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Becoming an Empowered and [ACT]IVATED MPN Patient

Patient Empowerment Network (PEN) is committed to efforts to educate and empower patients and care partners in the myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) community. MPN treatment options are ever-increasing with research advancements in treatments and testing, and it’s essential for patients and families to educate themselves with health literacy tools and resources on the latest information in MPN care. With this goal in mind, PEN kicked off the [ACT]IVATED MPN program, which aims to inform, empower, and engage patients to stay abreast of up-to-date information in myeloproliferative neoplasm care.

The [ACT]IVATED MPN program is aimed at newly diagnosed MPN patients, yet it can help patients at any stage of disease. [ACT]IVATED MPN helps patients and care partners stay updated on the latest options for their MPN, provides patient activation tools to help overcome care disparities and barriers to accessing care, and powerful tips for self-advocacy, coping, and living well with  a blood cancer.

MPN Expert

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Disparities

Race or ethnicity may have an impact on some health conditions, including MPNs. Cancer patient Lisa Hatfield interviewed Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam, Assistant Professor in the Division of Hematology at City of Hope. He explained about MPN risks and outcomes that may be impacted by patient race or ethnicity. “…we know that if you have high blood pressure, you have a higher risk for these complications-associated MPNs. And we know that African American males have a higher risk for that, so I think those things are…that example is a clear indicator that really identifying these basic risk factors that are related to diet, exercise, your weight, and other behavioral, possibly behavior-related factors may put you at higher risk to have complications from MPNs.”


Dr. Amanam further shared research findings and what needs further study to draw conclusions. “We have looked at incidences of thrombotic events in patients who have MPNs, and we tried to see if there was a difference between racial groups, and we didn’t. We did see that if you’re younger, you do have a higher risk of thrombosis over time, but there was no difference for if you were white, Hispanic, or African American. What we did find though, in a small single center study is that if you are non-white, there’s a higher risk of death over time. And I think we still need a lot of work to get a better understanding as to why that’s the case.”

Dr. Amanam Background

Solutions for Improved Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care

Clinical trials are key in moving MPN research forward to improved treatments and care. Dr. Amanam shared his perspective about other players besides patients who can help move the needle forward. “I think that going back to the idea that we want to practice the best science, we want to be able to publish the best data. The responsibility is on the clinicians, the scientists, the clinical trialists, the drug companies, the institutions to really be able to structure clinical trials that are relevant to our real world experience. And so how can we better encourage that? I think from a government perspective, potentially incentivizing drug companies and institutions and the other major players that really are involved in pushing this field forward to practice better science.

Dr. Amanam expanded on how clinical trials can be diversified. “And once we’re clear that being able to have a diverse participant pool will give us the best results and therefore will lead to your drug being approved. I think we will have more participants from all groups.

Some underrepresented patient communities may experience obstacles to MPN care. MPN Nurse Practitioner Natasha Johnson from Moffitt Cancer Center provided advice to help patients. “Patients themselves can research clinical trials by looking at clinicaltrials.gov and see what’s out there and contact the academic center that’s performing those trials. There’s free information online that provides recorded sessions from conferences or speakers or speaking done by the MPN experts that you can just look to and get to easily to help understand the disease, knowing the symptoms, and then guiding treatment.” Natasha Johnson continued with additional advice for optimal care. “.…to try to get into a large cancer center or academic center and see an MPN expert. Many times, this is just by self-referral. Charity is sometimes provided through these. Zoom visits can be done as consults or follow-up visits. So my encouragement would be search these out, find out who the experts are, and contact them directly and see if there is any possibility or a way that you can get in to see an MPN expert for a consult so you can get the best care possible.” 

Signs of MPN disease progression is something that patients and providers must be on the lookout for. Natasha Johnson shared her advice for patients to empower themselves against disease progression. “…monitor your blood cell counts, be your own advocate. Think about if they’re changing, could it be medication, or is it disease progression? Monitor your symptoms. Look at the total symptoms score or write down your symptoms and try to record where you’re at in intervals. Are things getting worse? If they are, don’t wait three months for your next appointment. Contact your healthcare provider and ask to be seen. Ask about getting a repeat bone marrow biopsy to establish where the current disease status is because that can open up doors possibly to more treatments.”

The future of MPN care has an additional approach to address. Dr. Amanam shared his perspective and how patients can help advocate for improved treatments. “I think in the next three to five years, we’re going to have drugs that are going to actually be able to treat the underlying disease before it gets to a point where you may need more aggressive therapy…And so it’s exciting where we’re going, and I think the questions that as a patient that I would ask are, because of the fact that we only have few FDA-approved therapies, are there any clinical trials that are able to target the underlying disease as opposed to just treating the symptoms? I think that’s very important for the patients to ask, especially in this space now.

Rates for stem cell transplant approvals must improve for lower income groups and for African American and Hispanic groups to provide better health outcomes for blood cancers like MPNs. Dr.  Amanam explained what’s involved with transplants and how others can help as donors. “You can donate your bone marrow, or you can donate your stem cells that are not inside of your bone marrow. And typically as a donor, your experience of actually donating is about a day. And the recovery time after you donate your bone marrow or stem cells, it’s typically within about one to three days.  So the benefit of donating your stem cells or bone marrow outweighs the inconvenience of a day or a couple of days of your schedule being altered. So I think that’s really important to understand. And I think if we can get more people to be aware of this, I think we can definitely get more donors.

