Empowering Patients: The Advantages of Remote Symptom Monitoring – Let’s AceCancer

As we continue to see advancements in telemedicine and virtual care, remote patient symptom monitoring is becoming increasingly crucial.  It is important to highlight the significance of remote patient symptom monitoring and how it can benefit both you and your healthcare team.  

Remote patient symptom monitoring involves using technology such as digital health apps to monitor your health status, symptoms, and medical history remotely. While it’s commonly used for patients with chronic conditions, it’s also been shown to be beneficial for cancer patients receiving active care.  

Remote patient monitoring is important because it allows your medical team to detect and respond to changes in your health status in real-time, which can lead to early intervention and the prevention of complications. This can ultimately lead to improved health outcomes, reduce hospitalizations, lower healthcare costs, and improved quality of life.  

In addition, remote patient monitoring allows you to be more involved in your own care and also enhances your knowledge to make informed decisions about your health. For example, Celeste Jones, a 68-year-old woman, was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She just finished her first round of chemotherapy and is experiencing side effects such as nausea, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping. Her nurse navigator at her community oncology center recommended a digital health app to help her manage her symptoms. She now uses her app to track her symptoms each day. She can quickly record how she is feeling, capture the severity of her symptoms, and make brief notes about any triggers that may have caused her symptoms.   

Lastly, remote patient monitoring can help you reduce your healthcare costs by preventing costly medical interventions and reducing hospitalizations and emergency room visits. Celeste can now manage her symptoms more effectively so that she doesn’t suffer in silence. She can also communicate with her medical team with better detail which can improve her overall quality of life. After using the app for more than 3 cycles of chemo she feels more empowered and in control of her cancer journey. By utilizing digital health apps, you can enhance communication with your healthcare team and take charge of your well-being. These apps facilitate interactive virtual communication between you and your care team, empowering you to improve your health outcomes.  

At Acellus, we are thrilled to collaborate with the Patient Empowerment Network’s digital sherpa®  program. Through this partnership, we can visit healthcare institutions and provide guided knowledge to older adults regarding the significance of acquiring basic internet, social media, and digital health skills. Acellus Health and Patient Empowerment Network are dedicated to empowering patients and emphasizing the power of knowledge.    

In conclusion, remote patient symptom monitoring is absolutely essential in today’s healthcare environment. With technology continuing to advance, remote monitoring will become even more relevant in healthcare delivery, allowing your healthcare providers to provide you with high-quality care no matter where you are. So, don’t wait any longer—activate it today!  

Becoming Empowered and [ACT]IVATED After A Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Diagnosis

Patient Empowerment Network (PEN) is committed to helping educate and empower patients and care partners in the non-melanoma skin cancer community. Skin cancer treatment options are ever-increasing with new testing, treatments, and research information, and it’s important for patients and families to educate themselves with health literacy tools and resources on the latest information in skin cancer care. With this goal in mind, PEN initiated the [ACT]IVATED Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer program, which aims to inform, empower, and engage patients to stay abreast of the latest in skin cancer care.

The [ACT]IVATED Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer (NMSC) program is geared to newly diagnosed skin cancer patients, yet can be beneficial for patients at any stage of disease and for patient advocates. [ACT]IVATED helps patients and care partners stay updated on the latest options for their skin cancer, provides patient activation tools to help overcome barriers to accessing care and powerful tips for self-advocacy, coping, and living well with cancer.

Skin Cancer Disparities

There are important skin cancer risk factors and vital differences to know about how some skin cancers can look and where they occur in different populations. Mary Leer, a cancer survivor and empowerment lead at PEN interviewed Dr. Silvina Pugliese as part of the [ACT]IVATED Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer program. Dr. Pugliese discussed some skin cancer risks including occupational risks of those who work outdoors, at high altitudes like pilots and Air Force personnel or veterans, and older white men. Additional risk factors include those who have undergone solid organ transplant, arsenic in well water, smoking, chronic wounds, wounds or scars, genetic mutations, exposure to radiation, leukemia patients, living near the equator, freckles, and naturally blonde or red hair. Dr. Pugliese further shared about current or previous occupational risks, “…if you are within one of these occupational categories where you work primarily outdoors or have worked primarily outdoors, have had sunburns while working outdoors, have worked at high altitude, it’s important to have your skin checked, to make sure that you have not developed any spots that could be worrisome for non-melanoma skin cancer.”

The appearance of basal cell skin cancer and squamous cell skin cancer may often look different or occur in different locations in skin of color patients in comparison to white patients. It’s important for both patients and patient advocates to raise awareness about the key differences. Dr. Pugliese explained how more studies on squamous cell cancers have shown how locations may vary for non-white patients. “…We know that in skin of color patients we might see more of these skin cancers on the lower legs or on the feet or in genital or perianal skin. And that’s important, because we as dermatologists need to make sure that we’re examining all of these areas when we’re doing a full body skin exam. In addition, about 20 to 40 percent of all squamous cell cancers diagnosed in Black patients are occurring within scars or areas of chronic inflammation such as wounds.” It’s also important to note that squamous cell cancers are often advanced when they’re diagnosed, and so larger sections of skin are more often removed, which may have more long-term impact on the patient.

Basal cell cancer is the most common type of skin cancer and has a different appearance in skin of color patients. Dr. Pugliese explained the key differences in appearance and a rare tumor called Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP). “So it might have more of a purple or blue appearance than the classic pink shiny bump that we talk about. And then finally there is a rare tumor that we call DFSP that is actually more likely to occur in Black patients and can often have a scar-like appearance. This is a rare soft tissue tumor that can involve the deeper skin sometimes into the fat and even muscle.”

Dr. Pugliese [ACT]IVATION Tip

Solutions for Improved Skin Cancer Care

Patient education and empowerment are key parts on the path to informed and optimal care. These efforts can take many forms but include approaches like improving clinical trial participation, learning more from credible resources, asking questions to ensure your best care, and helping to educate others about skin cancer.

Clinical trial participation by diverse populations is especially important for the more rare types of skin cancer. Dr. Silvina Pugliese shared about the value that can be derived from research, “…we think about less common skin cancers like Merkel cell carcinoma or DFSP. And when we think about how uncommon these skin cancers can be in skin of color, we realize we’re really drawing from a very small pool of patients. So my point here is that you can make a true impact by enrolling in a clinical trial, especially as we’re looking at what are some of the best treatment options for these more advanced skin cancers or metastatic skin cancers? Because we do need the right patients to be enrolled in order to study these research questions.”

[ACT]IVATED Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Program Resources

The [ACT]IVATED Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer program series takes a three-part approach to inform, empower, and engage both the overall lung cancer community and patient groups who experience health disparities. The series includes the following resources:

Though there are skin cancer disparities and variation in location and appearance of skin cancer, patients and care partners can be proactive in gaining knowledge to help ensure optimal care. We hope you can benefit from these valuable resources to aid in your skin cancer care for yourself or for your loved one.


By texting EMPOWER to +1-833-213-6657, you can receive personalized support from PENs Empowerment Leads. Whether you’re a non-melanoma skin cancer patient, or caring for someone who is, PEN’s Empowerment Leads will be here for you at every step of your journey.

Becoming Empowered and [ACT]IVATED After An Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis

Patient Empowerment Network (PEN) is committed to helping educate and empower patients and care partners in the ovarian cancer community. Ovarian cancer treatment options are ever-growing with new treatments, and it’s important for patients and families to educate themselves about testing, factors in treatment decisions, treatment types, and disparities in care. With this goal in mind, PEN kicked off the [ACT]IVATED Ovarian Cancer program, which aims to inform, empower, and engage patients to stay tuned in on the latest in ovarian cancer care.

Ovarian cancer can occur in an ovary, a fallopian tube, or the primary peritoneum – which is the thin tissue lining in the abdomen. Symptoms of ovarian cancer can vary widely and may include abdominal pain, pelvic pain, abdominal bloating, difficulty urinating, difficulty with bowel movements, or a growth or mass. PEN is proud to add information about ovarian cancer to serve more patients and their families. Cancer survivor and Empowerment Lead Mikki Goodwin interviewed expert Dr. Ebony Hoskins, a board-certified gynecologic oncologist at MedStar Washington Hospital Center and Assistant Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology at Georgetown University Medical Center.

Factors in Ovarian Cancer Treatment Options

One essential part for ovarian cancer patients to ensure their best care is to receive genetic testing. Dr. Ebony Hoskins discussed the importance of genetic testing. “…ovarian cancer can be hereditary. Approximately 10 to 15 percent are associated with an increased risk with family history. It is now recommended that any patient with ovarian cancer get genetics testing period, even if there’s no family history that they should be offered genetics testing.”

Dr. Hoskins stressed the importance of ovarian cancer patients to know their ovarian cancer subtype, stage of disease, organs involved, and plan of attack for their specific cancer. Empowering patients with this information can help them as part of shared decision-making. “…I look at it I, II, III, IV. In terms of treatment planning, we look at that and there’s data that look and say, “What are the best options for treatment in someone?” It depends on their stage and the grade. And that’s all kind of important in terms of treatment, but as well as for prognosis.

Ovarian Cancer Disparities

Studies show that there are disparities in ovarian cancer care and clinical trial participation. While both Hispanic women and Black women experience more barriers to quality ovarian cancer care, a study found that Black women were 14 percent less likely than white women to receive all treatments recommended by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines. Another study on ovarian cancer clinical trial participation found that Hispanic/Latinx patients and patients on Medicaid were less likely to participate in ovarian cancer clinical trials. Ovarian cancer patients and patient advocates can help educate themselves and others about these disparities to aid in efforts to spread awareness and changes toward better care and clinical trial participation rates.

Solutions Toward Better Ovarian Cancer Care

Clinical  trial participation is vital to develop effective ovarian cancer treatment for all patients. Dr. Hoskins shared her perspective about the importance of clinical trials. “…I always tell patients, the reason we know what to give you now, treatment is based off a clinical trial. So we need these trials. We didn’t just create a new drug and just gave it. We need to know, is it going to improve survival? What are the side effects? Is it going to kill the cancer? And so it’s important to be on the cutting edge if you will, of advancement in the field. The only way I know what to give patients is based off a clinical trial.

Dr. Hoskins [ACT]IVATION Tip


Clinical trial participation can often diminish the financial burden of cancer care. Dr. Hoskins explained some of the financial benefits and advice for patients. “The financial toxicity and sometimes coming under their trial, the drugs are covered, so you’re getting cutting-edge care that comes as maybe it’s not as costly to you, so I think, again, my activation tip for a patient is inquire with your doctor, “Am I a candidate for a clinical trial? Do you offer a clinical trial, are there clinical trials that would fit my scenario that’s local that I could go to? Are there clinical trials that are available, say, out of state that you think I will be a good fit for?” And sometimes…again, not every patient is a clinical trial candidate for a number of reasons, but asking the question, I think is huge.

Cancer survivor Mikki Goodwin shared her patient experience and the importance of empowering yourself as a patient. “Live on purpose every day, be your best advocate, record doctor appointments, you’ll never remember everything, so it’s good to be able to play it back, take one day at a time, rest when you need to rest that is part of healing, and stay hydrated. Having cancer is not a sentence to die, but a call to live intentionally. More than anything, stay positive, more than half the battle starts in the mind.”

[ACT]IVATED Ovarian Cancer Program Resources

The [ACT]IVATED Ovarian Cancer program series takes a three-part approach to inform, empower, and engage both the overall ovarian cancer community and patient groups who experience health disparities. The series includes the following resources:

Though there are ovarian cancer disparities, patients and care partners can be proactive in educating themselves to help ensure optimal care. We hope you can take advantage of these valuable resources to aid in your ovarian cancer care for yourself or for your loved one.


By texting EMPOWER to +1-833-213-6657, you can receive personalized support from PENs Empowerment Leads. Whether you’re an ovarian cancer patient, or caring for someone who is, PEN’s Empowerment Leads will be here for you at every step of your journey.

Becoming an Empowered and [ACT]IVATED After An Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis

Patient Empowerment Network (PEN) is committed to helping educate and empower patients and care partners in the endometrial cancer community. Endometrial cancer treatment options are ever-expanding with new treatments, and it’s important for patients and families to educate themselves about testing, factors in treatment decisions, treatment types, and disparities in care. With this goal in mind, we kicked off the [ACT]IVATED Endometrial Cancer program, which aims to inform, empower, and engage patients to stay abreast of the latest in endometrial cancer care.

Endometrial cancer is a cancer of the lining of the uterus where menstruation occurs. Abnormal bleeding is a common symptom of endometrial cancer. PEN is proud to add information about endometrial cancer to serve more patients and their families.

Endometrial cancer survivor Mikki Goodwin interviewed expert Dr. Ebony Hoskins, a board-certified gynecologic oncologist at MedStar Washington Hospital Center and Assistant Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology at Georgetown University Medical Center. Mikki was initially diagnosed as stage III and progressed to stage IVB after a complete hysterectomy. Her treatment journey included a robotic hysterectomy, six rounds of chemotherapy, and 26 rounds of radiation.

Factors in Endometrial Cancer Treatment Options

Endometrial cancer care can have different options depending on the stage and other factors. Stage IV endometrial cancer survivor Mikki Goodwin spoke with expert Dr. Ebony Hoskins from MedStar Washington Hospital Center. Dr. Hoskins explained some of the factors that play into treatment decisions. “I think we follow kind of certain guidelines, if you will and providing standard of care and the first frontline therapy is pretty standard, right? In terms of advanced treatment, when patients recur and we have to look at alternate treatment therapies, I always look at the patient, I always look at what their medical problems are or any side effects. And, of course, the data to see how well are they going to do, what side effects and quality of life? There are numerous factors that are not just something looking in a book and say, ‘Okay, I’ll take A,’ right? Like I think we have to look at all of that and make a decision with our patients over undergoing the side effects, the efficacy, all of these things that are in mind when we talk to patients.”

Dr. Ebony Hoskins and Mikki Goodwin

Endometrial Cancer Disparities 

Dr. Ebony Hoskins shared about endometrial cancer disparities. “…we know that Black women are diagnosed pretty much at the same rate as white women, but have a two times higher risk of death. And so that alone is a big disparity. We also see…more aggressive tumor types in Black women…I think some of the clinical trials have recognized that there is a low number of patients in these trials advancing, and so there has been an increased effort in recruiting patients into these

trials. I think there is more work being done, to understand the biology and why there’s a difference. Me as a provider I will always think, ‘Oh, it’s because women went to the doctor late or access to care.’ And then I’m like, ‘Well, no, no, no these women have access to care. They have access to insurance. They went to the doctor right away.’ And so I think it’s very complex and deserves more study into it.”

Dr. Hoskins further explained about the importance of diversity in clinical trials. “…I think clinical trial participation is important in endometrial cancer. Number one, the rate of Black women getting advanced and aggressive endometrial cancer is on the rise. The representation in these trials are different. What’s different is not only the patient, the tumor type is different. How do we know that these same patients that’s not in the trials are going to respond to this treatment? That’s what I always ask…maybe they don’t respond as well, because that’s a different disease type, right?”

Marginalized patient groups are another area of concern for endometrial cancer patients, and Dr. Hoskins explained some of these patient groups. “…I think we could say minority populations, we can say Black women, we can say Hispanic women, and…marginalized, patients who don’t have access to care. Yes. I definitely think that you could or they could have a worse outcome, whether it’s for lack of access for someone who may not be insured or for patients who may be in this country without proper documentation getting the medical care that they may need…we’ve talked about race as being a risk factor, and again, access to care is certainly a risk factor…So disadvantaged populations could be patients who live in rural areas, patients with gender identity changes.” 

Solutions Toward Better Endometrial Cancer Care

Clinical trial participation is vital to develop effective endometrial cancer treatment for all patients. Dr. Hoskins had a recent interaction with an endometrial cancer patient and shared about her interaction.

“I recently had a patient that I referred to a clinical trial. And she really was struggling with whether she should do it or not. And one of the things that I said to her is, ‘I think it’s important. One, you’re going to have access to advanced treatment options that are not there now. And Black women are dying, and we need this information to know if this is the same.’ And she instantly was like, ‘I’m going, I’m doing it.’ And I think it’s very important that we have patients with access to trials.”

Dr. Hoskins also shared her perspective about patients advocating for their best care. “…it’s okay to find a different provider, or a doctor to make sure that you’re heard.…seek alternate care or another opinion. I think it’s very important that patients have a doctor that they trust and feel like they can ask questions for…I really don’t think it’s okay to be dismissed.”

Cancer survivor Mikki Goodwin has been involved with the Endometrial Cancer Action Network for African-Americans (ECANA), which has served as a partner for the [ACT]IVATED Endometrial Cancer program. Mikki shared her patient experience and the importance of empowering yourself as a patient. “Live on purpose every day, be your best advocate, record doctor appointments, you’ll never remember everything, so it’s good to be able to play it back, take one day at a time, rest when you need to rest that is part of healing, and stay hydrated. Having cancer is not a sentence to die, but a call to live intentionally. More than anything, stay positive, more than half the battle starts in the mind.”

Dr. Ebony Hoskins

[ACT]IVATED Endometrial Cancer Program Resources

The [ACT]IVATED Endometrial Cancer program series takes a three-part approach to inform, empower, and engage both the overall endometrial cancer community and endometrial cancer patient groups who experience health disparities. The series includes the following resources:

Though there are endometrial cancer disparities, patients and care partners can be proactive in educating themselves to help ensure optimal care. We hope you can take advantage of these valuable resources to aid in your endometrial cancer care for yourself or for your loved one.


By texting EMPOWER to +1-833-213-6657, you can receive personalized support from PENs Empowerment Leads. Whether you’re a endometrial cancer patient, or caring for someone who is living with it, PEN’s Empowerment Leads will be here for you at every step of your journey. Learn more.


Becoming an Empowered and [ACT]IVATED Breast Cancer Patient

Patient Empowerment Network (PEN) is committed to helping educate and empower patients and care partners in the breast cancer community. Breast cancer treatment options are ever-growing with research advancements in treatments and testing, and it’s important for patients and families to educate themselves with health literacy tools and resources on the latest information in breast cancer care. With this goal in mind, PEN kicked off the [ACT]IVATED Breast Cancer program, which aims to inform, empower, and engage patients to stay abreast of up-to-date information in breast cancer care. 

The [ACT]IVATED Breast Cancer program is aimed at newly diagnosed breast cancer patients, yet it is beneficial at any stage of disease. [ACT]IVATED Breast Cancer helps patients and care partners stay in the know about the latest options for their breast cancer, provides patient activation tools to help overcome barriers to accessing care, and powerful tips for self-advocacy, coping, and living well with cancer.

Breast Cancer Disparities

With more focus on disparities in breast cancer outcomes, research studies are starting to reveal actionable information on genetic differences. A recent study uncovered a racial disparity among cancer types that are hormone receptor-negative but HER2-positive. While treatment has been successful in white patient groups, the outcomes have been less successful in Black patient groups. The study also noted key gene mutations in the MAPK pathway occur more frequently in Black patients, which warrants further investigation.

Lisa Hatfield and Dr. Demetria Smith-Graziani

Breast cancer expert Dr. Demetria Smith-Graziani from Emory University School of Medicine shared updates about her breast cancer research. “…what we found is that regardless of the type surgery Black women were reporting more severe pain compared to white women, and so that’s what prompted me to engage in my most recent research project…the reason that I’m looking at those specific set of factors is because there are a number of psychological components to the way that we feel pain, such as anxiety, depression and yes trust that are linked to the way that we experience pain and how severe that pain is and how much that pain affects our lives.

Proactive Steps to Improve Breast Cancer Care

Knowledge gained from research studies can be utilized by patient advocates, and actions can be taken to improve breast cancer care and in the evolution of research efforts for all patients. Dr. Smith-Graziani discussed the importance of clinical trials in driving advancements in breast cancer research and treatments. “…all of the current treatments we have that are FDA-approved were approved because of the results from clinical trials that previous patients participated in…And we won’t get any new advancements in breast cancer treatments and come up with even better, more effective treatments, unless we are able to do more clinical trials with more patients. The other part is that in the past, most of the participants of clinical trials have been pretty much the same, they have been mostly white, mostly have insurance, mostly of a higher socioeconomic status, and those patterns continue today, we are still trying to get the patients in clinical trials to reflect the true population of the United States. And in order to know that clinical trials are effective for everybody, we need to have everybody in those trials.”

Dr. Demetria Smith-Graziani

Dr. Smith-Graziani also explained breast cancer subtypes and why it’s vital for patients to learn about their breast cancer subtype. “When we are looking at the cancer cells under the microscope, we look at specific proteins in these cells, and based on what proteins we see, we designate it as positive or negative for the estrogen receptor, the progesterone receptor, or a protein called HER2. When a cancer expresses the estrogen or progesterone receptor, that means that it feeds off of those hormones that your body makes, and that’s why we refer to it as hormone receptor-positive…And it’s important that we know what subtype of breast cancer you have, because it affects the type of treatment that you can get.”

Learning about family history of cancer is also another key to staying proactive in breast cancer care. Dr. Smith-Graziani explained, “So breast cancer definitely can be hereditary, we are aware of some forms of inherited breast cancers, and we have identified certain mutations in genes that are passed down along family lines, that increase the risk of getting breast cancer…ask your family members about their cancer history so that you’re aware of it, and then ask your oncologist if they recommend genetic counseling or testing.”

Another fundamental step in proactive breast cancer care is for patients to ask about their treatment plan. Dr. Smith-Graziani shared advice for patients. “…in addition to potential side effects are how long is my treatment meaning how long am I going to have to stay in the infusion center if I’m getting an IV medication? Or how many months of treatment do I need to get? And then how much time do I need to take off of work? Am I going to be able to work while getting my treatment, so it’s those little things which aren’t so little that are important to discuss, so that the patients can get the best overall picture about how each treatment will affect them in the short and the long term.”

Dr. Smith-Graziani stressed the value of getting your questions answered and also the value of additional expert opinions. “I think it’s important for patients to be as informed as possible to make sure that they are getting all of their questions answered by their doctor, and if you don’t feel like your questions are getting answered, if you don’t feel like your concerns are being appropriately addressed or acknowledged, please make sure that you get a second or a third opinion and talk to another doctor to see if they can answer your questions.”

[ACT]IVATED Breast Cancer Program Resources

The [ACT]IVATED Breast Cancer program series informs, empower, and engage both the overall community and breast cancer patient groups who experience health disparities. The series includes the following resources:

[ACT]IVATED Expert Interviews

[ACT]IVATED Resources

Though there are breast cancer disparities, patients and care partners can be proactive in educating themselves to help ensure optimal care. We hope you can take advantage of these valuable resources to aid in your breast cancer care for yourself or for your loved one.


By texting EMPOWER to +1-833-213-6657, you can receive personalized support from PENs Empowerment Leads. Whether you’re a breast cancer patient, or caring for someone who is, PEN’s Empowerment Leads will be here for you at every step of your journey. Learn more.

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PODCAST: Clinical Trials as a Prostate Cancer Treatment Option | What You Should Know

Should you consider participating in a prostate cancer clinical trial? Dr. Sumit Subudhi explains the clinical trial process, addresses common trial patient concerns, and provides key advice for trial participation. Dr. Subudhi also shares an update on promising prostate cancer research.

Dr. Sumit Subudhi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Division of Cancer Medicine at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

See More from the Empowered! Podcast


Katherine Banwell:

Hello and welcome. I’m Katherine Banwell, your host for today’s program. Today we’re going to discuss prostate cancer research advances and the role of clinical trials and moving treatment developments forward. Before we meet our guest, let’s review a few important details.   

The reminder email you received about this program contains a link to a program resource guide. 

If you haven’t already, click that link to access information to follow along during the webinar. At the end of this program, you will receive a link to a program survey. This will allow you to provide feedback about your experience today, and it will help us plan future webinars. 

Finally, before we get into the discussion, please remember that this program is not a substitute for seeking medical advice. Please refer to your healthcare team about what might be best for you. 

Well, let’s meet our guest today. Joining me is Dr. Sumit Subudhi. Dr. Subudhi, thanks for being with us. Would you introduce yourself? 

Dr. Subudhi:

Hi. I’m Sumit Subudhi. I’m an associate professor in the GU Medical Oncology department at MD Anderson Cancer Center. And I exclusively treat patients with advanced prostate cancer. And I’ve been doing it for about a decade. 


Thank you. I’d like to begin with an update on prostate cancer research. Would you walk us through the newer classes of treatments that are showing promise? 

Dr. Subudhi:

Yeah, in clinical trials, there are classes of drugs known as androgen receptor degraders. And so, the androgen receptor is a protein that basically is the mouth of the prostate cancer. That’s how I like to describe it. And it actually allows testosterone, which is the food, to be eaten by the mouth, and it actually helps the cancer grow. 

And what these drugs do is they actually degrade or break down the mouth of the cancer. And, therefore, it starves the cancer to death, and that’s actually the concept. And they seem to be showing some exciting activity in clinical trials, especially in those patients who are resistant to the second-generation hormonal drug that you may have heard of already, such as enzalutamide (Xtandi), apalutamide (Erleada), and darolutamide (Nubeqa). So, I think is something that we’re looking forward to seeing more data on. 

Another class of drugs are antibody drug conjugates or ADCs.  

And these are what I think of as heat-seeking missiles. So, one part of the drug actually recognizes the cancer, and the other part of the drug actually has a payload that sort of releases a bomb or sort of like chemotherapy-type agent right where the cancer’s located and kills the cancer in that way. And we’re seeing some great clinical activity in prostate cancer with this class of drugs. 

And then the final one is bispecifics, and in particular T-cell bispecifics. So, T cells are part of the immune system that actually help kill the cancer.  

And, unfortunately, prostate cancer, like some other cancers like pancreatic and glioblastoma, have few T cells inside it. And, therefore, a lot of the immunotherapies that many people have heard about, such as ipilimumab (Yervoy) and pembrolizumab (Keytruda), they’re not very responsive in patients with prostate cancer. And it’s because there’s few T cells in prostate cancer.  

What the T-cell bispecifics do is they actually have one part of the drug that actually recognizes the cancer and the other part that recognizes T cells. So, like a bulldozer, it brings T cells right into the prostate cancer and helps kill the cancer that way.  


Now there are some inhibitors as well. Is that correct? 

Dr. Subudhi:

Yeah. So, the immune checkpoint inhibitors have been around for a while. And, basically, in combination, they seem to be more effective in prostate cancer. But when given alone as monotherapy, they’re less effective. 


Are these treatments specifically for patients with advanced prostate cancer? 

Dr. Subudhi:

All of them are actually in trials in patients with advanced prostate cancer. And I define advanced prostate cancer as either having metastatic disease, meaning the cancer has spread to other parts of the body outside of the prostate.  

Examples include lymph node, the bone, the lung, the liver. But there are so few trials in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer. What I mean by that is they have high-grade prostate cancer, but it’s local, or it’s just in regional lymph nodes. And some of these classes of drugs are being evaluated in that setting as well. 


Let’s shift to talk about your research. What are you excited about right now? 

Dr. Subudhi:

So, my research focuses on immune checkpoint therapies, which are the inhibitors that you were referring to and understanding how to make them work better in prostate cancer. 

And we’re finding out that in prostate cancer there’s about 20 to 25 percent of patients that appear to respond to this type of treatment. But these are patients that don’t have a lot of bone metastases. And these immune checkpoint inhibitors are given in combination. So, they’re not given alone. They’re given with either a combination of anti-CD34 and anti-PD-1 or some other form of that. 


Prostate cancer research really can only move forward through clinical trials and patient participation in those trials. Can you briefly explain what a trial is for people who may not be familiar with the term? 

Dr. Subudhi:

That’s a great question. My own father has prostate cancer. And he had the same exact question when he started his journey in that. 

And so, what I explained to him is that clinical trials are experiments. They’re experiments that are done in our patients.  

So, they’re drugs that are thought to mechanistically kill the cancer cell or at least change the environment around the cancer cell to help people live longer. But these drugs were actually tested in mouse models or in tissue models. And we don’t know if they actually work in patients. 

And so, in clinical trials, we’re actually testing whether these drugs are safe and whether they’re efficacious or beneficial to our patients. So, I want to be very clear. When patients go on clinical trials, we don’t know if it’s going to work on them. And that’s something that they should know that they’re showing a lot of courage and risk in joining these trials.  

