Meditation on Love

Meditation on Love from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 Learn about taking in the good by attending to the qualitative state of LOVE and making it a more available inner resource. Watch now.

See More from Rx for Community Wellness


Greetings everyone. Thank you for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program. In this practice session we will be focusing our attention on positive states of mind that support wellbeing.

The mind can be looked at like a garden. In this practice session we will be planting seeds in the garden of our minds by focusing our attention on positive states of mind. These mental states become inner resources that are more accessible to us in our daily experiences. So, for this particular practice session we will be planting the seeds of Love.

To start our practice, find a comfortable seat. A chair is perfectly fine. And make any arrangements to support your back if necessary. Allow your eyes to softly close if you feel comfortable doing so. Feeling into the weight of your body being supported by your seat. Bring to mind an experience of Love. Recalling any experience that brings to mind Love. Something that has soothed your spirit. Feel into the Love of the experience. So, you want to tap into the Love, the feeling of Love. And letting go of the story about the experience and focus on the feeling of Love itself. Maintaining your attention on Love to best of your ability. If the mind wonders about, gently come back to the feeling of Love. Without fighting your mind gently come back to the feeling of Love. Opening yourself to this Love. Allowing it to fill your mind. Noticing this feeling of Love. Feeling into it like it’s your first time. Taking it all in. Receiving the Love. Giving yourself over to it. Allowing it to become a part of who you are. A part of your being. This feeling of Love. Noticing what is pleasant about this experience of Love. Feeling the presence of Love. Unbounded Love. Exhaling your breath out and taking in a full inhalation and exhaling with a soft ah… Gently open your eyes. We hope you enjoyed this Patient Empowerment Network program.

Meditation on Peace

Meditation on Peace from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Learn about taking in the good by attending to the qualitative state of PEACE and making it a more available inner resource. Watch now.

See More from Rx for Community Wellness


Greetings everyone. Thank you for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program. In this practice session we will be focusing our attention on positive states of mind that support wellbeing.

The mind can be looked at like a garden. In this practice session we will be planting seeds in the garden of our minds by focusing our attention on positive states of mind. These mental states become inner resources that are more accessible to us in our daily experiences. So, for this particular practice session we will be planting the seeds of Peace.

To start our practice, find a comfortable seat. A chair is perfectly fine. And make any arrangements to support your back if necessary. Allow your eyes to softly close if you feel comfortable doing so. Feeling into the weight of your body being supported by your seat. Bring to mind an experience of Peace. Recalling any experience that brings to mind Peace. Something that has soothed your spirit. Feel into the Peace of the experience. So, you want to tap into the Peace, the feeling of Peace. And letting go of the story about the experience and focus on the feeling of Peace. Maintaining your attention on Peace to best of your ability. If the mind wonders about, gently come back to the feeling of Peace. Without fighting your mind gently come back to the feeling of Peace. Opening yourself to this Peace. Allowing it to fill your mind. Noticing this feeling of Peace. Feeling into it like it’s your first time. Taking it all in. Receiving the Peace. Giving yourself over to it. Allowing it to become a part of who you are. A part of your being. This Peace. This feeling of Peace. Notice what is pleasant about this experience of Peace. Feeling the presence of Peace. Unbounded Peace. Exhaling all your breath out and taking in a full inhalation and exhaling with a soft ah… Gently open your eyes.

We hope you enjoyed this Patient Empowerment Network program.

Benefits of Minerals

Benefits of Minerals from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Minerals are very important elements required in small amounts in the diet that are used in the body to promote various functions and to help form body structures. Watch now.

See More from Rx for Community Wellness


Similar to vitamins, minerals are micronutrients that are essential to human health and can be obtained in our diet from different types of food.  

Minerals are inorganic elements from the Earth. Plants extract minerals from the soil they grow in and we humans obtain minerals directly from eating those plants, as well as indirectly from eating animal foods. We also get minerals from the water we drink.

Minerals are classified as either major minerals or trace minerals, depending on the amount needed in the body. Major minerals include sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sulfur. Calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium help in the building and maintenance of healthy bones. Sulfur contributes to the health of skin, tendons, and ligaments. Sodium, potassium and chloride are important electrolytes that help maintain fluid balance. Sodium and potassium are also important for nervous system function. Trace minerals include iron, copper, zinc, selenium, iodine, chromium, fluoride, manganese, and molybdenum. Iron is required for red blood cell function and therefore oxygen delivery. Copper is important for iron absorption and the production of red blood cells. Zinc is required for healing damaged tissue and supporting a healthy immune system. Selenium and iodine are essential for thyroid function. Selenium is also a powerful antioxidant. Fluoride is protective against tooth decay.

While deficiencies are possible with minerals, consuming a varied diet significantly improves an individual’s ability to meet their nutrient needs to maintain health and wellbeing. 

Thanks for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program. Please remember to ask your healthcare team what may be right for you.

