the Ide-cel.  

You could even get a longer remission off of all therapy if you move it earlier. Same with Cilta-cel. We had studies and different cohorts and you can be in a long remission. So, think of somebody who’s – myeloma’s incurable. It’s very treatable but it’s incurable for most. And so, you go from the expectation of staying on treatment until disease progression, much like other chronic conditions like diabetes. We don’t stop medicine for diabetes or high blood pressure.  

And it’s the same with myeloma and many of the cancers that we treat these days. And so, a CAR T-cell therapy will give patients the option of having that disease free interval where you can go and travel the world. I have patients that have bought RVs after their CAR T-cell therapy and now they’re going around the world – well, not the world. But around the United States.  

Katherine Banwell:

The country. 

Dr. Beth Faiman:

The country. And just really enjoying life and taking that time off and being realistic, knowing that we have to do bloodwork every month to make sure the myeloma’s still in remission because it can come back. But at least it’s sleeping for right now. So, you can go out and enjoy your life and take those trips and enjoy the little things and the big things.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. Well, thank you for that advice. I’d like to get to a few audience questions that were sent in prior to the program. Alice asks, can you share more information about T-cell collection? A recent webinar mentioned that myeloma must be in good control. Can you share specifics about the bridging therapy prior to infusion?  

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Yes. So, again, the process is the lengthy process as we mentioned before. But for the actual T-cell collection, we will have approved you to get the therapy. Financially, we’ve cleared you. Socially, you’ve gotten your support systems and now we’re getting those cells out.  

We use a process called apheresis where a temporary catheter is placed under the skin, and it separates your white blood cells and then returns the red bloods and plasma back into the blood. And it sorts out those T cells. The process itself, you’re on the machine for anywhere for two or three hours. Hopefully, it’ll just be one day’s time. And then, they’ll manufacture those cells.  

So, during that period where we’ve put your cells and sent them away to wherever’s going to be doing the manufacturing, you’re going to need to get a treatment that’s going to keep you in remission from the myeloma. And it’s not going to prevent you from getting those cells safely back. So, we don’t want anything that’s too toxic for most people. So, what we’re doing now is we have that information that early on is better for myeloma to get these treatments. And so, the hope that bridging therapy won’t be as common of a thing anymore.  

Because now we’re selecting people that are – the myeloma’s just starting to act up. Let’s get those cells out, send them off, so we don’t have to do bridging therapy. We can just keep you – add a medication or take away another medication to keep you in remission. So, that’s the goal of bridging therapy. What’s that bridge to get your cells back in for some people? It might be a chemotherapy type of a thing. But for other people it’s just trying to get you that CAR T-cell collection and manufacturing so we don’t really have to change everything all up.  

And we’ve been very fortunate now that the wait lists have cleared in most institutions. CAR-T cell is available at more centers across the country and so we don’t have that backlog. And so, fortunately, bridging therapy will hopefully be a little bit less of a thing.  

Katherine Banwell:

We have another question. This one from Rita. What kind of monitoring takes places in the months following CAR T-cell therapy and what kinds of medicines are required afterward?  

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Oh, excellent. So, the monitoring is usually on the short-term, within the first 30 to 60 days afterwards, oftentimes depending on what your blood counts are showing. You might have to get blood counts tested more frequently. So, that complete blood count shows you the white cells, the red cells. The white cells fight infection. Red cells carry oxygen. Platelets clot the blood. That’s a marker of how well your bone marrow is functioning. It also can be – those innocent bystanders can go low temporarily after this procedure.  

So, definitely those CBCs need to be tested, for some people weekly and for some people every other week. And your healthcare team will tell you how often. After that first two to three months and your blood counts are all in good shape, then we can just go oftentimes to a monthly monitoring of the myeloma labs. So, that’s the CBC and the chemistry panel but also the paraproteins in the blood and the urine get monitored.  

There’s also another test called a CD4 count that’s something that you wouldn’t have had beforehand. The CD4 count is an immune count that we want to be over 200. Oftentimes,  you’ll be on an antibiotic called Bactrim or an inhaled called pentamidine to lessen the chance of a certain kind of infection called PJP, or pneumocystis. So, those are those atypical infections that we’re now seeing with CAR-T cell and other therapies.  