[ACT]IVATED Program Logo

[ACT]IVATED MPN Program Resources

The [ACT]IVATED MPN program series takes a three-part approach to inform, empower, and engage both the overall MPN community and patient groups who experience health disparities. The series includes the following resources:

Though there are myeloproliferative neoplasm disparities, patients and care partners can take action to empower themselves to help ensure optimal care. We hope you can take advantage of these valuable resources to aid in your MPN care for yourself or for your loved one.

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Activated MPN Resource Guide

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How Have Advances in Testing Impacted AML Care?

How Have Advances in Testing Impacted AML Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Recent testing advances have dramatically improved care for AML patients. Dr. Ann-Kathrin Eisfeld discusses these improvements and why every AML patient should undergo in-depth molecular testing before making a treatment choice.

Dr. Ann-Kathrin Eisfeld is Director of the Clara D. Bloomfield Center for Leukemia Outcomes Research at The Ohio State University and a member of the Leukemia Research Program at the OSUCCC – James. Learn more about Dr. Eisfeld.

See More From INSIST! AML

Related Resources:

AML Targeted Therapy: How Molecular Test Results Impact Treatment Options

AML Treatment Approaches | Factors That Impact Options

Emerging AML Treatments: What Is Menin Inhibitor Therapy


Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Eisfeld, the landscape of AML has changed significantly in recent years. How have advances in testing improved patient care? 

Dr. Eisfeld:

It is a different world, Katherine, honestly. I mean, I started practicing in hematology in taking care of AML patients back in Germany actually in the year 2007. 

Back then, there was no other testing that was available. All we were guiding and all that we had available was morphology and cytogenetics 

And very often, it was very inaccurate. And we also only had two treatment kinds available. One was intensive chemotherapy, and one was something that was just a little bit better than best supportive care. So, many patients could not receive treatment. And the increase in knowledge that we have on a molecular level in AML really did two things at once.  On one, we understood we had a more finetuned understanding on which patients would respond. And the second thing is that this knowledge about the molecular landscape enabled us to have new treatments available that are sometimes in pill form that can target specific mutations in patients who carry these genetic changes.  

Katherine Banwell:

Should all AML patients undergo in-depth testing like biomarker testing or cytogenetics? 

Dr. Eisfeld:

Yes. Every patient should do that. It can make the difference between life and death. And it can make the difference between receiving – having a hospital stay of four weeks with intensive chemotherapy versus taking the pill at home. This is very rare that this is possible. But it is possible. And of course, you – one would not want to miss this chance if it would be possible.  


I’d like to get your thoughts on where we stand with progress in the field of AML. What would you like to leave the audience with? Are you hopeful? 

Dr. Eisfeld:

I am incredibly hopeful. I hope – when I started working in hematology, as I said at that time, it was just about when imatinib (Gleevec) came out. Which is this CML pill that really revolutionized care. And so, at that time, I would be – all patients on that bone marrow transplant service had chronic myeloid leukemia. And because they all had to undergo bone marrow transplant. Then Gleevec came, and today, there are no such patients who are see or very rarely that require such intensive care.  

So, I am very hopeful that in my practice time, which hopefully –and even earlier on – that there will be a time where we find targeted therapies for almost all patients.   

Developing Research and New Myeloma Treatment Options

Developing Research and New Myeloma Treatment Options from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are the new developments in myeloma treatment and research? Dr. Brandon Blue discusses how the landscape of myeloma care has changed in recent years and treatment options for high-risk myeloma, and he shares developing research that patients should know about.

Dr. Brandon Blue is Assistant Member and Clinical Instructor in the Department of Malignant Hematology at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL. Learn more about Dr. Brandon Blue.

See More from Evolve Myeloma

Related Resources:

What Myeloma Patients Need to Know About Bispecific Antibodies

What Myeloma Patients Need to Know About Bispecific Antibodies

Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy_ How Does It Work and What Are the Risks

Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy: How Does It Work and What Are the Risks?

How Is High-Risk Myeloma Assessed

How Is High-Risk Myeloma Assessed?


Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Blue, the landscape of myeloma care has changed significantly in recent years. Are there new factors to consider when working with a patient to choose a treatment approach?   

Dr. Brandon Blue:

Yeah. The good thing about myeloma is it’s literally always changing, and that’s a great thing. Compared to some of the other cancers, or really even other diseases, sometimes we’ve been using the same things since the ‘90s. But luckily for myeloma every couple years we get something that’s bigger, and typically better. So, right now some of the new things that are available for patients are all the way from newly diagnosed, all the way to people who have relapsed disease. So, we have a lot of different options that we can potentially go into.  

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Blue, what treatment options are available for myeloma that’s considered high-risk?  

Dr. Brandon Blue:

Yeah. So, unfortunately, there’s some people who have multiple myeloma whose disease does not follow the standard pattern. Unfortunately, what happens is that there are certain mutations that actually happen in the biology of those cancer cells that actually cause them to survive when they should be dying. And unfortunately, that means that sometimes the chemotherapy and the medicines that we give them becomes a little bit more resident. 

A lot of times when we give people treatment the one question they ask is, “How long will it last?” But, unfortunately, there’s some people who have those high-risk features that unfortunately, despite whatever numbers we tell them of how long it may last, theirs actually may last a little bit shorter, and the disease may come back a little bit quicker. So, what we have to do as the doctors, and as the team, taking care of these patients is maybe do things a little bit more outside of the box, and do things that might tend to be a little bit more aggressive. 

