Tag Archive for: racial disparities

Unveiling Racial Disparities in Early-Stage Lung Cancer Treatment

Unveiling Racial Disparities in Early-Stage Lung Cancer Treatment from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

For early stage lung cancer treatment, what are root causes of racial disparities? Expert Dr. Samuel Cykert from UNC School of Medicine discusses key findings from UNC research and proactive advice to patients to help reduce disparities.


“…even in advanced disease, there are some excellent responses to these therapies, so getting back to what do I say to patients, don’t feel doom, be enthusiastic about, I really want treatment. I really want to go ahead and see what you can do for me. And even if that involves research testing and protocols. So enthusiasm is important. And the other thing that’s important is, again, because of some of these implicit biases I mentioned, actually asking positive questions to the clinicians and staff saying, I feel really good about going ahead and doing what I can do, how do you think I’ll do? Enlist them as part of your team, get rid of their gloom and doom too.”

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See More from [ACT]IVATED Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

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Catalyzing Lung Cancer Care | The Transformative Impact of Early Biomarker Testing

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Closing the Gap | Ensuring Equitable Access to Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing

Tailored Approaches to Lung Cancer | The Crucial Role of Biomarker Testing

Tailored Approaches to Lung Cancer | The Crucial Role of Biomarker Testing


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Cykert, could you elaborate on the key findings or insights uncovered by the UNC research team regarding the root causes of racial disparities in the treatment of early stage lung cancer patients, and also …how do these findings contribute to our understanding of healthcare disparities and inform future interventions in lung cancer?

Dr. Samuel Cykert:

Yeah, and first of all, I want to make a statement up front that in doctor’s treatment of lung cancer and other cancers and other chronic diseases, there is not malevolence here, okay, because doctors go to medical school, the vast majority go as idealists, and so I think it’s really important not to place blame here, but there’s a way that the system is set up, both in terms of health insurance, economics, other socio-demographic factors, where people of color are disadvantaged.

And then you add to that an element of implicit bias, we all have implicit bias, different kind of implicit biases, and in a study that we published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2010, we showed that clinicians who take care of lung cancer tend to not want to take risks on patients who aren’t like them, who they don’t feel comfortable communicating with, and so Black patients who had two or more significant comorbidities at the time of surgery virtually never got lung cancer surgery, whereas white patients with two or more comorbidities still did.

So a lot of that had to do with the clinician side of thinking, well, I don’t know if, I mean, you’re kind of sick to start with, and I don’t know how well you’d do, and so the clinician isn’t aggressive in explaining things about surgery and pushing toward surgery, where with a patient that’s like them, when there’s a family member in the room saying, “Doc, Doc, what are you going to do about dad’s cancer?” Then in those cases, the clinical decision making is more aggressive, and so that was a big thing, and another thing that we discovered is if Black patients felt that the shared communication, that the discussions were poor, they were much, much more reluctant to go to surgery, so there’s a communication thing, making sure that people are understanding each other.

And you have to remember a lot of times when people hear the word cancer, they automatically shut down and they start listening, and then on top of that, if the communication and the connection is poor, then the listening and discussion is even worse, so those were two big areas where we found that Black patients were disadvantaged even beyond the socio-economic stuff. As far as interventions go, based on that, based on two things, based on that 2010 trial and based on a community group that I’ve been a part of through the years called the Greensboro Health Disparities Collaborative in Greensboro, North Carolina, that community group has pointed out three ways to overcome disparities in cancer and other medical care.

One way is real-time transparency. When you think about it, all the studies that show disparities in cancer are studies that look at data that are four or five or six years old. Well, if you have cancer and the data are four or five, six years old, if you don’t act on it, you’re dead, and so we need to use real-time data, and there’s no reason we can’t do that today with electronic health records and all the digital data floating around health systems, we can create real-time registries in order to take better care of cancer patients. So that’s one thing.

The second thing that the collaborative pointed out was accountability, I mean, the primary care doctor can’t say, well, it’s the oncologist. The oncologist can’t say, well, it’s the surgeon. The surgeon can’t say, well, it’s the radiation oncologist and the primary care doctor. We can’t diffuse responsibility. We have to have accountability. And so the way we put together accountability in our intervention is we gave feedback to the cancer care teams, and we not only said, this is how well you’re doing with patients completing surgery and patients completing their other treatments, we break it down by the disadvantaged group, so we say, here’s how your white patients are doing, here’s how your Black patients are doing, here are how your Hispanic patients are doing.

Whatever the disadvantaged group is, we compare. And the other great thing about doing that is when you get, for instance, quarterly quality data about how you’re doing with treatment in different groups, you can sit in the room and you can start saying, well, what’s going on here, why are these differences existing? And in one of our studies, for instance, Cone Health in Greensboro noted that in one particular geographic area, transportation was horrendous and patients missed a bunch of appointments, and then they created their own transportation van when scheduling appointments, and the disparity went away, that was based on the transportation problem. Okay? So by looking at those things in real time, you can iterate and decide how you’re going to fix that. So that’s the second thing, accountability.

And the third thing that the group brought up was communication. Doctors often talk in medical jargon. Patients don’t understand. Patients don’t understand and they interpret the conversation in the wrong way. That fosters mistrust, and also, you have that idea that I mentioned earlier, that patients don’t process things after they hear the cancer word, and so instead of just communication right now in this acute setting, you need engagement and re-engagement, and that’s where we brought in a specially trained navigator who was aware of these communication problems, who was aware of particular problems that might affect patients of color, and that navigator would use that knowledge to engage and re-engage patients over time, to bring them back into care.

And just going back to one of my earlier points on real-time transparency, in our studies, we actually built a real-time system where we followed patients over time, and if a patient missed an appointment, an automatic warning would come up that said to the navigator, you need to re-engage the patient, but the other thing we did to deal with implicit bias and clinical inertia is we set time limits in the system.

So if care wasn’t progressing the way we thought it should progress on a time scale that was actually established by medical stakeholders in that community, if, for instance, if the patient didn’t get a follow-up visit or a test within 30 days, bam, a warning came up. If the patient didn’t get a biopsy within 60 days, a warning came up. If they weren’t scheduled for surgery or definitive care within 60 days, a warning came up.

So we not only engaged the patient when the patient was missing, but we engaged the clinical team and said, did you really mean for these delays to happen? And with our intervention, in terms of completing care, we went at baseline from 70 percent, compare completion, 70-ish percent for white patients, compared to 60 percent for Black patients, to almost perfect care for everyone. In over 300 patients, it was 95 percent and 96 percent completing their care. So that was just a phenomenal improvement because we had real-time transparency, accountability and communication.

Lisa Hatfield:

Those are incredible statistics on how you can build this system to help eliminate some of those disparities in healthcare. Would you have any activation tips from the patient perspective? I mean, you explained this so well, do you have any tips for patients?

Dr. Samuel Cykert:

Yes. I mean, patients…first of all, patients are in a situation where lung cancer, the narrative around lung cancer over time has been one of nihilism and doom. And people think once I have the diagnosis of lung cancer, I’m dead and there’s nothing I can do about it. Well, in early stage, non-small cell lung cancer, the cure rates have gone up, especially with adjuvant chemotherapy, and now it looks like it’s going to happen with some neoadjuvant biological and chemotherapy, so things are getting better and better.

And even in advanced disease, there are some excellent responses to these therapies, so getting back to what do I say to patients, don’t feel doomed, be enthusiastic about, I really want treatment. I really want to go ahead and see what you can do for me. And even if that involves research testing and protocols. So enthusiasm is important. And the other thing that’s important is, again, because of some of these implicit biases I mentioned, actually asking positive questions to the clinicians and staff saying, I feel really good about going ahead and doing what I can do, how do you think I’ll do? Enlist them as part of your team, get rid of their gloom and doom too.

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How Can Gynecologic Oncology Racial Disparities Be Addressed?

How Can Gynecologic Oncology Racial Disparities Be Addressed? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are some ways that gynecologic oncology racial disparities might be addressed? Expert Dr. Charlotte Gamble from MedStar Health discusses racial inequities in care on different levels and how to start reducing disparities.


“…understanding how race, racism intertwine with cancer outcomes and access to care, the role that underrepresentation of Black patients on clinical trials has had on the novel therapeutic developments and where these survival gaps worsen when these new drugs are improved or introduced into the system. Because Black patients might not benefit significantly from them, because they have not been represented in the clinical trials as well as they might not have access to these drugs initially when they’re initially rolled out.”

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See More from [ACT]IVATED Endometrial Cancer

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Navigating Advanced Endometrial Cancer | Treatment, Prognosis, and Lifestyle Strategies

How Is Gynecological Cancer Care Impacted by Social Determinants of Health?

How Is Gynecological Cancer Care Impacted by Social Determinants of Health?

Addressing Disparities in Gynecologic Oncology | Key Challenges and Solutions

Addressing Disparities in Gynecologic Oncology | Key Challenges and Solutions


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Gamble, could you elaborate on the racial inequities in cancer outcomes highlighted in your research, particularly with gynecologic oncology? The article or blog mentions the public health critical race practice, so the framework for understanding racial disparity in healthcare. So how can this framework be applied practically in addressing disparities within gynecologic oncology?

