Tag Archive for: fatigue

How Can Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Treatment Symptoms Be Managed?

How Can Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Patients Manage Treatment Symptoms? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) treatment symptoms be managed? Expert Dr. Nirav Shah from the Medical College of Wisconsin explains common symptoms and side effects that patients experience and how they can help in managing their care along with their team.

Dr. Nirav Shah is an Associate Professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Learn more about Dr. Shah.


“…call us. Let us know what’s going on. We can’t help you with your symptoms if we’re not aware, and we don’t mind those phone calls because we want to help patients through that journey.”


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Related Resources:

How Is Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Explained to a Newly Diagnosed Patient

How Is Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Explained to a Newly Diagnosed Patient?

When Should CAR-T Therapy Be Considered for Relapsed_Refractory DLBCL Patients

When Should CAR-T Therapy Be Considered for Relapsed/Refractory DLBCL Patients

Is Stem Cell Transplantation Still a Treatment Option for Some DLBCL Patients

Is Stem Cell Transplantation Still a Treatment Option for Some DLBCL Patients


Lisa Hatfield:

So, Dr. Shah, newly diagnosed DLBCL patients, they come in and typically, you would most likely prescribe a chemotherapy regimen, and then maybe down the road they may see something like CAR-T therapy. Can you explain what type of symptoms they may or may not have, and how they can manage those symptoms and maybe even a tip on who to call when they experience symptoms? 

Dr. Nirav N. Shah:

Yeah, it’s a great question, Lisa. So the front-line regimen for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in 2023 is a combination chemotherapy regimen. The good news is we’ve gotten so much better at delivering these drugs in a safe and efficacious manner, we’re really good at preventing those horrible things that we think about when we watch movies of people vomiting all the time and being nauseous and losing weight. We have really good antiemetics, we develop a program to deal with nausea or vomiting should it occur, and escalate our treatments to prevent it in those patients that are more sensitive to the chemotherapy drugs.

That being said, it’s still chemotherapy. And so people do feel the side effects. I think the hardest side effect for a lot of people to endure is hair loss, these combination chemotherapy do cause hair loss, and then that often is even a little bit harder for women, just given the stigma for hair and how important that is to some of our female patients, and so these are challenges that I try to discuss with patients to help them anticipate. Again, we have lots of different services at our institution, we have a wig service, a place for people to go to find options on how to deal with that.

The biggest medical symptoms that I tell people that everybody experiences is just fatigue. We’re putting poison in your body to kill a cancer. We’re doing it for a good reason, but that just wipes people out. Most patients will not have the energy, the appetite, the drive that they normally have when they’re feeling well. And again, for the most part, that’s short-lived, but for some patients that can even last three to six months after completing their chemotherapy regimen. There’s lots of individual side effects that I warn them about, the one that I am most concerned about for my patients is infection, because chemotherapy doesn’t only kill the part of the immune system, the lymphoma, it can also weaken the immune system, a part of the immune system that is there to protect you from infection.

And so we tell them to monitor for fevers, and if they’re not feeling well to call us in. We provide our patients numbers for 24/7 contact. So we have a number that they can call to, and no matter when they call, they’ll be able to get either an on-call provider or the team if it’s during the daytime, to be able to help them with whatever issue or symptoms that they’re having. And so my activation point to my patients is, call us. Let us know what’s going on. We can’t help you with your symptoms if we’re not aware, and we don’t mind those phone calls because we want to help patients through that journey. 

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How Can Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients Use Integrative Health?

How Can Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients Use Integrative Health? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients benefit from integrative health? Experts Dr. Krisstina Gowin, Dr. AnaMaria Lopez, and patient Lisa Hatfield discuss common symptoms of MPN patients, integrative health techniques, and benefits of including integrative medicine.

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Related Resources:

What Telehealth Tools Impact Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care

Is Technology Accelerating Progress in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care

How Is Telemedicine Influencing Personalized Medicine for MPN Patients


Lisa Hatfield: 

So I have multiple myeloma, and, of course, that comes with side effects from the different therapies and symptoms of their own. We have a great integrative health center at our cancer center here locally where I live, and I’ve used it for acupuncture for some of my symptom management. I’ve also watched you on different platforms, through webinars and patient support groups where you describe different integrative health techniques and that type of thing. So I’m wondering…two questions. The first part is, what symptoms do MPN patients face the most? And then how can they use integrative health to do that, particularly as it relates to telemedicine? Are there telemedicine options for integrative health? I suppose things like acupuncture, maybe not, but other types of, of integrative health, and can they get a consult for integrative health? Can they even go as far as getting a consult? So if you can answer those questions, the symptoms they face, how to use integrative health, and if they can get a consult for integrative health, that would be great. We’d appreciate that.

Dr. Krisstina Gowin: 

Yeah. Well, Lisa, I want to take a moment just to validate your journey that you’re going through and to congratulate you for your self-advocacy to go look for those integrative therapies to support yourself. And for MPN patients, I will say that it’s a really unique group, and so all cancer patients experience symptoms. But in myeloproliferative neoplasms, it’s really kind of this heterogeneous what we call a symptom burden. And so most patients will experience fatigue about 80 percent of MPN patients. But then beyond that, there’s really a whole slew of different sequelae that can be associated with the disease, which you may or may not think about when you’re thinking about MPNs, such as psychosocial issues, sleep issues, sexual issues.

And then we have kind of the classical issues that happen with MPNs, such as dizziness, but we talked about the fatigue, bone pain, itching, abdominal discomfort from an enlarged spleen and early satiety, or feeling full quickly. It’s really a huge symptom complex, if you will. And we now have validated measurement tools to better understand those. It’s the MPN symptom assessment form, which has really, I think, revolutionized how we look at MPN. It’s no longer just treating the blood counts. We’re treating the patient as a whole, and even within our NCCN guidelines, kind of how we as oncologists go through the algorithms of how to change therapy and how we look at patients. We now have symptoms in there. So even if blood counts are controlled, we may change therapies or even do a bone marrow based on symptoms alone. So symptoms are a huge thing in MPN. So getting to your second question for integrative health.