Because sometimes we have to match the aggressiveness of the disease. If the cancer itself is starting to be high-risk or aggressive, sometimes we may have to do some nontraditional things to kind of make sure that they have a good outcome and a good result.  

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Blue, is there developing research that myeloma patients should know about? And what are you hopeful about?  

Dr. Brandon Blue:

Yeah. One of the things that happens right now is that we have CAR T that’s available for patients got approved by the FDA. However, the CAR T product that we currently have available only have one target, which is called the BCMA, or B-cell maturating antigen. 

Which is part of the plasma cells, however, there are so many other targets on the plasma cells that potentially can be targets for new medications. And the good thing is that there are actually new CAR T and medications that are being developed that actually target other things other than the BCMA.  

So then, it may come to the point where people get more than one CAR T down the road, and I think those are exciting clinical trials. Because if there’s multiple targets, and there’s multiple CAR T, maybe we can sequence them in a way that maybe we find a cure for the disease one day.  

Katherine Banwell:

That’s exciting.  

Dr. Brandon Blue:

It is.  

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Blue, thank you so much for joining us. Do you have anything else you’d like to mention?  

Dr. Brandon Blue:

I just want people to know that it’s okay to get a second opinion. I think that regardless of what’s happening in your care, sometimes it’s always good just to have someone, especially someone who’s what they call a myeloma specialist, to review your case, and just make sure that you’re on the right road, and that things are going well for you. So, it’s something that I would recommend for anyone to do. 

How Is Bispecific Antibody Therapy Changing Myeloma Care?

How Is Bispecific Antibody Therapy Changing Myeloma Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How does bispecific antibody therapy work? Dr. Brandon Blue explains the benefits of bispecific antibody therapy and how this treatment may be quicker to access for patients.

Dr. Brandon Blue is Assistant Member and Clinical Instructor in the Department of Malignant Hematology at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL. Learn more about Dr. Brandon Blue.

See More from Evolve Myeloma

Related Resources:

What Myeloma Patients Need to Know About Bispecific Antibodies

What Myeloma Patients Need to Know About Bispecific Antibodies

Myeloma Treatment: Who Is Stem Cell Transplant Appropriate For

Questions and Considerations When Making Myeloma Treatment Decisions

Questions and Considerations When Making Myeloma Treatment Decisions


Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Blue, can you tell us about bispecific antibody therapy for myeloma?  

Dr. Brandon Blue:

Yeah. So, bispecific is basically similar to CAR T in a way that it uses the body’s immune system. But the big difference with bispecific therapy is that not only does it attack the plasma cell, which is the typical cancer cell in multiple myeloma, but it also brings the cancer cell to the actual immune system. 

So, it’s one thing to kind of go after the cancer cell, it’s another thing to say, “Hey, here’s the immune system, here’s the cancer cell. Let me figure out a way to marry the two of them together so that the fighting really takes place in real time.” And luckily, we’ve seen some really fantastic results.  

Katherine Banwell:

So, how is this therapy changing myeloma care? 

Dr. Brandon Blue:

The big thing about bispecifics is that they’re a much quicker process than CAR T.  

Right now, one of the things that is slowing up the CAR T process is something called manufacturing time. And so, even if someone wanted CAR T today, they may not be able to get it for six to eight weeks due to that manufacturing time. However, these bispecific are typically readily available so that if you need them today, probably by tomorrow, the next day, they can be infused. And so, that’s a much quicker time, and that allows patients to get the treatment that they need. 

Because, again, these are patients who, unfortunately, disease has not responded to a lot of the more traditional therapies. So, they need help, and sometimes they need help quickly. 

Accessing Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy Clinical Trials

Accessing Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy Clinical Trials from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How has CAR T-cell therapy changed the landscape of myeloma care? Dr. Brandon Blue shares how this therapy has been a “game changer” in myeloma care, and how clinical trials for newer CAR T-cell therapies are advancing care and access for patients.

Dr. Brandon Blue is Assistant Member and Clinical Instructor in the Department of Malignant Hematology at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL. Learn more about Dr. Brandon Blue.

See More from Evolve Myeloma

Related Resources:

Considering CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma_ Key Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Questions and Considerations When Making Myeloma Treatment Decisions

Questions and Considerations When Making Myeloma Treatment Decisions


Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Blue, we know that the approved CAR T-cell therapies are for patients who have already undergone several lines of treatment. How has this therapy revolutionized care for myeloma patients?  

Dr. Brandon Blue:

Yeah. So, CAR T is really a game changer when it comes to multiple myeloma. I’ll tell you that previously people have seen a lot of the best medicines that we have, and unfortunately for a good percentage of people the disease just becomes what we call refractory.  

And unfortunately, despite us giving them the best medicines, the disease still likes to survive. So, we had to think of something of what can still kill cancer, but may not be the traditional chemotherapy that people may think of? So, we say, “Well, let’s come up with CAR T because it’s a way to actually use the body’s own immune system to fight off those cancer cells.” And for myeloma it really has shown a lot of progress. And one of the things that we know now is that not only do we have one, but we have two products, and maybe even a third coming down the pipeline because there’s more and more of this CAR T becoming available. 

And that’s better, and better for patients.  