Dr. Charlotte Gamble:

Absolutely. I think within gynecologic oncology, again, addressing people who have cancers of the female reproductive tract, ovary, uterine endometrial, specifically within the uterine cancer space, cervical cancer and vulvar cancers. We have multiple levels of racial inequities. When we talk about what cancer outcomes are, these are things like recurrence rates. How quickly does the cancer come back after it’s been treated for the first time? Survival outcomes. So what proportion of patients who have this cancer are living at 5 years? Surgical complications, at 30 days, how many patients had a stroke? How many patients had to be readmitted? How many patients had a blood clot? And so there are definitely different levels of cancer outcomes within the cancer care in general. And what we see within gynecologic cancers is a couple of different things.

So historically within ovarian cancer, there was a thought that there was not too much in terms of survival. Survival outcomes is kind of by far the most commonly cited cancer outcome that is used as a benchmark in all cancer fields. And looking at five-year survival, basically, how what proportion of patients are alive with their cancer at five years. And historically ovarian cancer is, but thought to not have too much of a difference.

When we talk about basically Black, white racial disparities in the United States, although that has been kind of poked at over the past couple years, and there might actually be pretty significant differences when it comes to ovarian cancers and the regionality in part of the country and how long patients live with in general, because ovarian cancer is oftentimes diagnosed at such an advanced stage. Patients do overall, can overall have such significant issues with getting to that five-year overall survival, regardless of race, that again, everything that is influenced by race or the exposure to racism in this country might be washed out just basically because it’s really, really tough when someone has an advanced ovarian cancer diagnosis.

We do know that oftentimes patients who are Black or have been exposed to racism are less often likely to get surgeries, are sometimes more or less likely to get standard of care chemotherapy. And within the ovarian cancer space, over the past 10 years, we really now frequently use genetic testing and the availability of a drug called PARP inhibitor, a targeted oral chemotherapy drug that is used after someone has completed their initial rounds of chemotherapy to help improve their survival. That had really wonderful results about 10 years ago based on several international trials. The challenge though, is when we have novel therapeutics or novel drugs that we give to patients based on really amazing clinical trials, the patients who are most likely to get it are patients who have higher access to care, who might be a little bit more affluent.

And oftentimes this is disproportionately white patients in the United States. And so some of these racial disparities widen for a bit after novel therapeutics are introduced into the system. When it comes to cervical cancer, what we’ve seen historically, is that this is a cancer that is entirely preventable and entirely through a combination of a lot of screening with Pap smears as well as the HPV vaccine. And historically, again, it tends to be disenfranchised, historically marginalized or minoritized patients that might not complete their HPV vaccination series or be able to get the regular Pap smears because their lives end up being pulled in several different directions. And so they end up getting diagnosed with a cervical cancer that is entirely preventable in 2024, as we just saw this young influencer die of an advanced stage cervical cancer. Things like that really shouldn’t happen.

And again, this, the underlying driver of this, we mentioned the critical race practice, is that race or racism is an underlying driver for everything that happens in the United States based on historical issues in this country. And the patients who are disproportionately affected by this tend to be Black minoritized patients. And so that manifests itself in terms of access to Pap smears, access to HPV vaccination screening. In terms of the endometrial cancer space, I love the example that Dr. Kemi Doll uses that really thinking about endometrial cancer is thinking about reproductive health for women and the continuum of thinking about not only the maternal mortality issues that we see for women of reproductive age.

And this extends into postmenopausal women who are disproportionately affected by high risk, aggressive types, advanced stages of endometrial cancer. And so having endometrial cancer as a continuum of reproductive healthcare and involving that in the maternal mortality conversation is a really, I think, helpful way to frame that, that she’s propagated over the past several years.

And so, when we think about endometrial cancers, one of the things that I mentioned earlier is we have these lovely clinical trials that have shown really amazing improvements in overall survival. The kind of nuance to that though is one, these trials weren’t entirely fully representative of the diverse patient population we care for in the United States. There were not enough Black patients in those trials by any means.

Two, the, those new novel immunotherapy drugs work incredibly well in a subset of patients with endometrial cancer, who have what’s called mismatch repair deficient cancers. It’s just a kind of a specific subset of the molecular profile of these endometrial cancers. And these drugs are almost a golden ticket for these patients and really extend survival. And it’s amazing. What is very concerning is that for Black women, the rates of this mismatch repair cancer is not as prevalent.

And so Black women oftentimes have less frequent mutations that will work with these therapeutic drugs. And what I’m very concerned about might happen is that as these drugs are now the golden ticket for a lot of these advanced stage endometrial cancers that specifically have this mutational difference mismatch repair deficiency, Black women might be left behind because the rate of having a mismatched repair deficiency is less for them, and these drugs might not work as well.

And I’m very concerned that we might see a widening in the racial disparities in these cancer outcomes, specifically survivorship for endometrial cancer. As these immunotherapy drugs are increasingly used in clinical practice, even though we use them for all patients, it’s, they work best in a subtype of patients that are oftentimes disproportionately not Black. And I very much worry that we’re going to start seeing a widening in the survival gap as they did for melanoma, when there were novel drugs that address a melanoma treatment pathways that disproportionately did not work well in Black patients.

In terms of activation tip for this question, oh, I think it’s important to take this question in the historical context of this country and understanding how race, racism intertwine with cancer outcomes and access to care, the role that underrepresentation of Black patients on clinical trials has had on the novel therapeutic developments and where these survival gaps worsen when these new drugs are improved or introduced into the system. Because Black patients might not benefit significantly from them, because they have not been represented in the clinical trials as well as they might not have access to these drugs initially when they’re initially rolled out.

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Advancing Equity | Research Initiatives in AML Disparities Among Black and Latinx Populations

Advancing Equity | Research Initiatives in AML Disparities Among Black and Latinx Populations from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What AML research efforts are underway to advance equity among Black and Latinx and populations? Expert Dr. Sara Taveras Alam from UTHealth Houston discusses initiatives that are working to improve AML care disparities. 

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See More from [ACT]IVATED AML

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How Do AML Patients and Outcomes Differ by Population Groups?


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Taveras, in your research, you examine racial and socio-economic disparities in AML outcomes. Can you speak to what research efforts are underway to further understand and address these disparities in AML diagnosis treatment and outcomes among the Black and Latin populations?

Dr. Sara Taveras Alam:

So one of the things that we have noticed is that there is an underrepresentation of minorities in clinical trials for AML, and there is an intentional poll currently to try to make these trials available to these communities. One barrier maybe if patients are not able to access clinical trials, because of the institution they’re in, so we definitely encourage patients to ask if their institutions offered clinical trials. The other thing is that we are trying to make clinical trials available in other hospitals, not just the big name academic institutions.

So there is an effort to replicate trials or expand trials to institutions where these populations may be frequenting more so than the large big name academic groups. A lot of factors contribute into the disparities, but a lot of our research efforts up until now have been focused on identifying that there is a disparity and why the disparity is there. We’re just now starting to try to figure out how to expand the access so that our minorities are included in these clinical trials and hopefully address the disparities.

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How Can Advanced Prostate Cancer Disparities Be Reduced?

How Can Advanced Prostate Cancer Disparities Be Reduced? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are some ways that advanced prostate cancer disparities can be reduced? Expert Dr. Isaac Powell from Karmanos Cancer Institute discusses early detection, recommended screening ages for African Americans versus European Americans, and how some government agencies can aid in reducing disparities.

See More from [ACT]IVATED Prostate Cancer

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Are There Worldwide Links to Aggressive Prostate Cancer?

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Advanced Prostate Cancer Outcomes: Addressing Disparities and Exploring Solutions

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Do Prostate Cancer Genetics Differ in African Americans?


Lisa Hatfield:

So, Dr. Powell, in your work, have you come across any innovative approaches or interventions that have shown promise in reducing racial disparities and improving outcomes for patients with advanced prostate cancer?

Dr. Isaac Powell:

Yes. Number one, educating the community about prostate cancer. Early detection is extremely important. I tell them that they should get their PSAs and digital rectal exams. I also tell them again, about obesity and exercise, how important it is to do that because it may prevent prostate cancer. And in terms of advanced disease, to just try to do the best they can and prolong in the survival by participating in clinical trials. And so I do quite a bit of educating in the African American community. In fact, in the ‘90s, we went to 51 churches, African American churches to talk about the prostate cancer and we also did testing. And what we learned in the ‘90s that mistrust factor was a major factor that prevented men from going in to be tested.

We also learned that men really don’t take care of their bodies as they should, and women have played a major role in the healthcare of men. So we start educating women about prostate cancer and encouraging their husbands to come in for examination, and very frequently, the wives have to bring their husbands in for testing or insist that they do that. I have this statement, I have a slide that says, men, they better care of their cars than they do of their bodies. And, in fact, they deny that they have any symptoms, and when they do, they don’t do anything about it until it’s too late.

Lisa Hatfield:

I have one follow-up question to that too, so you mentioned screenings, and I looked up prior to talking with you just to see what the general guidelines are for screenings for men, for prostate cancer, and it seems like they run the gamut. Do you have recommendations, or do you think the recommendations will change guidelines for screening and given your data and your research, is there a difference in screenings between European Americans versus African Americans?

