Tag Archive for: CT scan

How Is Ovarian Cancer Detected?

Dr. Nita Karnik Lee discusses how ovarian cancer is diagnosed, shares challenges in screening tests and procedures, and reviews ongoing research in the field. Dr. Lee also shares key questions to ask one’s healthcare team about ovarian cancer detection.

Dr. Nita Karnik Lee is a Gynecologic Oncologist at The University of Chicago Medicine. Learn more about Dr. Lee.

See More from DETECT Ovarian Cancer

Related Resources:

How Does Biomarker Testing Impact Ovarian Cancer Screening and Detection?

How Does Biomarker Testing Impact Ovarian Cancer Screening and Detection?

What Are the Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer?

What Are the Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer?

Patient Empowerment | Advice From an Ovarian Cancer Expert

Patient Empowerment | Advice From an Ovarian Cancer Expert


Katherine Banwell:  

Dr. Lee, what are the screening tests and procedures to detect ovarian cancer? 

Dr. Nita Karnik Lee:  

So, one of the important things to realize is that we do not actually have a screening test for ovarian cancer. That’s really important for the general public who maybe is at average risk. Patients who have a strong family history or a genetic, hereditary condition, sometimes we do use ultrasound and CA125, but that’s not considered a screening test for average-risk patients. We’re very limited in that sense for ovarian cancer. There’s a lot of research that’s being done about this.  

Katherine Banwell:  

Have there been advances in screening or screening technology that patients should know about? 

Dr. Nita Karnik Lee:  

I think the issue with screening and ovarian cancer is because we have not had any, and there have been really large studies that have been done both in the U.S. and in Europe, trying to see does ultrasound work every six months. Does CA125 and ultrasound work?

There’s some combination of blood tests that have started to become a little bit more researched in terms of going further along, but there’s really nothing that’s the perfect answer. One of the really important things that we talk about is knowing family history to see if there’s something that can be done to help patients who have a family history.  

And then also being really aware of subtle symptoms of ovarian cancer that can trigger you going to your doctor and then really pushing and advocating for yourself and your family member to get a workup done, which can often include an exam, an ultrasound, and maybe even something like a CAT scan or CT scan if any of the symptoms are a little more worrisome.  

Katherine Banwell:  

What questions should patients ask their doctor about detection? 

Dr. Nita Karnik Lee:  

I think that when we’re thinking about detection, or if somebody has these symptoms coming up, definitely asking, like, hey, you know what? I’m seeing you as an internist, but I haven’t had a pelvic exam. So, making sure you’re seeing a gynecologist or an internist or family medicine doctor who can do a vaginal and a rectal exam is one important step. Perhaps getting an ultrasound or perhaps getting a CAT scan if the symptoms are more significant.  

Unfortunately, we still see a lot of women who have these sort of vague symptoms, maybe they’re GI-related, and they get a workup for like six months on an EGD, or a colonoscopy, or they tried Pepcid. And all of those things are good, and they’re not unreasonable to do, but I think something else that can be done in addition would be a pelvic ultrasound, as an example.

I would say that if somebody doesn’t have any of those symptoms, but they have a family history, that’s why we’re in a little bit more of a bind as to know what the right thing to do is. We know that for patients who have a known BRCA mutation and are not ready for risk reduction surgery, we often will use ultrasound, but we know that ultrasound is not perfect. 

Collaborate | What You Should Know About CLL Clinical Trials


What role do clinical trials play in treating chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)? This animated video explains clinical trials, reviews the benefits of patient participation, and discusses questions to ask your healthcare team.

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Related Resources:

Which Treatment is Right for YOUR CLL

Collaborate | Which Treatment is Right for YOUR CLL? 

Collaborate | Understanding Your Role in Your CLL Care

Collaborate | Understanding Your Role in Your CLL Care

How Is CLL Treated?Collaborate | How Is CLL Treated?


Dr. Johnson:

Hello everyone! I’m Dr. Johnson, a physician specializing in blood cancers. Welcome back to the CLL Collaborate series from the Patient Empowerment Network.  


And I’m Joseph, Dr. Johnson’s patient. Today, we’ll be discussing an important topic: CLL clinical trials. We will talk about what clinical trials are, their role in advancing research, and how patients may benefit from participation. 

Dr. Johnson:

Let’s get started. Clinical trials are research studies that involve patients, and the goal is to find better ways to prevent, diagnose, or treat diseases. They are essential for advancing medical knowledge and for bringing new treatments to patients. 


Thanks, Dr. Johnson. And how exactly do clinical trials move research forward? 

Dr. Johnson:

Good question! Clinical trials provide critical data on the safety and effectiveness of new treatments. They also help researchers understand how different therapies work in diverse groups of people and ensure treatments work well and do not cause harm to humans before they become widely available.  

Early phase clinical trials are used to determine the treatment’s safety, while the latter phases investigate how effective the therapy is in managing a specific condition.  


And how can CLL patients benefit from participating in clinical trials?  

Dr. Johnson:

Well, Joseph, participating in a clinical trial can provide access to new options that are not yet available to the public. Patients also receive high-quality care from the clinical trial healthcare team, as they are very closely monitored throughout the study. And participation contributes to the advancement of medical research, potentially benefiting future patients. 


That makes sense. When we reviewed my treatment options, you suggested several trials that could be a good fit for me, and we discussed the pros and cons. So, what should patients ask their team before joining a clinical trial?  

Dr. Johnson:

Let’s walk through several important questions to ask your healthcare team: 

  • What trials do you recommend for me and why? 
  • What is the purpose of the trial? 
  • What treatments and tests will I receive during the trial? 
  • What are the potential risks and benefits? 
  • Are there resources to help me learn more about the trial? 
  • How might this trial affect my daily life? 
  • Will I need to travel for treatment or tests? 
  • Finally, how long will the trial last, and what happens after it ends? 

Discuss these questions with your healthcare team to determine if a clinical trial is the right option for you. 

I also want to note that clinical trials are voluntary, and patients can decide to leave a trial at any time. The informed consent process educates participants about all potential risks and benefits and reviews their rights. Remember, you are at the center of your care.  

Joseph, can you share advice for patients as they learn more about trials and advocate for better care? 


I’d be happy to! Here are some additional steps to help you feel confident when considering clinical trials: 

  • First, educate yourself: Understand the basics of clinical trials and how they work. It’s important to gather your information using credible resourceslike the Patient Empowerment Network and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. 
  • Next, write down questions: Prepare a list of questions to ask your healthcare team. And download the guide that accompanies this video to review the questions Dr. Johnson suggested.   
  • Additionally, discuss goals: Be clear about your treatment goals and ensure you’ve had all of your questions answered before making a decision. 
  • Bring support: Have a loved one join you for appointments or discussions to help take notes and to provide support.  
  • Finally, stay informed: Keep up with the latest research and advancements in CLL treatments. As I mentioned, PEN and the LLS are great sources of information. 