Katherine Banwell:

Absolutely. That’s great news. For patients who are recently diagnosed, Dr. Blue, is there any chance of accessing this treatment sooner? Maybe through clinical trials. 

Dr. Brandon Blue:

Yeah. One of the biggest clinical trials that I think that people are excited about is trying to challenge something that we’ve been doing since the 1980s, which is stem cell transplant.  

So, typically, when a person get diagnosed with multiple myeloma, especially newly diagnosed, stem cell transplant is typically part of the treatment plan. But now there’s clinical trials that are coming out where we challenge instead of maybe a patient going to stem cell transplant, maybe they might do CAR T instead. And we’re trying to figure out can something that we’ve been doing since the ‘80s be un-throned as the best standard practice? And so, I think that’s something that people are really excited about, that’s something I’m excited about. 

And it gives people who are newly diagnosed a chance to get some of this novel therapy.   

Katherine Banwell:

I have a follow-up question about the clinical trials, you mentioned that there is one going on. Where is it taking place?  

Dr. Brandon Blue:

Yeah. So, it’s actually a multi-center study. And so, hopefully, we hope to have Moffit Cancer Center involved in that clinical trial, but it’s multiple different sites really all over the world because I think this is a question that everybody’s really excited about. Again, like I said, transplant has been happening since 1980s, and so for some treatment to come along to potentially challenge that, I think people are excited about a new contender. And we’ve already seen the progress that CAR T has already made. 

And so, the big question is how well will it work when someone is newly diagnosed before their body has really seen all the extra treatments that are there? Will it work even better?  

We’re very hopeful, and we’re very optimistic. 

Katherine Banwell:

Where can people find out about this particular clinical trial and other clinical trials?  

Dr. Brandon Blue:

Yeah. So, I tell people there’s so many different websites and resources. One of the main ones that is very readily accessible is clinicaltrials.gov, is very kind of easy, and intuitive. Typically, what you can do at clinicaltrials.gov is you can literally kind of just type in your disease process, and then they’ll tell you if it’s newly diagnosed, or relapsed. There’s also a place called SparkCures. SparkCures is fantastic organization that really tries to focus people, and get them matched with clinical trials, which is fantastic.  

There’s also HealthTree. HealthTree not only helps people from a clinical trial standpoint, but they also have patient support programs because nobody wants to be in the fight for cancer by themselves. The American Cancer Society does a fantastic job, as well as Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. 

The International Myeloma Foundation, or the IMF, and then the MMRF, the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation. And there’s many more, but those are some of the top ones that we readily use that have a lot of information. And some of them have not only information for the patient, but also information for the family, and the caregivers. Because again, when someone gets diagnosed with cancer it doesn’t just affect the person, it affects the whole family.  

How Are Myeloma Patients in Remission Monitored?

How Are Myeloma Patients in Remission Monitored? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How often should testing be administered when myeloma is in remission? Dr. Brandon Blue discusses how patients in remission are monitored and when a bone marrow biopsy may be required.

Dr. Brandon Blue is Assistant Member and Clinical Instructor in the Department of Malignant Hematology at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL. Learn more about Dr. Brandon Blue.

See More From INSIST! Myeloma

Related Programs:

Stem Cell Transplants for Myeloma: An Update

Stem Cell Transplants for Myeloma: An Update

Should You Push for a Stronger Myeloma Treatment at Relapse

Should You Push for a Stronger Myeloma Treatment at Relapse?

Questions and Considerations When Making Myeloma Treatment Decisions

Questions and Considerations When Making Myeloma Treatment Decisions


Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Blue, how often should bone marrow biopsy be performed in the years following a stem cell transplant?  

Dr. Brandon Blue:

So, typically following stem cell transplant patients are kind of switched to what we call maintenance therapy.  

Meaning that the disease is typically under control after transplant, and our job right now is to kind of put the lid on the disease and keep that lid on so that the disease doesn’t kind of bubble over. And likely, people are on that maintenance therapy for three, four, sometimes even five years, or more. And so, sometimes when the disease is very stagnant or very stable, and people are on maintenance therapy, there may not be a need for multiple repeated bone marrow biopsies. 

Because the disease may just be in a kind of dormant or remission stage. However, at the first sign that we see that things are changing, we see that unfortunately the disease may be starting to relapse, or maybe even there’s a new pain, or things happening that just need further investigation, I think a bone marrow biopsy would be very warranted at that time.  

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. So, when patients are in a kind of remission stage you just monitor them. Do you continue to do bloodwork, and test their urine, and so on?  

Dr. Brandon Blue:

Blood, urine, imaging. Blood, urine imaging. 

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. Blood, urine, imaging.   

Dr. Brandon Blue:

Yup. Those would be the best ways to follow it. Of course, the gold standard would be a bone marrow biopsy, but typically what happens is that the blood, the urine, and the imaging typically reflect what’s happening in the bone marrow. It’d be sometimes very unlikely for a patient’s bloodwork to be normal, but then the bone marrow to be ridden with cancer. Typically, it doesn’t work that way. There are some unique circumstances where bone marrow biopsies are needed in people who have something called non-secretory myeloma, but that’s a very small percentage. 

What Testing Is Appropriate for People With Smoldering Myeloma?

What Testing Is Appropriate for People With Smoldering Myeloma? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How is smoldering myeloma monitored? Myeloma expert Dr. Brandon Blue explains why treatment is not necessary and the types of tests that are used to monitor this diagnosis.