So I think that MPN…the patients in the community are really early adopters for digital engagement, which is fantastic. Everyone’s very engaged, and I’ve had the opportunity to work on meditation apps, yoga apps, a wellness-based app here from the University of Arizona, and patients just really accrue fast. Everyone’s so excited. And most of these, though, were very small kind of pilot trials, looking at feasibility, can’t we really do these things? But most of them as well are showing some impacts on depression, anxiety, sleep, and total symptom burden. So I do think that these modalities through digital platforms certainly can make a difference on the symptoms. And we’ve seen that with meditation. We’ve seen it with yoga, and we’ve seen it with a seven domain wellness app. And is it the digital engagement? I don’t think so.

I think it’s likely the integrative therapies that they’re receiving through that platform, right? We know meditation works, we know yoga works, perhaps not so well in MPNs. We need to build that evidence base, but other solid cancers, we know those interventions really work. But it’s wonderful to get that kind of early data, say it not only works, but it also works when you’re doing it at home, when you’re doing it on a digital platform. And so I would encourage all patients listening to this to, yes, look at what’s around you, what are the resources, what are the clinical trials? Looking at these different digital modalities for integrative medicine, but also to go get an integrative consultation.

And as Dr. Lopez already had mentioned, she does all of her integrative medicine via telemedicine now, which is fantastic. And so you, it’s really, it’s that, you know, your fingertips. You now have access to wonderful oncologists like Dr. Lopez to guide you in this journey. And the journey is not only allopathic Western medicine, but it’s treating you as a person, you as a whole symptom complex. And that’s really what integrative medicine aims to support you through. 

Lisa Hatfield: 

And you mentioned that Dr. Lopez also does her integrative health via telemedicine. So I’m going to ask, Dr. Lopez, can you speak to that a little bit more? How do you do that with patients? Do they just contact you and set up an appointment for an integrative health consult or appointment? And do you conduct some of that yourself, or do you send them to particular resources in the community?

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez: 

Sure. So, yes, patients can make an integrative oncology appointment directly. I really like to do the consults through tele simply because I can…as I was mentioning, it’s like a virtual house call to really get a sense of the patient. Often a partner, significant other, caregiver might be present as well, and as we know there’s the survivor and there’s the co-survivor. So including both can be very helpful to some people, and I think the initial intake…again, as Dr. Gowin was saying, it depends so much on what the person wants to do. So the first opportunity for coming together is simply, “Where are you? What are your goals? What’s important to you? And of the panoply of options, which might be the easiest or the one that you are most interested in?”

And so depending on what it is, we might work together, we might also bring in others if the person is really interested in making lifestyle changes, let’s say related to nutrition. The person might work closely with a nutritionist for some period of time and then come back, and we’d come together and reassess. You mentioned the acupuncture, and you can’t do acupuncture at a distance, but you can certainly teach people about the points and consider acupressure for certain points. So there are so many ways to engage and interact, but yes, I think like a lot of medicine, it’s a team-based approach.

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Tools for Accessing Quality Prostate Cancer Care

Tools for Accessing Quality Prostate Cancer Care from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What factors could impact a prostate cancer patients access to quality, affordable care? This animated video reviews common obstacles and provides tools and resources to help address barriers to care.

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See More From Shared Decision Making: Navigating Prostate Cancer Care

Related Resources:

Living With Prostate Cancer

What You Should Know About Clinical Trials

What You Should Know About Clinical Trials

Prostate Cancer Care Partners: Getting the Support You Need

Prostate Cancer Care Partners: Getting the Support You Need



Hi! I’m Anthony, and I’m living with advanced prostate cancer. This is Niki, my nurse.  

Just like prostate cancer doesn’t behave the same way in every patient, each prostate cancer patient has different factors that could impact their access to quality, affordable care. 


Exactly, Anthony. There are obstacles that may affect their potential to manage their cancer.    

These barriers, which are also called health disparities1, are complex and may include things like:  

  • Not having health insurance – or having limited insurance. 
  • Experiencing racism and discrimination. 
  • Language barriers if English is not the language you are most comfortable with2. 
  • Cultural barriers. 
  • Experiencing financial constraints. 
  • A lack of sick time or paid time off in the workplace. 
  • Living in a remote or rural area with limited access to care. 
  • Or, a lack of education or health literacy. 


And overcoming or addressing these barriers is the goal of health equity.  


Right! EVERYONE should have the access to quality care. And while it isn’t possible to solve these problems overnight, there are resources and support services to help people with prostate cancer. It is important to identify and to discuss your barriers with your healthcare team as they are unique to each individual patient. 


First and foremost, as we’ve mentioned in prior videos – don’t hesitate to speak up if you feel you are receiving unequal care. You can consider changing doctors if you don’t feel you’re receiving fair treatment, or if you’re not comfortable with your team. 

But the burden to access better care shouldn’t fall on you. Your team is there to help, right, Niki? 


That’s what they are there for! And the best place to start is by reaching out to a nurse navigator or social worker on your team. They may work with you and identify any challenges in your way and offer support resources to guide you in the right direction.  


Exactly – my social worker helped me find an organization that provided transportation to and from my treatment appointments.  

Niki, are there other services that a nurse navigator or social worker help you connect with? 


Absolutely – let’s walk through some examples: 

  • There are resources that can help with the financial strain of cancer care. Patient assistance programs are in place for people who don’t have health insurance or who are underinsured. They are managed by government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, and advocacy groups; and, in some cases, these programs can help cover the cost of medications or provide them at a discounted rate.
  • Team members who provide emotional support are available to help you such as a social worker, counselor, therapist, or psychologist. 
  • If language is a barrier, translators can be made available to join appointments with you, so you can actively participate in your care discussions and decisions.  And you can ask for materials in the language you are most comfortable with. 
  • And if your job is affecting your ability to get care, many advocacy groups have resources that can support you in advocating for your rights in the workplace. 


Those are all wonderful support services, Niki. 

I also want to add that if you are having trouble understanding your disease, advocacy groups have excellent materials in patient-friendly language. Download the guide that accompanies this video for a list of recommended organizations. 


That’s right. And, many medical centers have patient advocates available to help you communicate with your team, so you can get the care you need and feel confident in your decisions. Remember, you are not alone! 

We hope this video helped you feel more empowered to ask for resources. Thanks for joining us! 


And visit powerfulpatients.org/pc to access more videos with Niki and me. 

Prostate Cancer Care Partners: Getting the Support You Need

Prostate Cancer Care Partners: Getting the Support You Need from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 What do care partners need to know to help care for their loved one AND themselves? This animated video reviews the role of a care partner, discusses steps for supporting a loved one and provides tips for maintaining self-care.