Dr. Isaac Powell:

Yes. Because of what I’ve been talking about the cancer grows faster, and the significant cancers, the ones that are growing faster and become metastasized began in the 40s in African Americans, and so for European Americans has been recommended testing at age 50. I recommend age 40, American Cancer Society recommends age 45. Now, I believe at age 40, and I tell my patients that’s when they should start, African Americans that is, start testing for prostate cancer, specifically the PSA and digital rectal exam, and particularly if they have a family history. Now, the family history, if they only have one or two members is not much different than the aggressiveness among African Americans or European Americans.

If they have five or six members, not just a prostate cancer, but breast cancers as well, that means that they have a strong family history for having prostate cancer. If they have breast cancer, ovarian cancer in their family, or colon cancer, lung cancer, all those cancers are responsible for having a cancer and any specific cancer, if you have prostate cancer, breast cancer, you’re at risk for having colon cancer, for example. So that’s more recently talked about, multiple cancers in the family are even more important than having just prostate cancer in your family.

Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Powell, given your expertise, what policy changes or healthcare system reforms do you believe are necessary to tackle the racial disparities in advanced prostate cancer care on a broader scale?

Dr. Isaac Powell:

Yes, policies are made by the government essentially. And so you have to encourage CDC, Centers Disease Control, US Preventive Services, which has done a disservice and prostate cancer. In fact, in 2012 they had that PSA did not show any evidence of preventing death from prostate cancer. They rescinded that 2017 recognizing that their recommendation 2012 was incorrect, and so US Preventive Services and the CDC, as well as the National Institute of Health NIH, have to come together and say, this disease is not only prostate but breast cancer, triple-negative breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, all of these are more aggressive among African Americans, and we have to make a statement that screening has to be done earlier, education has to be emphasized.

And, in fact, COVID testing, it was almost mandatory on the circumstances that that happened. We used to demand that syphilis tests be tested if you got married. The government can also make it mandatory to be tested if your age, 45, American 50 for prostate cancer and maybe other cancers as well. So the government has to play a major role in establishing policies for testing, and I think that that would be very helpful in eliminating the disparity. 

Lisa Hatifield:

And then from the patient perspective, it sounds like, and just trying to clarify this to when you talk about screenings for a patient to get screened to the appropriate time, that includes both the PSA test and the digital rectal exam, is that correct?

Dr. Isaac Powell: 


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Advanced Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Survival | Black and Latinx Disparities

Advanced Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Survival | Black and Latinx Disparities from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

For advanced prostate cancer diagnosis and survival, what are some disparities that Black and Latinx patients can help overcome? Expert Dr. Yaw Nyame with the University of Washington discusses ways that Black and Latinx communities can help shift the power dynamic for patients to help drive prostate cancer research efforts.

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Lisa Hatfield:

So a shout-out to Dr. Nyame for an outstanding article that you wrote. I’m going to read a quote from that. Worldwide Men of African Ancestry Demonstrate Worse Outcomes in Prostate Cancer, a phenomenon driven largely by social factors that inform biologic, environmental, and healthcare risks. So, Dr. Nyame, considering the disparities and taboos on prostate cancer, how can Black and Latinx men including their care partners play a role in eliminating these racial disparities surrounding prostate cancer diagnosis and survival rates?

Dr. Yaw Nyame:

I think because of the nature of what drives these disparities, there is no doubt that cancer is a biologic phenomenon, and so there is no reason to ignore biology, but a lot of inequity in the majority of inequity is rooted in structural and social inequities that really inform health, and when I look at our traditional mechanisms for providing healthcare, there is such a power differential, whether it’s in how we provide clinical care or how we do research, and so we as a research team here at the University of Washington, fundamentally believe that we have to reverse those roles that we have to hand the power back to community, so that they’re an equal partner at the table when we do the work that we do. And so we do a lot of work that is centered around engaging community and patients and partnering with community and patients, and I think that’s one way to ensure that we develop research and interventions that create equity.

My activation tip in this particular space is for Black and Latinx communities to think of ways to be partners in research and to really embrace the fact that it is their right to be at the table when we make decisions about how research is conducted, what the results of our research means and how we share those results so that they have impact in our communities, and so there are a variety of ways to be partners in research, sometimes it’s literally being part of the research team, like we do on showing up to meetings every week, and being engaged in the work in all forms, just asking to participate in the trial, being a member and a participant in the trial and making sure that your experience counts in the way we think about advancing the field of prostate cancer and making it better for everybody.

Sherea Cary:

My activation tip in this area for care partners would be encouraging communication, encouraging the patient to share with others, other men, what their experience has been. It seems to me that when you’re in community with other people and you have something in common then the person who is experiencing cancer or an illness, feel a connection, if they know that someone that they know has had it and survived it and seems to be doing well, that’s encouraging to them, and then we also want that person to pay it forward.

So what I remember about my dad is that after he had his cancer diagnosis, he would share with other men who were facing, who were having testing done and then who had been diagnosed, he talked to them about what happened with them, and they had their own sense of community.

[ACT]IVATED Prostate Cancer Post-Program Survey

Prostate Cancer Screening and Outcomes | Impact of Racial Disparities

Prostate Cancer Screening and Outcomes | Impact of Racial Disparities from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What do prostate cancer screening and outcomes data show about racial disparities? Expert Dr. Yaw Nyame with the University of Washington shares research data about screening and treatment outcomes for Black populations and the importance of early detection.

See More from [ACT]IVATED Prostate Cancer

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Understanding the Role of a Digital Rectal Exam in Prostate Cancer Care

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Advanced Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials _ Why Black and Latinx Participation Is Vital

Advanced Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials | Why Black and Latinx Participation Is Vital



So, Dr. Nyame, are there racial or ethnic differences in the incidence, screening outcomes, and/or treatment of prostate cancer. And can you talk about those a bit.

Dr. Yaw Nyame:

About prostate cancer demonstrates the widest racial disparity of any cancer in the United States. Black men are more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer, about 60 percent to 80 percent more likely, and they are more than twice as likely to die from prostate cancer compared to the average U.S. population.

When it comes to data on screening and treatment, there’s mixed data available of differing quality, but what I would say is that Black individuals, Black prostate cancer patients seem to be less likely to receive definitive treatments or treatments that can offer cure, and they’re less likely to have screening performed and perform a PSA testing, and I think a lot of the outcomes that we see reflect that lower use of early detection, finding cancers early through PSA testing, which is a blood test and lower utilization of treatment for when people are diagnosed with curable cancers is a really complex topic that I could talk about for a really, really long time, but suffice it to say that Black populations have among the worst outcomes of any cancer, when we look within prostate cancer and we know that other populations that have social disadvantages also can have worse prostate cancer outcomes as a result of the social determinants of health and other structural determinants of equity. When it comes to racial disparities and prostate cancer my activation tip is to be knowledgeable and aware.

Be knowledgeable and aware of what’s happening in your community with regards to prostate cancer and what’s happening in your family, because family histories are really important, not just to prostate cancer, but all cancers that may run in the family, because I think the first step is understanding what your individual risk is. And then that allows you to then make plans and educate yourself around things like, well, I do PSA screening to try and get my cancer detected early, if I’m at high risk, should I get treatment if I am diagnosed? And all the other things that come downstream. So really the awareness is absolutely critical, and I think having conversations that don’t seem like routine family dinner conversations, like, did grandpa have prostate cancer? Those are things that we need to normalize.

[ACT]IVATED Prostate Cancer Post-Program Survey

What Are the Noted Disparities in Lung Cancer Screening and Access?

What Are the Noted Disparities in Lung Cancer Screening and Access? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are some lung cancer disparities in the U.S.? Dr. Lecia Sequist shares insight about disparities in lung cancer screening and care, some causes of the disparities, and ways that advocacy groups are trying to decrease disparities. 

Dr. Sequist is program director of Cancer Early Detection & Diagnostics at Massachusetts General Hospital and also The Landry Family Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.


“…be sure to ask your doctor if genetic testing has been performed on your cancer, and if not, can it be performed? It’s not always the right answer, depends on the type of cancer that you have and the stage, but if you have adenocarcinoma and an advanced cancer, like stage III or stage IV, it is the standard to get genetic testing and that should be something that can be done.”

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Exciting Lung Cancer Data and Studies: A Look At Neoadjuvant Treatment

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Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you. Dr. Sequist, with cancer care, there are some noted disparities, particularly with access to screening and care. What are some of those disparities with lung cancer screening and care?

Dr. Lecia Sequist:

Lung cancer, unfortunately, there are a lot of disparities around the globe, but even if we focus on the U.S., there’s a lot of regional disparities as far as who’s getting cancer, who’s getting lung cancer, where the cancer treatment centers are located, where the screening is available. Lung cancer screening is really effective as far as finding cancer in the earliest stages. It’s not equally available across the country. Some of it has to do with there are certain states that expanded their Medicaid coverage as part of the medical care reform that happened about seven, eight years ago, and there are some states that didn’t expand the Medicaid, and then that situation translated into whether lung cancer screening was easy to get started in hospitals in that state. So there are some regions of the country, and a lot of them are in the South as well as the Western U.S., where if you want to get lung cancer screening, you may have to travel more than 30 miles or even more than 50 miles in order to get lung cancer screening.