Dr. Brandon Blue is Assistant Member and Clinical Instructor in the Department of Malignant Hematology at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL. Learn more about Dr. Brandon Blue.

See More From INSIST! Myeloma

Related Programs:

How Are Myeloma Patients in Remission Monitored

How Are Myeloma Patients in Remission Monitored

Myeloma Combination Therapy _ What Patients Should Know

Myeloma Combination Therapy: What Patients Should Know

Questions and Considerations When Making Myeloma Treatment Decisions

Questions and Considerations When Making Myeloma Treatment Decisions


Katherine Banwell:

What testing and treatments are appropriate for smoldering myeloma? And first, could you define smoldering myeloma for us?  

Dr. Brandon Blue:

Yeah. So, one of the things that makes multiple myeloma kind of a very difficult disease is that it can attack people’s bones.  

When people have the smoldering myeloma, they have none of those bone disease. When people typically have multiple myeloma it can affect their kidneys, and actually cause low blood counts called anemia.  

When people have smoldering, they don’t have any of those classic features, however, they still may have a burden of cancer cells. Anywhere from 10 to 59 percent of plasma cells is really still considered this smoldering, or inactive cancer, but it’s still cancer. And so, we know that roughly in the first five years about 10 percent of those patients will go from this inactive smoldering stage to the active myeloma and required treatment. 

A lot of times we do observation for those patients to kind of make sure that they get the treatment when they need it. There is some studies to show that some people do get treatment during the smoldering stage, but for a lot of times observation is needing because sometimes it can be several years really before someone would need treatment. 

And a lot of times we try not to expose people to treatment if it’s really not necessary at the time.  

Katherine Banwell:

I see. So, it’s more of a watch and wait. 

Dr. Brandon Blue:

Exactly right. And sometimes you actually watch and wait, and then you keep watching, and waiting, and sometimes people never develop the active disease. And so, especially in those patients, you would’ve exposed them to chemotherapy that they really never needed. And one thing that I always tell my patients is that it’s important to know that you have cancer cells, but it’s also important for us to follow it. We are here to help and support you, right? And having cancer in your body sometimes can be very anxiety-provoking. 

And so, for a lot of patients who are in that category, sometimes we offer them clinical trials that we have available to say, “Hey, this is something that we’re trying to explore and learn more about smoldering myeloma. And maybe this is something that may benefit you.” 

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. Can a patient with smoldering myeloma be monitored through blood work? Is that something you would do?  

Dr. Brandon Blue:

Yeah. So, typically what we try to do because the disease is so multifaceted, meaning that myeloma is not the same for each person. So, the blood is a fantastic way of following the disease, and monitoring, however, we need to do a little bit more than that. We also like to collect urine because, again, multiple myeloma can affect people’s kidneys. And the good thing about urine is that we flush it down the toilet all the time, but there’s so much information that gets flushed down that we really can learn about the disease and learn about the person by following the urine over time. 

The next thing is that we can follow imaging because, again, multiple myeloma can affect people’s bones. Sometimes if you get aches, and pains, we don’t know if that’s the muscle, we don’t know if that’s a ligament, we don’t know if that’s the bone. Pain is such a subjective thing, so we need to follow people, and have them be monitored with imaging. So, I think that combination of blood, urine, and imaging would be the best thing to do. 

Stem Cell Transplants for Myeloma: An Update

Stem Cell Transplants for Myeloma: An Update from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Expert Dr. Jeffrey Matous discusses the evolving role of stem cell transplant as a “standard of care” treatment and reviews therapies that are under study as alternatives to stem cell transplant.

Dr. Jeffrey Matous is a myeloma specialist at the Colorado Blood Cancer Institute and the assistant chair in myeloma research for Sarah Cannon Research Institute. Learn more about Dr. Matous.

See More from Evolve Myeloma

Related Resources:

Considering CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma_ Key Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Myeloma Treatment: Who Is Stem Cell Transplant Appropriate For

How Is High-Risk Myeloma Assessed



PEN community member, Greg, sent in this question. “Can you discuss any future or potential changes to using stem cell transplant for myeloma patients? How would you counsel patients who do not want to pursue a transplant as a treatment option?” 

Dr. Jeffrey Matous:

So, for stem cell transplant in myeloma, for years, it’s been the standard of care for suitable patients.  

And every couple years, I liken this to that game we used to play called King of the Hill growing up where stem cell transplants, King of the Hill, and everyone tries to knock stem cell transplant off the hill. And so far, it really hasn’t happened. And so, transplants still, I think, an important part of the overall care for suitable patients. 

For patients who are eligible and safe enough to undergo transplant. However, not all – now, will this be challenged in the future? And the answer is – I think the next challenger, and this will be a serious challenger, will be CAR T-cell therapy. And so, we have to figure out if CAR T-cell therapy or the bispecific antibodies are safe enough to give at the beginning and as effective as stem cell transplant and what the long-term side effects, how they might differ, as well, so that question is going to be tackled in the myeloma word, but it’s going to be several years until we have an answer there, for sure.  

So, for my patients who are otherwise candidates for stem cell transplant, but who don’t want to do it, usually, I’ll say, “You may change your mind in the future. In myeloma, it’s important to keep all your options open and you should at least discuss with the transplant center collecting and freezing away your stem cells for a rainy day to keep that option open to you.” So, even you’re thinking of not doing it, it might be a good idea, it probably is a good idea, to harvest and store your stem cells at a transplant center.  