Dr. Johnson:

These are excellent tips, Joseph! Thank you everyone for joining us. For more information and valuable resources, visit powerfulpatients.org/CLL.  

Collaborate | What You Should Know About CLL Clinical Trials Resource Guide

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Collaborate | Which Treatment is Right for YOUR CLL?

How can chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients work with their healthcare team to find the right treatment approach for their individual disease? This animated video reviews important testing, factors that impact options, and advice for discussions with your provider. 

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Related Resources:

Who Is on a CLL Patient's Care Team

Who Is on a Patient’s CLL Care Team? 

Collaborate | Understanding Your Role in Your CLL Care

Collaborate | Understanding Your Role in Your CLL Care

How Can You Engage in Your CLL Care

How Can You Engage in Your CLL Care? 


 Dr. Johnson:

Hello again! I’m Dr. Johnson, a physician specializing in blood cancers. And this is Joseph, who is living with chronic lymphocytic leukemia—CLL for short. 


Hi everyone! In today’s video, Dr. Johnson and I will discuss the factors that go into determining the most effective treatment for a patient’s CLL and the critical role that biomarker testing can play in helping to make those decisions. 

Dr. Johnson:

Exactly, Joseph—choosing the right treatment for CLL can be complex and depends on characteristics that are unique to each patient. And these factors may include: 

  • The stage and aggressiveness of the disease.  
  • The patient’s overall health, including their age and any coexisting conditions. 
  • Any symptoms they may be experiencing.  
  • And the specific characteristics of the CLL cells, such as genetic mutations or chromosomal abnormalities. 


So, Dr. Johnson, how do these genetic mutations and abnormalities impact treatment choices? 

Dr. Johnson:

This is where biomarker testing comes in, Joseph. This involves analyzing the cancer cells to identify specific genetic mutations or abnormalities, referred to as biomarkers.  

These biomarkers can provide valuable information about the disease and how it might respond to specific treatments. 


OK. So, Dr. Johnson, what kinds of biomarker tests are typical for CLL patients? 

Dr. Johnson:

Good question! Common biomarker tests for CLL include identifying mutations in the IGHV gene, TP53 gene mutations, and chromosomal abnormalities like deletions in chromosomes 11q and 17p. The results help determine the most effective treatment strategy.


Got it. So, how exactly does this information impact the treatment plan? 

Dr. Johnson:

Well, understanding the presence of mutations or abnormalities is crucial. For example, patients with a TP53 mutation or 17p deletion may not respond well to standard chemotherapy. Instead, targeted therapies or newer treatments might be more effective. Having this information allows the healthcare team to personalize the treatment plan to help achieve the best possible outcome. 


When I was diagnosed, I underwent biomarker testing. Then Dr. Johnson and I discussed how the results could guide my treatment plan. It reassured me that the treatment was tailored to my specific disease. 

Dr. Johnson:

Absolutely, Joseph. Ensuring you have had all the necessary tests done before starting treatment is essential. Joseph, can you share advice for discussing treatment options with your doctor? 


Sure, here’s what I’ve learned: 

  • First, educate yourself: Learn about the types of biomarker tests available and what they can reveal about your CLL. 
  • Next, ask questions: Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor how test results will impact your treatment plan. 
  • And discuss your goals: Share your concerns about treatment side effects or the impact on your lifestyle. 
  • Finally, don’t forget to bring a support system: Have a loved one accompany you to appointments to help take notes and to provide support. 

Dr. Johnson:

Those are great tips, Joseph. Being proactive and informed can make a big difference in managing your CLL. 


Thank you for joining us today. For more information and valuable resources, visit powerfulpatients.org/CLL. Take care, and stay empowered in your CLL journey! 

Collaborate | Which Treatment is Right for YOUR CLL? Resource Guide

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Collaborate | How Is CLL Treated?

Collaborate | How Is CLL Treated? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

.What are the common chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) treatment approaches? This animated video reviews treatment types, essential testing, and provides guidance for engaging in treatment planning.

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Related Resources:

How to Make Confident and Informed CLL Treatment DecisionsHow to Make Confident and Informed CLL Treatment Decisions Collaborate | Understanding Your Role in Your CLL Care

Collaborate | Understanding Your Role in Your CLL Care

Collaborate | Understanding YOUR CLL Diagnosis

Collaborate | Understanding Your CLL Diagnosis


Dr. Johnson: 

Hello again! I’m Dr. Johnson, here with another video in the CLL Collaborate series from the Patient Empowerment Network. In this video, we’re going to review the common types of CLL treatment. 


And I’m Joseph, Dr. Johnson’s patient. Welcome back! 

When I was first diagnosed, Dr. Johnson told me that my CLL wasn’t yet ready to be treated and that I was in the watch-and-wait period. I was surprised by this information—it felt strange to be diagnosed with cancer and to not move forward with treatment immediately. 

Dr. Johnson, can you please explain this approach? 

Dr. Johnson: 

I would be happy to. Since CLL may grow slowly in some patients, instead of starting treatment right away, the patient’s healthcare team will monitor the disease with regular appointments and blood work.  

And as Joseph mentioned, this is called watch and wait.  


Right. And some patients may never need treatment while others may start therapy later.  Dr. Johnson, what are some of the reasons that treatment would begin? 

Dr. Johnson: 

Anyone with a CLL diagnosis should be monitored closely, but an increase in a patient’s symptoms, anemia, or low platelet counts could indicate that it’s time to treat the CLL.  

Additionally, some patients may have a faster growing type of CLL that requires treatment upon diagnosis.  


And when it was time for my treatment to begin, I remember we reviewed my options together, along with the goals of treatment and potential side effects.  

Dr. Johnson: 

Yes! It’s always important to set treatment goals with your doctor. Treatment goals vary by patient and help determine what is best for your unique CLL and your lifestyle.  

You should also have all essential testing prior to choosing an approach. Test results can help guide decisions and may show whether a particular treatment could be more effective for an individual patient. 

OK, let’s walk through the most common types of treatment: 

  • There is an approach commonly called F-C-R, which is two chemotherapy drugs that are combined with a targeted treatment called a monoclonal antibody.  
  • Additionally, there are several other drug therapy classes currently approved to treat CLL. They include: 
  • Immunotherapy, including monoclonal antibodies 
  • And targeted therapies 
  • If the CLL isn’t responding to chemotherapy or targeted therapy, your doctor may discuss options like stem cell transplant, CAR T-cell therapy, or a clinical trial. 


When it was time to treat my CLL, Dr. Johnson helped me understand what was available for me.  So, how can you feel confident when considering your treatment options? 

