Tag Archive for: #patientchat

#patientchat Highlights – Self-Advocacy and Self-Education

Last week we hosted a “Self-Advocacy and Self-Education” Empowered #patientchat on Twitter. Take a look at the top tweets and full transcript from the chat.

Top Tweets

Can you recall a time where advocating for yourself improved your care?

Tweet from Alan Brewington

How can you become an effective self-advocate?


Full Transcript

#patientchat Highlights – Patient Advocacy: Boosting Online Presence

Last week we hosted a “Patient Advocacy: Boosting Online Presence” Empowered #patientchat on Twitter with special guest Marie Ennis-O’Connor (@JBBC). Take a look at the top tweets and full transcript from the chat.

Top Tweets

What are the benefits and/or disadvantages of taking your patient advocacy to online communities/platforms?


What are your go-to tips for starting on social media whether it’s starting a blog or just trying to find community?

Full Transcript

#patientchat Highlights – Let’s Talk Toxic Positivity

Last week we hosted a “Let’s Talk Toxic Positivity” Empowered #patientchat on Twitter. Take a look at the top tweets and full transcript from the chat.

Top Tweets

 Toxic positivity can cause you to minimize the feelings of others or yourself. What are other signs of toxic positivity and how else can it be harmful?

toxic positivity #patientchat

How can you avoid toxic positivity in yourself and towards others?

Toxic Positivity #patientchat

Closing Thoughts

Toxic Positivity #patientchat

Full Transcript

#patientchat Highlights – The Power of Giving

Last week we hosted a “The Power of Giving” Empowered #patientchat on Twitter. Take a look at the top tweets and full transcript from the chat.

Top Tweets

What does giving mean to you and how do you actively give?

What talents do you utilize when giving?

Who gives or gave to you that now inspires you to give to others?

The Power of Giving #patientchat

Full Transcript

#patientchat Highlights – Mental Health Check-In: The Emotional Impact of Chronic Illness

Last week we hosted a “Mental Health Check-In: The Emotional Impact of Chronic Illness” Empowered #patientchat on Twitter. Take a look at the top tweets and full transcript from the chat.

Top Tweets

How would you describe the state of your mental/emotional health for the month of September?

The Emotional Impact of Chronic Illness #patientchat Highlights

How are you currently prioritizing your mental and emotional health? Any self-care tips?

The Emotional Impact of Chronic Illness #patientchat Highlights

The Emotional Impact of Chronic Illness #patientchat Highlights


Full Transcript

#patientchat Highlights – What Role Does Music Play in Your Mental Health?

Last week we hosted a “What Role Does Music Play in Your Mental Health?” Empowered #patientchat with Amanda G (@LALupusLady) on Twitter. Take a look at the top tweets and full transcript from the chat.

Top Tweets

Do you think music can be used as a coping mechanism? If so, how?

#patientchat - What Role Does Music Play in Your Mental Health? Highlights

What ways can we incorporate music into patient care?

#patientchat - What Role Does Music Play in Your Mental Health? Highlights #patientchat - What Role Does Music Play in Your Mental Health? Highlights


Full Transcript

#patientchat Highlights – How Can You Use Technology for Better Care?

Last week we hosted a “How Can You Use Technology for Better Care?” Empowered #patientchat on Twitter. Take a look at the top tweets and full transcript from the chat.

Top Tweets

Which digital applications (if any) do you use to help manage your health and why?

Has technology changed healthcare to benefit patients? If yes, how so?

Closing Thoughts

Full Transcript

#patientchat Highlights – Extended Reality: The Use of VR, MR, and AI for Patients

Last week we hosted a “Extended Reality: The Use of VR, MR, and AI for Patients” Empowered #patientchat on Twitter. Take a look at the top tweets and full transcript from the chat.

Top Tweets

Do you have any reservations of extended reality and/or AI being used in healthcare? If so, what are they?

#patientchat Highlights #patientchat Highlights

How can we increase the overall education around extended reality and artificial intelligence being used in healthcare for patients and their loved ones?

#patientchat Highlights

Full Transcript

#patientchat Highlights – Improving Equity in Clinical Trials

Last week we hosted a “Improving Equity in Clinical Trials” Empowered #patientchat on Twitter with special guest Diverse Health Hub.  Take a look at the top tweets and full transcript from the chat.

Top Tweets

What are ways researchers can improve their overall engagement to reach more diverse communities?

#patientchat top tweet

How can we continue to increase public awareness of clinical trials?

#patientchat top tweet

Share Your Story

#patientchat top tweet

Full Transcript

#patientchat Highlights – How is “Value” Defined in Healthcare?

Last week we hosted a “How is “Value” Defined in Healthcare?” Empowered #patientchat on Twitter.  Take a look at the top tweets and full transcript from the chat.

Top Tweets

How do you assess “value” in your care?

#patientchat top tweet

How does measuring value vary from all involved in healthcare such as patients, caregivers, physicians,  health systems, etc.?#patientchat top tweet

As the definition of value continues to evolve in healthcare, what steps can you take to ensure your voice is heard? Do you have advice for other patients who are struggling to have their voices heard?

#patientchat Top Tweet

Full Transcript

#patientchat Highlights – Filtering Misinformation: Social Media and Your Care

Last week we hosted a “Filtering Misinformation: Social Media and Your Care” #patientchat. The #patientchat community came together on Twitter for a lively discussion. Take a look at the top tweets and full transcript from the chat.

Top Tweets

How does social media impact the patient experience?

How can we better equip patients, care partners and advocates to identify misinformation?

Full Transcript

#patientchat Highlights – Building Power Through Your Story

Last week we hosted a “Building Power Through Your Story” #patientchat. The #patientchat community came together on Twitter for a lively discussion. Take a look at the top tweets and full transcript from the chat.

Top Tweets

Why is it important for patients and/or care partners to share their stories with others?

Building Power Through Your Story Highlights

Building Power Through Your Story Highlights

Full Transcript

#patientchat Highlights – Looking Back on 2021 and Ahead to 2022

Last week we hosted a “Looking Back on 2021 and Ahead to 2022” #patientchat. The #patientchat community came together on Twitter for a lively discussion. Take a look at the top tweets and full transcript from the chat.

Top Tweets

Which healthcare trends were important to you in 2021? What trends would you like to see gain momentum?

A Year in Review #patientchat Highlights

Which healthcare trends were important to you in 2021? What trends would you like to see gain momentum?

A Year in Review #patientchat Highlights


Full Transcript

#patientchat Highlights – Building Trust: Striving for Equitable Care

Last week we hosted a “Building Trust: Striving for Equitable Care” #patientchat. The #patientchat community came together on Twitter for a lively discussion. Take a look at the top tweets and full transcript from the chat.

Top Tweets

Equality vs. Equity

Increasing Trust in Medicine

#patientchat Highlights - Building Trust: Striving for Equitable Care

Share Your Story

#patientchat Highlights - Building Trust: Striving for Equitable Care

Full Transcript

#patientchat Highlights – Ask Me Anything (AMA) Part 2

Last week we hosted a “Ask Me Anything (AMA) Part 2” #patientchat with special guest, Marie Ennis-O’Connor (@JBBC). The #patientchat community came together on Twitter for a lively discussion. Take a look at the top tweets and full transcript from the chat.

Top Tweets

Experience Across the Spectrum

Just a Bad Day, Not a Bad Life

Keep Being that Voice for Those Not Ready to Speak Out Yet

Ask Me Anything (AMA) Part 2 Highlights

Full Transcript