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See More From Shared Decision Making: Navigating Prostate Cancer Care

Related Resources:

Living With Prostate Cancer

Collaborating With Your Doctor on Your Prostate Cancer Care Plan

Collaborating With Your Doctor on Your Prostate Cancer Care Plan

Tools for Accessing Quality Prostate Cancer Care



Hi! I’m Anthony, and I am living with advanced prostate cancer. This is my nurse, Niki.  

And this is my wife, Jane. She’s not just my wife, she’s also my care partner. From helping with my appointment schedule to communicating with my healthcare team, she works with me to manage my prostate cancer. 


And many of you may be care partners like me. The goal of this video is to help you understand your role and to gain tools to help you support your loved one in their cancer journey. And that includes prioritizing your own self-care.  

Niki, we’ve talked about some of the things I do to help Anthony, but how would you describe the role of a care partner?  


A care partner is someone who works with their loved one on their care every step of the way – from diagnosis to survivorship.  

It’s important to mention that anyone can play this role – friend, family member, or loved one – whomever you trust with supporting your health.  


And there isn’t a single way be a care partner. You can provide support in a way that feels comfortable and natural to you. 

Niki, what are some of the ways a care partner can help?   


Yes – let’s review a few steps. Care partners can assist by: 

  • Learning about your loved one’s prostate cancer, so you can feel confident in participating in conversations and decisions. You can ask their healthcare team for educational resources. 
  • And participating in doctors’ appointments by taking notes and requesting post-visit summaries so that you can review the information presented. 
  • Next, helping your loved one access and use their patient portal and maintaining schedules and organizing medical records. 
  • Listening to your loved one and assist in weighing the pros and cons of care decisions. 
  • And monitoring your loved one’s emotional health. 


That’s a great point, Niki. Sometimes a care partner will notice that their loved one is feeling low or acting differently before they notice anything themselves. Care partners can help communicate these issues to the healthcare team, and can even reach out to a mental health professional or social worker to help.  


And that leads me to the next important step that many care partners often overlook: Taking care of yourself.  


Right – and as we experienced firsthand, this is essential. Jane struggled with making time for herself after I was diagnosed, and it negatively impacted her health.  


I was totally drained. But adding time for myself on the calendar and keeping up with my self-care appointments made me feel better. What else can you do? 

  • First, prioritize your health by scheduling and keeping your OWN health care appointment. 
  • Continue doing the activities that you enjoy – there are ways to make time in the schedule, even if it doesn’t seem like it.   
  • Find and use strategies that work for you to manage stress, like exercise, reading a book, or anything you find relaxing. Even a short walk with a friend can have a big impact. 
  • And make a list of tasks you can pass off to friends and family members who offer to help.  


That’s great advice, Jane. I’ll also add that caring for a loved one can be challenging – it’s normal to feel a range of emotions. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, talking with someone about how you’re feeling can make a difference. And speaking candidly and openly with other care partners in a support group setting can also provide comfort and peace of mind. 

Just like Anthony sought the advice of a counselor and social worker, it’s important that Jane find that support SHE needs as a care partner. 


We hope this video helped you gain tools and strategies for helping support a loved one – and yourself. 


Download the guide that goes with this video to review what you learned.  

And visit powerfulpatients.org/pc to access more videos with Niki and me. 

Living With Prostate Cancer

Living With Prostate Cancer from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What follow-up care is important for people with prostate cancer? This animated video discusses support and tools for managing life with prostate cancer.

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See More From Shared Decision Making: Navigating Prostate Cancer Care

Related Resources:

What You Should Know About Clinical Trials

What You Should Know About Clinical Trials

Collaborating With Your Doctor on Your Prostate Cancer Care Plan

Collaborating With Your Doctor on Your Prostate Cancer Care Plan

Tools for Accessing Quality Prostate Cancer Care



Hi! I’m Niki and I’m a nurse practitioner. And here with me is Anthony, who is living with advanced prostate cancer. 


Thanks for joining us!  

In this video, we’re going to discuss tools for managing life with prostate cancer.  


Living with prostate cancer means that patients will be monitored for signs that the cancer may be progressing, and assess if it is time to treat the cancer or consider a different treatment plan.   


But for all patients, an important part of living with prostate cancer is follow-up care. This may include:  

  • Disease monitoring and managing symptoms and side effects, 
  • As well as emotional support. 
  • And, in some cases, creating a survivorship plan with your team.  


Let’s start with disease monitoring: This may include regular exams and testing to keep an eye on your disease progression or recovery. And your individual situation and risk will determine the frequency of your appointments. 


And for patients like me who have had treatment, managing short and long-term side effects is an essential part of living with prostate cancer.  

One issue that can be challenging for some prostate cancer patients is the impact of treatment on a patient’s sexual function and self-image.  


That’s right, Anthony. It’s important to note that there ARE options that may help manage certain side effects, but you have to talk about them with your healthcare team. While bringing up sexual side effects or bladder control issues to your provider may be difficult, it’s the only way your team can assist you.  


In my case, I found it easier to communicate my sexual issues in writing, using the patient portal. Plus – don’t forget that care partners can be a resource to help bring up difficult topics. 


Exactly – utilize your resources and communicate in a way that you feel most comfortable! 

And, as we mentioned, there can also be emotional side effects for men living with prostate cancer. Patients may feel stressed about their diagnosis or anxious about their cancer returning or progressing. Working with a health professional like a social worker, counselor, therapist, or psychologist may help reduce anxiety and worry.  


Right – the other approach that really helped me emotionally was participating in a support group. 

Support groups allow men to meet and interact with others who are living with prostate cancer and provide a platform to share experiences and information. In a support group setting, it may be easier for men to share details that they don’t necessarily want to share with loved ones.  


That’s a great point, Anthony. Studies show that participating in a support group can help cancer patients cope with anxiety and depression 


It certainly encourages me to know that other men are facing similar challenges. While my support group meets in person, there are online options for people who prefer to connect in a virtual setting.   


But as much as it can be reassuring, the support group format isn’t for everyone. Talk to your social worker or counselor about additional support options to find an approach that feels most comfortable to you.  


Now that we’ve walked through disease monitoring and resources for emotional support, let’s talk about survivorship. Niki, what is a survivorship care plan?  


Sure. A survivorship care plan organizes your follow-up care. It may include: 

  • Information about the treatment you received. 
  • A follow-up schedule for exams and tests. 
  • A list of potential symptoms and side effects. 
  • And lifestyle recommendations to establish and to maintain healthy habits.  

