Tag Archive for: MPNs

MPN Treatment Tools and Advancements

MPN Treatment Tools and Advancements from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Dr. Kristen Pettit from Rogel Cancer Center shares MPN treatment updates and recent approvals for patient care.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

Related Resources:

What Is the Role of Next-Generation Sequencing in MPNs?

What Is Precision Medicine for MPNs?

Why Is Specialized Care Important for MPN Patients?


Dr. Kristen Pettit:

So research in MPNs has really been moving at an extremely fast pace over the last few years, so just over the past few years, we’ve seen advances in nearly every aspect of MPN care, from diagnosis to risk stratification, to MPN treatment, to support of care. We’ve even seen two new drugs, approved for MPN treatment over the past year, the first was ropeginterferon alfa-2b or Besremi approved for polycythemia vera in December 2021. And the most recent was pacritinib (Vonjo) for patients with myelofibrosis with low platelets approved in February of 2022. So there have been lots of exciting improvements very recently, and I think very, many more to come over the next few years.

But there’s still a long ways to go, some unmet needs in the field still include challenges in treating patients with low blood counts, either anemia or thrombocytopenia, low platelets, both of those are still challenging clinical situations. Also, the situation when JAK inhibitors either don’t work well enough for a patient or stop working overtime, that’s a situation that’s very challenging as well. Fortunately, we have a lot of clinical trials and new investigations going on in both of those areas, and patients with low blood counts and patients who have had inadequate or loss of response to JAK inhibitors. So, stay tuned over the next year or two, I think we’ll see major changes in both of those periods.

What Do Biosensors Mean for Myeloproliferative Care?

What Do Biosensors Mean for Myeloproliferative Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients can benefit from recent advances in medical uses of biosensors. Watch to learn about biosensor medical advances, advantages for MPN care, and future developments from biosensor use.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

Related Resources:

What Does Wearable Technology Mean for Myeloproliferative Care?

What Is Precision Medicine for MPNs?

Why Is Specialized Care Important for MPN Patients?


Though biosensors may be more well-known for their use in testing for food and water contaminants, they have emerged for a variety of medical uses as well. Biosensors may be used by healthcare providers in patient monitoring, screening for infections, health management, and disease treatment.

For MPN patients, biosensors can aid in several aspects of their care. Biosensors can detect viruses and bacterial threats, track exercise levels and body chemistry remotely, detect harmful chemicals, track disease progression, and share health information between patients, providers, and anyone else whom a patient authorizes. All of these biosensor capabilities provide for more precise, personalized, and optimal care for each patient.

As biosensors evolve even more over time, they will continue to help refine healthcare. MPN patients can expect even more personalized care than are already offered, and quality of life during treatment should also improve since biometrics more accurately gauge factors like disease progression and treatment progress.

Please remember to ask your healthcare team what may be right for you.

What Does Teleoncology Mean for Myeloproliferative Care?

What Does Teleoncology Mean for Myeloproliferative Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients can benefit from various aspects of teleoncology. Watch to learn about teleoncology, benefits for MPN patients, and potential future developments with teleoncology.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

Related Resources:

What Does Wearable Technology Mean for Myeloproliferative Care?

What Is Precision Medicine for MPNs?

Why Is Specialized Care Important for MPN Patients?


Teleoncology carries out clinical oncology remotely and can cover all aspects of oncology care including cancer diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up phases for patients. As with other cancer types, MPN patients can benefit from many aspects of teleoncology.  

Teleoncology is a more targeted part of telemedicine, which is especially beneficial for MPN care. Teleoncology provides more frequent monitoring of symptoms, treatment side effects, physical functions as well as easier patient access to lab tests and protecting patients from extra exposure to viruses and infection risks.

With the evolution of treatments that can now be delivered via convenient methods like wearable patches, the future of teleoncology looks promising. MPN patients will have fewer visits for their treatment and can enjoy a higher quality of life with more frequent remote check-ins with their MPN specialist.