But the other point I want to make is that every standard of care drug that is out there actually went through the clinical trial process, and they were approved because they showed benefit in a group of patients. 


Well, how can a prostate cancer patient benefit from participating in a trial? 

Dr. Subudhi:

One of the key benefits is that you get access to drugs that may actually prolong your life or even cure you and that you wouldn’t have access to in trials.  

And so, some of my patients, unfortunately, they’ve exhausted all the standard of care choices that are out there. And the trial’s the only option left versus leaving it up to natural causes of demise from prostate cancer. And so, clinical trials give other opportunities to potentially live longer and have a great quality of life. 


So, they could offer some hope. 

Dr. Subudhi:

Definitely. As far as I’m concerned, yes. And, actually, with my patients, I try to not wait while they’ve exhausted all the treatments to start them on clinical trials, because I feel like we may be able to save some of these treatments in our back pocket for when they’re too exhausted to be coming to our clinic so often. And so, I like to actually try to get them enrolled in clinical trials early on in their journey with prostate cancer. 


I’d like to define some clinical trial terminology to help patients further understand the process. Let’s start with the phases. What occurs during each phase?  

Dr. Subudhi:

So, great question. Phase I is the safety phase. So, all we’re trying to do is find the right dose of the drug that is actually safe to give in the patients. And we’re looking for the maximum tolerated dose. And once we find that dose, then we use that dose to go to Phase II of the trial. And Phase II trials are looking at efficacy. So, looking to see whether the trial is giving you any clinical benefit, meaning the cancer’s shrinking or even disappearing. 


Go on.  

Dr. Subudhi:

And then the third phase is Phase III where you’re testing the current drug, experimental drug, to either standard of care or to a placebo to see whether or not you get a benefit, either a progression-free survival benefit or overall survival benefit. And so, those are the three phases of clinical trials.   


What are the different types of clinical trials? 

Dr. Subudhi:

So, they’re controlled trials. Actually, I should back up. So, there’s open-label trials where everyone that enrolls in the trial will get the experimental drug. So, there is no control arms in these trials. Then there is the control trials where you can either get the drug, or you may get a placebo or standard of care drug.  

There are some trials that allow for crossover, meaning that if you’re in the placebo or standard of care arm, if your cancer progresses, you can actually cross over and get the experimental drug. But I just want to be clear that not all clinical trials have crossover. And if you’re in a control trial, I think that’s an important question to ask your doctors about that. 

But the reason why we do the control trials is that we’ve learned that using historical controls – for example, we’re doing a lot of combination studies with chemotherapy, such as docetaxel (Taxotere), which was FDA-approved in 2004. So, if we’re using historical data from almost 20 years ago, it’s not the same thing as our patients that are being treated with docetaxel now, because their treatment landscape has changed so much, and our patients have changed so much. 

And so, for that reason, control trials give us a better sense of how effective this experimental drug is doing as opposed to comparing it to a historical perspective. 


What other types of clinical trials are available? 

Dr. Subudhi:

So, there are a few other options. So, we talked about open-label where everyone’s guaranteed to get the drug. We talked about a controlled study where you will either get one drug or another. And another type is a randomized trial where a computer decides whether or not you’re going to actually get one drug versus another. It’s not your doctor because a lot of people think that I’m making that decision, and I’m not. It’s actually a random computer. 

And some trials have 1:1 ratio, meaning a 50 percent chance that you’ll get the experimental drug versus the control drug. But other trials have 1:2 ratio or 1:3 ratio. So, that’s something that, again, you have to ask your physician of how these trials are being randomized. 


Well, in a randomized clinical trial, the patient isn’t going to know what drug they’re being given. 

Dr. Subudhi:

Actually, that’s not true. 


Oh, it’s not. 

Dr. Subudhi:

So, you bring up a great question. So, there’s a double-blind randomized clinical trial where not only the patient doesn’t know, but even the physicians and the nurses. No one except for the pharmaceutical company that’s running the trial actually knows who’s actually getting which drug. And it’s only towards the end of the trial that we unblind, and then we share that information. Well, the pharmaceutical company first shares it with the medical team who then shares it with the patient. 


I see. Are there other common clinical trial terms that you think patients should know about and understand? 

Dr. Subudhi:

I think for now those are… 


…they’re the most important?  

Dr. Subudhi:

I think to me those are the most important. And I think that sometimes too much information can bog us down.  


Well, speaking of information, there is a lot out there, some of which may not be very reliable. And that could lead many patients to having misconceptions about clinical trials. Let’s walk through a few common concerns we’ve heard from our community about trials. 

One frequent question is – will I receive a placebo instead of a real treatment? And, first, I’d like you to define placebo. And should this be a concern for patients? 

Dr. Subudhi:

Right. So, placebo is a drug that looks similar to the experimental drug. For example, if the experimental drug is a blue pill, then the placebo will be a blue pill. But it will be a pill that should have no known biological activity.  

If the experimental drug is given intravenously and you get it in a liquid bag, then the placebo will also come in a liquid bag. So, it will look the same. And that’s why both the medical team as well as the patients or their families will not know which drug the patients have received, meaning the experimental drug or the placebo. But the placebos are meant to not have any biological activity. 


So, it shouldn’t be a concern to patients then.   

Dr. Subudhi:

Well, the concern that most of my patients share with me when they hear about placebo-controlled trials is, “Well, if I’m not going to get the experimental drug, why should I do this? I mean what benefit does it have for me?” And so, I tell them that one of the benefits is that we are watching you very carefully. 

Because we don’t know sometimes which drug you’re getting. But in some control trials, like a randomized control trial, we will know because I’m not blinded.  

If you’re in the arm that’s only getting chemotherapy, well, you know you’re not getting an oral pill. So, it’s very clear to the patient what they’re getting. But if they’re getting an oral pill that’s a placebo, we’re watching them very carefully.  

So, we’re watching the patients very carefully in these placebo-controlled trials. And they’re coming in often so that we’re not going to miss any devastating things happening from the cancer. In fact, we’ll pick it up earlier than if they were just getting a standard of care outside of a trial. And for that reason I tell that my patients, “Don’t be worried.” And I always make sure that I have a backup plan. 

So, the backup plan is either they’re going to cross over, meaning the trial allows for them to cross over to get the experimental drug. Or I have another trial that I know that they will qualify for. Or the third alternative is that I actually have a standard of care drug that I’m ready to give them the second I have it so that they don’t have to have those concerns. 


That’s really great information to have. Patients also often have questions about safety. So, what are the risks of clinical trial participation? 

Dr. Subudhi:

So, safety is a major issue, especially more into the Phase I. The Phase I trial, if you remember, are the trials where we’re dose escalating, meaning we start off with a small cohort of patients, maybe three to five patients. And we give one dose of the drug. We see if it’s safe. If it’s safe, then we go to the next dosing level. And we just keep going until we find a dose that may be too toxic or too unsafe for our patient. 

So, in the Phase I, we have less information, especially in the first-in-human drugs. But in those cases, we are watching you carefully to make sure that nothing bad happens to you. 

But the problem with those trials is it requires a lot of time at the institution or with your doctor. For example, I’m doing a bispecific trial where we have to keep the patients inside the hospital for eight days, purely for safety reasons. They’re not getting the drug for all eight days. But we’re just keeping them under observation so in case anything bad happens we’re ready to react because we know that if something bad happens at their home in that first eight days, it could actually risk their lives. 

So, in those cases, some trials, if we’re concerned about safety, you’ll be spending more time in the doctor’s office or in a hospital being evaluated. So, that’s the one negative. But sometimes, the trials that can be more exhausting as far as the amount of time it takes you away from your home and family are the ones that have the most reward. 


Well, what protocols are in place to protect patients? 

Dr. Subudhi:

So, when they sign up for a protocol, we are instructed to give them our best information. So, let’s say it’s a first-in-human drug. Well, usually, first-in-human drugs are tested in other mammals, such as monkeys, and we look for toxicities there. And we have signs of what’s going to happen. Sometimes, a first-in-human drug is part of a class of drugs, like I talked to you about T-cell bispecifics. 

Well, there’s several T-cell bispecifics out there. And we’ve learned that this class of drugs has a unique set of side effects that they all tend to have. Some have it more, and some have it less. 

But when we’re discussing this with you or the patient, we are actually going to go through each and all of these side effects. Now, me personally, my patients that go on my trials, they all get my cellphone number so they have 24/7 access to me because I know they’re taking a risk. And it’s a lot of courage to go on these trials. And it’s scary. And I want to make sure they don’t feel like they’re ever alone. 


Another common concern we hear is that a clinical trial is only considered when there are no other treatment options available for a patient. What are your thoughts on this? 

Dr. Subudhi:

There’s a lot of my colleagues in the field that feel that way. And I know a lot of patients’ misconceptions are also that way. And that’s partly because of Hollywood and movies and TV shows that we watch. But I think that many people, especially in the medical field, think of clinical trials as the last resort. 

And I actually disagree with that. I think that I like to actually start my patients with one or two standard of care treatments. But after that, really start putting clinical trials in between. And we have to remember that there’s not always a clinical trial available that the patient actually meets the criteria for.  

So, it’s always disheartening in clinic when I meet someone for the very first time who was referred to me because they exhausted everything. And we just don’t have any clinical trials available, or they’re so weak from the cancer and all the prior treatments that they don’t qualify for a clinical trial. And then I really don’t have anything else to give them.  

So, my personal approach is to try to put clinical trials in between and always have something in my back pocket so that if they get a bit exhausted or they want to spend more time with friends and family, they can get the standard of care treatment. 


If a patient is interested in participating in a trial, what’s the best way to find out which trials might be available for them and right for them? 

Dr. Subudhi:

So, that’s a great question. I think number one is always ask your oncologist, and they’re a great resource. But also, there’s websites. So, for different types of cancer – so, example, I do prostate cancer. So, the Prostate Cancer Foundation or PCF.org is a wonderful resource that will give you a list of cutting-edge trials. 

In addition, the government has clinicaltrials.gov. And that’s where you can actually type in your cancer type and different criteria, and you’ll get a list of trials. 


That’s good to know. What questions should patients ask their healthcare team when considering joining a trial? 

Dr. Subudhi:

I would ask them, “Would you do it yourself if you were in my situation?”  


Very good. 

Dr. Subudhi:

I think that’s a very important thing to ask.  


Are there barriers that interfere with patients’ access to clinical trials? I think you touched on this but maybe if you have anything to add.

Dr. Subudhi:

Yeah. So, travel can be a major barrier. And that’s something that the pharmaceutical industry understands. And, therefore, some of the trials, especially the multicenter trials, actually allow for travel cost. That sometimes includes flights, driving, hotels, food.  

So, that’s something that’s important to ask because sometimes when we’re thinking about clinical trials, we’re so anxious in the doctor’s office. And then it’s not until we go back home when we’re trying to figure out how do we get the resources to come so frequently. You’ll find out that’s sometimes travel costs. 

The other thing is underrepresented minorities are something that we’ve been doing a relatively poor job recruiting to our clinical trials. Part of that is just from history that we didn’t have the safety rules in place that we do now. And underrepresented minorities were affected negatively in some of the earlier trials.  

And the other thing is just the resources of getting to and from their homes to our cancer site as often as they need to because they may be the sole breadwinner in their homes and things like that. So, there are resources to try to help do this. But I still think we have to do a better job. 


Can trials be coordinated between a local doc and the institution? 

Dr. Subudhi:

So, most trials cannot. Most. But there are some that can. So, if it’s a standard of care treatment, sometimes we can have the safety visits done with the local doctors. But every time they’re going to get the treatment they have to come see us at the institution that is actually running the trial.   

But most of the time, what I tell all my patients is, “I want them to have a local doctor.” Because if there’s something that happens in the middle of the night, I want to be able to say, “You’re going to go to this emergency room where this doctor works.” And then when they go there, as soon as they get admitted into the emergency room center, I talk to the ER doctor, and I say, “This is what I want to be done. These are how these drugs work.” 

Because they’re not going to know what these experimental drugs are. They’re not available in the community. So, I just think it’s important to have communication, especially for our patients that are out of state. MD Anderson is in Houston, Texas. And Texas is so big that a lot of my patients live six to eight hours away, and they’re still in Texas. 


Oh, wow. So, what are your thoughts on what could be done to overcome the barriers that some patients are experiencing? And are there resources available?  

Dr. Subudhi:

So, the pharmaceutical companies are putting in more financial resources as well as a diversity resource. And when I say diversity resources, those outreach programs just to make sure that the communities that are underserved are hearing about the clinical trials because if you don’t hear about it you’re never going to join it. So, one thing is just knowledge. 

And then, number two, we’re trying to create financial resources. For example, there’s Angel Flight as one example where they will pay for the flight for you. And they’ll put you on maybe a chartered plane or something or a smaller plane to defray the cost of traveling by air. So, there are things out there, but we still need a lot more. 


But one thing patients could do is talk to their healthcare team about what resources are available for them.  

Dr. Subudhi:

Absolutely. Absolutely. 


Before we end the program, Dr. Subudhi, I’d like to get your final thoughts. What message do you want to leave the audience with related to clinical trial participation? 

Dr. Subudhi:

First of all, thank you for even thinking about it. That’s the one big step. And for those of you who actually take the next step and actually join a clinical trial, again, thank you for being so brave. 

I think it’s a gift that you’re giving to other fellow patients with cancer. And it’s also a gift that you’re giving to the scientific and medical community, because we are learning by your participation in the trial. And I want you to know whether the trial worked for you or does not work for you, regardless, we’re going to learn something that’s going to help change outcomes in your cancer. 


Dr. Subudhi, thank you so much for taking the time to join us today. 

Dr. Subudhi:

Well, thank you. I really appreciate it.  


And thank you to all of our partners. If you would like to watch this webinar again, there will be a replay available soon. You’ll receive an email when it’s ready. 

And don’t forget to take the survey immediately following this webinar. It will help us as we plan programs in the future. To learn more about prostate cancer and to access tools to help you become a proactive patient, visit powerfulpatients.org. I’m Katherine Banwell. Thank you for being with us. 

PODCAST: What Should You Know About Emerging Myeloma Treatment Options?


With myeloma treatment and research advancing quickly, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest therapies. Myeloma expert Dr. Jeffrey Matous reviews new and emerging myeloma treatment approaches, how these therapies work, as well as the potential risks and benefits of each option. Dr. Matous also shares resources for learning about myeloma and how to access better care.

Dr. Jeffrey Matous is a myeloma specialist at the Colorado Blood Cancer Institute and the assistant chair in myeloma research for Sarah Cannon Research Institute. Learn more about Dr. Matous.

See More from the Empowered! Podcast



Hello, and welcome. I’m Katherine Banwell, your host for today’s program. Today’s webinar is about advances in myeloma treatment and how emerging therapies may affect your care decisions.  

Before we get into discussion, please remember that this program is not a substitute for seeking medical advice. Please refer to your healthcare team about what might be best for you. Well, let’s meet our guest today. Joining me is Dr. Jeffrey Matous. Dr. Matous, welcome. Would you please introduce yourself? 

Dr. Matous:

Thank you very much, Katherine. I’m Dr. Jeff Matous, and I am physician at the Colorado Blood Cancer Institute, and also, the Assistant Chair in Myeloma Research for Sarah Cannon Research Institute here in Colorado. 


Thank you so much for taking the time to join us today. 

Dr. Matous:

It’s a pleasure. 


Before we get into our discussion, would you share with the audience how the field of myeloma has changed over the course of your career? 

Dr. Matous:

It’s unbelievable. I mean, I started treating myeloma back in the days of VAD, vincristine (Oncovin), doxorubicin (Adriamycin), dexamethasone (Decadron) 96-hour pumps with 40 pounds of dexamethasone that we put into patients, and wow. We didn’t have much else. We didn’t know how long to treat people, and then, in the 2000s, we have the revolution of all the new therapies, and it just keeps going and going and going. It really is an exciting to be in this field. 


Yeah. Let’s begin by sharing some advice for navigating myeloma care on a basic level. First, what testing should take place following a myeloma diagnosis? 

Dr. Matous:

Well, I think even before that, Katherine, I always tell my patients that an educated patient, like the people that are on this webinar, are the best patients, and so, when I meet a patient for the first time, we spend a lot of time educating patients even before we delve into a lot of the testing. 

And I refer them to excellent resources out there. Examples of these are the International Myeloma Foundation, or the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation.  

There are others, of course, and so I really encourage my patients. In fact, I usually show them how to navigate these sites. And then, we get into testing, and testing in myeloma is multifaceted, because myeloma can affect patients in so many different ways. For example, it involves radiology studies to look for bone disease, urine work to see if the kidneys are affected by myeloma, a lot of blood work, and then, we also do a lot of testing to make sure that we understand the whole health of the patient, because that comes into play so much when we’re making treatment decisions in myeloma. 


Yeah. What factors impact treatment decisions? 

Dr. Matous:

Well, there are so many. One of the key ones is fitness, and fitness is a term that myeloma doctors use and rely on tremendously. 

And fitness, more or less, falls into a couple different categories. It’s more complex than that, obviously, but generally speaking, it’s too old or too frail, or young and vigorous and I stress to my patients that vigorous or frail is not determined by chronological age. It’s determined by your physiologic age. That’s really critical, so determining what your patient’s overall fitness is, is really important in myeloma. And then, we have to assess the risk of myeloma. I think we’ll talk about this a little bit later, because not all myeloma is the same and we treat myelomas differently depending on risk, certainly. And then, patient preference is a huge part, because there are so many ways to treat myeloma these days that we explore options with the patients and sometimes patients have pretty strong opinions about, you know, one type of treatment or the other, for example. 


What advice do you have for patients and caregivers related to working with their healthcare team in choosing a therapy? 

Dr. Matous:

Yeah. I think the big thing is to do some research on your own, but really, ask questions when you see your physician. I mean, ask questions about, for example, what are my treatment options? Are there clinical trials that might be available to me? What’s on the cutting edge in myeloma? What are the standard therapies? What are the pros and cons? And a question I often counsel patients to ask when they’re seeking other opinions is if you had 100 people like me and you treated them this way, how many would do well and how many would not do so well, and prognosis, and so forth. And then, the other thing I think is really important sometimes is gauging how experienced your physician is in treating myeloma, because we actually have data that shows that patients who are treated in myeloma centers actually fair a little better than those who are not. 

Involving a myeloma expert in your care doesn’t necessarily mean you have to get your care at that center. It just means you may want a myeloma expert on your team. Pretty much every doctor I know welcomes a myeloma person on their team, because the field is so rapidly evolving. It’s really hard to keep up with for a lot of people. 


Yeah. That’s great advice, Dr. Matous. Thank you. Stem cell transplant is often considered for myeloma patients. Can you talk about who this treatment option might be appropriate for? 

Dr. Matous:

Absolutely, so we’ve known for decades that, what I call high-dose chemotherapy, also called stem cell transplant, is a very effective and very potent treatment of myeloma and we’ve shown that time and time again in clinical trials, including some recent ones that are published just in 2022.  

And so, high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplant is not for everyone. You have to be fit enough to undergo it, and this is not age determined. It’s fitness determined. And then, a lot of people live a long way from centers that perform high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplants. 

If patients have to travel hundreds of miles, then sometimes that comes into play. Hey, I just can’t do this. I can’t get the time off, and uproot, and bring a caregiver, and travel 300 miles to get this care, so sometimes that comes into play. Physician bias definitely comes into play. We know that some physicians are stronger proponents of high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplant, and I fall into that category, but we have other physicians that may not even bring it up as an option to their patients. We know, for example, that African Americans and other minorities are notoriously under-referred for high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplant. A lot of decisions go into that, and again, this is one of those situations where if you’re transplant-eligible, that means you’re young and vigorous, and on paper, a candidate. You want to go, at the very minimum, consult with physicians that do high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplant and hear about that option. 


Yeah. You mentioned high-risk myeloma earlier. How do you determine if a patient is high risk or low risk? 

Dr. Matous:

Absolutely, so this is not uniformly agreed upon among myeloma doctors, but in general, we assess risk based on a few different things. One is called staging, and we stage myeloma unlike any other cancer, so it’s not staged like breast cancer, or lung cancer, or prostate cancer. It’s staged according to something called R-ISS, RISS, and you get, basically, a one, two, or a three.  

Those are your stages, and in general, if your stage three, you have higher risk disease, but even more than that, we’re beginning to understand how myeloma cells misbehave at the genetic level, and we know that there are certain genetic findings inside the myeloma cell that can convey higher risk features. It’s important to stress to patients that these are not genetic findings that they were born with or can pass on through hereditary. 

These are findings that occurred during the life of the patient that occurred by chance and developed inside that cell that turned into myeloma, and those are the genetic changes that we’re talking about. And we know that certain of these genetic changes confer higher risk disease. And in general, Katherine, if I see 100 people with myeloma, about 85 of the 100 will fall into what I call a standard risk category and about 15 percent will fall into what we call the high-risk category. 


Okay. That’s really good to know. Thank you. There are several treatment classes for myeloma, such as immunomodulatory therapy and proteasome inhibitors, for example. And they’re often used together.  

So, what is a combination therapy and why is it used so frequently for myeloma?  

Dr. Matous:

Absolutely, so with learned over the years in myeloma that combining different types of drugs that work in different ways, we call those classes, so different classes of drugs, combining them together is the optimal treatment for myeloma. 

And back in the day, we used to use two drugs. Then, we learned that three drugs are better than two drugs, and now, we have data that four drugs are better than three drugs. And so, we bring in drugs from all kinds of different categories for our patients. And we even know that for the non-transplant-eligible patients, for the older patients, for example, that combining drugs from different classes is really, really important to get the best outcomes. And in general, the three classes that we use – the four classes that we use when we’re treating myeloma patients initially include the immunomodulatory drugs, and examples of those are lenalidomide, also called Revlimid. pomalidomide, also called Pomalyst.  

Thalidomide’s (Thalomid) an older drug, but we still occasionally use it.  

And then, we have the proteasome inhibitors. Examples of those are bortezomib (Velcade), carfilzomib (Kyprolis), and to a much lesser extent, there’s one called ixazomib (Ninlaro). And these days, we know that CD38 antibodies are really important and really getting their foothold into the initial treatment of myeloma.  

Examples of CD38 antibodies are daratumumab (Darzalex) or isatuximab. And then, usually, we combine these treatments with steroid medicines to sort of increase the effectiveness of the regiments. That’s how – those are the classes that we use when we’re treating myeloma. 


Okay and have you learned about adding one treatment to another to another through clinical trials or is trial and error? 

Dr. Matous:

Absolutely. We would not be where we are right now without the conduct of clinical trials. I always tell my patients by the time something’s approved in myeloma, and we had things approved in 2022, the field is already moving past that in clinical trials. It’s unbelievable. So, I’ll give you an example. When daratumumab, one of these antibodies, got approved by the FDA, already when it got approved by the FDA, we knew through clinical trials that were being conducted that combining it with other types of medicines was far more potent. 

And we have countless examples of this, so yeah. Absolutely, so every treatment that we use in myeloma, we discovered and developed through a clinical trial. And I always encourage my patients strongly to consider clinical trials, and then, we have to explain, because when patients hear clinical trials, and I could be deviating a little bit here, Katherine.  

They often think about experimentation and testing things that are unproven. In myeloma, we occasionally do that, but far and away, the overwhelming majority of our clinical trials are testing agents that we know are effective. We’re just trying to figure out what the best combination is and make sure that it’s safe for patients. 


Yeah. Dr. Matous, some of our viewers may have already been through some therapy at some level. Let’s dive into new and emerging treatment. CAR T-cell therapy has been approved for myeloma patients and it’s certainly a hot topic right now. Can you tell us about this treatment and who it might be right for? 

Dr. Matous:

Absolutely, so these T-cell therapies in myeloma are really exciting, and basically, how they work is T cells are cells that normally, in our body, they’re part of our immune system. When they see something foreign, usually, it’s a foreign infection or some kind. T cells go into kill mode and take out the foreign invader, and they’re supposed to do this with cells that are thinking about turning into cancer, but for various reasons, cancer cells can escape the T cells, and then, kind of brainwash the new system to say, hey. It’s okay if we coexist with you. No big deal. We’ll just hang out together. Okay? And that’s not okay. And so, in CAR T-cell therapy, what we do is we take the patient’s T cells.  

We remove them from the blood with a procedure called apheresis, which is a machine that many patients might be familiar with through their stem cell collections. 

It’s the same machine. And we collect these T cells. Then, they go to a laboratory where they are genetically modified in the laboratory using very sophisticated techniques to become myeloma killers. And we tell – we educate the T cells to become myeloma killers. We grow them up in sufficient numbers, and then, we return them to the patient. We just, basically, put them back in the patient’s bloodstream in the vein and they go and they are really effective at killing myeloma cells. And that’s CAR T-cell therapy, so it’s an amazing immune therapy. It’s way more complicated than I laid out, of course, but that’s the general thought behind it. 


What are the risks of this therapy? 

Dr. Matous:

Absolutely, so we have a lot of patients who come and ask about CAR T-cell therapy and think that it’s the same thing as getting daratumumab in the clinic or carfilzomib in the clinic.  

Get it and you’re on your way. Far from that, and so, CAR T-cell therapy has a lot of risks. The risks fall into a few different categories. The first risk is called CRS, which doesn’t stand for what you think it stands for. It stands for Cytokine Release Syndrome. This occurs when the T cells recognize the myeloma cell and kill it, and when they do this, a lot of substances get released in the body that can cause a lot of symptoms, like fever, or low blood pressure, or low oxygen, and this requires specialized management to shepherd people through this.  

This almost always occurs in about the first week of the treatment after the patients receive the CAR-T cells. In addition, patients who receive CAR-T cells can have what’s called neurologic toxicity that falls into many different categories. It can be something as simple as a headache, or a transient or temporary difficulty, you know, saying words or being confused, or in the most severe situation, even a seizure. 

This requires a lot of close monitoring for neuro toxicity. In addition, we know that patients that get CAR T-cell therapy are, for quite a while after they receive the CAR-T cells, an increased risk for infection. It’s very suppressing of the immune system, immunosuppressive. And lastly, a lot of our patients who go through CAR T-cell therapy have low blood counts for a long time and they have to be monitored for this, might need transfusions, or some different therapies. It’s a complicated therapy for sure. 


Yeah, so what questions should patients be asking their doctor when considering CAR T-cell therapy? 

Dr. Matous:

I think the first thing, of course, is am I a candidate, because the commercially approved CAR-T cells, there are very specific criteria for who’s a candidate, who could receive it. Okay, and then, you want to know, one, if you’re a candidate. Two, what the risks and benefits are. 

Three, are there alternatives besides CAR T-cell therapy. Is it too early or too late to do this? Should we think about maybe another clinical trial or one of the T-cell redirecting antibodies, for example? You want to ask those questions for sure. These treatments are tremendously expensive, of course, and so that may come into play, as well. You want to know what the experience of the center is with CAR T-cell therapy, I think, and then, you also want to know are there clinical research studies for which you might be eligible to have CAR-T cells, not just commercially available ones, because we have two that are commercially available right now, and we have scores of CAR T-cell treatments that are still in clinical trial. [22:32] 


Yeah. Well, thank you for that, Dr. Matous. 

I know many viewers will appreciate all of this information. Let’s switch gears now to another therapy we’ve been hearing about; bispecific antibodies. One has been recently approved for myeloma, teclistamab, so let’s start with what are bispecific antibodies and who might they be right for? 

Dr. Matous:

And strap on your seatbelt, because there’s a whole bunch of them coming, I think, for approval. So, the T-cell redirecting antibodies, it’s a different strategy for trying to get your T cells, the patient’s T cells, to attack the myeloma cells. And in CAR T-cell therapy, it’s a single infusion. That’s the treatment. And the bispecific antibodies that I often call T-cell redirecting antibodies, because they redirect the T cells to the myeloma cell, these are given over a continuous period and it might as long as you tolerate it, as long as it’s working. It might be for a year. And they are given either under the skin as a subcutaneous injection, or in the vein. 

