Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Archives

Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are a closely related group of progressive blood cancers in which the bone marrow typically overproduces one of the mature blood elements. Other shared features include tendencies toward blood clotting/bleeding, organ enlargement, bone marrow scarring (fibrosis) and a possibility of transformation.

More resources for Myeloproliferative Neoplasms from Patient Empowerment Network.

Emerging MPN Therapies in the Research Pipeline

Emerging MPN Therapies in the Research Pipeline from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What emerging myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) therapies are in the research pipeline? Expert Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope discusses MPN treatments that are under study, what the therapies target in MPN patients, and the outlook for the future of MPN care.

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Related Resources:

Have MPN Disparities Been Addressed by Institutions?

Have MPN Disparities Been Addressed by Institutions?

Graft-Versus-Host Disease Risk for BIPOC Patients

Graft-Versus-Host Disease Risk for BIPOC Patients

Are There Disparities in Stem Cell Transplant Outcomes

Are There Disparities in Stem Cell Transplant Outcomes


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Amanam, can you speak to any exciting new developments in MPN care or trials that you see moving forward with great progress?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam:

Yeah. I think for MPNs and namely really the classic BCR-able or Philadelphia chromosome-negative MPNs, which include essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera, and myelofibrosis. I think we have a lot of exciting therapies that are going to be possibly FDA-approved in the next couple of years. So currently, for essential thrombocythemia, really the dogma therapy is related to keeping the counts under control and giving a therapy to reduce the risk of having a blood clot or stroke. We actually are in a space where we have therapies that are going to be targeting the underlying clone or basically the cells that are driving the proliferation of these platelets that lead to high platelet counts. And so I think that’s exciting.

So we do know that, in MPN there is an overexpression of Bcl-xL, and there’s a drug that targets Bcl-xL. And we’ve seen really great responses in essential thrombocythemia. And as a segue, this drug also targets the same cells and polycythemia vera and myelofibrosis, and we’ve seen really great responses in those patients. We also have had difficulty in managing patients who have myelofibrosis, but have very low counts. And typically the FDA-approved drugs that we’ve been using actually make the counts worse.

And so there are multiple drugs that are in the pipeline that are helping patients with low blood counts. And what they do is they help increase your red blood cells and reduce your requirements for red blood cell transfusions.

And one of the drugs helps stimulate erythropoiesis, and it’s an injection. And we’ve seen really good results in reducing the risk of…or reducing the amount of transfusions that patients receive. And then another one of these drugs targets ACVR1, which we understand that in myelofibrosis, you have overproduction of hepcidin, which leads to worsening anemia. And so by targeting ACVR1, it helps control this hepcidin. And by doing that these patients have improved red blood cell counts. And so that’s another drug that likely will be coming…that will be FDA-approved very soon, and I think will help patients in this space.

We also are interested in immunotherapy. And I think in other cancers, immunotherapy has been very successful in eradicating those cancer cells and curing some patients. And so there are clinical trials looking at a vaccine which targets certain mutations that are relevant to MPN patients. And also we are interested in actually using other types of immunotherapy namely, CAR T, which really helps connect your own immune cells to these cancer cells to help clear them out. And so I think over in the next five to 10 years, there’re going to be a lot of drugs and a lot of therapies that are going to really help patients who have MPNs.

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Graft-Versus-Host Disease Risk for BIPOC Patients

Graft-Versus-Host Disease Risk for BIPOC Patients from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Is there a higher graft-versus-host disease risk for some BIPOC patients? Expert Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope explains bone marrow transplant challenges for African American and Hispanic patients and where research stands on improving transplant outcomes.

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Related Resources:

Have MPN Disparities Been Addressed by Institutions?

Have MPN Disparities Been Addressed by Institutions?

Understanding MPN Treatment Goals and Shared Decision-Making

Understanding MPN Treatment Goals and Shared Decision-Making

Emerging MPN Therapies in the Research Pipeline

Emerging MPN Therapies in the Research Pipeline


Lisa Hatfield:

Do certain populations have a higher risk of graft-versus-host disease after stem cell transplantation?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam:

Yes. So, we do know that there are differences in outcomes for African Americans and Hispanics compared to whites after transplant. And we think aside from just the fact that African Americans and Hispanics have a lower chance of having full matched donors, there are other genetic variations that we can’t account for currently that may explain the reasons why they have poor outcomes post-transplant. And one of those issues is related to graft-versus-host disease.

And so, we do know that if you have a donor who’s not a complete match, you have a higher risk of having graft-versus-host disease. And we also know that if you’re an African American and Hispanic, you also have higher risk for graft-versus-host disease. And so I think there’s still a lot of work to be done for us to really understand, one, why that’s the case. 

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Bone Marrow Registries | What Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients Should Know

Bone Marrow Registries | What Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients Should Know from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What do myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients need to know about bone marrow registries? Expert Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope discusses bone marrow registries and what’s involved in serving as a bone marrow donor.

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Related Resources:

Have MPN Disparities Been Addressed by Institutions?

Have MPN Disparities Been Addressed by Institutions?

How Can MPN Clinical Trials Be Diversified?

How Can MPN Clinical Trials Be Diversified?

Emerging MPN Therapies in the Research Pipeline

Emerging MPN Therapies in the Research Pipeline


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Amanam, I’m going to preface this question with, there is a bone marrow registry out there called Be The Match. So this is a three-part question. Do you know of any other bone marrow registries, is the first part? The second part is, how can we encourage donors from different ethnic backgrounds to join the bone marrow registry? And third part, how would that help your MPN patients from marginalized communities?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam:

Very good question. Our National Marrow Donor Program is integrated with other bone marrow registries internationally. And so I do believe that Be The Match is the best place that potential donors should reach out to if they’re interested in being a bone marrow donor. What was the second part of that question? I’m sorry.

