Tag Archive for: race

What AML Clinical Trial Inequities Do Minority and Ethnic Groups Face?

What AML Clinical Trial Inequities Do Minority and Ethnic Groups Face? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Do minority and ethnic groups face acute myeloid leukemia (AML) clinical trial inequities? Expert Dr. Andrew Hantel from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School discusses research study results of NCI-designated cancer centers of AML versus other cancers and proactive patient advice for clinical trial access.


“…patients to ask about where the nearest sites of care are for them that have clinical trials on at least historically, and then reaching out to those sites to ask, ‘Can I have a consultation?” Am I somebody who might be eligible for any of the clinical trials that you have?’”

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Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Hantel, what primary findings are in your study regarding inequities and clinical trial participation among minoritized race and ethnic groups with cancer at the comprehensive cancer centers?

Dr. Andrew Hantel:

So we performed a couple of different studies on this, I think together, they’ve collectively found that there are significant disparities in clinical trial participation among minoritized racial and ethnic groups at comprehensive cancer centers. And just to take a step back and say, what are comprehensive cancer centers? They’re basically a designated center, and the designation is provided by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and that basically says that this place is of such and such a level of quality in terms of their delivery of cancer care and their research that they perform, and so these are generally larger academic centers that have a lot of clinical trials, have a lot of experts across different cancer types, including AML. And those are the ones that we are wondering if people had equal or equitable access to, in other cancers compared to AML.

A lot of the disparities in clinical trial participation is really because these different minoritized groups have less access to these comprehensive cancer centers, so they could really never be considered for trials, because they’re just not seen at places where the trials are taking place. This is the case for a lot of common solid tumors, such as breast and colon cancer, where very, very large proportions of patients are seen in the community.

And this means that in leukemia, however, we found that participation disparities were not only due to access, but because the leukemia is less common because a lot of docs actually almost preemptively refer some of their patients to get seen, some of the disparity is kind of shifted, and it ends up becoming not as much an issue just of access but also of getting into the trial after they’re seen at the center.

And this can be because of a variety of things, there are reasons that we can go into in a second, but we kind of also want to make the statement in the context of it not being a one-size-fits-all answer. There are some cases where comprehensive cancer centers actually both allow great access and allow equitable enrollment on their trials, and there are other comprehensive cancer centers that have had…and continued to have issues with this. 

So I also just want to make sure to make that distinction. But after somebody gets down to a center, you have the process of, is there a trial at the center that’s actually right for your specific type of leukemia and the stage of the disease, and if you’re up front or relapsed or all of these other nuances, and then you have the questions of, are you eligible, are you offered that trial, and then are you interested in partaking in that trial, and is it feasible for you to participate?

So there are all these other steps after that point of access, and in general, what we saw was that it was kind of these later steps that were as much more of an issue for equitable enrollment for leukemia as that first step of access. And so it’s slightly different from what we’ve seen in other cancers, and so the answers and the solutions for that are going to be different.

So my activation tip for this question would be for patients to ask about where the nearest sites of care are for them that have clinical trials on at least historically, and then reaching out to those sites to ask, “Can I have a consultation?” Am I somebody who might be eligible for any of the clinical trials that you have?” That might be something where it does take you to that site to actually get evaluated and see if there is anything available, but that would be the first step.

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Can Race or Ethnicity Impact CAR T-Cell Therapy Response?

Can Race or Ethnicity Impact CAR T-Cell Therapy Response? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Can CAR T-cell therapy response be impacted by patient race or ethnicity? Expert Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi from Mayo Clinic discusses some impacts to CAR T-cell therapy response for African Americans and some clinical methods to help reduce impacts to patients.


“…there is a lot of work happening, research happening around how to predict and prevent side effects from CAR T so that the patients are much more informed, aware, can make an informed decision, and as clinicians, we can do whatever is within our control and is at our disposal to help prevent those side effects and make CAR T an even safer and more beneficial treatment for patients.”

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See More from [ACT]IVATED CAR T

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How Can Equitable CAR T-Cell Therapy Access Be Increased?

