Tag Archive for: mental health

MPN Patient Shares Survivorship Tips, Recognizing Social Media Toxicity

MPN Patient Shares Survivorship Tips, Recognizing Social Media Toxicity from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patient Julia Olff has experienced the positive and negative aspects of online information and social media in her search for support. Watch as she shares her support journey with what she found helpful and what became toxic in her efforts to gain MPN information and emotional support.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

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Julia Olff:

So, I think social media has many advantages, especially when you have a rarer illness like myelofibrosis. I was diagnosed with myelofibrosis in 2008, and there really was not a lot of good information yet about the illness online, and I had not met anyone who had my myelofibrosis, so I really appreciated being able to go to places like Facebook in their earlier days, with my illness, to find organizations to find other people with the illness, I think learning from other people in terms of their strategies for coping with her illness, tips for dealing with side effects, and other people can answer questions about the physicians and nurses just can’t because they don’t experience it directly, how something feels sort of setting your expectations for a treatment can be really helpful, and I think that’s where social media really shines, is creating community and connecting it to others and learning from peers. The downsides though, I think, are the amount of opinion, unfounded opinion, not sourced opinion that exists that I saw on social media, and then the angry vitriol or kind of disagreement that I found really harmful to my mental health.

I’m always trying to balance how I feel with my mindset, and there are times that that’s easier to do, and times that that’s harder to do, so when I’ve been particularly unwell or just had a hospitalization, I feel like I have…I’m more vulnerable, I have less of a threshold for negativity and angry commentary, and that you can find that on social media, unfortunately, and then, of course, there’s… what I find troubling or not helpful are the opinions of other people who relay people who don’t necessarily have the depth of credible information about a treatment study, what’s right or wrong as it relates to the latest in myelofibrosis treatment, and treatment advances. So it’s helpful to hear about what it was like to have a stem cell transplant from someone with myelofibrosis, but yet I can’t rely on an individual for credible scientific medically sound information. So I think for me, I actually deleted my Facebook account in 2020, but I did keep my Twitter account because there I follow physicians’ epidemiologists, and of course, MPN organizations so that I can know about upcoming webinars or patient events, or new treatments. So that’s been really helpful.  

Balancing MPN Treatment Adherence and Mental Health

Balancing MPN Treatment Adherence and Mental Health from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Balancing myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) treatment adherence along with symptoms can sometimes be a challenge. Watch was myelofibrosis patient Julia Olff explains how symptoms and executive functioning can impact continuation of MPN treatment routines.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

Related Resource:


Julia Olff:

I think doctors and nurses underestimate how well patients can adhere to treatment and how that relates to one’s mental health. There are times where I have not felt as well and had a kind of foggy brain and had episodes of forgetting to take my twice-a-day treatment, so that’s sort of one type of treatment adherence that I think is just affected by your overall mental well-being, and then there’s the bigger part of it that is about seeing the full picture and all of the things that you have to do to continue with treatment so if it’s pills, for example, here, there’s a lot that one needs to do that I think we take for granted or assume everyone can do that, from remembering to refill your medications to going to actually physically go get them if you have to do that. Some are mail order, in the case of myelofibrosis. Knowing when to take them, figuring out when it may be better based on when they’re prescribed to take…when it may be better for you like with food. I know when I was taking ruxolitinib (Jakafi) that I would take it just as I was going to bed, but I would feel unwell for a while I was laying in bed, and I think it relates to your mental well-being because, over time, treatment also can affect…

Treatment has side…can have side effects, and those side effects can also influence how you’re feeling emotionally, how good you’re feeling as a person, they can affect your energy levels, so the illness can affect…fatigue is one of the number one when problems that people with myelofibrosis face, and then you add treatment to it, and there’s an impact on how well you feel overall, so I think treatment adherence is very much tied to your mental well-being, your outlook, and your ability also to…it’s called executive functioning, how well you can kind of organize your day and your life and they’re all intertwined, I believe.  

How Could You Benefit from Joining a Prostate Cancer Support Group?