And there are many, many different of these T-cell redirecting antibodies, the bispecific antibodies. How they work, I just do this with my patients. I hold up my hand and I say the bispecific antibodies have two hooks on them, and one hook recognizes the T cell and latches onto the T cell, and the other hook latches onto the myeloma cell. And then, what it does, it brings the T cell in proximity to the myeloma cell. Then, the T cell says “Oh, aha. I’m supposed to kill this myeloma cell,” and usually does it. Now, the part that connects the T cell and these bispecific antibodies is always the same. It’s CD3. However, the part that sticks on the myeloma cell, there are different targets, and you referred to teclistamab (Tecvayli), which was approved by the FDA, and that attaches to something on the outside of a myeloma cell called BCMA, BCMA. 

But we know that other bispecific antibodies that can attach to different markers or antigens on the outside of the myeloma cell and affect the same change, and so, I think these are going to be coming fast and furious. 


Who’s this class of treatment right for? 

Dr. Matous:

I think – well, again, the FDA approval right now is for people who have seen pretty much everything. You know, you’ve had a lot of treatments. You’ve seen all the different classes of the myeloma drugs, but in our clinical research trials right now, we’re testing these as an initial therapy, in second-line therapy, after stem cell transplants. They’re being tested pretty much in every scenario right now in clinical trials, so right now, it’s when you’ve exhausted the normal treatments and you’re considering CAR T-cell therapy, or you’re considering getting treated with a drug called selinexor (Xpovio), or looking at another clinical trial. That’s when it’s the time to ask about the bispecific antibodies. 


What are the risks and benefits of this therapy?  

Dr. Matous:

The risks are pretty similar to the risks from CAR T-cell therapy, so Cytokine Release Syndrome. That usually occurs during the first week. Neurologic toxicity is, I think, less frequent with the bispecific antibodies, but infections and low blood counts definitely a concern with these bispecific antibodies, requires a lot of monitoring without any doubt.  

Now, the other thing about the bispecific antibodies, there’s, right now, they’ve been in the realm of the larger centers, so myeloma centers is where people have been getting these bispecific antibodies, but there’s absolutely no question in my mind that these bispecific antibodies are going to be available through almost every general hematology, oncology practitioner’s office, but not for a while. The docs that aren’t used to giving these medicines are a little – they’re being quite cautious rolling them out in their practices right now. There are still a lot of questions as these roll out, and so, right now, I think teclistamab is still largely unavailable outside myeloma centers, but that’s going to change, I think, even over 2023 and definitely into 2024. 


Okay. That’s really good news. For patients who want to know more about bispecifics, what questions should they be asking their healthcare team? 

Dr. Matous:

Again, the same thing is – the same questions. Well, teclistamab is approved by the FDA. What other bispecifics are there? What about combinations? What about clinical trials? And then, that’s what you want to ask for sure. Then, how often do I need to come in the office? With teclistamab, the answer is weekly.  

If they say for how long, it’s until it quits working or you have side effects, and then you can’t take it anymore. That’s the way the FDA label is. And so, it’s a big commitment to go on these treatments, but they’re effective. You ask me about the effectiveness of these drugs and, essentially, all the studies with these different bispecifics, including teclistamab, have been studied initially in people who have seen every myeloma treatment. They’ve had an average of about six different myeloma treatments. 

They’ve seen all the drugs. They’re not working anymore. They’re in trouble. They’re in a pinch, and roughly, seven out of ten people have dramatic responses to these bispecifics when they’re treated, which we’ve never had anything like this at all in the myeloma world. 


Wow. Do the side effects go away at some point? 

Dr. Matous:

The side effects are completely manageable. Yeah and you can – by and large, you can adjust the bispecific, either the schedule or different things, to make these completely tolerable for patients. 



Dr. Matous:

Very few patients on our trials, with these bispecifics, who we have not been able to manage and, pretty much, handle all the – any side effect that occurs. 


Okay. That’s good. Are there other emerging myeloma therapies that patients should know about? 

Dr. Matous:

There are a bunch of other therapies. Looking at in myeloma, for sure, and a lot of these other therapies are – they’re exploring the same pathway where the proteasome inhibitors work, but in a little different way. 

And proteasome inhibitors, again, just to refresh your memory, are  Velcade or bortezomib, Kyprolis or carfilzomib, and there are different drugs that work in this area that are being explored. And also, for the immunomodulatory drugs, there are different what are called cell mod or cell-modifying drugs that are being developed. Also, at our recent hematology meeting last December where all the blood doctors get together, there was a lot of research presented looking at using different cells for attacking the myeloma, for bringing back an old friend, interferon, to fight the myeloma through a new sophisticated way. The field is just really going at breakneck speed right now. 


Where do clinical trials fit into myeloma care? 

Dr. Matous:

I’m biased, Katherine. I think in every step of your myeloma journey you should ask about a clinical trial, because clinical trials might be appropriate as initial therapy, second-line therapy, third-line therapy, post-transplant maintenance therapy. There are clinical trials available, pretty much, at every phase of myeloma care, and so, I think it’s important that you here about your clinical trial options when you’re talking with your physician. Now, for some folks, it’s going to be hard to get on a clinical trial. You might be a long way from a center that does very many clinical trials, but you should always, always ask about it and there are many resources for researching clinical trials that are out there, right? One example is you can call The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and they have counselors on the phone that can guide you toward clinical trials. You can go to clinicaltrials.gov. You’re paying for it. Might as well use it and search clinical trials there. It’s a pretty easy site to use, as well. 

My answer is at every phase of your journey, whenever you’re considering a treatment or a new treatment for myeloma, you want to know what your clinical trial options are. 


How can patients and care partners stay informed about the latest myeloma research? You mentioned a couple of websites. Are there others? 

Dr. Matous:

There are. There are a bunch of these that are out there, right? There’s the Myeloma Crowd. There’s – you know, this webinar. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in the Rocky Mountain area, we have, every year, a blood cancer conference that we put on free for patients through The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society that reviews new goings on in the field of myeloma, so there’s a lot of information out there and just a little bit of effort on the web. You can find great resources. Again, the ones I mentioned earlier I think are my top ones. Particularly, the IMF, the International Myeloma Foundation, because the physicians who run that and the people who run that, they made sure that everything that’s on there is entirely believable. 


Yeah. Okay. Let’s get to a few audience questions that we received before the webinar. Kendall writes, “I’m in the maintenance stage following initial diagnosis and treatment. At first relapse, is it appropriate to push for stronger treatment in hopes of a cure?” 

Dr. Matous:

Yeah, so the answer to that has changed. The answer is yes, and so, the – it used to be said in myeloma that your best treatment was your first treatment. Then, if you relapsed, that the treatments didn’t work as well, and the remissions did not last as long. Throw it out, so now, we get multiple chances to get really deep remissions in patients, and we should be every bit as greedy when we’re treating relapsed disease, at least initially, as we are when we treat disease at the very beginning. We know, for example, that there are many second-line therapies. I’ll just throw out some examples – daratumumab, pomalidomide dex, daratumumab Revlimid dex, daratumumab Velcade dex.  

Not to mention, the T-cell therapies that can put patients in remissions that are so deep that we can’t even find myeloma cells using very sophisticated molecular techniques, so be greedy. 


Yeah. Okay. Good advice. PEN community member, Greg, sent in this question. “Can you discuss any future or potential changes to using stem cell transplant for myeloma patients?” How would you counsel patients who do not want to pursue a transplant as a treatment option? 

Dr. Matous:

So, for stem cell transplant in myeloma, for years, it’s been the standard of care for suitable patients. And every couple years, I liken this to that game we used to play called King of the Hill growing up where stem cell transplants, King of the Hill, and everyone tries to knock stem cell transplant off the hill. And so far, it really hasn’t happened. And so, transplants still, I think, an important part of the overall care for suitable patients. 

For patients who are eligible and safe enough to undergo transplant. However, not all – now, will this be challenged in the future? And the answer is – I think the next challenger, and this will be a serious challenger, will be CAR T-cell therapy. And so, we have to figure out if CAR T-cell therapy or the bispecific antibodies are safe enough to give at the beginning and as effective as stem cell transplant and what the long-term side effects, how they might differ, as well, so that question is going to be tackled in the myeloma word, but it’s going to be several years until we have an answer there, for sure.  

So, for my patients who are otherwise candidates for stem cell transplant, but who don’t want to do it, usually, I’ll say, “You may change your mind in the future. In myeloma, it’s important to keep all your options open and you should at least discuss with the transplant center collecting and freezing away your stem cells for a rainy day to keep that option open to you.” So, even you’re thinking of not doing it, it might be a good idea, it probably is a good idea, to harvest and store your stem cells at a transplant center. 

And then, if you’re not going to do transplant up front, they key is to stay on prolonged maintenance therapy.  

We know that that’s one of the keys for making survival as long as possible in patients who don’t do a transplant is to continue on ongoing maintenance therapy as long as possible. Don’t curtail your therapy just because you’re not doing a transplant. 


Right. Okay. Well, thanks for that, Dr. Matous.  

Those were all great questions. Please continue to send them in to questtion@powerfulpatients.org and we’ll work to get them answered on future programs.  

So, Dr. Matous, as we close out the program, we’ve definitely learned that the field of myeloma is advancing very quickly. Would you share with us why you’re hopeful? 

Dr. Matous:

Yeah. It’s because for – I’ve been doing this quite a while and I always used to tell my patients if you just hang around. 

If you stay in the game, something else is going to come that we don’t even know what it is right now that’s going to impact your life, your quality of your life, the longevity of your life, and be a good treatment for you. And so far, that’s been the case. And right now, with the T-cell therapies, I’m really, really excited about how they can impact the cure of our patients. I also think that the basic research that’s going on in myeloma right now, and this is done by the real smart scientists, not the clinicians like me, but the really smart people that work in the laboratory. Learning how myeloma cells misbehave at very amazing levels, and when we learn that, it almost always results in a treatment that benefits our patients.  

And so, I think that we have every reason to be optimistic for our patients with myeloma, because of all the treatments that are coming out that we know about, that we know are around the corner, and for those that we don’t even have an idea what they are yet. 


Yeah. Well, it seems like there’s a lot to be hopeful about in myeloma care. Dr. Matous, thank you so much for joining us today. It’s been a pleasure. 

Dr. Matous:

Well, the pleasure’s been mine. I love talking to myeloma patients and I would just encourage you to keep getting all the information you can. The field’s moving really fast. Just keep up with it and don’t lose hope. 


Yeah. And thank you to all of our partners. To learn more about myeloma and to access tools to help you become a proactive patient, visit powerfulpatients.org. I’m Katherine Banwell. Thanks for joining us.  

PODCAST: MPN Specialized Care and Technology: The Ongoing Role of Telemedicine


Why should MPN patients keep telemedicine in their toolbox post-COVID? How can patients and caregivers feel more confident in voicing concerns and communicating with their healthcare teams regarding telemedicine options? In this unique program, Drs. Jeanne Palmer and S. Joseph Sirintrapun discuss the impact of telemedicine on MPN care and technological tools accelerating the fight against cancer.

See More from the Empowered! Podcast


Lisa Hatfield: 

Hello and welcome to this Patient Empowerment Network program. I’m your host, Lisa Hatfield. And in this unique program, we are going to explore cancer care and technology, specifically the importance of specialized care in myeloproliferative neoplasms and the ongoing role of telemedicine. And just to abbreviate myeloproliferative neoplasms going forward, I think we’ll just use the acronym MPNs, it’s a little bit easier to say. So today, I’m joined by two incredible experts. Dr. Jeanne Palmer is a respected hematologist oncologist, treating MPNs at Mayo Clinic. Dr. Palmer’s a Program Director for the Blood and Marrow Transplant Program. And, Dr. Palmer, it’s really a pleasure to connect with you today. Thanks for being here.

Dr. Palmer: 

Thank you for having me. I always enjoy coming to these presentations and being able to share some knowledge.

Lisa Hatfield:

Awesome, great. Well, thank you. We also have joining us, Dr. Joseph Sirintrapun, a noted clinical informatics expert from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. And for some of our audience members, this term informatics may be unfamiliar or new to you. So briefly, informatics integrates the worlds of medicine and technology, and, Dr. Sirintrapun, it’s really nice to connect with you also. This is something that I’ve been wanting to learn more about anyway, the merging of medicine and technology. So it’ll be great to talk with you today. Thank you.

Dr. Sirintrapun:

Well, thank you for having me, I appreciate it.

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you. We’re going to have a real-time look at telemedicine. I like to start with the current landscape and the ever-changing yet ongoing role of telemedicine. So starting with, Dr. Palmer, how does telemedicine work, and how does an MPN patient ask for or access telemedicine? How do you do that at your center?

Dr. Palmer:

So telemedicine has been a real…one of the blessings that’s come out of this whole COVID pandemic because it put fast-forward on the development of it and certainly has opened a lot of doors. I think one of the beneficial things of telemedicine is in a disease like MPNs, these are very rare diseases, and there are not a lot of specialists in the country. So depending on where you live, there may or may not be somebody who specializes in this disease focus. So by having telemedicine, you can have access to a provider who has a higher level of specialty in that specific disease. I think this is really important for any rare disease, just because of the difficulty in finding specialists. Many of them are in urban areas. And so if you live in a rural area or somewhere outside of that specific zone, it can be very difficult to come and see a specialist. Additionally, it can be very costly.

If you look at the cost of the airfare and the lodging and everything else, I think of people coming to Scottsdale can pay an enormous amount of money just to come for two nights and to be able to see me. So the fact that we can do this via telemedicine, they can get the information, receive the education about the disease and help for maybe their local provider and managing it can make a huge difference in the quality of care.

Lisa Hatfield:

Great. Well, thank you. So from a practical perspective and if you have a newly diagnosed MPN patient and they wanted to get specialized care or talk to an expert, would they just call…would they just look up online and find a phone number and try to call your clinic? Or how would they get access maybe as an expert opinion from you, via telemedicine?

Dr. Palmer:

So as of right now, the best way to access it is if you go on to the Mayo Clinic website, there’s actually a referral phone number where people can self-refer for a consultation. Now, the changing part of this, the changing part of this landscape is that right now we’re still in the public health emergency. So a lot of the barriers between seeing patients in different states based on…because I have a license in Arizona, I don’t have a license in another state. That’s going to become a bit more challenging because of the fact that if the physician…like, for example, myself, if there’s a patient who wants an opinion who lives in Nebraska, I don’t have a Nebraska license. So therefore it would be a lot more challenging, because I can’t actually do an initial consultation via telemedicine once the public health emergency ends.

I think this is a really important thing that needs to be worked on, probably on more of a legislative level of trying to change some of the rules and laws associated with this. And something that I know there’s a number of people working on, but as of right now, and I think…I don’t remember when the public health emergency will be ending, but during the public health emergency, it’s just been a matter of just calling in like you’d normally try to get a consult. However, that will change and hopefully, as more awareness of telemedicine and some of its benefits are really understood that some of these laws can change and some of these processes can change so that they can allow people to get access to care they otherwise wouldn’t be able to receive.

Lisa Hatfield:

Yes, I appreciate that, and I will be a fierce advocate out there trying to have those telemedicine benefits continue, because I do come from a more rural state, so I appreciate those.

Dr. Sirintrapun:

Can I jump in?

Lisa Hatfield:

Yes, please do. Yeah.

Dr. Sirintrapun:

To help answer some of the points that Jeanne had brought up. The American Telemedicine Association works very hard in terms of looking at the same problem about the state laws, being able to be licensed and have ways to overcome state barriers, and then another one about the public health emergency…and it is true, I’ve been hearing that it’s going to end some time in a couple of months, so that’s one thing to keep in mind as well, and they’re going to have to look in terms of what to do afterwards. Because there’s a lot of things that patients enjoy, providers enjoy that they’ll have to continue that technically go away, but we don’t necessarily want to see that go and so these are the things that we’ll have to keep in mind moving forward after the public health emergency ends.

Lisa Hatfield:

I appreciate that, and I think you’re right, and I think that telemedicine has had… It can have a detrimental impact on outcomes for patients too, and to remove that would be devastating for some patients like myself. All right, so Dr. Palmer, the COVID pandemic has resulted in significant changes to many aspects of daily living for all of us, but for patients like myself who are living with cancer, there are different realities that we have to deal with, so can you give a brief overview of the impact that COVID-19 has had on MPNs.

Dr. Palmer:

So I think the impact of COVID-19, I think we just spoke about some of the favorable things that telemedicine became a real reality, some of the detrimental things, enrolling in clinical trials has been very, very difficult because of the fact that, number one, the public health emergency, some patients weren’t able to travel. And then number two is, I think there has been sort of an exodus of people working in healthcare, I think healthcare has become extremely stressful because of all the pressures associated with the COVID pandemic. So having the appropriate staffing for clinical trials has been difficult, but one of the things that I think is coming out of this that I think will be really positive is there are a number of studies that are being looked at now that are actually creating ability to have some of the visits done by a telemedicine. So taking what’s not as critical to be seen in-person, and what labs we don’t need to necessarily get that need to go to a central processing area, but there are actually ways that we are working with home health care companies with different labs to be able to provide some of this ability to do telemedicine, especially on the clinical trials where there’s monthly visits.

I have had patients travel from multiple different areas of the country to be on clinical trials. I’m usually more in the southwest or at least the West Coast, but I think that with some of these changes, it’s going to be a lot more of a reality for it. So I think some of the pressures of the COVID pandemic will…again, there will be sort of a silver lining of it, and that we may have this ability to do that, because even if I looked at…you look at the pre-COVID clinical trials, if there was a trial that needed monthly visits, which a great number of them do. I would say the majority of my studies that I have for patients with MPNs require monthly visits, at least the first six months. Being able to have that extended out is hugely important and will allow access for it, so if we can have a virtual visit, even every other visit, that can make a big difference in somebody’s ability to access new treatments.

Lisa Hatfield:

All right. Well, thank you again, the push for continued telemedicine benefits would be great. So another question for Dr. Palmer, is technology playing a role in accelerating progress in MPN care, not just the technology of telemedicine, but other technologies? And what role does technology play in symptom management and in clinical trials? You mentioned that you can maybe do telemedicine every other month, but what other roles does technology play?

Dr. Palmer:

So that’s a great question. I actually have been fortunate enough to work with an informaticist who will be joining our faculty this summer, and what we are trying to do is be able to utilize our electronic medical record and some of the forms and texts that you can use within it to be able to capture data and be able to understand it. From the standpoint of even my day-to-day practice, one of the things that’s very important in myeloproliferative diseases is capturing the symptoms score. And this is a way of measuring some of the symptoms that can be very bothersome and troublesome to patients with myeloproliferative diseases and has been validated and utilized throughout multiple studies and multiple settings. So I’m actually in the process of getting that built into our EMR here, so that before patients even come and see me, they can fill out that form of questions. And I think that the sky is the limit. There’s so many patient-reported outcomes and so many things that are going to be important to capture as we move forward. And a lot of times you can ask somebody, “How do you feel?” And they say, “Oh, I feel great.”

Because what else are they supposed to say? Social norm is to say everything’s fine, and then you start to ask them specific things like, “Are you having itching? Are you having fatigue?” And all of a sudden it comes out that they’re really not feeling that well. So this will be really important, and if you can have people do that beforehand, and I think that we can gain a lot of information that can really help utilize the small amount of time we have to focus it on the areas that need to be focused upon.

Lisa Hatfield:

That’s great to hear. Yeah.

Dr. Palmer:

Yeah, the other thing that I didn’t mention is that I think being able to do research. It will be very helpful if we can capture all the data about patients in a way that can be outsourced to a database and then analyzed versus having to hire people to extract information directly from the chart, which is a very laborious process and often not very accurate. So that’s one of the things that we’re working on here is to say,” How do I not only create this template for capturing information from the patient, but how do I make my clinical notes into something that can be harnessed for a database that can then be queried for different questions to try to understand the disease better?”

Lisa Hatfield:

Well, and that is a great segue into what we’re going to talk about with Dr. Sirintrapun. So, Dr. Sirintrapun, as far as informatics goes, can you give us the lay person or a patient-friendly version of what informatics is and what it means for cancer care?

Dr. Sirintrapun:

I really appreciate Dr. Palmer giving the segue for the informatic system. So this is…let me start with maybe when I explain to colleagues and other people about what informatics is. When you think of informatics, you think of three pillars, and we always..I almost have it down like a parrot. So it’s people, processes, and technology. And people always think it’s the technology, but it’s also people and processes, and that’s always been…whenever you see informatics, that’s the three pillars, but I wanted to add one more that Dr. Palmer also mentioned is data and information. You incorporate all those, so imagine all the four pillars coming together to enable the practice of medicine care and at a very high level, what I like to think of informatics is, it’s the science of bridging the gap, decreasing the chasm between the right caregiver to the patient who needs it. Because there are chasms everywhere, in terms of logistics, space, physicality, you have to travel five states to get help with a rare tumor.

Those are chasms there. And I see informatics as bringing all those different pillars together. How do we do it so that the chasm is decreased? Or if it’s not a chasm, decreasing the friction, decreasing the burden between making these things work, making things more efficient. So I think I was hearing a little bit earlier about how can we automate things? As Dr. Palmer mentioned before, data, data abstraction data, being able to pull data from these gigantic enormous resources, it’s tough. And it’s not like we can hire the entire high school student population on their summer internship to go and read through these notes. And there’s not enough money, there’s not enough knowledge. And we need to find different ways that we can use automation, AI, or other things like that to do it.

And this is where informatics kind of delves in. How do we apply all these different things so that people can use it, because you never can forget about people. It works in the processes that take place and it’s the right technology. Because sometimes technology, it’s a great technology, but it’s not ready for certain things. I see a lot of technology kind of ahead of its time. It’s basically a tool in search of a problem and people try to stick it somewhere where it doesn’t fit. So it’s a lot of that. And as you can tell, I’m pretty excited about it because that in a nutshell gives you a feel of what informatics is all about, so.

Lisa Hatfield:

Great. Well, thank you for that. So pre-pandemic…we were talking a bit with Dr. Palmer about telemedicine. Pre-pandemic, you and your colleagues explore the role of telemedicine in cancer care. Can you give a brief overview from your perspective, how telemedicine has evolved and continues to evolve and how you think it might evolve going forward? I guess that’s what evolve means, but. [laughter]

Dr. Sirintrapun:

Yeah, I think I like pulling out these old sayings and I think Winston Churchill was credited with it even though I don’t think he said it, but never let a good crisis go to waste. You probably heard that during COVID, and COVID really blew open the door for telemedicine. I think because we just had to, there was no choice behind that. And thankfully, people…organizations, people recognized it. And I remember in March, March 2020, the public health emergency was declared and a lot of different things that were barriers and a lot of them were regulatory. They were opened up so that it can enable reimbursements, all these different things that factor in. And being able to leverage the technologies, because keep in mind with providers, I knew providers that didn’t know how to use Zoom and other technologies. And because of COVID, they were forced and they found out, “Hey, it’s not that bad.” But if I were to do that before the pandemic, they’d be like, “Well, why should I? We’ll just show up in this conference room. We’ll just be there at six o’clock in the morning.”

So it opens people’s minds. And I think that really helped. I don’t think that Genie’s going back into the bottle, not at least completely. I think we’re going to figure different ways to leverage those technologies moving forward. So in terms of telemedicine moving forward, some of the things I’d like to see and hence I think this is maybe one of the reasons why I’m here, is like how do we enable clinical trials to embrace the telemedicine model? Because clinical trials till now historically has been kind of a physical model. You have to go to some ivory tower, some centralized place and that really limits down, the patients can do it. There’s access problems. Even if you had the richest study in the world, you had to fly people from all over the world. You can imagine that just drains the budget. There are just all these different things there. And when you think of the way clinical trials are conducted, it didn’t really take into account telemedicine visits.

At my institution Memorial Sloan Kettering, we developed an entire ecosystem of telemedicine tools to actually try to encompass the patient experience as close as we could. Because the experience, it can never be completely duplicated, but you can do certain things definitely through telemedicine. We tried to do our best to do it so it’s easier for patients, the nurse coordinators as well as the providers to use that. And clinical trials, they’re moving towards it. They’re acknowledging the issue and they’re rethinking the ways to do it. How can we enable it so that we can decrease the chasm between the patient and being able to enroll in a clinical trial? So in a nutshell, that’s the way things are going. We’re not there yet, but we’re definitely thinking about it. It’s definitely a discussion. I think the future will see a much more clinically- and a telemedicine-enabled clinical trial framework.

Lisa Hatfield:

That’s great to hear. For patients, I think that’s really, really encouraging to hear that we’re utilizing that technology. So in addition to the telemedicine technology, there are other types of technology that are influencing cancer care. Can you speak to some of those technologies? I know I’ve always been really interested in the CRISPR technology, which I don’t hear about as much anymore. Artificial intelligence, my oldest daughter is graduating from college this year. That’s what she’s studying. So can you touch on some of those technologies and how those are continuing to evolve also?

Dr. Sirintrapun:

Oh yeah, there’s a lot. So maybe as a disclaimer also, in addition to being an informaticist, I’m a pathologist. So it’s a great honor to speak in front of patients, because many patients may not necessarily know whenever you get a diagnosis, there’s a pathologist who made the diagnosis on a glass slide through a lab test. So that’s my path as a pathologist. So a lot of my technology mindset is in terms of diagnostic. So how do you make the diagnosis better? And you mentioned about…well, I mean, we’ll start with CRISPR. CRISPR is not necessarily in the diagnostic front, but it’s a very exciting thing, especially for those tumors that have genetics. One of the simple genetics. You misplace one gene here, and all of a sudden it just alters the way one protein goes, and it leads to a disease, a cancer. And if you’re able to surgically or genetically microsurgery, you can imagine the implications and the transformation for that.

We’re already looking at it with hereditary diseases like Huntington’s and some of the different blood disorders out there, which have like single genes or maybe a couple that you can just sort of pick out there. It’s still early. And that’s maybe the reason why you haven’t heard the technologies there that can do it. But how to deliver it, how to do the microsurgery. You can have the scalpel, but somebody has to hold the scalpel and how to do that in terms of what type of nanotechnology is out there, all these different things. But CRISPR is very exciting. I do expect over the next, definitely in the next couple of decades, you’ll see something, some brilliant application coming out of that.

Now you mentioned AI, that’s definitely down my wheelhouse because I implement a lot of…I see a lot of AI, and I try to figure out different ways to implement the AI into healthcare. Because there’s tons of AI out there, but the idea is to basically use the right AI at the right time with the right person using it and for the right problem. And there’s a lot of rights in there, and it sounds simple. But you have to keep in mind that in the AI world, we sort of separate AI into like general AI and narrow AI. General AI is kind of the, is what some people term the singularity. Like it knows everything. It can read your mind. You can switch the setting of whatever it is. It can write poetry in one setting, play the piano in another. There really is no such thing.

So if you hear ChatGPT, if you ask it to play the piano, it’s not quite applied for that. It’s really for language. And I try to illustrate that point because that…all these AI currently that’s out there is still in a narrow AI. It doesn’t do what a person does. As people, we can switch. We can task switch. We may not beat the robot, but we can certainly task, if the setting changes, we can adjust. And that’s the power with our intelligence. We’re generalized. While most AI is narrow, but very good. They can be…obviously, when IBM Watson beat everybody at Jeopardy, and now you hear ChatGPT beat people in passing the boards. So a lot of med students are going, oh my gosh. Keep in mind that it’s narrow. I mean, this is what the robot is really good at. They’re very good at facts. They’re good at other things. And you can use that. You can, but they’re not going to be able to task switch.

And they’re not going to be able to know when they need to deploy the right situation. Remember, they’re narrow. So they’re not going to know when you change a situation. It’s not going to know when to switch. That’s the job of a physician, maybe the patient. And it’s my job as kind of the engineer or an informaticist to figure out when those come in. When should it trigger at the right time? When to make sure that people don’t misuse it at the wrong time and deploy the right problem to the right AI. And so, for instance, as a pathologist, one of the big hottest things that we have right now is prostate biopsy. I deal with male cancer. So I deal a lot with prostate. But the AI is pretty good at actually even, I would argue, probably getting better at catching cancer in a small prostate biopsy than humans are. There are small things that maybe, for whatever reason, human factors being tired, the AI can actually catch it quicker.

