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Understanding Prostate Cancer Treatment Options and Care Goals

Understanding Prostate Cancer Treatment Options and Care Goals from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How do prostate cancer treatment options and goals vary from patient to patient? Expert Dr. Rana McKay discusses standard approaches to treating advanced prostate cancer and factors that may impact care decisions.

Dr. Rana McKay is an associate clinical professor of medicine at Moores Cancer Center at UC San Diego Health. Learn more about Dr. McKay.

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So, before we move onto understanding current treatment options, Dr. McKay, what are the goals of advanced prostate cancer treatment? And how do they vary by patient? 

Dr. McKay:

Yeah. I do think the goals can vary. I think in my mind, a lot of times, it’s making people live longer, making them feel better. Those are the two salient goals and if our therapies are not achieving one or other of those two goals then we need to rethink the strategy. But different people are different, and they may weigh the risks and benefits of any given therapy, or the slated benefit with the slated risk through a different lens. And I think it’s critically important to ensure that you’re having those communications with your doctor about the things that matter to you and the things that are really important to you. 

Especially, for people who have advanced prostate cancer. So, I think that can help your clinician strategize, “Okay, is this an individual who wants the kitchen sink everything that I can do even if that means more toxicity that I’m going to offer this thing? Or is this a situation where, you know what, unless there’s data that the kitchen sink is going to work, I really kind of want to temper things and try an approach that’s going to be effective, but maybe not associated with that degree of toxicity.” So, those kinds of conversations absolutely need to be happening.  


With all the recent advances in treatment, is there a standard approach now to treating someone with advanced disease? And if so, what is it?   

Dr. McKay:

Yeah. There absolutely is a standard approach. There’s guidelines that are based off of the FDA-approved regimens of the different agents that can be utilized. There’s data regarding sequencing though, I think there’s more data that needs to be had on sequencing. There are guidelines on when to do germline testing, when to do tumor profiling, when to integrate PSMA PET imaging, the standard hormonal agents, who to use them. So, I do think that there are – there’s a set framework of appropriate management and treatment. But there’s a lot of personalization that is overlaid on top of that rubric. And I think that’s the art of medicine.  


Right. Is there testing to understand if a patient’s disease is more aggressive? Or maybe will respond to a certain type of therapy before you begin it?  

Dr. McKay:

Yeah. A very good question. And I think predictive biomarkers, as you described them, there are several for men with prostate cancer, but there’s not a ton of them. So, we know that homologous recombination repair alterations, HRR, gene alterations, particularly BRCA 1, 2, probably 2, we know that those are biomarkers of response to PARP inhibitors. We know that patients who have high tumor mutation burden, or have a mismatch repair, that those are markers of response to immunotherapy. We know that if people have a certain level of PSMA PET vividity on their PET scan, that that’s a biomarker for receiving lutetium PSMA.   

Those are the main biomarkers that are actually in use in the clinic to date. But I think there’s a lot more that I think are being explored from mutations in the androgen receptor, or amplifications in the androgen receptor, being potentially predictors of response to different degraders, different kind of hormonal agents. There’s certain tumor suppressor gene mutations that may predict that patients may do a little bit better with chemotherapy. So, there’s other markers that are being looked at, but they don’t have the same robustness as the BRCA 1, 2, and other ones that I talked about. 


Yeah. How does a patient’s health and lifestyle impact what treatment approach is right for them?  

Dr. McKay:

I mean, health and lifestyle, diet, and exercise, nutrition, sleep are so important. I think that one of the backbones of treatment for hormonal therapy is androgen deprivation therapy. There can be negative consequences with regards to muscle mass, bone mass, other things related to that therapy. So, I think it’s critically important for patients to maintain a healthy diet, making sure they’re getting appropriate exercise, weight-bearing, resistance training.  

And I think, too, this helps people with their functionality, with their ability, their reserve, and ability to tolerate treatment or tolerate more aggressive treatment. So, half of my clinic is talking about diet and exercise, and how to optimize individual health when people are on therapy. 


Yeah. Mentally, a good diet and sleep –  

Dr. McKay:



And exercise is going to be helpful.  

Dr. McKay:



As well. What about comorbidities? Do they play a role?  