Lisa Hatfield:

So the second part is, how can we encourage donors from different ethnic backgrounds to join the bone marrow registry?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam:

Sure. I know that the National Marrow Donor Program has had an interest for a very long time in increasing donors from specific ethnic groups. And I think it’s important for us to understand what a donor actually does, and the issues associated with being a donor. Being a bone marrow transplant donor I think is important, because you can save someone’s life. And being a donor really means that you go and get tested to be a donor, and you’re placed in a registry, and they may give you a call years from now that there’s someone that is a match based off of your genes.

And you would then be called to go in and do some additional blood testing. And then if you are able to get through that process, you meet with a doctor who’s connected to the National Marrow Donor Program, and they’ll ask a couple of questions related to your health history and do some additional testing. And once you get through that and you’re cleared to be a donor, there are really two different ways that you can be a bone marrow donor.

You can donate your bone marrow, or you can donate your stem cells that are not inside of your bone marrow. And typically as a donor, your experience of actually donating is about a day. And the recovery time after you donate your bone marrow or stem cells, it’s typically within about one to three days.  So the benefit of donating your stem cells or bone marrow outweighs the inconvenience of a day or a couple of days of your schedule being altered. So I think that’s really important to understand. And I think if we can get more people to be aware of this, I think we can definitely get more donors.

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Are There Disparities in Stem Cell Transplant Outcomes?

Are There Disparities in Stem Cell Transplant Outcomes? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What do myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients need to know about disparities in stem cell transplant outcomes? Expert Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope explains key factors that impact the outcomes of stem cell transplants and the importance of finding fully matched donors.

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Related Resources:

Are There Any MPN Disparities in Subtypes and Genetics

Are There Any MPN Disparities in Subtypes and Genetics?

Understanding MPN Treatment Goals and Shared Decision-Making

Understanding MPN Treatment Goals and Shared Decision-Making

Emerging MPN Therapies in the Research Pipeline

Emerging MPN Therapies in the Research Pipeline


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Amanam, does race or ethnicity play a role in outcomes of stem cell transplantation?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam:

Yes. There have been some really great studies looking at this. And I think in general, we know that health disparities are a major issue for racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disadvantaged groups. Stem cell transplant is a curative therapy for blood disorders. And we’ve looked at a variety of different, there have been multiple approaches to assess like where these disparities come from or if there are disparities from specific groups. And I think the Affordable Care Act was great in allowing expansion and insurance coverage to multiple groups and increased access to care. But that hasn’t solved the problem.

And so, one of the issues we’ve seen is that providers themselves do not refer patients proportionately. So from proportion if you’re African American, Hispanic, if you are coming from a ZIP code that your meaning income is lower, that there are some instances where referrals for transplant don’t occur in equal rates.

And we’ve also seen that even if you’re insured and you’re African American or Hispanic, referral rates are still lower. And so that’s something that, it’s something that we have to work to improve. And you know, one big thing for transplant is that you have to have donors. You have to have donors who are matches for these patients who have these disorders who need a transplant. And we do know that African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians have lower chances of finding a fully matched donor compared to white Americans. And so, why that’s really important is that when you look at rates of complications after transplant, we do know that the level of match of the donor does play a part in that. Namely the chances of the patient relapsing after the bone marrow transplant and the rates of graft-versus-host disease are significantly higher.

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Understanding MPN Treatment Goals and Shared Decision-Making

Understanding MPN Treatment Goals and Shared Decision-Making from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) treatment goals can vary widely among patients, so how do care providers work with different goal types? Expert Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope explains how treatment approaches can vary, his perspective in shared decision-making, and advice for patients to receive optimal care.


“I would recommend that you get a clear expectation, with your diagnosis as to what that means for you specifically and what the treatments will do for you short-term and long-term.”

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Related Resources:

Are There Any MPN Disparities in Subtypes and Genetics

Are There Any MPN Disparities in Subtypes and Genetics?

How Can MPN Clinical Trials Be Diversified?

How Can MPN Clinical Trials Be Diversified?

Graft-Versus-Host Disease Risk for BIPOC Patients

Graft-Versus-Host Disease Risk for BIPOC Patients


Lisa Hatfield:

 So, Dr. Amanam, you probably have patients coming in with a wide spectrum of knowledge from patients who want to be told what to do for treatment to patients who might even bring in abstracts from ASCO and ASH. So how do you work with your patients to make those treatment decisions? And a second part to that question is, with increasing treatment options, what should your MPN patients consider when deciding on treatments?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam:

So I believe that it’s very important to understand contextually where the patient’s coming from. And you’re right, I think some patients actually want to receive a presentation on the data. From a randomized Phase III clinical trial, there are some patients who are not interested in hearing about the data. They just want you to tell them what you think. And I think understanding where a patient’s coming from is very important. And so I believe, at least from my experience with the diversity of experiences in my own life, that I have the capacity to really gauge what patients need in order to proceed forward with the treatment that they’re most comfortable with. I think that’s the answer to that question. For with…in regards to increasing treatment options, it’s difficult because I think we’re in a very exciting time for MPN patients, we have a lot of treatment options.

We have a lot of clinical trials, we have a lot of…we have more FDA-approved therapies than we did 10 years ago. And I think it’s important to set the expectations as to what a therapy does. So some therapies will potentially decrease the risk of the disease progressing. There are some therapies that really help improve symptoms. There are some therapies that do both, and I think it’s very important to be very clear as to what each individual therapy does and the side effects associated with those therapies. And it usually, for the most part, patients are pretty…they declare themselves as to what they’re looking for. I think everyone walking into a room who’ve been told that they have cancer, they want to cure, but once you set the expectations that for MPNs this is possibly a chronic disease, and there are some issues associated with the chronic disease that we have to manage. And I think once it’s clear as to what MPN means for the patients, it changes the understanding of wanting a cure.

And I think, I will say I want for us to get to a point where we can cure all patients, but we don’t, we aren’t not there yet. And so ensuring that patients have a good quality of life is the most important thing for me and really being happy with what we’re doing in terms of treatment.

So my activation tip for this question is, I would recommend that you get a clear expectation, with your diagnosis as to what that means for you specifically and what the treatments will do for you short-term and long-term.

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How Can MPN Clinical Trials Be Diversified?