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How Can Information Disparities on Emerging Therapies Be Addressed?

How Are Rural CAR T-Cell Therapy Barriers Being Addressed?

How Are Rural CAR T-Cell Therapy Barriers Being Addressed?


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Ailawadhi, is there data around ethnicity and response to CAR T-cell therapy and whether genetic factors may affect treatment outcomes? And can the side effects of CAR T-cell therapy be predicted or prevented?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

So Lisa, a very important question of whether there are racial ethnic factors that can affect CAR T-cell therapy benefit or side effects, and what are we doing to prevent some of these side effects? We know side effects can happen, what can we do to actually prevent them? So I’ll take this question in two different subgroups. The first one of talking about racial ethnic groups or differences. So we know patients who are African Americans. This is one study reported that African Americans are more likely to have side effects from CAR T-cell therapy.

So while it’s not a specific “genetic factor,” but race ethnicity can sometimes be associated with more side effects, and that is just because these are very inflammatory delivered or inflammatory mediated side effects like CRS. It’s also important to know that there are certain other factors, disease or treatment-related factors, that can help predict potentially more side effects with CAR T. For example, patients who are very heavily pre-treated, patients who have a very high disease burden, patients who did not respond to bridging therapy that was given to them prior to the CAR T.

These are all factors where we know that side effects are going to be more, and the success of the treatment might be lesser. What we are trying to do to mitigate some of these side effects, there are now studies which are giving either some low doses of steroids as a prophylaxis before, right around the time of CAR T, so that side effects may not happen. Studies that are giving a low dose or even standard dose of what’s called tocilizumab (Actemra), toci, or tocilizumab.

This toci drug is an antidote for CRS or cytokine release syndrome. The thought is, well, why wait for the toci to be given after the side effect happens? Why not give it beforehand and prevent the CRS? Historically, there was a concern that steroids or toci given early on could affect the CAR T-cell viability or activity, but that’s not the case. For example, in lymphomas, there are clinical trials that have shown very clearly given prophylactic or preventative steroids could help. Using steroids or toci in a preventative manner is helping mitigate some of the side effects. 

Well, by preventing the side effects, we are being able to give the treatment in a way that the patients may have lesser side effects and can get it done closer to home or at home sometimes, and their time to stay in the hospital is lesser. You can imagine that some of these barriers are being further mitigated.

My activation tip for this question is that there is a lot of work happening, research happening around how to predict and prevent side effects from CAR T so that the patients are much more informed, aware, can make an informed decision, and as clinicians, we can do whatever is within our control and is at our disposal to help prevent those side effects and make CAR T an even safer and more beneficial treatment for patients.

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How Do Race and Ethnicity Impact CAR T Side Effects?

How Do Race and Ethnicity Impact CAR T Side Effects? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How are CAR T side effects impacted by race and ethnicity? Expert Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi from Mayo Clinic shares some research study results about CAR T response rates and disease progression in African American and Hispanic patients and solutions for clinicians.


“…there are some differences by race, ethnicity, specifically for the side-effect profile, patients should be aware of it, and clinicians who are the CAR T specialists should be aware of it so that they can manage the side effects well in their patients.”

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See More from [ACT]IVATED CAR T

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How Can Equitable CAR T-Cell Therapy Access Be Increased?

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How Can Information Disparities on Emerging Therapies Be Addressed?

Can Race or Ethnicity Impact CAR T-Cell Therapy Response?

Can Race or Ethnicity Impact CAR T-Cell Therapy Response?


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Ailawadhi, real-world data from one of the available CAR-T-cell therapies, ide-cel (Abecma), has shown some differences in the side effect profile and benefit by patient race and ethnicity. What is your take on this, and how do you utilize this in your clinical practice? And also, what do you think researchers should do next to learn more about how CAR T therapies affect different people?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

This is an extremely important question, looking at what is the data currently on the risks and benefits of CAR T-cell therapy in patients from different racial ethnic groups, and then how are we using that in the clinic today and where should the field go about research in this area. So, Lisa, you’ve correctly pointed out that this study that was published recently is based on some real world data from one of the CAR T cells available, ide-cel.