How Could You Benefit from Joining a Prostate Cancer Support Group? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are some of the benefits provided by prostate cancer support groups? Prostate cancer survivor Jim Schraidt shares his perspective on how support groups can help patients with the emotional aspects of the disease as well as serve as a resource for information sharing.

Jim Schraidt is a prostate cancer survivor and Chairman of the Board of Directors for Us TOO International. Learn more about Jim Schraidt here.

See more from The Pro-Active Prostate Cancer Patient Toolkit

Related Resources

How Does Us TOO International Support Prostate Cancer Patients and Their Loved Ones?

How Does Us TOO International Support Prostate Cancer Patients and Their Loved Ones?

Newly Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer? Consider These Key Steps

How Can You Insist on Better Prostate Cancer Care?


Jim Schraidt:              

I think there are two primary ways that support groups are helpful. In the best case, a man will come to a support group as a newly diagnosed patient. And we’re actually working with a pilot project at Northwestern in Chicago where we have a support group that’s been in existence for a little over a year at this point.

But one of things that we’re working with the urology department there on is to get the urologists to refer newly diagnosed patients to the support group. And I think the primary benefits to a newly diagnosed patient are first, sort of removing some of the anxiety by talking to people who have been through the process and reminding them that in 90 percent of the cases they have some time to do some research, talk to people, and make a good decision that they can live with.

Because all of the treatments for prostate cancer, with the possible exception of active surveillance, come with side effects that a person undergoing this kind of treatment is going to have to live with for the rest of this life.

So, it’s a decision that’s very important. And to have the best possible outcome for a patient, they need to know what those side effects are. And they need to hear from men who have actually been through it.

I think the second important function of support groups is just support; after treatment, or if a patient is unfortunate enough to have recurrence or progression of his disease. And we’re not practitioners. We’re not medical practitioners. We don’t give medical advice. But there are lots of tricks of the trade, if you will, that men who have been coping with side effects can share with other men and help them get through it.

And part of that is just having a place to talk about what they’re going through, whether it’s things that they’re embarrassed to talk with their friends about, or things where they’re having difficulty communicating with their partner. I know from experience also that anger is a big thing that many patients experience, anger, and depression, post-treatment. And for me, one of the huge benefits of a support group was finding a place where that anger could go.

Because, I mean, even the best and most well-intentioned spouse, partner, or whatever, is going to grow tired of an angry patient partner.

And that can impact communication and can isolate a patient. So, it’s really important to have a place where some of that can go. And that’s part of the second piece, as far as I’m concerned.

The whole mental health piece really is under-emphasized, under-discussed by practitioners, but is very real for a lot of men undergoing this treatment. And the good news is that, that there is help available, and you can get through this. But many, many, many times you can’t do it on your own.

And you can’t do it solely with the help of your partner many times. So, this is one way you can talk to other people who have been through it, and they may have suggestions about therapy or talking to mental health practitioners.

Practicing Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus – How to Mind Your Mental Health and Well-Being During Covid-19

As the coronavirus outbreak continues its relentless spread, the impact of the pandemic is being felt across the globe. We are facing a critical time of fear and uncertainty individually and in our communities.

COVID-19 will affect us all to varying degrees –  physically, emotionally, socially and psychologically.  

You may notice an increase in some of the following feelings:

  • feeling stressed and anxious
  • fearing that normal aches and pains might be the virus
  • excessively checking for symptoms, in yourself, or others
  • becoming irritable more easily
  • feeling insecure or unsettled
  • having trouble sleeping
  • feeling helpless or a lack of control
  • having irrational thoughts

Both The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)[1] and  The World Health Organisation (WHO)[2] have responded to the psycho-social impact of coronavirus by releasing  guidelines for those whose mental health is being negatively impacted.

In addition to these guidelines, many patient leaders are providing information and support to their communities through their social media channels.  To quote board certified coach, Nancy Seibel (@NancyLSeibel)  “those of us who have had cancer and other serious health challenges know something about how to self-calm and cope with uncertainty.  We know a lot about life being upended; uncertainty; living with but not in fear. It’s a hard-won gift, one that we can share with others.”  