How Can MPN Clinical Trials Be Diversified? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) clinical trials participants become more diversified? Expert Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope explains how MPN clinicians, institutions, pharma companies, and others can help expand the participant pool for all population groups.

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Related Resources:

What Does the Future of Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care Look Like?

What Does the Future of Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care Look Like?

Understanding MPN Treatment Goals and Shared Decision-Making

Understanding MPN Treatment Goals and Shared Decision-Making

Graft-Versus-Host Disease Risk for BIPOC Patients

Graft-Versus-Host Disease Risk for BIPOC Patients


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Amanam, how can we better encourage more diverse participation in MPN or any cancer clinical trials?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam: 

This is a great question. I think that going back to the idea that we want to practice the best science, we want to be able to publish the best data. The responsibility is on the clinicians, the scientists, the clinical trialists, the drug companies, the institutions to really be able to structure clinical trials that are relevant to our real world experience. And so how can we better encourage that? I think from a government perspective, potentially incentivizing drug companies and institutions and the other major players that really are involved in pushing this field forward to practice better science. I think we put so much of responsibility on the clinical trial participants, and we’ve spent many years really analyzing or thinking about the reasons why the clinical trial participants are not or the lack of clinical trial participants is from specific groups.

But I think we have to put that look at us, the scientists, the physicians, the institutions, the companies. What are we not doing right here? And I think we have to put a lot of energy there. And once we’re clear that being able to have a diverse participant pool will give us the best results and therefore will lead to your drug being approved. I think we will have more participants from all groups.

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MPN-Related Complications | Are BIPOC Patients at Higher Risk?

MPN-Related Complications | Are BIPOC Patients at HIgher Risk? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Are BIPOC myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients at higher risk of MPN-related complications? Expert Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope explains risk factors for MPN-related complications and proactive questions to ask your doctor.


“If you have a myeloproliferative disorder, I would want you to check with your doctor if you have a risk or you do have diabetes or high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and if so, how can you improve that diagnosis in order to decrease your risk or complications related to your MPN.”

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Related Resources:

Are MPN Risks and Outcomes Impacted by Race or Ethnicity

Are MPN Risks and Outcomes Impacted by Race or Ethnicity

How Can MPN Clinical Trials Be Diversified?

How Can MPN Clinical Trials Be Diversified?

Bone Marrow Registries | What Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients Should Know

Bone Marrow Registries | What Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients Should Know


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Amanam, what risk factors put the Hispanic and/or the Black population at a larger risk for MPNs?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam:

Yeah. So conventional risk factors such as atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and smoking. We do know that in studies that those factors, potentially put you at higher risk for complications that are associated with myeloproliferative disorders. And we also know that, and, for example, if you’re an African American male, two in five African American males have high blood pressure. And when we look at all comers in the United States, only about a third of people have high blood pressure. So in that setting alone, we know that if you have high blood pressure, you have a higher risk for these complications-associated MPNs. And we know that African American males have a higher risk for that, so I think those things are…that example is a clear indicator that really identifying these basic risk factors that are related to diet, exercise, your weight, and other behavioral, possibly behavior-related factors may put you at higher risk to have complications from MPNs.

So, Hispanics, for example, have you twofold, they’re twofold higher risk to be diagnosed with diabetes than Caucasians. So that’s another example. And so I would say for MPN, that’s actually low hanging fruit. That means we don’t have to give you a new therapy or a MPN-related therapy. We can help you by improving your diet. Really giving counseling for cessation of smoking, really, education related to physical activity and exercise. I do believe that those are modifiable risk factors that we can address. And MPN physicians or cancer doctors can help their patients by really educating them in that way.

Activation tip for this question. If you have a myeloproliferative disorder, I would want you to check with your doctor if you have a risk or you do have diabetes or high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and if so, how can you improve that diagnosis in order to decrease your risk or complications related to your MPN. 

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Have MPN Disparities Been Addressed by Institutions?

Have MPN Disparities Been Addressed by Institutions? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Have myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) disparities been addressed by institutions? Expert Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope explains MPN disparities that need to be improved, how institutions can collaborate on improvements, and how patients can advocate to lessen disparities.


“…we need to ask and understand the biology of different groups a bit better, and I would ask my provider, is your institution working towards that goal?”

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Related Resources:

Are MPN Risks and Outcomes Impacted by Race or Ethnicity

Are MPN Risks and Outcomes Impacted by Race or Ethnicity?

MPN-Related Complications | Are BIPOC Patients at Higher Risk

MPN-Related Complications | Are BIPOC Patients at Higher Risk?

Bone Marrow Registries | What Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients Should Know

Bone Marrow Registries | What Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients Should Know


Lisa Hatfield:

So, Dr. Amanam, what can institutions do to better address racial and socioeconomic disparities in MPNs? And what has changed? Have there been improvements in that?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam:

Yeah, I think that along the lines of improving access to care and understanding what are the socioeconomic reasons for poor outcomes in specific groups, I do believe that from a scientific perspective, we have to understand why some specific groups have poor outcomes. So what are the biologic differences? And I do believe that centers should work together to get this understanding especially since MPNs are a rare disease. And each institution may not have the numbers to really be able to answer those questions.  So my activation tip for this question is, we need to ask and understand the biology of different groups a bit better, and I would ask my provider, is your institution working towards that goal?

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Are There Any MPN Disparities in Subtypes and Genetics?

Are There Any MPN Disparities in Subtypes and Genetics? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Are there any myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) disparities seen in subtypes and genetics? Expert Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope explains what studies have shown, the role of access to care, genetics of African Americans, and questions to ask your doctor. 


“…if you have a myeloproliferative neoplasm and you have some specific complications, and there are treatment options offered to you, I would ask your provider if there are any differences in outcomes related to if you are a Hispanic woman or if you’re a Black male, or if you’re a Caucasian female, I think it’s important to understand if there are potentially differences in the outcomes related to the treatments, and then you can maybe tailor your treatment specific to your ethnicity and sex.”