It might overflag. It might catch things that are not necessarily cancer. But it will catch it. It will catch it. And it can be very helpful. Because you can imagine as humans tire, they can use that to screen. It may not be perfect at diagnosing, but it can screen. And at least it won’t miss anything. And then the human, the pathologist who comes in, can go and say, I can confirm that that’s cancer or not. So you save a lot of mental power, mental energy in terms of things. And this is an application of AI helping providers, and I can see in the future even patients sort of answer questions that would have been very laborious, tedious. This goes back to the automation theme that we had earlier. How do we make things easier? How do we decrease the friction? I sort of illustrated a case where they had friction points and tiredness and things like that. And so these are things that are on the horizon.

And I think we’ll learn a lot in the next decade or so. You’ll see a lot pop up. You’ll probably see some mistakes too, people overusing it or being in the wrong situation. But that’s the way medicine works. Medicine works through some trial and error. You make your best guess. You have experts. But in the end, there’s a lot of unforeseen things. But you learn a lot along the way. And you learn when to use it. And eventually, you reach this equally important point where everything works very well. It’s part of the workflow. It’s just part of…you just expect it. It’s just when you go to care, you just expect that there is a human overseeing some AI that’s making sure that you’ve got the right diagnosis that nothing’s left out, nothing’s omitted, and you can trust it. That’s kind of the place you eventually end up being.

Lisa Hatfield:

Well, and you hit right on something that I think a lot of people worry about is how can we trust AI and all of the ethics surrounding that? Can we really trust AI? As a patient, I’m fascinated by that. And I know that the Cancer Moonshot Program has directed some funds to AI and cancer research. I look forward to the day when there’s a bridging of that gap between research and then clinical practice with humans involved in a lot of the decision-making along the way also. I’m not sure that we can ever move away from that. But that was a great overview of technology. I hope it continues to evolve. I hope what I’ve seen, what you talked about, you work more in solid tumors. I have a hematologic cancer myself. But I do see that there is some AI being used in earlier screening and also in the identifying of different genetic mutations within those cancers. So I look forward to that continuing to evolve.

Dr. Sirintrapun:

That reminds me, too, and I left that part out. Some of these technologies…I’m sorry I left that out, but genomics has become a big thing over the last decade because of the Cancer Genome Atlas and other things that actually allowed us to map the genome. But along that front, we have technologies that can monitor progression. So we can at the cellular level. If you’re actually circulating cell-free DNA as a technology that’s out there. Where if you can implement it correctly, you can actually follow the patients just through blood without anything invasive. And it’s much better than any imaging study out there. So there are technologies that are evolving on this. And because of all the progress we’ve made over the last 10 years, you can see that being incorporated in a clinical trial where you can monitor patients much better. You can intervene faster and more effectively and all those other things like that. And thanks for reminding me about that. I forgot to mention cell-free DNA is another one that I’m very excited about, still early.

Lisa Hatfield:

Yeah. Well, thanks for that information. Dr. Palmer, do you have anything to add to this informatics description or discussion?

Dr. Palmer:

Well, I think there’s a couple of things about the technology component of it. I know it was several years back, CRISPR, when it first came about. It’s a brilliant technology. Everyone got very excited. Okay, if you look at a lot of the myeloproliferative neoplasms, there are three driver mutations that are really felt to contribute strongly to the development and the ongoing nature of the disease. Everyone said, “Oh, I can go in and if you take out that gene and replace it with the new one, I can fix it.” I think that where the role of CRISPR right now is, is it’s doing amazing things to help us understand the biology of the disease.

I think in terms of treating a lot of the malignancies, they’re so genetically complex that even though we say, okay, well, you have, for example, a JAK2-positive essential thrombocythemia, which is JAK2 is one of the driver mutations and essential thrombocythemia is too many platelets. Unfortunately, I probably can’t go in there and get all the JAK2 mutations in the blood system to replace them. Now, where it is making huge strides is in things like sickle cell disease and thalassemia, where there is one gene that is the problem. And even if you only replace it in 50 percent of the cells, you can really drastically change somebody’s life. So I think that it is used in certain situations and is absolutely astounding and amazing. I think its utility and completely eradicating cancer is going to be something that is going to take a long time to come about. But I do acknowledge that it’s making enormous strides in understanding how everything can work, because you can quickly remove something, replace it with something else, and really understand what the function of that mutation or that gene happens to be. In terms of the artificial intelligence, I’m looking forward to seeing how it can be used.

I think it’s right. You try to find, how can I come up with the right answer? And once you think, “Oh, this should be easy, I should be able to look at somebody’s blood counts over the course of a year and be able to predict something.” But to actually be able to do that, I think, is going to take a lot more thought. So it is something that I’m hopeful that we can all start to utilize more. I think the last thing is, is some of these really fancy ways of detecting minute amounts of diseases. I think circulating DNA, which I frankly don’t know a lot about, because I don’t treat a lot of solid tumors. But also, when I look at just bone marrow disorders, like acute leukemias, we often look for something called minimal residual disease, which is this below the microscopic level. You’re looking at like one cell out of 0.001 percent of the cells.

And honestly, we don’t really know how to deal with that. And I think sometimes it ends up providing more anxiety, because you have otherwise a disease that you would say, under all historical purposes, you’re in remission, this is great. And then you have this little amount of disease. And sometimes it’s good, because it can help us determine the next steps of therapy in a more effective way. But sometimes it just creates stress, and we don’t truly know the actual meaning of it.

Lisa Hatfield:

That’s a really great point, the minimal residual disease, is we’re testing such a deep level of sensitivity. Do I want to know that much, because would it be treated anyway? Will it make a difference? Or will I be overtreating a cancer with the chemotherapy agents or agents that are more toxic? That’s a great point you bring up.

Dr. Palmer:


Lisa Hatfield:

So, yeah.

Dr. Palmer:

It’s a very difficult one. As we get more and more of these tests, we’re finding more stuff that we don’t really know what to do with.

Lisa Hatfield:

Yeah. So and I just want to take a step back really quick. So we were talking about the CRISPR technology. And, Dr. Sirintrapun, if you can just clarify for me, for any patients watching this, so CRISPR is the technology that is used, or the methods used to edit genes. Is that correct? It’s not an actual therapy a person can receive. But it’s the technology that’s used to edit genes.

Dr. Sirintrapun:

Yeah, it’s just the technique.

Lisa Hatfield:


Dr. Sirintrapun:

But it’s not…but yeah, therapy is a bigger…you can imagine therapy being a big umbrella. And then the technique would be there. So it’s more…

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay. Just wanted to clarify that for people watching this, since we’re talking about that CRISPR. So and Dr. Palmer had touched a little bit on the personalized medicine for MPNs, looking at specific mutations like the JAK2 mutation, MPL mutation. Dr. Palmer, can you share some examples of how telemedicine is influencing personalized medicine in MPN care?

Dr. Palmer:

So I think one of the key…so when we look at treating different myeloproliferative neoplasms, you have to take what’s your goal of therapy. So for the ones like essential thrombocythemia, where you have too many platelets, or polycythemia vera, where there’s too many red cells. A lot of times what you’re doing there is you’re just saying, well, how can I predict whether you’re going to have a blood clot or something? Because people can live, these can be fairly chronic diseases that with appropriate therapy, people can live a long time.

So a lot of that’s risk mitigation. Where I think a lot of the personalized aspect of it is coming in is probably in myelofibrosis, which is a disease where I view it as too much inflammation, scar tissue develops in the bone marrow, people could get a large spleen, high white blood cell count. A number of different manifestations. And in that, we’re learning more and more that in addition to the three driver mutations, the JAK2, the MPL, and the calreticulin, there’s probably a whole other group of mutations that can really be used to help us predict and try to take a look into the future to help guide them. And what is the timing for transplant? Should we be more aggressive as we’re getting more and more agents being evaluated and hopefully approved in the treatment of myeloproliferative diseases? Who are the people who should utilize these agents?

Because again, you don’t want to overtreat. And so I think that being able to hone in on these different mutations to be able to help us predict what we think will happen and maybe different treatment options that we would have, that’s going to be important. Now, one of the things that’s really exciting is that some of these companies that actually do this deep sequence, like looking at multiple, multiple genes, actually have mechanisms by which they will send somebody to a person’s house and then draw the blood and take it over and run it. And so I’ve actually had that done before, where somebody I saw via telemedicine, and we really wanted to get that information so I could appropriately advise on what I anticipated was going to happen in the course of the disease.

And we were able to actually get that information through using home care, saying, I want this order to be done. The home care people went out, drew the blood, sent it to where it needed to go in the right format, and I was able to get that information. So I think that telemedicine allows them access to people who understand how to interpret that information. But I think we have to give a lot of props to a lot of these companies that are really getting innovative in how they’re capturing the data, saying, “No, you know what? You don’t need to have this done in Scottsdale, Arizona or Phoenix, Arizona. You can have this done in your own home and wherever your home happens to be.”

So I think that that type of thing is really changing some of how we can utilize that data that’s very personalized, but be able to use it in a telemedicine format where we don’t need people to physically come here to get their blood taken. Now, I do want to add the caveat. There are a number of different institutions that have enormous amounts of lab work that’s looking at things above and beyond the approved tests that have been validated and everything. And that would be a lot harder to get. There still are ways of doing that, but I think that we have to acknowledge that there is something that we do lose by doing that. Although I can get a lot of information, be able to provide a lot of input to a patient. It still doesn’t address the fact that by physically being there, sometimes you can get samples that you can biobank, and you can send to somebody’s lab. And then these are the people who are discovering the new things that really that’s how we learned what we know so far. Is because somebody went and looked at these genes and more and more and more of this is going on. So I want to temper this with saying not everything can be done by a telemedicine.

That we have to be thoughtful about our approaches and really utilize combining in-person visits along with telemedicine to really do care. And to give an example, what I do for patients is if I follow them by a telemedicine only, I won’t actually be a prescribing doctor. I won’t be a primary provider. I have to at least see them once a year if I’m going to give medicines or do things like that. So I think that there’s a hybrid model that’s going to be really important to do as well for patients who are able to do that.

Lisa Hatfield:

Thanks for that.

Dr. Palmer:

If that makes…yeah.

Lisa Hatfield:

It does make sense. And I just had a quick question too. So if I’m coming in or I’m going to see my…I’m a newly diagnosed MPN patient going into my local oncologist. I’m watching this webinar and I hear, “Oh, if somebody came to my home. I could maybe do telemedicine, or I can have somebody come to my home and take my blood and look at these genetic mutations. My local oncologist doesn’t know exactly how to go about doing that.” Would that be the point where they might try to contact a specialist or go through the consult center through Mayo Clinic or somewhere to say, “Oh, I need a specialist to help me access this type of testing?”

Dr. Palmer:

So I have to be very honest. I just learned about this type of testing in the last year or so. And so it’s something that I’ve started to be able to utilize. With myeloproliferative diseases, I think, and very honestly, and there’s a number of us specialists around the country, I think everyone seeing one at least once in terms of just saying, “Hey, what’s our plan of care going to be?” Are we looking at all the angles of it is a really important thing to do. And I think there’s a number of excellent physicians out there in different parts of the country that some of whom are using telemedicine, some I’m not sure that they are. But I think that getting that specialized opinion is extremely important. I think then in terms of managing care, there’s multiple… Give me a second, I’m sorry. There’s multiple ways that can be configured that will help take care of the patient depending on their individual needs and their ability to travel and everything.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay. That’s really helpful. Just as someone who has an excellent local oncologist but we don’t do some of the tests here. So that’s why I see a specialist. And they send me actually a kit, a lab kit to have something sent back to Mayo Clinic. And I love that. It makes it so nice to know where I’m at with my disease. 

Okay. So, Dr. Sirintrapun, the importance of connecting to specialized care when living with a rare cancer is so paramount. But with anything comes risk and rewards. What are the risks and rewards of telemedicine and maybe even some of the limitations? You both touched on that a little bit. But if you can talk about that a little bit, that would be great.

Dr. Sirintrapun:

Yeah, I’m so glad that Dr. Palmer actually illustrated to everybody, including myself, kind of how the processes work and if you had a trial, particularly with monitoring, and getting the right tests. So being a pathologist, that’s the other hat, I look at glass slides, but I also handle a lot of tests in particular, is looking at them. And in Memorial we do those complex humongous genome panels, it’s actually become much more commonplace to have 500 genes. And as Dr. Palmer had alluded to, sometimes you don’t know out of the 500, which are really meaningful, which are not. But out of that, you do know with some of them. I see it like the initial diagnosis, at least with technology, like the complex testing being done, still centered. It’s hard to outsource that to locally.

But in terms of convenience, I can see a future where a lot of these tests can be done more closer to the patient, where they’re simpler, there’s more automation. Somebody who might be a lab tech or nurse practitioner might, the instrument might be simple enough to press a button, and you’ll get your results. And that’ll be just the right amount of genomes to monitor. Now going back to rare diseases and such, it depends on the rare disease. Because rare diseases have been kind of the classic paradigm for a clinical trial where you have to go to a centralized center because a lot of times the way rare diseases work is that they’re, at least in pathology, there centrally to an expert. Because there’s only one person that’s ever looked at it in the entire world and nobody else really knows. And you end up sending it to that guru.

And so the problem with that is that somebody has to know from the outside, “Hey, I think it’s this, I should send it to that person.” So you have, you already have friction and a gap right there. And you have the logistics of it just, okay, once it’s there and you get the diagnosis, what happens next? Can the patient who might be living from wherever be able to go and get enrolled in that trial? So you have all these different barriers that I alluded to before. So the advantage of the telemedicine is that you basically might have diminished the gap. You can bring that expert in terms of consultation to the patient who lives very far away. Now, going back to all the logistics about monitoring, if you had the right lab tests, and this is where the FDA comes in, and we don’t have time to go into the way lab tests are developed, but if the lab test is simple enough, you can do the monitoring more closer to the patient.

And in that way the clinical trial is much more enabling. They don’t have to fly somewhere, you have to go some…it all depends on how they can actually get the test to the right quality level and closer to the patient so that you can have the monitoring as more frequently, and you don’t have the cost of actually having to ship either the patient or the sample elsewhere. So things that are changing, I’m hoping, because the technology’s there, and it takes architects of clinical trials to rethink that. What’s the right technology now that we can apply it locally, so that we don’t have to do all this back and forth. And so that’s the type of thing. So going with the record, there’s lots of opportunity. I think the cautionary part would be is that tech, if you’re going to deploy something, let’s say near the patient, we call it point of care in lab testing, point of care, right?

Right, right near the patient. You have to make sure that lab test is quality, it’s actually good enough, like it met all the standards, and then you can trust the results. That’s the trick. And that’s where the cautionary part comes in. Are these things really good enough that anybody with a little experience can use it and that people can interpret the result and you can trust the result. That all these things are in place. I’m giving you the ins and outs with the way, when you want to deploy something, these are the different things you have to consider. But there’s a lot of potential as I mentioned.

Lisa Hatfield:

Sure. Great. Dr. Palmer, do you have anything that you want to share or add to that? Risks, rewards, limitations for MPN patients about telemedicine?

Dr. Palmer:

So, I think that brought up a really good point. So when we look at these tests that you can order, I think there’s a lot of companies that do very reputable tests that are even sometimes utilized by some centers. And so at the first diagnosis, I think there’s the piece that what is going to help clinically based on the knowledge that we know, and that is some of these tests that actually can, are very good quality have somebody to be deployed, draw the blood, send it to wherever and do the test. Sometimes it’s good to be at the center itself where there are actually labs and that increases the learning. I think that the architecture of the clinical trial which was a great way to put it, is going to be really important, because if I take a complete blood count, honestly, I mean, anyone can do a complete blood count and I can get the information that I really need to get out of it.

If we look at drug levels, that’s a far different animal is to make sure that these drug levels get drawn in the right way at the right time, sent to the right place. That can be a real challenge. So there are going to be different aspects of the clinical trial that can and cannot be done virtually and through outside resources. So I think that, that it’s certainly not all created equal. So there’s no way I can do the entirety of a clinical trial without physically having a patient at the center. However, on the other side of that coin, I think there’s probably a number of things, especially with like really routine visits where we’re not getting drug levels, we’re just checking a CBC, or a complete blood count or chemistries or something in the blood, that that can probably be done almost anywhere.

So it’s just going to take an extra layer of thought. I think that a lot of times you use what you know, so you say, “Well, this is how this clinical trial was run, and they have to come in, and they have to get an exam, and they have to get a CBC and they have to get everything else.” I think that there are going to be ways that we can alter that to really think what are the meaningful things we need? Like we don’t use every single solitary time point, “What are the safety measures we need to make sure we capture?” So it is going to require sort of a lot of thoughtful processing to figure out how to do that. The other thing to be cautious about is if you have the interpretation of the test.

So let’s say I send out a lab to one of the companies that does really extensive panels of genes, and then it goes back to their primary provider. They might look at that and go, “Well, geez, I don’t know what any of this actually means.” I mean, frankly, out of those 400 genes, there’s a number of them that I don’t even know how to interpret. I say, “Well, this is interesting, but these are the ones that I know are really critically important and can impact your, what I anticipate is going to happen to you. But some of these we don’t know yet.” I mean, I think that’s what we’re learning about. So doing these tests, sometimes getting these big panels can be confusing and frankly scary if you don’t have somebody there who is able to say, “Yes, these are the important ones. These are probably not that important. So it’s interesting that you have them, but we don’t need to worry about them right now.”

And so that’s really key ’cause otherwise you start to go to Dr. Google and, which is not anybody’s friend, and get yourself really terrified. So I think that that ability to put things into perspective is also, and have the ability to incorporate it into the education given and the treatment plan is really critical. So again, a hybrid model is really necessary for a lot of these to work well. And how that hybrid model works is going to be dependent on the disease type, the clinical trial in that situation. But I think that there are ways to do it, and I personally in my own practice have created a set of rules that I’m like, “Okay, well, for this and this and this and for this you have to do that and I need to do this.” So I have certain things set up to make sure that I feel like I am providing safe-care, but also being able to provide it virtually.

Lisa Hatfield:

Great. That’s great information too. And I am guilty of using Dr. Google probably more often than talking to my doctor. So most of your patients probably are, and they just won’t admit it. So I’ll admit it for all of us. [chuckle] Yes, thanks for explaining that. So I think we’re going to talk just a little bit, we’re going to move on to talking about best practices for MPN patients and families using telemedicine. Dr. Palmer, we’ll just start with you and then talk to Dr. Sirintrapun about that. But what are the best practices for MPN patients utilizing telemedicine? And what are some of the newer technologies that we’ve even talked about today that are being explored that you’re most excited about?

Dr. Palmer:

Well, again, I think it’s hard to say the right way to use telemedicine. I think that, as much as automation and trying to come up with processes that are very standard is important, I think it is still a learning process. How long is it safe to do telemedicine? How many, if I’m the only provider seeing this person and there’s not somebody physically looking at them, am I doing a disadvantage? So like, what’s the safety realm in that? I mean, that is something that I know comes up, and it comes up with a lot of physicians, like, “Well, I have to examine the patient, I have to eyeball the patient.” So trying to figure out that balance of making sure you’re providing good quality and safe care, but that you’re also allowing for people to have access to things they otherwise wouldn’t have access to.

And some of that is a matter of having good collaborations with providers in different places and the willingness of the local providers to work with one of us. And some of that’s just kind of saying, “Well, I’m going to try this.” And then after a while if you say, “Hey, this isn’t working well,” then you switch it. But I think a lot of this is something that you can’t prescribe. It is something that needs to be the level of comfort for the provider, the level of comfort for the local provider and the patient. And it’s not going to be the same for any two patients. There certainly is going to be some variability. I’m very excited about the ongoing telemedicine and our ability to utilize it. I’m really hoping that even after the public health emergency, some of the barriers to being able to provide telemedicine outside of your own state will not be a problem. And I think each institution’s handling it a little bit differently.

So that’s something I’m excited for, and there’s probably going to be a lot more that I can’t even begin to think about that’s going to come up in terms of ways that people can, like there’s handheld imaging machines and stuff like that. Is there going to be a way that we can actually have patients apply it? So, for example, I like to feel spleens in patients who have myeloproliferative diseases, because they’re often enlarged. Is there going to be a way that there’s some type of equipment or some type of material that can do a spleen exam without me actually having to physically see the patient and lay hands on them? This is something that I probably, people are thinking about who are a lot smarter than me. And I’m looking forward to something like that being developed. But that’s what I’m hopeful is that we get to the point where I can feel like I’m providing really top quality care to people who could be anywhere in the United States or even honestly the world.

Lisa Hatfield:

Yeah. That’s fascinating. And from the patient perspective, again, it gives me a lot of hope to think that there might be a way to complement the care that we’re receiving locally through telemedicine. So, Dr. Sirintrapun, we’re always looking for hope, we cancer patients. So what are some of the novel technologies and therapies that you’re most excited about?

Dr. Sirintrapun:

Oh, my gosh. Let me just say that it’s great to be excited and I spend a lot of…what keeps me going is just being excited about things. But it’s also important not to be reckless. And I think for a lot of people that are in this technology thing, you see the balance between, well, you don’t even necessarily see the balance. They’re more excited, and then you overstep. And so that’s really the guiding principle, excited but not too reckless to take things with caution to study, learn from things. And I really appreciate Dr. Palmer sharing that, because she brought up a lot of different points. Like as you move forward, you have to consider X, Y, Z, I think a lot of the audiences heard that. That said, I’m excited about a lot and getting a little wonky with the technical things.

I’m excited about the mobile technologies, I don’t exactly know this is going to be somebody else more creative than myself about how do we incorporate that? These different biosensors, if heart rate’s important and that’s a side effect of a drug, how do you incorporate that into the healthcare information system? I’m going to put a little knock on the healthcare information systems or a little less technologically advanced is then what you see with the iWatch. I would argue that the stuff with iPhones is much more advanced to the dismay of many patients…maybe surprise of many patients. [laughter] We deal with some old technologies in healthcare. And so how do we incorporate these new technologies into this old ecosystem? But that said, there’s a lot of potential wearables, biosensors testing that could be close to point of care on the connectivity aspect with the 5G and stuff.

I don’t fully know all the 5G aspects, but think of the prior Gs that were there that allowed for GPS and all these different things that were not possible when you had 1G. Now we have 5G. Who knows what you could do. You can actually apply AI in real time before you would take 10 minutes to process it. Now it’s just happening somewhere at a cloud close by, and it’s happening very quickly. You can imagine all that. So things like robotic surgeries can happen. Processing of immense data can happen very quickly. You can get your information without waiting a day or two weeks. So those things are very disruptive, and I’m excited about that. I’m hoping that the players that are out there also keep the cautionary aspect that as you move forward, don’t jump too soon.

Try to learn things. Do not overpromise. Because it’s a thing for patients as well. I mean, many physicians don’t necessarily know they’re not, when you see something, they’re enamored by it. But the questions you should ask, “Is it ready? Has it been through the paces yet? Can I trust it enough?” And that’s the part that…and I try to maintain it, and I hope as people go and innovate that they don’t overpromise on things. Think the Theranos aspect, we could do all this X, Y, Z. That’s one lesson and there’s going to be more. Trust me, that’s not the end of it. Because as I mentioned, people tend to get excited, but it’s also very important to be cautious and not reckless. And I think that’s the lesson I would convey to anybody excited about this.

But there is a lot excitement, there’s a lot of potential people who think very smartly about it can think of all the different cautionaries of how to implement it because it’s all about the implementation. How do you make sure it’s ready, and you can implement it correctly so that the people that are using it and people that have to interpret it and the people that it’s going to impact it all matches? It actually really is appropriate for that time that, that’s beyond just the technical. That’s why I said I…hen I said informatics, it’s people processes. It’s not just the technology I wanted to focus on it, it’s the entire picture of things. And so that’s it. That’s kind of the way I sort of see us moving forward. 

Lisa Hatfield:

We’re moving forward. We are progressing, but we have to take caution in how we implement. So yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you for that. So I have a lot more questions, but it’s time for us to wrap up and you spend a lot of time with me as a patient helping me and hopefully with other patients watching this. It’s really refreshing to hear about advances in technology that can potentially extend my life and the lives of other patients living with life-threatening conditions. We appreciate all the new tools, we appreciate all the information being put together, and utilized to help cancer patients everywhere. And thank you so much. I don’t have an MPN like I mentioned before. I have multiple myeloma, and I have been dealing with that for four years.

I’m looking forward to a technology someday where I don’t have to have bone marrow biopsies to determine how much cancer I have in my bone marrow. But that might be a pipe dream. I don’t know. [laughter] So anyway, thank you so much for spending time with us, Dr. Palmer and Dr. Sirintrapun. We really appreciate the time and as a patient myself, I’m always grateful when you come on these programs. I watch webinars all the time to get more information, so I can better advocate for myself or for my friends who have cancer. So thank you so much for your time and for your expertise. Really appreciate it.

And just a reminder to anyone watching this program to always consult with your own medical team about what is right for you and about your own healthcare. Thank you again, Dr. Palmer and Dr. Sirintrapun. Hopefully, we’ll see you again on a future webinar. Thank you.

PODCAST: HCP Roundtable: Overcoming Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing Challenges


The lung cancer field continues to experience tremendous growth in precision medicine. Oncologists have more tools to treat lung cancer, but access and language remains a big factor in biomarker testing. Drs. Jessica Bauman and Lyudmila Bazhenova discuss current issues in NSCLC biomarker testing, insights on how providers can explain biomarker testing to their patients and their families, and how academic centers and community physicians can work together to overcome challenges in biomarker testing.

About the Guests:
Dr. Jessica Bauman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Hematology/Oncology at Fox Chase Cancer Center.

Dr. Lyudmila Bazhenova is a Professor of Medicine at Moores Cancer Center, UC San Diego Health.

See More from the Empowered! Podcast


Dr. Nicole Rochester: 

Welcome to the Empowering Providers to Empower Patients or EPEP program. I’m Dr. Nicole Rochester, a pediatrician and the founder of Your GPS Doc. In this unique program, we connect leading lung cancer expert voices to discuss enhancing physician patient communication and share decision making in lung cancer care. Some of the questions we’re going to talk about today include, what are the major successes and challenges around biomarker testing? How can experts in academic settings work with those in community settings to overcome challenges in biomarker testing? And also, what are the best practices for discussing and explaining biomarker testing to your lung cancer patients? 

Thank you. I’m thrilled to be joined today by noted lung cancer medical oncologist, Dr. Jessica Bauman from Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, and Dr. Luda Bazhenova from UC San Diego Medical Center. Thank you both for joining us in today’s round table.

Dr. Jessica Bauman:

Thanks for having us.

Dr. Lyudmila Bazhenova:

My pleasure should be here as well.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Thankfully, research in lung cancer is ongoing and remains at a fast pace, but with that pace often comes challenges of keeping everyone up to date, providers included. So we have a lot to cover today. So I want to start by just providing a general overview of biomarker testing and lung cancer therapy. So I’m going to start with you, Dr. Bauman. Can you discuss some of the general guidelines for…sorry. So I’m going to start with you, Dr. Bauman. Can you discuss existing guidelines for genomic biomarker testing for lung cancer?

Dr. Jessica Bauman:

Sure. I’d be happy to. So genomic and biomarker testing in general has really been at the forefront of many conversations about lung cancer over the course of the last decade or longer, 20 years. Because it has really changed our approach to patient care and individualized the way that we treat and make decisions about patients with lung cancer. And so what this means, is for every single person who has a new diagnosis of lung cancer, essentially everybody is now recommended to have molecular testing on their individual tumor samples to help us decide what treatment decisions are the best for them. Now, it used to be that this was really only recommended for patients with a new diagnosis of metastatic lung cancer, but now we’re seeing this really influenced decision-making earlier on than the metastatic setting.

And so we now have treatment approaches that change based on molecular testing for early stage one cancer as well. And so, although it used to be more of a later stage, necessity, now we really…we really now need the information sooner than ever before. And when we say molecular testing, this is really looking at the individual tumor and what is potentially driving the cancer to grow. So to look for oncogenic drivers that change treatment. So I call this with my patients, I call this the alphabet soup. But this includes, EGFR mutations, ALK, ROS1, RET, HER2 as well as many others that influence the potential treatment options that we have for our patients.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Awesome, thank you. That is a great overview. Do you have anything to add to that, Dr. Bazhenova?