There’s lots of activists and patient advocacy groups that are working to try and fix that problem so that anyone could have access to lung cancer screening within a reasonable distance of where they live, but there’s a lot of barriers. Similarly, there are barriers to getting genetic testing performed. We know that doing genetic testing on a lung cancer, it can be really helpful, especially if you have adenocarcinoma, the most common type of lung cancer, getting genetic testing done to see if there are targeted therapies that can be used to treat the cancer is a really important step in the diagnosis, but not all patients are having that done. And as you might imagine, there’s disparities, racial disparities in who’s getting these tests ordered and who is not having that testing done. And so it is important. My activation tip for patients would be to be sure to ask your doctor if genetic testing has been performed on your cancer, and if not, can it be performed? It’s not always the right answer, depends on the type of cancer that you have and the stage, but if you have adenocarcinoma and an advanced cancer, like stage III or stage IV, it is the standard to get genetic testing and that should be something that can be done. 

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What Are Potential Telemedicine Risks for Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients?

What Are Potential Telemedicine Risks for Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What risks should myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients be aware of with telemedicine? Experts Dr. AnaMaria Lopez from Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, Dr. Krisstina Gowin from University of Arizona Cancer Center, and patient Lisa Hatfield share their perspectives and advice. Watch as they discuss potential risks in MPN patient care, how to advocate for the continuation of telemedicine, and advice for patients to work toward optimal wellness.

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Related Resources:

How Can Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients Use Integrative Health

How Can Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients Use Integrative Health?

How Can MPN Patients and Care Partners Stay Aware of Telemedicine Options

How Will Advanced Technologies Enhance Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care


Lisa Hatfield: 

Are there any risks or drawbacks that you see to telehealth or telemedicine for digital health?

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez: 

The most important thing is to remember that the technology is a tool, and if the person feels that there’s a limitation, so, for example, if the patient is seen and they say their heart is racing or skipping beats or something, now, there are ways, there are electronic stethoscope, so you can really do a full exam except for palpation through telemedicine. But not everybody has that even in a clinic, but certainly in our own home, we don’t have that technology. So if a patient is expressing a concern for which the clinician really feels that needs a closer evaluation, then that’s the right next step, so we’re not…the technology is a tool to help us care for people, and if it’s not all available right there, then we need to see the patient in person. So I think that’s the risk is just sometimes people may feel limited like, “Oh, well, I’m not really sure It’s okay, I’m not really sure I need to see you, or you need to go here or go there for the care.”

And the other, which is a really big threat, is that part of the reason we did 70 years work in a couple months is because it was reimbursed, and we’re reaching the end of the pandemic, the federal…and with that, the payers may go backwards. We all know that if that happens, we will go backwards in telemedicine. [chuckle] There will just be decreased, decreased use. And it may lead to people then going back to traveling for four hours, waiting, only to be told, “Oh, you know what? There’s not this. This clinical trial doesn’t work for you.” So we don’t want to lose ground. And part of not losing ground is that we really need to continue to have advocacy around reimbursement.

Lisa Hatfield: 

Thank you, Dr. Lopez. And I feel compelled, just to follow up with one more question regarding that, because I’m very passionate about this. With some of these rules and guidelines coming to an end, I know in my particular state that I will no longer be able to access my specialist. I see a myeloma specialist. We do not have any here locally. I can access a specialist via telemedicine. I will not have that opportunity. So as all of us know, there are disparities and there are financial disparities in cancer patients. There are racial disparities in cancer patients, there are socioeconomic disparities. Telemedicine has been a tremendous…has had a tremendous impact on the care and the outcomes and the quality of life of so many patients. So as a patient and as an advocate, do you have any recommendations? Do I go to my doctor and say, “Okay, how can I move forward and still talk to my specialist, who’s out of state? Do I go to my state legislature? Do I talk to my insurance company? How can we get this to continue?” Because this has had such a significant impact on the quality of life and on the outcomes for patients, who otherwise, would not have been able to access that care.

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez: 

Yeah, I mean, I think all of the above. Partnering with other advocates, the American Telemedicine Association has a map that kind of says where are all the shifting sands regarding the different rules and legislative changes. But I think it’s led us to a place, where we are all advocates and where physicians, nurses, patients, pharmacists, everybody in the same way that we do team-based care, that we do team-based advocacy and it’s all for our patients.

Lisa Hatfield: 

Great. Thank you for that. Dr. Gowin, any last words that you may have about accessing specialists or telemedicine options?

Dr. Krisstina Gowin: 

Well, I think we covered the basics, but I just want to end with just how empowering the access to digital health interventions really is. And so I don’t think there is a one-size-fits-all approach to every patient. So what I would encourage patients to do is just to really think, “How do I compliment my care? What am I missing? How do I achieve my best wellness? And how do I get those resources in my home to make them more convenient for me?” And to start doing some research and self-advocacy to really get those resources because they are out there and in almost…in every domain, there is now a digital version that is accessible to you now.

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How Does Data Inform Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing?

How Does Data Inform Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Lung cancer biomarker testing now has actionable data for clinicians and patient advocates to utilize for improved patient care. Experts Dr. Heather Wakelee and Dr. Leigh Boehmer discuss barriers to time-critical testing, patient communication advice, and health outcome benefits backed up by data.

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Related Resources:

What Challenges Surround Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing

What Challenges Surround Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing?

How Are Barriers in Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing Being Addressed

How Are Barriers in Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing Being Addressed?

Improving Communication Around Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing

Improving Communication Around Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing 


Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Both of you have been on the ground floor of research in this area with regard to biomarker testing and availability and disparities. So I’d love for you to talk a little bit about the data and what does the data tell us with regard to biomarker testing? So I’ll start with you this time, Dr. Boehmer.

Dr. Leigh Boehmer:

[chuckle] Thanks, I appreciate it. I’ve been privileged to work with both providers and patients’ caregivers, taking a closer look at some of the barriers and then practical solutions that might be utilized to address some of these concerns around testing. So back in 2021, ACCC used the mixed methods approach to try to understand the motivators of patients and providers, their practice patterns, their attitudes, the educational needs of patients and providers related to biomarker testing and beyond. And you know what’s really interesting, in almost 100 total provider respondents, less than half of community clinicians who responded said that they used biomarker testing to guide patient discussions.

And that was compared to nearly three-quarters of all responding academic clinicians, and it really made us start to think about…so, you know, the impetus for testing in the context of testing. In this particular research, to my earlier comments, we were actually targeting patients with non-small cell lung cancer who were uninsured, underinsured and/or covered by Medicaid. So dual eligible beneficiaries, and it was really interesting because we looked at why and how conversations were happening about biomarker testing between providers and patients, and really identified some tremendous opportunities for education around clinicians’ needs to become more familiar with guideline concordant testing and to have more practical applications of guideline concordant testing, so things like case-based examples, so then ultimately they could have optimal conversations with patients and help coordinate multidisciplinary care.

There’s also data which would suggest a disconnect between ordering testing after initial staging versus ordering testing at the time of initial biopsy. And, Dr. Wakelee, you said something that really resonated with me because if we can identify patients who need to be tested, if we can have access to testing, we still have a disconnect, and this is largely seen in community programs today where clinicians may be waiting 10 days, 14 days, even longer to receive results of testing, and you’re right, we have patients who need treatment initiated sooner than later, and you miss these opportunities because of delays, prior authorizations and a lot of other things, so the data certainly quantitatively, qualitatively is speaking to this hierarchy of problems and there’s definitely some mismatches between patient and provider perceptions of why testing happens, what it’s used for, and timing of the testing and results sharing.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

That is fascinating, and we’re definitely going to get deeper into that, this whole patient-provider interaction, so I really appreciate you introducing that and thank you for all the research that your organization has done in this area. So, Dr. Wakelee, you’re on the academic side of things, and you also have been deeply involved in research in this area, so what would you like to offer from your perspective in terms of the data around biomarker testing?

Dr. Heather Wakelee:

Well, thanks, and, Dr. Boehmer, you have a very comprehensive answer there, I think that the differences between academic and community sometimes are broad and sometimes aren’t that big at all, and I do think we face a lot of the same challenges. It’s just…it’s making sure that when a physician is meeting with a patient, and let’s say it’s with the oncologist, that the oncologist is really mindful that any patient with non-small cell lung cancer could have a tumor with a driver mutation. I think it’s easy to stereotype and think that only certain patients are going to, and therefore we shouldn’t be testing everybody. And that gets dangerous. I think it also is a matter of where you’re in practice, and if you’re in a practice where the prevalence of the driver mutations and the tumors is low, you might just say, “Oh, I’m never going to see it,” and you stop testing, and that’s also very dangerous because we have seen in multiple trials, as we get back to that research question, that if we can identify a driver mutation…

And we know that more than half of patients who’ve developed lung cancer who have never smoked or have a light smoking history are going to have an actionable driving mutation, and even in people who do have a smoking history, of any ethnic background, they’re still 10 to 20 percent or maybe more as we identify more of these driver mutations, where that’s what’s really the force in the tumor, and if you find it and you can start someone on the appropriate targeted therapy, usually across multiple trials, the toxicity is less than you would get with chemotherapy or immune therapy.

Usually the probability of response is over half, you know, if someone’s going to have a benefit that that’s going to help them feel better for a period of time in controlling their cancer, it really drastically changes their whole tumor outcome, they’re going to be living longer, feeling better, and ultimately that’s our goal when we’re helping someone with metastatic disease, and if you don’t know that the tumor has a driver mutation, you’re never going to give them that appropriate treatment, and I think that is the real challenge that we face, and there are multiple different angles to that, right? You have to have the physician aware of the importance of finding the mutation, altering the treatment as necessary, and giving that patient the best possible option for care.