Now, I shouldn’t say that this is specifically to ide-cel, but basically, ide-cel has been around a little bit longer than cilta-cel (Carvykti), and so the real-world data on ide-cel was to the point that this racial ethnic analysis could be done, and it was reported. That said, we don’t know how cilta-cel would be. That data just does not exist. So, I’m not saying that this is applicable to cilta-cel or not, because at least this study was specifically for ide-cel because that data was mature enough to be reported. That was just a qualifier of this particular question.

Now, what that study showed was that some of the side effects, including CRS, the cytokine release syndrome, and certain markers that can be an accompaniment of CRS, like the ferritin or what’s called CRP, C-reactive protein, which are inflammatory markers. So, inflammatory markers were higher in African Americans, and the CRS was also higher in African Americans from that real-world data.

The other thing that it showed was that the response rates were lower in Hispanics, but the progression-free survival, meaning time it took for the disease to progress and require more treatment, was lower in African Americans or overall survival was same across the racial ethnic groups. So, side effects a little bit more in African Americans, and the immediate response, a little bit less in Hispanics, but overall outcome, similar across races. Now, this is important for us to know because African Americans tend to have certain inflammatory disorders more frequently, like even asthma is seen more frequently in African Americans.

So, CRS, which is an immune system mediated inflammatory response, I can imagine that some of it might be higher in African Americans. So, in our clinics, what we are doing is when we are monitoring the patients, every patient is getting monitored the same way, but when it’s an African American patient, we are putting a little bit more focus on those inflammatory markers that can sometimes start showing up even before the CRS happens. I don’t think the response rate portion of Hispanics that we’re really taking into account much because the overall outcome or the long-term outcome was not really different between races and ethnicities.

Of course, there needs to be much more research, so I think we need longer-term follow-up data, we need larger number of patient data, and what I alluded to in the very beginning, we do need data on cilta-cel also, which has not yet been presented, but we are hoping that it will come out very soon. So, my activation tip for this question is, that there are some differences by race, ethnicity, specifically for the side-effect profile, patients should be aware of it, and clinicians who are the CAR T specialists should be aware of it so that they can manage the side effects well in their patients.

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Are There Disparities in Stem Cell Transplant Outcomes?

Are There Disparities in Stem Cell Transplant Outcomes? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What do myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients need to know about disparities in stem cell transplant outcomes? Expert Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope explains key factors that impact the outcomes of stem cell transplants and the importance of finding fully matched donors.

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Related Resources:

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Are There Any MPN Disparities in Subtypes and Genetics?

Understanding MPN Treatment Goals and Shared Decision-Making

Understanding MPN Treatment Goals and Shared Decision-Making

Emerging MPN Therapies in the Research Pipeline

Emerging MPN Therapies in the Research Pipeline


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Amanam, does race or ethnicity play a role in outcomes of stem cell transplantation?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam:

Yes. There have been some really great studies looking at this. And I think in general, we know that health disparities are a major issue for racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disadvantaged groups. Stem cell transplant is a curative therapy for blood disorders. And we’ve looked at a variety of different, there have been multiple approaches to assess like where these disparities come from or if there are disparities from specific groups. And I think the Affordable Care Act was great in allowing expansion and insurance coverage to multiple groups and increased access to care. But that hasn’t solved the problem.

And so, one of the issues we’ve seen is that providers themselves do not refer patients proportionately. So from proportion if you’re African American, Hispanic, if you are coming from a ZIP code that your meaning income is lower, that there are some instances where referrals for transplant don’t occur in equal rates.

And we’ve also seen that even if you’re insured and you’re African American or Hispanic, referral rates are still lower. And so that’s something that, it’s something that we have to work to improve. And you know, one big thing for transplant is that you have to have donors. You have to have donors who are matches for these patients who have these disorders who need a transplant. And we do know that African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians have lower chances of finding a fully matched donor compared to white Americans. And so, why that’s really important is that when you look at rates of complications after transplant, we do know that the level of match of the donor does play a part in that. Namely the chances of the patient relapsing after the bone marrow transplant and the rates of graft-versus-host disease are significantly higher.