While this is naturally a worrying time, there are many things we can do to mind our mental health and boost our immunity and well-being at this time. Being proactive about how you handle this crisis can help to keep both your mind and body stronger. I hope you will find the following tips helpful and reassuring as you navigate your way through this time of global crisis. 

10 Ways To Take Care Of Your Mental Health And Wellbeing During Covid-19

1. Recognize  What You Can Control

While many of the things that surround this crisis are outside of your control, you can still focus on those things that are within your control. Hand washing,  staying at home,  limiting unnecessary travel and contact with others are steps we can all take to decrease our personal risk and protect others.   If you’re a cancer patient, currently undergoing treatment, you are in a high-risk group because cancer treatment compromises your immune system[3]. Follow the advice for High Risk Patients outlined on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.[4] 

That said, the reality of life as a cancer patient has probably prepared you for this moment better than most.  As breast cancer survivor, Diane Mapes, wrote in a recent Fred Hutch [5] article, “For the immunocompromised and those with disease, social distancing and uncertainty are a way of life.”

2. Focus On  The Facts

In a world of 24/7 rolling news and social media updates, it’s easy to get drawn into speculation and hype.   “It’s ok to be scared,” says breast cancer survivor, Karen Murray (@MurrayKaren),  “but don’t let fear take hold.” Rumors, myths and falsehoods can take on a life of their own if we let them, but as patient advocate, Nancy Stordahl[6] reminds us, “calmness is contagious too.”   

Keeping a realistic perspective of the situation based on facts is important at this time. Avoid media outlets that build hype or dwell on things that can’t be controlled. Stick to respected sources of information on the coronavirus and how to handle it. 

If you’re unsure  about something you’ve  read or heard, check it on the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at the Poynter Institute[7].   If you’re concerned about whether you may have COVID-19,  the Cleveland Clinic[8] has a free screening tool to find out your risk level, based on your symptoms and travel. Additionally,  Intermountain’s COVID-19 Symptom Checker[9] is an easy to use, digital tool to help people get important information about COVID-19, assess their risk, and navigate to the most appropriate care setting.  “These are scary times, for sure,” points out Nancy, “but knowledge is power. Learn what you need to in order to keep you and your loved ones safe.” 

3. Limit Your Exposure To The News

The constant stream of social media updates and news reports about coronavirus could cause you to feel extremely stressed. If the constant drip feed of live news and social media is making you  anxious,  limit your exposure to news outlets.  I’m not suggesting you totally  ignore important news  updates – it’s essential to keep yourself informed. But you can reduce your anxiety by reducing the amount of time you expose yourself to the news.  Limit your media consumption to a certain amount of time each day. According to WHO, minimizing the amount of news you watch can be beneficial in helping people keep calm and positive.  The organization also suggests we “find opportunities to amplify positive and hopeful stories and positive images of local people who have experienced Covid-19.”

4. Practice Good Self-Care 

It’s important to pay attention to your self-care needs, especially during times of stress. Eating a healthy, balanced diet, avoiding excessive alcohol and stimulants, getting plenty of sleep, practising relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises and meditation, and  taking daily exercise are key ways to stay physically and psychologically  healthy during stressful times.  Oncoplastic breast cancer and reconstructive surgeon,  Dr Tasha Gandamihardja (@DrTashaG) also suggests you “do little things that give you joy e.g. watch  a favorite program or read a favorite book.” 

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself at this time, advises metastatic breast cancer patient, Julia Barnickle (@JuliaBarnickle). “On days when I don’t have the energy to do much, I tell myself ‘just do one thing.’ If I feel like doing more, that’s great, but I never feel guilty about only being able to do one thing. So I choose the one thing that feels most important, whatever it is,” she says.