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Related Resources:

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Basics for Newly Diagnosed Patients

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Basics for Newly Diagnosed Patients

MPN-Related Complications | Are BIPOC Patients at Higher Risk

MPN-Related Complications | Are BIPOC Patients at Higher Risk?

Bone Marrow Registries | What Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients Should Know

Bone Marrow Registries | What Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients Should Know


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Amanam, can you speak to the disparities seen in MPNs and other subtypes and the role of genetics?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam:

Yeah, I think this is a great question, especially in the context of when we think about socioeconomic and racial disparities. I think that it is very important to continue to address those issues. I think the Affordable Care Act assisted in giving wider access to some patients who would not have the opportunity to receive care. But we have to go beyond the idea that race is a social construct. I think there are biologic differences. There are genetic hereditary differences between different groups. 

When you look at African Americans and you look at their genes and the median amount of genes of African descent. About half of African Americans have less than 80 percent of genes of African descent, which means that they’re biologically…there are biological differences that are related to their experience here in America and in the Western Hemisphere. And they have a more diverse gene pool, which may contribute or not contribute to cancers and other diseases. Other studies to really understand what are the scientific biologic hereditary differences and how we can improve those outcomes once we understand those. And so for MPNs, we don’t really have a good understanding of that, and I think that’s definitely a space for all of us within this disease for us to really improve upon.

My activation tip for this question would be, if you have a myeloproliferative neoplasm and you have some specific complications, and there are treatment options offered to you, I would ask your provider if there are any differences in outcomes related to if you are a Hispanic woman or if you’re a Black male, or if you’re a Caucasian female, I think it’s important to understand if there are potentially differences in the outcomes related to the treatments, and then you can maybe tailor your treatment specific to your ethnicity and sex.

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What Does the Future of Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care Look Like?

What Does the Future of Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care Look Like? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What does the future of myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) care look like for patients? Expert Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope explains how MPN treatments have changed in recent decades, symptoms that are relieved with treatments, and how treatments of the future may help patients.

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Related Resources:

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Basics for Newly Diagnosed Patients

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Basics for Newly Diagnosed Patients

Are There Disparities in Stem Cell Transplant Outcomes

Are There Disparities in Stem Cell Transplant Outcomes?

Are There Any MPN Disparities in Subtypes and Genetics

Are There Any MPN Disparities in Subtypes and Genetics?


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Amanam, what promising treatments are available for newly diagnosed MPN patients, and what questions should patients be asking? They come into your office scared to death and not even knowing what to ask. Do you have any suggestions for what those patients should be asking when they go in as a newly diagnosed patient?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam:

Right, right. Twenty years ago, we really didn’t have any therapies for most MPN patients, aside from performing phlebotomy and using non-specific therapies to try to help control their counts and therefore reduce their risk of clotting and stroke. We are getting to a point which is really exciting, where we actually are treating the underlying disease, meaning that the cells that are causing this cancer, we have been able to identify targets that will help eradicate those cells and, therefore, get rid of the cancer. And so we’re getting there. Unfortunately, we still are not there yet, and so when we look at the FDA-approved drugs in this space, really, they help control symptoms, they help control some of the associated complications with the disease, mainly when your spleen’s enlarged, and that potentially may affect your quality of life, mainly your nutritional status and your physical status, and so we do have drugs that are able to do that, that are FDA-approved right now.

I think in the next three to five years, we’re going to have drugs that are going to actually be able to treat the underlying disease before it gets to a point where you may need more aggressive therapy. Currently, the only defined curative therapy that we have, when I say defined, meaning that we have multiple studies that have shown that that’s the case, is bone marrow transplant. I’m a bone marrow transplanter, I do treat some of my MPN patients with bone marrow transplant to get rid of the underlying…those underlying cells that are driving this disease. But that’s a very intense therapy and it has its own associated complications. But we are…will be having other drugs that potentially we would be able to offer that are not as intense as bone marrow transplant.

And those include immunotherapy, other drugs that can target the signals that drive these cells to divide and multiply. Also there are within the bone marrow for patients that have myelofibrosis, which is one of the MPNs, we will be able to target the environment that allows for these cells to persist and grow. And so it’s exciting where we’re going, and I think the questions that as a patient that I would ask are, because of the fact that we only have few FDA-approved therapies, are there any clinical trials that are able to target the underlying disease as opposed to just treating the symptoms? I think that’s very important for the patients to ask, especially in this space now.

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Are MPN Risks and Outcomes Impacted by Race or Ethnicity?

Are MPN Risks and Outcomes Impacted by Race or Ethnicity? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Are myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) risks and outcomes impacted by patient race or ethnicity? Expert Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope explains common MPN symptoms, potential risks and outcomes, and patient advice for optimal care.


“…if you have stroke, heart attack, blood clots, abnormal counts, please follow up with your doctor and ensure that you get referred to the appropriate specialist to help assist in managing your complications.”

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Related Resources:

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Basics for Newly Diagnosed Patients

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Basics for Newly Diagnosed Patients

What Does the Future of Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care Look Like?

What Does the Future of Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care Look Like?

MPN-Related Complications | Are BIPOC Patients at Higher Risk

MPN-Related Complications | Are BIPOC Patients at Higher Risk?


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Amanam, how does race impact clinical MPN outcomes or complications? And are certain populations more susceptible to getting MPNs?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam:

Yeah, it’s a great question. I think, because of the fact that symptoms are not as clearly related to MPNs as opposed to some other diseases. So the major presenting symptoms for MPNs are related to high blood pressure or some other vascular abnormality, including strokes or blood clots. It takes a little work to diagnose MPN patients, and half of them are asymptomatic. And if you actually look at diagnosis rates, they’re one to three cases per 100,000 per year. And so this is very rare, and I think that we don’t have enough data to really understand if some groups are at higher risk to develop MPNs than others.

We have looked at incidences of thrombotic events in patients who have MPNs, and we tried to see if there was a difference between racial groups, and we didn’t. We did see that if you’re younger, you do have a higher risk of thrombosis over time, but there was no difference for if you were white, Hispanic, or African American.

