Tag Archive for: rural area

Advanced Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials | Access and NRG-GU008 Trial

Advanced Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials | Access and NRG-GU008 Trial from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What’s the latest in ongoing advanced prostate cancer clinical trials? Expert Dr. Ronald Chen from KU Medical Center discusses ongoing trials, the INNOVATE trial and NRG-GU008 trial, clinical trial benefits, and patient advice for gaining clinical trial access.


“…ask if clinical trial is not available at your local cancer center, see if a second opinion through telehealth with a larger cancer center is possible, so that you can learn about clinical trial options and see if that’s something that you want to pursue.”

See More from [ACT]IVATED Prostate Cancer

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Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Chen, can you talk about any clinical trials that are ongoing for people who are living with advanced prostate cancer? And in particular, any trials that you or your colleagues are doing right now that would be of interest to this audience? And my last part to that question is, if they are not able to access those easily, do you have suggestions for patients to access those clinical trials if they’re working with a local community cancer center?

Dr. Ronald Chen:

I think having access to clinical trials is very important for every cancer patient and especially patients who have advanced cancer. And the reason I think this is really important is because in advanced cancer, we’re not doing as well as we want to in terms of extending survival and potentially even curing some patients. We’re not doing as well as we want to, and there’s a lot of room for improvement. And the only way to improve the outcomes for patients with advanced cancer is through clinical trials. Clinical trials is where patients can access first new promising treatments that are not currently available widely because it’s not yet FDA-approved.

And so, I think access to clinical trials is important and often offers a hope for patients because of a new promising agent that they could access through the trial. So I think that’s really important. And there are actually multiple…there are actually a lot of open clinical trials ongoing around the U.S. for patients with advanced cancer, testing new drugs, testing new ways to deliver treatment. I absolutely believe that there will be a new treatment approved for advanced prostate cancer probably every year for years to come because of all the new trials that are happening because of all the new promising agents that have been developed, being tested right now. So I think that’s really important.

I want to highlight a couple of examples of trials, but again, there’s so many, it’s hard to talk about all of them. But I’ll highlight a couple. There’s one trial sponsored by the National Cancer Institute for patients with no positive prostate cancer, which is when prostate cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, and the trial is called NRG-GU008, we call it the INNOVATE trial; and for patients with no positive prostate cancer, even though the cancer has spread to lymph nodes, this is actually a group of stage IV prostate cancer patients where there actually is still a hope for cure. We could actually still cure some patients with no positive prostate cancer. And the goal of this trial is to improve that cure rate.

So maybe right now, with aggressive treatment for these patients, maybe we can cure 50 percent of these patients in this trial that will incorporate a new drug that seems promising, we’re hoping that maybe improves the cure rate higher, maybe to 70 percent or higher. And so, I think that is a really important trial for patients who have that specific diagnosis.

In terms of for patients who live maybe in an area that…where the local cancer center does not offer clinical trials, I think there’s still opportunity for them to learn about clinical trials and even participate. And what I would advocate for is to ask for a second opinion.

Second opinions in cancer is now actually pretty commonly available because of the arrival of telehealth. Even if you live in maybe a small rural area, you can still request a telehealth consultation from a larger cancer center by telephone, by video, and through that, you can ask about clinical trials that are available. And I think it’s important to pursue that, to learn about the options, to learn if there’s a new treatment that could be available to you before you make a final decision on choosing treatment. So with telehealth, second opinion, learning about options, I think there’s actually opportunities to access clinical trials that way.

So my activation tip for this question is, ask if a clinical trial is not available at your local cancer center, see if a second opinion through telehealth with a larger cancer center is possible, so that you can learn about clinical trial options and see if that’s something that you want to pursue.

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Overcoming Small Cell Lung Cancer Care Barriers

Overcoming Small Cell Lung Cancer Care Barriers from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can small cell lung cancer care barriers be overcome? Expert Beth Sandy from Abramson Cancer Center discusses common barriers for patients in remote areas and underrepresented communities, advice for accessing resources and support, and tips to ensure lung cancer stigma doesn’t interfere with care.


“…work very closely with the social worker in your practice who is very familiar with all of these different resources that are available…I’ll say up front is when providers like doctors or nurses ask you if you’ve ever smoked, that is by no means being something accusatory. It actually helps us understand the trajectory of your disease better… Another thing that we know about both non-small and small cell lung cancer is that patients who have smoked actually often respond better to immunotherapy. So that can help us understand just how your disease may act and what treatments may even work better.”