Meditation on Joy

Meditation on Joy from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Learn about taking in the good by attending to the qualitative state of JOY and making it a more available inner resource. Watch now.

See More from Rx for Community Wellness


Greetings everyone. Thank you for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program. In this practice session we will be focusing our attention on positive states of mind that support wellbeing. The mind can be looked at like a garden. In this practice we will be planting seeds in the garden of our minds by focusing our attention on positive states of mind. These mental states become inner resources that are more accessible to us in our daily experiences. So, for this particular practice session we will be planting the seeds of joy.

To start our practice, find a comfortable seat. A chair is perfectly fine. And make any arrangements to support your back if necessary. Allow your eyes to softly close if you feel comfortable doing so. Feeling into the weight of your body being supported by your seat. Bring the mind to an experience of Joy. Recalling any experience that brings to mind Joy. Something that has lifted your spirits. Feel into the joy of the experience. So you want to tap into the joy, the feeling of joy. Letting go of the story and focus on the feeling of joy. Maintaining your attention on joy. If the mind wonders about gently come back to feeling joy. Without fighting your mind gently come back to the feeling of joy. Opening yourself to this joy. Allowing it to fill your mind. Noticing this feeling of joy. Feeling into it like it’s your first time. Taking it all in. Receiving the joy. Giving yourself over to it. Allowing it to become a part of who you are. A part of your being. This joy. This feeling of joy. Notice what is pleasant about this experience of joy. Feeling the presence of joy. Unbounded joy. Exhaling your breath out and taking in a full inhale and exhaling with a soft ah… Gently open your eyes. We hope you enjoyed this Patient Empowerment Network program

A Patient’s Perspective | Participating in a Clinical Trial

A Patient’s Perspective | Participating in a Clinical Trial from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Colorectal cancer survivor Cindi Terwoord recounts her clinical trial experience and explains why she believes patients should consider trial participation.

Dr. Pauline Funchain is a medical oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Funchain serves as Director of the Melanoma Oncology Program, co-Director of the Comprehensive Melanoma Program, and is also Director of the Genomics Program at the Taussig Cancer Institute of the Cleveland Clinic. Learn more about Dr. Funchain, here.

Cindi Terwoord is a colorectal cancer survivor and patient advocate. Learn more about Cindi, here.

See More from Clinical Trials 101

Related Resources:

A Patient Shares Her Clinical Trial Experience

If I Participate in a Clinical Trial, Will I Be a Guinea Pig?

Are Clinical Trials a Logistical Nightmare?


Katherine Banwell:    

Cindi, you were diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer, and decided to participate in a clinic trial. Can you tell us about what it was like when you were diagnosed?

Cindi Terwoord:        

Yeah. That was in September of 2019, and I had had some problems; bloody diarrhea one evening, and then the next morning the same thing. So, I called my husband at work, I said, “Things aren’t looking right. I think I’d better go to the emergency room.”

And so, we went there, they took blood work – so I think they knew something was going on – and said, “We’re going to keep you for observation.” So, then I knew it must’ve been something bad. And so, two days later, then I had a colonoscopy, and that’s when they found the tumor, and so that was the beginning of my journey.

Katherine Banwell:    

Mm-hmm. Had you had a colonoscopy before, or was that your first one?

Cindi Terwoord:        

No, I had screenings, I would get screenings. I had heard a lot of bad things about colonoscopies, and complications and that, so I was always very leery of doing that. Shame on me. I go for my other screenings, but I didn’t like to do that one. I have those down pat now, I’m very good at those.

Katherine Banwell:    

Yeah, I’m sure you do. So, Cindi, what helped guide your decision to join a clinical trial?

Cindi Terwoord:        

Well, I have a friend – it was very interesting.

He was probably one of the first people we told, because he had all sorts of cancer, and he was, I believe, one of the first patients in the nation to take part in this trial. It’s nivolumab (Opdivo), and he’s been on it for about seven years. And he had had various cancers would crop up, but it was keeping him alive.

And so, frankly, I didn’t know I was going to have the option of a trial, but he told me run straight to Cleveland Clinic, it’s one of the best hospitals. So, I took his advice. And the first day the doctor walked in, and then all these people walked in, and I’m like, “Why do I have so many people in here?” Not just a doctor and a nurse. There was like a whole – this is interesting.

And so, then they said, “Well, we have something to offer you. And we have this immunotherapy trial, and you would be one of the first patients to try this.”

Now, when they said first patient, I’m not quite sure if they meant the first colon cancer patient, I’m not sure. But they told me the name of it, and I said, “I’m in. I’m in.” Because I knew my friend had survived all these years, and I thought, “Well, I’ve gotten the worst diagnosis I can have, what do I have to lose?” So, I said, “I’m on board, I’m on board.”

Katherine Banwell:    

Mm-hmm. Did you have any hesitations?

Cindi Terwoord:        

Nope. No, I’m an optimistic person, and what they assured me was that I could drop out at any time, which I liked that option.