What we did find though, in a small single center study is that if you are non-white, there’s a higher risk of death over time. And I think we still need a lot of work to get a better understanding as why that’s the case. So far we don’t have a clear signal for that, but I do think, in the same…the story that we understand for healthcare in general, there are some differences in terms of access to care, the quality of care that’s delivered in, you can guess that possibly that’s one of the reasons why that that affects African Americans and Hispanics disproportionately in this setting as well.

So my activation tip for this question would be if you have stroke, heart attack, blood clots, abnormal counts, please follow up with your doctor and ensure that you get referred to the appropriate specialist to help assist in managing your complications. 

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Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Basics for Newly Diagnosed Patients

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Basics for Newly Diagnosed Patients from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What do newly diagnosed myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients need to know? Expert Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope shares how he explains the condition, possible MPN complications, and proactive questions to ask your doctor.


“…if you see high platelet counts on a routine blood check or high white blood cell counts or high red blood cell counts, you should ask your doctor to delve a little bit deeper to try to get an answer as to why your counts are presenting in that fashion.”

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Related Resources:

Are MPN Risks and Outcomes Impacted by Race or Ethnicity

Are MPN Risks and Outcomes Impacted by Race or Ethnicity?

What Does the Future of Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care Look Like?

What Does the Future of Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care Look Like?

Are There Disparities in Stem Cell Transplant Outcomes

Are There Disparities in Stem Cell Transplant Outcomes?


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Amanam, how do you explain MPN to your newly diagnosed patients?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam:

Yes, MPN is a very rare disorder, and so most patients haven’t heard of MPNs in comparison to breast cancer or colon cancer, and so it’s…sometimes it appears very ambiguous as to what it actually is, and for patients, I generally tell them that there’s some…it’s a disorder that causes increased production of their red blood cells or their platelets, or the cells that help support the tissue in their bone marrow. And there’s some complications associated with that, namely blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks. And there’s also a small risk of these patients converting over into more aggressive blood cancers, namely acute leukemia. 

So my activation tip for this question is that, if you see high platelet counts on a routine blood check or high white blood cell counts or high red blood cell counts, you should ask your doctor to delve a little bit deeper to try to get an answer as to why your counts are presenting in that fashion. 

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PODCAST: Managing Life With an MPN | What You Need to Know

MPN expert Dr. Raajit Rampal shares advice for making treatment decisions for patients with essential thrombocythemia (ET), polycythemia vera (PV), and myelofibrosis (MF). Dr. Rampal also reviews tips and tools for managing symptoms and side effects and provides an update on new and emerging MPN therapies.
Dr. Raajit Rampal is a hematologist-oncologist specializing in the treatment of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) and leukemia at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Learn more about Dr. Rampal.

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Katherine Banwell:

Hello and welcome. I’m Katherine Banwell, your host for today’s program. Today’s webinar is a continuation of our Thrive series. And we’re going to discuss how to manage life with an MPN.  Before we get into the discussion, please remember that this program is not a substitute for seeking medical advice. Please refer to your healthcare team about what might be best for you.  

Let’s meet our guest today. Joining me is Dr. Raajit Rampal. Dr. Rampal, welcome. Would you please introduce yourself.    

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Hi. Thank you so much for having me. I’m Raajit Rampal from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center where I focus on myeloproliferative neoplasms. 

Katherine Banwell:

Thank you so much for being with us today. 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

My pleasure.  

Katherine Banwell:

As we do with each of the webinars in our Thrive series, let’s start with this question. In your experience, what do you think it means to thrive with an MPN? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

It’s a great question, right. I think taking a step back, when we think about our patients with MPNs, one of the questions I always have for patients are what are your goals. And inevitably and invariably, people want two things. They want to live longer and they want to live better. And so, I think that thinking about thriving with an MPN to me is about how do we minimize the impact of an MPN in someone’s life. And that means a couple of things. One that means how do we deal with symptoms or things that are causing medical problems. 

But two, how do we deal with the anxiety of a diagnosis? In many cases in my experience, that can be just as detrimental to somebody’s well-being as the actual physical symptoms of the disease.  

Katherine Banwell:

When it comes to choosing therapy for polycythemia vera essential thrombocythemia, or myelofibrosis, it’s important to work with your healthcare team to identify what is going to work best for you. So, to begin, would you define shared decision making and why is this critical to properly managing life with an MPN? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Yeah. Shared decision-making, to me, is really about the physician or whoever is on the healthcare team providing the patient all of the information needed to make a good decision. That means what are we trying to do? What is the medication or invention going to accomplish? What are the side effects because there are always side effects.  

And what do we think that’s going to do or how is that going to impact the patient’s life? Where things get nuanced is that patients come to us because we have expertise. There are two extremes. One extreme is that the physician says this is the medication you should take. End of discussion. The other extreme though is also not helpful, which is to say to a patient here are five choices. Here are the side effects. You pick one. Our job is to lay out those side effects and the benefits but then, also help guide a decision. 

Katherine Banwell:

What are treatment goals and how are they determined?  

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

It depends on the disease to a large extent. Now, when we’re dealing with ET and PV, the primary goal of our interventions is to reduce the risk of a clotting event or bleeding event. And that usually involves controlling the blood counts in some cases, not in all patients with ET. 

Sometimes aspirin is all we do. Myelofibrosis is a little bit more complicated because it depends on what the problem is. Not all myelofibrosis patients have the same challenges. Some have anemia that needs treatment. Some have a big spleen. Some have symptoms and some have nothing and they just need observation. So, it’s a bigger list with MF patients. But I think the first part of the discussion always is defining what the goal needs to be. 

Katherine Banwell:

What factors are considered when choosing therapy for ET, PV, and MF? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

I think a couple of things. One is what medication we think is going to benefit the patient best. That has to take into account the individual, their willingness to take certain medications, for example, pills versus interferon injection. Some people have an aversion to self-injection, which we have to take that into account. What are the other medical conditions that the patient is dealing with? 

And the reality is, in some cases, it’s cost because these medications, depending on a patient’s insurance, can have quite a different spread in terms of cost. Unfortunately, that is something we have to take into account. 