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Expert Advice | Shining a Light on Equitable AML Care

Expert Advice | Shining a Light on Equitable AML Care from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

While treatment options are improving, there are still many factors impacting equitable care for AML patients. Dr. Ann-Kathrin Eisfeld shares advice for improving research and clinical trials for underserved AML populations.

Dr. Ann-Kathrin Eisfeld is Director of the Clara D. Bloomfield Center for Leukemia Outcomes Research at The Ohio State University and a member of the Leukemia Research Program at the OSUCCC – James. Learn more about Dr. Eisfeld.

See More From INSIST! AML

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Advances in AML Research: Where Do Clinical Trials Fit In?

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What is the Purpose of AML Genetic Testing?

How Does the Presence of Molecular Markers Affect AML Care

How Does the Presence of Molecular Testing Affect AML Care?


Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Eisfeld, we’ve covered a lot of information related to AML care. As a researcher, what other topics are currently top of mind for you in the field of AML? What are you passionate about? 

Dr. Eisfeld:

Again, so many parts. I think there are probably three main things that I’d like to name. And I think about it as a little bit outside the box. Most of what we know about AML, we have become so much better. It’s because we have been studying patients who were treated over the past decades on clinical trials and very often here in the U.S. or in Europe.  

But all clinical trials have a bias in that most of them have been done A) on patients who are younger than the age of 60. And B) fewer patients of other races and ethnicities included. And had patients not included that have AML, for example, not only in the bone marrow but on extramedullary sites – how we call it – up to 10 percent of their patients. And also, very often have not been done on very old patients where the AML is very common. So, all the patients – patients from other race, ethnicities, or underrepresented minorities, and patients who present with extramedullary disease are currently in my – underserved.  

And these are exciting areas and opportunities of research and of active clinical practice. Because those are the patients we need to include if it’s possible now to include them in clinical trials. 

If there are no trials available, then make sure any other additional molecular testing it done to understand them better and to advance our disease knowledge that we make sure that we can give the best possible care.  

I think that the most important part is to get the molecular testing, and to enroll into clinical trials, and then to very often biobanking 

Why am I saying that is because our knowledge AML comes from patients who donated some tissue so that we could learn – researchers decades ago could learn about the genes. We know that leukemias differ so much in between patients.  

So, I am worried that we are yet missing out on potentially important genes that need to be discovered and where we could develop docs for. This will only be possible with these additional testing. 

 The second part is to really consider going to larger treatment and larger treatment cancer center. And there are support systems in case that can help in here.  

And the third part is to get involved even as early as possible even if you’re not personally affected, with Be The Match – with bone marrow transplant because there’s a paucity of donors, of people of color that makes it harder for these patients to get a potentially curative treatment in here.  

We have other options now in bone marrow transplant where one can use only half-matching donors and or other availabilities. But again, that doesn’t outweigh that the bone marrow and donor registry that we need to get better at.  

And I can – there are just so many factors – such a high degree of structural racism that affects people from every corner. And I think we as physicians, as society, and everybody need to acknowledge that. And we have to make sure that we get better to, again, give every patient the best care and keep the patient in mind and see what’s right for them at the right moment.    

Katherine Banwell:

Where can patients or people who are interested find out about being a donor? 

Dr. Eisfeld:

There is the website called “Be the Match” that one can put in. This is probably the best way to get first information.  

And usually, at all the cancer sites. And sometimes, there is information at lab donation places, universities, either or the American Red Cross. Usually those places have information laid out there as well. 

Noted Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Disparities In Breast Cancer Outcomes

Noted Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Disparities In Breast Cancer Outcomes from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are breast cancer disparities? Expert Dr. Demetria Smith-Graziani explains notable disparities seen in breast cancer risks, treatments, and outcomes – and questions for patients to ask their doctor to help ensure their best care. 

Demetria Smith-Graziani, MD, MPH is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology at Emory University School of Medicine. Learn more about Dr. Smith-Graziani.