Because I go, “Well, if I’m not feeling well, and it’s not working, I’ll get out.” So, I liked that part of it. I also liked, as Dr. Funchain had said, you go in for more visits. And I like being closely monitored, I felt that was very good.

I’ve always kept very good track of my health. I get my records, I get my office notes from my doctor. I’m one of those people. I probably know the results of blood tests before the doctor does because I’m looking them up. So, I felt very confident in their care. They watched me like a hawk. I kept a diary because they were asking me so many questions.

Katherine Banwell:    

Oh, good for you.

Cindi Terwoord:        

I’m a transcriptionist, so I just typed out all my notes, and I’d hand it to them.

Katherine Banwell:    

That’s a great idea.

Cindi Terwoord:        

Here’s how I’m feeling, here’s…And I was very lucky I didn’t have many side effects.

Katherine Banwell:    

In your conversations with your doctor, did you weigh the pros and cons about joining a trial? Or had you already made up your mind that yes, indeed, you were going for it?

Cindi Terwoord:        

Yeah, I already said, “I’m in, I’m in.” Like I said, it had kept my friend alive for these many years, he’s still on it, and I had no hesitation whatsoever.

I wish more people – I wanted to get out there and talk to every patient in the waiting room and say, “Do it, do it.”

I mean, you can’t start chemotherapy then get in the trial. And if I ever hear of someone that has cancer, I ask them, “Well, were you given the option to get into a trial?” Well, and then some of them had started the chemo before they even thought of that.

Katherine Banwell:    

Mm-hmm. So, how are you doing now, Cindi? How are you feeling?

Cindi Terwoord:        

Good, good, I’m doing fantastic, thank goodness, and staying healthy. I’m big into herbal supplements, always was, so I keep those up, and I’m exercising. I’m pretty much back to normal –

Katherine Banwell:

Cindi, what advice do you have for patients who may be considering participating in a trial? 

Cindi Terwoord:

Do it. Like I said, I don’t see any downside to it. You want to get better as quickly as possible, and this could help accelerate your recovery. And everything Dr. Funchain mentioned, as far as – I really never brought up any questions about whether it would be covered. 

And then somewhere along the line, one of the research people said, “Well, anything the trial research group needs done – like the blood draws – that’s not charged to your insurance.” So, that was nice, that was very encouraging, because I think everybody’s afraid your insurance is going to drop you or something.  

And then the first day I was in there for treatment, a social worker came in, and they talked to you. “Do you need financial help? We also have art therapy, music therapy,” so that was very helpful. I mean, she came in and said, “I’m a social worker,” and I’m like, “Oh, okay. I didn’t know somebody was coming in here to talk to me.” 

But that was all very helpful, and I did get free parking for a few weeks. I mean, sometimes I’d have to remind them. I’d say, “It’s costing me more to park than to get treated.” But, yeah, like I said, I’m a big advocate for it, because you hear so many positive outcomes from immunotherapy trials, and boy, I’d say if you’re a candidate, do it. 

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Funchain, do you have any final thoughts that you’d like to leave the audience with? 

Dr. Pauline Funchain:

First, Cindi, I have to say thank you. I say thank you to every clinical trial participant, everybody who participates in the science. Because honestly, whether you give blood, or you try a new drug, I think people don’t understand how many other lives they touch when they do that.  

It’s really incredible. Coming into clinic day in and day out, we get to see – I mean, really, even within a year or two years, there are people that we’ve seen on clinical trial that we’re now treating normally, standardly, insurance is paying for it, it’s all standard of care. And those are even the people we can see, and there are so many people we can’t see in other centers all over the world, and people who will go on after us, right?  

 So, it’s an amazing – I wouldn’t even consider most of the time that it’s a personal sacrifice. There are a couple more visits and things like that, but it is an incredible gift that people do, in terms of getting trials. And then for some of those trials, people have some amazing results. 

And so, just the opportunity to have patients get an outcome that wouldn’t have existed without that trial, like Cindi, is incredible, incredible. 

What Are the Risks and Benefits of Joining a Clinical Trial?

What Are the Risks and Benefits of Joining a Clinical Trial? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Why should a cancer patient consider a clinical trial? Dr. Pauline Funchain of the Cleveland Clinic explains the advantages of clinical trial participation.

Dr. Pauline Funchain is a medical oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Funchain serves as Director of the Melanoma Oncology Program, co-Director of the Comprehensive Melanoma Program, and is also Director of the Genomics Program at the Taussig Cancer Institute of the Cleveland Clinic. Learn more about Dr. Funchain, here.

See More from Clinical Trials 101

Related Resources:

You’ve Chosen to Participate In a Clinical Trial: What Are Next Steps?

Understanding Common Clinical Trial Terminology

How to Find A Clinical Trial That’s Right for You


Katherine Banwell:

Why would a cancer patient consider participating in a clinical trial? What are the benefits? 