What Is the Role of Next-Generation Sequencing in MPNs

What Is the Role of Next-Generation Sequencing in MPNs? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients can take advantage of a medical advancement called next-generation sequencing. Watch to learn about next-generation sequencing, what it means for MPN patient care, and potential future developments from next-generation sequencing.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

Related Resources:

Does Remote Patient Monitoring Mean for MPN Patients?

MPN Treatment Tools and Advancements

How Does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Improve MPN Patient Care?


Next-generation sequencing is a DNA analysis process that allows for sequencing of a portion of a patient’s genome. The process allows for processing of multiple DNA sequences in parallel. Next-generation sequencing also can identify hereditary cancer mutation carriers, cancer mutations, and other things.

Next-generation sequencing is another medical advancement that helps improve MPN patient care. By identifying cancer mutations and hereditary cancer mutation carriers, next-generation sequencing helps oncologists to further refine targeted therapies and personalized medicine – leading to optimal patient care.

As more research continues in next-generation sequencing, it’s possible that new genetic mutations will be discovered to further enhance quality of life with patient symptoms and treatment side effects.

Please remember to ask your healthcare team what may be right for you.

What Does Wearable Technology Mean for Myeloproliferative Care?

What Does Wearable Technology Mean for Myeloproliferative Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients can add wearable technology as another part of their MPN care toolbox. Watch to learn about monitoring that wearable devices may provide, what it means for MPN care, and future developments from wearable technology.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

Related Resources:

What Do Telegenetic Consultations Mean for MPN Patients?

MPN Treatment Tools and Advancements

Should MPN Patients and Their Families Continue Telemedicine?


Wearable technology has expanded and improved at an impressive rate in recent years. With exercise and health tracking technology with devices like Fitbits and Apple Watches, wearable technology includes devices issued from healthcare providers for the monitoring of heart activity, breathing, brain activity, and more.

Advancements in wearable technology offer advantages to myeloproliferative patients in providing more opportunities for remote monitoring and also for delivering treatment via wearable drug delivery systems. And these technologies provide improved care, more frequency of gauging patient health metrics to improve quality of life, and optimal patient health over time.

With technologies advancing at such a rapid rate, there could be even more opportunities to improve care for myeloproliferative patients. Perhaps miniscule blood draws could even be carried out by wearable technology to provide even more convenience for patients while also protecting them from virus and infection risks in clinical settings.

Please remember to ask your healthcare team what may be right for you.

What Does Remote Patient Monitoring Mean for MPN Patients?

What Does Remote Patient Monitoring Mean for MPN Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients are a patient group who already used remote patient monitoring before the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch to learn about remote patient monitoring, recent advancements for MPN patient care, and expectations for future developments from remote patient monitoring.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

Related Resources:

What Do Telegenetic Consultations Mean for MPN Patients?

What Do Biosensors Mean for Myeloproliferative Care?

Should MPN Patients and Their Families Continue Telemedicine?


Remote patient monitoring was already in use before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and technology improvements were fast-tracked by federal grants from the U.S. government. Telemedicine appointments and monitoring of the heart, lungs, brain, and muscles through remote technologies can be easily carried out for improved remote care.

Though remote patient monitoring of MPN patients was already in practice through periodic monitoring of blood work, advancements have been made in recent months. These improvements allow patients to visit their MPN specialist less frequently as their provider advises. While protecting patients from virus and infection risks, fewer visits save time and travel costs while also allowing optimal patient care in collaboration with their provider.  

As remote patient monitoring technologies continue to increase and improve over time, they will continue to help refine patient care. MPN patients can expect personalized care that becomes even more tailored to their needs, which will result in improved quality of life and less time in care appointments and traveling time for care appointments.

Please remember to ask your healthcare team what may be right for you.

What Do Telegenetic Consultations Mean for MPN Patients?

What Do Telegenetic Consultations Mean for MPN PAtients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients have a telegenetic consultation as another option that has emerged for the telemedicine toolbox. Watch to learn about telegenetic consultations, what they mean for MPN patients, and future developments.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

Related Resources:

What Do Biosensors Mean for Myeloproliferative Care?

What Is Chronic Neutrophilic Leukemia?

Should MPN Patients and Their Families Continue Telemedicine?