  • First, consider consulting with a CLL specialist who is well-versed in ALL available treatment approaches, including clinical trials. 
  • Set treatment goals with your team and ask questions if you are confused about the proposed plan. 
  • Ask if you have had all essential testing and discuss how results may impact your treatment options. 
  • Finally, request educational resources to learn more about each approach on your own. Watching videos like this is a great start! And, you can visit powerfulpatients.org/CLL for more resources. 

Dr. Johnson: 

Great advice, Joseph! You should also bring a friend or loved one to your appointments, so you can absorb the details and take notes as a team.  


Thanks for joining us! Don’t forget to download the guide that goes with this video—it can help you retain what we’ve covered. 

Collaborate | Collaborate | How Is CLL Treated? Resource Guide

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Collaborate | Understanding YOUR CLL Diagnosis Resource Guide

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Collaborate | Understanding YOUR CLL Diagnosis

Collaborate | Understanding YOUR CLL Diagnosis from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What do chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients need to know about their diagnosis? This animated video explains what CLL is, how it is diagnosed, and provides advice for being proactive in care decisions.

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Related Resources:

Who Is on a CLL Patient's Care Team

Who Is on a Patient’s CLL Care Team?

Collaborate | Understanding Your Role in Your CLL Care

Collaborate | Understanding Your Role in Your CLL Care

How Can You Engage in Your CLL Care

How Can You Engage in Your CLL Care?


Dr. Johnson: 

Hello again! I’m Dr. Johnson, and I’m a doctor who specializes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, or C-L-L. And this is Joseph, one of my patients. Welcome back to the CLL Collaborate Series! 

In the first video, Joseph and I talked about the important role patients play in their care and treatment decisions. 


That’s right! And from the start, patients and their care partners should understand what the diagnosis actually MEANS.  

Dr. Johnson, can you please explain what CLL is? 

Dr. Johnson: 

I’d be happy to. CLL begins in the cells in the bone marrow—white blood cells called lymphocytes–and then goes into the blood. It’s the most common type of adult leukemia.1 

The condition is typically diagnosed through a blood test and confirmed by a bone marrow biopsy. Each patient is different, but some people may have symptoms that lead to testing for CLL. 


And when I was diagnosed, I was having frequent colds and sinus infections. Dr. Johnson, what are other symptoms? 

Dr. Johnson: 

Like Joseph mentioned, a high risk of infection is associated with CLL. Other common symptoms may include:  

  • Fatigue 
  • Night sweats 
  • Enlarged lymph nodes or spleen 
  • Fever  
  • And unintentional weight loss 


And it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis to understand how an individual patient’s CLL may behave. Dr. Johnson, what testing helps you learn more about the specifics of a patient’s disease? 

Dr. Johnson: 

This is important as no two CLL patients are the same. So, we should conduct essential testing at diagnosis to get more information about how a patient’s CLL may progress, and the results may even help guide treatment options.  

In addition to a complete blood count—or CBC, tests may include: 

  • Flow cytometry testing 
  • Cytogenetic testing  
  • Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH for short) 
  • Molecular testing  
  • And imaging tests, such as a CT scan 

Your doctor should review the results of these tests with you and make sure you understand how they impact your CLL care and treatment decisions.  


Right! It’s a good idea to discuss the results with your doctor before you begin conversations about your treatment options.  

So, what other proactive steps can you take to understand your CLL diagnosis?  

  • Make sure you understand the specifics of your unique CLL, how it will impact your lifestyle, and if there are symptoms you should be looking out for. 
  • Ask whether you have had all key testing and discuss the results with your doctor. 
  • Find out if there are any indicators that your CLL is high-risk or fast-growing.  
  • And finally, when it’s time to make treatment decisions, ask which tests will need to be repeated. 

Dr. Johnson: 

Great advice! Don’t forget to download the resource guide that goes with this video—it provides an overview of the information we covered. 


You can also visit powerfulpatients.org/CLL to view more videos with Dr. Johnson and me. Thanks for joining us!  

Empowered by Biomarker Testing: Amber’s Journey with Stage IV NSCLC

Empowered by Biomarker Testing: Amber’s Journey with Stage IV NSCLC from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Amber, a 56-year-old living with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), shares her journey of empowerment through biomarker testing and targeted therapy. From recognizing symptoms and proactive healthcare to managing her condition with the latest treatments, Amber’s story emphasizes the importance of personalized care and staying informed. Her advocacy for biomarker testing and clinical trials aims to inspire others facing similar challenges to take an activated approach in their lung cancer care.

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See More from [ACT]IVATED NSCLC Biomarkers

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[ACT]IVATED NSCLC Biomarkers Toolkit Checklist

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What Are the Noted Disparities in Lung Cancer Screening and Access?


Embracing an activated approach to non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) care is indispensable for every patient. My name is Amber, I am 56 years old and living with non-small cell lung cancer. Recognizing the importance of proactive healthcare and being in good physical condition, I sought medical attention upon experiencing troubling symptoms. 

I was 54 when I started experiencing symptoms of coughing, wheezing, and decreased stamina. I worked as a nurse practitioner and knew lung cancer can happen to anyone with lungs. After getting a CT scan, they discovered a spot on my lung and swollen lymph nodes in my chest. A PET scan and brain scan came next to help determine my diagnosis.

I was shocked to learn I had stage IV lung cancer that spread. My oncologist knew about the latest in biomarker testing and immediately scheduled it, which determined I was EGFR-positive. Even though that sounded frightening, I learned there was targeted therapy that worked well for EGFR-positive patients.  

I’ve been on this EGFR blocker since my diagnosis. My tumor is no longer visible, and my lesions have decreased considerably. I’m monitored regularly and stay active hiking and spending time with my family. I’m so thankful biomarker testing enabled my care team to prescribe targeted therapy. It’s a huge advancement in lung cancer care. And if you’re a former smoker and are unsure when to start lung cancer screening, ask your doctor. Even if you smoked many years ago, you should continue to receive lung scans. 

I hope that sharing my story will help other patients understand the importance of biomarker testing. 

Here are my activation tips:

  1. Ask your care team questions to learn about biomarker testing, treatment options, and what to expect during and after treatment.
  2. Don’t allow stigmas to keep you from getting the best personalized lung cancer care.
  3. Ask if a clinical trial may be a potential treatment option for your type of lung cancer.

Remember, no matter who you are and what kind of health history you have, being proactive is everything. Stay activated by being informed, empowered, and engaged in your lung cancer care.

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How Has Lung Cancer Molecular Testing Evolved?

How Has Lung Cancer Molecular Testing Evolved? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are the latest advances in lung cancer testing? Dr. Thomas Marron discusses the role of molecular testing when choosing therapy and how innovations in technology have revolutionized lung cancer care.