And then, if you’re not going to do transplant up front, they key is to stay on prolonged maintenance therapy  

We know that that’s one of the keys for making survival as long as possible in patients who don’t do a transplant is to continue on ongoing maintenance therapy as long as possible. Don’t curtail your therapy just because you’re not doing a transplant. 

Should You Push for a Stronger Myeloma Treatment at Relapse?

Should You Push for a Stronger Myeloma Treatment at Relapse? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Should myeloma patients consider choosing a more aggressive treatment at relapse? Expert Dr. Jeffrey Matous explains the revised approach to choosing treatment at this stage and shares examples of second-line therapies that may be options for relapsed patients.

Dr. Jeffrey Matous is a myeloma specialist at the Colorado Blood Cancer Institute and the assistant chair in myeloma research for Sarah Cannon Research Institute. Learn more about Dr. Matous.

See More from Evolve Myeloma

Related Resources:

Considering CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma_ Key Questions to Ask Your Doctor

What Myeloma Patients Need to Know About Bispecific Antibodies

Stem Cell Transplants for Myeloma: An Update



Kendall writes, “I’m in the maintenance stage following initial diagnosis and treatment. At first relapse, is it appropriate to push for stronger treatment in hopes of a cure?” 

Dr. Jeffrey Matous:

Yeah, so the answer to that has changed. The answer is yes, and so, the – it used to be said in myeloma that your best treatment was your first treatment. Then, if you relapsed, that the treatments didn’t work as well, and the remissions did not last as long. Throw it out, so now, we get multiple chances to get really deep remissions in patients, and we should be every bit as greedy when we’re treating relapsed disease, at least initially, as we are when we treat disease at the very beginning. We know, for example, that there are many second-line therapies. I’ll just throw out some examples – daratumumab (Darzalex), pomalidomide dex, daratumumab, Revlimid dex, daratumumab Velcade dex.  

Not to mention, the T-cell therapies that can put patients in remissions that are so deep that we can’t even find myeloma cells using very sophisticated molecular techniques, so be greedy. 

What Myeloma Patients Need to Know About Bispecific Antibodies

What Myeloma Patients Need to Know About Bispecific Antibodies from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What should myeloma patients know about bispecific antibody therapy? Expert Dr. Jeffrey Matous explains the function of bispecific antibodies, reviews the risks and benefits of this treatment option, and provides questions to ask your doctor to help guide your care.

Dr. Jeffrey Matous is a myeloma specialist at the Colorado Blood Cancer Institute and the assistant chair in myeloma research for Sarah Cannon Research Institute. Learn more about Dr. Matous.

See More from Evolve Myeloma

Related Resources:

Considering CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma_ Key Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Should You Push for a Stronger Myeloma Treatment at Relapse



Let’s switch gears now to another therapy we’ve been hearing about: bispecific antibodies. One has been recently approved for myeloma, teclistamab (Tecvayli), so let’s start with what are bispecific antibodies and who might they be right for? 

Dr. Jeffrey Matous:

And strap on your seatbelt, because there’s a whole bunch of them coming, I think, for approval. So, the T-cell redirecting antibodies, it’s a different strategy for trying to get your T cells, the patient’s T cells, to attack the myeloma cells. And in CAR T-cell therapy, it’s a single infusion. That’s the treatment. And the bispecific antibodies that I often call T-cell redirecting antibodies, because they redirect the T cells to the myeloma cell, these are given over a continuous period and it might as long as you tolerate it, as long as it’s working. It might be for a year. And they are given either under the skin as a subcutaneous injection, or in the vein. 

And there are many, many different of these T-cell redirecting antibodies, the bispecific antibodies. How they work, I just do this with my patients. I hold up my hand and I say the bispecific antibodies have two hooks on them, and one hook recognizes the T cell and latches onto the T cell, and the other hook latches onto the myeloma cell. And then, what it does, it brings the T cell in proximity to the myeloma cell. Then, the T cell says “Oh, aha. I’m supposed to kill this myeloma cell,” and usually does it. Now, the part that connects the T cell and these bispecific antibodies is always the same. It’s CD3. However, the part that sticks on the myeloma cell, there are different targets, and you referred to teclistamab, which was approved by the FDA, and that attaches to something on the outside of a myeloma cell called BCMA, BCMA. 

But we know that other bispecific antibodies that can attach to different markers or antigens on the outside of the myeloma cell and affect the same change, and so, I think these are going to be coming fast and furious. 


Who’s this class of treatment right for? 

Dr. Jeffrey Matous:

I think – well, again, the FDA approval right now is for people who have seen pretty much everything. You know, you’ve had a lot of treatments. You’ve seen all the different classes of the myeloma drugs, but in our clinical research trials right now, we’re testing these as an initial therapy, in second-line therapy, after stem cell transplants. They’re being tested pretty much in every scenario right now in clinical trials, so right now, it’s when you’ve exhausted the normal treatments and you’re considering CAR T-cell therapy, or you’re considering getting treated with a drug called selinexor (Xpovio), or looking at another clinical trial. That’s when it’s the time to ask about the bispecific antibodies. 


What are the risks and benefits of this therapy?  

