Tag Archive for: care partner

Braving the Caregiver Storm

As I sit here looking out the window at the snow that is beginning to fall, I am transported back to January 2011 when I was 28 and my 35 year old husband was diagnosed with leukemia. I was thrown into a snow storm I was definitely not prepared for nor did I think I’d be in. I had little visibility in front of me as the snow fell and flew all around me. I knew cancer was something that had been around for a very long time, and that the knowledge was out there…but as a young woman, I was standing in my own little snow globe without boots, a scarf, or mittens. I had my marriage that I wrapped around me like a warm coat, and held onto that while I attempted to find resources to guide me thorough this new life of mine.

My days of working full-time, then coming home to relax had been exchanged for quick trips to let the pets out after work, then jetting over to the hospital to spend a few hours with my husband before driving back home to spend a few minutes with my pets before going to bed and starting the cycle all over again. I was exhausted and had to figure out how to get warm, protect myself from the elements and survive!  However hard and unknown it all was, I found comfort in knowing that although I was the only young person I knew to go through what I was, millions of people had done it before and I could too. I didn’t know how I was going to do it, but knew I would somehow.

I began to gather resources online by spending hours upon hours late at night on the internet. I looked up financial resources to help with gas cards, how to navigate insurance, disability, and requested all of the brochures possible from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and the American Cancer Society. As I gained more knowledge, I felt myself slip into a warm pair of boots, feeling like I had more secure grounding. I was better informed and felt more armed to walk down the road of the cancer journey, despite still not being able to see through the masses of swirling snowflakes and at times, sleet.

I quickly realized that one of the most major parts of this journey was to take care of myself. At first it felt somewhat selfish, as my husband was the patient…however I had to figure out what worked best to keep my batteries charged and running, even when the snowy road threw my tires into a ditch. I started creating blog posts to inform and update our supporters on CaringBridge and Facebook, which allowed me to feel safe, supported and heard, while still having boundaries to not be overloaded via text, phone and email from all of those that wanted to know how things were going. This social support provided the needed warmth on my hands, giving me mittens to keep from getting frostbite from the dangerously low temperatures here in Minnesota.

I learned that taking time away for myself whether it be a cup of tea with a friend, taking a nap, a walk or binging a favorite TV show, was what I needed to do to be able to recharge my batteries to be in the right mental and physical space to be there for my loved one. Caregiver burnout is very real, and I often burned the candle at both ends, learning the hard way why self-care needed to be more of a priority in my life.  I don’t think that our supporters and loved ones can fully grasp or understand why it is so important to go to dinner with friends or to a movie or concert (outside of Covid-19 times of course), when your loved one is in the hospital or stuck at home.  What those that aren’t going through what you are in this crazy world of cancer don’t know is how hard it is to balance it all. Cancer is the belligerent relative at the holiday gathering that no one really knows how to deal with or control. They are there for better or worse, and it’s up to you to know how to balance and work with what you’ve been given.  When you take the time to understand and embrace what is….you can feel more at peace in taking the cancer process day by day, if not hour by hour.  You have to let the little things go, your house may not always be sparkly clean and everything may not get done- but the cancer patient has everything they need and you are a more balanced person to support them. Once I figured out how to balance things better, a scarf was wrapped around my neck, and I was better prepared for the snowstorm.

Cancer is definitely not something that is asked for, however with adequate resources, knowledge, social support and the practice of self-care, it is all doable.  I was able to take my experience as a cancer wife, then widow and beyond to create a book to share with the world on how I navigated the cancer world one day at a time, and live today with such thankfulness for the journey that brought me here today. I still absolutely love snow, and am excited for the snowstorm that is supposed to hit this afternoon with 4-7 inches, as I now know the ways to make sure I am storm ready to walk through the journeys in front of me, as you too, walk through your own snowstorms as well.

How to Be a Good Care Partner 101

How to Be a Good Care Partner 101 from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 What is the most important aspect of being a good care partner? MPN Network Managers, Jeff and Summer give tips on best practices for being a phenomenal care partner. Jeff breaks down his strategy for managing Summer’s myelofibrosis, including modifying their schedules due to Summer’s fatigue.

Most important tip?
Jeff: “To be a good caregiver, you have to take care of yourself.”

Want to connect our MPN Network Managers, Jeff and Summer? Email them, question@powerfulpatients.org

MPN Patient and Care Partner Share the Importance of Staying Positive and Setting Goals

MPN Patient and Care Partner Share the Importance of Staying Positive and Setting Goals from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

In the midst of a crisis, it’s quite difficult to set goals. With so much changing rapidly, how can we keep focus?