Dr. Thomas Marron is Director of the Early Phase Trials Unit at the Tisch Cancer Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital. Dr. Marron is also Professor of Medicine and Professor of Immunology and Immunotherapy at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Learn more about Dr. Marron.

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Antibody Drug Conjugates for Lung Cancer | Advances in Research

Expert Perspective | New and Emerging Progress in Lung Cancer Treatment

Expert Perspective | New and Emerging Progress in Lung Cancer Treatment


Katherine Banwell:

What should patients understand about the results of molecular testing? 

Dr. Thomas Marron:

So, molecular testing is extremely important and anybody who has metastatic non-small cell lung cancer should get it. And increasingly, with the new drug approvals, even patients that have earlier stage disease, stage II and III disease should also get molecular testing. Molecular testing is important to identify if there is a potential therapeutic target.  

But it’s also important to know that it may predict a response to a therapy, whether that be a targeted therapy or something like immunotherapy. But there is no guarantee. So, there’s no specific result from a molecular test that tells you there’s 100 percent chance you’re going to be cured by Drug X.  

And so, it’s important to always know that we’re following the data and we’re giving patients the drugs that, based on the knowledge we have today is the best option for them, based on their molecular test. But it isn’t a guarantee. And sometimes these drugs will work transiently.  

And so, they may work for weeks, months, year but then they might stop working. And it’s also important to understand that the mutational profile may change over time, which is one of the reasons why we do these genetic tests. Oftentimes multiple times. Not just at the time of diagnosis, but also when patients’ cancer starts to grow so that we can see if there’s a new molecular target that we might be able to identify and treat with a novel therapy.  

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Marron, are there innovations in technology that are aiding in the advancement of lung cancer research?  

Dr. Thomas Marron:

Yeah, so there’s lots of developments in the molecular tests that we’re doing. One of them is that we’re able to track circulating tumor DNA. So, as cancer is growing, it grows in this very unorganized aberrant way, because the on and off growth switches within the cancer, within the DNA are very dysregulated. And what happens is that often times, they’re releasing a lot of cancer cells as they’re growing or also dying and releasing their DNA into the blood.  

And so, through blood tests, we’re now able to identify the mutations in a patient’s cancer. And this is a real revolution in the initial diagnosis of metastatic lung cancer because in the past, we had to wait for three, four, five weeks in order to know whether a patient had a targetable mutation like an EGFR mutation. Or if we should use a more agnostic approach, immunotherapy or chemotherapy to treat the patient.  

But now when I see a patient, typically I see lung cancer patients on Fridays, I will take some of their blood, I send it off for the liquid biopsy analysis. And by that following Friday, so just one week later, I typically have an answer of if the patient has a mutation that I can target, let’s say with an oral medicine or if they’re a patient that I should be treating with immunotherapy. Additionally, circulating tumor DNA, increasingly we can use it to identify or track a patient’s progress, as far as response to therapy.  

And so, this has really been developed in other tumor types, but increasingly we’re using it in lung cancer where we can either track how much cancer they have in their body. So, very early on, we can see if the cancer is shrinking or growing. And additionally, we can use it to detect patients after surgery, whether or not they have residual disease in their body.

And so, a lot of the times patients will undergo surgery because let’s say on a CAT scan, you might only see one large, isolated tumor. But after we take that tumor out, now we can do a blood test to see if there might be microscopic bits of that cancer that were left over, that we weren’t able to see on a CAT scan or PET scan.  

And it’s that patient population that we think benefits most from either chemotherapy or targeted therapy after surgery. So, we’re using circulating tumor DNA, both in the metastatic setting, where cancer has already spread to other parts of the body. And also, in the perioperative setting, around the time of surgery or radiation where we’re trying to cure patients. And we’re now able to use this technology to hopefully increase the likelihood that we’re curing them. 

Head and Neck Cancer | Key Factors Affecting Treatment Decisions

Head and Neck Cancer | Key Factors Affecting Treatment Decisions from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are key factors that impact head and neck cancer treatment decisions? Expert Dr. Ezra Cohen discusses the role of imaging tests, individual patient factors, and cancer characteristics in making treatment decisions. 

Dr. Ezra Cohen is a medical oncologist, head and neck cancer researcher and Chief Medical Officer of Oncology at Tempus Labs.

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Head and Neck Cancer Treatment and Research Updates

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How is a path decided then or determined for an individual patient? Is there key lab testing that can impact prognosis and treatment options? 

Dr. Cohen:

Once a patient comes to the attention of the team, and that will usually be accompanied by some sort of biopsy, some sort of pathological diagnosis to confirm that indeed, we’re dealing with let’s say, squamous cell carcinoma. Then the next thing we want to do is we want to stage the disease. And what that means is basically we want to know as much as possible, or accurately as possible, where the cancer is and how big it is.  

So, that would almost always involve scans, usually CT scans, sometimes a PET scan. And we can talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each. Sometimes an MRI in certain situations. But suffice it to say some sort of scan. Some sort of imaging that can tell us where the cancer is, how big it is, if there are any lymph nodes involved and if that cancer has spread beyond the head and neck area.

Once we stage the disease, most patients, and I think certainly most patients should be discussed, their pace, that is, should be discussed at a multidisciplinary tumor board. Where, again, all the specialists convene at the same time, and really go over all the data that are available on that individual and come up with a treatment recommendation.  

That treatment recommendation can be a single modality. So, some small tumors can just be addressed by surgery alone, or radiation therapy alone. But, for more advanced tumors, it is often all three modalities: surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. And the way they’re sequenced, the way they’re implemented, should be individualized for that specific patient. Again, with those two goals in mind: to cure the cancer and to preserve function.   


What else could guide a treatment decision? For instance, a patient’s co-morbidity, their age, things like that? 

Dr. Cohen:

All of those things. 



Dr. Cohen:

So, beyond – and those are things of course that we would consider in the discussion, not only at the tumor board but of course with the patient. We know that the therapy that we often recommend is quite aggressive and toxic.  

Now, the justification for that is that we’re going to try to cure the cancer. And, so we think, and of course we discuss this with the patient, that putting the patient through this course of treatment is worthwhile, makes sense, because at the end of it, the goal is for the cancer to be gone. Now, not all patients will agree with that and of course, we, based on comorbidities and age and something we call performance status, we also want to make sure that the patient can get through this aggressive treatment.

Let me just go on a bit of a tangent and describe the therapy for a patient with local advanced head and neck cancer. It would involve about six to seven weeks of radiation, given Monday to Friday. Usually either weekly, or every three-week chemotherapy depending on the chemotherapy chosen.  

And possibly even surgery either before or after the combined chemotherapy and radiation. And so, we’re talking about at least a three-month course of treatment going from the start to recovery. Another three months of side effects that are less intense but still there. And it’s a lot for patients to go through. Patients and their caregivers.