Dr. Jeffrey Matous:

The risks are pretty similar to the risks from CAR T-cell therapy, so Cytokine Release Syndrome. That usually occurs during the first week. Neurologic toxicity is, I think, less frequent with the bispecific antibodies, but infections and low blood counts definitely a concern with these bispecific antibodies, requires a lot of monitoring without any doubt.  

Now, the other thing about the bispecific antibodies, there’s, right now, they’ve been in the realm of the larger centers, so myeloma centers is where people have been getting these bispecific antibodies, but there’s absolutely no question in my mind that these bispecific antibodies are going to be available through almost every general hematology, oncology practitioner’s office, but not for a while. The docs that aren’t used to giving these medicines are a little – they’re being quite cautious rolling them out in their practices right now. There are still a lot of questions as these roll out, and so, right now, I think teclistamab is still largely unavailable outside myeloma centers, but that’s going to change, I think, even over 2023 and definitely into 2024. 


Okay. That’s really good news. For patients who want to know more about bispecifics, what questions should they be asking their healthcare team? 

Dr. Jeffrey Matous:

Again, the same thing is – the same questions. Well, teclistamab is approved by the FDA. What other bispecifics are there? What about combinations? What about clinical trials? And then, that’s what you want to ask for sure. Then, how often do I need to come in the office? With teclistamab, the answer is weekly.  

If they say for how long, it’s until it quits working or you have side effects, and then you can’t take it anymore. That’s the way the FDA label is. And so, it’s a big commitment to go on these treatments, but they’re effective. You ask me about the effectiveness of these drugs and, essentially, all the studies with these different bispecifics, including teclistamab, have been studied initially in people who have seen every myeloma treatment. They’ve had an average of about six different myeloma treatments. 

They’ve seen all the drugs. They’re not working anymore. They’re in trouble. They’re in a pinch, and roughly, seven out of ten people have dramatic responses to these bispecifics when they’re treated, which we’ve never had anything like this at all in the myeloma world. 


Wow. Do the side effects go away at some point? 

Dr. Jeffrey Matous:

The side effects are completely manageable. Yeah and you can – by and large, you can adjust the bispecific, either the schedule or different things, to make these completely tolerable for patients. 



Dr. Jeffrey Matous:

Very few patients on our trials, with these bispecifics, who we have not been able to manage and, pretty much, handle all the – any side effect that occurs.  

Considering CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma? Key Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Considering CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma? Key Questions to Ask Your Doctor from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What key questions should myeloma patients ask about CAR T-cell therapy? Expert Dr. Jeffrey Matous shares key advice to help patients make an informed decision about CAR T-cell therapy. 

Dr. Jeffrey Matous is a myeloma specialist at the Colorado Blood Cancer Institute and the assistant chair in myeloma research for Sarah Cannon Research Institute. Learn more about Dr. Matous.

See More from Evolve Myeloma

Related Resources:

Myeloma Combination Therapy _ What Patients Should Know

Should You Push for a Stronger Myeloma Treatment at Relapse



Yeah, so what questions should patients be asking their doctor when considering CAR T-cell therapy? 

Dr. Jeffrey Matous:

I think the first thing, of course, is am I a candidate, because the commercially approved CAR-T cells, there are very specific criteria for who’s a candidate, who could receive it. Okay, and then, you want to know, one, if you’re a candidate. Two, what the risks and benefits are. 

Three, are there alternatives besides CAR T-cell therapy. Is it too early or too late to do this? Should we think about maybe another clinical trial or one of the T-cell redirecting antibodies, for example? You want to ask those questions for sure. These treatments are tremendously expensive, of course, and so that may come into play, as well. You want to know what the experience of the center is with CAR T-cell therapy, I think, and then, you also want to know are there clinical research studies for which you might be eligible to have CAR-T cells, not just commercially available ones, because we have two that are commercially available right now, and we have scores of CAR T-cell treatments that are still in clinical trial. 

Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy: How Does It Work and What Are the Risks?

Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy: How Does It Work and What Are the Risks? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What should myeloma patients know about CAR T-cell therapy? Expert Dr. Jeffrey Matous explains the how CAR T-cell therapy works to treat myeloma, risks associated with this therapy, and reviews common side effects that patients may experience.

Dr. Jeffrey Matous is a myeloma specialist at the Colorado Blood Cancer Institute and the assistant chair in myeloma research for Sarah Cannon Research Institute. Learn more about Dr. Matous.

See More from Evolve Myeloma

Related Resources:

Questions and Considerations When Making Myeloma Treatment Decisions

Considering CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma_ Key Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Should You Push for a Stronger Myeloma Treatment at Relapse



Let’s dive into new and emerging treatment. CAR T-cell therapy has been approved for myeloma patients and it’s certainly a hot topic right now. Can you tell us about this treatment and who it might be right for? 

Dr. Jeffrey Matous:

Absolutely, so these T-cell therapies in myeloma are really exciting, and basically, how they work is T cells are cells that normally, in our body, they’re part of our immune system. When they see something foreign, usually, it’s a foreign infection or some kind. T cells go into kill mode and take out the foreign invader, and they’re supposed to do this with cells that are thinking about turning into cancer, but for various reasons, cancer cells can escape the T cells, and then, kind of brainwash the new system to say, hey. It’s okay if we coexist with you. No big deal. We’ll just hang out together. Okay? And that’s not okay. And so, in CAR T-cell therapy, what we do is we take the patient’s T cells.  