Dr. McKay:

They absolutely do play a role. I think comorbidities like cardiovascular disease, diabetes absolutely can play a role. The hormone therapies, patients can have a propensity to gain weight, they can have a propensity to have worsened cholesterol being on hormone therapy, which can then affect somebody’s cardiovascular health. And so, some of the drugs cause increased hypertension. So, I think understanding the different comorbidities that any individual may have is important in selecting the best therapy, “Well, actually, if you’ve got X, Y, Z going on, maybe I’m going to shy away from this, but lean more towards that.”  

I think making sure that your physician knows about that and knows about changes that happen along the way. Sometimes, people with prostate cancer, many a times they have a long, natural history where they’re seeing the physician caring for them for their prostate cancer over many, many years.

And somebody’s medical history, when they first saw that individual, it’s going to change and evolve over time as different things happen. And so, I think keeping your clinician that’s caring for you for your prostate cancer informed of all the other non-cancer things that are happening I think is a really good idea.  

If you had a fracture, that’s actually a really important thing for somebody who’s got prostate cancer. Or “Gosh, my primary care just started me on Metformin because they think my blood sugar is a little bit off.” These are important things, I think, for clinicians to know about.  


Yeah. It’s all about communication, isn’t it?  

Dr. McKay:

Absolutely. Yeah.  


Don’t worry about over-sharing.  

Dr. McKay:


How Do Biomarker Test Results Impact Prostate Cancer Treatment Options?

How Do Biomarker Test Results Impact Prostate Cancer Treatment Options? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What can biomarker test results indicate about prostate cancer treatment options? Dr. David Wise discusses genetic mutations, treatment classes, and testing methods that are commonly examined to help determine optimal prostate cancer approaches.

Dr. David Wise is Director of Genitourinary Medical Oncology at the Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center at NYU Langone Health. Learn more about Dr. Wise.

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How Do Biomarker Test Results Impact a Prostate Cancer Patient’s Prognosis?


Dr. David Wise:

So, that’s a great question. So, there are multiple gene test results that can directly influence a choice of treatment. I think that it’s important to highlight two main categories, both within the genomic testing setting. Both of these test results have their major impact in patients with metastatic prostate cancer, whether the cancer has been treated already and is resistant to current treatments, or even some situations where the cancer has not even been treated.  

For metastatic prostate cancer, I think it’s important to assess whether the cancer has evidence of a BRCA1 or 2 mutation, or whether the cancer has evidence of a genetic feature called microsatellite instability, or MSI high. Cancers that have evidence of BRCA1 or 2 have clear benefit. Patients have clear benefit from treatment that targets those genes. And that’s a class of oral medications called PARP inhibitors, several of which are already FDA-approved for hormone-resistant metastatic prostate cancer with evidence of BRCA1 or 2 mutation.  

There are even newer clinical trials which are testing the use of those medicines at the outset of men who are initially diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer, even naïve to treatment and testing whether we should be adding on PARP inhibitors for men with that genetic feature.  

Microsatellite instability, as well, leads to a clear FDA indication for immunotherapy with what we call checkpoint inhibitors that target and reinvigorate the body’s immune system. We know that prostate cancers with that particular genetic feature, which unfortunately is still an uncommon type of prostate cancer – but when it happens, it’s important to know about it because those immunotherapies can have truly life-changing, truly very long lasting, in the order of years, benefit to keeping that cancer to an undetectable level. Now, I would say, those are the key genomic features that directly translate to changes in treatment.  

There are other biomarkers, one we haven’t talked about which is very impactful, which is levels of PSMA expression on a PET scan. So, we talked about that in the setting of making a diagnosis, but it also is important for dictating best treatment. So, we now know, based on the results of a large Phase III trial that patients with prostate cancers that have PSMA uptake on PET imaging, which is an imaging biomarker, not a genetic biomarker, but an imaging biomarker.  

Those patients respond quite well to lutetium PSMA, which is a radioligand therapy that targets PSMA-producing prostate cancers. And so, those are examples of, I think, very impactful biomarkers that patients need to know about, so that they can ask their physicians to get tested to see if they’re candidates for those potential treatments.  