And so, if we feel that there’s a serious comorbidity that would not allow the patient to do that, we sometimes have to alter treatment so that obviously, we don’t want to harm the patient with our treatment. Certainly we don’t want to put them in a life-threatening situation. So, we do have to take those things into account. The good thing about all this – or I guess the silver lining, if you will, is that these toxicities get better.   

Patients recover. So, what I tell patients is we’re going to put you through hell, but at the end of it, I want to be sitting across from you and saying the cancer is gone, and you’re swallowing, and you’re talking normally. 

Essential Small Cell Lung Cancer Testing

Essential Small Cell Lung Cancer Testing from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What tests are essential for patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC)? Dr. Triparna Sen defines small cell lung cancer and reviews the testing that should take place following a diagnosis.

Dr. Triparna Sen is an associate professor in the department of oncological sciences and co-director of the Lung Cancer PDX Platform at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. Learn more about Dr. Sen.

See More from Thrive Small Cell Lung Cancer

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Understanding Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment Options

Understanding Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment Options

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Advances in Small Cell Lung Cancer Research | Hope for the Future


Dr. Sen:

I’m Dr. Triparna Sen. I’m an associate professor at the Icahn School of Medicine. I’m also the co-director of the Lung Cancer PDX program here at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York. I am the lead of a very translational research laboratory. Our goal is to find novel and effective therapeutic strategies for patients with lung cancer.  


Thank you for that. We’re so glad to have you with us today. Would you define small cell lung cancer for our audience?  

Dr. Sen:

Of course. So, one of the main research areas in my lab is to try to understand the biology of this very aggressive form of lung cancer. Having said that, as you all may be aware that lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer related mortality.  

Lung cancer can be of two types, non-small cell and small cell. So, small cell is a very high-grade neuroendocrine tumor. And it is a very aggressive tumor.   

The name is derived because the size of the cells that you see under the microscope is very small. So, it was originally called old cell carcinoma, and now it is called small cell lung cancer. What you need to remember about this disease is that it is about 15 percent of lung cancer diagnosis. It is very highly metastatic. It is often associated with a long history of smoking.   


Okay. What testing should take place following a diagnosis of small cell lung cancer?  

Dr. Sen:

The symptoms can include various things like coughing, labored breathing, or even bleeding during coughing. What happens then is the initial diagnosis actually happens through some sort of contrast enhanced CT or PET CT. Also, a confirmatory test that happens through immunohistochemistry with H&E. That is  how we look at the histopathological features of the cancer. So once it is confirmed to be small cell lung cancer, then additional tests may happen through tumor biopsy where the doctor then confirms the stage of the tumor and how much the disease has spread.  

 So, there may be biopsies taken from the lung and from other regions of the body to determine how much the disease has spread.  

PODCAST: What Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment is Right for You?


What’s the best approach for YOUR lung cancer? Dr. Isabel Preeshagul discusses the importance of engaging in your lung cancer care decisions, shares advice for working with your team to determine a treatment approach, and reviews factors that affect therapy options. Dr. Preeshagul also provides an update on the latest research and clinical trials.

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul is a thoracic medical oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Preeshagul.

Download Program Resource Guide

See More From INSIST! Lung Cancer


Katherine Banwell:

Hello and welcome. I’m Katherine Banwell, your host for today’s program. Today, we’ll discuss the latest advances in non-small cell lung cancer care as part of our Insist series, which encourages patients to play an active role and insist on better care. Before we get into the discussion, please remember that this program is not a substitute for seeking medical advice. Please refer to your healthcare team about what might be best for you. Well, let’s meet our guest today. Joining me is Dr. Isabel Preeshagul. Dr. Preeshagul, it’s so good to have you with us. Thank you. Would you introduce yourself? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

Yes. Thank you so much for having me and for the very kind introduction. My name’s Isabel Preeshagul. I am a Thoracic Medical Oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and it is a huge honor to be here with you today. 

Katherine Banwell:

Well, we’re so glad to have you with us. I’d like to start with a question pertaining to our series title, Insist. Why is it essential for patients to collaborate with their providers on care treatment decisions? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, collaborating is so important, right? I always tell my patients this is not a dictatorship, right? This is a collaborative effort where I’m here to guide you, but you are the captain of the ship. 

You are the one that needs to make all of the decisions, and I’m here to make sure that the ship goes in a smooth direction, so making sure we have open lines of communication that the patients and their caregivers feel comfortable talking to me and my team and also vice versa and that we trust each other. It’s so important because we are going for a marathon, right? We’re not going for a sprint. This is a long-term relationship, whether we’re treating for cure or we’re treating you with palliative intent and it’s treatable but not curable. We’re going to be following with each other for a long time.  

Katherine Banwell:

A lung cancer healthcare team, of course, consists of a number of different providers. Would you tell us about the various members on a team? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

Sure. So, there is – there are the people that do the scheduling, that make sure that the CAT scan is scheduled, that the MRI is done, your chemo gets scheduled, all of that. The schedulers are super important and an integral part of our team.  

And then we also have our office coordinators  that answers the phone calls and passes along the messages and assists with scheduling and sort of sets expectations and is the face of the practice. Then you have an office practice nurse or an oncology practice nurse who is the doctor’s right hand, making sure that the patients get proper chemotherapy teaches, making sure that they understand about possible side effects, risks versus benefits, making sure medications are up to date, assessing symptoms.  

They are sort of the front line when it comes to any patient call they’re triaging, and they’re escalating or deescalating. That would be the office practice nurse. And then you have an advanced care practitioner, an APP. You either have a nurse practitioner or a PA that’s working with you that’s sometimes seeing patients independently, sometimes putting chemotherapy orders, you know, really serving as almost as another doctor. 

If for some reason there is something that the doctor’s not available to do, the doctor needs in a pinch, or my patients that are almost at long-term follow-up that are doing great that are just kind of coasting, I will share with my NP and make sure that they know her just as well as they know me. And sometimes there’s a fellow or there’s a resident or there’s a med student that’s part of the team as well because see one, do one, teach one. It’s really important to teach those that are coming after you and serve as mentors and really include them in part of the team and part of the decision-making. And then you have the doctor that just kind of oversees everything.  

Katherine Banwell:

Of course. How would you define treatment goals for people with lung cancer? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, the goal of treatment, I think, is really contingent upon someone’s stage, but it’s also contingent upon what’s important to the patient, right? So, we have patients that are stage I all the way to stage IIIC that we treat with intention to cure.

