Tag Archive for: stem cell transplant

Promising Advances in Myelofibrosis Research | Optimism for Patients

 Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope discusses how the availability of newer JAK inhibitor therapies is providing better options for myelofibrosis patients. Dr. Amanam also shares how researchers are working to reduce the risk of disease progression and providing curative options for myelofibrosis.

Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam is a specialist in myeloproliferative disorders and is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Leukemia at City of Hope. Learn more about Dr. Amanam.

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Related Resources:

Myelofibrosis Clinical Trials | The Benefits of Patient Participation

Myelofibrosis Clinical Trials | The Benefits of Patient Participation

Expert Perspective | A Concerted Effort to Advance Myelofibrosis Care

Expert Perspective | A Concerted Effort to Advance Myelofibrosis Care

Updates in Myelofibrosis Research From an Expert

Updates in Myelofibrosis Research From an Expert 


Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Amanam the JAK inhibitor class of therapies often have side effects associated with them. What advancements are being made to manage these side effects? 

Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam:

Yeah. That’s a great question. And I would think about when these JAK inhibitors first  came out, I think we were all willing to accept the side effects because of the fact that you only had one JAK inhibitor, and then we now have more than one. We have a couple of JAK inhibitors, and I think the idea is that the biggest problem that we had with some of the JAK inhibitors were that  patients’ counts couldn’t tolerate higher doses of the JAK inhibitor.  

And we know that for some JAK inhibitors, you have to be at a baseline dose that will help with shrinking your spleen, or improving symptoms, and if you’re below that dose, it doesn’t work very well. And so,  we had a tough time   making adjustments based off of patients’ counts. And so, we have some newer JAK inhibitors that    patients tolerate    these drugs even though they have lower counts. And so, I think that’s one big change that we’ve all seen over the past five years.   

Katherine Banwell:

Is there anything else you’d like to add about advancements in myelofibrosis care?  

Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam:

I would say if we think about early stage, a patient who’s diagnosed, and they’re told that they’re early myelofibrosis, or what we really truly define as low risk myelofibrosis, we traditionally did not have any therapies for those patients, and I think that it’s exciting that we are in a space now where we are thinking about therapies for those patients, and therapies that will reduce the risk of progression to a more advanced stage of myelofibrosis.   

For patients who are in the middle, I think we’ve had a rapid expansion of therapies that are available to patients, and I think a lot of our clinical trials that are currently in play are really directed towards that group, and so that’s really exciting. And then for the high-risk patients, City of Hope is a bone marrow transplant center, cellular therapy center, and we have a lot of experience in performing allogeneic stem cell transplants for myelofibrosis patients.  

And I think across the country, we have gotten better at performing allogeneic stem cell transplants for myelofibrosis, and as of right now, it’s one of the few curative therapies that we have.  

And we have been able to understand how to get these patients through a very intense regiment and get them to the other side, and I think that’s also very exciting. We still have a lot of clinical trials in allogeneic stem cell transplant space as well. And so, I think we are in a place now where we have a therapy for everyone, if they choose to want one.  And not only a therapy just to bridge them, or treat their symptoms, but therapies that, potentially, will get rid of this disease.  

And I think for a patient, when you go to sleep at night, or when you talk with your family, the biggest worry is having something  that there’s no clear sense of we can get rid of it. And I think we’re getting to a better place where I can confidently tell patients we’re getting better at getting rid of this, and I think that’s the most exciting thing that we have right now.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. It’s a promising field. 

Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam:

Very promising.  

Katherine Banwell:

If we look at care and treatment, why should a patient with myelofibrosis consider a second opinion with a specialist?  

Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam:

The field is rapidly changing, and we have very few FDA-approved therapies even in 2024 for myeloproliferative disorders and myelofibrosis. And because of some of the changes in understanding of the biology of this disease, I think that there are many patients that will benefit from physician or a center that specializes in treating patients with this very rare disorder. And I believe that   even though we have very few FDA-approved therapies, I do believe that we can give patients an opportunity to get this type of disorder under control, and actually offer curative approaches that may not be available to all facilities. 

Recent Advances in Myelofibrosis Research | Disease-Modifying Therapies

Where is progress being made in the field of myelofibrosis? Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam discusses how disease-modifying therapies and cellular therapies are advancing patient care.

Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam is a specialist in myeloproliferative disorders and is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Leukemia at City of Hope. Learn more about Dr. Amanam.

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Related Resources:

Promising Advances in Myelofibrosis Research | Optimism for Patients

Promising Advances in Myelofibrosis Research | Optimism for Patients

Expert Perspective | A Concerted Effort to Advance Myelofibrosis Care

Expert Perspective | A Concerted Effort to Advance Myelofibrosis Care

Myelofibrosis Therapies in Clinical Trials | BET Inhibitors

Myelofibrosis Therapies in Clinical Trials | BET Inhibitors 


Katherine Banwell:

What are your areas of focus in myelofibrosis research? 

Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam:

So, I think the way that I would break it down, when you think about myelofibrosis patients, or patients with myeloproliferative disorders, patients who are diagnosed, and they’re really pretty much asymptomatic, and then you have patients who have some symptoms, then you have some patients who are very symptomatic or transitioning into a more severe disease and predominantly, that disease is acute leukemia. And so, I have an interest in trying to identify new treatments for all of these types of patients.  

Katherine Banwell:

In your opinion, what new myelofibrosis advances are most promising? 

Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam:

So, traditionally, for a lot of myeloproliferative disorders, including myelofibrosis, we had a watch and wait approach, so we typically actually did not really have very good therapies. And I think all of that changed with the approval of the first JAK inhibitor, ruxolitinib (Jakafi).  

And we have transitioned to understanding the signaling pathways that are involved in myelofibrosis and myeloproliferative disorders. And we understand certain driver mutations that are involved in these signaling pathways and involved in other areas that help drive these diseases.  

And I think what’s exciting for us right now is, we’re transitioning from having a Band-Aid approach, or a watching and wait approach, to actually having interventions that are what I would call disease-modifying drugs. And so, these drugs target some of these drivers that drive the disease.  

They target some of the inflammation that’s associated with the disease, and, in fact, they’re also targeting some of our own immune cells that may help us protect us against these diseases progressing into more aggressive disorders. 

Katherine Banwell:

How are innovations in technology accelerating myelofibrosis research?  

Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam:

You think about how we understood these diseases 20 to 30 years ago. I think we understood the clinical presentation. We understood that some patients had big spleens, we understood that those patients’ counts didn’t do so well, we understood when we would look at their marrow, how the cells looked under the microscope. And we’ve transitioned to now understanding how some of those proteins that are   in these  signaling pathways are either turned on or turned off.    

We have a better understanding of the genetics of this disease, and how it changes over time, and what that means for patients prognostically, and how they will actually respond to our current therapies.  

And obviously, it’s driving how we are setting up clinical trials and other therapies  for the future. And so, I really would say our  genetic, genomic understanding of these disorders have really opened up many opportunities for us to treat these patients better.  

Katherine Banwell:

Well, are there other research developments showing promise that patients should know about? 

Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam:

So, traditionally, we’ve thought about  these disorders as disorders where, maybe if we improved symptoms – so we give you, maybe, a pill that would help with your symptoms, or we’ll give you another medication that will help with keeping your counts under control or reducing your risk for clotting and stroke.  

And we are currently in a space where cellular therapy has exploded across all areas of oncology. We have many clinical trials that are using  therapies that  take your own cells,  or other donor cells from healthy  people, and we are giving them to patients with the hope that it will  get rid of these  bad cells that are driving myelofibrosis.  

How Long Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Effective in Myeloma? An Expert Explains

Is CAR T-cell therapy a cure for myeloma? Dr. Rahul Banerjee, a myeloma specialist and researcher, discusses the reasons that CAR T-cell therapy may lose effectiveness and the potential impact of undergoing another round CAR T-cell therapy.

Dr. Rahul Banerjee is a physician and researcher specializing in multiple myeloma and an assistant professor in the Clinical Research Division at the University of Washington Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, WA. Learn more about Dr. Banerjee.

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Related Resources:

Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy | How Is Success Measured?

Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy | How Is Success Measured?

Evolve | What You Should Know About Advances in CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma

Evolve | What You Should Know About Advances in CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma 

Understanding Myeloma Therapy Targets BCMA and GPRC5D

Understanding Myeloma Therapy Targets BCMA and GPRC5D 


Katherine Banwell:

This one is from Jennifer. Why do CAR T-cell transplants not last longer? Is it possible to do a second transplant if the first CAR T transplant stops working? 

Dr. Rahul Banerjee:

It’s a great question. So, it’s an excellent question. So, the only thing I would say semantically is, right, in my head, CAR T cells are not transplants per se, because I’m not changing the bone marrow. So, I would transplant a stem cell transplantation, separate from CAR T.  

Why do CAR T cells stop working? So, the short answer is we can speculate. We don’t know for sure for any individual patient. Three different buckets are involved. Three different things can happen. One, the T cells can stop working or disappear from circulation. So, that’s possible. CAR T cells don’t last forever. That’s actually okay, right? People often wonder like, “Man, I wish the CAR  
T cells could last forever.” I don’t know that I’d want that because as I alluded to, for as long as the CAR T cells are there, patients are immunocompromised, and so that can certainly interfere with the quality of life.  

So, it’s not necessarily true that the CAR T cells need to be there forever, but if they’re not there, or if they’re exhausted, which is actually a true scientific word for them not being able to activate and kill that cell when they recognized a protein, the BCMA, that’s one problem.  

The second problem is the myeloma cells can mutate. I alluded to this briefly earlier, where the cells can learn to shut off the protein, BCMA, or they can mutate the protein in just a way that the  
CAR T is no longer able to bind.  

And the third is something called the tumor microenvironment. And this is a little bit more complicated, kind of a grab bag of different things here. The idea is that myeloma cells have a lot of tricks, and they can use all of the cells around them to make it hard for the CAR T cells to get in, to get into the bone marrow and kill them all. And the T cells can be shut off before they even get there.  

So, it’s one of those three things in general. Which one is it for an individual patient? Hard to say. And so hopefully in the future, we’ll have better diagnostic tests to be able to identify who is a patient where another BCMA targeted therapy would work well versus, “Oh no, these myeloma cells are no longer expressing BCMA, let’s move on to a different target like GPRC5D.” We’re not there yet. We’ll get there hopefully in a couple of years, is my goal.  

Then, you know, Jennifer, that’s a good question. Well, can we do a second CAR T? And that’s very practical. What I would say is if the first CAR T therapy did what we expected it to do, if it lasted for as many years as I would expect for Abecma, that’s typically 12 to 18 months. For Carvykti, that’s typically over 24 months.  

If it worked and then it stopped working, and then probably the T cells are long gone, it’s reasonable to try CAR T therapy again. In general, I would recommend, I strongly recommend a different CAR T-cell therapy, even if it’s targeting the same class, like BCMA, it’s going from ide-cel (Abecma) to cilta-cel (Carvykti) or vice versa. 

The risk with giving the same CAR T-cell product again is that even though the T cells are a patient’s own T cells, the protein is slightly foreign. Abecma was derived from decades of mouse research. Carvykti was made from decades of llama research, believe it or not. Again, there’s no mouse or llama involved with the actual products nowadays, but in making the sequence years ago that came to them, they are foreign. There are foreign sequences on them, and so everyone’s host immune system eventually recognizes these cells as foreign.  

And so if you were to give the exact same product again, immediately the body would reject it the second time around, because it recognizes them and has learned to recognize it as foreign. But changing to a different CAR T cell is very reasonable. 

And again, for these newer GPRC5D targeted CAR T cells that, again, don’t target BCMA the way that Abecma, ide-cel or cilta-cel, Carvykti do, but target a different protein entirely, for those patients generally there’s no restriction on whether they’d received a prior CAR T cells. Ideally, it should be at least several months away, at least like a year or so, but if that’s happened and they stopped working, very reasonable. In fact, some of the trials actually require that patients going on to the study of a GPRC5D product have had a prior BCMA therapy of some sort before, and so they’re kind of built into the architecture of things. So, I think it’s very reasonable.  

Obviously, there are some unknown unknowns, right? What do you do if the T cells are being manipulated twice, so to speak. Patients ask me about that. I will say just to put that fear to rest, in general, by the time that someone’s had myeloma come back after the first CAR T cells, I alluded to this, the CAR T cells are long gone. So, there’s nothing left.  

But again, every case is different, and future research will help us kind of figure out how best to do this. 

Follicular Lymphoma Expert Q&A: Coping with Relapse and Managing Treatment Side Effects

Follicular lymphoma expert Dr. Kami Maddocks from The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center empowers patients and families with practical guidance on key aspects of managing follicular lymphoma. Dr. Maddocks covers effective strategies for managing treatment side effects, navigating the challenges of relapsed or refractory disease, and defining what survivorship means for both patients and their care partners.

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See More from START HERE Follicular Lymphoma

Related Resources:

How Do Outcomes for Relapsed/Refractory Follicular Lymphoma Vary?

How Do Outcomes for Relapsed/Refractory Follicular Lymphoma Vary?

Addressing Vulnerabilities in Follicular Lymphoma

Addressing Vulnerabilities in Follicular Lymphoma

What Are Common Follicular Lymphoma Treatment Side Effects?

What Are Common Follicular Lymphoma Treatment Side Effects?