See More from [ACT]IVATED Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)

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Small Cell Lung Cancer Care | Optimizing Team Communication


Lisa Hatfield:

So if we can discuss some barriers to getting care for small cell lung cancer. I’ll break it down to three different areas or three different barriers. So if you could discuss or give advice for a person living with small cell lung cancer in a rural area who might not have access to state-of-the-art cancer care. Second area, if you have any advice or specific considerations or recommendations for small cell lung cancer, people dealing with small cell lung cancer from underrepresented communities. And then third, if you need me to remind you of these, I sure will. Third, kind of the elephant in the room, if you can address one of the barriers being the stigma that’s associated with not only small cell lung cancer but with any lung cancer, maybe address that as a barrier and any advice you have for a person dealing with that, we’d appreciate that.

Beth Sandy:

Yeah, so there are a lot of barriers. So let’s talk about the first one. If you’re living in a rural area and having access to state-of-the-art cancer care. I think the one thing that I’ll say here is that small cell lung cancer responds very well and very quickly to frontline treatment, which is chemotherapy and immunotherapy, and these are approved no matter where you live. This is not a clinical trial. You don’t have to go to a fancy hospital to get this.

As a matter of fact, the two chemotherapy drugs we’ve been using for 20 years, so you can get them anywhere. So now the point is about driving. So this is something you have to come back three days in a row for. So is there a place where you can stay close by? So at my institution, we have a charitable organization who turned an old hotel that’s about 30 minutes outside the city into a place for our patients to stay overnight for free. So that is kept up by charitable donations and so if patients live several hours away and they need a three-days-in-a-row treatment, a lot of times they will stay at that location.

So is there something like that that’s available if you’re driving from very far away? But I think the other thing that also concerns me is your blood counts can drop, and you can get sick from this chemotherapy. Most patients do pretty well, but if you’re getting sick, how far are you from the closest hospital? If you have a fever and your white blood cells are probably low, you need to go to the emergency room. So I think those are things to sort of start preparing for ahead of time and thinking, okay, do I maybe need to stay with family members who may be closer to a hospital? Just again, depending on how far away you are.

Where I live, it snows in the winter, so that’s always something that, especially the people in the more mountainous regions are like, what if we get like a foot or two feet of snow overnight and I can’t get out in the morning? How’s that going to affect me? So really thinking about those kinds of things. And are there, again, charitable organizations or money or grant support to help pay for rides or gas money even? Sometimes the American Cancer Society can help with things like that. 

Are there specific considerations or recommendations for small cell lung cancer for patients who are in underrepresented communities? So yeah, I think again, talking about getting back and forth to treatment, it can be really difficult, especially with small cell lung cancer. If you’re on radiation, radiation is daily and chemotherapy is three days in a row, like I’ve said. So it’s a lot of back and forth. Do you have to pay for parking? Do you have the rides?

Again, this is where a lot of times we’ll work with our social workers in both radiation oncology or medical oncology to help with transportation. There are transportation options, especially within many insurance plans. So that’s something to look into. The other thing is that at my institution, you have to pay to park, but we offer free parking for patients who are getting chemotherapy and radiation. So that’s not going to be something that you have to pay for on a daily basis, because that would be very expensive.

Other things like meals, so do you probably not feel like going to the store or cooking or aren’t even able to, especially when you’re receiving such intensive therapy. So there are definitely programs that are available to deliver meal services to patients and so that’s something, again, that we work really closely with social work to get these types of things set up. And again, some of this stuff is actually covered through your insurance, visiting nurses, home health aides to help.

The American Cancer Society, I go back to them because they have a lot of resources here. I work in the State of Pennsylvania, and in the State of Pennsylvania, if you are a caregiver to someone, there are actually financial resources that you can be reimbursed just for being their caregiver, especially if that takes you away from your work. So there are a lot of things that working with the social worker who understands the laws and the grants that are in your local communities can be really helpful.

So hopefully, I was going to say my activation tips for this really is to work very closely with the social worker in your practice who is very familiar with all of these different resources that are available. But then I forgot to address the last one, which is the stigma, and I do want to address this. This is something I could talk about for a long time. There is certainly a stigma associated with lung cancer and for patients who have smoked. And one thing I’ll say up front is when providers like doctors or nurses ask you if you’ve ever smoked, that is by no means being something accusatory. It actually helps us understand the trajectory of your disease better.