Katherine Banwell:

Let’s talk about what sort of tests should be done following an MPN diagnosis. Can you tell me about those? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Yeah. Fundamental to the MPN itself, the things that we really want to know is, in most cases, a bone marrow examination is needed because that will tell us really what the disease is that we’re dealing with. It will tell us about the genetics. I strongly believe we have to be comprehensive in our genetic assessments because that does prognosticate and sometimes gives us an opportunity in terms of treatment. Chromosomal analysis. These are the basic bread and butter hematology tests we want to do from the bone marrow to really understand what the patient’s disease is. 

Beyond that, I think that particularly in patients with PV and ET, it’s important that we partner with their primary care physicians to make sure that they’ve had, for example, testing for diabetes, a recent lipid profile, any cardiovascular tests, particularly measurements of blood pressure because these things are all important in terms of an ET or PV patient’s risk of having a blood clot. So, there are, again, things that are within hematology realm but then, there are other general health things that become really important in somebody who is diagnosed with PV or ET. 

Katherine Banwell:

How often should lab tests of blood work be done? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

It really depends on the patient. For some patients with PV, for example, they need to have their blood checked every three weeks because they’re having frequent phlebotomies. Whereas some patients with ET could probably go forward to six months between blood tests.  

So, it depends on the individual. 

Katherine Banwell:

How can results of biomarker testing affect treatment choices for patients with MPNs? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

 question. The genetics are becoming increasingly important in our treatment decisions. So, let’s take a simple example, which is patients with ET. Calreticulin and JAK2 and MPL are the three most common mutations that we see. But they have very different invocation. So, somebody could have a calreticulin-mutated ET and based on them having that calreticulin mutation and no other factors like no history of clotting, that patient may never need to go on a medication aside from aspirin. And even early on, it’s debatable whether or not some of these patients really need aspirin at all. 

Whereas somebody who had a JAK-2 mutant ET, our guidelines and data suggests that that person, once they reach a certain age, should probably be on medication. So, that’s kind of perhaps one of our more clearcut examples of a genetic biomarker telling us how to approach treatment. 

And then, it gets more nuanced from that and more exciting and interesting in the sense that there are mutations, for example, that occur in myelofibrosis and in patients whose disease is progressing towards leukemia, such as IDH mutations. And these are things that are now targetable with FDA-approved drugs.  

And there are now clinical trials combining JAK inhibitors and IDH inhibitors for patients who have more advanced disease who have these IDH mutations. So, you go from on one end, these genomic markers being of prognostic significance and now, on the other hand, we’re getting to a point where, in some cases, they might tell us how to best treat a patient. 

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Rampal, should all patients diagnosed with MPN’s undergo molecular testing? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

I strongly believe that. I think that we’ve learned so much that these tests have prognostic value. 

And in some cases, it may suggest a slightly different diagnosis. I definitely think that should be the case. 

Katherine Banwell:

What should patients be asking once they have the results? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

What does it mean? That’s the most basic and fundamental question. It’s one thing to get a list of mutations. But the real bread and butter question is what does this mean to the disease and my prognosis and my treatment?  Those are the key questions.  

Katherine Banwell:

So, what are the types of treatments available for MPNs?  And let’s start with myelofibrosis or MF. 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

If we had had this discussion five years ago, it would be pretty simple, and it would take a minute or two. And that’s completely changing and that’s amazing, and it’s good for all of our patients.  

Right now, for patients with MF, it depends on what the issue is. If the issue is symptoms or spleen, JAK inhibitors are our first line of therapy. Three approved JAK inhibitors are currently available, two on the first side ruxolitinib (Jakafi) and fedratinib (Inrebic). And pacritinib (Vonjo) can be used for patients with really low platelet counts.   

There is a fourth JAK inhibitor that we expect to be, hopefully, approved in June of this year, momelotinib. So, the landscape is about to complete broaden in terms of just JAK inhibitors.  

But beyond the JAK inhibitors themselves, there are a number of late stage clinical trials that are combining JAK inhibitors with agents that work through a different mechanism that don’t work through inhibition of the JAK pathway. So far, these drugs have all shown promise in early phase trials. Now, the definitive Phase III trials are being done. We have to wait and see what the data tells us. But if these are positive trials, this could completely alter the landscape of MPN. 

Katherine Banwell:

There’s also transplants available, right? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Correct. Transplants for more advanced patients, which comes with some major risks. And so, that has to be thought of very carefully in terms of the risks and benefit. But it is a potentially curative strategy.  

Katherine Banwell:

Let’s turn to polycythemia vera or PV. What types of treatments are available? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

It’s really quite a range. So, there are things like phlebotomy and aspirin, which has been the mainstay of therapy for many years. There are drugs like hydroxyurea (Hydrea), interferons, JAK inhibitors. So, ruxolitinib is approved in certain settings for treating polycythemia vera. So, the landscape is broad. There are a lot of questions going on right now with polycythemia vera with regards to how it should best be treated. Is the mainstay of phlebotomy and aspirin really what we should be doing or should we be giving patients treatment earlier on. 

And there is some data to suggest that. There is this drug called ropeginterferon (Besremi) that’s FDA-approved for polycythemia, which was compared in the study to phlebotomy and aspirin.  

And at least the data suggests that there may be better control of the disease and less progression possibly, and it’s a small number of patients, by treating patients earlier. Whereas we would have just given phlebotomy and aspirin. So, it’s something to consider. There are drugs in clinical trials as well that look promising one of which is called rusfertide, which actually works by changing the way iron is used by the body. 

Iron is a key component to hemoglobin and it is, of course, a key component to polycythemia in the sense that we phlebotomize patients to make them iron deficient and that’s how we control the disease. But this is a pharmacological way to do that. So, that drug is now in Phase III trials. So, that may also alter the landscape of treatment of PV in the near future. 