And as I mentioned, acyclovir to protect against shingles is a medication but you’re not going to be on any anti-myeloma medications other than maybe a bone strengthener if you get that intermittently. Fortunately, after CAR-T cell, you don’t have any anti myeloma therapy as long as you’re in remission.  

Katherine Banwell:

We also received this question from a viewer named Rob. If you receive CAR-T therapy, how long does it last and have you seen remission for a long time?  

Dr. Beth Faiman:

So, I’d like to tell Rob that I’ve seen a little bit of a remission and I’ve seen long-time remissions. Unfortunately, it goes back to the biology of the disease. People that have a more aggressive type of myeloma tend to not have as long of a remission but that’s not always the case. So, if you have what’s called a standard type of myeloma, which fortunately about 80 percent of the people have a standard or good type of myeloma, you can get an 11- to 24-month remission if you’ve had many prior therapies.  

Now, if we’re moving the CAR-T earlier lines of therapy, as in those two studies that I briefly mentioned with the Ide-cel and the Cilta-cel studies that are moving it to one to three prior lines of therapy, people are getting longer remissions.  

Unfortunately, I do not have a crystal ball. I can look at your disease genetics. I can look at how deep your remission status is and I can generally predict based on other studies how long of a remission you might get, but it’s not a guarantee. What works for one person might not work for the other so you take it with a grain of salt. We just say, “Gosh, this is a great therapy. We need to offer it to you while we have that window of opportunity. You’re in a good remission. We have a slot for you. We’re going to pick the best product for you. Let’s give you this option.” 

You might be one of those exceptional responders that are in remission for several years, which I do have people that have been in remission several years, fortunately.  

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. Well, thank you so much for the thoughtful responses to those questions. As we close out today’s program, can you talk about some of the ongoing research in CAR T-cell therapy and what you’re excited about?  

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Oh, my gosh. I am so excited about CAR T-cell therapy research. There are these what we call CRISPR gene edited technology, which is really personalizing the treatment in CAR-T.  

There’s what we call an off-the-shelf approach where we don’t have to manufacture one’s T cells to be a fighter. So, these CAR T-cell therapies are the kinds of clinical studies where if you are in a position where you want to hopefully get an earlier access to a great therapy, this CRISPR edited at – Caribou is what it’s called, that we have at my institution. That might be right for you.  

There’s also the different targets. For example, the Ide-cel and the Cilta-cel target what’s called BCMA or B-cell maturation antigen. Basically, the BCMA is expressed mostly on cancer cells and less so on healthy cells.  

And so, that’s what the target is for these current CAR-Ts. We have different targets. So, what does that mean for you? If you had a CAR T-cell therapy against BCMA or a bispecific against BCMA now we have these different targets so that gives you other options for remissions status. So, if you can, I am a big, strong advocate for clinical trials. Like I said, it’s getting better access. You have a healthcare team. There’s so much stigma associated with clinical trials, but every single person is a candidate for some sort of a trial or another.  

So, talk to your healthcare team or you can go to clinicaltrials.gov and then all the patient care organizations – International Myeloma Foundation, Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation, has access to clinical trial information as well for patients. So, yes, lots of good things. New targets. Off-the-shelf so you don’t have to manufacture. So, that represents new treatment options for many patients.  

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Faiman, thank you so much for taking the time to join us today. 

Dr. Beth Faiman:

My pleasure. Thank you for having me.  

Katherine Banwell:

And thank you to all of our collaborators. To learn more about myeloma and to access tools to help you become a more proactive patient, visit powerfulpatients.org. I’m Katherine Banwell. Thanks for being with us.  

CAR T-Cell Therapy | Care and Monitoring Post-Treatment

CAR T-Cell Therapy | Care and Monitoring Post-Treatment from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How are myeloma patients monitored after CAR T-cell therapy? Myeloma expert and researcher Dr. Beth Faiman explains the testing that takes place following CAR T-cell therapy, how long monitoring will occur, and medications that are commonly prescribed for post-CAR T-cell therapy care.