We remove them from the blood with a procedure called apheresis, which is a machine that many patients might be familiar with through their stem cell collections. 

It’s the same machine. And we collect these T cells. Then, they go to a laboratory where they are genetically modified in the laboratory using very sophisticated techniques to become myeloma killers. And we tell – we educate the T cells to become myeloma killers. We grow them up in sufficient numbers, and then, we return them to the patient. We just, basically, put them back in the patient’s bloodstream in the vein and they go and they are really effective at killing myeloma cells. And that’s CAR T-cell therapy, so it’s an amazing immune therapy. It’s way more complicated than I laid out, of course, but that’s the general thought behind it. 


What are the risks of this therapy? 

Dr. Jeffrey Matous:

Absolutely, so we have a lot of patients who come and ask about CAR T-cell therapy and think that it’s the same thing as getting daratumumab in the clinic or carfilzomib in the clinic.  

Get it and you’re on your way. Far from that, and so, CAR T-cell therapy has a lot of risks. The risks fall into a few different categories. The first risk is called CRS, which doesn’t stand for what you think it stands for. It stands for Cytokine Release Syndrome. This occurs when the T cells recognize the myeloma cell and kill it, and when they do this, a lot of substances get released in the body that can cause a lot of symptoms, like fever, or low blood pressure, or low oxygen, and this requires specialized management to shepherd people through this.  

This almost always occurs in about the first week of the treatment after the patients receive the CAR-T cells. In addition, patients who receive CAR-T cells can have what’s called neurologic toxicity that falls into many different categories. It can be something as simple as a headache, or a transient or temporary difficulty, you know, saying words or being confused, or in the most severe situation, even a seizure. 

This requires a lot of close monitoring for neuro toxicity. In addition, we know that patients that get CAR T-cell therapy are, for quite a while after they receive the CAR-T cells, an increased risk for infection. It’s very suppressing of the immune system, immunosuppressive. And lastly, a lot of our patients who go through CAR T-cell therapy have low blood counts for a long time and they have to be monitored for this, might need transfusions, or some different therapies. It’s a complicated therapy for sure. 

Myeloma Combination Therapy | What Patients Should Know

Myeloma Combination Therapy | What Patients Should Know from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Expert Dr. Jeffrey Matous shares an overview of myeloma treatment classes, why combination therapy can be effective, and the importance of clinical trials in patient care and moving research forward.

Dr. Jeffrey Matous is a myeloma specialist at the Colorado Blood Cancer Institute and the assistant chair in myeloma research for Sarah Cannon Research Institute. Learn more about Dr. Matous.

See More from Evolve Myeloma

Related Resources:

Questions and Considerations When Making Myeloma Treatment Decisions

Should You Push for a Stronger Myeloma Treatment at Relapse



There are several treatment classes for myeloma, such as immunomodulatory therapy and proteasome inhibitors, for example, and they’re often used together. So, what is a combination therapy and why is it used so frequently for myeloma?  

Dr. Jeffrey Matous:

Absolutely, so with learned over the years in myeloma that combining different types of drugs that work in different ways, we call those classes, so different classes of drugs, combining them together is the optimal treatment for myeloma.  

And back in the day, we used to use two drugs. Then, we learned that three drugs are better than two drugs, and now, we have data that four drugs are better than three drugs. And so, we bring in drugs from all kinds of different categories for our patients. And we even know that for the non-transplant-eligible patients, for the older patients, for example, that combining drugs from different classes is really, really important to get the best outcomes. And in general, the three classes that we use – the four classes that we use when we’re treating myeloma patients initially include the immunomodulatory drugs, and examples of those are lenalidomide, also called Revlimid. pomalidomide, also called Pomalyst. Thalidomide’s (Thalomid) an older drug, but we still occasionally use it.  

And then, we have the proteasome inhibitors. Examples of those are bortezomib (Velcade), carfilzomib (Kyprolis), and to a much lesser extent, there’s one called ixazomib (Ninlaro). And these days, we know that CD38 antibodies are really important and really getting their foothold into the initial treatment of myeloma.  

Examples of CD38 antibodies are daratumumab (Darzalex) or isatuximab. And then, usually, we combine these treatments with steroid medicines to sort of increase the effectiveness of the regimens. That’s how – those are the classes that we use when we’re treating myeloma. 


Okay and have you learned about adding one treatment to another to another through clinical trials or is trial and error? 

Dr. Jeffrey Matous:

Absolutely. We would not be where we are right now without the conduct of clinical trials. I always tell my patients by the time something’s approved in myeloma, and we had things approved in 2022, the field is already moving past that in clinical trials. It’s unbelievable. So, I’ll give you an example. When daratumumab, one of these antibodies, got approved by the FDA, already when it got approved by the FDA, we knew through clinical trials that were being conducted that combining it with other types of medicines was far more potent. 

And we have countless examples of this, so yeah. Absolutely, so every treatment that we use in myeloma, we discovered and developed through a clinical trial. And I always encourage my patients strongly to consider clinical trials, and then, we have to explain, because when patients hear clinical trials, and I could be deviating a little bit here, Katherine.  

They often think about experimentation and testing things that are unproven. In myeloma, we occasionally do that, but far and away, the overwhelming majority of our clinical trials are testing agents that we know are effective. We’re just trying to figure out what the best combination is and make sure that it’s safe for patients.