But it also is making sure that the patients are open about this, because I think there’s still a lot of misperceptions about when we talk about driver mutations and the word mutation, making sure that people understand we’re talking about the cancer and not about the person. And in a short conversation that can sometimes be missed, and then people are afraid of getting tested, afraid of what that might mean for them or their family, and so the communication around, we’re going to test your tumor because your tumor might have a mutation that’s going to allow us to give different care.  I think that’s really important that people always remember to talk about the tumor and not about the mutation in the person, that’s really, really critical.

And also to avoid that stereotyping about who do we test and who do we not test, pretty much anyone with a non-squamous, non-small cell lung cancer, their tumor needs to be tested, and many people who have a squamous cytology that’s also reasonable. So that’s the people aspect of it, the insurance barriers and the interpretation of the results, those are still there as well. And even if you have the perfect communication and the patient understands and you get the testing done immediately, you still have to deal with, is it going to get covered or not? And the results come back, is it going to be interpretable or not? Because that can sometimes be tricky also. 

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What Challenges Surround Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing?

What Challenges Surround Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo

Lung cancer biomarker testing is a vital piece of precision medicine, but what are the challenges around testing? Experts Dr. Heather Wakelee and Dr. Leigh Boehmer discuss the goals of biomarker testing for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and common barriers to biomarker testing access.

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Related Resources:

How Does Data Inform Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing

How Does Data Inform Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing?

Patient-Provider Relationship Role in Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing

Patient-Provider Relationship Role in Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing

Improving Communication Around Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing

Improving Communication Around Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing 


Dr. Nicole Rochester: 

So we know that biomarker testing connects the right patient to the right treatment at the right time and potentially to the right clinical trial, but there also are some challenges and interventions are necessary, and that’s going to really frame our conversation today. So I’d like to start with the general landscape, so I’m going to start with you, Dr. Wakelee, what in your opinion and expertise are the existing challenges as it relates to biomarker testing in academic medical centers?

Dr. Heather Wakelee: 

Thanks for that question, Dr. Rochester. I think that the biggest challenge is making sure that every patient with a new diagnosis of advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer gets the testing done and gets the testing results back before they start treatment, right? And that’s the goal. I guess that’s more of the goal than the problem, and the challenges come in each of those different phases. First is making sure that every patient is given access to the testing, and there are barriers if the patient ends up very, very sick in a hospital setting.

There are some regulations that can make that challenging, they might be…their first encounters with the healthcare system are going to potentially be with pulmonologist, general practitioners, interventional radiology. And those people might not be aware of what needs to happen to get the tissue as quickly as possible into testing, they might not be as aware of drawing a blood test, if we’re going to do a liquid biopsy, and so if those things aren’t initiated first, when the patient gets to see the oncologist some days or even a week or two later, we’re already further down the path.

They might be starting to get symptoms, and then when you start the testing, you might have to wait longer than is really acceptable before you have the results that could inform treatment. And as you said, Dr. Rochester, the testing, when we get those molecular results back, that’s going to help us figure out what’s going on in that tumor that might change our treatment options, because there’s a driver mutation where there’s a new drug approved that’s going to be the best efficacious opportunity for that patient. And if they don’t know, they can’t start it, we also run into issues where if the patient’s symptomatic, we can’t wait, and then they get started on chemotherapy and immune therapy, which might otherwise be a standard approach, immune therapy is in the body, chemotherapy is in the body, the toxicity is there, and then if you later find out, oh, there was a driver mutation, your hands are a little tied, because the toxicity can be amplified if you combine agents and the immune therapy is in the system for months.

So these are some of the challenges and really the barrier…the biggest barriers from my perspective are not every patient is being tested with comprehensive testing as early as possible, right?

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Thank you for that, Dr. Wakelee, you’ve really, really outlined how the challenges around access to testing and even the timeliness and the importance of timely testing and the fact that these patients are often kind of making their way through a series of providers before they get to the oncologist. So I appreciate that. Dr. Boehmer, I know you have a lot of experience in the community setting where we know there are a host of additional barriers, so I’d love for you to weigh in on this question, and what challenges are you seeing with biomarker testing in the community setting?

Dr. Leigh Boehmer:

Thanks very much for the question. Yeah, I think the use of precision medicine was initially touted as this opportunity to address care disparities, whether that’s in racial ethnic minorities, differences between academic and community practices, et cetera, by using the technology to try to determine treatment largely based on things like the genetic makeup of a tumor, and unfortunately, in reality disparities have sadly only continued to grow in the setting of targeted and/or testing related to things like ability to pay and insurance coverage for testing, mistrust in the healthcare system and historical injustices related to cancer care delivery. And there’s a significant discordance in literature between patients and clinicians understanding of the importance of biomarker testing relative to treatment planning.

So even now in 2023, as more states are passing legislation to expand coverage of comprehensive testing, we’re hearing from member programs of ACCC running up against increasing prior authorization restrictions and requirements, and there are unfortunate ramifications of that, like additional costs to programs or additional costs to patients, for example, in the setting of reflexive testing, there’s also a lot of ongoing data which suggests concerning continued racial disparities in rates of guideline concordant testing, so there’s a lot of opportunities for us to learn, yes, from what we have done in successful models of rollout of testing, but we’re still confronting some pretty major challenges and barriers, and I gotta say that’s true whether you’re talking about community programs and practices or academic partners as well. 

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HCP Roundtable: Improving Clinician-Patient Conversations in Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing

HCP Roundtable: Improving Clinician-Patient Conversations in Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Comprehensive biomarker testing can play a very important role in the personalized treatment for patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). How do we improve clinician-patient conversations in biomarker testing? And how do we remove barriers that can impede an HCP’s ability to treat patients with personalized care?

Dr. Heather Wakelee, Professor of Medicine and Chief of the Division of Oncology at Stanford University School of Medicine and Dr. Leigh Boehmer, medical director at Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) weigh in on this very important topic. 

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Related Resources:

How Can Lung Cancer Experts in Academic and Community Settings Collaborate

How Can Lung Cancer Experts in Academic and Community Settings Collaborate

Methods to Improve Lung Cancer Physician-Patient Communication

Methods to Improve Lung Cancer Physician-Patient Communication 

What Guidelines Exist for Lung Cancer Genomic Biomarker Testing

What Guidelines Exist for Lung Cancer Genomic Biomarker Testing


Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Welcome to this Empowering Providers to Empower Patients (EPEP) program. I’m Dr. Nicole Rochester, pediatrician and CEO of Your GPS Doc. In this Patient Empowerment Network program, we connect leading lung cancer expert voices to discuss enhancing physician-patient communication and shared decision-making in lung cancer care. Some of the topics we’re going to tackle in today’s conversation include the challenges and solutions for biomarker testing in the community hospital setting and in academic centers.

We’re also going to talk about removing barriers that can impede a healthcare provider’s ability to treat patients with personalized care, improving clinician-patient communication with regard to NSCLC biomarker testing, and we’re also going to explore opportunities to improve access to personalized care for all patients. I am thrilled to be joined by thoracic medical oncologist, Dr. Heather Wakelee, Professor of Medicine and Chief of the Division of Oncology at Stanford University School of Medicine. Dr. Wakelee is also President of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. I am also thrilled to be joined by Dr. Leigh Boehmer, Chief Medical Officer at the Association of Community Cancer Centers. Thank you both for joining us today.

Dr. Leigh Boehmer:  

Thank you.

Dr. Heather Wakelee:

Thank you.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

So we know that biomarker testing connects the right patient to the right treatment at the right time and potentially to the right clinical trial, but there also are some challenges and interventions are necessary, and that’s going to really frame our conversation today. So I’d like to start with the general landscape, so I’m going to start with you, Dr. Wakelee, what in your opinion and expertise are the existing challenges as it relates to biomarker testing in academic medical centers?

Dr. Heather Wakelee: 

Thanks for that question, Dr. Rochester. I think that the biggest challenge is making sure that every patient with a new diagnosis of advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer gets the testing done and gets the testing results back before they start treatment, right? And that’s the goal. I guess that’s more of the goal than the problem, and the challenges come in each of those different phases. First is making sure that every patient is given access to the testing, and there are barriers if the patient ends up very, very sick in a hospital setting.

There are some regulations that can make that challenging, they might be…their first encounters with the healthcare system are going to potentially be with pulmonologists, general practitioners, interventional radiology. And those people might not be aware of what needs to happen to get the tissue as quickly as possible into testing, they might not be as aware of drawing a blood test, if we’re going to do a liquid biopsy, and so if those things aren’t initiated first, when the patient gets to see the oncologist some days or even a week or two later, we’re already further down the path.

They might be starting to get symptoms, and then when you start the testing, you might have to wait longer than is really acceptable before you have the results that could inform treatment. And as you said, Dr. Rochester, the testing, when we get those molecular results back, that’s going to help us figure out what’s going on in that tumor that might change our treatment options, because there’s a driver mutation where there’s a new drug approved that’s going to be the best efficacious opportunity for that patient. And if they don’t know, they can’t start it, we also run into issues where if the patient’s symptomatic, we can’t wait, and then they get started on chemotherapy and immunotherapy, which might otherwise be a standard approach, immunotherapy is in the body, chemotherapy is in the body, the toxicity is there, and then if you later find out, oh, there was a driver mutation, your hands are a little tied, because the toxicity can be amplified if you combine agents and the immune therapy is in the system for months.