PEN MPN Network Managers Jeff and Summer share tips for tapping into resilience, keeping focus and setting goals. Both share their rituals for staying focused and having fun.

Want to connect with Jeff and Summer? Email them at question@powerfulpatients.org

Care Partner’s Checklist During a Crisis


PEN’s Care Partner Network Manager, Sherea Cary, shares her tips for care partners during a crisis:


Cancer Patient and Care Partner Tips for Keeping Busy During A Pandemic

Cancer Patient and Care Partner Tips for Keeping Busy During Pandemic from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

MPN managers Summer and Jeff share tips for keeping busy during a crisis. They both share how exercise, scrapbooking, and zoom improvisational theater has kept them occupied.

Summer, who lives with myelofibrosis, shares her experience with getting her regular blood draw and some of the new procedures in place allowing her visit to be smooth.

How are you keeping busy? Let Summer and Jeff know: question@powerfulpatients.org

Cancer Caregivers Need Support, Too

This podcast was originally published on Cure Today by Kristie L. Kahl, on August 1, 2019, here.

In this week’s episode of the “CURE Talks Cancer” podcast, we spoke with a caregiver about the support needed for others taking care of a loved one with cancer: They need it, too, she says.

In a letter to her younger self – through Merck’s Your Cancer Game Plan “With Love, Me” campaign – Kristi, a caregiver to who her husband who was diagnosed with stage 3 HPV-related tonsil cancer in 2013, addressed the labels associated with a cancer diagnosis and the support she hopes others receive when caring for a loved one with the disease.

“Nothing about cancer is going to be by the book – there is no book,” she says. “You can talk to other people who have experienced similar cancers, but just as every person is unique, so is their cancer. Inconsistency is going to become the only consistency.”

Managing Side Effects – Nausea and Vomiting

This video was originally published on YouTube by The American Cancer Society on July 11, 2019 here.

Perhaps the most common side effects of chemotherapy, and sometimes other treatments, are nausea and vomiting. This video provides tips for how to cope with these incredibly uncomfortable symptoms.

Learn more at: www.cancer.org/caregivers

Fear of Recurrence

This video was originally published on YouTube by The American Cancer Society on November 5, 2018 here.

Did you know that in addition to patients, caregivers may also be concerned about the cancer returning? This is called fear of recurrence. When your loved one finishes treatment and is no longer followed closely by the cancer care team on a regular basis, you may feel anxious. You’ll learn about how to manage those fears through tips on how to better cope with those feelings.

Learn more at: www.cancer.org/caregivers

Stress Management

This video was originally published on YouTube by The American Cancer Society on November 5, 2018 here.

Feeling overwhelmed and juggling multiple responsibilities on top of providing care to your loved one with cancer can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression. You might feel as if the weight of world is on your shoulders. Four tips for coping are provided to help lower your stress level and better cope when times get tough. Learn more at: www.cancer.org/caregivers

How to Care from Afar

This video was originally published on YouTube on March 7, 2019 by Family Caregiver Alliance.

One of the most difficult and time-consuming tasks many caregivers face is the coordination of care for their loved one. This is especially true for long-distance caregiving. This webinar will illustrate the challenges and suggest potential solutions for long-distance caregivers. Examples will be used from a case study of an elderly person facing decline and living 400 miles away from her primary caregiver.

The personal, financial, medical, social, and legal needs of the person being cared for, along with potential red flags, will be discussed in addition to tips for making these big decisions. The overall focus of this webinar will be about how to maintain the independence, dignity, quality of life, and happiness of the person for whom care is being provided.


  • Recognize changes and unmet needs of a loved one with a chronic and progressive illness
  • Identify helpful resources and technology
  • Create an action plan to ensure follow through to improve the caregiving situation

Speaker: Ladi Markham, RN, BSN, MA, CCM Ladi Markham holds degrees in nursing, gerontology, and hospitality. Ms. Markham has worked in home care for five years and long-term care communities for 10 years. She has experience in several aspects of aging and uses them to promote wellness and high standards for the quality of life for her clients and families.

Discharge Planning is a Family Affair

This video was originally published on YouTube on March 7, 2019 by Family Caregiver Alliance.

Webinar slides may be downloaded here.

What You Should Know About Caregiver Burnout and How to Avoid it

Taking care of a loved one can be one of the most rewarding experiences, especially if you have had a great relationship with that loved one. While the overall involvement in a senior loved one’s life as a caregiver might be satisfying and make you feel happy or proud of working together, there are times when it can lead to mental and emotional burnout. After all, you are constantly required to nurture and care for another human being which could cause you to forget to care for yourself, leading to “caregiver fatigue” or also known by the popular phrase, “caregiver burnout.”