Your healthcare team, along with a care partner, can help you develop and stick to a plan. 


That’s great advice, Niki. Now that we have learned some tips for living with prostate cancer, what can you do to participate in your follow-up care?  


  • Make sure to schedule and keep regular visits with your team – including your general practitioner – so that all aspects of your health can be monitored.  
  • Report any new symptoms that you experience – no matter how small. 
  • Next, don’t hesitate to speak up about lingering side effects – including bladder and sexual side effects – so your team can identify solutions. 
  • And ask for emotional support and resources. 
  • Finally, if it’s right for you, talk with your doctor about a survivorship care plan. 


Thanks for joining us! Be sure to download the guide that goes with this video to access the information we discussed.  

And visit powerfulpatients.org/pc to access more videos with Niki and me. 

What You Should Know About Clinical Trials

What You Should Know About Clinical Trials from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What do you need to know about prostate cancer clinical trials? This animated video reviews the clinical trial process and provides questions to ask your healthcare team about trial participation.

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See More From Shared Decision Making: Navigating Prostate Cancer Care

Related Resources:

Collaborating With Your Doctor on Your Prostate Cancer Care Plan

Collaborating With Your Doctor on Your Prostate Cancer Care Plan

Tools for Accessing Quality Prostate Cancer Care

Prostate Cancer Care Partners: Getting the Support You Need

Prostate Cancer Care Partners: Getting the Support You Need



Hi, I’m Anthony, and I’m living with advanced prostate cancer. And this is my nurse practitioner, Niki.  


Thanks for joining us! 

Without medical research, advances in prostate cancer treatment can’t move forward. Throughout this video, Anthony and I are going to discuss a key part of research: clinical trials. We’ll review what they are and how they work.  


Niki, what is a clinical trial exactly? 


Excellent question, Anthony. Clinical trials are research studies in people who have a specific condition, or are healthy volunteers, to help find new ways to treat diseases – like prostate cancer.  

Most clinical trials examine the safety and efficacy of medicines, vaccines, and other medical treatments. 

And clinical trials are the main path for cancer treatments to be approved. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration – also known as the FDA – requires that all new medicines and treatments go through the clinical trial process before they are approved. 

So, why would someone consider participating in a trial? Some people choose to participate to access a potential new medicine or treatment that’s not yet approved to see if it helps their condition. And some people want to help move research forward to help others with the same condition – while other people participate for both reasons. 


That’s right – advancing research through participation is an important path to new options for treating prostate cancer.   

So, Niki – can you explain how clinical trials are designed to answer key questions? 


Yes, of course. Most importantly, each clinical trial has a protocol, which is a document that sets guidelines that define and outline the activities of the clinical trial as well as who may be eligible to participate. 

The early phase trials determine the safety of the treatment, and the latter phases typically examine if the potential therapy is effective. 

All along the way, the study clinic staff  – including nurses, researchers, and study doctors  –check clinical trial participants regularly to monitor for any safety concerns.  


But to be successful, clinical trials require people to volunteer. And people interested in participating will have to meet the trial criteria to participate, correct? 


Yes, that’s correct, and this can include things like a person’s age, disease stage, prior treatments, and overall health. Remember that everyone’s situation is unique. 


And people often have misconceptions about clinical trials that prevent them from considering participation. Let’s run through a few common concerns. 

For instance, some people worry that they will receive placebowhich is a non-active medicine  –  if they participate in a clinical trial. Niki, is this true? 


A cancer patient would never receive only the placebo without the current standard-of-care and will always be told that the trial will contain a placebo in advance of their participation. 


OK, that makes sense. Some people also wonder about the risks and safety of a clinical trial.  Niki, can you share some information about this?  


Great question. Most importantly, research must meet ethical standards to ensure that participants are protected. There is a strict screening and testing process that occurs before a person can participate.  

And, clinical trials are voluntary  – participants have the right to leave the trial at any time.  

Additionally, there is an informed consent process, which ensures that people are fully informed about all potential risks and benefits and helps people understand their rights before taking part.  


Ok. Thank you for clearing that up. Niki, what about the misconception that clinical trials are just a last-resort treatment option?  


They are not just a last-resort option at all, Anthony. No matter when a patient was diagnosed with prostate cancer, or where they are in their care, clinical trial participation may be an option.  


So, if someone is interested in participating in a clinical trial or learning more about clinical research – where do they start?  


Your doctor is the best source of information. You can ask your doctor: 

  • What trials are available to me? 
  • Is there a clinical trial that you would recommend for me? Why? 
  • What are the possible risks and advantages of participating in this clinical trial? 
  • Are there costs associated with the trial, and will my health insurance help cover costs? And if not, is there financial assistance available?  
  • Where is the trial being conducted? Is there a clinical trial available to me in my local community? If the trial isn’t nearby or convenient, is there transportation and/or housing assistance? 
  • Finally, if you want to learn more about ongoing prostate cancer research and clinical trials, ask your doctor for a list of credible resources. 


Be sure to download the guide that accompanies this video to access a list of these questions and to help you review what you learned. 


Thanks for joining us! And visit powerfulpatients.org/pc to access more videos with Anthony and me. 

Collaborating With Your Doctor on Your Prostate Cancer Care Plan

Collaborating With Your Doctor on Your Prostate Cancer Care Plan from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can you engage in your prostate cancer care? In this animated video, you will learn about factors that may impact a prostate cancer care plan and tools for partnering with your healthcare team on treatment decisions.

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See More From Shared Decision Making: Navigating Prostate Cancer Care

Related Resources:

What You Should Know About Clinical Trials

What You Should Know About Clinical Trials

Living With Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Care Partners: Getting the Support You Need

Prostate Cancer Care Partners: Getting the Support You Need



Hi, thanks for joining us! I’m Niki, and I’m a prostate cancer nurse practitioner. And here with me is Anthony, who is living with advanced prostate cancer.   


Throughout this video, Niki and I are going to discuss factors that may impact a patient’s prostate cancer care plan.  

And as we’ve mentioned in previous videos, it’s important to set goals with your team and understand all of your options before deciding on an approach.  