Dr. Pauline Funchain:

So, I mean, the number one benefit, I think, for everyone, including the cancer patient, is really clinical trials help us help the patient, and help us help future patients, really.  

We learn more about what good practices are in the future, what better drugs there are for us, what better regimens there are for us, by doing these trials. And ideally, everyone would participate in a trial, but it’s a very personal decision, so we weigh all the risks and benefits. I think that is the main reason.  

I think a couple of other good reasons to consider a trial would be the chance to see a drug that a person might not otherwise have access to. So, a lot of the drugs in clinical trials are brand new, or the way they’re sequenced are brand new. And so, this is a chance to be able to have a body, or a cancer, see something else that wouldn’t otherwise be available.  

And I think the last thing – and this is sort of the thing we don’t talk about as much – but really, because clinical trials are designed to be as safe as possible, and because they are new procedures, there’s a lot of safety protocols that are involved with them, which means a lot of eyes are on somebody going through a clinical trial.  

Which actually to me means a little bit sort of more love and care from a lot more people. It’s not that the standard of care – there’s plenty of love and care and plenty of people, but this doubles or triples the amount of eyes on a person going through a trial. 

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. When it comes to having a conversation with their doctor, how can a patient best weigh the risks and benefits to determine whether a trial is right for them? 

Dr. Pauline Funchain:

Right. So, I think that’s a very personal decision, and that’s something that a person with cancer would be talking to their physician about very carefully to really understand what the risks are for them, what the benefits are for them. Because for everybody, risks and benefits are totally different. So, I think it’s really important to sort of understand the general concept. It’s a new drug, we don’t always know whether it will or will not work. And there tend to be more visits, just because people are under more surveillance in a trial.  

So, sort of getting all the subtleties of what those risks and benefits are, I think, are really important. 

Katherine Banwell:

Mm-hmm. What are some key questions that patients should ask? 

Dr. Pauline Funchain:

Well, I think the first question that any patient should ask is, “Is there a trial for me?” I think that every patient needs to know is that an option. It isn’t an option for everyone. And if it is, I think it’s – everybody wants that Plan A, B, and C, right? You want to know what your Plan A, B, and C are. If one of them includes a trial, and what the order might be for the particular person, in terms of whether a trial is Plan A, B, or C. 

Benefits of Vitamins

Benefits of Vitamins from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Vitamins are very important compounds that are required in small amounts in the diet to support various functions related to growth, reproduction, and the maintenance of health. Watch now.

See More from Rx for Community Wellness


Vitamins are essential micronutrients that are required for many bodily functions and therefore necessary to maintain health. Vitamins are traditionally categorized into two groups: water-soluble meaning they are dissolvable in water or fat-soluble meaning they are dissolvable in fat. 

Water soluble vitamins include a collection of B vitamins and vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant found in citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit and in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts. The collection of B vitamins all assists in various metabolic processes in the body and are found in a variety of unprocessed plant-based foods and animal foods. Vitamin B12 is mainly found in animal foods but can be easily obtained through fortified cereals and non-dairy milks for those consuming a plant-based diet.

Fat soluble vitamins include Vitamins A, D, E and K. Vitamin A is an antioxidant and supports eye health found in leafy green vegetables like kale, orange and yellow vegetables like carrots. Vitamin D supports bone health and is obtained through exposing the skin to the sun, eating fatty fish and fortified foods. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cell membranes and is found in nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Vitamin K supports blood clotting and bone health and is found in green leafy vegetables and Brussels sprouts.

Unless there is a deficiency, it is recommended to primarily focus on getting vitamins from food sources vs supplementation. By eating a variety of whole foods from all food groups, you can ensure that you are getting all the vitamins needed to maintain health, protect against cancer and support recovery from cancer treatment.

Thanks for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program. Please remember to ask your healthcare team what may be right for you.

Participating in a Clinical Trial: What You Need to Know Resource Guide

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See More from Clinical Trials 101

Heart Center Meditation

Heart Centered Meditation from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Learn about cultivating present moment awareness by focusing your attention on the heart center.

See More from Rx for Community Wellness

Related Programs:

Body Scan Meditation

Body Scan Meditation

Body Parts Meditation

Body Parts Meditation

Complete Breathing Meditation


Greetings everyone. Thank you for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program. In this practice session we will be cultivating present moment awareness by focusing attention on the heart center. Before we start the practice, I want to state that focusing your attention on the body can have a grounding effect. Nonetheless, if you find this practice difficult for whatever reason, including health related or a traumatic history, please do not force it. I encourage you to be gentle and kind to yourself. Accepting yourself where you are in the process. Attend softly and your capacity will build over time.