5. Keep Active

Build regular exercise into your day. There’s an abundance of scientific evidence showing how important fitness is for mental health: so during this very stressful time, it’s even more important.  The closure of gyms at this time doesn’t of course mean you can’t keep fit. Going for a walk or hike (if you  aren’t self-quarantined) watching a workout video online, practicing yoga or walking up and down stairs in your home are all ways to keep active and fit.   Cancer researcher, Emily Drake  (@EK_Drake), has seized on this time as an opportunity to learn to run. “I’ve never been a runner,” she explains, “ but with gyms and yoga studios closed – online just doesn’t work for me –  I need to get out.”

6. Eat To Beat Stress

Registered dietitian,  Cathy Leman[10] recommends you mix and match from these 29 foods each day to boost your body’s stress busting powers.

  • Vitamin C fruits and veggies
  • Green and red peppers, potatoes, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, tomatoes, kiwi, cauliflower, cabbage, onions
  • Vitamin E foods
  • Dry roasted sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, safflower oil, wheat germ, green leafy vegetables
  • Polyphenolic foods
  • Chocolate, tea, coffee
  • Complex carbohydrate foods
  • Barley, rye, oats, whole wheat
  • Omega 3 foods
  • Walnuts, ground flax seeds, fatty fish, chia seeds, canola oil

7.  Stick To A Daily Routine

Your daily routine may be affected by the coronavirus outbreak in different ways. But according to WHO, people should try to stick to their daily routines as much as possible.  “Ensure that you create a realistic and helpful daily routine and structure to your day, and stick to it, “ recommends psychotherapist, Karin Sieger.[11] “Have regular times for getting up and going to bed as well as meal times.”

For those of us who are working from home maintaining a routine can be challenging.  The temptation to sit in pajamas all day is real. Try to  stick to a working routine as much as possible – this includes structuring  your day with regular breaks (try working in 45-60 minute chunks of focused work followed by a short break),  minimizing distractions,  stopping for lunch, getting some fresh air, avoiding staying in the same position for prolonged periods  of time and keeping hydrated.  

8. Stay Connected

While “social distancing,” is hypothesized to flatten the curve of the contagion,[12] it’s not without costs. Research shows that social support is vital for our mental and physical health. According to WHO, individuals in isolation are one group that may feel the impact on their mental health the most.  To combat the loneliness of self-isolation, the organization advises people  to “stay connected and maintain your social networks”. 

Maintaining strong connections will help you to feel supported, but since face-to-face in-person support is limited we need to find other ways to connect and receive support. Patient advocate,  Terri Coutee (@6state)  recommends  utilizing online platforms. “Call/text family members often and talk about fun times together,” she suggests.  Social media and social messaging apps are  a boon at this time. Patient advocate, Siobhan Feeney (@BreastDense) says she is “so grateful for my social media friends in many countries as we share the burden of this pandemic.”  In addition,  individuals who are self-isolating can also use QuarantineChat,[13] a new app that aims to connect people who are quarantined and may not have close family or friends to call. [14]

9.  Find Creative Distractions

Doing something creative can help improve your mood when you feel anxious or low. Creative activities can also increase your confidence and make you feel happier. This is because creative hobbies often completely absorb your attention, helping you to temporarily forget negative thoughts.  Carolyn Thomas (@heartsisters) shares this lovely idea for creating together with friends: “my paper-crafting friends and I are having our first ever virtual card-making workshop together via the miracle of video chat…. We each have a number of springtime birthdays coming up among our families and friends, so we’ll be creating springtime-theme birthday cards today.”

Looking for some more creative ideas? From baking to blogging, journaling to jigsaws, Sara Liyanage, author of Ticking Off Breast Cancer, has compiled a bumper list of distractions[15] for you to try.  Also check out PEN’s own Activity Guide here.   Experiment until you find something that suits you.