Katherine Banwell:

Finally, how is essential thrombocythemia treated? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

So, in some cases, with absolutely nothing as we had talked about a moment ago. There is some thought that in really, really low-risk patients. Maybe you don’t need to do anything except observe them. Whereas most patients are on an aspirin. And beyond that, we have drugs like interferon, pegylated interferon, and hydroxyurea and anagrelide, all of which can be utilized. It’s not entirely clear if there is one distinct first line treatment that is the best but these drugs are all active. JAK inhibitors have been studied in this setting. And to date, the data hasn’t led to their approval but, certainly, people have studied it.  

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Rampal, how can you tell if a treatment is effective? Are there signs that you look for? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Well, I think it’s a couple of things.  

One, are we meeting the treatment goals in terms of are we controlling blood counts with ET or PV? That’s one of the first principles in management. And with regards to MF, the same thing. Are patients’ symptoms being controlled? Is the spleen being adequately controlled? And then, there’s the symptom burden because just because the blood counts are being controlled, patients may still have symptoms, in which case, they are not being adequately treated. And then, we have to do our best to try to find a treatment strategy that does control their blood counts but also does control their symptoms. 

So, there is the blood count perspective but there is the symptom perspective as well. 

Katherine Banwell:

How do you know when it’s time to change treatments? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Well, I think really two things. One is if we aren’t meeting our goals like we just talked about. But the other aspect of that is if we are incurring toxicities that are just not tolerable to the patient and that’s a reason to change therapy always. 

Katherine Banwell:

Many patients, of course, worry about disease progression. Are there key predictors or tests for progression that patients should know about? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

This is a key area of investigation currently. I think one of the things that patients say to us so often when we meet them is what’s going to happen to me. And right now, we don’t have great prediction tools. We can say on a population level well, there is X percent of chance of progression at 15 years. That’s useful if you’re talking about a population. That’s not really useful if you’re talking to an individual. Because if I say to somebody there’s a 20 percent chance of your disease progressing to leukemia, it doesn’t really make a difference. That’s a meaningless statement because if you’re in the 20 percent who progress, it’s not a relevant statistic anymore.  

It’s sort of a binary thing. We’ve got to do better at developing this. This is something that the MPN Research Foundation is really heavily invested in in trying to identify predictive biomarkers. 

If we can do that, then perhaps what we can do is say to a patient this is really what we think your actual risk is. And then, the next step is asking the question if we intervene early, can we prevent that progression from occurring. So, that’s where I think we need to go. We aren’t there yet. 

Katherine Banwell:

What signs or symptoms do you look for that may indicate that the disease is progressing? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

The blood counts are often the canary in the coal mine regardless of the disease. They can tell us if ET or PV is progressing into MF or whether MF is progressing to more of a leukemic phase. Changes in symptoms sometimes can be a harbinger of disease progression. So, Patient 2, for example, is doing really well and now, he’s having drenching sweats and losing weight. So, those types of symptoms are a sign that physical findings is the size of the spleen if it’s increasing. 

All of those things together give us a hint about progression.  

Katherine Banwell:

Well, is there any way to prevent progression?  

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

That is the million dollar question. Again, that’s where we ultimately need to be. We want to be able to intervene to a point where patients don’t get that sick. It would be amazing if we’d come to the point where we can intervene early and nobody progresses to late stage MF. Nobody gets leukemia. And I think that’s a worthy goal. That’s not something that we should think is too lofty of a goal. That should be our ultimate goal here. And a number of groups are investigating this exact question. It’s complicated and it’s going to take time. But I think that’s a worthwhile investment. 

Katherine Banwell:

Let’s talk about MPN symptoms and treatment side effects. Here’s a question we received from a viewer before the program. How common is peripheral neuropathy in primary myelofibrosis? 

And what is the best treatment for it? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Well, by itself, it’s not a very common symptom of MF by itself. Can it be a symptom? Sure. But there are also a number of things that can cause peripheral neuropathy. So, I’m not sure there’s a best treatment.   

But what needs to be done is a thorough investigation. There can be a number of causes. It could be nerve injury. It could be a deficiency in vitamins like B12. There are a lot of things that could cause it. So, that type of a symptom needs to be thought of in a broad way in terms of diagnosis.  

Katherine Banwell:

Jeff sent in this question. How could I manage the itching? Are there new treatments or strategies to live with itching? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Very common thing. And it’s an interesting thing explaining to when we teach our trainees about this symptom, we have to impress on them the fact that itching is not the itching that everybody else experiences. 

This is a very profoundly different symptom. It’s debilitating for so many people. I have patients who go to the Emergency Room for that. That’s how terrible it could be. There are a lot of things that could be tried. JAK inhibitors, in my experience, work very well for itching but not in everybody. We use sometimes antihistamines that can work well. Sometimes, antidepressants can work well, not because they’re treating depression but because of other properties that they have. And sometimes, UV light therapy can be useful tool here, too. A lot of patients swear by it. 

 Katherine Banwell:

Another common side effect is fatigue. Do you have any advice for managing this symptom? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Fatigue is the most common symptom across MPNs. And it is also one of the most difficult things to treat. Part of the issue is trying to figure out what does fatigue mean to the patient.  

When someone says they’re tired, does that mean they’re sleeping all of the time? Does that mean they don’t have get up and go? The first step is always understanding what does fatigue mean to the patient? And then, the second is trying to dissect that. In some cases, it’s related to anemia, in some cases, it’s not related to anemia and it’s just the disease itself.  

And in some cases, you have to think outside of the box about general medical issues like thyroid dysfunction that could be at play here. So, there isn’t one best fit. 

But the first test is always to dig deep. When someone says they have fatigue to dig deeper and try to figure out what is that really. 

Katherine Banwell: 

What other common symptoms do you hear about from patients? And what can be done about those?  

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

There are a lot of different things. It’s a spectrum. So, I think that itching and fatigue are very common. Feeling full early is, that’s a big thing, particularly in myelofibrosis patients.  

Bone pain, that’s another big one, particularly in myelofibrosis. There is not one therapy that is best for all. I think the JAK inhibitors, certainly, benefit many of these symptoms. But they don’t benefit everybody and not to the extent that makes it tolerable for everybody. So, often times, we struggle with this and try a lot of different things. But, again, I think one of the things to always remember is we don’t always want to say that this must be because of the MPN. Sometimes, symptom is arising because of another medical condition that’s going on concurrently. 