Right, Anthony. So, what could impact a treatment plan decision? Factors may include: 

  • Your age and overall health, including any existing conditions that you may have.
  • Disease-related symptoms may also affect your options.
  • The stage and grade of your prostate cancer and whether you need to be treated right away.
  • Test results, including genomic testing, which identifies the presence of genetic mutations in the cancer and may inform how your cancer will behave. 
  • Possible side effects, both short term and long term, may also affect your choices. 


And, of course, your personal preference should guide the decision as well as how the option may impact your lifestyle. Be open with your care team about what’s important to you and be clear with your goals, including life plans and personal commitments.   

Here are some tips to take a more proactive role in your care: 

  • Talk with close family members and friends about your options. 
  • Consider a second opinion to help confirm your approach. 
  • Talk to your healthcare team about your condition and care options. And ask them for resources available to you, including financial help and emotional support, when making decisions.​ 
  • You can also visit advocacy group websites that have information about prostate cancer, treatment options, and support groups, to help you understand what’s available.​ 


Those are great tips! It’s also a good idea to ask your doctor what they feel is the best approach for you and why. Remember, there is no one-size-fits all approach, and what works for one person may not work for you. 


Thanks for joining us! Be sure to download the guide that accompanies this video to help you review what you learned.  

And visit powerfulpatients.org/pc to access more videos with Niki and me. 

30-Year Acute Myeloid Leukemia Survivor Shares His Journey

30-Year Acute Myeloid Leukemia Survivor Shares His Journey from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What might acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients experience for symptoms, treatment, and coping with AML? AML patient and Empowerment Lead Art Flatau shares the experience of his AML journey from diagnosis, through treatment and AML survival, and advancements in AML treatments.

Art also shares his empowerment advice for patients and care partners to ensure optimal care and how he has found a sense of purpose in patient advocacy efforts.

See More from [ACT]IVATED AML

Related Resources:

Empowered AML Patient: Ask the AML Expert

Empowered AML Patient: Ask the AML Expert 

How an AML Survivor’s Resilience Saved Her Life

How an AML Survivor’s Resilience Saved Her Life 

Advice for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Seeking a Clinical Trial

Advice for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Seeking a Clinical Trial 


My name is Art, and I live in Austin, Texas. In 1992, I was 31 and married with two young children. I was in graduate school and working full-time. For a couple weeks, I had been feeling tired and had been running a low-grade fever. I also had a lot of bruises, probably because I was playing rugby at the time. I thought the fatigue was because I was overworked and getting  too little sleep.

On Saturday, I had a rugby game but was too tired to play more than a few minutes. The next day, I was too tired to do much. My wife and I decided that I would go to the doctor on Monday. 

Monday morning, I woke, and there was blood on my pillow as my gums were bleeding. My wife wanted to take me to the ER, but I convinced her to just call our doctor. I went to the doctor later that morning. She noted my symptoms, did a quick exam, and sent me for blood work. After lunch, she called and said I needed to go to the hospital and see a hematologist. I knew I was in trouble.

We talked to the doctor and he said, “We have to see what kind of leukemia you have.” What a shock.  I knew that I was sick with something I had not had before. The fact that it was cancer was a shock. I didn’t know that there were different types of leukemia but soon found out that I had acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

That evening, I received platelets and red blood transfusions. The next morning, I had a bone marrow biopsy, more platelets, and surgery to put in a central line. That afternoon, less than 24 hours after hearing the word leukemia in reference to me, I started chemotherapy. This was all overwhelming. We had no way to understand what our options were or to get a second opinion.

Three-and-a-half weeks later, I got out of the hospital with no hair, 25 pounds lighter, a lot weaker but alive. I had more chemotherapy in the next few weeks and more hospitalizations. A few months later, I was finished with chemo. I regained some strength, regrew my hair, and tried to get my life back to normal.

In early 1993, about 9 months after being diagnosed, we got another shock, I had relapsed. I needed to have a bone marrow transplant. Although we had a little time, a few days to figure out where to go for a transplant, we were again struggling to understand the process. We were also struggling to figure out how to move to Dallas for three more months for the transplant. The transplant was a long grind, a month or so in the hospital, a couple of months of going to the outpatient clinic two to three times a week, but we made it through. 

Now, 30 years later, I’m still around. My children graduated from high school, college, and graduate school and have successful careers. My wife and I are empty-nesters.  I am still working but hoping to retire in a few years. Although I consider myself very lucky to have survived and have had relatively few side effects, I do have some side effects to deal with, including low testosterone.

Some things that I’ve learned during my AML journey include: 

  • AML is a rare disease: The good news is that over the last several years a lot of new treatments have been discovered for AML. These new treatments are leading to more people surviving AML. However, these new treatments are evolving rapidly. It is important to find a cancer center and doctors who treat a lot of patients with leukemia. 
  • Consider volunteering: Advocacy work is an excellent way to help yourself and to support other patients and continued research efforts.
  • If something doesn’t feel right with your health, advocate for yourself and ask for further testing.

These actions (for me) are key to staying on my path to empowerment.

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How Can Myeloma Patients Cope With Fatigue?

How Can Myeloma Patients Cope With Fatigue? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Fatigue can have a big impact on daily life for people with myeloma, so how can this common symptom be managed? Expert Dr. Benjamin Derman shares insights about why fatigue occurs, advice about treatment timing, and recommended adjustments to optimize energy levels.

Dr. Benjamin Derman is a hematologist and oncologist specializing in multiple myeloma at the University of Chicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Derman.

See More from Engaging in Myeloma Treatment Decisions

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What Factors Affect Myeloma Treatment Decisions

How Is a Myeloma Patient in Active Treatment Monitored?

Expert Advice for Newly Diagnosed Myeloma Patients



Craig sent in this question prior to the program. “My primary side effect is fatigue.” And you just mentioned that. “What advice do you have for planning activities through the day?”  

Dr. Derman:

So, this is a very common side effect that we see. In part, it can be from the disease itself. And if that’s the case, it’s going to get better as treatment works. In other cases, it’s due to the treatment itself. And sometimes there are controllable aspects. If it’s a pill, let’s say, where you can control the timing of when you take it. I often tell patients, “Take the drug at night. Because if it makes you tired, at least you’re going to be going to sleep at that point.” 

I do think making sure that you have a good night’s sleep is important. I think making sure that you keep your day-night cycles. So, even if you feel fatigued and you’re at home, it’s not good to be having the windows closed and not being exposed to the outdoors at all. You need light during the day. That’s a normal human need. We do the same thing when patients are in the hospital, and it’s very easy to get your day and night cycles messed up.  