Lisa Hatfield:

Welcome to this START HERE Patient Empowerment Network program. This program bridges the expert and patient voice, enabling patients and care partners to feel comfortable asking questions of their healthcare team. I’m Lisa Hatfield, a cancer survivor and also an Empowerment Lead at Patient Empowerment Network. Joining me today is hematologist-oncologist

Dr. Kami Maddocks, Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine in the Division of Hematology at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Dr. Maddocks specializes in treating patients with B-cell malignancies, including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Dr. Maddocks researches new therapies for these hematologic malignancies, largely through evaluating new targeted therapies in clinical trials. Thank you so much for joining us, Dr. Maddocks.

Dr. Kami Maddocks:

Thank you, Lisa. It’s a real pleasure to be here with everyone today and talking about follicular lymphoma, and I just really appreciate you having me.

Lisa Hatfield:

The world is complicated, but understanding your follicular lymphoma diagnosis and treatment options along your journey doesn’t have to be. The goal of START HERE is to create actionable pathways for getting the most out of your follicular lymphoma treatment and survivorship. Joining us are patients and care partners facing a follicular lymphoma diagnosis, some of which are newly diagnosed, in active treatment, watch and wait, and also living for years with their disease.

START HERE is designed to provide easy-to-understand, reliable, and digestible information to help you make informed decisions. I’m thrilled you’ve joined us. Please remember to download the program resource guide via the QR code. There is great information there that will be useful during this program and after. Okay, Dr. Maddocks, let’s start here. What is the latest in follicular lymphoma, and what are the most important highlights for patients and families?

Dr. Kami Maddocks:

When we look at some of the stuff that’s changed in follicular lymphoma, there has actually been some really exciting developments just in the last year in follicular lymphoma. So when you look at patients who have relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma, we’ve actually seen the approval of three different new therapies just in the last year for relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma. So one of those therapies, we saw a brand new approval, and that’s a therapy which combines an oral targeted therapy with a monoclonal antibody.

So the combination of the CD20 antibody, obinutuzumab (Gazyva), in combination with the BTK inhibitor zanubrutinib (Brukinsa) was approved in March of 2024 for patients with relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma. And this was based on a study that compared that to the single agent anti-CD20 antibody. So while we have had CD20 antibodies approved in both original treatment for follicular lymphoma and relapsed disease, it was the first time that we’ve had a BTK inhibitor approved for the treatment of relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma.

In May of 2024, we saw the approval of actually the third chimeric antigen receptor T cell or CAR T-cell therapy for relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma. So previously, we’ve had two different CAR Ts that target the same antigen or protein CD19 on the cell. And the third therapy with the same target was approved in May of this year for relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma. And then in June of 2024, we actually saw the approval of the second bispecific antibody for the treatment of relapsed and refractory follicular lymphoma.

So previously, we had one approved almost two years ago in December, and a second one, epcoritamab-bysp (Epkinly) was approved in June of this year for patients with relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma. So three different treatments approved in this setting in the last year, which increases the options for patients. It also provides us with thinking about sequencing these agents. And there’s a lot of studies ongoing to decide or to think about what is the best way to sequence therapy, because there’s no right or wrong answer currently in which therapy did you choose and when in patients with relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma.

And then thinking about managing when we’re choosing these therapies, what are the side effects of these therapies and managing these side effects? Right? Because chemotherapy is often used for patients with initial diagnosis, and there is very specific side effects to chemotherapy and ways to manage those side effects. But when we look at some of these newer therapies, we have to think about the different toxicity profiles that they have and how we manage those toxicities.

So when we’re thinking about the newer therapies, like bispecific antibodies and CAR T-cell therapies, there’s very specific toxicity with those therapies, including cytokine release or CRS. And then something called ICANS, which is immune effector cell-associated neurologic toxicities, which are neuro side effects of these therapies. And so how do we identify and manage those therapies and now even looking at ways to potentially prevent patients from having those specific toxicities.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you. So regarding those toxicities, like the ICANS and the CRS, is there a difference in how you treat patients? For example, if a patient might experience those side effects, are they hospitalized for that type of treatment initially, or are all of these new treatments done on an outpatient basis?

Dr. Kami Maddocks:

Yeah, that’s a great question. So the answer can be variable depending on the specific product or the center where the patient’s receiving them, and then even the disease that they’re used in. So let’s just talk about bispecific antibodies to start. So the first bispecific antibody that was approved in follicular lymphoma was mosunetuzumab-axgb (Lunsumio). There’s no required hospitalization to administer that, but there is a recommendation that if patients have signs or symptoms of cytokine release.

So the primary symptom is fever. That’s the number one most common symptom that patients will get and how we define cytokine release. But patients can also have hypoxia or a drop in the oxygen or hypotension and a drop in their blood pressure. So if they have these, it’s generally recommended that they’re admitted for a period of observation to ensure that those toxicities don’t worsen or escalate and that they’re treated if they do.

Which treatment can include ruling out other causes. Some patients may need antibiotics if they have low blood counts and a fever. Some people will need fluids and oxygen. Then sometimes we use steroids like dexamethasone (Decadron) or even cytokine blockers to help manage those side effects, particularly if they’re what we call higher grade or more significant. The second bispecific antibody epcoritamab-bysp. That was previously approved in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and there was a recommended hospitalization with a step-up dosing for that.

However, in follicular lymphoma, when they studied that, they gave an extra dose. So part of trying to prevent the cytokine release is giving a lower dose and then increasing the dose each week until you reach the maximum dose. So they added an extra kind of intermediate dosing in the follicular dosing and showed that that made a lower risk of…a lower number of patients had cytokine release. And that the majority of them had the lowest grade cytokine release.

So in follicular lymphoma, it’s actually with that increased one dose in there to get to the maximum dose. It’s actually not recommended, or it’s not required that patients are hospitalized for any of the doses. But, of course, if they would, same thing, if they would have side effects, then you would consider that. And then the same thing could be said for the CAR T-cell therapies. Some of them are given inpatient and then patients are monitored for a period of time, and then some are administered as an outpatient. And patients are seen daily for that to check on how they’re doing, monitor for side effects, have labs. And sometimes it just depends on the center administering the therapy, how they have a setup for patients to be monitored.

Lisa Hatfield:

So I have two follow-up questions to that overview. Are these newer approved therapies, are they available at some of the smaller cancer centers, or are they only available right now at the larger cancer centers or academic centers? Then my second question is, are they limited duration therapies or like bispecific antibodies, does that just continue until disease progression?

Dr. Kami Maddocks:

Yeah, those are great questions. So in general, if you look at the combination of the obinutuzumab and zanubrutinib that should be able to be administered anywhere, the therapy for the oral therapy is continued until progression. If you look at the bispecific antibodies, there’s both. There’s a time-limited therapy, and then there’s one continued until progression. I think in general, we’ve seen that initially these have been used at larger treatment centers, but now that they’ve been approved for a while, we have seen a lot of these being used at smaller cancer centers and in the community centers. Sometimes patients may receive their initial dosing at a larger center and then transition to a local center. But I think, like I said, now, especially the one that’s been approved for a while, we’re seeing that it can be started at many places.

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you so much for that important overview, Dr. Maddocks. All right, it’s that time where we answer questions we’ve received from you. Remember, as patients, we should always feel empowered to ask our healthcare providers any and all questions we might have about our treatment and prognosis. Please remember, however, this program is not a substitute for medical care. Always consult with your own medical team. So before we dive into this Q&A, since this program centers on coping with relapse and managing treatment side effects, how do you approach these first-time conversations with patients and their care partners who are facing relapse and potentially dealing with a new set of side effects due to the changes in their treatment regimen?

Dr. Kami Maddocks:

I think that’s a great question, and I think there are a lot of things to consider. So I think the first thing that we want to think about when we’re talking about patients having relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma is that just because patients have relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma doesn’t always mean that they need treatment. So many patients, when they’re initially diagnosed with follicular lymphoma, are going to go through a period of observation or watch and wait where we know that they have follicular lymphoma, but they don’t have symptoms of their disease.

They don’t have a large number of lymph nodes involved, or their lymph nodes are not very large by the scans, and they don’t necessarily need to be treated until they become symptomatic or have certain concerns from their lymphoma that’s causing problems. So the same thing can happen probably more with relapse than necessarily refractory disease, but patients may…you may detect on scans that they have lymph nodes that are growing or that their disease has recurred, but they don’t always necessarily need to receive treatment.

Once you’ve identified that, yes, a patient requires treatment for their relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma, the next thing to think about is that patient and their disease. So what age is the patient? What were they treated with initially? Because not all patients receive the same initial therapy. So the decision about what they’re going to receive when they relapse is going to be somewhat dependent on what they received for their initial therapy, what side effects they had from that therapy, and how they responded to that therapy.

The next thing is going to be that there is not just one option at relapse so really discussing the different options for those specific patients, and what are the options, what are the side effects of those options, what is the treatment schedule of those options? Because some treatments may have more toxicity, but they’re time-limited, whereas other therapies may be continued to help progression, they may have less toxicity, but over time that’s a toxicity that patients continue to experience on a daily basis.

So really talking to the patient about the options, what does the schedule of that treatment look like? Do they have to come in weekly? Do they have to come in once a month? And then again, the side effects and how that fits into side effects that they had with their initial therapy, how they tolerate that, are any of those side effects still there?  For example, if a patient has neuropathy from their therapy, that might be something that lasts and then considering all those things and making an informed decision with the patient.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you. And these questions are in the perfect order, because we have a question from Lauren asking you, what is the difference between relapsed and refractory? 

Dr. Kami Maddocks:

Okay, this is another great question. I’m sure all these questions are great. When we think of relapsed disease, we think of a patient who’s had therapy, got in a response to that therapy, that response has lasted some time, and then their disease recurs. When we think of refractory, we think of that more as patients that have received a therapy, and they haven’t responded. Now, there is no standard definition of refractory. So we all agree that if a patient gets a treatment and their disease does not respond to that treatment, they’re refractory to that treatment.

But there’s no defined time for which if a patient has a treatment and responds to that treatment but has a short relapse, what’s really considered refractory. In general, a lot of studies that look at a therapy say that if you’ve had it, like if you’ve had rituximab (Rituxan) and you’ve relapsed within a six-month time frame, that that’s refractory. But some studies use three months instead of six months.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you. Another patient, Jeff, is asking, Dr. Maddocks, I’m currently in an observation stage of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. I get blood work twice a year and scans once a year. I’m hoping it stays slow-growing. How long on average can a person live in observation mode before treatment must occur?

Dr. Kami Maddocks:

So this is another great question. And I’m going to provide kind of an overview that we’ll kind of set up, because there may be more questions like this. But in general follicular lymphoma is not one disease, which I’m sure since this is a program focused on relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma, a lot of patients have heard this and know this. But it’s what we call it’s very heterogeneous, or it can behave very differently in patients, meaning that some patients will have very indolent disease, and then there’s a small portion of patients whose disease will be more aggressive.

We know that when we diagnose patients with follicular lymphoma there are some patients that are diagnosed and require treatment pretty quickly, whereas there are other patients that go many years, many, many years without requiring treatment. Some of that is because of the disease, and some of that is because of how we find a patient’s follicular lymphoma. Some patients, we don’t find it until they present with symptoms. Some patients find their own lymph nodes, and some patients are diagnosed because they have a baseline scan that for a totally different reason, maybe get into a car accident, have scans to make sure nothing’s broken, you find an enlarged lymph node, you biopsy it, and you find this diagnosis.

All that said, there are some studies that have looked at patients who are on observation or watch and wait and looked at treating patients who have what we call low tumor burden, or not a lot of lymph nodes, or not very large lymph nodes, but have what’s called advanced stage disease. So lymph nodes on both sides of the diaphragm, not large enough to necessarily require more aggressive treatment, they don’t have symptoms. But we’ve treated, we’ve looked at studies treating those patients with observation or watch and wait or single agent rituximab (Rituxan) therapy. And when you look at the patients in those trials, the median time to needing treatment for patients from observation was three years.

However, there were 30 percent of patients, so one out of three patients who were still being observed at 10 years without requiring any therapy. So there are patients, that’s almost a third of patients at 10 years who’ve been observed, not required therapy in that population of patients. And certainly I have been practicing for a while where I’ve seen patients, I do have some patients who’ve gone longer than that without needing therapy.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you. And there you go, Jeff, we hope that you’re in that third. 

Okay, thank you for explaining that. Next question, I’m not sure if it’s Jeff Run or Jeffrey is asking about the most common side effects that are associated with bispecific antibodies, and what precautions can be taken to reduce the risk of infection?

Dr. Kami Maddocks:

Yeah, another great question. There are two different bispecific antibodies that are now approved for relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma. And I will take this time to also say that some of the exciting ongoing work is looking at those agents in clinical trials, in the frontline setting, in combination with other therapies particularly non chemotherapies.In general, I would say similar side effect profile. The most common side effect between them is the cytokine release or the CRS. So that is the most common side effect. Again, this can be defined in different ways. The most common side effects that you see from that define CRS are fever, hypotension or low blood pressure, hypoxia or low oxygen, shortness of breath, chills, tachycardia or higher heart rate. 

We have talked a lot about CRS and what it entails and how it is defined and presents. But management, it depends on what we call grading. So for patients who just, who have a fever, oftentimes, number one, you want to make sure that it is CRS and that there’s not an underlying cause. So ruling out infection or coexisting infection, if a patient is neutropenic or has a low neutrophil count and is at high risk for infection, you may treat them with antibiotics with a fever while you rule out infection.

But oftentimes, if they have a fever, you can manage symptomatically anti-fever medications like acetaminophen (Tylenol). If a patient has worsening CRS and has other symptoms associated with it, such as the hypoxia, low oxygen, or hypotension, low blood pressure, then that’s when we escalate therapy. So one you direct treatment towards that. So if they need fluid, if they need oxygen, but then that’s when you’re thinking about starting medications such as the steroid medication. So we give intravenous dexamethasone, or there are certain cytokine blockers such as tocilizumab (Actemra) that can be given to help treat the side effects of the cytokine release.