To start our practice, find a comfortable seat. A chair is perfectly fine. And you may make any arrangements to support your back if necessary. Or you may lie down on your back for this particular practice. Allow your eyes to softly close if you feel comfortable doing so. Begin to feel into the weight of your body being supported by whatever you are seated on or lying on. Begin to bring your attention to the center of your chest area, the heart center. To support you in this practice, you may bring a hand to place over the heart center. Feel into the warmth of your hand. The tenderness of your hand over the heart center. Feeling, sensing, noticing. Anchoring your mind to the heart center. If the mind wonders about, gently bring it back to focusing your attention on the heart center. Feeling into the heart center without judgment. You may keep your hand over your heart for the duration of the practice or you may remove it at any moment you feel comfortable doing so. Gently open your eyes. We hope you enjoyed this Patient Empowerment Network program.

Whole Body Meditation

Whole Body Meditation from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 Learn about cultivating present moment awareness and staying grounded by attending to and being present with the whole body. Watch now.

See More from Rx for Community Wellness

Related Programs:

Body Scan Meditation

Body Scan Meditation

Body Parts Meditation

Body Parts Meditation

Complete Breathing Meditation


Greetings everyone. Thank you for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program. In this practice session we will be cultivating present moment awareness by focusing attention on the whole body. Before we start the practice, I want to state that focusing your attention on the body can have a grounding effect. Nonetheless, if you find this practice difficult for whatever reason, including health related or a traumatic history, please do not force it. I encourage you to be gentle and kind to yourself. Accept yourself where you are in the process. Attend softly and your capacity will build over time.

To start our practice, find a comfortable seat. A chair is perfectly fine. And you may make arrangements to support your back if necessary. Or you may lie down on your back for this particular practice. Allow your eyes to softly close if you feel comfortable doing so. Begin to feel into the weight of your body being supported by whatever you are seated on or lying on. Feeling into the heaviness of your body. Feeling supported. Being open to whatever arises without judgment of good or bad, without pushing anything away or grasping at anything. Just being present in your body to the best of your ability. Are you drawn to any part of your body? If so, allow yourself to go there with a soft attention without looking for anything in particular. Notice with curiosity and openness to your level of comfort without judgment. Feeling, sensing, noticing. Gently (bring) begin to come back to feeling the weight of your entire body being supported. Feeling into your whole body with a spacious curiosity and openness without judgment. Resting in your whole body. Your precious body. Gently open your eyes. We hope you enjoyed this Patient Empowerment Network program.

Body Scan Meditation

Body Scan Meditation from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Learn about cultivating present moment awareness and staying grounded by scanning your body for sensations in a methodical fashion from head to toe. Watch now.

See More from Rx for Community Wellness

Related Programs:

Breath Counting Meditation

Breath Counting Meditation

Chest Breathing Meditation

Chest Breathing Meditation

Complete Breathing Meditation


Greetings everyone. Thank you for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program. In this practice session we will be cultivating present moment awareness by scanning the body for sensations. Before we start this practice, I want to state that focusing your attention on the body can have a grounding effect. Nonetheless, if you find this practice difficult for whatever reason, including health related or a traumatic history, please do not force it. I encourage you to be gentle and kind to yourself. Accept yourself where you are in the process. Attend softly and your capacity will build over time.

To start our practice, find a comfortable seat. A chair is perfectly fine. You may also make arrangements to support your back if necessary. Or you may lie down on your back for this particular practice. Allow your eyes to softly close if you feel comfortable doing so. Begin to feel into the weight of your body being supported by whatever you are seated on or lying on. Notice any sensations without judgment of good or bad, without pushing anything away or grasping at anything. Just allow yourself to notice to best of your abilities. If you do not feel anything it’s ok. No need to force it. Be open to whatever arises without judgment. Begin to softly bring your attention to the soles of your feet. You may wiggle your toes to help you go there. Attending to any sensations that may arise or not without judgment. Begin to move your attention from the soles of your feet up your legs like a scanning disc up to your knees. Softly scanning for any sensations without judgment. If you are not feeling anything it is ok. Just move along, not allowing your mind to get stuck. From your knees up your thighs to your hips. Scanning. From your hips up your torso; front, back and sides up to your shoulders. Bringing your attention to your hands. Feeling, sensing, noticing. From hands to your elbows. Elbows to your shoulders. From your shoulders up your neck to your head. All the way to the crown of your head, the very top of your head. Begin to work your way down from the crown of your head to the shoulders. Scanning, sensing. Down the arms to your hands. Back to your shoulders down the torso to the hips. From the hips down the legs to the soles of your feet. From here bring your attention back to feeling the weight of your body in your seat. Gently open your eyes. We hope you enjoyed this Patient Empowerment Network program.

Body Parts Meditation

Body Parts Meditation from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Learn about cultivating present moment awareness and staying grounded by focusing your attention on different parts of the body.

See More from Rx for Community Wellness

Related Programs:

Breath Counting Meditation

Breath Counting Meditation

Chest Breathing Meditation

Chest Breathing Meditation

Complete Breathing Meditation


Greetings everyone. Thank you for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program. In this practice session we will be cultivating present moment awareness by focusing the attention on different parts of the body.