Dr. Lyudmila Bazhenova:  No, I think that was very nicely summarized. I think an important thing is that we have to test, we cannot guess. We have to know what our patients…what mutations our patients have, and then we have to know what to do with that. That’s kind of a second part of the question.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Wonderful. So it sounds like this is really kind of revolutionary in the sense that, like you said, we can now provide very individualized treatment for lung cancer patients. So I’d love for the two of you to talk about some of the successes in testing over the past decade for lung cancer patients. And we’ll start with you this time, Dr. Bazhenova.

Dr. Lyudmila Bazhenova:

I think our successes actually became our challenges. We have seen an explosion of targetable oncogenic drivers. If you look at the FDA approvals for oncogenic driven therapy, we have a first approval in 2004 and then there was kind of a silence for almost a decade. And then starting in 2014, every year we now have three or four drugs approved. And also those drugs are being approved for the same indication, but different companies. So I think it is very hard for a practicing oncologist who have diseases other than lung cancer to actually keep up with exploding information that they need to know. And I think that’s why I say our success is our challenge, our success is that we are now in lung cancer have 10 oncogenic drivers that we have treatment for.

Our challenge is to remember that there are 10 oncogenic drivers. It’s becoming even more complicated because if you take, for example, an EGFR story, we don’t just need to know that the patient has an EGFR mutation. We need to know what type of EGFR mutation we have, that patient has. And it is no longer three categories. Like even looking in atypical mutations, we now separate out so-called pack mutations, which are treated differently than anything else. So it’s difficult for a practicing physician, or mid-level practitioner to remember what even to do for lung cancer, but they have to do a breast cancer and colon cancer and everything else. So it is a challenge currently.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

I appreciate you highlighting that. A lot of times it’s like a double-edged sword, right? What are your thoughts, Dr. Bauman, and in terms of the successes as well as some of the challenges?

Dr. Jessica Bauman:

So I absolutely echo what Dr. Bazhenova is saying in terms of the amazing successes, right? We now have for multiple different populations, we have an oral medication that can treat their cancer with the hope that it keeps that cancer under control for many, many months and for some people even years. And I think the challenge is absolutely keeping track of all of those different mutations and then what is actually targetable. And if you have, is it a mutation? Is it a fusion? Is it… What exactly is it that allows you to then use that targetable therapy? Is certainly one challenge. The other challenge is getting that information as soon as we can get it. So you can imagine, so somebody comes in to see me with a new diagnosis of metastatic lung cancer, right? Their biopsy was done say two weeks at a different hospital, and their first scan was done six weeks ago.

So now they’re already six weeks into the concern of a diagnosis of lung cancer, and they’re symptomatic and they come to see me and say, what am I going to do? And we have to get all of that information as fast as we can, because it completely changes the way we’re going to treat them. And so creating systems, in particular reflex testing systems such that this is sent immediately so that by the time they’re seeing me we already have this information is really important. But that, I think that is sort of at its infancy. At Fox Chase, we’ve worked on our sort of reflex system for a very long time. And it’s still, every time there’s a new approval, it seems like it changes slightly or there’s a new system that we have to think about it. But at the end of the day we also…one of the challenges is making sure that we streamline the processes in which we get this information in the best way we can because tissue can be limited.

There is a lot, making sure that you actually get adequate tissue sampling to be able to test for everything that you need to test for is really important. Then figuring out where to send the testing. Many academic centers have internal panels that they send for molecular testing, but there are so many different companies that advertise doing some kind of molecular testing. And so knowing which of those companies to consider using, what they’re offering, which ones offer RNA sequencing, for example, because that is a particularly important aspect, in addition to DNA sequencing that we need. And so sort of keeping track of all of that is particularly challenging. And then I think the last thing is, I think it’s the needing this information earlier and earlier in a diagnosis.

Dr. Jessica Bauman:

And so once upon a time, it really was the medical oncologist who could drive this and run the show because it was really, we needed it for somebody with metastatic disease, right? And we’re sort of the captains of the ship per se, when someone has a new diagnosis of metastatic disease. However, now there’s adjuvant therapy for patients who have EGFR mutations after a surgical resection. And so we need, the surgeons also need to really understand that we need this information. And they often are now getting these tests before a medical oncologist even sees the patients. And so it isn’t just medical oncology, it’s also now, it’s going into multiple different specialties who also need to understand what these mutations mean and what to do about them, and then how it influences therapies.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Wow, you all have really done such a great job highlighting both the successes and the challenges. And it’s a perfect segue into my next question because you just alluded to, Dr. Bauman, this idea of academic medical centers and the challenges that you all are facing in cancer centers. And we know that many patients are receiving their care in the community, and in fact, sometimes it’s this dichotomy between what happens in the academic setting and the community setting that can actually create and perpetuate disparities. So my next question really has to do with how can lung cancer experts in academic settings partner with, collaborate, work with those experts in the community settings to overcome some of these challenges that you all just talked about as it relates to biomarker testing? So I’ll start with you, Dr. Bauman.

Dr. Jessica Bauman:

So, that’s a million dollar question. I do think there are many opportunities of educational opportunities to continue to educate everybody in terms of lung cancer. I think lung cancer is a very common diagnosis. And so we know that many community providers absolutely deliver excellent lung cancer care. And so making sure that there are many opportunities for them to participate in, either citywide or nationwide educational opportunities for updates on lung cancer. We have in Philadelphia, we actually have an academic, sort of a multi-multidisciplinary, multi-institutional tumor board, thoracic tumor board that happens quarterly, which we invite community providers to to discuss some of the latest literature. Certainly our emails are always available, so we can always bring there, certainly we get many different questions that come in from other providers, but I’m sure we could do a better job. And I’m very curious to hear what Dr. Bazhenova thinks about this as well, because I think it is such a huge challenge.

Dr. Lyudmila Bazhenova:

I agree with you fully, and I think my two cents here is I think we have to recognize and accept that one size does not fit all in this situation. And whatever works for my institution is probably not going to work for a smaller community practice. But as long as we recognize that this needs to be done and each community practice can work with their stakeholders in the molecular testing pathway, like molecular pathologists, regular pathologists, surgeons. Each institution has power to establish their own internal pathways. Would it be what Dr. Bauman says, reflex testing, which is probably not going to be an option for a majority of the community setting because they do not have their own NGS. It’s going to be a sendout. Or like in our institutions, we don’t have a reflex molecular testing. It’s us medical oncologists who are ordering it, but we kind of get it on the backside.

We can get the patient in within 24, 48 hours from the consult was put in. And so that’s why we didn’t do the reflex testing, but as the reason we did it is because we sat down as a team and we decided this is what works for us. So I encouraged the community groups again, sitting down saying, okay, the task in hand is lung cancer patient has to have molecular testing at the time of the diagnosis. How are we going to get it and how are we going to make sure that we are not missing, you know, have some kind of internal QI, and make sure you know what your practice is doing rather than assuming that your practice is doing molecular testing for all the patients.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Thank you so much. Did you have something you wanted to add, Dr. Bauman?

Dr. Jessica Bauman:

Yeah, I was just going to say, and I think that so many things are happening before they ever see us, that includes a pulmonologist is going in and doing a biopsy, right? Or an interventional radiologist is getting a biopsy. So it has to start way upfront of the actual diagnosis because the, what you want to try to get to capture the information as soon as you can, right? So you don’t want to get just an FNA biopsy, for example, of a liver lesion knowing that three weeks later what you really need is a core biopsy, right? So it really, the path you do, it involves so many different stakeholders when you’re having conversations about how to streamline this for your own institution and practice.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

So both of you have really touched on the challenges even among physician-to-physician communication and the fact that by virtue of the diagnosis and the treatment, there’s lots of different specialists involved, the timing of which can be very crucial. And so shifting to physician patient communication, which we know is fraught with even more challenges. Can you each share some examples from your own practice around improving physician patient communication that may serve as exemplary for providers that are watching this program? And we’ll start with you, Dr. Bazhenova.

Dr. Lyudmila Bazhenova:

I think it also has some challenges, because in the current environment of practicing medicine, we are, as physicians, we are pushed to see more patients, it’s all about productivity. So when you do that, something has to give. And a time that we can spend with the patient is limited. And I think it’s important, for myself, as a practice, I have the same, I call it spiel that I give to all my patients. It’s the same picture I write down when I speak and I give that paper to the patients. I’ve had, you know, created some preprinted things that I used to give to the patients. Don’t do it anymore. But I think that’s another thing, have some kind of information that is a patient level that I can give to the patients.

And I think we have to educate the patients as well, either by ourselves or using the platforms that we are exhibiting here, that is outside of our primary institutions. And to make sure that the patients are aware that each one of them who have a stage IV lung cancer, as well as early stage lung cancer needs to be tested for the molecular testing. And kind of put it also have the patient question the physician, did you do that? Was that test done? That’s one part of information.  And I think the second part is, we do have to do better in allowing our patients to get a faster access to us. And we kind of accept the fact that we are going to be working after hours. When the clinic is over, that’s where I’m going to go to my charts, and I’m going to answer my patient’s question.

It’s kind of an intrinsic, is the work of the physician. Hours is…unfortunately, doesn’t really count. There is no limit to that. So whatever it works, like having a nurse educator. We have in our institution, we have…we call her tissue coordinator, but she’s the person who can actually make sure that the tissue is done, she can also make sure that reports are sent to the patient and make sure that patient has ability to ask questions of somebody. And I think the EMR, electronic medical record, it’s kind of a love-hate relationship, I think, with all of us. But one thing that I find it made it much easier for me is to communicate with my patients using my chart and this ability to release the result to the patient by one click of a button, that saves time for me so I can spend that time to actually visit the patient and explain to the patient what needs to be done.

Dr. Nicole Rochster:

That is awesome, thank you. Do you have anything to add, Dr. Bauman?

Dr. Jessica Buaman:

In terms of challenges of discussions with patients?

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Yeah, and best practices. So Dr. Bazhenova mentioned using portal, which I think is awesome, and really educating patients in a way that allows them to ask questions of their providers. Any other insights or tactics that you use?

Dr. Jessica Bauman:

Yes, yes, I agree that I think that this overall requires a lot of education, and especially when patients come in and they want to know tomorrow or yesterday, actually, what they’re going to get for treatment and what we’re going to start with. And so telling them that actually we still can’t decide for at least another week or two, that in of itself can be challenging. I think the other piece of this that’s always important is, in general, when we’re doing molecular and biomarker testing, we’re looking for changes in the tumor, we’re looking for what we call somatic mutations, but there is also the second concern where on rare occasion, issues with molecular testing can bring up issues with germline testing, meaning some abnormality that’s found that may impact their own familial risk for cancer, and so that of course requires a lot of thought and careful education as well, in addition to the treatment decision-making that we’re really ordering the test to decide upon.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Really good point. Because if there’s a familial aspect, like you said, that brings up an entirely another layer of discussion and worry and concern as well. Well, Dr. Bazhenova I know that you lead a weekly tumor board for lung cancer, and I’d love to learn more about some of the things that you can share that may be insightful for other lung cancer experts as a result of the tumor board.

Dr. Lyudmila Bazhenova:

At UC San Diego, we actually have two tumor boards where lung cancer patients can be presented, one is just a traditional multidisciplinary thoracic tumor board, which is attended by a medical oncologist surgeons, radiation oncologist, pathologist, interventional people, clinical trial coordinators. And I think this is not unique to UC San Diego. The multidisciplinary tumor boards are available in all major academic institutions. And I think lung cancer care is becoming more and more multi-disciplinary, especially with the new advances of new adjuvant to chemo immunotherapy and controversies we still have to this point in management of stage three disease. And I think what I find in a multidisciplinary tumor board…

Because I think what I want to build upon as Dr. Bauman statement that she said that times of an essence here, and I think the multi-d tumor board help us make medical decisions on the spot rather than me sending a patient to see a surgeon or sending a patient to see radiation oncologist and sending patients to see interventional radiologist, and then the IR is telling you, “Oh, we can’t do that biopsy, you gotta send it to the pulmonologist.” I think that actually streamlines the patient care. The second tumor board what we have, that maturity of the lung cancer patients actually don’t get presented there, it’s a molecular tumor board. And the reason why we don’t present majority of the lung cancer patients there because management of antigen-driven lung cancer is pretty straightforward.

I think only presentations I would ever make there if they have an unusual mutation that I can’t find any information about, then I need the help of our molecular pathologist, but it is a good avenue for those weird rare molecular abnormalities that I’ve seen in other malignancies and so that is another option. And there’s actually…many institutions have molecular tumor boards as well. We do open our tumor board not to all communities. So we are not as good as you, Dr. Bauman. So only one community practice can join us because they’re kind of part of us, so we don’t usually…we don’t have it open to the whole community, and I think as an academic institution, we probably should strive to have an open tumor boards where everybody can join and listen and present and that’s the most important.

Dr. Jessica Bauman:

I do want to say, we don’t..I must have misspoken, we definitely don’t include community practices. So I do think that that would be a fantastic offering in the sense of some of the… I don’t know that we could do that on a weekly basis, but consider something like on a monthly basis or even a quarterly basis of a true tumor board where people can present cases in real time from community practices.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Awesome, yeah, I think based on everything that you all have shared, that would definitely be an added benefit for sure. So circling back to communicating with patients, you all have already shared the challenges related to productivity and the limited time that we have with patients and some of the things that you have been able to institute. I wonder if either of you or both of you have any thoughts around unique things that you’ve implemented that have allowed you to really connect and communicate with your patients in spite of these time limitations. So I know we talked about using the portal, which is an amazing resource. Are there any unique things that you all have implemented in real time, like face-to-face, when communicating with patients?

Dr. Jessica Bauman:

So I would say we did a pilot study that has not been implemented full time, and really I think we’re still working on how to best implement something like this but we did a pilot study using sort of educational materials, and this whole sort of pathway and educational system in coordination with our nurse navigators, where you could send sort of a prescription to the patient of reading material or of educational material, as they’re going along. And so, with the idea that early on that one of those prescriptions would be more information about molecular testing and biomarker testing, decision making, all of those types of things.

We did a small pilot study to incorporate that, which on the surface is fantastic but it was surprisingly challenging to do, to actually implement. And I think that was…we were doing this, again, in collaboration with one of the researchers, the nurse researchers at our institution, and we hit more barriers than expected, because I think we all, as you say, we all want to educate, we all want to make sure that our patients understand and get the information that they need, but the practicality of doing that really successfully and in a streamlined way but that’s also consistent across providers across the institution, it’s a challenge.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Yeah, I can imagine. Are there a chance to extend the pilot or to maybe modify it based on what you all learn from the initial study?

Dr. Jessica Bauman:

I think that that’s… It’s certainly in discussion about how to best implement something like this. Part of that is… Again, sort of systems change. The role of the clinic nurse, the nurse navigators has changed a little bit and so even how we envision implementation is going to need to shift somewhat.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Wonderful. What about you, Dr. Bazhenova? Any pilot studies or any other maybe tips and tricks that you employ independently?

Dr. Lyudmila Bazhenova:

Yeah, we haven’t had any pilot studies but I think the more I think about it…so the challenge of discussing those molecular testing with the patients is the fact that majority of those molecular testing discussions happen in stage four patients and majority of those discussions happen during the first visit for a patient with stage four lung cancer where we just discussed that this is an incurable cancer with limited life expectancy. And then how much does our patient actually absorb anything else we said afterwards is still remain to be seen. And I actually have seen like when I talk to the patient because they are so understandably fixated on their prognosis and survival, because it’s going to affect their lives that after that my patient asked me a question that I know I’ve discussed it already because I have my spiel.

I tell the same thing to everybody. And I think now kind of thinking about it out loud after that, during that discussion and maybe we could set up another appointment with a nurse practitioner afterwards, that after the patient kind of already digested all that information, to go over again the management of the molecular abnormalities. And one thing I actually want to highlight and build upon something that Bauman said before, that in those patients we actually usually wait for the molecular testing to come back before we start their therapy. And it is much easier to just prescribe chemotherapy immunotherapy for those patients.

But then you’re going to run into issues of toxicity because if you gave immunotherapy before you give for example EGFR TKI and some ALK TKIs, you can actually going to run into toxicity and you can permanently prevent your patients from continue on tyrosine kinase inhibitors. And so that’s why this is an information that not all oncologists, especially those who practice in a tobacco belt where they don’t see a lot of oncogenic driven patients, they might not be aware of that. And I think how do we pass that information to the physicians, and also how do we pass that information to the patients that there is an easy way, but easy way in this situation is not the right way?

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Wow, so many competing priorities. This has been a fascinating conversation. It’s time for us to wrap up but I really want to thank both of you for offering your insight and your expertise. And I’d love to get some closing thoughts. We’ve shared, you all have shared so much about the challenges, as well as the successes, you’ve offered some insight into some things that can probably be further developed in the future. So as we wrap up, I’ll start with you, Dr. Bauman, what are some closing thoughts that you would share with the providers that are watching this program?

Dr. Jessica Bauman:

I think I would again highlight just how imperative it is to create systems early on to identify how you’re going to get molecular testing on all of your lung cancer patients, and then have a good tracking system to make sure that it’s incorporated in your notes that you have potentially a database within your practice, so that you really are aware of the different molecular abnormalities that your patients have and then potential treatment options that they have later. And that to understand that this really is a multi disciplinary approach where everybody needs to understand the importance of adequate tissue, and how it can influence decision-making, even now with somebody with a stage one lung cancer.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Thank you so much. What about you, Dr. Bazhenova?

Dr. Lyudmila Bazhenova:

I fully agree with Dr. Bauman. So the one thing, kind of to add upon, as we’ve talked about before that molecular abnormalities and lung cancer becoming very complex NTRK point mutations is not the same thing as NTRK fusion. One responds to NTRK therapy and the other does not. And for every physician, you know what, if you’re using the molecular testing companies outside of your own institutions, just be aware that that molecular testing company does have a molecular pathologist on staff that you can actually talk to, and they do respond and they do reply. So if you have a mutation that you’re like, “I don’t know what that is.” Pick up the phone and call that company and they will be very, very happy to discuss the mutation with you and just highlight what is an appropriate treatment for that patient.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Thank you. Thank you both so much. Just to summarize, I mean, I have learned a lot which I always do in these programs, and to summarize, you all have spoken about the importance of biomarker testing, the evolution of testing and the importance and how it’s used now for not just late stage but early stage cancer. You’ve talked about the complexities associated with biomarker testing and really the need to fully adopt a multidisciplinary approach, not just as it relates to diagnosis and treatment, but even as it relates to communicating with patients and bringing in those nurse educators and those navigators and making sure that we take a multidisciplinary approach.

And you’ve also shared some insight about tips for communicating with patients, despite the time limitations that we face in the clinical environment and so I’m just really thankful for your time today. Really grateful for your expertise, and I want to thank all of you for tuning into this Empowering Providers to Empower Patients program. Have a wonderful day.

Dr. Jessica Bauman:

Thank you.

Patient-Centric Care

Tailoring Information to Meet the Changing Needs of Patients Along Their Healthcare Journey

Being diagnosed with cancer can be a frightening experience. The diagnosis can bring up a range of emotions such as fear, shock, anger, and sadness. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was initially overwhelmed by the flood of information that came my way. It seemed like there was so much to learn about the disease, its treatment options, and the potential outcomes. I found that trying to process all this information while dealing with the emotional impact of the diagnosis was incredibly challenging. It was difficult to know where to start or how to make sense of it all.

When making decisions about cancer treatment, it’s important to take your time, get organized, and be informed. Breast surgeon, Dr. Deanna Attai of the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California Los Angeles recommends that patients approach their appointments with a clear plan and bring along a trusted friend or family member if possible.

Having someone you trust with you during appointments can help provide support, ask questions, and take notes on important information that you may not remember later. But if you’re unable to bring someone with you, Dr. Attai suggests requesting a recording of the consultation so that you can review it later and focus solely on listening during the appointment.

Sorting through information and making treatment decisions can be overwhelming. It’s important to take the time to do research and ask questions of your healthcare team. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification or more information if needed. The more informed you are about your options, the better equipped you will be to make the best decision for you.

It’s also helpful to stay organized and keep track of all the information you receive. This can be done by taking notes during appointments, keeping a binder or folder with important documents and test results, and creating a list of questions to bring to your appointments. By staying organized and informed, you can feel more in control of your healthcare journey and make decisions with confidence.

Changing Information Needs

As my own cancer journey progressed, my information needs changed. Initially, I focused on understanding my diagnosis and treatment options. During treatment, however, I became more interested in coping with side effects and managing the emotional toll of a cancer diagnosis.  It was at this point that I discovered that the information provided by healthcare professionals didn’t always keep pace with my changing needs. This is when I turn to the internet to seek out more information.

While there is a wealth of health information available online, it’s important to approach it with a critical eye. Not all sources are trustworthy or accurate. That’s why it’s crucial to learn how to evaluate the information you find online. This previous article How to Read Beyond the Headline: 9 Essential Questions to Evaluate Medical News has many helpful tips and resources to guide you.

It’s important to remember that not all information is relevant to every patient, and what works for one person may not work for another. That’s why it’s essential to discuss what you find online with your healthcare team and ask them to help you put the information into context for your particular situation. They can help you sort through the information and determine which sources are credible and relevant to your needs.

Information Is Power

As a patient, I know that information is power. Feeling empowered and informed throughout my healthcare journey has been crucial in helping me make the best decisions for my health in line with my own personal values and needs.  For example, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, the information that was provided to me wasn’t tailored to my needs as a young woman with breast cancer. The information was aimed at a much older patient demographic and didn’t reflect the impact that breast cancer would have on me as a young woman living with the disease. It’s crucial that healthcare providers take the time to understand the unique needs of their patients and provide tailored information that helps them make informed decisions about their healthcare. Research has shown that when healthcare providers provide the right information at the right time, it increases the patient’s ability to have a more active role in decision-making.

Information and Shared Decision Making

Information plays a critical role in shared decision-making (SDM). In shared decision-making, patients and healthcare providers work together to make healthcare decisions. In order to achieve this, patients need to have access to relevant, accurate, and understandable information about their healthcare options. Providing patients with this information in a non-judgmental, unbiased, and clear manner is the responsibility of healthcare providers. It is important to provide information on the potential benefits and risks of various treatment options, the likelihood of success, and any possible side effects of medications or procedures. SDM should also consider the patient’s personal circumstances, preferences, and values.

It is the responsibility of healthcare providers to ensure that patients understand the information they receive. This may involve using visual aids, providing written materials, or using plain language to explain complex medical concepts. It is also important to give patients the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any misunderstandings they may have.

One of the key benefits of providing information in shared decision-making is that it empowers patients to take an active role in their healthcare. When patients are informed and engaged, they are better able to make decisions that align with their personal goals and preferences. Research studies have shown that patients are more satisfied with their care when they are more engaged and involved in decision-making. Furthermore, patients who are actively involved in decision-making experience less decisional conflict. Decisional conflict refers to feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and doubt that patients may experience when making a healthcare decision. Including patients in decision-making can reduce negative emotions and improve patients’ overall well-being.


It has been many years since I received my diagnosis of breast cancer and as I reflect back on the journey I have taken to becoming a patient advocate, I can see how the sources of information I received helped me progress along the way.

In the beginning, I relied on information from my doctors, followed by my own research on the Internet, and then finally connecting with fellow patients online. I gained confidence as I learned more about my disease and treatments, and now I try to help people who are going through a similar thing.

As patient advocates,  I firmly believe that it is our responsibility to ensure that all patients receive information that is timely, accurate, and easy to understand, to help them make informed decisions. We, as cancer patients, have accumulated a wealth of valuable information and knowledge through our personal experiences, and it’s crucial that we share this knowledge generously with those who are now starting their own patient journeys.

PODCAST: Thriving With Prostate Cancer | Tools for Navigating Care and Treatment


How can you thrive with prostate cancer? Dr. Tanya Dorff discusses prostate cancer treatment and developing research, side effect and symptom management, and shares advice and resources for coping with emotional issues.

About the Guest:

Dr. Tanya Dorff is Associate Professor in the Department of Medical Oncology & Therapeutics Research at City of Hope.

See More from the Empowered! Podcast



Hello and welcome. I’m Katherine Banwell, your host for today’s program. Today’s webinar is part of our Thrive series, and we’re going to discuss tools to help you navigate life with prostate cancer. Before we meet our guest, let’s review a few important details. The reminder email you’ve received about this program contains a link to a program resource guide. If you haven’t already, click that link to access information to follow along during the webinar.

At the end of this program, you’ll receive a link to a survey. Please take a moment to provide feedback about your experience today in order to help us plan future webinars. And finally, before we get into the discussion, please remember that this program is not a substitute for seeking medical advice. Please refer to your healthcare team about what might be best for you.

Well, let’s meet our guest today. Joining me is Dr. Tanya Dorff. Dr. Dorff, welcome. Would you please introduce yourself?

Dr. Dorff:

Thank you. Hi, I’m Tanya Dorff. I’m a medical oncologist and section chief of the genitourinary cancer program at City of Hope, which is near Los Angeles, California.


Excellent. Thank you so much for taking the time to join us today.

Dr. Dorff:

My pleasure.


Like all of the webinars in our Thrive series, we start with the same question. In your experience, what do you think it means to thrive with prostate cancer?

Dr. Dorff:

Well, that’s a big question. As a medical oncologist, my job is to try to strike a balance between cancer control and quality of life, and I guess that’s how I would put thriving with prostate cancer. It’s not always just about what is the PSA doing, but it’s also about, ‘How are you getting around your day-to-day life activities, and are you able to do the things you enjoy?’ So, treatments can be very effective. They can also have significant side effects, and we spend a lot of time day in and day out trying to help men strike a good balance.


Thank you for that, Dr. Dorff. Let’s move on to how prostate cancer is treated. This webinar is mainly focused on advanced prostate cancer. But before we get into treatments for more advanced disease, let’s do a quick overview of early-stage prostate cancer options. First, some prostate cancer patients are often put in active surveillance. What does that mean?

Dr. Dorff:

Active surveillance is different than what some people think it is. So, some people think it means we’re not going to treat the cancer, that we’re just going to let it take its natural course. It’s actually quite active, as the name implies. We’re really trying to get to know a person’s cancer and understand whether it is a cancer that will ultimately need to be treated, in which case we will intervene with definitive treatment, whether that be radiation or surgery, but the goal is to find those patients whose cancer is not very aggressive and may never need to be treated so that they can avoid the possible risks that come from definitive local therapy.


So it’s more like a watch-and-wait situation?

Dr. Dorff:

But it’s…I, again, view it as a little bit different than that. Watch and wait is “let’s just let it do what it’s going to do.” Active surveillance is what I call a getting-to-know-you period. Let’s understand whether these clinical features that have signaled that your cancer may be low-risk, may not need treatment – let’s see if that really plays out, let’s make sure we haven’t missed anything, and if your cancer needs treatment, we’re going to treat it.


Okay, that’s good to know, thank you. When it is time to start treatment, what types of approaches are available for early-stage prostate cancer patients?

Dr. Dorff:

Localized prostate cancer or early-stage prostate cancer can be cured with either surgery or radiation, and we actually view these to be equally effective options. Sometimes people have the misconception that if they’re getting radiation to treat their localized prostate cancer, they’re being relegated to a noncurative or a less effective option. It’s actually not the case. We don’t have truly good, randomized, head-to-head studies.

You can find retrospective studies, people looking back at 2,000 patients treated at this institution or that institution, and you can find a study that pretty much says whatever you want it to. You can find some that say surgery’s better, some that say radiation’s better, but in sum, we sort of view them as being equally effective options. And so, they just have different side effect profiles, and so, we often counsel patients who are considering which local treatment to receive to look at what their current urinary function is, what their goals are for their long-term function, both urinary and sexual, and use that as a guide, as well as their age, their other health conditions, and those kinds of factors. 


Let’s turn now to how advanced prostate cancer is treated. First, what does it mean to have advanced disease?