And the other thing too is planning periods of the day when you know that your activity level is going to be, or your energy level is going to be higher, and planning your activities around those times. I think those are at least some important things that we can do.  

What Role Does Technology Play in MPN Symptom Management?

What Role Does Technology Play in MPN Symptom Management? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo

How can MPN symptom management be aided by technology? Watch as expert Dr. Jeanne Palmer shares how technology helps in gathering and monitoring  of MPN patient symptoms and in the clinical trials process.

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See More from MPN TelemEDucation

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How Can MPN Patients Access Telemedicine

How Can MPN Patients Access Telemedicine?

What Are Risks and Rewards of Telemedicine in MPN Care

How Is Personalized Medicine in MPN Care Influenced by Telemedicine?


Lisa Hatfield:

So another question for Dr. Palmer, Is technology playing a role in accelerating progress in MPN care, not just the technology of telemedicine, but other technologies? And what role does technology play in symptom management and in clinical trials? You mentioned that you can maybe do telemedicine every other month, but what other roles does technology play?

Dr. Palmer:

So that’s a great question. I actually have been fortunate enough to work with an informaticist who will be joining our faculty this summer, and what we are trying to do is be able to utilize our electronic medical record and some of the forms and texts that you can use within it to be able to capture data and be able to understand it. From the standpoint of even my day-to-day practice, one of the things that’s very important in myeloproliferative diseases is capturing the symptoms score. And this is a way of measuring some of the symptoms that can be very bothersome and troublesome to patients with myeloproliferative diseases and has been validated and utilized throughout multiple studies and multiple settings. So I’m actually in the process of getting that built into our EMR here, so that before patients even come and see me, they can fill out that form of questions. And I think that the sky is the limit. There’s so many patient-reported outcomes and so many things that are going to be important to capture as we move forward. And a lot of times you can ask somebody, how do you feel? And they say, “Oh, I feel great.”

Because what else are they supposed to say? Social norm is to say everything’s fine, and then you start to ask them specific things like, “Are you having itching? Are you having fatigue?” And all of a sudden it comes out that they’re really not feeling that well. So this will be really important, and if you can have people do that beforehand, and I think that we can gain a lot of information that can really help utilize the small amount of time we have to focus it on the areas that need to be focused upon.

Lisa Hatfield:

That’s great to hear. Yeah.

Dr. Palmer:

Yeah, the other thing that I didn’t mention is that I think being able to do research, it will be very helpful if we can capture all the data about patients in a way that can be outsourced to a database and then analyzed versus having to hire people to extract information directly from the chart, which is a very laborious process and often not very accurate. So that’s one of the things that we’re working on here is to say, “How do I not only create this template for capturing information from the patient, but how do I make my clinical notes into something that can be harnessed for a database that can then be queried for different questions to try to understand the disease better?”

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What Are the Beginning Stages of Multiple Myeloma (MM)?

What Are the Beginning Stages of Multiple Myeloma (MM)? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What happens in early stages of multiple myeloma? Watch as early multiple myeloma is explained as expert Dr. Rafael Fonseca details what occurs in the body, and patient Lisa Hatfield shares the symptoms that she experienced early in her myeloma journey.

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What is Multiple Myeloma (MM)

What is Multiple Myeloma (MM)?

Where Should I START Following My Myeloma Diagnosis

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Dr. Rafael Fonseca:

These cells live predominantly inside the bones in the space we call the bone marrow. They can do a number of things that actually lead to the symptoms and to the clinical presentation. As they grow in the bone marrow, they take some of that real estate. A person may experience fatigue and that is because they have anemia. The myeloma cells are also very characteristic because they can erode into the structure of bones, so destruction of bone is another feature that we see in patients with myeloma. That can be either seen on X-rays or sometimes people will present with symptoms related to bone pain or discomfort with movement or weight bearing. Those are signs that we look for.

Lisa Hatfield:

For me, early on with myeloma, I really had none of the classic symptoms. All  of my blood work was coming back normal. I would see my regular primary care physician every two years. My lab work was coming back normal. Nothing really stood out. I wasn’t anemic. My kidney function was okay. What did stand out over the course of two years was I was experiencing progressively worsening pain in my hip. It felt like kind of a pinched kink pain in my hip to the point where it progressed to the point where I could barely walk was when I finally talked to my primary care doctor. And requested very strongly to have a scan done, and that’s when I was diagnosed with myeloma.

So the primary reason I went in was for the pain to begin with, and my doctor did look at the pain. He tried to assess it several times over the course of two years. But it wasn’t until I had the MRI that showed a large plasmacytoma on my spine when I realized that something was wrong. A couple other signs that I did have looking back now that I complained about to my doctor and I thought were rather curious, I shrunk a little bit. I shrunk in height. My daughters were laughing, and they’re like “Mom, we’re just growing.” But I did shrink in height by about 2-1/2 inches from the compression fractures in my spine and the plasmacytoma that had eaten away at my spine. And then another thing that a lot of people don’t talk about is sometimes people will have foamy urine. We don’t like to talk about body functions.

But it’s important to know that if you experience that, there are proteins that they can find that  are called Bence Jones proteins that are a sign of multiple myeloma. So if you notice anything unique like that – foamy urine, extreme fatigue, anemia in your blood tests,  it’s definitely worth asking your doctor about. And also relentless, persistent pain in your hips, in your back, in your ribs, any of those areas, it’s worth talking to your doctor about just to assess those thoroughly to make sure there’s not something more significant going on.

If myeloma  goes undiagnosed and untreated, the cancer cells can make a patient experience:

  • Lowered immune function due to white cells being crowded out, resulting in frequent infections
  • High levels of protein in the urine and  blood, which may cause kidney damage
  • Build-up of cancer cells in the bones, which can cause bone weakening, bone pain, and bone fractures

Advice for Managing Lung Cancer Symptoms and Treatment Side Effects

Advice for Managing Lung Cancer Symptoms and Treatment Side Effects from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Lung cancer expert Dr. Jyoti Patel explains common symptoms and treatment side effects, and discusses how treatment approaches may vary depending on treatment goals for each patient.

Jyoti Patel, MD, is Medical Director of Thoracic Oncology and Assistant Director for Clinical Research at the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University. She is also Associate Vice-Chair for Clinical Research and a Professor in the Division of Hematology and Oncology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Dr. Patel is a leader in thoracic oncology, focusing her efforts on the development and evaluation of novel molecular markers and therapeutics in patients battling non-small cell lung cancer. Learn more about Dr. Patel.