And patients that have stage IV disease, it’s treatable but not curable. So, I am very transparent with that as long as I have the information to have that discussion. With that being said, there are some patients with stage IIIdisease or stage I disease that don’t really want treatment and want to focus on quality of life. And that’s okay too. And in which case, you know, at some point, their cancer will likely progress. How quickly or when that will happen, we don’t know. Could they pass from something else? It’s possible. But you really need to talk about what’s important to the patient, because it’s not always cut and dry.  

Katherine Banwell:

As you mentioned, Dr. Preeshagul, there are several different support members on a team. What would you say to patients or even care partners who can sometimes feel like they’re bothering their healthcare team with their questions and comments? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, we do get that concern a lot. And I always say, “I’m here for you 24/7. And, if it’s not me, it’s someone that’s just as qualified to answer your questions no matter what.” 

“And I would rather get a phone call at 3:00 a.m. than get a phone call at 9:00 a.m., and you need to go to the hospital right now or God forbid something happened. I get a phone call from someone in the ICU that you went overnight and terrible things happened. So, I want the phone calls to come through to keep you out of the hospital and keep you from going south. So, call me.” And I never try to – I don’t try to outline contingency plans or criteria of what would warrant a call, because then you end up getting in trouble.  

I always just tell my patient, “Think about how you’re feeling now in front of me. If you’re feeling any different than how you feel at this very moment, call me.”  

Katherine Banwell:

Good advice. I’d like to turn to the clinical side of non-small cell lung cancer. What tests help you identify the type and stage of lung cancer?  

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

Obviously, you need a CAT scan. You need a CAT scan of the chest, abdomen, pelvis, and you need an MRI brain and a PET scan.  

Those are really the gold standards for determining clinical staging. In regards to pathologic staging, it’s really important to have tissue samplings. So, you biopsy a site of disease that’s concerning to you. If it looks like there’s only disease in the chest, you want to biopsy the site where there’s the tumor, and then you talk with your thoracic surgery or pulmonary team to determine the best way to sample the mediastinum for full staging.  

Katherine Banwell:

Why is an accurate diagnosis so important?  

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, an accurate diagnosis is so important because lung cancer is by no means black and white anymore. There are so many histologic subtypes that we are learning about. There are so many different molecular drivers that we are learning about. So, making sure you have the right diagnosis, full and next-generation sequencing testing, all of the imaging that you need could really make or break your treatment plan.  

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Preeshagul, let’s talk about biomarker testing. How is biomarker testing for lung cancer different from hereditary genetic testing?

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, we do do hereditary genetic testing for lung cancer patients as well. So, I think let’s backtrack a little bit. When you’re doing on a patient, there’s germline mutations and there’s somatic mutations. And germline mutations are mutations that you might get from Mom and Dad that they got from their parents and so on and so forth that you could give to your children or your brother and sister or whatever. So, that’s germline testing that could be passed along.  

That would be like BRCA or any other APC gene, but we are learning more and more that there are mutations in lung cancer that do have a hereditary aspect to them. So, we are learning now that while we do somatic testing, which is to find a mutation that just spontaneously happened in your tumor all on its own, it’s really important to pair that with germline testing to make sure that there isn’t some kind of heritable mutation that’s also driving this lung cancer.  

Katherine Banwell:

You mentioned hereditary genetic testing. Should family members of people with lung cancer undergo genetic testing then just to be reassured? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, if there is a germline mutation, then they should – the family members should be referred to a geneticist to have that discussion.   

Katherine Banwell:

What are common lung cancer biomarkers? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, we have nine biomarkers within approval right now, but there are so many. There’s more than I could even talk about today. But some of the more common ones are EGFR, ALK, ROS1, MET exon 14. You have KRAS, KRAS-G12C, which is a newer one. We have NTRK. We have RET. The list goes on, HER2. I could talk for – there’s not enough time on this Zoom video to talk about all of the mutations. But there are nine mutations with approvals as of now to date, this very moment. That could change tomorrow.  

Katherine Banwell:

Of course, it could. How do biomarkers in lung cancer affect treatment options for lung cancer patients? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, it used to only be in stage IV, but now we are learning that biomarker testing is really important from the get-go because we have induction or neoadjuvant protocols that are looking at giving targeted therapy before patients go to surgery. 

We know that there’s FDA approval for patients to get targeted therapy after surgery, and there’s a survival advantage there. So, make sure that you have next-generation sequencing testing regardless of your stage.  

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. That’s good advice. So, we’ve heard how testing and a patient’s individual disease can lead to more targeted options. And you just mentioned targeted therapies. How do they work? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, there’s many different targeted therapies that we have. Some of given as an infusion. For HER2, for example, we have TDXD, and we have T-DM1. TDXD is the only drug that’s FDA-approved in this setting. There are clinical trials looking at T-DM1. For EGFR Exon 20, we have another infusional drug called amivantamab (Rybrevant). For EGFR Exon 19 and Exon 21, we have a pill called osimertinib (Tagrisso). For KRAS, there’s a pill. For most of the driver alterations, it’s a pill, but some of them it does require infusional therapy. 

But these are therapies that are targeted at the cells that harbor that mutation.  

Katherine Banwell:

Let’s turn to immunotherapy. What is it, and how does it work? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, immunotherapy is basically teaching your body to recognize cancer as foreign. So, when you have – I always kind of use this hand model. So, basically, a normal cell has, let’s say, three prongs. And then sometimes what happens is cancer will grow a marker called PD-L1 that makes it hide from the immune system. So, the body thinks that this is a normal cell. So, what immunotherapy does is it comes up and it sort of puts a cap on that PD-L1 so that the cell looks foreign again and the body can attack that cell and get rid of it. So, it’s almost like ramping up your immune system to recognize that marker and get rid of that cell. 

Katherine Banwell:

What is the regimen for immunotherapy, and how often is treatment administered? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, immunotherapy is approved in the neoadjuvant setting, which means before chemotherapy. It’s approved after chemotherapy, and it’s approved in the stage IV setting. There are many different regimens and many different dosings and many different drugs. But it’s typically given in your veins, either once every three weeks or once every four weeks for a certain amount of time. If it’s given in a curative setting and it’s given indefinitely or until there’s disease progression or intolerance in the stage IV setting.  

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. Let’s touch upon the side effects of these types of treatment. You’ve mentioned that there are so many, but what are some of the major side effects, and how are they managed? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

Side effects of immunotherapy can include pneumonitis, which is inflammation of the lungs, any kind of endocrinopathy like issues with your thyroid, issues with your pancreas like diabetes.  

It can cause colitis, which is diarrhea, inflammation of the colon, hepatitis, inflammation of the liver. It can cause cerebritis, inflammation of the brain. It can cause arthritis or arthralgias, inflammation of the bones. And it can also cause rash and fatigue. 