Dr. Dorff:

Advanced prostate cancer signals cancer that’s come back after curative intention or has presented de novo in a way that means we don’t currently have a tool to cure it. That’s at least how I view advanced prostate cancer. You could take a broader definition and consider some high-risk localized patients who need multimodal therapy, but to me, it’s really signaling a shift from something we’re aiming to cure versus something we’re aiming to manage, so that can manifest just as a PSA that’s rising, what we call biochemical recurrence, or it can manifest as visible metastatic disease.


What does “locally advanced” mean?

Dr. Dorff:

So, “locally advanced” means that it hasn’t metastasized, but it might be involving the local structures, like the seminal vesicles or the bladder or some of the regional lymph nodes, the pelvic lymph nodes.


How is advanced prostate cancer treated?

Dr. Dorff:

The cornerstone of treatment for advanced prostate cancer has really been hormone therapy. I think there’s a lot of negative stuff out there on the internet about hormone therapy that I think does a disservice to patients because hormone therapy is truly very, very effective and, for many men, can be quite livable.

I have patients who live more than a decade on hormone therapy, and they’re running their businesses and they’re raising their grandkids, they’re traveling, they’re running 10Ks, they’re doing all the things that they might want to be doing. That’s not to say there aren’t side effects, but hormone therapy is an effective cornerstone, and I really hope people won’t dismiss it offhand because of the negative things they’ve heard or read about it.


What about other treatment classes?

Dr. Dorff:

Most of our other treatments are really layered on top of hormone therapy. We may get to a point – 10 years from now, I don’t know, sometime in the future – when we don’t start with the hormone therapy, so a lot of patients come in asking about the new radiopharmaceutical, the Lutetium-177-PSMA that got approved last year, or about whether chemotherapy can be used. They can be, but they’re really layered on top of hormone therapy, so the hormone therapy is the first treatment, it’s the most effective right now, and then it’s continued as we swap out – we add a novel hormonal agent like abiraterone (Zytiga), or enzalutamide (Xtandi), or one of the others.

When that is no longer effective, we swap that out, we might use chemotherapy or the radiopharmaceutical. There’s also an immunotherapy that’s been around for more than a decade called sipuleucel-T, and now there’s the targeted therapies – the PARP inhibitors – as well for select patients.


Where do clinical trials fit into treatment?

Dr. Dorff:

That’s a great question. I’m so glad you asked. Clinical trials some people mistakenly believe are your last choice, like you’ve gone through every single treatment we have, and then you go to a clinical trial. That’s not the case. Some of the biggest advances in prostate cancer have been when we’ve taken drugs that work in a more advanced resistance setting, like a second- or third-line, and when we move them right up front, first-line, we dramatically amplify their benefit. We dramatically improve survival.

So, if we don’t think about a clinical trial in the first line, we’re going to miss the opportunity to not only develop those new treatment paradigms, but actually participate in them ahead of when they become the new standard of care down the road.

Another misconception that people have often about clinical trials is that they are always randomized, there’s always a flipping of the coin in assignment of different treatments, and that they may include a placebo. So, most of our clinical trials at this point do not include placebo. Because we have so many effective treatment options, we’re more and more frequently comparing either two drugs against one, so everyone’s getting at least one effective drug, or we’re not comparing at all, but everyone’s getting some new treatment or some combination of treatments when we’re working out dosing in that scenario, like a Phase II.

So, clinical trials are really an option at any stage of prostate cancer, even at diagnosis for localized disease all the way through, and truly, I hope people would consider looking at those as options because that’s where some of the most innovative treatment options are going to become available to them.


Yeah. What sorts of questions should patients ask their doctors about clinical trials?

Dr. Dorff:

There are a few really basic things to ask about any clinical trial that you’re being presented as an option. One is is there a randomization? Is there a treatment assignment where some people get one treatment and some people get another treatment? Another one is is there a placebo? I think if we just get those questions up front, right away, then people may be more open to hearing what’s happening in the rest of the trial.

Our informed consent documents are reviewed by ethical consultants and are really meant to inform about risks more than benefits, so the other thing to really ask the provider is what’s the goal of the trial, because that’s often not clearly communicated in an informed consent. Why did the people who designed this trial think it was a good idea? Is there science behind it, is there clinical data behind it, and do you think this is something that, in the future, could end up being the new way that prostate cancer is treated?

What is it about me that you think makes me a good candidate for this trial? What’s been your experience? – even though it’s more anecdotal, but it’s often nice to hear from a physician “I have patients on this trial, they’re having these types of side effects, they’re having these types of benefits, and we can’t know what will happen for you, but at least I have a sense of how things are going on this trial.”


Yeah, those are great questions. What about cost? Is that a question that patients should ask about?

Dr. Dorff:

Patients often do ask about that. Costs are really complex in this medical care landscape that we have in the United States. Clinical trials – I think there’s a lot of misunderstanding about costs. Some people think that everything is paid for by the clinical trial, which is not true.

There is a system by which we assign things that will be paid for by the clinical trial – anything that’s novel and only being done as part of the trial versus things that would be done anyway if you were not in the trial and if you were just receiving regular care, such as your PSA test, your clinic visit, your CAT scan potential, or your bone scan.

So, there are some costs that are not covered, and in that case, if a patient has an insurance plan where they have copays for a clinic visit or for a CAT scan, those aspects that are not felt to be unique to the clinical trial and are getting billed to standard insurance – that means they’re still going to have those copays, but anything that is unique, if there’s an extra set of scans, if there are extra clinic visits, those get billed to the study, and the patient should have no extra cost on that basis.

Insurance companies should view clinical trials very favorably, because they’re often getting some clinical care paid for. They’re getting extra treatment at no cost, so anything that’s new on the treatment plan in the clinical trial is free to the insurance company on the patient, it’s paid for by the study, so it’s a good deal, generally speaking, and more importantly, there’s legislation that really seeks to ensure that regardless of your insurance, you should have access to clinical trials because they are felt to be often the best way to have your cancer treated.


Yeah. Dr. Dorff, are there emerging therapies that are showing promise?

Dr. Dorff:

There are a lot of emerging therapies. People all over the country and all over the world are working to find new and better ways to treat prostate cancer. So, the breakthrough radiopharmaceutical last year of the Leutetium-177-PSMA is the first, but not the last, I believe, in that field. There are other antigens we can target rather than PSMA, there are other particles we can use rather then Lutetium-177, and so, there are currently clinical trials looking at different constructs.

Take a winning strategy, and then tweak it a little bit to see if you can make it even better, right? Similarly, the PARP inhibitors, which are FDA-approved for prostate cancer, are being studied in different types of clinical trials to try to expand the number of patients who can benefit from them and amplify the benefit – so, moving them earlier, increasing the types of patients who are appropriate.

And there are additional targeted therapies, like the PI3-kinase AKT inhibitors, the CDK-46 inhibitors, that are being looked at in combination with our standard hormonal drugs that I think could end up being big advances depending how the results play out. There’s a novel class of drugs, the antigen receptor degraders, which also look tremendously promising in clinical trials and are in Phase III testing in some cases, and then, some additional ones are a little earlier in testing.

And then, there’s immunotherapy, which is at the heart of my research at City of Hope. Immunotherapy offers the promise of using your own immune system to control the cancer or eradicate the cancer, so we’re looking at different strategies, from oncolytic viruses, to bi-specific T-cell-engaging antibodies, to CAR-T cell therapies in hopes that we will find something that can really induce a big, deep, durable, long-lasting remission for patients.


That’s really promising. What about treating symptoms of the disease itself, like bone pain?

Dr. Dorff:

Bone metastases are the predominant pattern of spread, and so, what really drives the story for a lot of our prostate cancer patients during their journey with cancer has to do with bone complications – not always pain, but unfortunately, there can be pain pretty frequently.

So, we start by trying to protect the bones early on. We know that when we use our hormonal therapies, osteoporosis can develop, so we want to avoid that. I’ve had patients where their cancer was well-controlled, but they had an osteoporosis fracture that they were miserable from, so it starts at the beginning, at protecting the bones, checking a bone density scan and/or using a bone-supportive agent like zoledronic acid (Zometa) or denosumab (Xgeva), and then, in the metastatic setting, as the disease progresses, we intensify that use of bone-supportive agents.

We sometimes end up using radiation therapy, which is primarily external-beam traditional kind of radiation, but there is also the radiopharmaceutical Radium-223 (Xofigo), which delivers the radiation kind of more internally through the bloodstream to areas of the bone that are active from the prostate cancer, and sometimes we end up needing something even like surgery, but the bones are a major part of the story.


Yeah. What about sexual dysfunction? Are there approaches that can help?

Dr. Dorff:

So, this is generally an area that’s managed more by urology. There definitely are things that urologists do to help patients who have lost sexual function due to prostate cancer treatments. They can involve medicines, they can involve slightly more invasive things like a suppository or an intracavernosal injection. There are also more mechanical ways, like a pump device or a penile implant, but generally, anything beyond the first level, which is Viagra, will be handled more by a urologist than a medical oncologist.


What is palliative care, and how can it help men with prostate cancer?

Dr. Dorff:

Palliative care is something that we think about more towards the end of life, where we’re focusing on cancer symptoms more than treating cancer. However, some studies have shown – very prominent studies – that early palliative care in some malignancies is associated actually with better survival, meaning that paying attention to the patient’s symptoms is actually a really important part of keeping them well and keeping them alive as we treat the cancer.

So, more and more, we’re starting to integrate palliative care earlier in the disease.

I think that can sometimes signal a little alarm for patients – “Oh, I’m being referred to palliative care, that means my doctor doesn’t really think they can treat my cancer anymore” – and it’s gonna take some education to really help people transform their thinking about palliative care as a strategy that’s not for the end, but something that really should be part of our treatment all along.

So, our palliative care team, or what we call supportive medicine at City of Hope, uses treatments to manage pain. They have a broader spectrum, they’re more focused on all the different modalities to treat pain, so an oncologist or urologist can treat pain, but when we refer to palliative or supportive medicine, you get just that extra expertise, especially if people are having a lot of side effects from pain medicines, but our supportive medicine doctors aren’t only pain management doctors.

They help with other symptoms, like nausea or constipation, to some extent urinary symptoms for my prostate cancer patients, although we rely heavily on urology for that, and also just the existential, or spiritual, or emotional components.

Our supportive medicine team typically includes not only an MD, an advanced practice provider like an NP, but also someone from psychology, someone from social work, because dealing with cancer is really stressful and challenging, and in an ideal world, palliative care is not only taking care of the symptoms of the cancer that are physical, but also helping the whole being, the whole family unit that’s going through this experience have less emotional distress as well.


Yeah. Well, that leads us perfectly into the next section, which is about emotional support. Beyond treatment, another large part of thriving with prostate cancer is dealing with the emotions that come along with the diagnosis, like fear and anxiety. Whether it’s the stress of being in active surveillance or worrying about progression, many patients need help coping emotionally. Why do you feel it’s so important for patients to share these emotions with their doctor or their healthcare team?

Dr. Dorff:

I think it’s a conversation that’s not held enough between patients and their physicians, and if we don’t remember to ask our patients, we will just focus on the medical because that’s our main wheelhouse, that’s what we’re best at. So, if a patient brings forth that they’re having some emotions related to the cancer, it is helpful to us in remembering – we ought to do everything 100 percent all of the time, but let’s face it, we’re physicians with time pressures and certain areas of comfort and expertise. So, if a patient brings it up, that is super helpful because then we know someone’s needing assistance, which probably every patient is, whether they tell us or not, but that triggers us to then offer appropriate referrals.

And also, it tells us they’re open to it. If we have to ask every patient, “Are you having any emotional distress?”, even if someone answers yes and then we make a referral, they may not have actually been ready for it or open to it. So, having the patient come forth and raise that, I think, is really helpful and important.


Many prostate cancer community members are interested in learning more about their cancer and are hungry for information. For men who are newly diagnosed, are there educational resources that you recommend?

Dr. Dorff:

There are several good patient-focused or patient-facing educational resources for cancers generally. So, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, or ASCO, runs a patient-facing website called Cancer.net.

They also produce a lot of educational materials. So, for instance, we have some handouts in our clinic rooms produced by ASCO that really just help patients understand, okay, when you’re having diarrhea related to cancer treatment, here are some strategies. So, there’s lots of good information from them. There’s also a group specific for prostate cancer called Prostate Cancer Foundation.

So, they are an organization that works a lot in funding new research in prostate cancer, but they also put out some really helpful publications, again, that are aimed at prostate cancer patients, and really kind of covering the whole spectrum of disease, as well as more holistic aspects which are really important, things like diet and exercise and how that plays into overall wellbeing and health during prostate cancer treatment. So, we keep some of those little booklets in our rooms as well to hand out to patients, but they’re probably available by request online as well on one of the Prostate Cancer Foundation websites.


Yeah. What about resources for prostate cancer patients who are already really knowledgeable about their disease and want to stay up to date on the latest research and treatment? What’s available for them?

Dr. Dorff:

There are some conferences that seek to educate patients on a little higher level. It can be challenging because not every prostate cancer patient is at the same place, but they can look for some of those conferences. Frankly, they can follow Twitter or some of the other social media.

Sometimes prostate cancer support groups also will bring in speakers who try to provide updates about emerging treatments, or where the research is going, or where the field is going. So, most big cancer centers are gonna have a support group.

Obviously, it’s very variable, and sometimes they may focus more on the psychosocial aspects, but I do think a lot of them will include people like me, who are just trying to connect with the cancer patients on various levels about the latest and greatest.


We received some audience questions prior to today’s webinar, and I’d like to go through some of them with you. Bob asks, “Does androgen deprivation therapy cause cognitive issues?”

Dr. Dorff:

So, androgen deprivation therapy is another way of saying hormone therapy. We’re lowering testosterone, which is an androgen, and the question about cognitive issues is a good one. If you look in the literature, it’s not been well documented, and part of that is because our patients tend to have age and other comorbidities that can lead to changes in cognition happening at the same time as they’re being treated for prostate cancer, but also because the tools just haven’t been very good.

The tests where we measure how your brain is working have traditionally not been very good. There are some better tools that have been developed, and we’re hoping to be able to – with some ongoing studies – better define are there cognitive changes? If so, how severe are they, how common are they, are they more common with one drug versus another? Very basic questions.

I will say in my own practice, after 15 years of treating prostate cancer, I do believe that some patients experience cognitive changes during ADT. They can be mild, like taking longer to remember someone’s name or walking into a room and forgetting why you’re there, which, frankly, happens to all of us when we’re not having our best days, but obviously, I do see that a little bit more with prostate cancer patients who are receiving hormonal therapy.

For some of my really high-functioning patients, it can be helpful to use a drug that treats attention because some of the cognitive dysfunction actually ends up being an issue with attention. So, we use drugs like methylphenidate (Ritalin) or dextroamphetamine mixed salts (Adderall) to support patients who need to be really focused, and I’ve had many patients tell me that that has made a huge difference for them, so it’s not going to solve the overall changes that may happen in the brain on the basis of the hormonal deprivation, which we know happens from animal models, but it can help in the short term so that men can continue to function at a high cognitive level, despite ADT, when needed.


Yeah. George wants to know, “Are there any advances in imaging that patients should know about?”

Dr. Dorff:

Yes. So, the PSMA PET scans – so, these are a nuclear medicine imaging that looks for prostate cancer using a protein called PSMA, and there are several of them, there’s the F-18-based one called Pylarify, and then there are the Gallium-68 versions, Illuccix and Locametz, so those have been revolutionary. They can see prostate cancer in much smaller quantities, so we use them a lot for rising PSA after prostate surgery or radiation to see where is his small amount of cancer, and hopefully, we can treat it better by seeing it earlier.

They are also now being used to select patients for potential benefit from a treatment like Lutetium-177-PSMA, which obviously won’t work if the cancer doesn’t have that protein, so the imaging helps see who’s got the protein, who can benefit from the treatment. So, that’s the biggest imaging advance. There are some others, like using MRI fused to ultrasound for prostate biopsy at diagnosis. There’s also another kind of PET scan called a fluciclovine PET scan, which we still sometimes use because not 100 percent of prostate cancers have PSMAs, so sometimes we need something a little bit different.


Antonio had this question. “I heard that statins – cholesterol-lowering drugs – could help fight prostate cancer. Is that true?”

Dr. Dorff:

There’s been a lot of interest in the statins because in addition to having those positive effects against cholesterol, which are helpful when hormonal therapy that we use for prostate cancer disrupts our lipids, they have these anti-inflammatory properties that are being looked at in a number of different research avenues.

And then, there has also been a new, evolving understanding that they interfere with some hormone-binding compounds in the body, and so, could augment the effect of androgen deprivation therapy.

So, there has been interest in prospective studies because the literature we have right now is really retrospective, so we can’t really tell a patient which statin drug or what dose and for how long would be associated with a positive benefit, and we don’t really yet know how to use them proactively during someone’s treatment, but I will say if you’re starting on hormone therapy or ADT, having your lipids checked and getting on a statin if your lipids are not in a good range is really important anyway to just protect your cardiovascular health, and then, maybe we’ll find out that it does actually help your prostate cancer treatment be more successful as well, but I would say those data still need to be fleshed out a bit more.


Thank you for those answers, Dr. Dorff. I appreciate it. And please continue to send your questions to question@powerfulpatients.org, and we’ll work to get them answered on future programs. As we close out our conversation, Dr. Dorff, I wanted to get your thoughts on where we stand with research progress. Can patients truly thrive with advanced prostate cancer?

Dr. Dorff:

Absolutely. I would say in the 15 years I’ve been treating prostate cancer, I’ve really seen a transformation from a disease with a short lifespan and a lot of symptoms to a disease where people can actually thrive, living more than a decade even with advanced or metastatic prostate cancer, because the treatments have gotten so much better, and I think also potentially due to the increased awareness on the part of physicians about helping people stay healthy during their longer-term treatment. So, definitely, my patients today live longer and better than my patients did when I started treating prostate cancer.


Well, it seems like there’s a lot of progress and hope, then, for prostate cancer patients.

Dr. Dorff:



Thank you so much for joining us today, Dr. Dorff. I really appreciate it.

Dr. Dorff:

Thank you. I hope people found it helpful.


And thank you to all of our partners. If you would like to watch this webinar again, there will be a replay available soon. You’ll receive an email when it’s ready. And don’t forget to take the survey immediately following this webinar. It will help us as we plan future programs. To learn more about prostate cancer and to access tools to help you become a proactive patient, visit powerfulpatients.org. I’m Katherine Banwell. Thanks for being with us today.

Toxic Positivity: A Detriment to Disease

I remember when I was first diagnosed with thyroid cancer back in 2017. I had been working for a primary care office at the time, so I knew I was in good hands with the doctors I worked with when I asked for a referral for whom they thought would be the best person to treat me. When I told them I had thyroid cancer, however, I got responses such as, “Oh, you have the ‘good’ cancer,” and, “If there were a cancer to get, thyroid would be it.” I took these responses to heart, even though many years later, I knew I shouldn’t have. However, I was a naive, young patient who didn’t have any symptoms, much less anything about cancer. What I failed to realize was what these responses were, or “toxic positivity.” 

Toxic positivity is defined by Psychology Today as, “the act of avoiding, suppressing, or rejecting negative emotions or experiences. This may take the form of denying your own emotions or someone else denying your emotions, insisting on positive thinking instead.” In other words, we downplay our emotions, specifically if they are negative, in order to appear positive. This can have many detrimental effects including leading to feelings of shame, guilt, and avoiding true human emotion(s). I remember not being scared of my diagnosis, more aloof than anything. I had accepted that cancer was now, and forever would be, a part of my life, and that maybe I did have the “easy one.” However, I’m realizing that I may have been engaging in my own form of toxic positivity in order to appear as if I had it all together. 

However, when someone is diagnosed with a disease as detrimental as cancer, it’s important to not put on such a facade as “positive vibes only,” although I am definitely guilty of having art in my home with such a phrase. Being diagnosed with cancer is hard amongst other defeating human emotions. It’s imperative that we recognize that, and that we don’t shame or blame ourselves for not being “happy” or “positive” all the time. Hiding our emotions and how we truly feel prevents us from being authentic and from experiencing growth as humans. 

So how do we be kinder to ourselves and to others who are experiencing a difficult diagnosis such as cancer? 

  • Own your story and all of its parts, both positive and negative 
    • Don’t deny reality 
  • Be gentle and kind with yourself 
  • Tell others exactly how you’re feeling 
    • Don’t shy away from “emotions” for fear of guilt or shame 
    • Don’t minimize 
  • Don’t be dismissive of others if they do engage in toxic positivity; rather, talk it out 
  • Focus on helping others through active listening 
  • Validate others’ feelings 
  • Know that more than one feeling can be true at the same time, for example being scared, yet hopeful 

PODCAST: How Can You Engage in Your Myeloma Treatment Decisions?

Myeloma expert Dr. Benjamin Derman shares advice for partnering with your team when choosing a myeloma therapy, discusses important factors that should be considered, and provides key questions to ask your healthcare team to help you engage in your care. Dr. Derman also reviews research updates from the December 2022 American Society of Hematology (ASH) meeting.

Abou the Guest:
Dr. Benjamin Derman is a hematologist and oncologist specializing in multiple myeloma at the University of Chicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center. 

See More from the Empowered! Podcast



Hello and welcome. I’m Katherine Banwell, your host for today’s program. Today we’re going to talk about myeloma treatments, what the options are both current and emerging, and how you can play a role in your care and treatment decisions.  

Before we get into the discussion, please remember that this program is not a substitute for seeking medical advice. Please refer to your healthcare team about what might be best for you.  

Well, let’s meet our guest today. Joining me is Dr. Benjamin Derman. Dr. Derman, welcome. Would you please introduce yourself?  

Dr. Derman:

Yeah. Thanks so much for having me. As you said, my name is Ben Derman. I’m an assistant professor at the University of Chicago. And I specialize in actually, plasma cell disorders, which is mainly multiple myeloma, amyloidosis, Waldenstrom’s. If a plasma cell is the problem, then I address it. So, that’s what I do. And that’s my clinical and research focus as well.  


Excellent. Thank you so much for taking the time to join us today. Before we get into our discussion about available myeloma treatments, let’s talk about emerging therapies. And I know there are many. 

The American Society of Hematology or ASH annual meeting took place in December. What are some of the highlights from that meeting?  

Dr. Derman:

Yeah, ASH is always a very exciting time because it’s when we get to see all the latest and greatest of what’s on the way or what’s already here to stay.  

I think the biggest focus in the myeloma field, if I could really pin it down, was more in the later stages of the disease and focusing on treatments in that setting. We already have two FDA-approved chimeric antigen receptors, or CAR T-cell therapies, in Ide-cel (Abecma), and Cilta-cel (Carvykti). Those are the brand names. And then more recently, we just had a bispecific antibody, which is another type of immune therapy that was approved. But there are actually many under investigation.  

And so, at this ASH we heard a lot. Not only about the target that’s been most popular in this setting, which is something called BCMA or B-cell maturation antigen.  

That’s what the CAR T-cell therapies that I mentioned are going after and the teclistamab (Tecvayli) bispecific antibody that I mentioned.  

But there are a lot of other candidate drugs that are also targeting that same molecule. So, we heard a little bit about – more about those. We’ve been hearing about them pretty much at every conference these days.  

So, there’s a lot of competition in that space. Which is good for patients because ultimately, what we’re trying to figure out is, is one of these better than the others? Or at least, if we have multiple options, there may be different side effect profiles that we have to think about.  

But now as BCMA therapies are getting used more and more, one of the questions is, well, is there any other target that we could go after? And really, the one that was hot at ASH this year was something called GPRC5D, or G-protein coupled receptor 5D. This is expressed pretty strongly in myeloma cells, and not in many other tissues. Maybe the skin, nails, tongue. So, basically, that’s what you want, is you want a target that’s not going to be expressed elsewhere.  

So, there were a couple of different types of therapies that were discussed. One was a CAR T-cell therapy going after GPRC5D, and the others were – there were two bispecific antibodies actually targeting the same GPRC5D. And that’s actually already in addition to another GPRC5D directed bispecific that’s in development.  

So, basically, the idea is that if patients may experience progression on one of these BCMA targeting agents, we’re going to have another target to be going after. And I think that part is really, really exciting.  

And as far as other highlights, I think the other thing is, how do we reduce the toxicity from these drugs? And exploring avenues in order to be able to decrease sort of the inflammatory effects of these drugs, which are important.  


That’s great. It sounds so promising. And all of that information is going to be very helpful as we move through today’s discussion.  

Let’s start with a general overview of treatment options. What types of treatment are offered for myeloma patients?  

Dr. Derman:

Right. So, if you think about at the point where a patient is diagnosed with myeloma, unfortunately, always a tough – always tough news to receive and to share with patients as well, we start to think about dividing treatment into phases. And in part, some of it’s going to depend on, what is the fitness level of a patient in front of me? And not so much age per se, but really fitness level. And what I mean by that is independence in their activities of daily living, their ability to walk, go up flights of stairs, carry out just their daily life.  

So, assuming that all options are on the table, we consider those patients to sort of be what we call stem cell transplant-eligible. 

And that picks a sort of variety of pathways that we can go down. And then the other variety of pathways we can go down are patients where either because of a comorbid conditions, there are other medical problems, or because of their fitness level, a stem cell transplant is not really going to be something that we consider.  

But either way, in either case, we start with something called induction therapy, where we’re aiming to induce a remission. Or induce a response as we typically say more commonly in myeloma.  

And usually that involves a combination of three or now possibly four drugs. And it’s really, really different the way that we treat myeloma than we treat other cancers. And what I mean by that is the traditional thought of using very harsh chemotherapy drugs that make people feel very sick, very ill, lose their hair, those kinds of things. Things that are maybe more outwardly associated with chemotherapy, we don’t see that with myeloma.  

In fact, I often tell patients if they’re fortunate to not have the disease affect them so much at diagnosis, a lot of people may not even know that they’re on treatment. And that can be good and bad, because they don’t know that what you’re going through, which can be challenging in its own right.  

So, really what we use are a combination of therapies. They can be oral drugs, they can be subcutaneous injections under the skin, or infusions. And one of the newer advances is using immunotherapy in myeloma. And this is a little different than it is in solid organ cancers like lung cancer or melanoma where immunotherapy is very popular as well.  

One of the main targets that we go after is something called CD38 on the surface of myeloma cells. And CD38 can be targeted with a type of monoclonal antibody.  

And there are two that are out right now, daratumumab (Darzalex) and isatuximab (Sarclisa). Daratumumab is actually approved to be used in the frontline setting, meaning at diagnosis. And that has really allowed us to augment the already – the backbone that we’ve been already using for quite some time in myeloma.  

Dexamethasone (Decadron), which is a steroid, is typically employed in all of these cases. And then we use drugs that are in the class of what’s called immunomodulatory iMiDs, chiefly lenalidomide (Revlimid) is the main one that we use in oral drug, and that’s been approved since 2006 or so.  

And then bortezomib (Velcade), which is something called the proteasome inhibitor, or its cousin carfilzomib (Kyprolis), can be used as well in the frontline. So, we’re usually combining these three or four drugs together in order to create this sort of symphony that really targets the myeloma from many different aspects.  


Yeah. How do patients know if they have any of these targets, such as CD38?  

Dr. Derman:

So, actually it’s interesting. CD38 is pretty much ubiquitously exposed on the surface and expressed on the surface of myeloma cells. So, it’s in a pathology report. It’s actually one of the ways in which we can identify what makes a plasma cell a plasma cell. But CD38 is one that is essentially ubiquitously expressed.  

And I say that with the idea that that expression may go down if you use these drugs to target that specific – that target. So, as time goes on, it’s not a drug that you may be able to reuse over and over. Or at least there might need to be a nice long break.  


So, obviously there are very – there are a lot of available therapies for myeloma. And I’m wondering what factors might impact treatment decisions. You did mention comorbidities. But what other factors are there?  

Dr. Derman:

Sure. And I think in part, it depends on if we’re talking about induction therapy or in the relapsed refractory setting. Let’s focus on induction therapy, right?  

So, there are some drugs that we’re typically going to employ pretty much universally. For those who are inclined to use that CD38 monoclonal antibody that I mentioned, it pretty much plays well with patients of all walks of life. So, that’s one where I feel really comfortable regardless.  