According to the National Alliance for Caregivers, on average, family caregivers spend around 24 hours a week providing care for their loved ones. I personally was spending anywhere from 20-30 hours weekly while taking care of my grandmother. It really depended on the week and the needs that came up. But sometimes, it felt like much more time was being spent taking care of my grandmother rather than myself.

What I learned during the process was that the best way to avoid caregiver burnout was to identify when I felt I was going through it. Then, to prevent it. Which led me to highlight some signs linked to caregiver burnout.

Signs leading to caregiver burnout

The following signs point to caregiver burnout:

  • Tiredness and a lack of energy for activities that you could, previously, easily perform.
  • Having trouble sleeping.
  • You no longer enjoy activities, specifically hobbies, that you loved.
  • Relationships with loved ones start to become strained.
  • Frequent headaches and/or body pain.
  • You are easily irritable.

The above list of signs isn’t exhaustive but contains the most common signs that caregivers start to experience prior to or during burnout. While the above list is specific for emotional burnout, physical burnout is also important to avoid. Most caregivers face it from having to carry their senior loved ones from room to room or up the stairs or not getting proper sleep.

It is vital that our loved ones utilize technology that is available to them such as wheelchairs, canes, and even stairlifts for elderly persons to take that burden off of yourself. You can help with this by making a list of mobility or technology devices that can benefit both of your lives and take the stress off of your body. While your senior loved one may not be very keen on the idea of using mobility devices (not all are), you’ll need to reason with them why the device is a necessity for them and yourself. Hopefully, they’ll end up understanding the needs of both of you.

In any case of burnout, as soon as you start to experience the signs, it is important you take a step back and analyze why you may be burning yourself out. You need to ask yourself the following:

  1. Is being a caregiver for a loved one too much for me to handle while keeping my job and other responsibilities?
  2. Am I overly consumed with looking after a loved one that I no longer take time during the week for myself?
  3. Am I not eating well or finding time to exercise? This can take a toll on you both mentally and physically.
  4. Do I still have a healthy relationship with my loved one? If you feel like you don’t, for whatever reason, then this could be causing you extra stress. Not to mention, your loved one might be feeling the stress as well.

These questions will help narrow your problem leading to burnout so you can avoid and rectify it. Most caregivers do the following to avoid or combat burnout:

Take breaks

You alone may not be able to provide full-time support for a loved one. At times many caregivers are juggling family and a job along with providing care. This, of course, is a lot to juggle and usually leads to stress and mental/physical breakdowns especially when taking care of a loved one going through a long-term recovery. Which is why you need to take breaks and at times, seek the help of professional caregivers or other family members to assist you. It doesn’t have to be every day but taking a break two to three times a week can make a huge difference and help prevent burnout.

By taking time out for yourself, you can also improve your relationship with your loved one. Personally, a break allowed me to focus on myself, which made me less absorbed on just my grandmother. I usually exercised or spent time with friends which kept me grounded.

Before I started to take breaks, I felt I was more irritated and disgruntled from time to time with my grandmother, mostly because I felt I was not getting time to do anything but take care of her. But by taking some time off from my caregiving responsibilities, I no longer felt this way which definitely made our relationship better. Even she started noticing that I was acting happier and my overall outlook about the situation was then positive.

Talk to family members or other caregivers

Humans find comfort in discussing their problems. Just the process of venting helps us get a lot off our chest. Which is why caregivers should look towards family members and other caregivers to talk to about any problems or additional stress they may be taking on. It doesn’t necessarily have to be to seek a solution but just to vent their feelings out so you stay refreshed and grounded.

I sought refuge in a friend who was also taking care of a loved one who recently went through a stroke. We would talk 2-3 times a week to listen and comfort one another. By sharing my thoughts with others, I let go of a lot of steam that I would normally store.

Most of it was just things I had to let go of, but of course, keeping it in did hurt the relationship I had with my grandmother. The more I got off my chest while talking to family and other caregivers, the more comfortable I was. Especially while talking to other caregivers because it made me realize that others also shared similar feelings and I wasn’t alone. This helped me to refocus my mindset with a positive outlook and created a stronger, deeper connection with my grandmother.

If you find yourself experiencing the signs listed above or you already believe that you have caregiver burnout, know that you aren’t alone. The best thing you can do is try to find what works for you to better your mindset. Maybe you don’t feel like you’re the issue and that your loved one is causing the exhaustion. Whatever the case, take a step back, analyze the situation, and find a route to channel your emotions. Don’t assume this is an overnight thing, consistency is key to constructing a relationship and removing negative energy.