10. Practice Kindness and Self-Compassion

Nancy Seibel recommends shifting your focus to giving and receiving kindness.  “You’ll be worried, anxious or fearful at times. That’s a natural response to what’s happening, “ she says. “Accept those feelings compassionately. See if there’s anything to learn from them. Then shift your attention. Focus on what you’re grateful for. Walk. Ride your bike. Write. Dance.” She recommends starting with your own self-care, before expanding it out to others. “Calm and center yourself with meditation, deep breathing, knitting – whatever soothes you. Then support others. Spread a contagion of joy, love and kindness! That’s what will get us through this turbulent time.”

This Too Shall Pass

One of the things that is helping me right now is to tell myself that this reality is not forever. Patient advocate, Liza Bernstein[16] reminds us that while  “for now, #COVID19 feels like the entire world’s permanent reality… [but] within that, there are moments, nuances, and joy. There is hope, a delicious piece of chocolate, or a beautiful flower, or a hilarious meme, of if you’re lucky, a dog to play with, a loved one to hug (if you’re in the same home and healthy!)… or whatever floats your boat.”

The spread of coronavirus is a new and challenging event. Most people’s lives will change in some way over a period of days, weeks or months. But in time, it will pass. My wish for you today, especially if you are feeling anxious, alone, or fearful, is that you can find something to hold onto in this moment. To quote psychologist and breast cancer and SCAD survivor, Elizabeth McKenzie[17], “In this moment, as I write this, I have all that I need. I have my breath. I have my mind. I have my family. I have friends. I have shelter. I have clean water and good food. I have the nearby woods in which to walk. Not all moments are like this but right now it is.”

Additional Resources

At Home Self-Care Tips for Parents During a Pandemic


[1] CDC. Coronavirus Disease 2019

[2] WHO. Mental Health and Psychosocial Considerations During

COVID-19 Outbreak  In January 2020, The WHO declared the outbreak of a new coronavirus disease to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

[3] Fred Hutch. Coronavirus: what cancer patients need to know

[4] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Are You at Higher Risk for Severe Illness?

[5] Fred Hutch. Lessons from cancer patients in the time of coronavirus

[6] Nancy’s Point. What Can Cancer Patients (or anyone) Do to Protect Themselves & Others During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

[7] The #CoronaVirusFacts / #DatosCoronaVirus Alliance unites more than 100 fact-checkers around the world in publishing, sharing and translating facts surrounding the novel coronavirus https://www.poynter.org/coronavirusfactsalliance.

[8] Cleveland Clinic. Find Out Your COVID-19 Risk

[9] Intermountain Healthcare. COVID-19 Symptom Checker.

[10]Dam.Mad. About  Breast Cancer. Eat These 29 Foods to Help You Manage Stress

[11] Karin Sieger. Coping With Difficult Times.

[12] Live Science. Coronavirus: What is ‘flattening the curve,’ and will it work?

[13] https://quarantinechat.com

[14] Quarantine is the separation and restriction of movement of people who have potentially been exposed to a contagious disease to ascertain if they become unwell, so reducing the risk of them infecting others. This differs from isolation, which is the separation of people who have been diagnosed with a contagious disease from people who are not sick; however, the two terms are often used interchangeably, especially in communication with the public. The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence

[15] Ticking Off Breast Cancer. Ways To Distract Yourself During Self-Isolation.

[16] It’s The Bunk. It’s #Covid19 – Start Where You Are

[17] My Eyes Are Up Here. All I Need

Holiday Hacks: Tips for Coping with Chronic Illness During the Holidays #patientchat Highlights

Last week, we hosted an #patientchat on Holiday Hacks: Tips for Coping with Chronic Illness During the Holidays. The #patientchat community came together for an engaging discussion and shared what was their mind.

Top Tweets

Celebrate What You Can Do

But How Are You Really Doing?

Don’t Assume Anything

Full Chat

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) w/@askdrfitz and @HealthSparq #patientchat Highlights

Last week, we hosted an #patientchat on the social determinants of health (SDOH) with HealthSparq (@HealthSparq) and Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick (@askdrfitz). The #patientchat community came together for an engaging discussion and shared what was their mind.