Other common side effects or that we’re seeing in more patients in the clinical trials, fatigue, rash, and then infections including upper respiratory infections, and then COVID-19 infection as well. So part of treatment of these side effects is early recognition of the side effects. So patients are monitored closely and that you’re dealing with the side effects to help them from worsening. I think infection prevention is very important with these. So it’s recommended to consider prophylaxis for certain infections. So antiviral medication to prevent viral, such as shingles reactivation, medication to prevent a specific type of pneumonia, PJP pneumonia, and then consideration I think of just making sure that patients are up to date on vaccination. And if patients do have infection while they’re getting treated, potentially delaying treatment or taking a break in order for them to recover from treatment.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you. And this person did not give their name but is asking, Dr. Maddocks, I wanted to know how to travel as safely as possible. Is it advisable to get certain vaccines for travel like yellow fever? I plan to travel to Europe via plane and cruise. They say that there’s stage III non-Hodgkin’s follicular lymphoma getting treatment every eight weeks.

Dr. Kami Maddocks:

So this is a great question, and I’m probably going to answer this a little bit more generically, because I think that it can depend a little bit as far as what specific vaccines. But when thinking about travel, I think that it’s a good idea to look at where you’re traveling because both, where you’re traveling time of year you’re traveling and what you’re going to do when you’re somewhere can depend on what vaccines are recommended. I usually advise patients to consider looking at the CDC guidelines for recommendations for what should be received in that area, travel that time of year, what they’re going to be doing.

And then sometimes there are places that will actually have a travel clinic. Once I know what vaccines are recommended, the patient knows what vaccines are recommended, then I usually work with them and pharmacy to decide what vaccines, if they can receive all those vaccines or if there were certain ones that we may not recommend. In general, it can depend on a patient, what treatments they’ve received or if they’re actively receiving treatments. But in general, we like to avoid live virus vaccines in our patients. So I take into all those factors and then would recommend discussing the specifics with your physician.

Lisa Hatfield:

Luca is asking what are the long-term side effects of bispecific antibody treatment, and how will I be monitored for them after treatment ends?

Dr. Kami Maddocks:

So another great question. I think, when we think about the side effects in general, the bispecific antibodies in the CAR T both have those unique toxicity, cytokine release being the most common. And then you also have worry about the neurological toxicity. The difference is that, depending on the specific, bispecific or CAR T that you use, but we usually, typically see these occur in lower grade or not as severe with a bispecific antibody than you can see with a CAR T-cell therapy.

You can still have cytopenias and infection risk with these therapies. Whereas in chemotherapy, we think of that as more generalized toxicities, with the cytopenias, with the risk of infection with the GI toxicities. When we think about long-term side effects, so I think one of the important things to recognize is that bispecific antibodies have not been around that long in the scheme of things, though we can’t say, the risk of 20 years, what do we see or even 10 years.

But when we think about what we have seen, we’ve seen things like the cytokine release, the infections, the cytopenias, but what we haven’t seen is things like the secondary malignancies that we worry about when we think about chemotherapy or even maybe immunomodulatory therapy or secondary cancers that patients can develop. I think for long-term monitoring, right now, at least the biggest thing you want to think about is that these therapies do deplete the lymphocytes, for a prolonged time. And so the risk of viral infections or reactivation of infections, and making sure that’s being considered.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you. That’s an important question. So another may possibly be a care partner, Marilyn. How can I best support my loved one during relapse and what should I do if I notice my husband with new or worsening symptoms?

Dr. Kami Maddocks:

So another great question. I think it’s first of all important to ask the physician about what symptoms to watch for. So you know, are there certain worsening new symptoms or worsening symptoms that seem more likely to be related to follicular lymphoma versus something else. I think it’s always important to encourage your loved one if they are experiencing new symptoms to reach out to the physician so that they can be evaluated. Because follicular lymphoma is a disease that many people live with and many people live with it for many years. We know that patients can experience other things.

Not everything is going to be just because of the follicular lymphoma. So it’s important to be evaluated, and recognize what is going on and what is attributed to the follicular lymphoma. I think being supportive, thinking of questions to ask and making sure that those questions are answered. I think thinking about, are there resources available? I think educating yourself is one of the most important things that people can do. So knowledge is power. So just participating in things like this I think can be very helpful, because learning about what’s out there, knowing that there are many options, I think being supportive and having a positive attitude, are all helpful things.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you. So we have another big and important question from Aubrey. How can I live a full life with follicular lymphoma while managing the emotional toll of knowing the disease may relapse? And what lifestyle changes or habits should I focus on to maintain my health during remission?

Dr. Kami Maddocks:

Yeah, so this is another great question, and I think there’s probably lots of different ways to answer this or lots of different things to consider. So I think in general, as we’ve talked about follicular lymphoma is something that people live with for a long time. So thinking about just your general health and general disposition. So, we want to think about incorporating exercise, incorporating a healthy lifestyle, thinking about exercise, and being physically active.

Thinking about particularly diet and not saying that there’s any food that you need to avoid or any specific thing, but I think eating healthy is important. I think sleep hygiene is, can be very critical for patients. I think finding, and then just general health, it’s good to have a PCP so that you’re getting good routine health maintenance. We have to think about making sure that we’re managing other medical things like blood pressure, glucose, looking, doing other routine cancer screenings, depending, if somebody’s male or female, but the screening that’s recommended for that.

Now when we’re thinking about managing this does take an emotional toll because a lot of times, when somebody’s initially diagnosed, if they don’t need treatment, the question is always like, well, how long am I, is it going to be before I’m going to need treatment? How am I going to tolerate that treatment? How long is that treatment going to last? And then that resets once a patient’s had treatment. Well, how long will I stay in remission for this treatment? What’s going to be next?

I think things that can help with that are, sometimes I think involving like psychosocial oncology, I think support groups, I think that it’s very beneficial for many patients to talk to people, whether it be through a u look at the median age at diagnosis is in the 60s, and median overall survival is greater than 20 years. So many patients are going to live with this more like a chronic disease. And so learning to kind of knowing basic facts on what it is, what are the treatments that are available, what do those treatments look like, what are the reasons that you need those treatments? And that you are able many times in those periods of not needing treatment to live a very normal lifestyle and do things. I think making sure that, I think it’s important.

One thing that I think can be helpful is you’ll continuously follow up with your physician. So thinking about questions and concerns that you have throughout the period of time, writing them down that gets them out of your mind on paper. And then when you go to see your doctor next, you have that list of questions. Because I think, sometimes we think about things, and then we worry, worry, worry. But putting them down on paper or even sending them through like a secure MyChart email message and then talking them out, because a lot of times if you don’t do that, then when you go to see your physician you think, oh, I don’t really have any questions.

And then you leave and you’re like, oh, I should have asked these 10 different things. So again, I think asking for resources. So there are many different patient friendly resources out there. I think reading material that’s been written or vetted by medical professionals as opposed to just any random material can be very helpful for patients. And then again sometimes seeking out kind of peer support.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, great, thank you. Sean is saying that he was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma in 2022 and in an active treatment. What advice do you have for someone transitioning from patient to survivor? I am eager and fearful.

Dr. Kami Maddocks:

Awww. Well, another good question. And I think one thing I want to recognize is that somebody with cancer is defined as a survivor from the time they’re diagnosed moving forward. So you’re already a survivor. But when you, I do think, and I tell patients this, even when we’re talking about starting treatment, I do think that being aware of kind of where patients are at mentally is important.

Because when you go through, when a patient goes through treatment, they’re very focused on next steps and next steps when you’re going through treatment are, when’s my next treatment going to happen? When’s my next scan going to happen? When you get to that point, when you’re done with treatment, you no longer have those small milestones that you’re reaching the next treatment, the next scan. You now are like, oh my gosh, I had this treatment and now, how long is it going to last?

What’s going to happen to me? What else can happen to me? And there can be a lot of fear and anxiety. I would first tell you that’s totally normal. That is a normal feeling to have at this point. So I think one, recognizing that you have them is important. I think considering things like we’ve talked about, is there a survivorship clinic, is there psychosocial oncology? Is there something that might help in talking those things out? I think setting up milestones, what is the next thing? I’m going to have a three-month appointment, I’m going to have labs.

These are the things I need to be thinking about, but if I’m not noticing these also, what things can I do to return to the things I like to do. I think also I would go back to saying, I think this is where just thinking about getting good sleep, getting exercise, eating a healthy, balanced diet, and then socializing and making sure that you’re involving friends and family.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay. Thank you. And, Sean, you’re already a survivor, Dr. Maddocks said so. So good luck, Sean. All right, Dr. Maddocks, thank you so much for being part of this Patient Empowerment Network START HERE program. It’s these conversations that help patients truly empower themselves along their treatment journey. On behalf of patients like myself and those watching, thank you so much for joining us, Dr. Maddocks.

Dr. Kami Maddocks:

Well, Lisa, thank you so much for having me. It’s been a real pleasure, and I hope everybody has a great day.

Lisa Hatfield:  

Thank you. I’m Lisa Hatfield. Thank you for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program.

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Updates in Myelofibrosis Research From an Expert

Dr. John Mascarenhas shares updates on myelofibrosis research. Dr. Mascarenhas highlights the shift towards combination therapies, particularly the use of JAK inhibitors alongside novel agents, with the goal of improving disease response and patient outcomes.
Dr. John Mascarenhas is Professor of Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) and the Director of the Adult Leukemia Program and Director of the Center of Excellence for Blood Cancers and Myeloid Disorders at Mount Sinai. Learn more about Dr. Mascarenhas.

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Dr. John Mascarenhas:

My name is John Mascarenhas, I am a professor of medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine here in New York City. I direct the Center of Excellence for Blood Cancers and Myeloid Disorders, and I lead the adult leukemia program. But my real passion and interest is in myeloproliferative neoplasms and translational research, trying to understand the biology of the diseases and helping translate that into effective therapies in the clinic. 

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Mascarenhas, from your perspective, what are the highlights so far this year in myelofibrosis research? 

Dr. John Mascarenhas:

So, I think myelofibrosis research – I’ve been in this field for about 20 years, and I’ve watched it go from a field where we had very little insight into the biology of the disease, which meant very little targeted or informed therapies to the era of JAK inhibitors.  

The first being 2011 with ruxolitinib (Jakafi), then 2019 with fedratinib, 2022 with pacritinib, and then 2023 with momelotinib (Inrebic), has really afforded us a significant advantage in trying to tailor the treatments for different patient niches to improve spleen and symptom benefit.  

And I do think that translates to a survival benefit in our patients with myelofibrosis. So, outside of bone marrow transplant, really these treatments are not curing patients, but they are addressing certain aspects of the disease. 

What I’m most excited about is the new era; the next generation of approaches that we’re seeing, and we have been seeing, and will continue to see emerge, and these include combination therapy approaches up front. So, taking those JAK inhibitors, the benefit they have, and trying to improve upon that with the addition of informed therapies, rational drugs that have pre-clinical evidence. 

Meaning, in the lab with cells from patients with animals that are engineered to have myelofibrosis, so that when we take them into the clinic, we are more confident, more informed in our decision-making, that we’re not exposing patients to drugs that really don’t have rationale.

Katherine Banwell:

What do these research advances mean for myelofibrosis patients? 

Dr. John Mascarenhas:

Well, I think what we’re seeing is a shift towards more combination therapy. So, what I think it means for a patient is deeper responses from not just spleen and symptom, but what we’re looking at very intently are biomarkers of disease modulation and disease response, hopefully, disease course changes.  

So, things like reductions in their driver mutation. These are gene mutations like JAK2, CALR, MPL, reductions in inflammatory markers, reduction in bone marrow fibrosis in the bone marrow.  

All of these things suggest that we’re really starting to modulate the disease in a more significant way. What we’re trying to show is that that actually matters to a patient, that these findings actually translate to better progression-free survival, better overall survival. So, I’m really enthusiastic and excited by what is happening now, because I do think it pays off. 

It’s incremental benefits, but things that are now more targeted, like mutant CALR antibody approaches, or BiTE approaches.  

To those patients who have this abnormal CALR protein expressed on the surface of the cell transformative with at least the potential to be JAK2 selective inhibitors, really going after that mutant JAK2 in a very selective way, or a Type II JAK2 inhibitor. Really, the potential to have very molecularly defined targeted therapies that will, hopefully, get us much deeper responses; that patients will see even greater benefits, better improvements in symptom burden, spleen, but ultimately survival.  

An Overview of Current AML Treatment Types


Dr. Daniel Pollyea provides an overview of AML treatment options, explaining the choices between intensive chemotherapy and targeted therapies, while also discussing when stem cell transplants are considered.
Dr. Daniel Pollyea is Clinical Director of Leukemia Services in the Division of Medical Oncology, Hematologic Malignancies and Blood and Marrow Transplant at University of Colorado Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Pollyea.


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Katherine Banwell:

Would you share an overview of the types of therapy for AML, and how do you decide which patient gets what? 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Yeah. Because things are very different at relapse too, but at diagnosis, the options still are intensive chemotherapy, which is a regimen that hasn’t changed much in several decades really, 50 years.  

And then, there are other treatments. There’s a treatment called venetoclax (Venclexta) that we pair with a low-intensity chemotherapy treatment, either azacitidine (Vidaza), decitabine (Dacogen), or something called low-dose cytarabine (Cytosar U). Those are the three sort of partners for venetoclax.  