Before we start the practice, I want to state that focusing your attention on the body can have a grounding effect. Nonetheless, if you find this practice difficult for whatever reason, including health related or a traumatic history, please do not force it. I encourage you to be gentle and kind to yourself. Accept yourself where you are in this process. Attend softly and your capacity will build over time. To start our practice, find a comfortable seat. A chair is perfectly fine. And you may make arrangements to support your back if necessary. Or you may lie down on your back for this particular practice. Allow your eyes to softly close if you feel comfortable doing so. Begin to feel into the weight of your body being supported by whatever you are seated on or lying on. Notice any sensations without judgment of good or bad, without pushing anything away or grasping at anything. Just allow yourself to notice to the best of your abilities. If you do not feel anything, it’s ok. No need to force it. Be open to it. Whatever arises without judgment. Begin to softly bring your attention to your right foot. You may wiggle your toes to help you go there. Attending to any sensations that may arise or not without judgment. Begin to move your attention to your left foot. Attending softly without judgment. Moving your attention to your right leg. Feeling, sensing, noticing. Then bring your attention to your left leg. Moving to your right hand, attending softly without judgment. Then your left hand. Then to your right arm. Feeling, sensing, noticing. To your left arm. Bringing your attention to your head. Then your bringing your attention to your abdominal area, your belly area. Feeling, sensing, noticing. And then to your attention to your chest. From here bring your attention back to feeling the weight of your body in your seat. Gently open your eyes. We hope you enjoyed this Patient Empowerment Network program.

How Can Clinical Trials Be Accessed?

How Can Clinical Trials Be Accessed?  from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Clinical researcher Dr. Seth Pollack and patient advocate Sujata Dutta explain the benefits of participating in a clinical trial. They review important questions to ask your doctor and share advice for finding a trial.

Dr. Seth Pollack is Medical Director of the Sarcoma Program at the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University and is the Steven T. Rosen, MD, Professor of Cancer Biology and associate professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology and Oncology at the Feinberg School of Medicine. Learn more about Dr. Pollack, here.

Sujuta Dutta is a myeloma survivor and empowered patient advocate, and serves a Patient Empowerment Network (PEN) board member. Learn more about Sujuta, here.

See More from Clinical Trials 101

Related Resources:

What Is a Clinical Trial and What Are the Phases? 

Are Clinical Trials Safe?

A Patient Shares Her Clinical Trial Experience


Katherine Banwell:    

Sujata, there’s clearly a lot of hesitation and misconceptions out there. What would you say to someone who’s considering a trial but is hesitant?

Sujata Dutta:  

I would say speak to your provider, speak to your doctor, and get all these myths kind of busted to say, “it’s going to be expensive” or whatever those questions are. And then, through that process also try and understand what is it that the study is trying to achieve? How is that going to be beneficial to you? So, in my instance, it wasn’t the last line of defense, it was just one of the processes or combos that would help me. And so, that was important for me to understand and then a little bit of education as well. So, I was asking, I have questions on my phone every time I meet my provider, and I did the same thing. So, I think that one of the good practices is keep your note of your questions and have those questions ready. And no question is silly, all questions are important. So, ask as many questions as you can and use that opportunity to educate yourself about it.

And maybe you realize, “No. I don’t think it’s working for me” or “I don’t think this trial is good for me.” But it’s good, important, to have that conversation with your provider, that’s what I would recommend highly.

Katherine Banwell:    

Excellent. Thank you, Dr. Pollack, if someone is interested in participating, how can they find out about what trials are even available for them?

Dr. Seth Pollack:       

Yeah. I mean, the best thing to do is to start just by asking your doctor if they know about any clinical trials. And a lot of the times the clinical trials are run at the big medical centers that may be closer to you, so you could ask your doctor if there’s any clinical trials at the big medical center even. Or I always think it’s good to get a second opinion, you could go get a second opinion at the big medical center that’s close to you and ask them what clinical trials are at your center.

And sometimes they’ll be conscious about some of the clinical trials that may be even run around the country. And you can ask about that as well.

Katherine Banwell:    

Would specialists have more information about clinical trials than say a general practitioner?

Dr. Seth Pollack:       

So, I specialize in rare cancers, so a lot of the times the general practitioners they’ve got my cell phone number, and they text me, and they say, “Hey, do you have a clinical trial going on right now?” And that happens all the time, but yeah, the specialists will usually because frankly there’s so much to know. And the general practitioners really have a lot to keep track of with all the different types of diseases that are out there. Whereas at the big centers, the specialists, part of their job is really to keep their tabs on what’s going on with the clinical trials.

So, they’re good people to ask, either your local doctor could reach out to them, or you could go get a second opinion and ask.

Sujata Dutta:  

There’s also a lot of information, Katherine, on sites such as LLS, or PEN, or American Cancer Society that they also publish a lot of information. Of course, I would recommend once you have that information then vet it by your specialist, or whatever. But if you’re interested in knowing more about clinical trials in general and some that would work for you, then those are also some places to get information from.