For example, if you were diagnosed with small cell lung cancer and you said, “Well, I smoked in my 20s and 30s, but now I’m 70,” we might question the diagnosis a little bit. We may do some further testing to make sure this is the right thing. Another thing that we know about both non-small and small cell lung cancer is that patients who have smoked actually often respond better to immunotherapy. So that can help us understand just how your disease may act and what treatments may even work better.

So when we ask you if you smoked, just be honest because that can change the way we think about your disease, but by no means is that something accusatory. The second concern with the stigma is that people are less likely to get screening for lung cancer or to be worked up early because they feel like, “Well, I did this to myself, so maybe it doesn’t matter.” But that’s not true. Obviously, I don’t want people to smoke. It’s bad for you for a million reasons, not just lung cancer, but cardiac disease and other types of cancers. There’s a lot of reasons that smoking is not good for you.

But that being said, lung cancer can still be a curative disease if we catch it early. So even if you’ve smoked or are currently smoking, you can get lung cancer screening and catch things early and get them taken care of. We are there to help you with whatever illness or addiction to cigarettes that you have, and we’re going to help you, number one, treat that, and help you quit smoking, but also treat your disease as we would treat anyone else’s. So getting that screening for lung cancer or that early workup as soon as you develop symptoms is going to be beneficial.

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Is Telemedicine an Advantage for Low-Risk Breast Cancer Patients?

Is Telemedicine an Advantage for Low-Risk Breast Cancer Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 For low-risk breast cancer patients, is telemedicine an advantage? Expert Dr. Regina Hamptonfrom Luminis Health Doctors Community Hospital shares her views on when telemedicine makes sense for low-risk patients and the benefits she’s seen for patients’ quality of life.

See More from the Breast Cancer TelemEDucation Resource Center

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Dr. Regina Hampton:

I think it helps to eliminate a lot of those in-person visits, which then means they can enjoy life. We want them to enjoy life after surviving their breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. So maybe they’re doing their televisit while they’re on vacation or while they’re out of the state, visiting with relatives. So it really allows them to be able to stay in tune and in touch with their healthcare providers, stay on top of their visits, but allow them the flexibility to continue to live life. I often tell patients, “Look, after we’ve treated you, we don’t want you in our offices all the time. We want you out there living life.” And if we can make that easier by doing a quick tele visit, especially if there’s not something serious going on, then I think that’s a great advantage. And I think as we move deeper and deeper into the telemedicine world, I think patients are going to appreciate that, and they’re going to actually demand it and say, “Well, you know, I’m doing fine, I just need you to look at my mammogram and us to have a quick discussion while on a cruise or while I’m on the beach in Hawaii enjoying some time with my family.” So, I think it’s opened up a new world, and it’s just going to get better and more easy, and I think patients are going to shift their brains to say, “You know, if I don’t have to be in an office somewhere, I’d rather be on a video or a phone visit.

Which Breast Cancer Patients Benefit Most From Telemedicine Visits?

Which Breast Cancer Patients Benefit Most From Telemedicine Visits? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Dr. Regina Hampton  from Luminis Health Doctors Community Hospital provides her perspective on care situations when patients can benefit the most from telemedicine – and when in-person visits can provide an advantage.

See More from the Breast Cancer TelemEDucation Resource Center

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Dr. Regina Hampton:

So, I think when we look at new patients, newly diagnosed, I think an in-person visit is certainly advantageous, I think people certainly want to meet their doctor in-person, what I found personally is after that initial visit, then we’ll convert the rest of the visits by telemedicine. As the patient is willing, if they want to come in, I’m happy to have them come in, where I think it’s really beneficial is in survivorship after the patient has gone through treatment, and she may still be following with her medical oncologist, because she’s on hormonal therapy. Or she may be on some form of chemotherapy, and maybe she wants for me to be able to take a look at her mammogram. Well, I can still do that because I can remotely access those films, and then we could do that television, and if she’s not expressing any concerns, then we can do that as a television, so this helps, especially for those patients in survivorship where they’re not going to three and four different doctors on a regular basis. They’re going to that one doctor, they’re getting that in-person visit, and then some of the other providers are part of the team can maybe move theirs to telemedicine visits, so again, I think it helps to keep patients with that connection to some of those without again, having the burden of taking time off of work, having to arrange childcare, they can do those other visits by telemedicine. And that’s something new that we weren’t doing pre-COVID, patients were having to come into the office and see every single provider for every six months for the first two to three years after their diagnosis, so I think that really has made it more convenient for the patients, and it’s really allowed us to really streamline our operations on the provider side, which then allows us to be able to serve more patients.