And then, there’s a targeted therapy against leukemia cells that have an IDH1 mutation that’s called ivosidenib (Tibsovo) that we also give with low-dose chemotherapy. So, in most cases those are the sort of three general options. That last treatment that’s targeted against IDH1, we typically preserve that for older patients or those that really are not good candidates for intensive chemotherapy but who have that IDH1 mutation, which is only somewhere around 10  percent of AML patients.

And then, so then the main decision then is “Do we give intensive chemotherapy, or do we give the venetoclax regimen?” And our policy is sort of, if we think we can cure you within intensive chemotherapy, and there’s certain disease biology subtypes that can be cured potentially with intensive chemotherapy, then that would be our first choice for you.  

If we don’t think we can cure you with intensive chemotherapy, if you don’t have that disease biology or if you do but you’re just not a candidate for that type of an approach, that’s when we give the venetoclax regimen. 

Katherine Banwell:

Are there other targeted therapies that you use?  

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Yes. So, venetoclax is a targeted therapy against Bcl-2. Unlike some of these other gene mutations, you don’t have to have something; there’s no mutation in Bcl-2 that you need to be a candidate for venetoclax. We give venetoclax pretty much to any potential AML patients. Genomically-targeted therapies:  you mentioned FLT3. Before I mentioned IDH1. There’s also one for IDH2. We hope there’s a couple more of these coming. Where these are approved, for the most part, at the moment, are in the relapse setting.  

So, a patient who receives a treatment, and then either doesn’t respond or responds and then relapses, that’s typically where we bring in these genomically-targeted therapies. There’s an exception for IDH1 that, like I said, can be used now in the upfront treatment setting. But for the most part, these genomically-targeted therapies are relevant in relapse disease. 

Katherine Banwell:

When would you use stem cell transplant?  

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

So, stem cell transplant for the majority of AML patients is still the only potential way to cure this disease. And so, a stem cell transplant is something that we give for that purpose. It’s something that we really reserve for people whose disease is in a remission. So, nobody comes in at diagnosis and goes right into a stem cell transplant; that wouldn’t work. So, you first have to achieve a remission with any number of one of the combinations of things that we’ve already discussed.  

But once the patient is in a remission and doesn’t have a curative strategy with, like, intensive chemotherapy or some other approach and is a good candidate for a transplant, which is a whole other sort of set of circumstances that has to be considered, that’s patients who we offer a transplant for. 

Elevate | Expert Advice for Accessing Quality AML Care and Treatment

How can you access the best care and treatment for YOUR AML? Dr. Daniel Pollyea, an AML expert, discusses the importance of patient education, including understanding the available treatment options for AML, how test results may impact care, and he shares advice for advocating for yourself.
Dr. Daniel Pollyea is Clinical Director of Leukemia Services in the Division of Medical Oncology, Hematologic Malignancies and Blood and Marrow Transplant at University of Colorado Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Pollyea.

Related Resources:

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Choosing Therapy | How Are AML Treatment Goals Determined?

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Expert Overview | AML Treatment Options and Phases of Therapy

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Katherine Banwell:

Hello and welcome, I’m your host Katherine Banwell. Thanks for joining us for another webinar in the Patient Empowerment Network’s Elevate Series. The goal of these programs is to help AML patients and care partners feel educated and informed when making decisions with their healthcare team.  

Before we get into the discussion, please remember that program is not a substitute for seeking medical advice. Please refer to your healthcare team about what might be best for you. Well, let’s meet our guest today. Joining us is Dr. Daniel Pollyea. Welcome. Thank you so much for being with us. Would you introduce yourself?  

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Yes, thanks so much for having me. I’m Dan Pollyea and I work at the University of Colorado where I lead the leukemia team.  

Katherine Banwell:

Thank you so much for joining us today. As part of this new series we’re learning more about researchers like you. You’re on the frontlines of advancing AML care. What led you here and why is it important to you? 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

I think my path is everyone’s, is distinct and a bit different.  

In short, I think working in AML is one of the most exciting areas in medicine that a person can be in right now. It’s this incredible intersection between delivering potentially curative treatments to patients and sort of harnessing the most unbelievable research-driven sort of drug development, new therapies to patients. So, it’s just a really, really exciting time for all of us who work in the AML field because of all that those opportunities bring to bear. 

Katherine Banwell:

Let’s start by having you define AML for the audience. 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

AML, acute myeloid leukemia, it’s a type of a cancer.  You can think of it as a cancer of the bone marrow, and it’s the likely result of several abnormalities, or sometimes I call them mistakes that can occur in stem cells or a stem cell in the bone marrow. And those mistakes that occur, most times, we don’t understand why they happen.

In most cases, they’re completely out of a person’s control. This isn’t something that comes on because it runs in a family in most cases, or because of something somebody did or didn’t do. These appear to be pretty random events that occur. But these mutations that occur in these sort of stem cells in the bone marrow cause a cell to become a cancer cell.  

And over a course of a variable amount of time, these can evolve and develop into this condition, AML. 

Katherine Banwell:

Okay, thank you for that. Health literacy, which is defined by the ability to find, understand, and use information for health-related decisions, is essential. Would you expand on the term “health literacy” and why it’s important to accessing quality AML care? 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Yeah. So, I think health literacy in our field is a challenge, because these are acute conditions that come on oftentimes very quickly. And these are not diseases that are top of mind. Most people don’t know somebody who’s had this. They’re not common; only about 30,000 people every year in the United States will have AML. So, it’s very hard to have any sort of background in this.  

And for most patients because of the pace at which this disease occurs, it can be very difficult to sort of read up on it before meeting with a provider or an expert or a specialist. So, there’s a lot of challenges or barriers to health literacy. But like anything, the more a person knows, the more sort of empowered they can be, the more ability they have to ask questions and seek care at sort of the optimal place.  

What I find often is that health literacy is best harnessed by a patient’s team; so, in other words, their support system, their family and friends. Because it’s so much to deal with in such rapid succession, to get this diagnosis and to usually be feeling very poorly. To also be expected to sort of have read the most relevant literature and come armed with that information is often too much at the beginning.  

So, in the beginning, I think it’s best to leave that to your support system, and then as time goes on and as you start treatment, get comfortable, health literacy in our field, it becomes a more prevalent issue. And I think that when patients learn the most about how the field has evolved and where we are, the better that they can potentially do.  

Katherine Banwell:

Well, that leads us perfectly into my next question. What resources do you suggest for boosting knowledge about AML? 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

AML is like so many fields in medicine, but probably more so, moving so quickly that sort of the usual Google search is not going to, in most cases, bring up the most important, the most relevant information.  

So, I think that there are some organizations out there that do a really good job of educating patients. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is one. They have a good website.  

They have people you can contact, and they have really good information that’s available to patients and their families. That’s where I typically recommend people start. And then from there, based on our interest in education level and things like that, there can be other resources. But I think The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s a great place to start. 

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. Newly diagnosed patients and their care partners are often overwhelmed, as you mentioned earlier. What advice do you give them at their first appointment? 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Right. So, this is a huge challenge. Anybody in the situation would be feeling like this. So, first of all, it’s sort of like, it’s okay to feel like this. It’s normal. 

It would be unnatural to not be overwhelmed with what you’re going through; that’s an important message. And then, I think there’s this period of time between diagnosis and a plan that is particularly anxiety-provoking. And so, as your doctor and their team sort of sorts through the necessary information to get a plan together, just know that that this a very anxiety-provoking time when you’re being told that you have a really significant and serious disease, and we don’t have a plan yet.

So, making sure that you sort of comfort yourself during that period, knowing that that his temporary and that is potentially the worst anxiety you will feel, I think, can be helpful. And then, from there once the plan is sort of in place and enacting it, it really is just focusing on short-term goals.  

So, instead of thinking three steps ahead and how’s the transplant going to work, in the early days, focusing on “Okay, how am I going to get into a remission?” and “How am I going to feel day-to-day? How can I feel as best I can day-to-day? What’s the best path to a remission?” And then, once you sort of meet the goal of remission, “Okay, what’s next? How are we going to cure this?” So, thinking through sort of in short bites, I think, is best. 

Katherine Banwell:

Are there other key questions that they should be asking their doctor or their healthcare team? 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Yeah. Depending on the situation, this is a disease that can be cured; and so, from the first day, asking “Is that a possibility for me? Is there a curative plan for me, and what might that look like?” I think is an important question to ask from the beginning.  

Making sure you communicate your goals and your wishes, how you define quality of life, what that means to you. And in that way, that can really help inform your doctor and their team to put together a plan that sort of is most customized to you.  

Katherine Banwell:

That makes sense. Excuse me. When it comes to choosing AML therapy, it’s important to work with your healthcare team to identify what will be best for you. Would you walk us through the factors that are considered when choosing therapy for AML? 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Sure, yeah. So, we now have options in treatments for this disease and for decades, that wasn’t the case. This was a one-size-fits-all type of disease. And in the last eight years, that has completely changed. 

So, there are approaches and diagnosis that vary between very intensive chemotherapy and less intensive treatments. What we call “targeted therapies” in some cases can be considered or be appropriate.  

And so, having a sense, after learning a little bit about this, of how much would you be willing to tolerate an intensive chemotherapy regimen and all the risks inherent in that, if that’s even being presented as an option, and if so, what does that look like? And if not, hey, what are the other options if that sort of doesn’t sound like something that you would be willing to accept? So, I think those kind of probing questions.  

 First, asking yourself and then sort of translating that into your treatment team, into “Hey, this is sort of how I define quality of life.  

And these are some red lines that I wouldn’t cross,” that can really help the healthcare team because, again, this is not one-size-fits-all anymore. We do have several options to consider at the time of diagnosis.  

Katherine Banwell:

What other factors would you take into consideration? Do you look at age and overall health and fitness, test results? 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Absolutely. So, the relevant factors at the time of diagnosis would be, as you described, age, to some extent. And there’s no magic cutoff. “When a person is a certain age, this is no longer a treatment.” But age just gives us guidelines. Other comorbidities, other disease that you may be dealing with, things in your past, organ dysfunction; all those things are really, highly considered.  

And also, sort of your own attitude toward “Hey, would I be okay with a month-long stay in the hospital or is that something that there’s no sort of outcome that that would be okay for me to withstand?” But then, the other huge part of this are things that are sort of, at diagnosis, unknown to you and unknown to your doctor for a little bit. And those are disease factors. So, what are the mutations that make up your disease? What’s making your disease tick? And now, just with normal clinical care, we have unbelievable access to this information. We can essentially learn within a week or two every relevant mutation that’s contributing to your disease.                       

And that helps us tremendously with respect to prognostication, sure, but also treatment selection because there are some treatments that will work, we think, better with certain disease biology, and other treatments that will work less well.  

And we even have targeted therapies; so, based on particular mutations or other abnormalities, sort of a rationally designed therapy for exactly that disease biology. So, that is also a huge part of treatment selection, and we call those disease factors. 

Katherine Banwell:

Why is molecular testing important following an AML diagnosis?

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Right. So, this basically just gets into what we were just discussing. So, that molecular testing is the testing that will tell us all the mutations that make up your disease biology. And so, that is crucial for prognostication, but also treatment selection.  

And frankly, also when thinking about how to potentially cure your disease, those will be factors taken into account to make decisions that are pretty significant, such as should you receive a bone marrow transplant at some point in the future or not. And the reason it’s so crucial to get this done at diagnosis is, after diagnosis, we start a treatment, and hopefully we put your disease into a remission.

And at that point, we no longer have access to your disease cells. They’re gone, or they’re too low to even measure. And so, we need to get this information at diagnosis so that we can have it later on so that we can really understand your disease and make the best treatment plan for you.  

Katherine Banwell:

Right. We’ve covered this in past programs, but I think it’s worth reiterating. Would you define induction and consolidation therapy for the audience? 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Yeah. So, traditionally when we only had intensive chemotherapy treatments, induction meant “Let’s get your disease under control.” That’s the first sort of line of treatment. “Let’s induce a remission.” That’s where that comes from. 

And then, consolidation meant “Let’s do more stuff, more chemotherapy to consolidate that remission,” or you can think of it as maintain that remission, deepen that remission. All those are sort of the same adjectives there. So, induction was step one. Consolidation was step two. We’ve retained a lot of this language into a time when we don’t only have intensive chemotherapy. So, we’ll still use the word induction sometimes to mean “Let’s get your disease under control, even if it’s not with intensive chemotherapy.” So, admittedly that can be very confusing, but if someone uses it in that manner, that what they’re talking about is “Let’s get your disease under control.”  

And consolidation still meant “Let’s deepen your remission” or “Let’s prolong your remission.” So, those are the general terms. They’re very much linked to intensive chemotherapy, which we still use, but it’s not all we use anymore.  

So, I think it has gotten confusing, and it’s perfectly reasonable to be confused about that terminology.  

Katherine Banwell:

Would you share an overview of the types of therapy for AML, and how do you decide which patient gets what?  

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Yeah. Because things are very different at relapse too, but at diagnosis, the options still are intensive chemotherapy, which is a regimen that hasn’t changed much in several decades really, 50 years.  

And then, there are other treatments. There’s a treatment called venetoclax (Venclexta) that we pair with a low-intensity chemotherapy treatment, either azacitidine (Vidaza), decitabine (Dacogen), or something called low-dose cytarabine (Cytosar U). Those are the three sort of partners for venetoclax.  