Telegenetic consultations are those that can be carried out via telemedicine with genetic counselors. With the rise of genetic mutations playing a factor in cancer care and treatment decisions, it’s a natural progression for telegenetic consultations to become another option in the telemedicine tool box that protects patients from exposure to viruses and potential infections and saves them valuable time, energy, and travel costs.

With personalized medicine becoming an integral part of MPN patient care that analyze genetic mutations like JAK2 mutations and MPL mutations, telegenetic consultations make sense as another part of the tools for MPN care. The future of MPN care looks brighter with these virtual care options as part of the equation.

A form of tattoos called e-skins have now emerged as part of remote health monitoring. Used for detecting physical and electrical functions including heart, muscle, and brain activity, e-skins have shown reliability in monitoring tests even under body stress situations like sweating and while consuming spicy foods.

Please remember to ask your healthcare team what may be right for you.

Understanding What ECG Monitoring Tools Mean for MPN

Understanding What ECG Monitoring Tools Mean for MPN Patients from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients can add ECG monitoring tools as part of their care. Watch to learn about ECG monitoring tools, their value in MPN care, and future developments from ECG monitoring tools.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

Related Resources:

What Do Telegenetic Consultations Mean for MPN Patients?

Does Remote Patient Monitoring Mean for MPN Patients?

What Does Wearable Technology Mean for Myeloproliferative Care?


ECG monitoring tools or those that monitor electrocardiography – electrical activity of the heart – are another helpful tool in monitoring patients of all kinds, including cancer patients. Recent technology advancements have brought ECG monitoring beyond wearable vests and into wearable wristbands and e-skin technologies.

Monitoring patient health involves several aspects with heart health being on the monitoring list. With the advancements in ECG monitoring tools, myeloproliferative (MPN) patients can now have heart monitoring with some advantages. Patients can skip the risks of exposure to viruses and potential infections in clinic settings while also saving valuable time, energy, and travel costs.

Wearable ECG monitoring tools are already reliable, and the technologies will only become more precise as they are used more over time. Some patients who have wearable devices linked to their cell phones have the ability to automatically notify their emergency contacts in the event of concerning heart activity. Automated notifications like this are likely to become more common as technology improves.

Please remember to ask your healthcare team what may be right for you.

Clinical Trials As an MPN Treatment Option Resource Guide

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MPN Patient Profile: Robyn Rourick Part 2

Read the first part of Robyn’s MPN journey here…

Picking up after 26 years of watchful monitoring of her myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN), scientist Robyn Rourick was then referred for an allogeneic stem cell transplant by her MPN specialist, Dr. Gotlib. The transplant team started working through the matching process for a bone marrow transplant donor, which often begins with close biological relatives. Although Robyn’s only sibling wasn’t a transplant match, a person considered a near perfect transplant match for Robyn was found.

At that point in her journey, the possibility of entering a Phase II clinical trial called ORCA-1 was presented by Robyn’s transplant doctor. She discovered that the ORCA-1 treatment had the potential to completely eliminate graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). The clinical trial made sense to her. In Robyn’s trained scientific mind, she agreed that the trial was founded on sound scientific rationale with the potential for clear benefit and signed up for it. She researched other things like whether the transplant team could look at biomarkers to guard against graft-versus-host disease, but she decided to take the clinical trial path as her best option.

As for her feelings about the stem cell transplant, Robyn felt there was likely going to be a positive outcome for her due to the ORCA-1 clinical trial. Her knowledge about the trial really brought her a lot of comfort and put her at ease for the time she’d be around her family post-transplant. Robyn was lucky because her doctor was actually the primary investigator on the study. When he presented the transplant study as an option, that’s when she started to do more searching to find what patient advocacy groups were out there.

Looking back on her MPN journey, Robyn wishes that physicians would provide their patients with more patient advocacy resources, such as those available through organizations like Patient Empowerment Network (PEN). She feels fortunate that she discovered PEN through another patient advocacy website, and she firmly believes in PEN’s mission of empowering patients to gain knowledge to advocate on their own behalf. “I had the realization that in the clinical trial I was in, I was only the sixth patient, and the technology was stellar in terms of what we’re trying to do in terms of cell therapy. I just felt like patients need to know about the treatment advancements, and PEN is an excellent resource for learning about treatment and support options that I wanted to share my knowledge and patient experience with.” 