See More from Thrive Lung Cancer

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Personalized Medicine: Making Lung Cancer Treatment Decisions

Collaborating on Lung Cancer Treatment Decisions With Your Team



Symptoms and side effects can sometimes be a burden to patients undergoing treatment. What are the most common issues that patients face? 

Dr. Patel:

So, common symptoms from treatment can include fatigue, lack of appetite, disinterest in the things that made you really excited before. Infrequently now we have severe nausea, because we have such good antinausea medications.  

Sometimes we’ll have problems with blood counts or risks of infection. All of these vary by the treatment that’s rendered. And so, often it may be that you’re on a targeted therapy.  

Some targeted therapies, for example, can cause swelling in your legs. Immunotherapies are generally well-tolerated but can cause significant side effects in a small minority of people that could include inflammation in the gut, for example.  

So, everything is sort of tailored, I would say. Most frequently, I hear about the fatigue, and then the ongoing stressors of living with cancer. So, the financial toxicity certainly. These drugs are expensive. But not only that, often people have changed the way they work. Their family members have changed how they work to support their loved one. So, bringing people to appointments.  

There’s a lot on someone’s plate. And that can contribute to fatigue and even some anxiety.  


Yeah. What strategies are in place to manage symptoms and side effects? 

Dr. Patel:

So, having a patient who’s knowledgeable about potential side effects and a good advocate for themselves is probably the best way to manage therapy. So, ongoing dialogue with your clinical team, with your nurse, with your physician, are absolutely important. But most of us work with teams of healthcare workers. And so, when I think about our clinic, we have financial counselors, we have social workers, we have dieticians and nutritionists, we work with physical therapists. And importantly, we work with a palliative care team that helps us, again, manage some of the toxicities of therapy.  

We think that they provide a longitudinal assessment of patients and remember what’s most important to a patient over time. Whereas often in the moment there’s this, we want to make the tumor shrink. We think about what we can do immediately. It’s often really helpful to have another team that can provide support over the patient’s journey to help us, again, prioritize what they wanted to do the most.  


Mm-hmm. Dr. Patel, why do you think it’s necessary for patients to tell their doctor about any issues they may be having? Even the little ones.  

Dr. Patel:

I think most of us want to be good patients. And so, we minimize things because we think that, okay, we’re using precious time to talk about things that may seem minor. But, again, all of these add up.  

Even minor symptoms, particularly in the era of immunotherapy, can turn out to be big problems. So, as I say now to my patients particularly on immunotherapy, if something seems a little bit off and you can’t put your finger on it, I just need to know so I can at least do the appropriate workup to make sure that we’re not missing anything. Because symptoms of underlying problems can be very misleading.  

Moreover, I think the cumulative burden of cancer. So, again, we talked a little bit about the financial toxicity, the emotional cost, the time involved in treatment, all of that adds up. And you never want to get it to a breaking point. We want to manage it early on, so we can, again, make decisions together and keep wellness and the quality of survival at the forefront.  

When Is It Time to Treat Follicular Lymphoma?

When Is It Time to Treat Follicular Lymphoma? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What symptoms might follicular lymphoma patients experience as a trigger for treatment? Dr. Jane Winter shares insight about common symptoms that indicate treatment should begin for optimal patient care.

Dr. Jane Winter is a hematologist and medical oncologist at Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center at Northwestern University. More information on Dr. Winter here.

See More from The Pro-Active Follicular Lymphoma Patient Toolkit

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Laura Beth:

Dr. Winter, what are signs that it is time to treat a patient’s follicular lymphoma? 

Dr. Winter:

Symptoms are the trigger, most often. 

Sometimes, the trigger for treatment is a big enough mass that it’s pushing on something important, for example, the ureter, which is the tube from the kidney to the bladder. And if we have a large mass that either wraps around that ureter or just pushes on it sufficiently to block drainage, it’ll result in a decline in kidney function. So, a rising creatinine may be the signal that things are progressing and it’s time for treatment. Sometimes, the follicular lymphoma involving the lining around the lung can lead to what we call a pleural effusion, fluid in that space. It’s a potential space between the lung and the chest wall.  

So, an accumulation of fluid there restricts the ability to take a deep breath, and that may be an indication for treatment, or just the overall total mass of disease is becoming such that it results in fatigue and is beginning to impair the quality of life and what we call performance status. So, those are triggers for treatment. Decline in blood counts is another. So, follicular lymphoma very commonly involves the bone marrow, and as it progresses and replaces the normal blood cells, it will result in a decline in the red cell count, the hemoglobin that carries oxygen. So, it results in tiredness or shortness of breath, or a low white count such that the numbers of infection fighting cells is compromised.  

Or also at the same time, often the platelet count. And platelets are those little flecks in the blood smear that help to clot blood and prevent bleeding. And so, as they decline, we sometimes see little red spots called petechiae on the lower extremities. But, that’s a pretty uncommon sign in follicular lymphoma. Most often, it would be just a mild anemia that flags progression and bone marrow involvement. So, all of those. So, multi-disease, disease that causes symptoms, disease that causes fluid accumulation around the lung or obstruction of some important organ. 

These are all the signs that it’s time to think about treatment. 

How Can You Thrive With an MPN? Advice for Navigating Care.

How Can You Thrive With an MPN? Advice for Navigating Care. from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can you thrive with an MPN? In this animated explainer video, an MPN specialist and myelofibrosis patient discuss how to make informed decisions about your care and live a full life with an MPN.


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How Can Patients Navigate Care and Thrive with an MPN?



Hi, I’m Brian. Nice to meet you! Many years ago, I was diagnosed with a condition called myelofibrosis. At first, it was a scary to learn that I had cancer, but once I found the right treatment option for me, I’ve been living a full life.  

Meet, Dr. Liu – my doctor. 

Dr. Liu: 

Hi! I’m Dr. Liu, and I’m a hematologist specializing in the care of people with myeloproliferative neoplasms or MPNs.   

MPNs are a group of blood cancers that are characterized by the bone marrow overproducing a certain type of cell. The three types of MPNs are essential thrombocythemia, or ET,  polycythemia vera or PV, and myelofibrosis, or MF. 

As Brian mentioned, with the right treatment, it is possible to live a full life and to thrive with an MPN. 