Top Tweets

Social Determinants of Health Are A Systemic Issue

There Are Many Social Determinants of Health

Full Chat

Patient Experience: Let’s Talk Patient Burnout #patientchat Highlights

Last week, we hosted an #patientchat on the patient experience and patient burnout. The #patientchat community came together for an engaging discussion and shared what was their mind.

Top Tweets

Burnout Is Real and Normal

Many Factors Can Lead to Burnout

Full Chat

Tackling Medicine’s ‘Taboo’ Subjects

Many people feel reticent to speak about their personal medical problems and for 3% of Americans, the problem is so extreme that they feel they cannot speak to a doctor at all. While most concerns lead to nothing serious, there will be occasions where an inability to speak up can lead to further problems. Empowering people to feel confident is important, and there are stages to breaking down the barriers to this.

Improving Awareness

One important step to creating a safer environment for speaking freely is through improving awareness over conditions. Simply put, there are almost no conditions that significant numbers of people won’t have experienced and that doctors won’t see as run of the mill. Diseases concerning sensitive parts of the body and, similarly, venereal disease, are a good example of this, with literally millions being diagnosed every year according to the CDC.Despite this, studies have shown that many men and women are reluctant to discuss their symptoms with doctors.Teaching awareness of these sorts of facts, and outlining how nobody is going to judge, is an important base layer.

Getting Information Out There

Part of the reasons some people will refuse to approach a doctor is through fear of diagnosis, or of invasive diagnostic processes. A great way to combat this is through having as much medical information available online as possible. Services like Mayo Clinic and Healthline have done a lot to aid this in recent years, but more work can be done, especially with more obscure conditions.


Most crucial is the process of de-stigmatizing all illness. Regardless of the cause, condition or outcome, illness remains the same and should be treated with sensitivity. The effect of stigma on illness is clearly felt. Anonymous polls of men by the NCHS found that 10% of men had experienced feelings of anxiety or depression, but less than half had sought treatment. This fear of stigma has led to men being 3.5x more at risk of suicide than women. De-stigmatizing is key, both for mental health and for conditions across the board.

Illness should never be something to be ashamed or scared of broaching the subject of. Instead, it should be something that people feel confident and free to talk about with a doctor, with no worry of abuse or shame. Through awareness, dispersing information and tackling stigma, society as a whole can create an environment in which people of all ages are happy to pursue their medical issues.



Open Mic #patientchat Highlights

Last week, we hosted an Open Mic Empowered #patientchat. The #patientchat community came together for an engaging discussion and shared what was their mind.

Top Tweets

“How do you keep focused on yourself and the things you have rather than what you don’t?”

Mental Health’s Stigma

Mental Health Should Be Apart of Care Coordination

Full Chat

10 Tips for Mental Health Spring Cleaning

Every spring, we give our homes a deep cleaning to get it ready for the coming year. Do you do the same to your mind? Decluttering your brain is just as important as organizing your home. Here are 10 tips for mental health spring cleaning.

1. Start Journaling

Journaling might be a hobby that has fallen a bit out of vogue, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less effective. Keep a journal of your thoughts, worries, fears, and upsets. This helps release them from your mind.

2. Drop a Bad Habit

Pick an area in your life that has an impact on your mental health. For many of us, this might be diet or exercise. Make an effort to drop the habit and replace it with a healthier option. Instead of lazy Sundays, for example, maybe switch to lazy Sunday afternoons after a quick jog.

3. Let Go of Past Drama

Drama, and the negative feelings it induces, has a way of sticking with us. Let past drama go, even if it’s tempting to hang onto it. Your mind will be a more positive space and will be better able to handle the coming year thanks to your effort, and you’ll feel less stress and anxiety as a result.

4. Tackle Projects You’ve Been Putting Off

We all have a mental list of projects we really need to tackle. Start your “mental health spring cleaning” by writing down all of the things that you’ve been putting off, like home repairs or going to the skin doctor, and making the necessary appointments to get everything in hand.