So, the genetic tests can be done either on biopsy material or on blood. And the latter has really been a major advance because we’ve been able to identify patients who are eligible without exposing them to an additional fresh biopsy. Sometimes, we need to because sometimes the blood does not have sufficient material to be able to establish the diagnosis. But still, it is often worth trying because, of course, we would try to do anything to avoid undergoing a risky procedure, and this is an example of that. In order to assess hereditary genetic risk, that can be done from a saliva sample. So, often, a cheek swab is enough, but testing for that is often pretty standard as well. So, that’s another option.  

So, in order to assess PSMA expression, which lends itself directly to the use of lutetium PSMA, that’s the straightforward PET scan. It’s now something that is readily available at the vast majority of academic centers and in the community as well. 

Clinical Trials As a Prostate Cancer Treatment Option: What You Should Know Resource Guide

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Thriving With Prostate Cancer: Tools for Navigating Care and Treatment Resource Guide

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Thriving With Prostate Cancer: What You Should Know About Care and Treatment Resource Guide

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What Are Key Prostate Cancer Questions to Ask Care Team Members?

What Are Key Prostate Cancer Questions to Ask Care Team Members? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo

What are key prostate cancer questions to ask care team members? Host Dr. Nicole Rochester and Dr. Yaw Nyame, and Dr. Petros Grivas provide information about vital questions to ask care providers about prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment options to work toward improved quality of life and equitable healthcare.

See More From Best Prostate Cancer Care No Matter Where You Live

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How Can Prostate Cancer Patients and Providers Help Ensure Quality Care?


Dr. Nicole Rochester: 

I’d love for each of you to share maybe a couple of key questions that patients, our care partners facing prostate cancer should ask of their treatment team to ensure that they’re receiving appropriate care. 

So, we’ll start with you, Dr. Nyame. Any key questions that patients should be asking their care team when they seek treatment or diagnosis of prostate cancer? 

Dr. Nyame: 

Absolutely, I think that there’s a long list. Actually, I’ll tell you, my new prostate cancer diagnoses visits are usually my longest because there’s a lot to consider. I do think depending on what you’re having done and what you’re being considered for, so let’s say in the localized setting, prostate cancer is confined to the prostate, and you’re thinking about treatment like a surgery or radiation therapy, you really want to know what that center and what that provider’s experience is because we have a lot of supporting evidence that the more people doing this…no one’s going to be surprised by what I’m about to say, but the more that someone does is the better they’re going to be at it. Okay, and so making sure your team has a good experience with what you’re seeking to have done is important, and I think it’s well within your rights as a patient to understand that, so I think advocate for that. Secondly, I think basic questions, just to understand the relationship, I think…I like it when patients want to know a little bit about me because I’m going to be…they’re going to be in my hands. And so again, the importance of that relationship building and your visit is crucial. 

Lastly, I think when you come to the visit, have a list of questions based off of what you’ve researched and write them down, I find my most sophisticated patients or crossing off questions as I’m talking, because they came prepared and so that preparation…the act of doing a little bit of reading, there are a lot of resources, the Prostate Cancer Foundation, for instance, has a very nice patient guide that’s written by patients and language that’s really digestible and edited by experts, and so going through that and coming with your list of questions, I think is a really important thing for your visit, and those are just a few things I can think of that can lead to a meaningful clinic visit and exchange. 

Dr. Nicole Rochester: 

Excellent, I’m a huge fan of questions and being prepared for visits. What about you, Dr. Grivas, are there one or two key questions that you feel patients or their care partners should ask? 

Dr. Grivas: 

Great answers by Dr. Nyame, I totally agree. I think started with the basics, “What this diagnosis means for me, what is the current extent of the cancer,” we call the states, and “What is the outlook, what is the overall prognosis or at least estimate of the outcome?” That’s a reasonable question to ask and again some places more detail, some others may not, and it’s important for us also to ask the base and what they want to know, how much they want to know, I would take in things of them, they want to know the entirety of the information because it makes…help them make decisions. The other, I think it’s important point, “What are the treatment options and what is the intent of the treatment, what are we trying to achieve by giving treatment, Are we trying to cure, eradicate or eliminate the culture, are we to prolong life, are we trying to improve quality of life or are we just trying control the cancer? So, what are the goals of the treatment and what are the metrics of success, so what will be a successful outcome of that treatment? How do we measure that?” And I think it’s also important. 