So these are some of the challenges and really the barriers…the biggest barriers from my perspective are not every patient is being tested with comprehensive testing as early as possible, right?

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Thank you for that, Dr. Wakelee, you’ve really, really outlined how the challenges around access to testing and even the timeliness and the importance of timely testing and the fact that these patients are often kind of making their way through a series of providers before they get to the oncologist. So I appreciate that. Dr. Boehmer, I know you have a lot of experience in the community setting where we know there are a host of additional barriers, so I’d love for you to weigh in on this question, and what challenges are you seeing with biomarker testing in the community setting?

Dr. Leigh Boehmer:

Thanks very much for the question. Yeah, I think the use of precision medicine was initially touted as this opportunity to address care disparities, whether that’s in racial ethnic minorities, differences between academic and community practices, et cetera, by using the technology to try to determine treatment largely based on things like the genetic makeup of a tumor. And, unfortunately, in reality disparities have sadly only continued to grow in the setting of targeted and/or testing related to things like ability to pay and insurance coverage for testing, mistrust in the healthcare system, and historical injustices related to cancer care delivery. And there’s a significant discordance in literature between patients and clinicians understanding of the importance of biomarker testing relative to treatment planning.

So even now in 2023, as more states are passing legislation to expand coverage of comprehensive testing, we’re hearing from member programs of ACCC running up against increasing prior authorization restrictions and requirements, and there are unfortunate ramifications of that, like additional costs to programs or additional costs to patients, for example, in the setting of reflexive testing, there’s also a lot of ongoing data which suggests concerning continued racial disparities in rates of guideline concordant testing. So there’s a lot of opportunities for us to learn, yes, from what we have done in successful models of rollout of testing, but we’re still confronting some pretty major challenges and barriers, and I’ve got to say that’s true whether you’re talking about community programs and practices or academic partners as well.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

I really appreciate you adding that layer, Dr. Boehmer. As someone who does a lot of work in health equity, I was just sharing prior to us recording that these disparities are pervasive, and now we’re learning it’s in lung cancer, and for all of the reasons that you stated, and it’s interesting that when we really start to look at our progress, and when we look at it by comparing different racial and ethnic groups, we find, as you stated, that sometimes the disparities actually widen.

And so it’s not that these aren’t great practices and precision medicine is a wonderful thing, but to your point, if we’re not ensuring that everyone has access to this new technology, then in fact, not only do we continue to see disparities, but sometimes that we inadvertently worsen them. So I appreciate you sharing that. Both of you have been on the ground floor of research in this area with regard to biomarker testing and availability and disparities. So I’d love for you to talk a little bit about the data and what does the data tell us with regard to biomarker testing? It’s important, some of the challenges that you both just stated, and so I’ll start with you this time, Dr. Boehmer.

Dr. Leigh Boehmer:

[chuckle] Thanks, I appreciate it. I’ve been privileged to work with both providers and patients’ caregivers, taking a closer look at some of the barriers and then practical solutions that might be utilized to address some of these concerns around testing. So back in 2021, ACCC used the mixed methods approach to try to understand the motivators of patients and providers, their practice patterns, their attitudes, the educational needs of patients and providers related to biomarker testing and beyond. And you know what’s really interesting, in almost 100 total provider respondents, less than half of community clinicians who responded said that they used biomarker testing to guide patient discussions.

And that was compared to nearly three-quarters of all responding academic clinicians, and it really made us start to think about…so, you know, the impetus for testing in the context of testing. In this particular research, to my earlier comments, we were actually targeting patients with non-small cell lung cancer who were uninsured, underinsured and/or covered by Medicaid. So dual eligible beneficiaries, and it was really interesting because we looked at why and how conversations were happening about biomarker testing between providers and patients, and really identified some tremendous opportunities for education around clinicians’ needs to become more familiar with guideline concordant testing and to have more practical applications of guideline concordant testing, so things like case-based examples, so then ultimately they could have optimal conversations with patients and help coordinate multidisciplinary care.

There’s also data which would suggest a disconnect between ordering testing after initial staging versus ordering testing at the time of initial biopsy. And, Dr. Wakelee, you said something that really resonated with me because if we can identify patients who need to be tested, if we can have access to testing, we still have a disconnect, and this is largely seen in community programs today where clinicians may be waiting 10 days, 14 days, even longer to receive results of testing. And you’re right, we have patients who need treatment initiated sooner than later, and you miss these opportunities because of delays, prior authorizations and a lot of other things, So the data certainly quantitatively, qualitatively is speaking to this hierarchy of problems and there’s definitely some mismatches between patient and provider perceptions of why testing happens, what it’s used for, and timing of the testing and results sharing.

Dr. Nicole Rochester: 

That is fascinating, and we’re definitely going to get deeper into that, this whole patient-provider interaction, so I really appreciate you introducing that and thank you for all the research that your organization has done in this area. So, Dr. Wakelee, you’re on the academic side of things, and you also have been deeply involved in research in this area, so what would you like to offer from your perspective in terms of the data around biomarker testing?

Dr. Heather Wakelee:

Well, thanks, and, Dr. Boehmer, you have a very comprehensive answer there, I think that the differences between academic and community sometimes are broad and sometimes aren’t that big at all, and I do think we face a lot of the same challenges. It’s just…it’s making sure that when a physician is meeting with a patient, and let’s say it’s with the oncologist, that the oncologist is really mindful that any patient with non-small cell lung cancer could have a tumor with a driver mutation. I think it’s easy to stereotype and think that only certain patients are going to, and therefore we shouldn’t be testing everybody. And that gets dangerous. I think it also is a matter of where you’re in practice, and if you’re in a practice where the prevalence of the driver mutations and the tumors is low, you might just say, “Oh, I’m never going to see it,” and you stop testing, and that’s also very dangerous because we have seen in multiple trials, as we get back to that research question, that if we can identify a driver mutation…

And we know that more than half of patients who’ve developed lung cancer who have never smoked or have a light smoking history are going to have an actionable driving mutation, and even in people who do have a smoking history, of any ethnic background, they’re still 10 to 20 percent or maybe more as we identify more of these driver mutations, where that’s what’s really the force in the tumor. And if you find it and you can start someone on the appropriate targeted therapy, usually across multiple trials, the toxicity is less than you would get with chemotherapy or immunotherapy.

Usually the probability of response is over half, you know, if someone’s going to have a benefit that that’s going to help them feel better for a period of time in controlling their cancer, it really drastically changes their whole tumor outcome, they’re going to be living longer, feeling better, and ultimately that’s our goal when we’re helping someone with metastatic disease. And if you don’t know that the tumor has a driver mutation, you’re never going to give them that appropriate treatment, and I think that is the real challenge that we face, and there are multiple different angles to that, right? You have to have the physician aware of the importance of finding the mutation, altering the treatment as necessary, and giving that patient the best possible option for care.

But it also is making sure that the patients are open about this, because I think there’s still a lot of misperceptions about when we talk about driver mutations and the word mutation, making sure that people understand we’re talking about the cancer and not about the person. And in a short conversation that can sometimes be missed, and then people are afraid of getting tested, afraid of what that might mean for them or their family, and so the communication around, we’re going to test your tumor because your tumor might have a mutation that’s going to allow us to give different care. I think that’s really important that people always remember to talk about the tumor and not about the mutation in the person, that’s really, really critical.

And also to avoid that stereotyping about who do we test and who do we not test, pretty much anyone with a non-squamous, non-small cell lung cancer, their tumor needs to be tested, and many people who have a squamous cytology that’s also reasonable. So that’s the people aspect of it, the insurance barriers and the interpretation of the results, those are still there as well. And even if you have perfect communication and the patient understands and you get the testing done immediately, you still have to deal with, is it going to get covered or not? And the results come back, is it going to be interpretable or not? Because that can sometimes be tricky also. 

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Wow. I would say you two have really uncovered a lot of barriers, and it’s enough to make someone feel a little bit discouraged, I would say, however, because of the work that both of you are doing and so many others, we know that there indeed is hope. And so I’d love to shift a little bit. We’ve talked a lot about the barriers, which are many, what’s on the horizon or what positive trends have you all seen, and specifically what are the opportunities, what are some things that are either happening or that are being explored with regard to removing some of these barriers or all of the barriers that each of you have talked about? I’ll start with you, Dr. Wakelee, give us some hope.

Dr. Heather Wakelee:

All right. Great. Well, I think there is reason to have hope. Absolutely. There always is reason to have hope. And so many organizations, including ISLC, including ACCC, including NCC…I mean, you could name any organization that’s involved in cancer care and education, is really focusing on this issue of making sure that every oncologist knows the importance of doing biomarker testing for patients with non-small cell lung cancer, that we are trying to expand that not just to the oncologist, but also to the folks making the diagnosis, so they can be aware as well. Patient advocacy groups are very engaged in this as well, making sure that when someone is newly diagnosed, if they reach out to an advocacy group, one of the messages they hear is, have you asked about testing what’s happening with the tumor testing?

The more people who are aware that’s a standard of care in treating lung cancer, the more that’s going to happen, and then continuing to explore those financial barriers, and as more agents are FDA-approved, where that becomes a preferred first sign option, but you only know that if the testing’s happened, that leads to campaigning to make sure that the testing is being covered as well, you know, when you can argue, this patient isn’t getting the FDA-approved best care for their cancer because that testing wasn’t done, that’s a really powerful statement. And I think that’s what we’re seeing change happening.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

That is incredible, thank you. Thank you so much. I can smile again.