And then, there’s a targeted therapy against leukemia cells that have an IDH1 mutation that’s called ivosidenib (Tibsovo) that we also give with low-dose chemotherapy. So, in most cases those are the sort of three general options. That last treatment that’s targeted against IDH1, we typically preserve that for older patients or those that really are not good candidates for intensive chemotherapy but who have that IDH1 mutation, which is only somewhere around 10  percent of AML patients.

And then, so then the main decision then is “Do we give intensive chemotherapy, or do we give the venetoclax regimen?” And our policy is sort of, if we think we can cure you within intensive chemotherapy, and there’s certain disease biology subtypes that can be cured potentially with intensive chemotherapy, then that would be our first choice for you.  

If we don’t think we can cure you with intensive chemotherapy, if you don’t have that disease biology or if you do but you’re just not a candidate for that type of an approach, that’s when we give the venetoclax regimen. 

Katherine Banwell:

Are there other targeted therapies that you use?  

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Yes. So, venetoclax is a targeted therapy against Bcl-2. Unlike some of these other gene mutations, you don’t have to have something; there’s no mutation in Bcl-2 that you need to be a candidate for venetoclax. We give venetoclax pretty much to any potential AML patients. Genomically-targeted therapies:  you mentioned FLT3. Before I mentioned IDH1. There’s also one for IDH2. We hope there’s a couple more of these coming. Where these are approved, for the most part, at the moment, are in the relapse setting.  

So, a patient who receives a treatment, and then either doesn’t respond or responds and then relapses, that’s typically where we bring in these genomically-targeted therapies. There’s an exception for IDH1 that, like I said, can be used now in the upfront treatment setting. But for the most part, these genomically-targeted therapies are relevant in relapse disease. 

Katherine Banwell:

When would you use stem cell transplant?  

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

So, stem cell transplant for the majority of AML patients is still the only potential way to cure this disease. And so, a stem cell transplant is something that we give for that purpose. It’s something that we really reserve for people whose disease is in a remission. So, nobody comes in at diagnosis and goes right into a stem cell transplant; that wouldn’t work. So, you first have to achieve a remission with any number of one of the combinations of things that we’ve already discussed.  

But once the patient is in a remission and doesn’t have a curative strategy with, like, intensive chemotherapy or some other approach and is a good candidate for a transplant, which is a whole other sort of set of circumstances that has to be considered, that’s patients who we offer a transplant for. 

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. What about new and emerging treatments?  

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

So much that’s really exciting here. So, we’ve had several new approvals. We have a new FLT3 inhibitor that we can use for newly diagnosed patients who have a FLT3 mutation and who are getting intensive chemotherapy. We have, even now, a new therapy that’s given as a maintenance treatment. It’s called oral azacitidine or Onureg, which is really exciting as well.  

But I think the next sort of big thing in the field is going to be a targeted therapy for another subset of patients who are defined by the presence of a gene mutation, NPM1, but also by a chromosomal abnormality, something we call KMT2A. But these patients have disease that’s potentially amenable to what we call a menin inhibitor. And there are several companies with menin inhibitors. These therapies are getting pretty far along. We expect approval potentially soon for at least one of them. And then, I think these are going  to have a big impact on the field for those patients who have that type of disease.

Katherine Banwell:

Oh, that’s exciting news. Where do clinical trials fit in? 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

So, clinical trials are crucial for everything that we’re trying to do. We don’t make any progress without clinical trials. So, that’s the field as a whole. We don’t move forward. We don’t get any of these new treatments without clinical trials 

On an individual patient level, clinical trials are also really important because, for many patients we are still not doing as well as we want to be doing with this disease. We’ve made progress, but there’s still a lot of room for improvement. And so, for an individual patient, getting access to another therapy that, although we admit we don’t quite know yet whether it may be helpful but might be helpful, I think, is a really compelling situation to potentially consider participating because it is a guarantee you will help the field; and it’s a guarantee you will help every patient that comes after you through participation in clinical trial.  

But all these clinical trials are also designed to help you; to help you in a situation where we as a field don’t feel like we’re doing well enough. So, clinical trials, totally crucial if we’re going to continue making progress.  

And clinical trials are the reason why these last 10 years we have had such just dramatic improvement in availably of all these new therapies because literally thousands of patients have chosen to participate. 

Katherine Banwell:

How can patients find clinical trials that might be right for them? 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

So, back to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. They can be really helpful in guiding this. Asking your doctor, “Hey, are there any clinical trials her or at any other center that I should be considering?” And then, people who are interested in just going to the source. Every clinical trial that is available is registered at clinicaltrials.gov. And so, going to clinicaltrials.gov and then putting in some keywords like “acute myeloid leukemia,” you’ll see every clinical trial that’s available.  

Katherine Banwell:

Oh, that’s excellent. I’d also like to add for our viewers that if you’re interested in learning more about AML care and treatment, PEN has a number of resources available to you.  

You can find these at powerfulpatients.org/AML or by scanning the QR code on your screen.  

So, Dr. Pollyea, when choosing a therapy what questions should patients be asking their healthcare team about a treatment plan? 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

So, at the time of diagnosis I think it’s a reasonable question to say, “Is my disease amenable to a cure? Can I be potentially cured?” and “Is this treatment part of a plan for a cure?” If that is possible, then I would want to be walked through the steps that that’s going to executed. And if it’s not possible for me to be cured, then I would like to discuss what is the treatment plan that could potentially give me the longest duration of a remission and the best quality of life. And so, that’s the conversation that I think is important to have.  

And then, everything that we discuss comes into play there; an individual’s sort of appropriateness for intensive chemotherapy versus less intensive regimens, and also the disease biology and what that maybe make them a candidate for.  

Katherine Banwell:

Are there certain symptoms or side effects a patient should share with their care team? 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Yeah. So, we have a very, very sort liberal request that really anything, it should be shared. We have a 24/7 number to call with one of us on-call at all times. So, it’s very difficult for a patient to kind of be able to appreciate, when they’re going through such dramatic changes, “Hey, is this expected or not?” So, we really emphasize oversharing concerns about symptoms.  

All these drugs have very different side effect profiles, and some of them are common and some of them are less common. The disease itself can cause symptoms and clinical issues. So, instead of really trying to educate yourself in an impossible way on what could be or is not related, it’s better just to ask.  

Katherine Banwell:

What is the role of a care partner when someone is in active treatment? 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Having a care partner is crucial. This is physically and mentally extraordinarily stressful on the body and on the mind. Having that support person for those purposes is really important. Having that person be an advocate for a patient to ask those questions that may not be getting asked, to reframe questions to get the best answers is really, really important.  

And then, there’s the more mundane things; just getting patients to their appointments and kind of keeping their morale up and those things. So, there’s data and research on this that patients with caregivers, they have better outcomes. When it comes to a transplant, a caregiver is not an option. You must have a caregiver. And the importance of that will be sort of relayed to you in the context of a discussion about a transplant. But a caregiver in the setting of a transplant is so important that it is a requirement to even be considered for that.  

Katherine Banwell:

Sounds like that’s vital. I’d like to get to a few audience questions that we received before the program. Chris sent in this question: I would like to hear more about mutations found during molecular testing. Are there new AML drugs in trials for other less common mutations? 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Great question. So, at the moment, what we have clinically available are targeted therapies for patients with FLT3 mutations, IDH1, and IDH2 mutations.  

And there are about 50 different genes that can be mutated in AML, and so that’s a small slice of the pie. Those are relatively common mutations, but still, small slice of the pie. A lot of the very uncommon or less common gene mutations we don’t have great paths to targeted therapies for them. And is that just we never will? I don’t think necessarily, but I think those can be really challenging. Not every mutation is amenable to a targeted therapy, at least as far as we know now. The one that’s coming, that we’re hopeful about is NPM1, which may be able to be targeted with one of those menin inhibitors that we talked about. So, that’s the next big one up.  

And that will probably constitute 40 percent of patients that have one of those mutations that I listed. But research is ongoing to kind of try and dig into this more. What I will say is that the AML research community is so fantastic that every lead is being pursued, and there is a lab somewhere in the world whose focus is on whatever small, even the most least common AML mutation; that’s somebody’s focus. 

And so, if there were to be promising therapies developed for even rare mutations, I assure you, the field would take those forward and figure out a way to do those clinical trials and to get to approval if it’s appropriate. So, but I think that’s where the landscape is right now. 

Katherine Banwell:

This question comes from Rita: Outside of changes in bloodwork, what are signs that AML is returning? 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Great question.  

So, this can be a really tough one, and bloodwork is what we sorta hang our hat on. There are some times that patients sort of have clinical symptoms that proceed changes in bloodwork. I will say, I find that to be pretty uncommon. But some of the things that are pretty rare but might happen, would be leukemic involvement of the skin; so, it would appear as a rash. Some people might have some fatigue that comes on before the blood counts really change. That’s also pretty rare.

And then, if this disease were to work its way into any other organ or tissue in the body, and that’s rare, it’s possible that that could present with clinical signs and symptoms before a blood count change. But for the most part, the blood counts are really early sign that something is changing, and typically we’ll see that before any clinical signs.   

Katherine Banwell:

Thank you for that, Dr. Pollyea, and those were great questions. Please continue to send them to question@powerfulpatients.org, and we’ll work to get them answered on future programs. So, as we close out the program, Dr. Pollyea, what would you like to leave the audience with? Why are you hopeful that about the future of AML care and treatment?  

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Well, we’ve made unbelievable progress in just the last 10 years. And so, just looking into the future, I see nothing stopping that progress. So, it’s really exciting to think about where we’ll be two, five, 10 years from now. We never could have envisioned 10 years ago where we are now in terms of the therapies we have, how active and effective they are, and the impact that it’s had on patients.  

Again, just so proud to be part of this community, both on the patient care side and on the research side. It’s such a committed group of people, working around the clock on this disease to figure it out and to make some improvements. For all those reasons, I’m just super hopeful that we’ll just keep making progress, and I see no signs of anything slowing down. 

Katherine Banwell:

That’s a promising outlook to leave our audience with. Dr. Pollyea, thank you so much for joining us today. 

Dr. Daniel Pollyea:

Thanks so much for having me. 

Katherine Banwell:

And thank you to all of our collaborators. To learn more about AML and to access tools to help you become a proactive patient, visit powerfulpatients.org. I’m Katherine Banwell. Thanks for being with us today.  

Myelofibrosis Symptoms and Side Effects | Why Speaking Up Is Vital

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju emphasizes the importance of knowing your body and sharing all myelofibrosis symptoms and side effects with their healthcare team. 

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju is Director of the Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm (BPDCN) Program and Professor in the Department of Leukemia at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Pemmaraju.

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Myelofibrosis Care | Impact of Diet & Lifestyle Modifications

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Advice for Shared Decision-Making | Myelofibrosis Care and Treatment Goals

Emotional Health | Why It’s Vital for Myelofibrosis Patients to Share Concerns 

Emotional Health | Why It’s Vital for Myelofibrosis Patients to Share Concerns


Katherine Banwell:

So, the symptoms of myelofibrosis as well as the side effects of certain medications can vary greatly among patients. 

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:


Katherine Banwell:

Why is it critical for patients to share any issues they may be having with their care team?  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

Yeah, exactly what you said. So, those two concepts are tied. Since the disease is so rare and it’s so heterogeneous, not just patient to patient, but within the same patient over the journey of years, that is the reason. So, because of that, that’s why one has to communicate every single thing to the healthcare team. It’s interesting. Something that the patient may not believe is serious, the caregiver sometimes knows, right, team?  

So, sometimes the person who’s your loved one or caregiver, “Oh, you know, that’s not-quite-right.” Sometimes the patient knows obviously, and then sometimes the healthcare team may say, “You know, that’s not-quite-right.” I think the not-quite-right thing is the key because that is what supersedes or at least precedes lab testing, X-rays, imaging, and bone marrows, it has to be some provocation. So, what I try to tell people is you know your body best. So, you want to be in touch with yourself, with your body, and anything that isn’t right, don’t be the final judge on that.  

Push it up the chain, let your caregiver know, let your doctors know, let your team know, and let them help you decide. Sometimes it may be nothing, that’s fine. Sometimes it may be something. Sometimes it may be something outside of your MPN. That’s another key theme, I think, I mentioned here a couple of times. Anemia is a good example. So, lowering of the hemoglobin. It’s exactly what you just asked me. So, in addition to looking to see if it’s the disease progression itself, okay, fine.  

However, could it also be drug toxicities, as you mentioned? So, the JAK inhibitor may be causing the anemia or whatever. Then the third bucket is, could it be anemia of regular life stuff, iron deficiency anemia. Could it be a colon cancer or a polyp that’s hiding there? Could it be vitamin B12 deficiency, hemolysis, immune, or something destroying the red blood cells, etc., etc.? So, you make an awesome point, which is all of that can be alleviated or the ball can be started rolling, if you will, by mentioning it. So, the key is no shame, no silence, and mention everything.  

Katherine Banwell:

No silly questions.  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

No silly questions, that’s right.  

Advice for Shared Decision-Making | Myelofibrosis Care and Treatment Goals

Myelofibrosis expert Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju advises on how patients and healthcare teams can partner together by communicating care goals and exploring treatment options.

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju is Director of the Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm (BPDCN) Program and Professor in the Department of Leukemia at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Pemmaraju.

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See More from Elevate Myelofibrosis

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What Myelofibrosis Treatment Types Are Available?

What Myelofibrosis Treatment Types Are Available?