Two more points, I would if I may. I think, again, going back to the importance of genetic counseling even more in prostate cancer, I think we recognize the importance in the aspect of patient treatment because some treatment options may depend on finding mutations. But also, the importance of the family, how much can prevent cancers in the brother family, close and extended family, if we find the mutation, can we set this mutation for other family members and do screening to prevent cancer prevention is ideal if we can do that and I think that’s a good discussion, so the patient can come to the visit if possible, by doing some homework about the family history. It’s hard for of us now, what’s happening in that chasm, right? But we do have the time to be informed of the importance of the question, this can help and expedite in our resources like to genetic counseling. And the last points, research, I want to again make the point, we should all do a better job to offer innovative clinical trials to patients across races, and it should be a very important point again equitable healthcare. And the patient should ask are clinical trials an option for me and do I have a clinical trial option? And I think it’s a great question, and hopefully this can help the patient get to integrative treatment, but also help the field. 

The research would get important answers, and the important answers can be for all the community and the specific populations, if we do trials, clinical trials with only the white patients, do we have the answer for the Black patients, or we have the answer for both and other races and ethnicities as well. 

Dr. Nyame: 

And I do want to take this opportunity to add one more thing because Dr. Grivas was talking about what does your treatment mean for you, and in this discussion about prostate cancer, we cannot talk about what questions do you bring without mentioning the impact, quality of life of our treatments? And I think that sometimes this is the elephant in the room that leads to the decision to not pursue treatment, and so I want to take this opportunity as the urologist to say this is the time to talk about what treatment is going to do for sexual function. This is the time to talk about what treatment means for your urinary symptoms and quality of life, a good and healthy discussion around these things need to happen during your visit, because I think sometimes what patients expect to have happen with treatment and reality don’t match. And you have an expert in front of you that can really give you some input as to what to expect, and in a similar vein, when you meet with survivors, these are some of the things that I know patients tell me they’re worried about, and these are people who are living it, that can give you really valuable information on that piece of quality of life, and I hope that those conversations can help us close that treatment disparity that we see between Black men and white men with prostate cancer. 

How Can Prostate Cancer Providers Help Empower Patients?

How Can Prostate Cancer Providers Help Empower Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 How can prostate cancer providers help empower patients? Host Dr. Nicole Rochester and Drs. Yaw Nyame, and Petros Grivas share their perspectives on how health providers can work with patients to empower them to make more informed decisions in their treatment journeys toward optimal prostate cancer care.

See More From Best Prostate Cancer Care No Matter Where You Live

Related Resources:

How Can Prostate Cancer Patients and Providers Help Ensure Quality Care?

How Can I Get the Best Prostate Cancer Care No Matter Where I Live?


Dr. Nicole Rochester: 

I’m going to ask Dr. Nyame to elaborate on which is these fancy tests and these new technologies and things, and what we know is that a lot of times the patient themselves, if they are not aware of these particular tests, then because of all the disparities that we’ve talked about, they may not even be offered to them. And so a question for you, Dr. Nyame, how can we empower patients so that they don’t feel limited in their care, and how do we make them aware of these treatment options and diagnostic options?  

Dr. Nyame: 