Robyn was fortunate to have a team of physicians in whose knowledge and treatment recommendations she could trust. She’s  tremendously grateful, because she knows it’s not always the case, and so offers this advice for others, “Make sure that you’re comfortable with your physicians. And if not, then move on. Don’t be afraid to reach out and to make other connections to other doctors, even across the globe. You shouldn’t hesitate to request a conference call with another provider to see if they’re aligned with your diagnosis and your watchful waiting or treatment recommendations. Patients must have the utmost confidence going through their cancer journey.”

As for the scientists who handled her sample in the ORCA-1 trial, Robyn was able to meet the scientists and saw the analytical data of her sample. She was highly impressed with the protocols that they used with the samples. Robyn was just the sixth myelofibrosis patient to join the trial. To have spent her life working on medicines for patients and then to be on the receiving end of this cutting-edge treatment for transplants made her feel very privileged. 

In her life post-transplant, Robyn has continued periodic blood work for routine monitoring and has been doing well. Two years following her transplant, Robyn’s myelofibrosis is in remission, and she has no evidence of fibrosis in her bone marrow. Her test numbers have been progressing nicely, and she hasn’t needed any additional treatment since undergoing the transplant. “I don’t have a single regret. I haven’t had a pimple, an itch, a scratch, absolutely nothing. My life has resumed exactly how it was before the transplant.”

In reflecting on her patient experience, Robyn offers this additional advice to other cancer patients, “Take a deep breath and give it some time to play out. The moment that I heard the word cancer and the risks with rapid progression, I had myself dead and buried. In my mind, what I needed to plan for was death. Prepare my family. Get everything in order. And to me, that was going to be the ultimate outcome. But then as things unfolded, I had conversations, did a little bit of research, and found out I did have some options. Things weren’t so negative in terms of progression and mortality. Don’t jump to the most negative outcome possible.”

MPN Patient Profile: Robyn Rourick Part 1

Though Robyn Rourick is a scientist by training and works for a biotechnology company, she took a mind-body approach to her myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) journey. The time that passed between Robyn’s initial MPN diagnosis and when she finally needed treatment was incredibly – and nearly shockingly – long. She was diagnosed with essential thrombocythemia (ET) 26 years after elevated platelets were shown on a routine blood test. After she saw a hematologist, they performed a bone marrow biopsy and concluded she didn’t have myelofibrosis and received the ET diagnosis. Robyn recalls of the time of her diagnosis, “I didn’t know about myeloproliferative disorders. Not many people did at the time. Nobody mentioned that I could potentially have an MPN.” 

Robyn’s blood levels were monitored over the years, and her platelets started to decrease. Though she didn’t realize at the time, her platelets were decreasing because her bone marrow was becoming more fibrotic. She was also tested for the early gene mutations (JAK2) that were discovered as more MPN research occurred but tested negative . She later switched to another hematologist who was very tuned into the gene connections. He looked at Robyn’s medical data comprehensively and was extremely attentive to any minor changes. As her blastocytes began shifting, he urged her to go see MPN specialist Dr. Gotlib. Dr. Gotlib did further analyses and classified her as having myelofibrosis, noting that when she was diagnosed with ET that her original healthcare team also couldn’t have  ruled out pre-fibrotic myelofibrosis at that time. Fortunately, Dr. Gotlib stated if he had diagnosed her with her original blood test 26 years prior, he would have recommended to simply watch and wait while monitoring Robyn’s blood levels on a regular basis. 

Although Robyn felt healthy and had no symptoms besides an enlarged spleen, as Dr. Gotlib dug deeper into her genetic profile, he found a unique mutation that suggested she was at risk for an escalation into acute myeloid leukemia mutation. He recommended Robyn for an immediate allogeneic stem cell transplant for her MPN treatment.    

Robyn then learned that graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) was a major concern for the transplant process, which can be debilitating. So she began to seek patient advocacy resources to inform her MPN journey. “I felt desperate and wanted to meet people who had myelofibrosis who successfully came through transplant. I didn’t want to just talk to a transplant person with a different disease.” Robyn went through some patient connection programs – including Be the Match, Caring Connections Program, and Patient Power – and was able to meet a few people and became quite close with one patient. 