Dr. Beth Faiman is an Adult Nurse Practitioner in the department of Hematologic Oncology and Blood Disorders at the Cleveland Clinic. Learn more about Dr. Faiman.

See More From Thrive CAR T-Cell Therapy

Related Resources:

Recovering From CAR T-Cell Therapy | What Can Myeloma Patients Expect

Recovering From CAR T-Cell Therapy | What Can Myeloma Patients Expect?

CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma | What Are the Advantages

CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma | What Are the Advantages?

What Side Effects Are Possible Following CAR T-Cell Therapy?

What Side Effects Are Possible Following CAR T-Cell Therapy?


Katherine Banwell:

What kind of monitoring takes places in the months following CAR T-cell therapy, and what kinds of medicines are required afterward?   

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Oh, excellent. So, the monitoring is usually on the short-term, within the first 30 to 60 days afterwards, oftentimes depending on what your blood counts are showing. You might have to get blood counts tested more frequently. So, that complete blood count shows you the white cells, the red cells. The white cells fight infection. Red cells carry oxygen. Platelets clot the blood. That’s a marker of how well your bone marrow is functioning. It also can be – those innocent bystanders can go low temporarily after this procedure.   

So, definitely those CBCs need to be tested, for some people weekly and for some people every other week. And your healthcare team will tell you how often. After that first two to three months and your blood counts are all in good shape, then we can just go oftentimes to a monthly monitoring of the myeloma labs. So, that’s the CBC and the chemistry panel but also the paraproteins in the blood and the urine get monitored.  

There’s also another test called a CD4 count that’s something that you wouldn’t have had beforehand. The CD4 count is an immune count that we want to be over 200. Oftentimes, you’ll be on an antibiotic called Bactrim or an inhaled called pentamidine to lessen the chance of a certain kind of infection called PJP, or pneumocystis. So, those are those atypical infections that we’re now seeing with CAR-T cell and other therapies.  

And as I mentioned, acyclovir (Zovirax) to protect against shingles is a medication but you’re not going to be on any anti-myeloma medications other than maybe a bone strengthener if you get that intermittently. Fortunately, after CAR-T cell, you don’t have any anti-myeloma therapy as long as you’re in remission. 

CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma | What Are the Advantages?

CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma | What Are the Advantages? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How has CAR T-cell therapy transformed care for myeloma patients? Myeloma expert and researcher Dr. Beth Faiman shares results from the KarMMa study that compared CAR T-cell therapy versus a standard regimen, and the benefits of this therapy over time.

Dr. Beth Faiman is an Adult Nurse Practitioner in the department of Hematologic Oncology and Blood Disorders at the Cleveland Clinic. Learn more about Dr. Faiman.

See More From Thrive CAR T-Cell Therapy

Related Resources:

Advice for Myeloma Patients Undergoing CAR T-Cell Therapy

Advice for Myeloma Patients Undergoing CAR T-Cell Therapy

Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Right for You? Questions to Ask Your Myeloma Care Team

Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Right for You? Questions to Ask Your Myeloma Care Team

Recovering From CAR T-Cell Therapy | What Can Myeloma Patients Expect

Recovering From CAR T-Cell Therapy | What Can Myeloma Patients Expect?


Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Faiman, from what you’ve described, undergoing CAR T-cell therapy can be a very intense process. Why would someone consider this option over another myeloma treatment option?  

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Yeah. So, the CAR T-cell therapies have really transformed myeloma, in my opinion.  

When we first started using CAR T-cell therapies, there was a long wait list because people who had had three, five, seven, 10, 12 prior therapies, they had very few other options.  

So, we had ethically assigned scores to people as to who – we’d get one or two slots a month and then we’d have 80-some people on this list. And we’re thinking, “How do we allocate who’s going to get this therapy?” And it’s because you can have a nice, long remission off of all therapy.  

It’s a great, great option for most people. Again, I would hope that we can get this moved further into the disease trajectory. There are actually two studies. One was a KarMMa study. It was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2023, early part of 2023.  

And it showed that when people get this therapy earlier, the Ide-cel first, you can have a longer remission. So, we’re talking about three, four, five or more prior lines of therapy you can get about 11 months with the Ide-cel.  