You know that’s very challenging because Dr. Grivas and I see this in our clinical practice, we have patients who are very savvy, that’ll come in and say that “I’ve heard that there’s a PSMA in San Francisco. Do you have it in Seattle? If you don’t have it in Seattle, I’m going to go to San Francisco.” And for every patient I had like that, who might be, “Hey, have you read this latest article, I can have someone who has no idea of what’s going on with their diagnosis, and so how we create opportunities to bring those patients and know very little up to somewhere close, maybe not quite to the demanding the PSMA or a fancy scan level, but sophisticated enough to feel empowered in their health decision-making as something where I think we need to do research because we know that certain tools, navigation, advocacy groups can help in that arena, but I think that we need to understand what the tools are that patients want. What’s interesting is when you query patients, which we’ve done in a study and you say, “What are the most pressing issues for you in your prostate cancer diagnosis,” whether it’s in the localized setting or in the advanced or metastatic setting, the one thing that has resonated over and over again, irrespective of race is, “I need help making decisions, I need tools that will make it, me more efficient in how I make my decisions.” And so, I think without punting the answer too much, we need to do better, and I think part of that starts with listening. I do think that providers can be trained to provide that information in a more efficient manner. We do not…we as clinicians, are built into a system where the number of patients we see really correlates with how we get paid, and there’s not a doctor that doesn’t go to work excited to educate and build relationships with patients, that’s not the case, but there is a time crunch and I feel like in situations where there is a bigger gap and knowledge and understanding, we often don’t have enough time and built into our day to have the discussion, so for me, for a lot of my patients who I feel like have a lower understanding of what’s going on with regards to their prostate cancer diagnosis, it’s really important for me to build into our visit the understanding that whatever we don’t cover can be addressed at a later time and that we don’t have to make a decision with that at particular visit. So, when I think about this, it’s sort of like your favorite barbershop or your favorite grocery store, your favorite sandwich place, the relationships matter. 

And I think when we talk about empowering patients to be advocates for themselves in their clinical visits, I think there needs to be an understanding from patients that if it doesn’t feel right, that they have options and to take their time in the decision. Prostate cancer, unlike other diseases, that Dr. Grivas and I treat doesn’t have to have the dial turn to 10 or 11 right away, and we need to make a decision because time is extremely sensitive, even in our most aggressive localized settings, which is what I treat, we have the opportunity to take weeks, if not months, to come to a decision. 

Dr. Nicole Rochester: 

Thank you, thank you so much, I appreciate that. And certainly, as a physician who’s also a health advocate, I strongly agree with what you said about if the relationship is not working, that there are options, and I know that that may not always be the case depending on where patients live, but I regularly encourage my clients to sometimes you have to look somewhere else, sometimes you have to get a second opinion or maybe even fire your doctor if the relationship is not mutually beneficial, so I appreciate you sharing that. Dr. Grivas, do you have anything to add in terms of how patients can take a proactive approach to their healthcare and how they can build this confidence we’ve been talking about and express their concerns to their medical team? 

Dr. Grivas: 

I think Dr. Nyame covered it so well. I think it’s critically important for all of us to recognize that the finding out the why is probably the key to answer those questions, why there is this distrust, why someone is not paying attention so her own health because they have to try to make ends meet and keep family fed during the daytime, and they don’t have time to think about their own health as Dr. Nyame mentioned before, at the same time, empowering the patient that they are the center of this relationship. 

Why doesn’t Dr. Nyame go to the clinic in the morning is because of patients, so our training is patient-centered and our practice is patient-centered and our research is patient-centered, so the patient should feel that right from the door, that this is a service to them. And we’re doing what we’re doing to help their life being longer, longer survival, as we call it, or better, better quality of life, and listening to the patient’s needs is important because of the time crunch that Dr. Nyame mentioned before, I think many of us, probably all of us are within situations where we don’t have enough time to listen advocate-ly, what the person have to say, that’s why I think it’s important to have opportunities for separate visits and utilize better other mechanisms, exact mechanisms, patient navigation I think it’s a critical part of our care, social workers, case managers, financial counselors, nutritionist, genetic counselors, looking at genetics in for the disposition to cancer which is much more common than we think occurrences sometimes we be higher in some certain populations. Having this service available to patients, can help a lot because they will give them knowledge, and knowledge is power by itself, so give them the center, we’re here for them. Why they’re here, it’s because we want to help them and giving them also resources, they need to get now let’s information, when they feel they have more knowledge and they feel that they have control, they can communicate back and give feedback of how we can do better and also, what are the priorities of their needs, so we can address those, what matters to the patient, and this can apply to base and care, and also is what questions we’re asking? Research should be defined by patient priority, so all of those factors should be a dialogue with a patient, I think advocacy groups can be a great liaison to help us disseminate this concept and help again, empowering the patients. I struggle believe that explaining the why and giving knowledge, the data points in a simple and lay manner, can patients think being more in control. 

 Dr. Nicole Rochester: 

I love the patient-centered focus, that is something that admittedly, we’ve gotten away from that to some degree in medicine because of the time crunches that both of you have mentioned, and I love that you said knowledge is power.