Myelofibrosis Symptoms and Side Effects | Why Speaking Up Is Vital

Myelofibrosis Symptoms and Side Effects | Why Speaking Up Is Vital

Emotional Health | Why It’s Vital for Myelofibrosis Patients to Share Concerns 

Emotional Health | Why It’s Vital for Myelofibrosis Patients to Share Concerns


Katherine Banwell:

When it comes to choosing therapy, Dr. Pemmaraju, it’s important to work with your healthcare team to identify what is going to work best for you. So, as a clinician, how do you define shared decision-making?  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

Very important. So, shared decision-making to me means a partnership. It means a journey that the patient and the providing team are about to embark on. It’s a very different approach than a one-way, I tell you, you do this. Instead, I see it as a bi-directional exchange of ideas.  

Each visit, each EPIC in-basket or EMR communication, each touch with the healthcare system, the pharmacist, the PA, nurse, whoever is dealing with the patient, I think that’s the key.  

So, a bi-directional exchange of ideas, what’s important to you as the patient? What’s important to the caregiver? What are the worries? What are the barriers? Designing a treatment system around that, a treatment paradigm and approach. Discussing risks, benefits, side effects, toxicities, alternatives, and then a constant dynamic reevaluation throughout. That’s what I pictured. It has to be a journey and a partnership.  

Katherine Banwell:

Well, part of making care decisions is setting goals, and I think you’ve just alluded to that. What are treatment goals for myelofibrosis, and how are they determined?  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

That’s a great question. Myelofibrosis treatment goals are changing in real-time. I would say as of this recording, 2024, the main three things that I want patients to think about and the caregivers.  

Number one is a stem-cell transplant eligible or not? It used to be based on age and comorbidities, but there are other factors. So, are we going to stem cell transplants or not? That determines a lot of the journey. Two is a clinical trial or not. So, are we doing the standard of care therapy, often one pill at a time, or clinical trial, either an IV drug, a pill, or combinations? Then three is that dynamic assessment that we talked about, which is what are the goals of care? Often our patients with myelofibrosis have decreased quality of life, enlarged organs, fatigue, cachexia, and malnutrition.  

These are the central components. A lot of times they’re due to the myelofibrosis itself. So, the treatments may improve that. A lot of times it’s the other comorbidities, other health issues. So, working with the PCP, the primary care provider, and the local team. In my case, many of my patients are referrals, as you know, the local MD team. I think these are the three components, transplant eligibility or not, clinical trial versus standard of care. 

Then once we’ve made a treatment decision, minding toxicities and quality of life.  

Elevate | What You Should Know About Your Role in Myelofibrosis Treatment and Care Decisions

How can you elevate your overall myelofibrosis care and treatment? Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju discusses the importance of engaging in myelofibrosis care decisions with your healthcare team, shares advice for setting treatment goals, and reviews factors that may impact therapy options. Dr. Pemmaraju also provides tips and resources for self-advocacy, including coping with emotional health.

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju is Director of the Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm (BPDCN) Program and Professor in the Department of Leukemia at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Pemmaraju.

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What Are the Currently Approved Myelofibrosis Therapies?

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Katherine Banwell:

Hello and welcome. I’m your host, Katherine Banwell. Today’s webinar is part of the Patient Empowerment Network’s Elevate Series to help myelofibrosis patients and care partners feel well-informed when making treatment decisions with their healthcare team. On today’s program, an expert will join us to share advice for accessing better overall care. 

Before we get into the discussion, please remember that this program is not a substitute for seeking medical advice. Please refer to your healthcare team about what might be best for you. Well, let’s meet our guest today. Joining us is Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju. Dr. Pemmaraju, it’s good to see you again. Welcome. Would you please introduce yourself?  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

Oh, thanks, Katherine, and to Jamie and the team. I’m Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju, a Professor of Leukemia at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. I also serve as the director for our rare disease program focusing on BPDCN and, of course, MPNs. Also, I want to mention, I have another hat, which is executive director for MD Anderson Cancer Network for Cancer Medicine. Thanks, Katherine.   

Katherine Banwell:

Well, thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to join us. I’d like to start by discussing your role as a researcher. You’re on the front lines for advancements in the myelofibrosis field. What led you here, and why is it important to you?  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

Well, I think it’s an important question to start with and one that we need to evaluate and dynamically reevaluate over time. I think really for me, two major themes, Katherine, that brought me to this point. One is the absolute desire to be there for patients who don’t have a voice. So, that means giving voice to the voiceless. It’s something I’ve always been good at ever since I was a youth, which is advocating for those who may not be able to or cannot advocate for themselves.  

So, this is the rare disease thread. A lot of my colleagues were going into lung cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer, very important. We need folks there. However, those were common diseases, largely elucidated. I was always drawn to the more difficult-to-treat diseases, esoteric, and rare, and I think that’s one component, which is the patient voice.  

The second aspect is scientific interest. Again, in the more common tumor types and diseases, there’s a lot already known. So, many of the researchers and research being done is either derivative from that knowledge, Katherine, a or kind of secondary. I wanted to put my efforts and my team’s efforts and frankly, my life effort into trying to figure out new science, new pathways, new breakthroughs, new ideas, and new concepts. I find that in the rare disease space, that’s where I can do that. So, both from the humanistic patient aspect and the science aspect.  

Katherine Banwell:

Well, it sounds like it’s a challenge to you as well.  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

I think that’s a great point. So, while it’s intellectually satisfying and very important to pursue this, and I love my patients, the clinic, and my team, you make a really good point. Every day when I wake up, it is the challenge that really drives you, which is to try to improve not only the lives of our patients but the quality of life.  

Try to improve the education barriers, which are many, and then the access barriers, not only here in the U.S., but all over the world. Social media has helped that, democratization of information, and platforms like yours right now to get the message out there to folks who need it the most. However, you make a good point. We have a lot of challenges and a lot of barriers, and that motivates me to get up in the morning every day. 

Katherine Banwell:

When it comes to choosing therapy, Dr. Pemmaraju, it’s important to work with your healthcare team to identify what is going to work best for you. So, as a clinician, how do you define shared decision-making?  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

Very important. So, shared decision-making to me means a partnership. It means a journey that the patient and the providing team are about to embark on. It’s a very different approach than a one-way, I tell you, you do this. Instead, I see it as a bi-directional exchange of ideas.  

Each visit, each EPIC in-basket or EMR communication, each touch with the healthcare system, the pharmacist, the PA, nurse, whoever is dealing with the patient, I think that’s the key.  

So, a bi-directional exchange of ideas, what’s important to you as the patient? What’s important to the caregiver? What are the worries? What are the barriers? Designing a treatment system around that, a treatment paradigm and approach. Discussing risks, benefits, side effects, toxicities, alternatives, and then a constant dynamic reevaluation throughout. That’s what I pictured. It has to be a journey and a partnership.  

Katherine Banwell:

Well, part of making care decisions is setting goals and I think you’ve just alluded to that. What are treatment goals for myelofibrosis, and how are they determined?  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

That’s a great question. Myelofibrosis treatment goals are changing in real-time. I would say as of this recording, 2024, the main three things that I want patients to think about and the caregivers.  

Number one is a stem-cell transplant eligible or not? It used to be based on age and comorbidities, but there are other factors. So, are we going to stem cell transplants or not? That determines a lot of the journey. Two is a clinical trial or not. So, are we doing the standard of care therapy, often one pill at a time, or clinical trial, either an IV drug, a pill, or combinations? Then three is that dynamic assessment that we talked about, which is what are the goals of care? Often our patients with myelofibrosis have decreased quality of life, enlarged organs, fatigue, cachexia, and malnutrition.  

These are the central components. A lot of times they’re due to the myelofibrosis itself. So, the treatments may improve that. A lot of times it’s the other comorbidities, other health issues. So, working with the PCP, the primary care provider, and the local team. In my case, many of my patients are referrals, as you know, the local MD team. I think these are the three components, transplant eligibility or not, clinical trial versus standard of care. 

Then once we’ve made a treatment decision, minding toxicities and quality of life.  

Katherine Banwell:

Right, okay. So, you’ve touched upon the factors that are considered when choosing therapy for myelofibrosis. Let’s talk about test results. What sort of tests should be done following a myelofibrosis diagnosis?   

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

Well, I think this is something that’s an active area of evolution. I think the good news is I can give you a few standard items. I think most, if not all, of our patients, will require a bone marrow biopsy to be done at baseline and possibly even later on to assess the status of the therapy. Now, in some cases, that may not be available or accessible due to patient preference or comorbidities.  

However, a bone marrow biopsy is a way to look inside and see how the bone marrow tissues are doing. Outside of that, for the blood tests, the two most critical sets are what we call a CBC and a CMP. So, CBC complete blood count. This is where you get your hemoglobin, platelets, and white blood cell count, very important to know at baseline and dynamically.  

Then the complete metabolic profile is very important, Katherine because we need to know how the potassium, kidney function, and liver function are doing. Then finally, I would also say you’ll see your provider add in other blood tests over time, depending on the particular case. Thyroid testing if it’s needed in the case of fatigue, just to name one example. So, I think these are the main categories.  

I think what’s also interesting over time is that this is an issue with us as well in the MPN clinic. You end up seeing your MPN provider and team so much that it’s easy to forget and lose sight of the primary care items too. So, this is a good time to remind folks to stay in touch with their MPN team, the provider, and their caregiver, whether it’s colonoscopies, mammogram, or prostate. I remember over the COVID pandemic time, especially, a lot of that was either sacrificed, forgotten, or on purpose put aside. So, let’s remind people in 2024 to remember to have that partnership as well.  

Katherine Banwell:

How does molecular testing affect treatment options and prognosis? 

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

Right, yeah, I haven’t mentioned that yet because that’s something that we’re trying to layer into. I do find that to be the standard of care now in the treatment of myelofibrosis. What you’re asking about is very important. So, outside of the normal labs in bone marrow morphology, seeing what it looks like under the microscope, we’re starting to add three or four items. One is called cytogenetics, that’s chromosomes. You’re born with 46, so 23 from mother, 23 from father, for example, 46 total.   

Even though most people are not born with an MPN per se, those chromosomes can change and become abnormal over time. So, we want to know that, and that can help us tell low versus high versus intermediate risk. Two is the molecular test you ask about. Most people have heard of JAK2, that’s the most common out of myelofibrosis, maybe 50 percent to 60 percent of cases, JAK2V617F. However, did you know there’s also CALR, which is the second most common molecular mutation, and then MPL. 

Those three are the big three driver mutations. They make up roughly about 90 percent of our cases, 10% being so-called triple-negative. So, you’re negative for all three. When you do deeper sequencing, which is available now clinically, and we check that here, you will find almost always, some other mutation, ASXL1, EZH2, SRSF2, etc. It becomes an alphabet soup very quickly. However, I think basically you should know that there’s JAK2, CALR-MPL, the big three driver mutations, and additional molecular mutations.  

So, therefore we and others believe you should check these as standard. Finally, there’s also flow cytometry. Just want to give a shout-out to that. Most people haven’t heard of that. When you send your bone marrow for testing, in addition to the pathologist looking under the microscope with the human eyes, there’s also a test that does side scatter of light called flow cytometry. That helps to look at a deeper level, maybe the thousandth, maybe even down to the millionth level, what these cancer cells do.  

Katherine Banwell:

What sorts of questions should patients be asking about test results?  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

I think the number one and number two questions that I advocate for patients or on programs like this, I think the one question that may help a lot is this question of when you hear all the data and ask the question, “Hey, is there any other questions I should be asking that I’m missing?” It’s an interesting question, right? It’s almost a meta, right, kind of a situation. However, when you ask that, every time I’ve been asked in the clinic, it makes me pause and say, “Now that you mentioned it, X, Y, and Z.”  

So, I think it’s a good one to ask either your physician or whoever healthcare provider is in the room, again, nurse, or PA. It’s an interesting one, right? It kind of makes someone maybe even put themselves in your shoes. So, I like it as a device to make people pause in a busy clinic. Yeah, the second question that I think is a good one is to say, “While things are going well right now, I wanted to ask you, doc, what are some things that could happen in the next six months, one year, or two years, adverse events or abnormal things, and is there something I can do to plan for it?” 

Again, it may be somewhat of a theoretical question. The doctor may say, “Okay, right now things are going well,” but it kind of makes people think about contingency plans, and alternative things. Well, now that you mention it, there is this one side effect of this drug. I don’t know, I think those are two kinds of go-to questions that I want people to be equipped with.   

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah, that’s great advice. I’d like to add that if you, the viewer, are interested in learning more about myelofibrosis testing and treatment, PEN has a number of resources available to you. You can find these at powerfulpatients.org/MPN or by scanning the QR code on your screen.  

So, once all testing is complete and the patient has an accurate diagnosis, they’ll work with their doctor then on a treatment approach. You’ve touched on this a little bit, but  

What are the types of treatment available for people with myelofibrosis?  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

Yeah, thanks, Katherine. We’ll keep it general and standard of care. As you mentioned at the top, I’ll reiterate, that none of these are intended to be specific instructions for specific folks. However, in general, for the category of patients with myelofibrosis, in general, there’s not many treatments, unfortunately. As of 2024, we have only four standard JAK inhibitors. So, that’s this pathway we’re talking about, JAK-STAT. Interestingly, you don’t have to be JAK2V617F mutated. These are for the whole pathway.  

So, all patients with myelofibrosis, are intermediate to high risk. The first one, Katherine, is ruxolitinib (Jakafi), which has been around for more than a decade, and first in class JAK inhibitor. The second drug is fedratinib (Inrebic). The third is pacritinib (Vonjo), approved only in 2020 for those patients with less than platelets of 50. Then the myelofibrosis drug, momelotinib (Ojjaara), just approved not even a year ago, in September of 2023 for myelofibrosis with anemia. So, those four are considered as called JAK inhibitors.   