Dr. Nicole Rochester:

What about you, Dr. Boehmer? I know you’re getting…your organization is doing a lot of work in this area, so tell us about some of the advances, some of the improvements and tackling some of these barriers that both of you have elucidated today.

Dr. Leigh Boehmer:

So, Dr. Wakelee, thank you for all of those hope-inducing concepts and methodologies, because I honestly believe that so many of us learn best today by seeing someone like me doing X, Y, Z, so I know I can do it as well. So I think it’s about documentation of justification of testing for prior authorization claims. I think it’s about working together with the multidisciplinary team, pharmacist, advanced practitioners, oncology-certified nurses to help manage that back and forth with testing and external pathology and laboratory companies, to make sure that results show up in the right spot in the electronic health record so that they can be interpreted, shared with patients, communicated and contextualized in real time. I think it’s about greater incorporation as we’ve seen across so many of our programs of the tenets of shared clinical decision-making, and how to have a meaningful conversation with a patient and/or their caregivers about testing and its role on treatment and drug selection, and outcomes, and progression-free survival. And there are a lot of programs out there that are doing bits of this or different points along that continuum.

ACCC, for example, building on the research I shared before, recognizes that a lot of community programs don’t have kind of operational best practices for how to incorporate biomarker testing into a patient’s journey, and so for lung, and also, for example, for breast cancer, we’re working on creating care pathways which will help multidisciplinary clinician teams integrate discussions of biomarker testing and its impact at various critical time points along a patient’s diagnosis to treatment, to survivorship or end-of-life care. And those are just examples of us not being overly duplicative, but putting all the resources in one place, talking about timing, talking about when and how to have meaningful conversations, and then doing it with health-literate, vetted resources and through a lens of equity and shared decision-making, because you look like me, you had success with it. I’m going to do it for my at-risk patients as well, because one, it’s the right thing to do. And two, you taught me how to do it, and three, you told me what success looks like so I can measure myself against you, and that’s a successful model for scalability. 

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

That is wonderful. You both have nicely taken us into the next part of the conversation, and, Dr. Boehmer, you just talked about shared decision-making, and as someone who works very closely with patient advocates and health advocates, it’s so important that any effort to improve care with regard to any disease or illness, it has to involve the patient and their family, so I really appreciate you all sharing that. So, with that in mind, and as we begin to think about how the patient-provider relationship and the patient-provider communication plays a role in addressing some of these barriers that we’ve been talking about and then making sure that patients are appropriately being tested and treated, I’d love to hear from you all regarding the role of the patient-provider partnership as it relates to biomarker testing. So, let’s see, I’ll start with you, Dr. Boehmer.

Dr. Leigh Boehmer:

So I really, really think this question is critical, and I’m going to bias by saying, an exciting new position on the multidisciplinary cancer care team that we are learning about it, some of our member programs, is that of a precision medicine steward or navigator. So if you’re at all familiar with the idea of a patient navigation service or the services provided by financial advocates or financial navigators, this is really identifying that it is getting so complex in the world of targeted testing, targeted treatments today, that it literally requires in some places and settings an FTE or multiple to try to navigate testing, pathology, external labs, medical oncology, pharmacy services, nursing administration, and then, of course, patients and caregivers, and communication and context building, working with patient advocacy groups who are out there publishing great resources on testing and what they mean and targeted treatments. But trying to put all of that together, I will admit as a community clinician, as you probably see 15, 18, 20 patients a day, sometimes with as many different discrete types of cancers, it gets overwhelming.

And so, having a support person on staff who can help you manage some of that information and the patient-provider conversations, ACCC is very, very much about recognizing multidisciplinary teams of providers, so it’s critical to have navigation, to have social work providing distress screening and psychosocial support, to have pharmacists talking about targeted therapies and how they match with, to Dr. Wakelee’s points, mutations and fusions and rearrangements and everything we’re testing for with our big panels of next-generation sequencing, right? So I really want to encourage us all to utilize as patients and as team members, everybody else on the team, which is also to say patients and caregivers, are team members too, right? They have rights and responsibilities as members of their own team. And I will end with this, I say all of this, and I feel justified in saying all of this because we’ve done research at ACCC, and without that critical infrastructure, there’s potentially a real disconnect. So, for example, we asked patients with lung cancer what resources would be most impactful for you as you embark on your treatment journey, and they said things to us like psychosocial support and financial assistance.

When we asked the provider respondents a similar question in their own survey, the number one thing they identified, they thought patients needed were educational handouts or websites to go seek information about their diagnosis. Now that’s not to shake a finger at anybody or to say that you were right or you were wrong, that’s just to say, we need people who can approach this whole patient-provider construct from different perspectives, because Leigh is going to ask different questions than Heather is going to ask, than Nicole is going to ask, and that’s the beauty of multidisciplinary care coordination. We do need to come at it from different angles, different perspectives, and always make sure we’re remaining open and inclusive and asking what patients need and want right now. Because we don’t always have the answers, we have to remember that. We’re human, we have biases, it’s always better to ask and provide and then ask again.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

You are really speaking my language, Dr. Boehmer.


Dr. Nicole Rochester:

And I see, Dr. Wakelee, both of us are shaking our heads the entire time that you’ve been speaking and just around this idea of multidisciplinary teams that include the patient and the family, and ideally at the center. Dr. Wakelee, do you have anything to add?

Dr. Heather Wakelee:

Hard to add. That was very impressive, Dr. Boehmer, [laughter] and highlighting that just…we talk about multidisciplinary sometimes, the first version, some people think of it’s just it’s a team of a few different types of doctors. And obviously that’s not at all what we’re talking about, this is to provide the best possible care for a patient dealing with cancer, that physician-to-patient interaction is critical, but the patient to physicians to family is critical. And then you’ve got to also think about all the psycho-social needs and whether that’s going to be with a social worker or… We have a lot of people working in oncology who are psychologists and psychiatrists particularly focused in that because the coping with the disease is such a big part of it. And it’s also the pharmacy teams and the nursing teams. It is…multidisciplinary is many, many different levels of circles, but at the core, it’s the patient and family and the primary physician, that’s kind of the way I think at it, but I’m an oncologist, so perhaps I’m a little biased in my viewpoint there.

But it’s that communication right there where you sort of have all of the information that the physician’s holding, that’s coming from all of the different treatment disciplines, and then you’ve got all the information that the patient’s holding, that’s coming from their understanding of them and all of their other aspects of their life, and that’s sort of that interaction at the core, and making sure that both sides are seeing each other and seeing all of the other layers of that, so that you could make sure that at each point the recommendations and what the patient is actually doing, everyone’s coming from a point of understanding. I think, to me, that’s the most critical piece. And you don’t have that understanding if you don’t also have all the information you need about the tumor, and you’re not making that right decision if you don’t have all the information you need about all the aspects of who that patient is as a person, and that goes into their decisions as well, and that’s to me, that’s what we’re aiming for, right? 

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Absolutely, you all have done such an incredible job really highlighting the importance of involving the patient and family, involving this multidisciplinary team, which as you said, Dr. Wakelee, it’s not just a bunch of different types of doctors. So before we conclude, I just want to talk a little bit about that communication, because most of you have shared how important that communication is, and we know that there are challenges, inside and outside of cancer with regard to communicating with patients, and certainly as a physician that some of the complexity of the topics that you all have discussed I would admit is even a lot for me, and so we can imagine that for someone without any medical training, this is very difficult, these topics of biomarker testing and genetics and mutations and precision medicine. So I’d love for you, Dr. Wakelee, to start by just sharing some best practices, things you’ve learned over the years with how can providers who are watching this program really engage in effective, thoughtful conversations with patients and their family members about biomarker testing?

Dr. Heather Wakelee:  

So that’s a great, great question. And really, the communication is to me, like I said, the core there, when I’m talking about biomarker testing with the patient, I usually try to frame it from the context of what makes the cancer different than the rest of you. And what we’re trying to figure out is what is it about the cancer that makes it different than the rest of you, so we can then target what’s different, and hopefully with that, being able to control the cancer without harming the rest of you. So that’s sort of one framework of it, and depending on the patient’s level of understanding, and then sort of layer in different levels of…for people who are understanding DNA and mutations, then you can start talking about those specifics, and for folks who don’t necessarily want to think about it that way, or haven’t had the education about it that way, then just starting from that framework. And I think about it this way too, is how is the cancer different than the rest of the person? And what can we do to therefore attack the cancer differently than we would the rest of the person?

And then from there, if there is a mutation or a translocation or something else that we found, can use the name of that gene and say, “This is different in the cancer than in the rest of you, and this is a targeted therapy that’s going to go after that, and it’s going to work for a period of time, but the cancer is always evolving.” And so we kind of plant that seed from the beginning also, that it’s not curing, that the cancer continues to evolve, and eventually it’s going to change in a way where that doesn’t work, but for right now, that’s the best treatment. So that’s how I’m going about with that communication with people on it. And then, again, I practice in Silicon Valley, so a lot of people will come in with books, practically, of all the research that they’ve done, and so that’s a very different conversation than someone who comes in and says, “Whatever you think is best, doc.” And even when I hear that, which I don’t happen to hear too often anymore, I really feel it’s critical that the patient is still understanding, why are we picking this treatment for your particular cancer, and what are our expectations from it?