It’s so true. Navigating my care has been much easier because I partner with my healthcare team – participating in decisions makes me feel like an important member of the team. 

Dr. Liu: 

That’s right, Brian. When considering treatment, it’s important to weigh all of your options.  

While your healthcare team is the expert when it comes to the clinical side of your disease, you as the patient, are the expert on how treatment will impact YOU and your lifestyle.  


And as someone who knows my needs well, my wife is another key member of my team.  She comes with me to appointments and takes notes during visits, and when it is time to make decisions about my care, we both feel well-informed about the options. 

So, Dr. Liu – what factors should be considered when choosing an MPN treatment?  

Dr. Liu: 

Well, it’s important to note that everyone’s MPN is different so what may work for one person, may not work for another. In general, we consider certain factors,1 such as: 

  • The type of MPN, whether it is ET, PV, or MF. 
  • The patient’s age and overall health. 
  • Test results, including blood work or any genetic testing that has taken place. 
  • The symptom burden, which basically means how much the disease symptoms are interfering with a patient’s quality of life. 
  • Any pre-existing health issues. 
  • Finally, and most importantly, the patient’s preference.  


And I like to make informed decisions. So, when considering therapy, I also did some research on my own, and then discussed the information with my healthcare team. It helped my wife and me understand what we’d learned, and confirmed our decision. 

Dr. Liu, what sort of questions should patients ask their doctor when considering a treatment plan? 

Dr. Liu: 

Great question. When choosing therapy, patients should ask: 

  • How is the treatment administered, and how often will I need treatment? 
  • What are the potential side effects of the treatment? 
  • How will the effectiveness of the treatment be monitored? 
  • And, what are options if this treatment doesn’t work for me? 


That’s great advice. Once you’ve begun treatment, it’s important to continue to share how you are feeling with your healthcare team – be sure to mention any side effects or symptoms you may be having with your team. 

Dr. Liu: 

That’s right, Brian. If you speak up about what’s bothering you, we can usually find a way to manage the issue. 

It’s also important point to tell your doctor if you’ve missed a dose of your medication. Many of the newer MPN therapies are self-administered, and it’s important to let us know so we can adjust the plan if necessary. 

So, what steps should you take to thrive in your life with an MPN? 


  • First, understand and participate in treatment decisions. Be sure to share your personal preferences. 
  • Then, communicate regularly with your healthcare team – don’t wait to share information only when you have an appointment.  
  • And, utilize your whole team – nurses, nurse practitioners, and others, are all there to help you. 
  • Use your patient portal. You can view lab work and test results, or even use the messaging feature to communicate with your team. 
  • Bring a friend or loved one to appointments and always write down any questions or concerns in advance.  

Dr. Liu: 

And, most importantly, remember you are at the center of your care. Advocate for yourself! 

To learn more, visit powerfulpatients.org/MPN to access a library of tools. Thanks for joining us! 

Managing CLL Symptoms and Treatment Side Effects

Managing CLL Symptoms and Treatment Side Effects from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) expert Dr. Seema Bhat reviews common CLL symptoms and treatment side effects and approaches for managing them. Dr. Bhat stresses the importance of sharing any issues they may be having with their healthcare teams.

Seema Bhat, MD is a hematologist at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – The James. Learn more about Dr. Bhat.

See More from Thrive CLL

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Understanding CLL Treatment Classes

Understanding CLL Treatment Classes

Educational Resources for CLL Patients

Educational Resources for CLL Patients

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Can you please talk about common side effects of CLL – which, of course, we’ve covered already, but both the ones from the disease itself and then ones related to treatment, and what can be done about these? 

Dr. Bhat:

So, disease-related side effects, or we call them disease-related symptoms, include fatigue as a common symptom. Unintentional weight loss can happen. Fevers, chills, or drenching night sweats can happen. We call them, “B symptoms.” Spleen can enlarge, and the enlargement can cause belly pain or feeling of fullness quickly after a meal since spleen is close to our stomach, and as it enlarges, it limits the space stomach can take up in the belly. Lymph nodes can enlarge and can get uncomfortable. So, if any of these symptoms happen, then we have to treat the CLL, and once we start treating the CLL these symptoms should go away. 

As far as treatment-related side effects are concerned, for example, BTK inhibitors are associated with a certain set of side effects. For example, patients can have muscle cramping, muscle pain, joint pain. Patients can have diarrhea. Some of the side effects that we worry about is change in heart rhythm, for example, atrial fibrillation. We talked about that, or increased risk of bleeding.  

Those are some of the side effects we worry about, and if those were to develop, then, of course – for example, a patient has atrial fibrillation, and if it’s symptomatic, we hold the medication. We take care of the atrial fibrillation, usually in collaboration with cardiologists, and once that’s under control, then we have to decide what to do with the treatment. If the atrial fibrillation is under control, we can re-initiate the treatment, or we can go to one of the next-generation BTK inhibitors – the acalabrutinib (Calquence), the pirtobrutinib (LOXO-305), which have less of those side effects. 

Bleeding tends to be a concern, but anything that reduces the risk of bleeding like other medications, aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), other blood thinners, we can avoid them, monitor these patients very closely for any of these side effects, so that’s critical. With venetoclax, it’s usually very well-controlled. It’s the initial part of treatment that tends to be a little bit intensive because of the specific side effect called, “tumor lysis syndrome,” which means that the drug works very quickly, and cells die off quickly, they can release stuff in the blood, and things can collect in the blood. 

Uric acid can go up, electrolytes can be up, any number can go up. So, we are aware of this side effect, and we actually pre-emptively have things in place that can prevent this from happening, or if it happens, we manage it right away. For example, venetoclax has a specific dose initiation. For example, it’s called, “dose ramp-up.” We start it at a lower dose, 20 milligrams, for one week. Escalate it to 50 the next week, 100 the third week, 200 fourth week, and 400 the last week, which is the standard dose. They continue on 400 from there onward. 

And even with the slow dose escalation, in the early couple of weeks, we monitor them very closely. Once we initiate a dose, we bring them back to the clinic to recheck their blood work to see if there are any changes. If any changes have happened, we hydrate them, initiate medication for their tumor lysis syndrome. 

If the risk of tumor lysis is very high, then we monitor then admit them to the hospital. Otherwise, long-term side effects of venetoclax, what we have noticed mostly is gastritis, most side effects – mostly diarrhea. But that’s usually well-controlled. We can manage it well with supportive care.