Katherine Banwell:    

That’s great information. Thank you, I was going to ask you about that Sujata. Well, before we end the program, Dr. Pollack, I’d like to get your final thoughts. What message do you want to leave the audience with related to clinical trial participation?

Dr. Seth Pollack:       

Yeah. I think clinical trials it can be a very rewarding thing for a lot of patients to do, I think patients really like learning about the new treatments. And I think a lot of patients really like being a part of pushing the therapies forward in addition to feeling like sometimes they’re getting a little bit of an extra layer of scrutiny, because there’s a whole extra team of research coordinators that are going through everything.

And getting access to something that isn’t available yet to the general population. So, I think there’s a whole host of advantages of going on clinical trials, but you need to figure out whether or not a clinical trial is right for you.

Katherine Banwell:    

Yeah. Sujata, what would you like to add?

Sujata Dutta:  

Absolutely, I second everything that Dr. Pollack is saying. And in my personal experience I wouldn’t say everything is hunky-dory, everything is fine. I’m going through treatment, I have chemo every four weeks, I started with chemo every week. That’s when the logistics pace was really difficult because going to Mayo every week was not easy. But anyways, as the trial progress itself every four weeks, but as I said the benefits are huge because I have labs every four weeks. I meet my provider every four weeks.

So, we go through the labs and anything amiss, I’ve had some changes to my dosage because I’ve had some changes in the labs. And so, there’s a lot of scrutiny which I like, but the flip side, for maybe some maybe like, “I have to have chemo every four weeks. Do I want to do that or not?” Or whatever. In my case, I knew it, and I signed up for it, and I’m committed to doing that for two years. And so, I’m fine with that. So, I would say all in all, I’d see more benefits of being in a clinical trial. One, you’re motivated to give back to the community. Two, you are being monitored and so your health is important to your provider just as it is to you. And so, I highly recommend being part of a trial if it works for you and if you’re eligible for one.

Are Clinical Trials Safe?

Are Clinical Trials Safe?  from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Clinical researcher Dr. Seth Pollack explains the safety protocols in place for clinical trials, including how data is reported and protected. Patient advocate Sujata Dutta goes on to share her experience in a clinical trial.

Dr. Seth Pollack is Medical Director of the Sarcoma Program at the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University and is the Steven T. Rosen, MD, Professor of Cancer Biology and associate professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology and Oncology at the Feinberg School of Medicine. Learn more about Dr. Pollack, here.

Sujuta Dutta is a myeloma survivor and empowered patient advocate, and serves a Patient Empowerment Network (PEN) board member. Learn more about Sujuta, here.

See More from Clinical Trials 101

Related Resources:

Is a Clinical Trial a Last-Resort Option?

A Patient Shares Her Clinical Trial Experience

If I Participate in a Clinical Trial, Will I Be a Guinea Pig?


Katherine Banwell:

Some patients feel that clinical trials aren’t safe, is that the case, Dr. Pollack?  

Dr. Seth Pollack:

No. I mean, we go through, as I was saying before, these clinical trials are extensively vetted. So, the safety is, of course, one of the things that we look most carefully about. But as I was saying before, like with any treatment’s cancer treatments have toxicity, that’s a common problem. So, and when you’re dealing with something brand new sometimes there is a little bit more risk. So, when you’re talking about these very early-stage Phase I trials you probably want to talk to your doctor about what sorts of toxicities you can expect and where they are in the Phase I trial. Are you the first ever to receive this new drug? And if you are nobody’s making you go in the clinical trial, so it can only help to get more information. Right? So, you should ask your team about it, you should find out. 

Most of the time there’s going to be a lot of patients that have been treated already, I mean, they can’t give you definitive data about how things are going but they can maybe say, “Hey. I’ve already treated a few patients on it, and they seem to be doing great.” 

Katherine Banwell:

So, you need to weigh the pros and cons of the trial. 

Dr. Seth Pollack:

You do need to weigh the pros and cons. Now, when you’re talking about these Phase IIs and Phase IIIs, I mean, these are drugs now that have really been vetted for their safety and we have a lot of data about it. And even the Phase Is, it’s not like these things are coming out of nowhere, they’ve been scrutinized, we really expect that they’re going to be safe but we’re doing the trial to prove it. So, it’s a good thing to ask about. 

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah, yeah. 

Sujata Dutta:

Yeah. I would also add that it’s so closely monitored that safety is a top priority, it’s front and center. So, the advantage, I think, with being on a trial is the close monitoring of the patient exactly for this reason. 

If something is amiss it’s going to be picked up as quickly as possible and you’re any issues are going to be addressed as soon as. So, I think, safety does get addressed pretty quickly.  

Katherine Banwell:


Can data from trials even be trusted? Dr. Pollack, is that the case? 

Dr. Seth Pollack:

Well, of course, I mean, it can be trusted. Because the thing with the clinical trial data is that you really see the data and there’s all kinds of scrutiny making sure that the data is reported accurately. Now, there’s a whole other conversation we could have as to whether we could interpret the data differently. And sometimes that is an issue that comes up, but the data is reported very accurately. 