They are really the only targeted therapy class of drugs specifically approved in the MF space. Outside of that, there’s older and other drugs that me and others have used, if you will, so-called off-label or historical use, hydroxyurea  (Hydrea), interferon products such as pegylated interferon. Hypomethylators such as azacitidine (Vidaza) and decitabine (Dacogen), particularly in more advanced cases. Some of those drugs are borrowed from MDS and AML and have been around for decades.  

Then of course, finally, clinical trials. We really recommend folks, if they have the ability and feasibility, clinical trials, even in the first diagnosis setting. So, untreated, first therapy. These clinical trials, Katherine, are based on three factors. One is JAK inhibitor plus another agent. So, that’s kind of like a combination trial. Two is add-on agents. So, you’re already on the JAK inhibitor for a while, maybe it’s starting to not work. Then you add in a third agent.  

Then three is a completely novel agent beyond the JAK-STAT pathway. Then maybe we can even add a fourth one now as this is evolving in real-time, which is anemia-targeting drugs. Many of our patients have either transfusion-dependent or bad anemia. Some of the drugs that are being developed are specifically aimed at them.  

Katherine Banwell:

There are a couple of new and emerging treatments as well, right? What are those?  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

Yeah, so right. So, I’m proud to report to the viewers that just now in real time, just in the last year, really we have had several major developments. Now these are not yet FDA-approved agents. They’re experimental investigational agents, but they’ve reached what’s called Phase II or Phase III testing which are the later stages of testing. I’d like to highlight four or five of those.  

These are mostly in the combination space. So, this is a JAK inhibitor plus the new agent. One is called navitoclax. That’s a BCLXL inhibitor, not yet FDA-approved for any indication. However, this has been shown to have activity in the Phase I and II trials, either as a single agent or in combination.  

Now that’s reached Phase III testing. The second one is the pelabresib agent, which is a bromodomain or BET inhibitor. A third, if you can believe it, it’s selinexor (Xpovio), which is an XPO1 inhibitor. Also, a fourth really now entering into Phase III trials is the MDM2 inhibitor navtemadlin. You have these four drugs, which are either completing or starting Phase III, which is the most advanced testing.  

That means they’re randomized trials, usually international trials, many hundreds of patients. It’s an amazing effort that’s unprecedented. By the way, these are being tested in the frontline setting before patients have ever had a JAK inhibitor in combination with. Beyond that, Katherine, there’s many, many trials with novel agents by themselves. So, imetelstat (Rytelo) comes to mind, which is a telomerase inhibitor, for example, which is also in Phase III testing in the relapse setting. So, you’ve already had a JAK inhibitor, it didn’t work out for you. Interestingly in that trial, the overall survival is the primary endpoint rather than spleen and symptoms, which marks the first time we’ve ever seen that. 

It also marks the understanding that these chronic diseases, chronic myelofibrosis can then turn into a more advanced acute in the relapse setting. So, that’s just a sample of some of the ones that are now entering the late stages of trials, many more in Phase I and II. In a good way, there’s a new trial opening once a week.  

Katherine Banwell:

That’s exciting news. So, the symptoms of myelofibrosis as well as the side effects of certain medications can vary greatly among patients. 

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:


Katherine Banwell:

Why is it critical for patients to share any issues they may be having with their care team?  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

Yeah, exactly what you said. So, those two concepts are tied. Since the disease is so rare and it’s so heterogeneous, not just patient to patient, but within the same patient over the journey of years, that is the reason. So, because of that, that’s why one has to communicate every single thing to the healthcare team. It’s interesting. Something that the patient may not believe is serious, the caregiver sometimes knows, right, team?  

So, sometimes the person who’s your loved one or caregiver, “Oh, you know, that’s not-quite-right.” Sometimes the patient knows obviously, and then sometimes the healthcare team may say, “You know, that’s not-quite-right.” I think the not-quite-right thing is the key because that is what supersedes or at least precedes lab testing, X-rays, imaging, and bone marrows, it has to be some provocation. So, what I try to tell people is you know your body best. So, you want to be in touch with yourself, with your body, and anything that isn’t right, don’t be the final judge on that.  

Push it up the chain, let your caregiver know, let your doctors know, let your team know, and let them help you decide. Sometimes it may be nothing, that’s fine. Sometimes it may be something. Sometimes it may be something outside of your MPN. That’s another key theme, I think, I mentioned here a couple of times. Anemia is a good example. So, lowering of the hemoglobin. It’s exactly what you just asked me. So, in addition to looking to see if it’s the disease progression itself, okay, fine.  

However, could it also be drug toxicities, as you mentioned? So, the JAK inhibitor may be causing the anemia or whatever. Then the third bucket is, could it be anemia of regular life stuff, iron deficiency anemia. Could it be a colon cancer or a polyp that’s hiding there? Could it be vitamin B12 deficiency, hemolysis, immune, or something destroying the red blood cells, etc., etc.? So, you make an awesome point, which is all of that can be alleviated or the ball can be started rolling, if you will, by mentioning it. So, the key is no shame, no silence, and mention everything.  

Katherine Banwell:

No silly questions.  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

No silly questions, that’s right.  

Katherine Banwell:

Right. I’d like to get to a few audience questions that we received prior to the program.  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:


Katherine Banwell:

Cliff wrote in with this question. “Can you explain the dynamic international prognostic scoring system or DIPSS?” Thank goodness there’s an acronym for that.  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

Yeah, no, it’s a great question, scoring systems, right?  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah, and Cliff wants to know how he can ask his doctor about it.  

Katherine Banwell:

Right, so the easiest way to talk about it, the good news is everything we’ve been talking about is incorporated in the scoring system. So, said in another way, we’ve been talking about it subjectively, the scoring systems try to make the subject objective. So, quick history, these started in 2009 with the IPSS, International Prognostic Scoring System. The concept there were a thousand patients in Europe and basically trying to observe the natural history of the progression of myelofibrosis. This was just before, just as the JAK inhibitor era was starting. What we found is that the four groups nicely separate.  

So, the lowest of the low-risk group potentially can be measured in decades for overall survival. Intermediate one, intermediate two, and high risk, again, all separated by overall survival and AML leukemia transformation risk. Now, that’s evolved over time as the questioner is asking for more sophisticated scoring systems. So, that’s all you need to know. So, DIPSS Plus just means Dynamic International Prognostic Scoring System.  

Then there’s DIPSS plus, and can you believe it? There’s even the MIPSS now, the Molecular International Prognostic Scoring System. All right. So, at least there’s a rhyme and reason there. I think each iteration is telling you that we are dynamically understanding more about the disease. Two, the IPSS, the original one, was meant to be only at diagnosis, and the DIPSS by definition, dynamic scoring, is any time during the course of the disease, that’s interesting. Then three, they’re incorporating new factors each time.  

So, from the time of the IPSS to the DIPSS and now the MIPSS, you’re incorporating all these factors that we couldn’t before. Cytogenetics, molecular findings, anemia, transfusion, burn, thrombocytopenia, etc. So, that’s basically it. You can ask your doctor. I mean, basically, in the course of what we do in the non-clinical trial standard of care, even if somebody doesn’t hand stop and calculate these risk scores, we’re talking about the same thing, right? The subjective or the objective matchup.  

However, of interest to the patients, there are calculators that are available, you know, obviously rather than doing it in isolation in your house. Yes, it is better, I agree to do it with your doctor, with your provider team, and see what it means for you. The goal of these is twofold. In clinical trials to help stratify patients so you can understand who’s high risk versus lower. However, in the standard of care, sure it may help with transplant decisions, referrals for clinical trials, etc.  

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. All right, this next question comes from Joel. “I understand that mutational testing should be done at diagnosis. Is there a point where there would be a need to repeat this test?”  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

Oh, that’s an awesome question. So, we were mentioning that earlier. I do believe and I advocate that all patients should have molecular testing, particularly now as it’s more available widely before it wasn’t. Again, we level set what we’re talking about. In myelofibrosis, three common driver mutations, JAK2, CALR, MPL makes up about 90 percent. 

Then in addition to that, there’s the triple-negative, and you usually find an additional mutation. Then on top of these big three, it’s common to have co-mutations, ASXL1, etc. What we found in this MIPSS score that we just mentioned ties into that. We found now that for the first time, we can incorporate these molecular findings to prognosticate for the patients. That’s why it’s important to check them. So, to this question by Joel, yes, if you have access and availability, not only checking it at baseline but later on at a provoking event.  

So, at the time of relapse, progression, going onto a clinical trial, just to name three of several. I think it’s a good idea to recheck the molecular status. The problem and barriers are what you would expect, cost, expense, access, availability, justification, etc., etc. So, it’s not a mandatory part of the field, especially in the standard of care, non-research aspect. However, if we can get to the point where we can do that, it would be nice and helpful because these mutations change, they’re dynamic.  

You can have negative for mutation  at baseline, positive, and even vice versa, depending on therapies. Are you goimg to go for a transplant? Are you going to go to a clinical trial? Are you changing therapy? It would be nice to know.  

Katherine Banwell:

Right. All right, here’s one more from Diana. “Can diet play a role in either manifesting the disease and or helping with healing? Also, how important is exercise to the healing?”  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

I give a lot of credit to this area, to my colleagues, Ruben Mesa, Dr. Angela Fleischman, and Dr. Robyn Scherber. A lot of data that’s come out of these groups, which has shown two major findings in our MPN patients of potential clinical significance. One is as the questioner is asking about diet. It is true that we’re, several studies are pointing towards the anti-inflammatory Mediterranean diet as a potential benefit to our patients with MPN. Lots of different ideas there when they measure cytokines. 

These abnormal protein signatures that are in MPN patients can cause fatigue and some of the bad quality of life can be dramatically improved in some cases by following a strict Mediterranean diet over weeks and months. So, that’s something important. People should check it out. Obviously, diets have to be addressed with each patient and each provider because sometimes a diet may work for someone and not for you because of comorbidities, vitamin deficiencies, electrolytes, etc.  

Then the second aspect, if I may include in this question, is also the concept of yoga/meditation. Dr. Ruben Mesa and others have shown, the same thing, that you can have a potential downregulation of some of these abnormal cytokines. However, the caveat is it must be done right with a guided trainer in a real program over a certain period of time. What I think both of these non-pharmacological interventions tell us is that there are things beyond medicines and pills that may really help our patients in some aspect of the disease.  

Well, if that aspect is fatigue, night sweats, headaches, I think that’s a really important thing. So, let’s say together on this program that these data sets are evolving, they’re interesting, they’re intriguing. For some people, it may be an easy incorporation. Frankly, some people may already be doing these things, but as you ask nicely, let’s include in the discussion non-pharmacologic as we heavily investigate the pharmacologic as well. We’re all open to that. Let’s see the data, and the data is evolving.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah, absolutely. Well, those were all great questions from our viewers. We ask that you continue to send them to question@powerfulpatients.org, and we will work to get them answered on future programs. I’d like to turn back to self-advocacy for a moment, Dr. Pemmaraju. Managing the worry associated with a diagnosis or concerns about the future, and we did touch upon that earlier, it can lead to anxiety and fear. Why is it important for patients to share any worries they may be having with their care team?  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

Well, I love this question. It really wraps up everything we’re talking about here. I believe that part of the journey for the patient does include mental and psychological safety. So, it’s very difficult to make major life decisions when one is not feeling mentally, or psychologically safe. So, that’s what you’re hitting on here. Anxiety, fear, and worry, of course, are a natural and important part of the patient journey with any cancer, much less a rare cancer and blood cancer on top of that. However, sometimes in some patients, it can become so paralyzing, so overtaking, and overwhelming that it may prevent the ability of the patient to receive information, process it, and then make a decision back. Yes, we want people to have caregivers, and power of attorney, all those things are essential, but we also want people to have their own agency in aegis.   

So, I would approach this from three aspects. I really love this question because I don’t think we were addressing it head-on 10 or 15 years ago. One aspect is the disease itself. These MPNs, systemic mastocytosis, eosinophilia, myelofibrosis, PV, ET, all of these MPNs can secrete these cytokines and granules that can mess up the patient’s mindset, even just profound fatigue leading to a slowing down of the neurological process. So, I think underlying control of the disease is something that can affect this. Number two is the side effects from some of these medicines. Interferon is a great example, a wonderful class of drugs that’s been around for decades, treated for solid and liquid tumors, but it has a known side effect of causing brain fog. Some of these issues can even cause depression and anxiety in some people. So, education, mitigation, following these things with dose reduction, that’s an important part.  

A third aspect, Katherine, is actually looking with a counselor and a therapist on the spectrum of this. So, normal, adjustment disorder, depression, for example. What we’ve had as a breakthrough at our center has been the supportive palliative care team. They’ve been phenomenal. So, this is a group of doctors who’s kind of one-third internist, one-third oncologist, and one-third psychiatry support.   

So, rather than the usual consults that we used to do either to psychiatry or to social work case managers, there is this burgeoning field of supportive care medicine which has revolutionized the care, I think, particularly for solid tumor patients and now hopefully for our blood cancer patients. So, I’m able to refer patients for a variety of reasons. There’s a fatigue clinic for overwhelming fatigue. There is obviously depression, and anxiety support, either with medications, talk therapy, or both. Smoking secession for folks who are still smoking and maybe either withdrawing or quitting is causing stress.   

So, it’s a really cool science and if your center has that, that’s something to inquire about. Then lastly, as we mentioned, a nice running theme today, Katherine, is looking for other medical stuff outside of the MPN. I mentioned thyroid earlier. Remember, you have a thyroid abnormality that can cause fatigue, depression, and anxiety, right? So, what’s your TSH thyroid function, and vitamin deficiencies?  