Typically, if it’s the thyroid, it’s managed with thyroid replacement hormone or a drug that would calm down the thyroid if it’s overactive. Pneumonitis is steroids. Hepatitis is sometimes treated with steroids. Colitis, steroids typically. Steroids usually come somewhere in there, usually not with the endocrinopathies, but the other itis’s, it’s typically – we start with steroids and go up from there. And the goal is to really recognize these toxicities before they become a problem and just at the glimmer of them just starting.  

Katherine Banwell:

So, would you consider these treatments to be personalized medicine then? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, it’s personalized in the sense that if someone has a high PD-L1 expression, there may be some data to demonstrate that they may benefit from immunotherapy or have a response. If someone can’t tolerate chemotherapy or is not interested in chemotherapy or has other reasons that may preclude them from getting it, it might be reasonable. So, in that sense, it is considered personalized.  

Katherine Banwell:

How would you define personalized medicine? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

To me, personalized medicine takes into account the biologic makeup of a patient’s disease like if they have a mutation and what their PD-L1 status is, what the histologic makeup of it. What’s their stage? And then, on the other hand, what’s important to that patient? If they’re a tailor, you want to make sure you’re not giving them a medication that’s going to cause neuropathy, so they can’t use their hands.  

If they enjoy playing the harp or the piano, same thing. If their goal is to continue to run marathons, you may want to avoid something that’s going to cause inflammation of the lungs and risk them for pneumonitis. Tailoring to make sure that the treatment is part of their life but does not become their life. 

Katherine Banwell:

If the test results don’t reveal one of the biomarkers you’ve been talking about, what other treatments are available?  

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, if I don’t have an FDA approval, then sometimes we look to see if there is a clinical trial in our early phase drug development program, and we talk about a clinical trial. If there’s no clinical trial and I don’t have an FDA approval, then we have to talk about what options are considered standard of care and how to make that work into the patient’s lifestyle.  

Katherine Banwell:

What about surgery? When is it used?  

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

Surgery is typically used in the curative setting with early-stage disease. We’re really trying to give patients some kind of chemotherapy or some kind of treatment before they go to surgery. It’s shown to improve outcomes. It just gives us a en vivo view of how the tumor will respond to the treatment. So, we typically use surgery in the curative setting. And, at times, it’s appropriate to use surgery for a metastasectomy when you have one little site that’s growing. Sometimes after a tumor board discussion, it might be reasonable to resect that area.  

Katherine Banwell:

Is radiation still used? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

Same thing. It can be used in the curative setting, typically for patients with stage IIIB or stage IIIC disease and combined with chemotherapy patients that are not considered surgical candidates, or it’s used in the palliative setting when patients have painful metastases. 

Katherine Banwell:

Would you define the B and C? You’ve mentioned that a couple of times.  

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:


Katherine Banwell:

We’re used to hearing Stage 1, 2, 3, 4. But what’s a stage IIIB and a stage IIIC? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

Yeah. Sure. Sure. So, it does get a little bit into the weeds here about the size of the tumor and the amount of lymph nodes and location of the lymph nodes. But basically, stage IIIA is considered resectable. That means – that could be the size of the tumor with no lymph nodes, or it could be a smaller tumor with a lymph node on the same side as the disease. Stage IIIB would be a lymph node right underneath the windpipe at the station 7. And stage IIIB also includes lymph nodes that have crossed over to the contralateral side. And stage IIIC would be lymph nodes that are maybe up at the contralateral supraclavicular space. 

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. Do treatment options change if the lung cancer returns? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

Yes, they do change depending on if this is the same tumor type that’s come back. It’s typically a different treatment algorithm, yeah.   

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. And should biomarker testing be done again if a relapse occurs? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

100 percent. Because it guides everything about a patient’s treatment. It’s super important.  

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. What are you excited about right now in lung cancer research? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

I am excited and overwhelmed by the fact that we have so many approvals and so much exciting data that was just presented at ASCO and World Lung and ESMO that it’s next to impossible to keep up. And I’m happy that we have that problem, and I’m happy that the patients have – there’s a spotlight on lung cancer when we were in the shadows. And now, I think we have the spotlight. 

And all of these approvals, you know, with it being Lung Cancer Awareness Month as well, I think is just so important. Just to make sure that we get the knowledge of these new approvals out there though, that is another struggle. 

Katherine Banwell:

Well, are there any current clinical trials that look promising to you? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

Yeah, I think there are many clinical trials. In the induction setting, there was some data that was just presented on ALINA looking at adjuvant alectinib (Alecensa). We just had a – we have approval for adjuvant osimertinib (Tagrisso) and the ADAURA trial.  

But we are learning more and more that as these targeted therapies have approval in stage IV, we’re trialing them in stage III, and then we’re going to trial them in earlier stages and earlier settings. So, this has been the pattern of how drugs get approved. So, yes, there’s lots of exciting data coming through. 

Katherine Banwell:

That’s excellent. Can you talk about antibody drug conjugates and where they fit into lung cancer care? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

Yeah. That’s a great question. I don’t think anyone knows the answer as to where they fit in just yet. 

We have probably over 300 antibody drug conjugates that are in development right now. And one of the more common ones that we use is trastuzumab deruxtecan (Enhertu), or TDXD, which is used in patients that harbor HER2 alterations in the stage IV lung cancer setting. It is basically almost like a Trojan horse. So, you have this antibody.  

It’s typically IgG1, immunoglobulin. And then you have a linker, and then at the end of that linker is the warhead or the chemotherapy agent. So, the antibody comes in towards the cancer cell looking very innocent. It binds to the cancer cell. And, once it binds, then everyone inside the Trojan horse or this warhead rush into the cell and get to do its damage. So, it’s a totally different mechanism. We’re trying to outsmart some of the bypass mechanisms that cancer cells develop. And this may be the new wave, but stay tuned, more to come.  

Katherine Banwell:

Right. So, it’s promising.  How can patients find out more about current clinical trials? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, you can always ask your healthcare practitioner if there are any clinical trials at the institution that you’re at, but clinicaltrials.gov has all the clinical trials that are available nationally and internationally.  

You just type in your disease type. You can type in a couple keywords, EGFR maybe or ROS1 or stage IV, something along those lines, and then it should populate a list of clinical trials and what institutions have them open, if they’re still accruing or if they’re not, and a contact on that trial.  

Katherine Banwell:

If a patient is interested in a clinical trial, what kinds of questions should they be asking their healthcare about the trial? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, the first question to ask is, “Do we have any clinical trials that are appropriate for me?” If the answer is yes, “Are they appropriate for me now, or are they appropriate for me if what I’m on right now is not working?” 

So, trying to figure out where that will be, and if they are appropriate for you now, how can I get evaluated, and how can we get things underway? 

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. What would you say to patients who are interested in participating in a clinical trial, but they’re nervous about it?