She learned that even though transplant will cure your disease, doctors don’t always elaborate with patients on the potential for a compromised lifestyle due to  graft-versus-host disease. Sometimes patients will come through transplant in worse condition than before the treatment. Robyn had major fears about going through transplant and being able to work and do her extracurricular activities post-transplant. “I felt like I was going to be a letdown for my family and colleagues and didn’t tell my work until I was preparing to go out on leave, which in retrospect was silly.” After telling her manager, Robyn was given complete support, and realized she could have avoided carrying so much anxiety.

“For me, self-education and advocacy are important to enable yourself to have conversations about what’s possible in terms of your treatment. You don’t have to develop an in-depth understanding, but enough to have the ability to be conversational. If you’re proposed a certain pathway, it’s good to know enough to ask why. And if you’ve done some research on your own, then you can ask why not an alternate treatment approach. I think it’s really important to have some knowledge, because it builds your confidence to be able to move forward with what’s being proposed.” 

“Give it time, allow yourself to digest the information, have conversations about it, and develop your own understanding. At first, I was very closed about my diagnosis. I told my immediate family, and I told one very close friend who had gone through autologous transplant. The more that I began to talk about it and the more that I included people in the story, the easier my journey became.” Robyn also saw a cancer therapist who made some really good points to her. “She told me that ‘we’re all going to die of something, but most of us don’t know what that really looks like.’” In Robyn’s case, she had the opportunity to learn more about her disease, guide it, and direct her journey. And that opened up a whole new perspective.

The cancer therapist walked Robyn through some exercises: “What is it you’re afraid of? What do you have control over? Allowing yourself to gain control over some things will build your confidence that you can do this.” Robyn also encourages other patients to engage their network of friends and family and realize that it’s okay to depend on people. It’s not your fault that you have this diagnosis. Getting over the apprehension of telling people about your diagnosis and embracing help from others are key pieces of advice.

Robyn views patient empowerment as essential to the patient journey. She discovered Patient Empowerment Network (PEN) through another patient advocacy website and felt it brought her MPN patient experience full circle in terms of learning what’s available. “As I’m learning more about PEN, I’m just dazzled by the different forums they have to enable knowledge transfer, support systems, and advocacy.” 

Read the second part of Robyn’s MPN journey here…

Thriving with an MPN: What You Should Know About Care and Treatment Resource Guide

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Engage MPNs Resource Guide

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Health Educator Turned MPN Patient Speaks to Importance of Specialized Care

Health Educator Turned MPN Patient Speaks to Importance of Specialized Care from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patient and health educator Julia Olff helped others navigate the healthcare system before her diagnosis with myelofibrosis and later with ET. Watch as she shares her unique experience and how finding MPN specialists can help patients in receiving optimal care.  

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Julia Olff:

Well, as a health educator and as a former hospital administrator when I was diagnosed with myelofibrosis, I feel like I had a particular reaction to the diagnosis that might be different from others who didn’t work in healthcare. I was both fascinated, which may sound really bizarre, that I was being diagnosed with an illness that I did not feel. Also, an illness I had not heard of, although I knew about some of the treatments that might be proposed because of my work as a health educator. So, I feel like I kind of went into health educator mode and health navigator mode, and that gave me a leg up in terms of knowing very early on, that once my ET transformed to myelofibrosis, I knew that I needed to see an MPN expert. And because I worked on health education because I worked in hospitals, I understood that I want, I needed to see a physician who had a depth of expertise, who had a volume of patients, who had a lot of experience with the drugs that existed. Although, in 2008, there was no approved, drug for myelofibrosis, but I knew I needed to go to the place where there was…

Where I had a better chance of getting the latest treatment, and I was diagnosed by a community oncologist who was lovely and one of the nicest people, and one of the nicest physicians I’ve seen, but it was clear he was not steeped in MPNs, because he treated patients across a spectrum of cancers. So, in that way, I think I started out in a different place, I also know that hospitals and healthcare can be very overwhelming, and I had a bit of the language and the world and some of the sort of…I understood a little bit more, I think about what my physicians might have been sharing with me, and if I didn’t, I felt empowered and not that this is easy by any stretch and it continues to be a challenge, but I knew that I needed to ask questions. I knew that I needed to read more about my illness, I knew I needed to vet my doctor as well, and I also figured out over time that as I was going to have this illness, hopefully in the sense that I hope I continue to live well with myelofibrosis and stay alive, that I was going to be seeing an MPN expert for a long time.