Screening for your other well-person screening exams, looking for solid tumors, looking for other conditions that may be mimicking the MPN, or mimicking one of your other aspects. So, again, it comes down to partnership with the primary care team and looking at that. So, I think those are some of the aspects that I want to mention, but it’s such an important part of the journey. I really have to mention that as well.  

Katherine Banwell:

Financial concerns may weigh heavy on patients and families. While everyone’s situation is different, do you have advice for where patients can turn for financial support?  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

I think this is going to be the next great revolution. Just like I mentioned, the psychiatry, mood, and quality of life realm, I think this will be the next one of the next decade. I think largely it has been not even overlooked, just misunderstood. I’m an academic. I’ve been an academic my whole life, so I’ve never practiced in a private practice. So, some of these issues are quite difficult and foreign for many of us academic doctors.  

In the community setting, there’s a whole set of pressures. Then of course, as you mentioned, there is a whole theme of the pharmaceutical companies helping. In the case of the JAK inhibitors, many of them have patient assistance programs, which have been vital to our patients. So, I think that financial toxicity, that’s what you’re asking about, right, is going to be the next era, the next realm, has been severely underlooked at, really misunderstood.  

You know, I think at the academic centers, you know, obviously we have access to financial counselors, business office, those folks are invaluable. I see them as an essential part of our team, particularly on patients who are trying to get on clinical trials, etc. I think in the community aspect where many of our patients are treated, I think there’s going to be a challenge. So, we have to work with insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, local clinics.  

For patients who don’t have healthcare insurance, try to get them insurance, county systems, cache safety net systems. However, I think you hit on it. I think this will be a new vital sign. It’ll be a new toxicity. It’ll be a new aspect when we consider new drug approvals, and financial toxicity. 

Katherine Banwell:

As we close the program, Dr. Pemmaraju, what would you like to leave the audience with? Why are you hopeful about the future of myelofibrosis care and treatment?  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

You know, I am hopeful. I am very hopeful. I think the two biggest things that I’m excited about for our patients and their caregivers are one, the burgeoning clinical trial portfolio that we have all over the world.  

Very excited to see the interconnections from Asia, Europe, North and South America. We’re trying to make inroads into Africa and Australia as well. So, a true worldwide  effort for MPNs, particularly myelofibrosis and clinical trials. So, stay tuned for that. I think that’s an exciting aspect.  So, not just the existence of them, but the interconnectivity,  communication, improvement, and availability. I think the second aspect that I’m super excited about is the democratization of information.  

Honestly, 10 years ago, it was kind of difficult to find out information about these diseases, not 100 years ago, just 10 years ago. I really attribute social media and the interconnectivity of folks on these platforms to getting information out there. I would put this type of a platform as well in that same conversation, which is newsflash, nobody’s reading books anymore. Okay, there I said it. 

However, people do have time for a quick two or three-minute blurb while they’re in the coffee line. So, if they can watch a snippet of an interview like this. They can get an email blast about a community town hall. They can get a paragraph on the new drug that just came out. People can take in information in small amounts so I think we have to meet folks, Katherine, where they are.  

We cannot expect people to go to the library and open up a dusty book. I mean, that was in my generation 30 years ago. So, people are on their phones, let’s meet them on their phones. They’re online let’s meet them there. If you’re going to have an in-person town hall, make it high-yield, make it worth somebody’s time and energy and effort frankly, to leave their house to come. Finally, let’s make things affordable from an educational standpoint, if not free, to get the information to the people who need it the most. I’m hopeful about that. I think social media and online platforms have helped us with that.  

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. Well, that’s great advice, Dr. Pemmaraju. I want to thank you for joining us today. It’s been a pleasure speaking with you.  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

Thank you so much, Katherine, to the team. I love doing these with you, and thanks for doing this good work.   

Katherine Banwell:

Thank you to all of our collaborators. To learn more about myelofibrosis and to access tools to help you become a proactive patient, visit powerfulpatients.org. I’m Katherine Banwell. Thanks for being with us today.  

Elevate | Expert Advice for Accessing Quality AML Care and Treatment Resource Guide

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A Patient’s Proactive Path to an Acute Myeloid Leukemia Diagnosis

A Patient’s Proactive Path to an Acute Myeloid Leukemia Diagnosis from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Meet Paloma, a 58-year-old acute myeloid leukemia (AML) survivor. After experiencing breathlessness, sore gums, and other symptoms that were initially misdiagnosed, she trusted her instincts and sought further medical support, leading to her AML diagnosis. Discover Paloma’s journey and the vital importance of being proactive and staying [ACT]IVATED in your cancer care.

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Advice for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Seeking a Clinical Trial 


Being ACTIVATED in your cancer care is critical and also a continuous journey.  My name is Paloma, and I’m eager to share my journey as an acute myeloid leukemia patient in the hopes that it will help other patients and families. AML doesn’t discriminate; it can affect anyone, regardless of lifestyle or healthy eating habits.

I was 58 when I was diagnosed with AML, and my diagnosis was pretty shocking to me. I learned that you really need to trust your instincts when it comes to your health. I felt like something was off with my body, but my initial symptoms were only some breathlessness upon exertion and sore gums. But then additional symptoms started including a dry cough, some flu-like symptoms, and lumps under my armpits. I saw my primary care provider, and she prescribed antibiotics and sent me for a chest x-ray that came back without issues. 

When my breathlessness worsened along with profound fatigue, my doctor then sent me to get an ECG and additional blood tests to help determine what might be wrong. While I was waiting for my test results, my co-workers noticed that I looked thinner with my skin also being paler than usual. This was just the beginning of my AML journey. My blood tests came back with abnormal hemoglobin and blast levels, and my doctor arranged for me to be admitted to a well-regarded cancer center. I was fortunate that it was only 20 miles away but realize that not all cancer patients are this fortunate.

After seeing my AML specialist at the cancer center, he wanted to start my chemotherapy right away to fight the cancer. I was fortunate that I didn’t have issues with my intravenous line for receiving my chemotherapy. But I learned that this can be a common issue for AML patients after I joined an online AML support group. I had my first round of chemotherapy, and my daughter was able to visit me during this time. However, my care team kept monitoring my neutrophils and decided that I needed to start a second round of chemotherapy. It was now during the COVID-19 pandemic, and hospital visitors weren’t allowed.

I counted myself as fortunate that I could still continue with receiving chemotherapy. What would have happened if I’d gotten seriously ill during the early pandemic? I shudder to think that things likely would not have been easy. The hospital staff helped to keep my spirits up and also with setting up a tablet for me to do video calls with my family and friends while I was in the hospital.

Though that round of chemotherapy put me into remission for a period of time, I later came up as MRD-positive and received a targeted chemotherapy as a third round of therapy followed by a stem cell transplant. I had some graft-versus-host disease issues but got through them. I feel fortunate that there are some different treatment options for AML and would like to participate in a clinical trial to help advance treatments if I need another option on my journey. I’ve kept in touch with other patients in my AML support group during my journey from diagnosis, treatments, and recovery. I know that I couldn’t have gotten through my physical and mental challenges without them.

Though AML sounded scary at first, the future of treatment looks bright to me with emerging research and treatment options. I hope that sharing my story will make a difference for other AML patients and especially those who may come up against barriers. 

No matter who you are, being proactive is a critical step in your AML journey. Stay [ACT]IVATED by being informed, empowered, and engaged in your care.

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Advice for Setting Myeloma Treatment Goals and Collaborating on Care Decisions

Advice for Setting Myeloma Treatment Goals and Collaborating on Care Decisions from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

This animated video defines common myeloma treatment goals, provides an overview of available myeloma therapies, and includes advice for making care decisions and the importance of being your own advocate.

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Hi! I’m Bianca, a nurse specializing in myeloma. In this video, we’ll discuss myeloma therapy and explain how to work with your healthcare team so that you can choose a care plan best suited for YOUR myeloma. 

I’d also like to introduce you to Suzanne. Suzanne is a patient advocate living with myeloma.  


Thanks, Bianca. I’m happy to share my own experience and to talk about how I worked with my healthcare team to decide on a care plan. 

When my doctor and I were first considering my options, we started by setting treatment goals. Bianca, can you define treatment goals?  


Sure! Each patient is unique, so it may vary by person. You should collaborate WITH your healthcare team to determine YOUR treatment goals. Common goals of myeloma treatment may include: 

  • Reducing and managing your symptoms. 
  • Slowing the progression of the disease. 
  • Inducing remission. 
  • And, helping you live longer while maintaining quality of life.


Thanks for explaining this. When I discussed treatment goals with my doctor, I pointed out that I still wanted to be able to play pickleball with my friends, and to care for my young grandchildren. We reviewed options that could allow me to stay as active as possible and manage my myeloma at the same time. 


That’s a great point, Suzanne. It’s also important to remember that your treatment goals can change throughout the course of your myeloma. Discuss them regularly, not just with your care team but also your care partner – that can be a family member or even a close friend. 


That’s right. I discussed my care with my husband AND my adult children – it’s important to keep your support team in the loop.  

And it’s also essential to understand the treatment options available to you. Bianca, what are the types of therapy available to treat myeloma? 


There are a number of different classes of therapy, which include: 

  • Proteasome inhibitors; 
  • Immunomodulatory therapies or IMiDs; 
  • Monoclonal antibodies; 
  • Stem cell transplants; 
  • There are also the new and recently approved therapies such as bispecific antibodies and CAR (Chimeric Antigen Receptor) T-cell therapy; 
  • And, of course, clinical trials.   

Clinical trials can be a good option for patients at any stage of disease, often giving patients early access to a viable and cutting-edge therapy. When considering treatment, you should ask your doctor if there is a clinical trial that may be right for you.  


Good point! When I was deciding on a therapy, my doctor and I, along with my husband, discussed the risks and benefits of each approach as well as the potential outcome of each option. My doctor also walked through the clinical trials that were available to me. 

Bianca, given all of the options, how do you decide which therapy is appropriate for a particular patient? 


That’s a great question. As mentioned in our previous video, results of in-depth testing, which determine if a patient has low-risk or high-risk myeloma, can affect your choices. Other factors that impact treatment decisions may include: 

  • Your age, overall health, and any pre-existing conditions. 
  • Potential side effects of the treatment. 
  • Previous therapies that may have been used to treat your myeloma. 
  • The financial impact of a treatment plan. 
  • And the patient’s lifestyle and preference.  


That’s right. And, you shouldn’t hesitate to weigh in on what YOUR preference is. Do your own research so you understand each treatment approach, then work WITH your healthcare team to determine what might be best for you.  


That’s excellent advice, Suzanne. So, when making treatment decisions, you should: 

  • Work with your healthcare team to understand your treatment goals. 
  • Talk with your doctor about all available treatment options. 
  • And, inquire about any clinical trials that may be right for you. 
  • Then, discuss the pros and cons of each option. 
  • Bring a care partner with you to appointments and take time post-visit to discuss the proposed plan and treatment options. 
  • And, always remember that you have a voice in your care. Speak up and ask questions. You are your own best advocate. 


Great advice, Bianca. Don’t forget to visit powerfulpatients.org/myeloma to learn more. Thank you for joining us!  

What Key Testing Occurs Following an AML Diagnosis?

What Key Testing Occurs Following an AML Diagnosis? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What key tests occur following an AML diagnosis? Dr. Gail Roboz explains the procedures and tests to confirm the diagnosis, assess disease risk, examine AML genetic markers, and develop a treatment plan.

Dr. Gail Roboz is director of the Clinical and Translational Leukemia Programs and professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine and the New York Presbyterian Hospital. Learn more about Dr. Roboz.

Related Resources:

Choosing Therapy | How Are AML Treatment Goals Determined?

Choosing Therapy | How Are AML Treatment Goals Determined?

Expert Overview | AML Treatment Options and Phases of Therapy

Expert Overview | AML Treatment Options and Phases of Therapy

What Are AML Inhibitor Therapies and How Do They Work? 

What Are AML Inhibitor Therapies and How Do They Work?


Dr. Gail Roboz:

We often generally recommend a bone marrow biopsy, even if we know we can make the diagnosis from a blood test, because even though the bone marrow biopsy is not the most fun test in the world, it does offer better information for follow-up care than what you can get initially from the blood. 

So, every once in a while, we do have a patient for whom a bone marrow biopsy itself for whatever reason can’t be done. But almost always, we need a bone marrow biopsy, and on that biopsy, you’re going to look under the microscope and see what the cells look like. You’re going to get back standard testing, which is called flow cytometry, which is going to tell the difference between what are the different cells that you’re seeing under the microscope. 

But then you’re actually going to get progressively much more fancy testing, including things called chromosomes or cytogenetics, and then ultimately, the majority of patients, if at all possible, will be having mutational testing to identify certain subgroups of AML that benefit from very particular treatments. Next-generation sequencing, PCR, fusion proteins, FISH, cytogenetics, I can go on and on with all kinds of terminology that is very confusing, even to hematology fellows, let alone to patients.  

Usually, we use a combination of tests to decide, “Is this patient likely to be able to be cured with chemotherapy alone, or might this patient benefit from a stem cell transplant from somebody else after they go into remission?” 

That’s basically what the prognostic scoring systems used to be asking, but now it’s a lot more complicated than that. Because even in the favorable categories, even in the adverse categories, where there used to be very little subtlety, now there is a lot of subtlety. 

It’s all about defining getting into remission, and what do I give you once you’re in remission to keep you there? It’s no longer this windshield wiper thing of good, bad, transplant, no transplant. There’s a lot more to AML than there used to be.