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

I think one thing that I love about being on a clinical trial is that there are more eyes are on you, because we are looking to get something approved, and we are just watching every single little granular detail. In a way, it’s almost like you’re being more micromanaged than if you were on standard of care because of just how many stops and checks there are, how many eyes are looking at your labs after the doctor and the nurse and the nurse practitioner, and the fellow take a look at everything. It’s 10 other people. So, it’s almost like it’s extra safe because of all of that. It’s exciting because you are hopefully getting tomorrow’s treatment today, right? 

You’re trailblazing the way for other people after you. So, I think it’s exciting, but, of course, it’s nerve-wracking. It’s something new. You don’t know if it’s going to work. But I have to believe that the way that clinical trials are designed now and the clinical trials that we choose to open here, we really hope are going to be pushing the space forward. 

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. I’d like to get to a few questions that we received from audience members prior to the program. How do you help a family member that is an overwhelmed caregiver but refuses help? Any tips on how to provide support to this person?  

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

I mean, I think we see caregiver burnout thousands of times a day, unfortunately, and the first thing is knowing how to recognize it. And the second most important thing is taking the time away from the visit with the patient to address the burnt-out caregiver, because there is not enough time in any visit to ever – there’s never enough time in my mind to spend with a patient.  

I’m always pulled in a thousand different directions. And I think we all feel that. But taking the appropriate time to sit down and to say, “Hey. Listen. I recognize that you’re burnt out. I can see it. Who is in your corner helping you?” And just directing focus away from the patient just for a moment and to really focus on that caregiver and to rely on the social work team and the case manager and the support groups that your institution may have and to make sure that they know about those resources. 

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. Here’s another question we received. “Can you share more information regarding treatments available for stage IV lung cancer and their side effects?” 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

It depends on if this is non-small cell or small cell. It depends on if you have a driver alteration or not. So, I think that is a little bit challenging to talk about in just one session. But basically, you’re probably looking at some kind of targeted therapy if you have a mutation versus standard of care if you don’t have a targeted mutation versus a clinical trial. And I think those are kind of like the big baskets.  

Katherine Banwell:

When is a second opinion necessary? Dr. Isabel Preeshagul: A second opinion is necessary anytime you want a second opinion.  

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

There is no right or wrong time, any time. You’re just not jiving with your oncologist after the first day you met them, second opinion. You’re at the end of the line and you really want toknow more, second opinion. You’ve met two other doctors. You’re not jiving, third opinion. It’s always appropriate anytime you want. 

Katherine Banwell:

So, the patient shouldn’t feel obligated to stay with that one provider? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

Never. Never, never, never, never, never. No. Please don’t feel that way. There are no hard feelings. And, if there are, that’s not the right oncologist for you. It needs to feel like a perfect friendship. And, if it’s not that, it’s not the right thing.    

Katherine Banwell:

Before we close, Dr. Preeshagul, I’d like to get your final thoughts. What would you say to the audience about the future of lung cancer care and treatment? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

I do think that the future is bright because, as I mentioned, there is now this light that is shining in the lung cancer space. And things are getting approved. and discoveries are getting made faster than we can even keep up, which is exciting and overwhelming and daunting. But I am happy that, finally, this space is taking off, so I feel optimistic.  

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. All right. Well, I wanna thank you so much for taking the time to join us today, Dr. Preeshagul.  

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

Thank you so much for having me. These were wonderful questions, and I look forward to many more discussions with you. Thank you.  

Katherine Banwell:

And thank you to all of our partners. To learn more about lung cancer and to access tools to help you become a proactive patient, visit powerfulpatients.org. I’m Katherine Banwell. Thanks for being with us today.   

What Essential Testing Reveals About Your Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

What Essential Testing Reveals About Your Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What do lung cancer test results reveal to your healthcare team about your disease? Dr. Isabel Preeshagul provides an overview of essential testing for lung cancer and explains the difference between germline and somatic mutations.

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul is a thoracic medical oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Preeshagul.

See More From INSIST! Lung Cancer

Related Resources:

Insist on Better Lung Cancer Care | Tips for Essential Communication

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment Options | Personalizing Therapy

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment Options | Personalizing Therapy

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment | Clinical Trials and Research Updates

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment | Clinical Trials and Research Updates


Katherine Banwell:

I’d like to turn to the clinical side of non-small cell lung cancer. What tests help you identify the type and stage of lung cancer? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

Obviously, you need a CAT scan. You need a CAT scan of the chest, abdomen, pelvis, and you need an MRI brain and a PET scan.  

Those are really the gold standards for determining clinical staging. In regards to pathologic staging, it’s really important to have tissue samplings. So, you biopsy a site of disease that’s concerning to you. If it looks like there’s only disease in the chest, you want to biopsy the site where there’s the tumor, and then you talk with your thoracic surgery or pulmonary team to determine the best way to sample the mediastinum for full staging.  

Katherine Banwell:

Why is an accurate diagnosis so important? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, an accurate diagnosis is so important, because lung cancer is by no means black and white anymore. There are so many histologic subtypes that we are learning about. There are so many different molecular drivers that we are learning about. So, making sure you have the right diagnosis, full and next-generation sequencing testing, all of the imaging that you need could really make or break your treatment plan.  

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Preeshagul, let’s talk about biomarker testing. How is biomarker testing for lung cancer different from hereditary genetic testing? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, we do do hereditary genetic testing for lung cancer patients as well. So, I think let’s backtrack a little bit. When you’re doing on a patient, there are germline mutations and there are somatic mutations. And germline mutations are mutations that you might get from Mom and Dad that they got from their parents and so on and so forth that you could give to your children or your brother and sister or whatever. So, that’s germline testing that could be passed along.  

That would be like BRCA or any other APC gene, but we are learning more and more that there are mutations in lung cancer that do have a hereditary aspect to them. So, we are learning now that while we do somatic testing, which is to find a mutation that just spontaneously happened in your tumor all on its own, it’s really important to pair that with germline testing to make sure that there isn’t some kind of heritable mutation that’s also driving this lung cancer.  

Katherine Banwell:

You mentioned hereditary genetic testing. Should family members of people with lung cancer undergo genetic testing then just to be reassured? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, if there is a germline mutation, then they should – the family members should be referred to a geneticist to have that discussion.  

Katherine Banwell:

What are common lung cancer biomarkers? 

Dr. Isabel Preeshagul:

So, we have nine biomarkers within approval right now, but there are so many. There’s more than I could even talk about today. But some of the more common ones are EGFR, ALK, ROS1, MET exon 14. You have KRAS, KRAS-G12C, which is a newer one. We have NTRK. We have RET. The list goes on, HER2. I could talk for – there’s not enough time on this Zoom video to talk about all of the mutations. But there are nine mutations with approvals as of now to date, this very moment. That could change tomorrow.