So, I think that influenced my point of view, I kind of take it as a job, so as to my personality, so I have a health notebook, I need to have one from the very beginning, I knew I couldn’t remember everything, I had to write it down. I knew I had to track what I was feeling so I could share it with my doctor, and I knew that from being a health educator, I think no one told me to do those things, and certainly, physicians don’t really know to tell you that, so I think in a lot of ways, I was approaching my illness in a very serious manner because I had experience in healthcare, and the last comment I’ll make is, I think from navigating the system, navigating health insurance, I knew a little bit from my experience as a caregiver already, and also from a health educator, I understood this is another area where I needed to empower myself or ask questions, or not take some of the information that may have been shared with me initially as on face value, that it was okay to ask more. As I said, I’ve had this illness for 13 years, I’ve also been caregiving for an adult child with illness, and every time I call the insurance company to ask a question about an explanation of benefits or why something isn’t covered, and learn a tiny bit more, and I add that to sort of my toolkit. 

Making Lifestyle Changes When Living With an MPN

Making Lifestyle Changes When Living With an MPN from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 As a myelofibrosis (MF) and essential thrombocythemia (ET) patient, Julia Olff has experienced lifestyle changes in her MPN journey. Watch as she shares changes she made with her work life and eating habits and the impact on her well-being as an MPN patient.

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Julia Olff:

I’ve definitely made many lifestyle changes since I’ve been diagnosed with ET and then myelofibrosis. The biggest change came when I needed to give up full-time work and began to work on a very part-time basis, so that’s been the most monumental change, and it really came about because of how unwell I was feeling, how much pain I was going through at the time, I also had a mini-stroke and became more involved in is hospitalized that I needed more treatment than I was seeing more…more specialists for a short period of time, and my husband and I recognized that to maintain my well-being, I needed to step off of the 50-hour week plus travel job that I was doing, so that was a really big change and that continues to influence my life, however, I’ve found a lot of positives in that I’m fortunate that I’ve been able to financially sustain my life while working part-time and find other aspects of my life that are fulfilling. For example, I volunteer a lot more. I’ve made changes in the way that I eat and the way that I sleep, so myelofibrosis has certainly caused a lot more fatigue over the years. And while when I was working full-time, I don’t think I was getting the amount of sleep that I really needed, and fatigue started to really weigh on me, and I remember driving and just feeling like, “Oh my God, I can’t do this,” so I make sure that I go to bed much earlier than I used to and try to wake up about the same time every day, and it’s also helped with some of the insomnia that I know people with myelofibrosis on the flip side, have with the fatigue. I’ve been hospitalized a few times for colitis, and there are all sorts of potential for bleeding with myelofibrosis, and we’re not sure that that was related, but I learned that I needed to change the way I was eating, and I can’t say that I did it immediately.

It took seeing a gastroenterologist, who evaluated all of my records and several more colonoscopies to get and the terrible, terrible pain of colitis to realize I needed to change the way I was eating, and I also had some weight gain with one of the medications that I was on…and so I enrolled in Weight Watchers, which I found to be incredibly helpful to help me lose some weight and did help me pump up the fruits and vegetables in my diet, especially when I learned you can eat lots of those…but less of other things. So those are some of the changes. And the last one I say is really learning to pace myself and to not overdo it, and that’s a longer learning process, I think, and figuring out that you don’t have the same kind of energy that you had pre-illness, where you can kind of push your day…you can do one more thing, one to one more place, add one more task to do is when you’re out, I’m much more of a planner, and I allow myself much more time to get things done, and I spread them out over several days, what I might have done in one day in the past.  

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