5. Build Positive Relationships

We all have people in our lives that we love, but with whom we don’t have the healthiest or most enjoyable relationships. Instead of spending time prioritizing those people, consider dedicating your time to positive friendships instead.

6. Begin Healing Past Trauma

Life doesn’t leave anyone unscathed, and you might have some experiences in your past that have negatively affected you. If you haven’t already, now is the time to start taking steps towards overcoming them. Don’t be afraid to reach out to professionals for advice and guidance.

7. Make Gratitude a Priority

One great way to promote a healthy mind is to take some time to consider everything for which you are grateful. You can do this in a number of ways. If you’d like to make a daily list, for example, then set aside some time to the activity every day. You can also take a few moments every day and mentally check off all of your blessings.

8. Kick Negative Thoughts to the Curb

Chances are good you have enough on your mind without negative thoughts bouncing around. Consciously push those thoughts out and refocus on something positive instead.

9. Pick Up a New Hobby

Consider starting a new hobby to help spend your time constructively. A mind occupied with an interesting activity is a happy one.

10. Change Your Perspective

Accept that you’re not perfect and neither is the world around you. Instead of focusing on issues that make you made, look to the moments of progress and joy instead.

Are you ready to get started on your mental health spring cleaning? Take a look at some of our tips above and get started!

Cancer Goes Beyond Your Cells and Into Yourself

Your dreams of starting a family, of buying a house, of having grandchildren or of retirement in Florida may all come to a halt when your doctor says, “I’m sorry, but the test results revealed that you have cancer.”

In that brief moment, the future that you’ve dreamed up for yourself suddenly seems less attainable. Even though medical advancements have greatly improved chances of remission and the possibility of a long, healthy life, that doesn’t mean that a cancer diagnosis won’t drastically change your life. The first side effects of a cancer diagnosis that people may think about are the physical ones like hair loss, nausea and fatigue. However, some of the biggest challenges a cancer patient may experience are mental challenges.

While no one is going to respond the same way to difficult news like a cancer diagnosis, a number of cancer patients may experience several common mental health disorders. According to The National Cancer Institute, approximately 25 percent of cancer survivors experience symptoms of depression and about 45 percent experience anxiety. Some patients may even exhibit symptoms that meet the criteria of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The most concerning statistic is that cancer survivors are twice as likely to commit suicide than the general population.

The physical pain, treatments and stressors involved with a diagnosis is enough to cause a mental health disorder to develop on its own, but a person still has to deal with everyday stresses relative to relationships, finances and family issues. Some tips to boost your mental well-being during such a trying time can include:

  • Eat a well-balanced diet. Make sure you are eating enough calories because that’s will maintain your energy level. Lean proteins and colorful fruits and vegetables are nutritious choices that can help boost your strength and attitude.
  • Go outside. Going outdoors and getting fresh air can help clear your mind of negative thoughts associated with your illness.
  • Make memories. You shouldn’t let your cancer diagnosis keep you from living your life and enjoying your relationships.
  • Talk about it. Talking about your feelings can often make you feel better, it can be especially beneficial to talk to other cancer patients so you have someone to relate to and possibly offer a new perspective.
  • Grieve losses. As your illness and treatment progresses, you may face a number of obstacles like losing your independence or your ability to maintain your routine and complete simple tasks like grocery shopping or doing laundry. You should take time to grieve these personal losses before you try to move on.
  • Take your medications and supplements as directed. With your illness you may often experience chronic pain, it’s important to take your pain medication as directed so you don’t increase the risk of developing a substance use disorder. You should also discuss any changes you want to make regarding medications or supplements with your care team.
  • Get financial counseling. By discussing your extra expenses with an experienced financial counselor you can alleviate some of your anxiety.
  • Maintain an active social life. It’s important to have a strong support network because it helps you get through treatment physically and mentally.

Cancer can take a toll on your body but it can also be hard on your mind as well. If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health or substance use disorder, recovery is possible. Call and speak with a representative at The Recovery Village to find out more about treatment options. The call is free, confidential, and there is no obligation to enroll.

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