You could even get a longer remission off of all therapy if you move it earlier. Same with Cilta-cel. We had studies and different cohorts and you can be in a long remission. So, think of somebody who’s – myeloma’s incurable. It’s very treatable but it’s incurable for most. And so, you go from the expectation of staying on treatment until disease progression, much like other chronic conditions like diabetes. We don’t stop medicine for diabetes or high blood pressure.  

And it’s the same with myeloma and many of the cancers that we treat these days. And so, a CAR T-cell therapy will give patients the option of having that disease free interval where you can go and travel the world. I have patients that have bought RVs after their CAR T-cell therapy and now they’re going around the world – well, not the world. But around the United States.  

Katherine Banwell:

The country. 

Dr. Beth Faiman:

The country. And just really enjoying life and taking that time off and being realistic, knowing that we have to do bloodwork every month to make sure the myeloma’s still in remission because it can come back. But at least it’s sleeping for right now. So, you can go out and enjoy your life and take those trips and enjoy the little things and the big things.   

Recovering From CAR T-Cell Therapy | What Can Myeloma Patients Expect?

Recovering From CAR T-Cell Therapy | What Can Myeloma Patients Expect? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What can myeloma patients expect after undergoing CAR T-cell therapy? Myeloma expert and researcher Dr. Beth Faiman discusses returning to life after the CAR T process, advice for physical activity, and immune system concerns during recovery.

Dr. Beth Faiman is an Adult Nurse Practitioner in the department of Hematologic Oncology and Blood Disorders at the Cleveland Clinic. Learn more about Dr. Faiman.

See More From Thrive CAR T-Cell Therapy

Related Resources:

Advice for Myeloma Patients Undergoing CAR T-Cell Therapy

Advice for Myeloma Patients Undergoing CAR T-Cell Therapy

What Side Effects Are Possible Following CAR T-Cell Therapy?

What Side Effects Are Possible Following CAR T-Cell Therapy?

CAR T-Cell Therapy | Care and Monitoring Post-Treatment

CAR T-Cell Therapy | Care and Monitoring Post-Treatment


Katherine Banwell:

Beyond monitoring of any issues, what can someone expect related to returning to life as they knew it before the diagnosis? Is there a timeline for resuming lifestyle and activity?   

Dr. Beth Faiman:

Yeah. So, I should say I because it’s from my perspective. I am a real strong advocate. I tell people to do what you feel like you can physically do. We know that myeloma can affect the bones and put your bones at risk for breaking and so we give you medicines to protect it. So, I do put some restrictions however on physical activity in terms of, “I don’t want you to bench press 40 pounds or 20 pounds,” in most cases. And depending on what the bones look like on x-ray, I’ll even restrict it to about five to 10 pounds.  

If you think about it, that’s a bag of potatoes. So, you don’t want to put too many restrictions on for everybody. But talk to your healthcare provider about what your specific restrictions are with physical activity. Because I don’t really put any restrictions on but I encourage things like riding a bike, especially a stationary bike in your own home, so that if you fall off – hopefully, you won’t fall off a stationary bike. But if you injure yourself, then you’re able to be in a place that somebody can help you.   

But riding a bike. Also, exercising in water. Water therapy is a great weight bearing exercise and there are times of day where you can go when the YMCAs or YWCAs aren’t as busy – or community centers. So, you’re less at risk for bacterial or other illnesses. But during that first month, I try to limit their exposure to people because you’re at risk for the different viruses that are all over the place, the bacterial infections.  

So, that first month is the critical period where I try to say, “Okay, try to lay low. Let’s get you through this period. Your immune system will start getting stronger on its own after this period.” And then, that month two you start feeling like doing more. You go to the grocery store. You maybe go to eat out at a restaurant but pick a time of day that’s less busy. So, go for an early dinner. There’s no shame in eating at 5:00 p.m. if you want to go out. And then, get a table in the corner with your own wipes. And so, that’s where your immune system is getting stronger. 

And then, by month three, I think most people will feel much, much better and much, much stronger. And if you can keep moving throughout this whole time, then you’ll be stronger on the way out.