Lenalidomide is a drug that we don’t necessarily know from the get-go if there’s going to be a patient that’s not going to tolerate it well.  

We might reduce doses up front. But for the most part, that’s another drug that we’re typically going to use. I would say the one exception is for patients who have a simultaneous diagnosis of amyloidosis. And we know that in amyloidosis, lenalidomide may not be as well-tolerated.  

But actually, one of the key decisions that I’m often making in clinic myself is around that drug class that I mentioned earlier called proteasome inhibitors. And I mentioned two different drugs. There’s bortezomib and carfilzomib. And they actually come with very different side effects that I think are important to mention.  

Bortezomib is one that is typically associated with a high rate of numbness and tingling, what we call neuropathy in the fingers and toes. And about 75 percent of patients have been reported in the trials to get this. And most of it is what we call lower grade. But I’m not in the patient’s body, and I don’t know what that – what even a grade 1, which would be the lowest grade, really feels like. And if I have a mechanic, somebody who types for a living, a surgeon, somebody who uses their hands or their or rely on their feet for their day-to-day, that’s a scary prospect, right?  

The flip side is this drug, carfilzomib, is one that does not really cause nearly as much neuropathy, but has been associated with cardiac effects. Heart issues. And so, that can scare people, right? Heart’s important I hear. So, we have to be really careful in how we pick these therapies and talk about it with patients.  


Yeah. When we talk about making treatment decisions, it’s important to choose a therapy with your healthcare team.  

Let’s share some tips for having that conversation. I’d like to start with induction therapy, which is the first line of treatment for patients. What questions should patients ask when choosing therapy early in their diagnosis?   

Dr. Derman:

Yeah, that’s a great question. And it’s of course – it’s really the patient priorities I would say. So, one of the things that I like to discuss with patients is, number one, what are the things that they value? And that’s a hard question to ask without any qualifiers.  

So, one of the things that I often ask patients to think about is the – first of all, the number of visits to the medical center. Certain therapies are weekly, certain therapies may actually decrease in frequency overtime. So, if that is something, it’s hard to travel, it’s hard to get someone to take you or to come yourself, or you just don’t want to be in the clinic as much – right? If that’s your number one priority, there are going to be certain therapies that are – or regimens that may be better suited for that patient. If somebody says, “I don’t care how many times I have to come, my goal is the deepest response possible,” you can think about things from that standpoint.  

I mentioned side effects. What are the things that are scary to you personally, as a patient? Some people may look at that neuropathy, as I mentioned, and say “No way. That sounds horrible. I can’t do my job.” Other people would say, “I already have some cardiac issues. I don’t want to take that risk.” Right? So, there are different side effects that we have to take into account.  

Especially when it comes to talking about transplant, there is not just the acute issues that we have to deal with in terms of side effects, but also long-term immunosuppression. Meaning the immune system is suppressed, and there’s a risk of infections, and it’s going to be higher than if you had not gotten a transplant. So, those are at least some of the things that I encourage patients to be thinking about.  

I would also say, on top of that, patients may be approached about clinical trials. And I work at a university where we really value enrolling patients in clinical trials. But that they do come with some inconveniences as well, even though I think they really help to advance the field forward, and sometimes offer patients options they wouldn’t normally be able to get. But there are typically more visits associated with that, more evaluations, more blood draws, more bone marrow biopsies, so those are things that you really have to take into account.  


That’s great advice, Dr. Derman. Unfortunately, relapse is common among myeloma patients. Or it may be that a treatment stops working, and so the person’s myeloma becomes refractory.   

When considering a treatment for relapsed or refractory myeloma, are there different questions that patients should be asking their healthcare team?  

Dr. Derman:

Yeah. I mean, that’s a great question. I think part of it is every patient’s journey with myeloma ends up being quite unique, in part because we don’t have a lot of consensus in terms of how to treat myeloma. So, I may choose one regimen, but the other doc down the street is going to recommend a slightly different one. And now, they all have efficacy. No one’s going to be recommending something that’s not good, right? But what it means is that the journey, the number of therapies, the types of therapies that a patient has received are all going to be quite different than the next.  

So in part, sometimes the past therapies are going to dictate what options are available.  

So, I mentioned some different classes of therapies. The proteasome inhibitors, there’s a certain number of those. The immunomodulatory iMiDs, there’s a certain number of those. The CD38 monoclonal antibodies, there are those. And then there are a few other drug classes as well.   

And if we’re using three or sometimes four drugs at a time for each what we call line of therapy, meaning each time a patient changes treatment – right? Eventually, we’re going to have gone through a number of treatments that now the patient would be – their disease would be resistant to. And so, you don’t really – it’s not really going to be prudent or wise to go back to therapies that didn’t work previously.  

And so, we start mixing and matching, and we come up with regimens that we think are going to hopefully throw a curveball to the myeloma to really try to get rid of it again. That’s what I mean by it’s dictated by past therapy.  


Is research being done to determine the likelihood of relapse and when that might occur?   

Dr. Derman:

Yeah. I mean, we can look at clinical trial data for regimens that have been tested in the relapsed or refractory setting and say, “Okay, we know that this three drug regimen typically gives patients a year before the disease comes back.” Or “This one gives two-and-a-half years or three years.” So, that’s one piece.  

But when you think about who – if you wanted to know ahead of time, “Okay, a patient with high-risk disease, they’re likely not to have as good of a response.” But nobody knows ahead of time the exact amount that they’re going to relapse.  

But one of the things that we focus on, part of the reason that patients get a good amount of blood work when they have myeloma and they’re on therapy is that we have a measure in the blood, or we have several measures in the blood, where we can monitor for relapse. So, we can look at the abnormal proteins, what we call paraproteins in the blood. Either as the M-spike, is what it’s called, or light chains. We look at both of those to see if there are increases in those numbers over time.  

When a patient’s responding, those numbers come down. When a patient is losing response and their disease is progressing, that’s when we start to see those numbers go up. And that’s often an indication that we need to switch treatment, even before a patient develops symptoms related to their myeloma.  


When a patient goes into remission, they’re often placed on a maintenance therapy. What’s the role of maintenance therapy in myeloma care?   

Dr. Derman:

Yeah. So, maintenance, just to specify, is typically something that we call a long duration of usually, less intensive therapy after a more intensive schedule of therapy. So, the most common area that we talk about maintenance is after, let’s say, an autologous stem cell transplant, which came after induction therapy that I mentioned.  

But for patients even who don’t go to a stem cell transplant, they can also go on maintenance therapy. So, when we think about the frontline setting, which in this case would be induction transplant maintenance, the most commonly used drug is a single agent lenalidomide. And that’s been shown to have survival benefits not just in keeping the disease away, but also helping patients live longer. So, maintenance therapy does seem to carry some real importance. One of the things though that we don’t know, is really how long patients need to be on maintenance therapy.  

So, we can all accept I think in the myeloma field, if there’s one thing we can agree on, is that maintenance is important. But the question is, what makes up that maintenance therapy? And then how long? Those are questions we don’t really have the best answers to. And actually, one of the areas that I do quite a bit of research in is about this, how long do patients need to be on therapy?  

So, we recently published some – we presented at ASH this year in 2022, some recent data, at least a preliminary data on patients who had really deep responses, and who we stopped their maintenance therapy after at least one year – but the average was about three-and-a-half years on maintenance therapy – to see if the disease would actually be at risk of coming back.  

And so, what we’re finding is that even in the first year, about 85 percent of patients did not have their disease come back after stopping therapy. So, maintenance therapy is certainly important, but I think we still have to figure out how long patients need to be on that therapy.  


Right. And I can imagine that each person, each patient is different, and some – the maintenance therapy would work really well for them for a long period of time. For others, not necessarily.   

Dr. Derman:

Yeah. I mean, a lot of it comes down to the risk there of the patient’s myeloma. And what I mean by that is – so, somebody has explained to me previously, and I really like the analogy that myelomas are kind of like people. They have different personalities, and they give first impressions. And sometimes your first impression of a myeloma may end up being wrong. You thought it was going to be really hard to treat and you found out that it actually responded pretty nicely to therapy. And other times, it’s the other way around.  

But for the ones that give us a bad first impression, we’re going to be treating those patients typically more aggressively. At least that’s my personal approach. And I take that all the way through from induction, to transplant, even into maintenance therapy where I mentioned already, most people will prescribe a single drug as maintenance therapy. But for those patients, I’m typically going to be prescribing more than that. Or I will continue more aggressive therapy for longer. So, that’s where you have to sort of adapt your therapy in some cases to the patient and their disease characteristics.  


Related to maintenance therapy, we received this question before the program. How do doctors feel about maintenance breaks if you are MRD-negative? Or in a very good response?   

Dr. Derman:

So, I want to be very careful about how I respond to this. Because what I’m going to say is, there’s currently no data to tell us that patients should stop. I mean, in part that’s, you should stop therapy. In part that’s what I’m hoping that we can answer with our study. There’s another large cooperative group study trying to answer this as well, about the duration piece and whether people can stop.  

So, a very good partial response signifies at least a 90 percent reduction in the tumor, in the myeloma, but not 100 percent.  

And there’s also a complete response, which means there’s no detectable disease by conventional methods in the bone marrow or in the blood, but that there can still be microscopic or low levels of cancer cells which we call minimal residual or measurable residual disease. Also called MRD.  

So, MRD negativity is a not so nascent field now, where we are trying to quantify small amounts of cancer cells that may still be present. And the theory is that the presence of residual disease at a small measurable level is what’s ultimately responsible for myeloma relapsing.  

We used to think like, “Oh, a patient is in a complete response. That’s amazing. Let’s clink our champagne glasses. Let’s celebrate.” And there’s still cause for celebration for that. That is a great achievement. But we know that that doesn’t mean we can rest on our laurels. If there is MRD-positive disease, then the disease, it can likely come back. And that’s where suppression of the disease with something like maintenance therapy with lenalidomide is probably helping a lot.  



Dr. Derman:

But let’s say we have people who don’t have detectable disease, the question is, can they stop? And like I mentioned, we’re trying to answer that question. I would say right now, there’s no recommendation for that. I can’t say in good faith that you should be doing that, unless it’s as part of a clinical trial, which is what we’re hoping to answer. 


Let’s get to a few audience questions, Dr. Derman.   

Craig sent in this question prior to the program. “My primary side effect is fatigue.” And you just mentioned that. “What advice do you have for planning activities through the day?”  

Dr. Derman:

So, this is a very common side effect that we see. In part, it can be from the disease itself. And if that’s the case, it’s going to get better as treatment works. In other cases, it’s due to the treatment itself. And sometimes there are controllable aspects. If it’s a pill, let’s say, where you can control the timing of when you take it. I often tell patients, “Take the drug at night. Because if it makes you tired, at least you’re going to be going to sleep at that point.”  

I do think making sure that you have a good night’s sleep is important. I think making sure that you keep your day-night cycles. So, even if you feel fatigued and you’re at home, it’s not good to be having the windows closed and not being exposed to the outdoors at all. You need light during the day. That’s a normal human need. We do the same thing when patients are in the hospital, and it’s very easy to get your day and night cycles messed up.  

And the other thing too is planning periods of the day when you know that your activity level is going to be, or your energy level is going to be higher, and planning your activities around those times. I think those are at least some important things that we can do.  


Yeah. Lauren wants to know, what is the best way to measure current immunity status? And should we mix COVID vaccine and flu vaccine?  

Dr. Derman:

Mm-hmm. This has become sort of a hot button issue all of the sudden over the last few years. Well, so, as far as immunity status, I wish there was a one good test that we could know.  

I mean, there are some features. Patients who have low white blood cell counts, especially low neutrophil counts, are certainly going to be at higher risk for infection. And that can happen due to myeloma, or more commonly, due to therapies. We can look at immunoglobulin levels, especially the IgG level. Patients who have IgG levels typically less than 400 milligram per deciliter seem to be historically at higher risks of infections. So, something called IVIG, which is an infusion of donated antibodies from plasma from healthy donors, can be used for that.  

There’s been a lot of discussion about, how do we know immune status related to COVID? And there are antibody levels that can be checked, but the truth is nowadays most people have high antibody levels, even if they’re on therapies because of the number of vaccines they received or natural infection. And it may not be a really good surrogate for understanding immunity to COVID. COVID’s outsmarted us time and time again, and probably will continue to do so.  

As far as the vac – I mean vaccines are super important. We do this for all our patients after transplant as well, revaccination them for all of their childhood vaccines. As far as the COVID and flu, I personally – I’m happy and feel fine administering both at the same time. We’ve seen no real safety signals there in my anecdotal experience. But I’m perfectly fine if patients want to split them up. It’s not something that is a 10 out of 10 for me. It’s more that it is as long as they’re getting both, I think that’s really important.  


Yeah. One final question for you. Jennifer asks, “Many new medications for treatment were mentioned. And I’m sure these could be expensive. What are the options to make these available financially for patients who need them?”  

Dr. Derman:

That’s a really good question, and one that we don’t yet have great answers to. As a physician, I don’t receive compensation based on the drugs that I prescribe. And so, I do know – I often have a good sense of what these drugs cost. A lot of the costs that are passed along to patients typically revolve around oral therapies. Even patients who are on Medicare, or sometimes especially patients who are on Medicare. And looking at some of the policy changes that seem to be coming down the pike that include capping Medicare out of pocket costs for medications will be a huge benefit to our myeloma patients.  

It’s important to familiarize yourself with different organizations and the financial support that may be available. Just to name a few, and you’re not limited to these, but The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society does a really great job in providing financial support to patients. But there are definitely other programs that can be contacted for this.  

And also, a lot of the pharmaceutical companies will actually have patient assistance programs as well. Sometimes it’s as simple as asking your provider, and typically they will have their team look into this for you. But we’re fortunate to have a team of pharmacists and my nurses as well who are used to doing this kind of thing. So, it’s important to look into those as well.  


Right. And so, there are lots of resources out there, it’s just asking your healthcare team what they are. Right.  

So, these were all really great questions, and we ask our audience to continue sending in questions to question@powerfulpatients.org. And we’ll work to get them answered on future programs.  

Dr. Derman, what advice do you have for patients? What would you like to leave the audience with?  

Dr Derman:

You know, myeloma is a funny – it’s a funny disease in the sense that patients who were diagnosed 10 years ago, who I still see, they remind me of the action movie where the building is maybe blowing up in the background, blurred out, and they’re running out of the building just in time. And that is because the pace of progress is fast enough in myeloma that we have all these new therapies coming down.  

So, really, I think maintaining hope and thinking about – don’t worry so much about what’s going to happen next. Figure out what you’re going to do now, and make sure that you’re living your best life now, and making sure that you’re doing what you can to treat your disease, I think, and help you feel good during that period too.  



Dr. Derman:

So, I think it’s a message of hope mainly, that I feel really good about the future of myeloma. There’s a lot of innovation in this space that you can feel good about.  


Yeah. Dr. Derman, thank you so much for joining us today. It was a pleasure talking to you.  

Dr. Derman:

Likewise. Thanks so much.  


And thank you to all of our partners.  

To learn more about myeloma and to access tools to help you become a proactive patient, visit powerfulpatients.org. I’m Katherine Banwell. Thanks for joining us.  

PODCAST: Myeloma Patient Expert Q&A: Start Here

In this myeloma patient expert Q&A, Mayo Clinic expert Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi provides highlights around the myeloma novel alphabet soup and actionable steps on how patients and care partners can start the treatment conversation.

About the Guest:
 Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi is a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology/Oncology at Mayo Clinic Florida.

See More from the Empowered! Podcast


Lisa Hatfield:

Hello and welcome, my name is Lisa Hatfield, your host for this Patient Empowerment Network program. In this important dialogue, we bridge the expert and patient voice to enable you and me as a myeloma patient to feel comfortable asking questions of our healthcare teams with more precision, more precision, the world is complicated, but understanding your disease doesn’t have to be. The goal is to create actual pathways for getting the most out of multiple myeloma treatment and survivorship. Joining me today is Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi, a respected multiple myeloma expert from Mayo Clinic. Thank you so much for joining us today, Dr. Ailawadhi, we really appreciate your time.

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

Thanks a lot, Lisa, for having me, and I look forward to this program.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, so before we get started, please remember to download the program resource guide via the QR code, and we are going to jump right into a discussion about some of the novel therapies that there is much buzz about right now, and it’s kind of an alphabet soup these novel therapies. I actually was trying to digest all of this information and divide it into the general categories. And correct me if I’m wrong, but we have monoclonal antibodies, we have bispecific antibodies like the CAR-T therapies, and they target different things. We have BCMA, we have GPRC5D, FcRH5, we have things called antibody drug conjugates and cell mods.

So, Dr. Ailawadhi, if you can just give us kind of a broad overview of these therapies and how they may be used to harness our immune system, and how they come into play when you’re treating your patients, how and when they come into play when treating your patients.
Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi: 

Surely, so I think thanks a lot for bringing up that discussion, this is extremely important, and I think it’s most important because if a myeloma patient goes online and wants to search for information or research, these things start coming up this term starts coming up. So it’s extremely important for a knowledgeable and empowered patient to learn about these, understand them, so that they are able to digest that information.

And I should mention that a lot of what we’ll talk about about these particular treatments may not be applicable to newly diagnosed patients or a recently diagnosed patient, but this is important enough and exciting enough that I would want every single patient to pick up this information. Learn it hopefully, and maybe park it for now somewhere, so that hopefully down the road it becomes important and handy. So you asked about monoclonals, bispecific, CAR-Ts, cell mols, etcetera. Let’s take a step back, let’s think about these as strategies to target myeloma.

Myeloma treatment is going through a change where immunotherapy and harnessing the body’s own immune system is becoming extremely important. And when we do that, the immunotherapy is typically very targeted, so what these drugs these agents, these terms, this alphabet soup is doing is it is targeting specific markers on the myeloma cell on the plasma cell.

For example, one of the markers is CD38. There is a monoclonal antibody. There are actually two monoclonal antibodies. Daratumumab (Darzalex), rituximab (Rituxan) that are FDA-approved, but there are other ways of targeting CD38, for example, CD38 targeting CAR-T cells, CD38 targeting antibody drug conjugates, etcetera. So CD38 is one important part. A very, very, very important thing in the past one year or a year-and-a-half has been what’s called B-C-M-A, B cell maturation antigen. BCMA is another target on plasma cells. Very effective, very specific.

So there are many, many drugs that are available and becoming available to target BCMA. Right now, there are three drugs that are FDA-approved that can target BCMA. Two of them are CAR-T cells, a particular way of going after BCMA in which the body’s own T cells are collected. These are not stem cells, these are T cells, T lymphocytes, these T cells are collected, they are actually genetically modified to go and fight against the BCMA, and then those modified T cells are multiplied in the lab and given to the person as a drug, they go and seek the plasma cells because of BCMA kill them harnessing the body’s immune system.

So there are two CAR-T cells against BCMA, one called ide-cel (Abecma) and one called cilta-cel (Avekti). There has recently been available a bispecific antibody against BCMA, we call it bispecific because it connects to BCMA from one end and from a second it connects to the body’s T cells again, bring the T cells close to the plasma cells to kill them. Then bispecific antibodies called teclistamab (Tecvayli). And until recently there was another drug available against BCMA which was what’s called an antibody drug conjugate. This drug is called belantamab (Blenrep) for the timing, belantamab has been removed or withdrawn from the market in the US, but there are ongoing clinical trials and down the road, it may come back again.

Now, antibody drug conjugate is another way of targeting something in which there is a seeker for the BCMA in this case, and it has a payload of some kind of a toxin, so that when the drug connects to the plasma cell through the BCMA in this case, that toxin is released, it can kill the cell, so either we harness the body’s immune cells, the T cells by CAR-T or bispecific, or we kill the cell by releasing a toxic payload from a drug, antibody drug conjugate, these are all different methods of targeting the myeloma cell.

So I talked to you about monoclonal bispecific CAR-T and ADC as different strategies, CD38 and BCMA, some of these strategies are available, but there are other targets which are very exciting and new drugs are being developed against them, two of the very interesting targets there one is called GPRC5D, and the other is FcRH5. 

These GPR5CD or FcRH5 are two different targets on myeloma cells. No drugs are currently FDA-approved, but they are being developed very rapidly, and we have a couple of extremely promising agents which will be coming down the pipe. And you also mentioned something called cell mods. Cell mods are some newer drugs in the family of what’s called IMiDs or immunomodulators, in which our patients may be aware of thalidomide (Thalomid), lenalidomide (Revlimid), and pomalidomide (Pomalyst). The cell mods are kind of the same family, and there are a couple of them that are also being developed.

So why is this important for everybody, whether they are newly diagnosed or relapsed or long-term survivor with myeloma, because this tells you that not only are we getting newer drugs in the same classes, we are also getting brand new classes of drugs. And you can imagine that means that those brand new strategies are ways to target the plasma cell, we know cancer cells are smart, and they develop invasive mechanisms to become resistant to drugs. But every time something gets resistant if we have a brand new mechanism to go against the disease, but that’s exciting because that’s why we are seeing deeper responses, even in very heavily pre-treated patients, because we are using newer specific, relatively safe, convenient strategies to going after the plasma cell.

I know that was a lot of information, but I hope this helps our listeners learn a little bit about what you rightly said is an alphabet soup, but I would like us to think about it as an exciting time for being a myeloma doctor, and certainly a very hopeful situation for all our patients.

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you so much for that great description. And one question comes to mind that I have heard from other myeloma patients, and you mentioned that we are seeing deep responses, or they’re seeing deep responses in clinical trials for some of these in refractory relapse patients.

Do you think that bringing these…do you think it’s possible to bring some of these therapies to the forefront of myeloma care, maybe an induction therapy or after first relapse, and if so, do you think that that could lead to even deeper responses in those patients because their immune system isn’t quite so tired and potentially cure?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

Again, Lisa, that is such an important and such a spot-on question that you’ve asked because absolutely, you can imagine, if we are thinking of harnessing the body’s immune system, the T cells, but we’re talking about patients who have had five, six, seven, then, prior lines of therapy. But that immune system is also a little exhausted, a little tired, but if you were to use the immune system of a newly diagnosed patient, patient who’s not been created that much…well, those T cells are going to be way more robust. Whether we use a CAR-T kind of strategy where we remove the T cells, train them and put them back, or we use a bispecific kind of strategy where we put in a drug that pulls the T cells closer to the myeloma cells and kills them using these smart thoughtful strategies which are not just dumb drugs that go in and kill everything, these are smart targeted drugs, using them early on in the treatment paradigm will certainly be more beneficial. In fact, there is some data showing up where some of these strategies like CAR-T cell are being used sooner in the treatment paradigm.

But again, as drug development goes, We first want to make sure it is safe, it is effective, and typically the starting point is patients who have exhausted other options, but very soon we will be seeing all of these strategies, and in fact, some of these strategies combined with each other coming in, early lines of therapy and hopefully providing excellent, deep responses, and you mentioned that term that has been very invasive for us cure, I don’t know if we are…

So we are not there yet. I don’t know how long it’ll take us to get there, but there is certainly much more hope today for getting to that cure than it was before.

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you, and I think as a myeloma patient and on behalf of other myeloma patients, hearing about all of this research and how our immune system is being used to help us, does give all of us hope to keep continuing, and then you want a moving forward. And I think that was probably a good time to step into some questions here that we’ve received from other patients who have written in prior to this program. I will start with those, but I do want to take a step back, first of all, we’re going to kind of talk about a newly diagnosed patient and all of your explanation of all of these different therapies, these are things that typically are talked about later in therapy as of right now.

It also reminds me to tell everybody that there is great importance in seeking out the expertise of a myeloma specialist, I think everybody heard what Dr. Ailawadhi had to say about these therapies, really, even if it’s just when you’re newly diagnosed, going for a consult once and then maybe upon relapse going again, if you don’t live near it, a specialist, seeking out the expertise of a specialist is really critical.

I think I’ve had to do that and I’m so thankful I’ve been able to…we do have resources that we can guide you forward at Patient Empowerment Network, but I think it’s really critical to seek out that expertise of a myeloma specialist. So now we’re going to jump into our questions. So, thank you again, Dr. Ailawadhi.

So we have a patient asking for newly diagnosed patients, say a patient comes into you, maybe they were sent by their community oncologist or a family practitioner, something…I have myeloma, doesn’t know anything about it. Have even heard of it before. How do you start that conversation? How did you explain myeloma and the treatment and very importantly to the patient, how do you explain the prognosis when you know it’s not curable yet?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

An extremely important question. And I agree that we should be starting at the beginning, so I think I had the privilege of working at an institution where we tend to spend a lot of face time with the patient, so typically in the outpatient, I have at least about an hour of time blocked is how we’re set up.

So at that visit, first of all, I’m hoping that a patient comes in with a caregiver, but if they don’t have a caregiver with them, I start off by asking them, Is there someone they would like us to call during the visit? Because it is always better to have a caregiver or an extra set of ears listening in, and once that has started, then I typically will explain to them literally from what is a plasma cell, what is the role of a normal plasma cell, because that tells us the type of proteins plasma cells produce.

And that leads us to how a plasma cell can become cancerous and lead to multiple myeloma, what are the signs and symptoms of multiple myeloma? What are the markers, these protein markers that come in the blood and are picked up as markers of disease for patients, because again, patients need to know what they’re looking for in the labs that are drawn, so very frequently.

We talked about the role of a bone marrow biopsy, a lot of times it has been done, sometimes it has to be done after that visit, we talk about the genetic mutations in plasma cells that can be seen because that is what helps determine the risk category of standard risk or high risk.

I do offer to patients about discussing the prognosis, again, it’s a good time where we know that the average survival of patients is close to about 8 to 10 years when they look at a general national data, U.S. data, but all the large centers, all of us who focus on myeloma, we have several patients who are living quite a bit in excess of 10 years, so more hopeful time, but it is important to put that prognosis in perspective with high risk or standard risk disease that can be determined based on mutation testing from the plasma cells from the bone marrow, something called the FISH test, part of it is to explain to the patient the prognosis, but other reason is also because sometimes that can determine the type of treatment, and this also importantly tells the patients about their disease much better, so they can be more educated, they can interact with other patients, they can ask the right kind of questions, and they can understand their disease process and follow-up better.

Now, after we have discussed all of this, we start talking about treatment, I can tell you when I talk to a newly diagnosed patient, I will tell them that in my way of thinking their treatment initially is broadly divided into three different discussions during three different visits. The initial visit is talking about any symptom or sign from the myeloma, increased calcium, kidney dysfunction and tumors, how are we going to tackle that? So we will come up with the right “induction regimen.”

I really don’t think one-size-fits-all, so based on the patient’s age, comorbidities, other diagnosis or the treatment drugs, family support system, financial situation, there are so many factors that go into it. We come up with an induction regimen, I’ll tell them that the second component is about controlling all the symptoms and manifestations of the disease, whether that means radiation therapy, bone-strengthening agents, multivitamins, minerals, whatever we need to do as supplements, then we’ll talk about…starting that treatment. What does it involve? Side effects, we will set that path, you will notice I have not even talked about transplant, and I’ll tell the patients that only thing I mentioned to patients in that first planning, visitors and down the road, we will be talking about transplant…

Today is not the time, because, in my experience at the moment, we start talking about bone matter, transplant, stem cell transplant everything goes out the window. That’s what patients think about…and I don’t want them to do that. The second part of my discussion comes around a month or so into the treatment, because by then we want to start seeing some responses, some symptoms turning around, but that month two to three is very importantly the time to rebuild things.

Does the patient need to go to physical therapy, pain control? Supportive or palliative care services? Lipoblasty or tuboplasty to strengthen their spine. I mentioned physical therapy, I’ll say it again, because I really think that’s very, very, very important for controlling the pain and supporting the movement and quality of life, managing any side effects, making sure that the dose is correct, do we need to tweak the doses, etcetera. And at that visit is tell them that, “Okay, very soon we will be talking about…we’ll be going into the details of a transplant, we will be passing along more information to you. But at your next visit, which would be probably at that two- to three-month mark, two- to three-cycle mark,” is when I will really sit and talk to them about our transplant…

So for me, the main transplant discussion comes at that cycle to recycle the two to three, two to three cycles have already gone and patients feeling better, they are much more receptive for the next phase of treatment, which is when we talk about transplant, that’s how I do it, typically. And then we’ll explain a lot about what this transplant need…what does it involve? Caregiver needs a supportive care, vital organ testing, bone marrow biopsy, response depth, MRD, all of that.