So, and there are statistics that are very well understood, and the bar is actually pretty high to say one arm of the trial was better than the other arm of the trial. So, if patients have better survival on one arm, if we say that, usually it means they did considerably better. Enough better that it wasn’t a random chance that one extra patient did better on the treatment arm. No. There were enough patients that did better that the statisticians can go through it with a fine-toothed comb. And they can be absolutely sure up to exactly how many percent sure they can tell you, 0.05 percent or less chance of error that this was a real difference between the study arm and the standard of care arm. 

Sujata Dutta:

I think you mentioned too that one is trust, and one is data. So, Dr. Pollack mentioned a lot about the data, I think the trust is also a very important thing. I like to go with positive intent because I do not have a reason to believe my doctor has some ulterior motive to suggest a clinical trial. And so, I trust them wholeheartedly. The first hurdle is you have to trust the system or what is being proposed to you because, as Dr. Pollack said, it’s gone through a lot of vetting. A recommendation to be part of a trial itself is vetted by your doctor when they make the recommendation. So, have faith, trust, that they are making a good recommendation. And then, of course, the data, I don’t know much about that, but as I said, I trust it. So, I would trust the data too. 

Katherine Banwell:

Of course. Of course. Some patients feel like they’re going to lose their privacy. Sujata, did you feel that at all? 

Sujata Dutta:

No. Not at all. 

I mean, with everything else that is also taken care of, my information, or whatever, is not made available to anybody. And so, obviously there’s a lot of people will get those, and I had a huge pile of paperwork to go through, but I think that’s a good thing. For my peace of mind that I knew that my information was not going to be shared outside of the study, the trial, etc., and things. So, no, I don’t think that’s a problem. 

Katherine Banwell:

Beyond these misconceptions is there anything else you hear? Dr. Pollack?  

Dr. Seth Pollack:

No. I mean, look, in our crazy modern world there’s concerns everywhere, but the clinical trial is very, very careful. Whenever possible we use the medical chart.  

And then, we have a very stringently protected database that’s storing people’s information, but it’s deidentified. So, I mean, we have a separate key to figure out who the patients are and then we try to limit the use of the patient’s name or any identifying information about them beyond that. So, and your information is not shared. For example, if there’s a drug company involved in the trial, your information is not shared with the drug company, you have a new identifier that is unique and not traceable back to you that is provided to whoever, if there’s outside groups working on the trial with you. So, your information is very carefully protected, and everyone is very conscious about issues regarding privacy.  

Katherine Banwell:

That’s great to know.  

Are Clinical Trials a Logistical Nightmare?

Are Clinical Trials a Logistical Nightmare?  from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

PEN board member and myeloma survivor Sujata Dutta shares how her family managed the logistics of her clinical trial participation.

Sujuta Dutta is a myeloma survivor and empowered patient advocate, and serves a Patient Empowerment Network (PEN) board member. Learn more about Sujuta, here.

See More from Clinical Trials 101

Related Resources:

Is a Clinical Trial a Last-Resort Option?

Are Clinical Trials Safe?


Katherine Banwell:    

The logistics will be a nightmare and I don’t live close to a research hospital. Sujata, did you have that issue?

Sujata Dutta:  

Yeah. That’s a very interesting one, and actually I’ll share my experience. I did have this concern about logistics, because I got my transplant at Mayo Rochester, which is a two-hour drive from where I live. And so, when I got to know about it literally me and my husband were like, “Oh, my gosh. What are we going to do?” It’s not just me, my husband is my caregiver, he has to take the day off to drive me to Mayo, wait through my treatment, and drive me back. Then we have boys who were distance learning at the time, and so what do we do with them? Do we drop off a friends or take a favor from a friend? And so on and so forth.

So, the logistics was an issue and we literally said, “Thanks but no thanks” and we walked out of the room. And we came downstairs, and my husband was like, “What the heck?” My team understands everything, and I fortunately work for a very good employer, and they understand everything, people first. And so, he was like, “I can figure this out. Let’s do it if this is what’s going to help you, then let’s just figure this out.” And at that time, it was so good, and I have total respect for Dr. Pollack.

You and everybody in this medical community. My doctor who leads the trial at Mayo, she actually said, “Why don’t you check with your local cancer center? Maybe they are also approved by FDA, and they may be able to administer this treatment to you.” Unfortunately, at that time they weren’t but we were like, “We’re going to go ahead with the trial. It doesn’t matter.” My husband was like, “I’ll take the day off, you don’t worry about it.” And then, four months later my institute did get approved by FDA, and so I was able to transfer from Mayo to my local cancer center, Abramson Cancer Center, which is 20 minutes from home. And so, there are options, I know that it can be an issue and it can be overwhelming at the time which was the case with me. But I was able to overcome that, so maybe there are options available that the patients can consider.