“…have an open and honest discussion with your physicians about the, your particular breast cancer risk and about the specific treatment recommendations that you receive, why you’re receiving those recommendations, and how people who get those treatments usually do.”

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See More from [ACT]IVATED Breast Cancer

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Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Smith, what are the noted racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities seen in breast cancer risk, treatment, and outcomes?

Dr. Demetria Smith-Graziani:

So a lot of work has been done over the years to really understand more about disparities in breast cancer. When it comes to breast cancer risk, we know that while white women are more likely in United States to be diagnosed with breast cancer, Black women are more likely to die from breast cancer. Black women also have a higher risk of triple-negative breast cancer, which is known to be a more aggressive form of breast cancer, and Black women are diagnosed on average at a younger age compared to white women.

When it comes to disparities in treatment and outcomes, we can see that a lot of what affects the type of treatment that you receive and how you end up doing after that treatment are related to not only your race or ethnicity, but also your income, your insurance status, what zip code you live in, and other social factors and structural factors in our country, it’s really important that both patients and providers are aware of the disparities and the causes, because it’s up to all of us, but especially those in the healthcare system, to think about the ways that we can address them.

So, my activation tip for patients is to be aware of the fact that these disparities exist and to have an open and honest discussion with your physicians about the, your particular breast cancer risk and about the specific treatment recommendations that you receive, why you’re receiving those recommendations, and how people who get those treatments usually do. 

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Eliminating Disparities in Breast Cancer | Tips for Navigating Inequities

Eliminating Disparities in Breast Cancer: Tips for Navigating Inequities from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo

How can breast cancer patients and healthcare providers advocate for underrepresented  patients? Expert Dr. Demetria Smith-Graziani discusses how some providers are working to reduce care disparities and shares patient advice to help ensure optimal care.

Demetria Smith-Graziani, MD, MPH is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology at Emory University School of Medicine. Learn more about Dr. Smith-Graziani.


“…get your list of questions together about your concerns about your diagnosis and your treatment, and if you are feeling like you’re not heard, look for other doctors to talk to to get a second opinion.”

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See More from [ACT]IVATED Breast Cancer

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Lisa Hatfield:

What are some of the actions being taken to combat or eliminate disparities in breast cancer? How can those in marginalized communities best advocate for themselves?

Dr. Demetria Smith-Graziani:

That’s a great question, and I want to start by saying that the true burden should be on healthcare providers of those within the healthcare system to reduce and eliminate disparities in breast cancer, because patients already have enough to deal with and are receiving discrimination and structural racism from society at large and within the healthcare system. So for providers, it’s important for us to really take a good hard look at our practices with patients, think about the way that we are relating to patients, are we making any assumptions about treatments our patients may or may not want, or may or may not be a candidate for. Are we making those assumptions based on something not related to factual data, like their breast cancer itself or other health problems they have, are we making those assumptions based on their insurance status, based on where they live, based on other social factors like race.

It’s important for us to really reflect on that and think about how we can be more equitable in the way that we deliver our care. It’s also important for us to advocate for our patients to make sure that they are receiving the treatment that they need, and sometimes that means advocating to their insurance company, advocating to our health system, our health care employers advocating to the government to make sure that our patients are all receiving high-quality care no matter where they are, and no matter who they are, now, knowing that we live in this unjust society, what can patients do to navigate these disparities and these inequities.

I think it’s important for patients to be as informed as possible to make sure that they are getting all of their questions answered by their doctor, and if you don’t feel like your questions are getting answered, if you don’t feel like your concerns are being appropriately addressed or acknowledged, please make sure that you get a second or a third opinion and talk to another doctor to see if they can answer your questions.

No oncologist is going to be upset with you getting more information from another oncologist about your treatment options, and it’s important for you to pick the doctor that you are comfortable with, that you have a good relationship with and that you feel like you can speak to honestly, and that will give you honest answers, so my activation tip for patients is to get your list of questions together about your concerns about your diagnosis and your treatment, and if you are feeling like you’re not heard, look for other doctors to talk to to get a second opinion. 

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