Katherine Banwell:

That’s good advice. Thank you. Let’s answer a few more audience questions we received. This one is from Calvin, “If your hematologist says you’re stable and responding well to Hydrea, should you still seek out a second opinion?” 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

It’s never wrong to seek out a second opinion. I strongly believe that, especially when you’re dealing with a disease that’s rare like this. 

And even seeking out a second opinion, even if you’re under the care of an expert in the field is never a wrong thing. I think that no one person knows everything. And sometimes, people’s experience and perspective is different. So, I don’t think that’s a bad thing ever.  

Katherine Banwell:

As a follow-up to Calvin’s question, is it sufficient to just look at what the blood tests reveal? Or does having  bone marrow biopsy dictate what treatment you should follow? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

I think the bone marrow is important, particularly at initial diagnosis or when there is a change. The blood counts are the canary in the coal mine. So, they tell us is there something else going on that we’re not thinking about. And that’s when the bone marrow becomes important. So, I definitely think bone marrow is important at certain points in the disease.  

Katherine Banwell:

Sandra has this question, “Are there new treatments for polycythemia vera being researched beyond interferon?” 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Yeah. So, we talked about rusfertide as an example of this. And there are, certainly, other drugs that have been evaluated in this space. So, there is a lot of work going on for this disease, which is really encouraging. 

Katherine Banwell:

Carolyn sent in this question, “Is there a possibility of bone marrow fibrosis reversal in myelofibrosis without a stem cell transplant?” 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

The answer is yes. So, even with JAK inhibitors, we see that about a third of patients will have a reduction in bone marrow fibrosis. And this is a key question being investigated with some of the newer therapies that are being introduced into the treatment of myelofibrosis. And, certainly, we’ve seen data to date that suggests that the fibrosis can be reduced if not potentially eliminated in some cases.  

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Rampal, should all patients diagnosed with MPNs undergo molecular testing? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

I strongly believe that. I think that we’ve learned so much that these tests are prognostic value. 

And in some cases, it may suggest a slightly different diagnosis. I definitely think that should be the case. 

Katherine Banwell:

What should patients be asking once they have the results? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

What does it mean? That’s the most basic and fundamental question. It’s one thing to get a list of mutations. But the real bread and butter question is what does this mean to the disease and my prognosis and my treatment?  Those are the key questions. 

Katherine Banwell:

Andrew wants to know does Jakafi cause other mutations to develop? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

That’s a really good question. Right now, we don’t think the answer is necessarily yes. We have seen that in some patients where the disease has progressed on Jakafi, mutations have emerged. 

But the problem is that genetic testing has limits of detection. In other words, the mutation appears, it may not have just appeared or been caused by the drug but that it may have been below our limits of detection and actually grew while the patient was on therapy, which does not mean that the drug caused the mutation but that it was allowed to emerge during treatment with the specific drug. So, that is an area of investigation.  

Katherine Banwell:

Well, thank you, Dr. Rampal. And please continue to send in your questions to and we’ll work to get them answered on future webinars.  

You mentioned earlier clinical trials. And I’d like to dig a little bit deeper. Where do these fit into the treatment plan? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

I think they should always be considered. None of the therapies that we have do we consider curative. And in many cases, standard therapy is fine given a patient’s clinical situation. In a case where standard therapy is not working or where we think that a patient’s prognosis is particularly challenging, or if they have mutations that may confer resistance to current therapies. 

I think in those scenarios, a trial should always be considered. 

Katherine Banwell:

So, if a patient is interested in possibly participating in a clinical trial, what kinds of questions should they be asking their healthcare team? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

All of these trials are different. I think the first thing is to discuss what’s the risk, what’s the benefit of any given trial or drug. What stage and development is it? What’s the evidence to support it? And what can I expect from it?   

Katherine Banwell:

What about cost? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

So, trials, in general, have two components. One is what we call standard of care meaning that things we would do normally for in the course of a patient’s treatment would be billed to a patient’s insurance as if they weren’t on a trial. 

Almost all trials, the study drug or any tests that are being done specifically with regards to the study drug are all covered by whoever is sponsoring the trial.  

Katherine Banwell:

How do patients find out about where the clinical trials are taking place? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Usually, their physician should either, if they’re in a specialized center, they’ll have access there. But if they’re interested in trials and they’re being seen, for example, by a physician in the community who doesn’t necessarily specialize, asking for a referral to a major center where that MPN expertise is not an unreasonable approach to that. There is also where patients can go look for ongoing trials for their particular diagnosis.  

Katherine Banwell:

So, if patients want to learn more about MPNs, what sort of resources would you recommend? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

The thing I always say to patients is the internet is a very dangerous place for a variety of reasons. We have to, I think, do a good job of communicating to patients what are the resources. And the ones that I always point patients to are, for example, the MPN Advocacy International, the MPN Research Foundation, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and the American Cancer Society. Those are sources of information that are vetted by physicians. 

Some of that information is specifically for patients. Those, to me, are good sources for patients to read.  

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Rampal, as we close out our conversation, I wanted to get your thoughts on where we stand with progress and MPN care. Are there advances in research and treatment that make you hopeful? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Without a doubt. I think I’ve seen more progress in the last three years than I’ve seen in the last 10 years. And we have so many new drugs coming forward, new questions that we’re trying to answer, tough questions as you alluded to. The question about prognosis but also intervening early to prevent progression of disease. These are things that are difficult questions that we are trying to dig into now. So, I think we should be optimistic. We are seeing so many excellent developments. We’ll have to see how far they’re going to take us. I don’t think we know the answer to that. But this is an exciting time.  

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Rampal, thank you so much for joining us. 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

My pleasure.  

Katherine Banwell:

And thank you to all of our partners. To learn more about MPNs and to access tools to help you become a proactive patient, visit I’m Katherine Banwell. Thanks for being with us today.