So for me, this is kind of the journey that a patient, newly diagnosed patient goes through for the first few months, then their transplant, then their maintenance and hopefully good long disease control state.

Lisa Hatfield:

Great, how often do you expect a patient will have to have appointments during that…talk about the induction phase, the first month to three months, how often do you think they will have appointments, whether it’s for treatment or to come see you? What should they expect that way?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

Sure, so the regimens that we typically use in myeloma, some of them, the drugs are given twice a week, a majority of the way we give the drugs, it’s once a week, so one to two times a week would be visits, we do the labs for the first month, we will do sometimes every week, but by the time the patient has gone to the second or third cycle, once every two to four weeks, labs are reasonable because by then things have stabilized, but the treatment still would, I think the once or twice every week depending upon the regimen that they have, we don’t typically see the patient for a clinic appointment every time, but a lot of centers do, so every time the patient comes, as I said, one to two times a week, typically that translates to about four visits in every three to four weeks they coming on the cycle, some regimens are three week regimens, some regimens are four week regimens, etcetera.

So patients come, I can say that the first one to two months are most intensive for follow-up for labs, we want  to make sure everything’s been fine, been start reading the treatment, they are not having side effects it and etcetera, and then things can be spaced out a little bit for the next couple of months before we go into the transplant thing, if the patient is going for transplant.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, well, great. Thanks for that information. It helps patients plan a little bit better to their life around myeloma and myeloma treatment, so we have a pretty specific question here about amyloidosis, so how often does amyloidosis occur in myeloma patients, and does it change the treatment if they do have amyloidosis?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

Excellent question again. So I would like to clarify that amyloid is a specific kind of different kind of abnormal protein that can be produced by plasma cells. All of us have these proteins that are…these proteins that are developed as very…or produced in the body is very small molecules and then they fold upon themselves to make different building blocks for the body. If that folding process is misfolded or abnormal, these amyloid fibers can develop and they can deposit anywhere in the body, and whatever the deposit they cause their symptoms. Now, amyloid can be present in two different ways, either amyloid is the primary problem and is being produced by the plasma cells, or sometimes patients who have multiple myeloma and are on treatment for multiple myeloma can either start developing some amyloid protein or…or they can have amyloid deposited in certain organ, heart, kidneys, like the gut, etcetera, the occurrence of amyloid in a myeloma patient, it’s not a common phenomenon, I would say anywhere in 10 to 15 percent of cases that we know of, maybe this present, others that we don’t pick, but once even we find out that amyloid is present in a case of multiple myeloma.

If, for example, amyloid is present in the heart, if we are using any drugs that may have some heart-related side effects, we may need to adjust doses, if amyloid is present in the kidneys, if you’re using some drugs that have kidney-related implications, we may need to adjust the dose, etcetera, broadly, the treatment stays the same, but there is a higher risk to kidneys, higher risk to heart, etcetera in amyloid patients or patients who develop amyloid, so we have to take that into account, sometimes choice of treatment changes, sometimes dose of treatment changes sometimes impact on certain organs change broadly. For a myeloma patient who develops amyloid, the treatment can stay very similar to what would have happened even if amyloid was not present, except some small tweaks.

Lisa Hatfield:

All right, thank you. Another question from a patient since my diagnosis and bone marrow transplant, my teeth have been deteriorating, is there a connection between dental health and myeloma?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

Very important question because although this is not a very common finding, it is something that really affects quality of life, so myeloma itself does not always or frequently cause teeth problems or dentition problems, which you can imagine teeth are bones. Myeloma affects bones, Myeloma affects calcium deposition in bone so teeth can get damaged in two or three different ways in myeloma patients, first, if myeloma involves the job or you can imagine that the teeth in that particular area could become loose or they could become a little off because the structure is getting affected.

Sometimes if my novels present on the job, for example, and radiation is given, but that bone becomes weaker, so teeth can become weaker, another way myeloma and dental health can be connected is because we use certain bone-strengthening agents for myeloma. These drugs are called either bisphosphonates, for example, or zoledronic acid (Zometa) or pamidronate acid (Aredia), patients may know as Zometa or Aredia, or there’s a second category called RANK ligand inhibitors, one of the drugs there is denosumab or Xgeva, these are all drugs that are given for bone-strengthening for myeloma. Patients are recommended to take calcium and vitamin D, but a rare but definitive side effect that is known to happen or can happen with these drugs is what’s called osteonecrosis of the jaw, where basically the jaw bone is becoming necrosed or less viable.

And you can imagine if the jaw is less viable, the teeth that go into the jaw in that spot, they’ll become loose and hurt, painful…it’s not a good condition to have it very…it affects quality of life significantly. So while it is rare, this osteonecrosis of the jaw can occur maybe less than 10 percent of the cases, but it is a significant morbidity-causing issue.

What I recommend to patients is that one, if that is happening, first of all, we’re not…we typically don’t continue that drug that is causing it, like a bisphosphonate or RANK ligand inhibitor. Secondly, the patient needs to see a good oral maxillofacial surgeon or a good dentist, preferably someone who has knowledge and experience in handling osteonecrosis of the jaw. So different ways in which myeloma treatment can affect the jaw, there is not a direct correlation, but in about 10 to 15 percent of cases, there may be jaw or teeth-related implications in myeloma patients either from the disease or its treatment like radiation or bone-strengthening drugs.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you, and that’s a great segue into the next question we have from a patient, so if a patient cannot take bisphosphates doesn’t explain the reason why, are there other bone-building therapies that are recommended to protect them?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

Sure, so I would say that while we talk about these drugs like bisphosphonates, RANK ligand inhibitors, there are some other drugs that can be used to strengthen the bones, because you can imagine these bone-strengthening agents are used in a lot of different cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, etcetera.

So this family of drugs can be used, there are some that are used less frequently, but can be used instead of bisphosphonates and denosumab, but I would bring the patients back to even more basic stuff, calcium, vitamin D, exercise, bone-strengthening exercise. These are the first steps. Then come the other bone-modifying drugs, so even if a patient has been told that they cannot get any of those drugs because of the side effects, they could certainly say calcium vitamin D after discussing with their doctors, and they can regularly do some bone-strengthening building exercises sometimes it’s as simple as swimming, as simple as spinning, but those are like on the stationary bike, but those are extremely important activities to help build bone mass.

Lisa Hatfield:

All right, thank you. Have you ever had a patient that has reached complete response that you said, Well, maybe you don’t need to continue on bisphosphonates, that ever an option for patients to not continue after a certain period of time?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

Again, excellent question. And, in fact, historically, all the bisphosphonate-related clinical trials had up to a two-year follow-up, so a lot of times we used to say, “Well, at two years we need to stop them because there’s no safety data beyond that.” But more recently, there are studies that have shown that even every three months of bisphosphonates is as good as every month. So if somebody has active bone-affecting myeloma, then their treatment can be given every month or every three months.

But if a person has gone into remission, and remember, the myeloma was the inciting event that was causing the bone loss, if there is no disease, if there are no active bone lesions and the person is in good health, they  are active…no bone-related issues. You’ve done imaging. Everything is good. I think it certainly it can be done that the bisphosphonate can be stopped. And, of course, this needs to be actively discussed with the patient, but frankly, other than having the side effect concern, if I can have a patient not come in for a treatment and they can spend that much extra time with their family doing what they want to…I think that’s a win-win.

Lisa Hatfield:

All right, thank you. So another patient asking, I was told I’m in remission, but my light chain numbers are going up and the lambda is low. Are small fluctuations common?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

Very good question. And very important to keep in mind, yes, small fluctuations in light chains can happen as the patient mentioned, they said their light chain are going up, but lambda is low, so I’m assuming they’re talking about their kappa light chains higher and the lambda low. For light chains, the most important thing is that we don’t want just an individual isolated value, we want to see a trend if there is an upward trend in one of the values, the abnormal light chain, that is certainly a concern if the involved or the higher light chain is stable.

But the uninvolved or the lower light chain continues to go down. Well, that is still of concern, but may not mean that the disease is coming back, it may mean that the immune system is getting affected a little. All said and done, light chains are very volatile, they are very…they can fluctuate, they can get affected by our kidney function, they can get affected by our hydration status. So if there is a concern with light chains, they should be re-checked and there is a persistent movement of light chains in a certain direction that is an important time to figure out, is the disease coming back or is there another reason that the light chains are changing.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, how often do you check those labs in your patients, their light chain?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

For somebody who’s on active treatment, we check the light chains, we do the whole panel of myeloma lab reassessment with? Electrophoresis, immunoglobulins, light chains, we do that on a monthly basis for somebody who’s on active treatment, that they are… Some patients who are on maintenance and who are doing perfectly fine, and they typically come every three months to clinic visits on maintenance over there, although I prefer to check them every month, but I certainly know logistic challenges and frequency, so sometimes in selected cases, we’ll check it every three months, but in a patient who has been diagnosed with myeloma on treatment or has been on treatment before, personally, I don’t go beyond three months in any case.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, those are good guidelines for patients looking forward, especially newly diagnosed patients. All right, what are we learning about monosomy 13 in myeloma, is it a high-risk marker for myeloma?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

So, Lisa I think that’s an extremely important question because there has been historically a lot of discussion about a deletion 13, monosomy 13 deletion 13, meaning a portion of the 13th chromosome missing. Monosomy 13 meaning one…so half of the chromosome missing, because everybody has two of each chromosome, one set from the father, one from the mother, so one set is missing, that is monosomy, or one arm is missing its monosomy if a portion of the chromosome is missing deletion. Historically, quite some years ago, deletion 13 or monosomy 13 was in itself a high-risk marker, then the drugs or called the pareso inhibitor family, in which one of them is bortezomib came about and it showed that whether the patient had deletion 13 or not outcomes were similar when they got bortezomib so, it was no longer a high-risk marker.

In current day and age, there are certain mutations that are considered high risk, monosomy 13 or deletion 13 by itself is not considered a high-risk marker, but the co-presence of deletion 13 or monosomy 13 with some other mutations is considered higher risk just because it is telling us about more widespread genetic damage in the myeloma genetic material.

So for example, if somebody has a mutation called 1-Q, as some patients may read in their FISH report, if that 1-Q co-exists with deletion 13 or month, the risk of that one can is even higher. So by itself modulators, but it’s co-existence, but some other mutations bring up the risk category higher.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you. And just to clarify for maybe somebody who’s just learning about their myeloma diagnosis and the cytogenetics of that, when you’re talking about these mutations, are you specifically talking about these mutations are only in the myeloma cells, they aren’t all in their body, and they’re overall in any other cells, just the myeloma cell.

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

Absolutely, you’re spot on. So these mutations that are tested in the abnormal plasma cells from the bone marrow, which the term used for that is somatic mutation, disease-related mutations in the disease cells, these are not mutations that we were born with or we inherited, so if somebody was to take a sample from a healthy blood cell or in my lumping shop from the mouth or a spit sample that is not expected to carry these mutations, it is only the cancerous abnormal plasma cells from the bone marrow or a myeloma cell that have these mutations.

Lisa Hatfield:

All right, thanks for clarifying that. Great, what are some of the clinical predictors for relapse in myeloma and when should patients speak up?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

Okay, so when we say clinical predictors of relapse, well, let me look at this from the standpoint of a patient’s been diagnosed, they’ve been treated, which patients are more likely to relapse is one way of looking at, and if we are looking for our following up, Iain, what are we monitoring to look for relapse. So I’ll address mutates very quickly. So when we say what are the predictors of earlier relapse, the most important things that we know of are on any of the high-risk mutations we’ve been talking about, the fact that it’s standard of care to look for any genetic mutations in the center diseased plasma.

So the myeloma cells, presence of any high-risk mutations, for example, there’s one called deletion 17p to certain chromosome mutations like 14;16 translocation, etcetera. Patients should be aware of what mutations their plasma cells have, having high-risk mutations, risk of early relapse or short duration of response. Similarly, if a patient does not get a deep response to their prior treatment, they are more likely to come out of that response state sooner. One of the tests that has recently been used over the past few years, there’s something called the MRD test, minimal residual disease test, looking for one myeloma cell out of 100,000 or even one million bone marrow cells. 

If somebody’s MRD-negative, they are more likely to have a longer duration of response. If they’re MRD-positive, meaning detectable disease on MRD test, comparatively shorter duration of response, etcetera. So these are predictors of earlier relapse, there are some other predictors like kidney dysfunction, and typically that happens if somebody has persistent kidney dysfunction because they don’t typically get access to all the drugs, typically relapse occurs sooner.

Now, when somebody is getting monitored for their disease, as I mentioned, we do labs every so frequently every month, every two months, every three months. That is what involves all the myeloma markers, serum electrophoresis is to look for M spike, free light chains, look for light chain changes. We know globules look for increases in immunoglobulins, and that’s what helps pick up the recurrence of the disease.

Lisa Hatfield:

Why do some myeloma patients experience chronic kidney disease?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

So Lisa, I think that’s a very important question. Kidney dysfunction can be seen in as much as 20 percent of patients at the time of diagnosis, and there are a significant number of patients who would have kidney dysfunction even as they go on with their myeloma journey. And something that I work on quite a bit, and I’m interested in this healthcare disparities. I just want to point out that patients who are African Americans do tend to have a much higher incidence of kidney dysfunction and need for kidney dialysis with myeloma at the time of diagnosis or even with treatment. Now, I mentioned that these…or we discussed previously that these plasma cells, that normally live in the bone marrow, they produce these proteins and these proteins, heavy chains, light chains are part of our body’s immune system. But when these plasma cells become cancerous, they produce a higher amount of those abnormal proteins, these proteins circulate in the blood, and they frequently get depositing the kidneys.

So when these proteins are very high in number, an amount, these proteins can circulate in the blood and clog up the kidney tubules, and that’s where some chemical reactions also happen and kidney damage can occur. When somebody gets diagnosed with myeloma and they have kidney dysfunction, we have the option of the opportunity to reverse that kidney dysfunction if we treat the disease appropriately and with the right kind of drugs fast enough.

In fact, there is some older data study data, which shows that within the first two months, we are able to reverse the kidney function, then it is no longer a prognostic significant marker. And it’s extremely important if somebody’s kidney function is getting affected by their myeloma, that they need to be treated very aggressively to try and salvage and save that kidney function because the longer the kidney dysfunction stays, it is quite possible that it may become irreversible.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you. So this next question has to do with the sequencing of treatments, which again, speaks to the fact that it’s super important to see a myeloma specialist, but the question is what treatments are available for myeloma patients who relapse after care?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

Very, very important question, and unfortunately a tough situation that we are dealing with because CAR T initially has been used for later lines of therapy as it is currently FDA approved with time, hopefully it will start making it may sooner in the treatment also, but when a person…when a patient has had treatment with CAR T, generally, they have already had treatment with most of the standard available drugs prior to CAR T, because the way CAR T is currently FDA approved is the patient has to have at least four prior lines of therapy, and generally, at least in the U.S. system, with the first three to four regimens or lines of therapy, we’ve already seen and exhausted most of the available drugs.

So you can imagine most CAR T, there is less drug availability that the patient has not had before or may not be resistant to, but if the CAR-T response lasted long enough, sometimes we are recycling some of the drugs after previously used, and the patient may respond to them again.

Another thing to think about in that place is from my standpoint, clinical trials are extremely important and patients must seek clinical trial options, as you mentioned, again, important to see a specialized myeloma center, but one of the drugs that was approved in 2022 bispecific antibody, teclistamab (Tecvayli), and there are some other related by specific antibodies which have actually shown some benefit despite the fact that they also target BCMA, which art targets, but patients who had prior BCMA therapy still had a very good response rate to, for example, teclistamab or some other…bispecific antibodies in clinical trials, so I don’t say that everybody who’s been treated with a BCMA CAR T should go immediately to a BCMA and bi-specific may not be the best option in all cases, but sometimes recycling older drugs in certain different combinations, clinical trials or options promising options like bispecific antibodies. We do have more jobs today than even what we had a year ago for patients who are progressing after CAR T-cell therapy.

Lisa Hatfield:

And that is really promising, I think as more and more people get CAR T-cell therapy and perhaps start to relapse. It is great to know that there are other options out there. They’re even, like you said, recycling some of those prior regimes that were used, and even talking about CAR-T therapy or clinical trials, this next question has to do a little bit with the disparity and access for myeloma treatment.

So the question is, myeloma treatment is expensive, with quadruplet therapy options, what measures are being taken that can help patients to have equal access, and I think that we can also add clinical trials to that too. Is there anything being done, or how can you encourage patients to have equal access, whether it’s the drugs themselves or clinical trials?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

So absolutely, I think, Lisa, that’s an extremely important question as I mentioned, this area of healthcare disparity in health care, inequity, for example, is something I’ve spent a lot of time doing my research my career and publishing in this area. Unfortunately, in today’s day and age, we still have a lot of these disparities that exist, patients may not get access to the right drug or the  right time because of their geographical region, because of their insurance, their education status, socioeconomic status, and sometimes even in other…situations being similar, just their race and ethnicity. Age is an important factor.

Also, I would say there…I think the important part is that it is much more knowledge, awareness, and intent to do something about it now, there’s, for example, in the forthcoming clinical trial that should be opening for really diagnosed patients across the country, soon through NCI and CTAC where the trial has been specifically designed to do it in as close to real world setting as possible, and when we were writing that trial, there’s a specific racial, ethnic minority accrual plan that we are writing around it, and that’s not…I would say just that trial, there are trials that are now specifically going in trying to enroll patients as much as possible from the real world and all walks of life.

And that’s said. I think the bigger question comes, like you started the question by asking the trials are there…we are trying to make a difference for trying to make some changes, changing the inclusion criteria so that patients would even now our accounts can go in, etcetera, etcetera. What about the drugs that are already available, quadruplet therapy, which is a pretty, I would say, demanding approach, because the patient needs to get multiple drugs multiple times, frequent visits back and forth to the clinic, co-payments office visits, labs, etcetera. It’s not easy.

Unfortunately, there are certain groups within our society that would have difficulty getting those access, but there are lots of resources that patients and caregivers can access, and hopefully those…help share some of the burden. These are either from the pharma companies or they could be from foundations or societies like the The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and several other such concerns whose goal is to try and provide an equitable and just access to the drugs and how to get the most evidence-based treatment to every single patient.

So there are quite a few of these efforts in our practice, what we strongly recommend is that the patients, of course, get this knowledge and information through support groups, through their physicians, but also searching for this information online or in a lot of the larger institutions, meeting with the social worker frequently helps gain access to our information about a lot of these resources. So I think a lot of work has been done there, but to bring it down to an individual patient’s level, how can I as a patient get access to something…

I think the patients will have to ask those questions either from their physician, their care team, a social worker, online resources, support groups, that information is out there, we are trying our best to get it to patients that hopefully patients can seek out some of that as well.

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you for that. I think that’s a really important thing to bring up is the access to healthcare, we do have people in our local area, because we are a smaller community, were unable to seek out the care of a specialist and it has had a detrimental effect on their outcomes. And so I think having that discussion and being open to your patients so you can’t have a discussion or even refer them to the social worker is so important, so all patients get equal access, it’s one less thing that patients have to worry about when they’re already…stressed and overwhelmed with their diagnosis, so thank you for explaining that. Thanks for talking about that. We sure appreciate it. 

So for myeloma patients, even though our insurance companies, sometimes we have to argue with them a little bit as if we’re beating down doors to get a bone marrow biopsy, nobody loves those, I’m not sure why insurance companies think we would actually want that. But what do you see in the future, I know there’s talk about mass spectrometry. Every myeloma patient would love to hear the words, you’ll never have to have another bone marrow biopsy.

Do you see a future in that and some of these newer tests that are coming out?

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

Sure, I think that’s absolutely important to know because…yes, that’s the bane of our existence, unfortunately, disease primarily lives inside the bone marrow, so to get the true information…that’s where you go. So there are some tests that are being developed or researched, patients may have heard about what’s being termed, the liquid biopsy or taking a blood sample to identify plasma cells or disease, there’s a lot of research going on around it. But, unfortunately, it has not panned out yet, because by nature, plasma cells do not circulate in the blood, or if they circulate, it’s a very, very small amount, so it’s hard to pick it up from the blood and do the tests on it. But there’s a lot of research going on for it to get the plasma cells, get the FISH testing, and all the genetic testing from the blood. So stay tuned, hopefully we’ll get in that direction.

What you also mentioned, a test that’s been developed and done at Mayo Clinic is what’s called m-aspect or looking at these proteins, these M spikes, these light chains, the IgGs, etcetera. Looking at them at a molecular level and separating them based on their weight, because IgG kappa, for example, from one patient may be different from the IgG kappa that came from a different patient, but they can be separated out based on the weight, based on the molecular weight…on the size, and that can sometimes be used that how the test has been developed to use that property to identify and almost catalog and tabulate and follow that patient’s protein, so that we can hopefully collect or detect a recurrence sooner, note a deeper response to the treatment.

And in the future, hopefully, use that depth of response and that earlier recurrence as…or earlier detection of the protein as a surveyable matter of recurrence. I still think that it’s two different things, one is to look at the protein and note it at a deeper level to know whether the patients responded or relapsing, but so far, if you want to do those rotation testing, the FISH testing, and look at some of the characteristics of the myeloma, unfortunately, we do have to go to the bone marrow, but down the road, I’m hoping that those liquid biopsies and the blood tests will hopefully make it happen.

Lisa Hatfield:

Well, that would be music to my ears, even fewer biopsies would be great, so that would be awesome. Well, this was a great conversation, Dr. Ailawadhi, thank you so much on behalf of myself, and I’m sure a lot of myeloma patients and family members watching this, they’re so thankful and grateful for the time that you spend with us answering these questions, so thank you very much for your time, thanks for your expertise and I hope you enjoy the rest of your afternoon.

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

Thanks a lot, Lisa. Thanks for having me, and I hope this was beneficial and interesting for the patients and their caregivers.

Becoming an Empowered and [ACT]IVATED AML Patient

Patient Empowerment Network (PEN) is committed to helping educate and empower patients and care partners in the acute myeloid leukemia (AML) community. AML is shown to impact younger patients compared to other types of blood cancer. In addition, there are some marginalized communities of Black and Latinx AML patients that experience disparities in health outcomes. Recent studies in AML have shown higher mortality rates and higher rates of AML recurrence in Black and Latinx patient groups. PEN aims to help empower patients in their care. With this goal in mind, we kicked off the [ACT]IVATED AML program, which aims to inform, empower, and engage patients to stay abreast of the latest in AML care.

Disparities in AML Treatment and Health Outcomes

AML research studies show that Black and Latinx patients experience disparities in AML treatment and health outcomes. Some of the study findings include:

A recent study in Blood Advances showed that Black adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients with AML have higher mortality rates and higher rates of AML recurrence in comparison to white patients. The study compared clinical outcomes between 1983 and 2016 for AYA patients between the ages of 18 and 29. The early mortality rate of Black AYA patients was 16 percent compared to 3 percent for white AYA patients. When examining complete AML remission rates, 66 percent of Black AYA patients experienced complete remission compared to 83 percent of white AYA patients. The authors of the study looked at the research data and determined that delayed diagnosis and treatment in the Black AYA patients as well as genetic differences of AML likely led to the higher mortality rate for this group. In comparison, Black and white patients between the ages of 30 and 39 showed no significant differences in their survival rates.

Lead study author Dr. Karilyn Larkin, a hematologist at the OSUCCC – James, shared, “To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine how molecular genetic alterations contribute to outcomes in young Black people with AML compared with their white counterparts.” Study of genetics is extremely vital in developing new and refined AML treatments, and this is why it’s more important than ever for more Black AYA patients to join clinical trials to create a larger pool of participants to learn from.

Another recent study in Blood showed that Hispanic/Latinx and Black AML patients have higher mortality rates in comparison to white AML patients. The study analyzed several factors in the disparities including health care access, tumor biology, treatment patterns, ICU admission during induction chemotherapy, comorbidities, and structural racism. Neighborhood measures of structural racism were found to be a major predictor of AML mortality rates. The neighborhood measures that were tracked in the study included census tract disadvantage, segregation, and affluence. The study authors concluded that more research must be done to learn the ways that structural racism relates with different AML treatment and predictive factors to impact health outcomes. Then more actions can be taken to help decrease the health disparities for these patient groups.

[ACT]IVATED AML Patient and Expert Tips

Black and Latinx patients who more frequently experience AML disparities are key groups for patient advocacy and empowerment. AML specialists, patients, and patient advocates have pooled some valuable advice through their experiences in treating and living with AML with the goal of improving care for all AML patients. PEN has been fortunate to receive some tips from patient and AML Empowerment Lead Sasha Tanori and AML specialists Dr. Catherine Lai and Dr. Naval Daver toward patient activation and empowerment.

Sasha talked about her AML experience as a Mexican American and the delay in her diagnosis. “You didn’t go out and seek care if you are hurt, you just sucked it up, you went to work, you went to school, you did your job, you took care of your family, and that was it. If you had any type of ailments or illness, you would just rub some Vaseline and do the sana sana and just move on about your day.”

Sasha’s care in a rural healthcare setting also contributed to the delay in her diagnosis. “In my local town they had no clue what was wrong, they didn’t know it was cancer, they didn’t know what was going on. They just kept doing tests after tests after tests, and they’re on blood work, and finally, they were just like, ‘We have no clue, we’ve got to send you somewhere else. You’ve got to get in an ambulance and leave.’”

Dr. Lai and Dr. Daver Tips

Dr. Lai advises patients to take proactive actions in their care. “Ask your physician and your oncologist when you’re talking with them about what all the newest therapies are and what would be specifically the best treatment for their specific leukemia with respect to the different mutations.

Testing has become a key factor in optimizing treatment for each patient’s specific AML. Dr. Daver also stresses the importance of testing. “Patients, when they transformed what we call secondary AML or MDS, seemed to have a higher predilection for certain high-risk communications such as TP53, and these are best treated with ongoing frontline clinical trials at large academic centers.”

Dr. Daver also explained the importance of genetic mutations currently under study in combination clinical trials. “Patients should be checked for arrangements like MLL rearrangement NPM1 mutation, new fusions as these may be amenable to therapy with the menin inhibitors, there are multiple trials with five different menin inhibitors, single agent trials and also combination trials now ongoing across multiple centers both in the U.S. and ex-U.S.”

The future of AML care is full of hope, and Dr. Lai shared her perspective. “There are a lot of new, exciting therapies that are coming out, and that it’s really novel sequencing strategies and combinations that I think will be the future of AML.”

Clinical trial participation continues its vital role in improving AML care, and Dr. Daver took the opportunity to stress the importance of trials. “Clinical trials are critical, both for the patients themselves to get access to what we call tomorrow’s medicine today as well as potentially to help move the entire field forward.”

[ACT]IVATED AML Program Resources

The [ACT]IVATED AML program series takes a three-part approach to inform, empower, and engage both the overall AML community and AML patient groups who experience health disparities. The series includes the following resources:

  • [ACT]IVATED Expert Interviews with experts Dr. Catherine Lai and Dr. Naval Daver moderated by an AML patient
  • [ACT]IVATED Resource Guide  (en Espanol here)  a downloadable, printable support resource packed with a newly diagnosed patient checklist, expert tips, AML facts, AML mutations, cytogenetic abnormalities, and support resources
  • [ACT]IVATED Patient Vignettes to learn valuable experiences and lessons learned from other AML patients
  • [ACT]IVATED Activity Guide – a downloadable, printable support resource packed with information and activities to educate, empower, and support AML patients and care partners in their journeys through care

Though the underrepresented AML groups of Black and Latinx patients have experienced health and care disparities, experts and patient advocates are taking action to improve care for all. By shining the light on gaps in care, PEN aims to aid in reducing these gaps along with continued research advances and clinical trial participation. AML patients can educate and empower themselves to become more confident and active partners in their care. By doing so, they can make more informed decisions for improved health outcomes. We hope you can continue to use the [ACT]IVATED AML program resources to advance your path to becoming an informed, empowered, and engaged patient. 

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