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

I really appreciate the plain language, and I think that’s important, and also your acknowledgment that patients come to us with different levels of knowledge and expertise, and so really it’s about meeting them where they are, so I really appreciate that. And, Dr. Boehmer, we’re going to allow you to wrap up on this topic, I know that the Association of Community Cancer Centers has done research about what patients want to hear and some of the biases around providers, maybe thinking that patients don’t want or don’t need some of this information, that it may be too confusing for them, so I’d love for you to share some knowledge around your experience in this area and some best practices around communicating with patients.

Dr. Leigh Boehmer:

Thanks very much, I appreciate the opportunity, I’ll try and keep it targeted. I think number one, Dr. Wakelee, you’re correct. We have visual learners, auditory learners, we have people that want more direction and less direction, so simply starting by asking, how do you prefer to learn? It’s a wonderful place to start. It could be drawing pictures, it could be giving them that academic print out of literature published in a cutting-edge journal. But we need to know how patients learn and respect the fact that we’re all individuals and we as providers talking to patients may need to alter our approach based on different patients’ characteristics. I also think our research has shown that consistent terminology must, must be utilized, biomarker testing, molecular profiling, next-generation sequencing, mutation analysis, whatever it is, that you have decided to make your consistent terminology, please in your teams, then in the next level of teams, then in your health system, and then with your colleagues, talk about what it is, why it is, does it go against another group or is it in agreement with A, B, C groups. Because we have to, as a collective, really agree on and start utilizing consistent terminology, because until we do, we’re just continuing to stir the pot and cause confusion amongst patients, caregivers, other patient advocacy organizations and ourselves.

The other thing I’ll say, at ACCC, we’ve got a lot of resources aggregated in one place about shared decision-making, what it is, how to do it, how to assess yourself, health literacy, how do you evaluate your program to make sure you’re asking the right questions before you ever, ever have a conversation with a patient about biomarker testing or different targeted treatments for patients with non-small cell lung cancer? There’s little things that you can do today that’s so important. Little things you can do today that will make a positive influence on your patients’ outcomes and experience just by asking, addressing your own biases, being inclusive with your language and using consistent terminology. All of that is on our website and it’s truly incremental. Go easy on yourself, we’re all learning here, and acknowledging your bias and trying to be more inclusive is very, very worthwhile, and it’s okay if it’s small steps every single day made.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

A wonderful way to end this program. I have learned a lot as always, I’m sure that those of you watching have as well. We have talked about the challenges around biomarker testing on the clinician side, on the patient and family side, we’ve explored some amazing solutions to some of these challenges and barriers, and I just want to really thank both of you for being here, and lastly, give you an opportunity if there’s something that you really feel like we should have talked about that we didn’t get to. Any closing thoughts or anything that you want to leave the audience with. And I’ll start with you, Dr. Wakelee.

Dr. Heather Wakelee:

Thanks. I think just to make sure everyone is always thinking, if you’ve got a patient and they’re coming to see you and they have lung cancer, that you’ve done the biomarker testing, that the patient understands about it, that you’ve had an opportunity to include that as part of the conversation whenever you’re talking about treatment.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Thank you, Dr. Boehmer.

Dr. Leigh Boehmer:  

The only thing I would add is that if you’re thinking about creating resources, if you’re trying to target at-risk populations or communities in your area, please always, always remember to invite those individuals as you are talking, creating and disseminating. Because we don’t have all the answers, and that’s okay. I give you permission, but please invite people in and let them be a part of the discussion and the proposed solutions.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Wonderful. Well, thank you again to both of you, Dr. Wakelee, Dr. Boehmer, this has been an amazing conversation. And thank you again for tuning in to this Empowering Providers to Empower Patients program.

Dr. Leigh Boehmer:

Thank you.

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Addressing Racial Disparities in CLL Care

Addressing Racial Disparities in CLL Care from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How are CLL racial disparities being addressed? Dr. Adam Kittai explains abstracts presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2022 conference that examined CLL disparities and shares resources for patients who feel they’re struggling to receive equitable care. 

Dr. Adam Kittai is a hematologist and an assistant professor at the The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – The James. Learn more about Dr. Kittai, here.

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How Can Clinical Trials Be Accessed?

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We touched on research at the top of the program, but are there other areas of research that you’re excited about and that patients should know about? 

Dr. Kittai:

Yeah, so one of the things that I think is being really talked about in cancer care – and medical care in general – is if disparities exist between minority patients and white patients. And I think this is a really, really important topic.   

So, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, which had the conference recently, really made this a mainstay point of the conference this year and there were a lot of abstracts that were defining whether disparities exist and hopefully, by defining whether disparities exist, we’re able to target those disparities in order to make outcomes equal for all of our patients.  

So, in the CLL world, one of the things that I alluded to is a lot of our therapies can be really expensive. So, these new therapies are really expensive, they really widen the disparity gap for patients who are minorities, as well as patients who come from socioeconomic status.  



Dr. Kittai:

And so, there were two abstracts. One was an oral presentation that looked at the National Cancer Database in ASCO that showed that Black patients do have worse overall survival than white patients. And then, I actually did my own study looking at the SEER database, which also showed the same exact thing. Even when controlling for socioeconomic status.  

So, I think addressing these disparities, making sure that there’s equity amongst our patients, that everyone has access to these drugs and can afford them, especially when they make our patients live longer and are safer than chemoimmunotherapy in CLL is very, very important.  


Dr. Kittai, if a patient feels like they’re not getting equitable care, are there resources available for them?  

Dr. Kittai:

Yeah, so one of the things that I love about the CLL society, is that they have a section called Access an Expert, I believe. So, look on the website, I’m not sure it’s actually called Access an Expert, but it’s a way for all patients to get a second opinion from one of the CLL experts listed on the website. And so, if somebody is feeling like they’re not getting access to the most beneficial treatment, for whatever reason, seeking a second opinion and using the CLL Society’s website to find that second opinion, I think would be a great way for someone who feels that way to get access to the care that they deserve.  

I believe there are other ways to do this through the Lymphoma Research Foundation, as well as LLS. But I know for sure on the CLL Society, there is a link that you can click that you can get access to a second opinion.  

Is It Possible to Achieve Health Equity in Multiple Myeloma?

Is It Possible to Achieve Health Equity in Multiple Myeloma? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can health equity be achieved for underserved communities in multiple myeloma patient care? Watch as a panel of myeloma experts explains.

See More From the Diverse Partners in Your Myeloma Care Program


Rebecca Law:

I want to ask each of you to answer a question. So how can we achieve health equity in the care of multiple myeloma patients sooner rather than later?

Diahanna Vallentine:

I think we all appreciate the fact that the African American or underserved communities do not have enough people that are either willing or know that we need to go into those communities the way they are, meet the people the way they are, so that we can provide them with education, with resources, that are available. I think that is one of the first steps. And fortunately, or unfortunately, with the racial problems we’re having in our country right now, a lot of governors and mayors are opening up opportunities that we got to get into the communities. And I think this might be a great opportunity for the myeloma community to perhaps step up and say we would like to be presented or represented in the community when there are funds and when the interest is really high. I think that if we could establish a foothold that way, then we can just go on and work toward lessening that gap and disparities in the undeserved communities.

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi:

Diahanna, that was really nicely put. I think what I can add to that is that we basically are already seeing a lot more discussion, a lot more focus coming up to this topic of racial disparity in multiple myeloma at different levels. So, what we need to do is continue to build upon that momentum, continue to build the relationships so that there is actually a combined force from various aspects. I would love to do telehealth going forward, but like Dr. Usmani brought up, if there is not enough reimbursement or leadership or legislation to support all of that, then our wants and needs may not be served fully. So I think developing those relationships, developing those partnerships and moving forward as we’re gaining momentum to address this particular question, this particular issue is extremely important. And I feel it is more hopeful and exciting in the future as compared to where we’ve come from.

Jenny Ahlstrom:

I would just reiterate what Diahanna said. I think it’s in building the programs that are simple enough for everybody to understand and utilize that makes just the usability of them as available as possible, and then building that relationship in those communities where the needs are. I totally agree with what Diahanna’s saying, you need to take the programs to the people where they are and not to expect them to come to your programs.

Dr. Saad Usmani:

I agree with everything that has been said on this topic. And I have to say that this is going to be a two-way dialogue, a two-way partnership. That’s the only way that this can succeed moving forward. Racial disparities are an inherent part of our everyday life, whether it’s in healthcare, whether it’s in other interactions we have with each other, and there’s a lot of historic perspective and context to that. This is not going to be a quick fix, this is going to be a long-term process. But it will have to be a partnership. And I’m talking on a broader level with myeloma care and better survival outcomes for all myeloma patients as the goal. But then looking at the overall societal goals as well, and trying to see how we can remove the inherent biases that everyone has and develop more fruitful productive relationships going forward in our respective geographic regions, but overall in our country as well. I think that’s the overarching theme and tone of the conversations we’re having in the country right now, and it certainly makes sense to do that for myeloma care as well.

Rebecca Law:

I want to take the time to thank each and every one of you for joining me today. On behalf of the Patient Empowerment Network and Diverse Health Hub, I am Rebecca Law. Thank you.